Golf Players

1978 05 27 Phillies at Braves

Saturday, May 27, 1978
Attendance: 15,081
Venue: Atlanta-Fulton County Stadium

And now KYW presents the Philadelphia Philly’s pregame show brought to you by Safeguard Mutual insurance and by wco department stores a serious automobile accident it could happen to you do you have the proper insurance coverage at affordable rates check your policy then call Safeguard Mutual celebrating its 40th anniversary Safeguard neutral are

Insurance professional specializing in no fault auto insurance they provide you with 24-hour service and issue ID cards on the spot so call them at 56393 and compare their premium with what you now pay call today Safeguard Mutual 563 935 also check their rates for fire and homeowners insurance three convenient

Locations 6752 Market Street upper Derby 1321 Art Street and 4419 North Broad Street in Philadelphia see their ad in the Yellow Pages and remember for proper insurance coverage at affordable rates call Safeguard Mutual 563 935 563 0935 hi everybody from Atlanta stadium and Atlanta GA Harry Callis with you

Where the Phillies continue their series with the Atlanta Braves and our special guest tonight is Philly’s pitcher Jim Wright who presently is on the disabled list and Jim last year at this time you were pitching up a storm having a great year at Oklahoma City you were selected

Or awarded the Ali Reynolds Award emblematic of the best pitcher in the American Association and then all of a sudden things began to happen to your arm when did it happen and uh fill us in from the end of last year at Oklahoma City and to the Press well Harry like

You said I was going our team was going well and everything was going just like I wanted it to go as far as my career in baseball and going to the Phillies but uh it’s my arm started bother me a little a little bit in uh July about the

First of July and I kept pitching until I really couldn’t pitch anymore and that was about August 3rd my last start and I rested it all winter and and hopefully I was over and I went to spring training I thought I was going to make a club and

I’d be pitching and be here now but I’d be playing and not on the on the dista this and uh I had a reoccurrence of it about halfway through spring training and and I got a second diagnosis and uh I’ve went from there and been in the

Cast for a month and I had was diagnosed with a stress fracture so I’m thrwing again and with new anticipation hoping that I’m going to get back up here on the cloud and Pitch where I belong and that’s where I’m at we at the present right was there any surgery involved at

All no there wasn’t there was a you know there was a thought of it but with what I have like a stress fracture type of inur there’s no surgery really needed just little mother nature just takes time for it to heal and to heal naturally and everything will be fine a

Stret fracture of what is that the elbow yeah well know it’s of the ELA bone which is the bone that runs from the elbow to the hand it’s about mid way down on my for so this spring when you were working out with the Phillies and really had every opportunity to make the

Ball Club could you feel like you just weren’t throwing right did you feel it right away or only Midway through the spring well no Harry like the first my first start against the Cardinals I threw well and without without any sort of pain or discomfort and I was really

Thought I was over it and thre my trauma then the next time out it it it started hurting me and it just kind of blew out all at once where then I knew that I wasn’t going to make the club then because I knew it was back and and I’d

Be setting out for a while and for it to heal again so it wasn’t really any part as far as my performance it was just that like you say it was uh something I I’m hurting when you’re not 100% you can’t expect to do the job so currently

You’re on the road trip with the ball club and what are you doing I I know you’re running but are you also throwing yes I’m throwing now I’ve been throwing off the mound I’ve been for told I’ve thr for about a total of two weeks now

Carrying the time at home and the road trip and it’s starting to feel strong again I’m I’m ready to start thring BP and and testing it out and see what I’ve got what’s the prognosis is it just a matter of uh whenever you feel strong and feel like it’s all right right

That’s that’s about it uh if I don’t feel any reoccurrence like I had in the spring then uh I’m going to start throwing breaking balls and and get get into pitching condition and trying it all over again Jim speaking of breaking balls what do you have in your

Repertoire of pitches well I stick mainly with the fast ball but I throw a slider maybe 20% of the time and I have a a slow curve there I flop up up up there every once in a while just to keep the hit her on edge but mainly a slider

And a fast ball the curve ball then would be your change up right that would be my change up I do s straight change but I I use both of them scaringly you know so while you’re up here and of course you’re working out before the

