Tee Time Anytime : Indoor Golf Simulator

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Brandon and I had a very late night indoor simulator session.

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But then if you overcook it you’re still in the water just like that nice nice oh are you kidding me pick a number one through uh 20 17 all right 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

17 boom let’s do auto from yeah change that to like 10 all right baby we’re off Par Four don’t know if I trust the driver yet I don’t think I ever trusted the driver what’s that I don’t think I ever trusted the driver all right so two 42

Out to that that should be perfect for this hybrid feet are slipping oh no don’t get in the sand all right first swing of the day first swing of the day oh yeah got to get warmed up all right SCE it’s picking it up though stay in open a you’re good Nice

Slice slice to the right slice to the right it’s all you baby boy playing some C path golf yeah you are must be raining in uh in our head yeah car car path only go hybrid again oh no oh that was a good distance though yeah did what you wanted yeah I mean

Can’t be mad about what I want blind shot 89 yards nice run run baby ah oh just a little short put it inside of 10 ft I don’t even know how to do this shot go go go oh yes it give me inside of 10 ft right

There all righty I think these are these are some of the worst shots right here too cuz you’re like is it is it actually playing like out of the sand right or is it just playing like 30 ft right see but you’re you’re not going to be you’re

Going to get good contact either way right right Hitting off of this yeah then like this so I would say it’s just a 30t shot just got to kind up flop it up yeah see yeah that that’s where the simulator is you can’t there’s nothing you can really do 21 ft R for

Me it’s a good effort I’m going to try five iron I don’t think it’s going to get there today oh I pushed it out too far hey that’s all right he didn’t catch a single Branch there I didn’t 90% air same thing just a little right get to the tree hey what up

Tyler see that’s [ __ ] that’s the type of [ __ ] I’m talking about see what I mean like yeah like got to give it a little bit extra maybe it might be playing out of the rough sit oh it just rolls up here come on I’m going to get it by the ninth hole

Oh it’s gone did it not move no it did not oh the simulator we know plus three good Lord why’ that go nowhere I did hit it on the top of the face I hit that weird but straight almost you hit it a little fat on yeah

This sounds stupid I feel like I can get a eight iron there I’m going to try to sling it around this tree good shot come on keep turning keep turning keep turning wow beautiful stop I’m happy with that he said I’m going to try and he did exactly that

Sit go right go right nice I mean on a simulator that’s good but in a real game I’d really take that all right 56 good shot stop oh I didn’t realize it was sloped like that I didn’t either okay that’s where we’re playing so it’s up here yeah look at the

Thing 3T today we’re just looking to get inside 10 this Line’s kind of messing with me too yeah yeah cuz it’s clearly um so yeah cuz I don’t know if this is supposed to be over here cuz this is centered that’s a good question oh when he sinks it are you

Serious that’s lucky I ain’t even going to lie I think you just took the lead too you know putting putting and uh you know real life is one thing but putting on the simulator is a whole [ __ ] different story we haven’t seen a part five yet when I got fit it for this

Thing I was smacking bro I was Skilling like um get in the opening oh you be all right there yeah don’t go behind the tree all right you put a lot of Back Spin on your ball too I do love the way it feels when you make good

Contact with it and now I leave the club face open all right there’s almost nothing better than hitting like a pure iron shot yeah the hybrids feel okay but the irons man they really just I think it’s because if you hit an iron bad you

Know you hit it bad like you feel it yeah I’m going to try a cut six iron cut six yeah I chunked it get over get over get over got chunked it bad I got to go 85 yards over that tree get up get through

Oh I got I got clipped so 50 yards this is the red the red pen at miles of golf o go got to make this can you do it again can I do it again ah negative Ghost Rider he break didn’t break at all at all said

It was going to a little bit too might be uh might be still oh it’s me again finally par five just sucks cuz I know I feel I know I’m like more conservative hitting in here mine is like the follow through I don’t feel like I can follow

Through properly yeah good thing I mean you look at the wall you see people’s clubs hit the wall oh yeah smashed fade come on I’m not this thing anywhere that’s that that’s that Back Spin look at the spin yeah it probably is guarantee I can feel myself not hitting yep

4,490 Back Spin you want to be like 2 2500 or less yeah that was super good I’ll take it dang boy you done crack that ball boy see yeah 25 Brandon don’t out D me now with less ball speed right I’m only going to get there if I can draw it keep

Turning good gracious my dude all right 230 my my dude that was further than your drop know ah hit up on it too much but I’ll take still really good shot yeah I’ll take 200 with this club all day 36 yards 36 yards he no oh boy oh

Of all people is somehow you always do that I I to that so bad 51 ft 60 divid by 20 yards see golf golf is a mathem man sport man that’s a good shot okay put at 2 feet look give me give me action 27 ft I don’t even know

What to do with that I would literally just like chip it on that work just like that 223 par three you you birded that I did oh yeah you plus four oh yeah I guess so oh 230 hit that blue thing or or hit an iron I

Probably should hit like a four iron cuz it’s whoa I tried to bring damn that thing’s so high I know I don’t I don’t get it 24° launch chle I started to uh pay attention to the numbers and what they mean like oh it makes sense now I think

That’s what the best benefit of the simulator is yeah you can see looking at the numbers yeah seeing what’s going on oh he Stripes it I like this club I like this glove boy feel good this shaft is super nice so nice like I’m telling you I almost want all my

