Golf Babe

WEEKLY VLOG! St Andrews and a lot of golf!

Weekly Vlog // St Andrews and a lot of golf! Enjoy!!

00:00 – St Andrews
03:21 – Golf Course
08:17 – PR unboxing
09:00 – Golf Range
12:03 – Golf Course
18:38 – Golf Course

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B So we arrived in St Andrews this morning um and didn’t go to the range but we were filming content um around the old course with my new s charlee so you’ll see that on my Instagram and now my sister and I we’re going to go go to

What we going Black Horn what black Oh Black Horn She okay so change of plan we we came To today we’re heading to the range had breakfast and then what kind nice the weather is though it’s so nice I know want um what are we doing oh yeah so we’re only we’re on in St Andrews today and tomorrow then we’re going to go back

Home to Glasco but we’ll be coming back up in like a few weeks show you anyway I’ll film what I’m doing today tomorrow um so right now we’re walking past 47 this is where you can potentially get hit by ball or get shouted at oh yeah you guys know that

You see over there and you hit the ball here that’s like walking on this path dangerous and you get people Shou at you If you guys here and you can watch me swing although I don’t know how I’m feeling about it [Applause] today Yeah so you can so we’ve been in S Andrew for two nights now and we’re going to go back home to Glasgow because we just needed to do stuff in the house here and now we need to go back to Glo but I would stay longer but just I don’t know I’ve got

Stuff to do in Glasgow I’m going to come back up in March I think um so yeah anyway we’re leaving this morning I didn’t even golf that much I went to the range uh I can hang with my family and now we’re here sister and we’re at the beach

So hey guys um let’s be back in glass school back on my home course um not playing very well the weather’s been bad um and if you guys know my home course it’s already a wet course on a dry summer day so I so can wet but um I’ve had

Like I’m kind of like getting frustrated with my sweating because it’s really bad I’ve kind of changed my grip my grip’s been too strong so weakened up a bit so getting used to that it’s been a bit me you know just just everything’s a bit me

Chipping pting and but I say to myself it’s like I feel like I’m not blam I’m not blaming anyone I’m blaming like me cuz I was like 2024 practice my short game clearly not done that oh my God I seriously nearly slept like 10 minutes ago I don’t want to do that again

Um so we’re just going to play a few holes today well so far I’ve played like four holes just cuz I know it’s raining um right whole 11 140 yards although only that’s 14 yard to the front of I’m going to say that’s like 130 yards in

That case I shall use my seard hold on hold on O Okay so I was right 130 yards seven iron I feel like I should a freaking driver I feel like I feel like all my iron have been so short cuz my strike the contacts just been so bad but do

No okay so I think that one went in the burn do I’m going to hit another one see where it goes no oh oh well the second one felt like a bad strike but it’s on the green and the first one felt like a good strike but it sliced the right who

Knows I have genuinely lost quite a lot of balls today so the one that went in the burn I’m going to try and find it because I just I hate losing balls I lost um I got the calorie balls that I got sent oh I actually lost two of them today

Fabulous um cuz I don’t know the like I said my swing is just going through like my swing is just not swinging okay it’s is not good um so I thinned two of them straight into the water that’s like right in front of whole one um but I mean I

Suppose that’s okay because like the past month my swing my like shots have been like hooking to the left because my face has been so closed whereas now that’s actually not happened today now I’ve been topping them thinning them and they’ve been more so like slicing to the right so I feel the

Changes I’ve made I feel okay well at least whatever I’ve tried to change it’s kind of work so I don’t know you know what it’s progress we’re calling it progress guys hey let’s find my ball I heard it like heard it bounced first second Ball’s

Over there um oh I think my first all like bounced cuz I heard it like click that makes sense um I ball one definitely lost ball ball two is on the green so we’ll play that one that that’s a good ball okay so um I think I’m going to put

The camera away because it’s kind of raining so I don’t want to get the camera with and I dropped this camera go when I dropped this dropped this camera like last summer and I had to pay like £200 to get it fixed so I don’t really

Want to take it back to the C oh I don’t want to take it back to the camera sorry keep kicking my tripod I don’t want to I don’t want to take it back to the camera guy cuz my camera’s wet that cost another 00 to get fixed so we’re not

Doing it um so yeah today just golfing in the rain it could be worse I could the course could be sh but it’s not so you know what it’s a nice walk anyway um I’m going to go to the range tomorrow work my swing and then maybe try and go on the

Course should I should be practicing my Shark game am I going to practice my Shark game no but I should feels like the first thing forever that the weather’s dry um so I’m going to go to the range this morning and then I went to jump on the course

However I did get a delivery today okay so I got send two things of prime um Prime hydration I don’t know what this one is Prime oh okay so we’ve got an energy drink and a hydration drink so it’s kind of cool I actually don’t normally drink energy drinks I just

Drink coffee um I’ve actually never tried Prime either but I know my brother loves it so my brother all of his friends love it so um I’ll take a few and see how they go and then I’ll give some to my brother but yeah anyway I’m I’m going to go [Applause]

To I’m nearly halfway through a range session and I’m literally taking like the slowest swings ever my camera died um so probably missed up it anyway I’m taking like the slowest swings ever like because I’ve changed my grip um so I’m like I’m focusing on my takeway so I

Take it away and then I complete my swing I pause the top and then I swing um that seems to work but then when I try and put it into a full swing it kind of doesn’t work like I end up topping the ball um so I don’t know but I’m