Games what do you do during the games do you sit do you sit in the bullpen do you sit in the Dugout do you talk to Pitchers about what’s going on with hitters and that sort of thing well right I kind of mix it around Harry most

Of the time I stay in The Dugout and I do talk to the pitch because it’s it’s helpful you know to talk to some of the veterans up here that they know they’ve been in the game and they and I’m a younger starting out or a rookie you

Might say and there’s a lot I need to learn and I I really like to sit and talk to the pitchers because they really help me out Jim what will happen when you say okay I’m ready and the club feels and the team physician Dr Marone

Feels like yes he’s okay and ready to go will you go down to Oklahoma City then or what will happen well that’s a good question it’s a question I don’t know I would have to assume that they would probably send me to Oklahoma City to get

To start down there to get my confidence up because I haven’t pitched in the major leagues as you know except for spring training uh but I would rather stay up here because I I think I can handle the pressure and I know there little pressure now way things are going

But uh I’d love to I’d love to stick around and try it out but more than more than that I’ll probably be back in Oklahoma city has pitching always been your profession even as a youngster yes it really was i’ started pitching when I was about 11 and I’ve pitched ever since

And that’s that’s about the only way I’d like it anyway what kind of hitter are you I’m a fair hitter I hit I hit pretty good in high school always used to hit the long ball a lot I like to think of myself as a pretty good

Hitter in the minor leagues we’ve had the DH for the last three or four years so it’s been a while since I swung the bat but I’m anxious to get up there and do that too because that’s part of the game and it’s all fun well Jim we hope

You get back very soon and uh very best of you and take good care of that arm we hope to see you on the mound for the Phillies real soon thanks a lot okay thank you Jim right our guest and all of our guests on the pregame show receive a

Beautiful psycho watch courtesy of the theyo election and gimbals and we’ll be back with a final word right after this back at Atlanta Stadium stay tuned for the ball game now the fils in the Atlanta Braves pH Phil he’s coming into play and a tie for second place in

National League E’s two and a half games behind the Chicago Cubs Cubs will be playing at St Louis tonight and tied with the Phillies the Montreal Expos the expose will be at Pittsburgh tonight on the mound for the Phillies will be Jim lomborg you’ll be opposed by an xfill

Dick ruin all the action will be coming your way in just a couple of minutes met quick check on Sports now from the KYW Newsroom in the NCAA Northeast Regional baseball championship St John’s beat Temple 8 to5 they will meet again tomorrow night at 6:30 it is a double

Elimination tournament so one of the teams is going to go one of them is going to stay alive John’s Hopkins won the nc2a division one lacrosse championship today by beating Cornell 13 to8 in Piscataway New Jersey Bob D Simone scored three goals the lead in John’s Hopkins attack it was Cornell’s

First defeat in three years Bob Murphy is a one- shot lead after three rounds of the Atlantic Golf Classic he shot up five on the par 67 a day giving him a 54 hole total of 21 15 under PR in slow pitch softball this afternoon double header at the vet the Detroit Caesars

Beat the Philadelphia Athletics 19 to 18 in the first game that W 10 Innings the Athletics came back and took the night cap 12 to 10 1478 showed up Carlos Palamino as retained His World Boxing Council welterweight championship for the 15 round uned decision of arando

Munes in Los Angeles this is KYW 1060 Philadelphia news radio in the Delaware Valley it’s 7:30 good evening everyone and welcome to Atlanta Stadium where the Phillies play the Atlanta Braves tonight I’m Andy muser with Chris wheeler Harry Callis and Rich Ashburn will join us later in the broadcast and the Phillies have dropped four straight ball games and tonight they’re going against a former

Teammate dick ruthman traded over here to Atlanta from Chicago after the Phillies gave him up in the gym C deal and uh ruthman has never been able to beat his former teammates last year because of injuries he did not even pitch against the Phillies well we have

A good night for basball the lineups have been handed out at home plate we’ll be back to give them to you following these messages he wants these dealers to sell every mercury in stock everyone that includes the anniversary edition fordor Mercury Marquee with its traditional full-size luxury and comfort

Comfort plus a special value package featuring a vinyl roof luxury wheel covers body side moldings flight bench seat and more right now this special package is being offered by Lincoln Mercury to its dealers at a factory discount so check out your local Lincoln Mercury dealer now at the sign of the