Clubs with that six I don’t like this yardage that’s just like destined to fail me what’s a full like what’s that a 56 56 sandwich what’s a full 56 for me distance for you I don’t hit my wedges full full but like if you were like what’s the longest you would hit that

Like if you were trying to make a shot like 80 yards I’m going to before you switch to your next Club um which I guess would be a pitching wed about 85 yard 85 and then you be like I’m going to pitching the wedge like what’s the 80

To 100 yard club gap wedge it just depends on like the shot like if there’s a tree then yeah I’ll probably go Sand Wedge so I can get it higher so if you’re telling me you’re typically you’re stopping that at 85 yards what what are you hitting from 85 to 100 gap

Wedge what degree is it 52 okay so you have a 52 degree y but if it’s like 130 shot I’m going to go pitching wedge got you or like 120 I’m still going to go pitching wedge get up I hit the tree I hit the tree I

Think no no not the sand we got to get this one up out of the sand get up too much stop actually eight n oh you’re just outside of the range hit that a little too hard mot generating a one putut right here it’s good shot stop drinks

Myself he showed me the line I did oh it’s gone it’s gone no sit 7 8 n oh no dang no man killed it this point I don’t even know if I’m trying to make it rather than uh put it within the Gimme range driver it is so

We got some water off to the right actually you know what I’m playing it safe playing it safe going hybrid just like that why did I get scared I still had like 40 yards well since it’s a simulator and I get my ball back I I I

Guess I’m just going to say it and use a driver and hope hope I don’t get in the water Hing pray I don’t lay in in Lake but if I do I get my ball back guaranteed Ah that’s what I get too might still be you yeah I think it’s still me oo

O o I got you watch this WOW threaded the threaded the kick her back and tree trouble again all right cool cool 193 did you just say seven iron yeah seven iron boy if you don’t 190 let me pull out my seven iron I’m over here damn near about to pull out my

Driver oh no jumped it oh what who oh yeah I heard that 100 yards go ahead I need the juice oh I caught the ground dude I don’t even know what to do first time pulling out the pitch and wedge today little was it little rusty

Dusty musty crusty got the trees in my way hold on I got to I got to stomp on them I don’t know what to do it’s pretty crazy all right I’m out he’s fresh out of jail all right come on put put me within 10 ft I need it yeah there you go

What short in the sand be nice stay on the Green Oh I fall aart baby I still got oh my God all right I got to make this that was it get this man out of here I’m looking at the score and I’m like so I got a double bogey on that I

Guess yeah I’m about to get a triple from being in the woods oh my God it’s okay we all know in real life you would put that inside 3pet but for simulation purposes You’re there it is get in the hole ah you’re definitely up on the next one yeah let’s see how many strokes it gave you six to I don’t even know what I got on oh my God you definitely double part that 12 yeah that that’s one of them golf days

I’ll be like man yeah I’m not playing 18 today I’m just going to play that be the one where I stop at the turn and uh it Dro me off at the clubhouse oh that was so good oh was stay no and he’s got an opening I’m scared to

Swing that hard in here all right I’m out driving Brandon on this one oh was so high on the face it’s in the air at two oh a nice little roll see let’s see how high look how much spin look how much spin it was on there though

4,500 108 I’m going to go pitch and wedge all right let’s put it on there dog n dude this here I can sometimes get 100 but this one this is a 522 this is my 52 and I probably hit it 85 super high I could have hit that harder

Actually get up don’t it a oh man wow I’m standing right in front of the camera 29 ft downhill oh all right take it I’mma put this one in now that’s what he thinks nah oh oh man I got to like annihilate you on this hole 10 oh wow I don’t know

That’s terrible par five oh it’s on what hole is this hole nine it’s the last one you said you’re going to annihilate me on this hole oh yeah oh Mulligan you sent that to the Moon oh I got the ground it’s out it’s out hey your next shot could be on the green

375 yep that’s a whole another part before this is where I need a three-wood I just hit it too high it’s a good hit 300 300 I can’t hit the ball bro hold on you might get a car Pou oh yes sir 200 there there’s there’s your lucky there’s

200 this has got to be put on the Green from here 150 come on no that was my shot I think that’s it right there 146 I want to keep it real low though what what look at this all right I’m going to have to do something little

Stinger fade I’m want to do a little Stinger fade right here watch this nice nice oh are you kidding me this dude is becoming the luckiest golfer I’ve ever G that huh hold out no no just crazy shot Miracle shot I can’t yeah I’m going to need to

See that on camera I hope he got that oh it’ll it’ll be up I can’t with this dude just when you think he’s out and then does something like that and I’m outside and I’m off the Green Oh sit don’t you that’s it it’s it right there oh boy it

Put me 10 in 10t 4 in I love to hear it terrible scores either way run run run four five six it’s stoping it’s like 789 10 I literally just have to like tap this oh no four five 6 okay Sho we how fast are these

Greens dumb fast that’s it that’s it you beat me by like two three so I’ll beat you by three three where do you want to uh driving range last little bit we can do that all right is there any way you can play that video Yeah of that yeah nice

Nice oh are you kidding me this dude is becoming the luckiest golfer I’ve ever G that no just crazy sh Miracle shot

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