Going to try and keep but that’s a pitching wedge and I can normally hit my pitching wedge anyway so now I’m going to take my eight or seven iron and try it with that and see how that goes um it’s better I like I like how now

Like I’ve got something to work on rather than coming to the range and hit balls whereas now like I know that I’ve had to like weaken my grip and focus on not having my club face Clos at the top um they seem going straight and the impact like feels better so and they’re

Not hooking left they’re actually going straight so yeah it’s fine okay so that’s me done with the range I actually thought that was a good range session and but I don’t know if that was like one of those good range sessions where it’s just cuz like your timing was

Better like we got better to sleep last night and like I don’t know but no cuz I like focused on like keeping my grip weaker than normal and I maybe out of 50 balls I maybe hooked like four of them left um I thinned quite a few of them but then I’m

Just like I feel that is just like normalizing um your swing path with the Griffin I don’t know I think I’m really making excuses for myself but all in all it was a good session I think anyway um I’m going to go to my car then go home

And then I think I’ll go on the course even if it’s three holes because it’s meant to get dark like half five even and we are on the golf course um I just had the nicest encounter at the golf club car park and there’s such nice people here um one of the

Guys um he’s really cool he’s nice um and he also gives me tips around the course um and he said that I need to learn the names of all the holes on my course I don’t the names like I know like whole two whole three whole four um

But I don’t know the names of the holes I need to learn the names promise we’ll do that and then another person I for his name um he gave me he gave me balls he was like oh I never I have all these spare balls in my car cuz I’m a caddy

And so he gave me a lot of balls which is cute was nice um right whole one 210 y par 4 well film this I set my tripod up which will be annoying all right last time I played this um I lost my ball I I think I lost

Two balls right into the water um cuz I know right so let’s not lose balls today then okay I hooked that one pretty bad I think it’s I think it’s safe see whenever I have a rain session before um a game of golf never played

Very well like when I swing I feel just never good um I know any it’s nice because the weather it’s like 10° today which is nice cuz it’s been like freezing the past like month so that’s nice I’m on the path I so question if it’s on the path I can pick

Up and drop right like on the roof I’m assuming that’s I’m going to do anyway because I’m not hitting From the Path CU I probably break upub okay so I’m just going to pick it up and drop it on the roof cuz I don’t to play from 85 Ys

Approach see I told you every time Sho um every time I go to the range I come on the course I play so bad I don’t if cuz I’m so like thinking about my swing oh where is my I really fudged that one where is my ball I’m going to take

My 52 and try and get onto the Green in three well not in three but it’s my third [Applause] shot I’m going to drw another ball just to figure that Out what huh oh God you know what whatever I’m so confused Right I lost count is this a puff for bogie or po no it’s definitely PO for bogy it’s not a PO is it po no it’s PO for bogy PO for boogy I’m just picking this up because yeah so you saw that atrocious hole hooked off the

Tea Club must have been face must have been so incredibly open so then the second shot way off to the right cannot chip to save myself well the second triip was actually okay um and then I’m sorry that part was just like huh I think I’m so used to these

Greens being unbelievably slow that I just like I literally whammy it so hard and that was just way too hard anyway I think it’s my last hole not my last hole I think I’ll put my camera down because there does get to there get to like a certain point where

Like I love filming I love editing but I also like and I love to edit and I love to like film but then I also like to practice as well so and I’m GNA put you guys away and I will let you guys film tomorrow Sor there

Guys I swear the minute I put the camera away that’s like when my golf game gets like 10 times better um so the first hole that you guys saw was sh was bad um the second hole I put this one I put on my Instagram cuz I filmed it for my

Short Farm really bad driver of tea and then I recovered with the best fivewood shot I’ve ever hit in my life on the course it went like 150 yards so happy with it um and then I bump and run bump and run bump and run

It I pump and ran it onto the onto the green and it oh and then I literally I was this close of putting in so that was a boogie but I think for such like a recovery hole like the dve was so bad and then I recovered I was happy with

That um and then whole three whole three was good I chipped in Fr get H go par and three that was a par three any I promise I’m getting better any um that’s be a way home now tomorrow what I doing tomorrow tomorrow is Saturday the course

Is always busy in the morning so I might practice on my net in the morning and then come out to play golf in the afternoon weather I weather pering but I feel like I come out in any weather unless if the course is open so yeah anyway that’s been done for today today

Finally stopped raining it was raining really bad yesterday I’m out in the chorus and today I have a video Applause okay there you go in charge come this whole gives me anxiety no no it gives me anxiety with ukuma one y it’s the noise of the trees on the

Right you can hear it on those trees yeah I was watching the camera I think that’s sounded good was a bit L but no freak up there you don’t to be talking to the camera or something I’m not to say okay okay okay okay I should guess how many yards that is to

The hole and how many yards you have oh that’s a hard one I’m really bad at that 100 yards 100 oh wait okay that’s good everyone I shout out of a videographer I did a good job you did good it was it was easier for me um

Having to rely on the tripod it’s going to get dark soon we I filmed my short content done a YouTube video well kind of YouTube um so we’re just going to we head home but like we’re just going to why did I say weird I just going to

Carry for me and we’ll just play another three holes and then we’ll go home but I think that makes an end for this future video I know or tomorrow maybe I don’t know anyway I’ll see you guys later bye bye


  1. Its been raining since last August I think 😢 courses are sodden !! Winter is for practice and mucking about with swing and grip so wouldn't beat yourself up too much, season starts soon it'll improve

  2. Hey great vlog as usual, quick question do you or are you aware of an apparent business chat page appearing on Facebook messaging people on messenger?

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