Cat acne Super Saver has everything you need for your outings so when you shop don’t forget our sandwich meats the eggs and garden greens also luscious fruit rushed from the orchard seed don’t forget acne cups and plates chips and sod pop the Franks and rolls and ideal

Things for on top oh sopia burgers juicy and brown get Lancaster brand beef you’ll find it freshly ground for everything you need at prices you’re going to like don’t forget AC me super saber right now NAB is offering you a chance to buy the Phillies way souvenir

Book for just $149 this colorful book features playing tips from your favorite Phillies plus a complete set of Phillies baseball cards think of it the entire Phillies team all under one cover just try to match that with regular baseball cards and when you visit your mab paint

Store dealer or Rich Lux Home Center you will get more years per gallon of the mab Seashore house paint you can’t buy better paint the Phillies and mab GR in 78 the Carolton High School band from the area with our national anthem and now it’s lineup time so let’s swing over

To Chris wheeler okay Annie thank you very much the Philadelphia Phillies will go with bake mcde leading off and playing right field Larry boit Short Stop batting second Mike schmidth at third base he’ll hit number three Greg luzinski in left field batting fourth Richie hner at first base he’ll hit

Number five Gary matox in center field batting sixth Bob Boone the catcher will hit seventh Davey Johnson at second base again tonight he’ll hit number eight and the pitcher for the Phillies will be right-hander Jim lonor for the Atlanta Braves they’ll go with Jerry Royster at second base Brian

Aelin will be in center field and hit number two Gary Matthews in right field bouting third Jeff Burrows the left fielder hitting fourth fifth po robobo will catch and hit number five Dale Murphy at first base batting six Barry bonell at third base he’ll hit number seven Daryl Cheney

The short stop will hit number eight and the Pitcher will be former Philly right-hander dick ruthman all right Chris and a reminder this broadcast is authorized under broadcasting rights granted by the Philadelphia Phillies solely for the entertainment of our listening audience any publication rebroadcast or other use of the

Description and accounts of the this game without the express written consent of the Phillies is prohibited the announcers on this broadcast are retained by wphl TV subject to the approval of the Phillies who send us Chris wheeler the umpires tonight Doug Harvey has the plate Andy Olsen at first

Jim quick at second Jerry Crawford at third during tonight’s Phillies game each Philly that homers receives a free case of Tasty Cake and one for St Edmonds home for crippled children the same goes for the Phillies winning pitcher and now you can win even more money in the daily news home run payoff

Because this season every hit pays off tonight’s payoff inning will be the fifth well the Phillies are looking to score some runs tonight last night the knuckle baller Phil ncro completely baffled them all except for Jerry Martin’s pinch hit home run and the Phillies lost that ball game their

Fourth in a row and they are all even at 500 now 19 and 19 as this road trip is two games away from its conclusion here’s ruthman into his wind up the xville right-hander ready to make his first pitch it’s a fast ball in for a

Strike at the knees to bake McBride who is batting at 288 Billy Demar is in the coaching box at third and Tony Taylor down at first Bas very pretty night for baseball here in Atlanta rman has the sign from Poca and here is a line drive into right field to

Base hit bake McBride singles on a one hopper to Gary Matthews and right and the Phillies have their first runner on well bake McBride is now batted safely in nine of the last 10 ball games with that hit it brings to the plate Larry boa batting at

301 Larry the last of the pH 300 hitters with the exception of two of the Reserves L’s been playing good baseball on this trip in the last 70 games or last seven games I should say he’s betting at a 375 clip bis switch hitter up there as a left-handed batter against dick ruthman here’s a throw to first base fake MCB is back in

Time rman from Sacramento California has his boa dick has a good move here’s another quick throw to first Bas and B just gets back he has a quick turn and he fires hard to the bag Rie Dale Murphy holding the bag at first stretching the pitch on the way to

Bo it’s low that was one of the things that was really amazing about ruthan when the Phillies got him he came right out of college and a lot of times kids like that in high school and college don’t have a good move because they have haven’t had that many people on first

Base to worry about and he had an excellent move when he came to the Phillies and he still has the good move and it’s probably even a little better now rman has the sign from pocar Roba and here’s the pitch to boa Fly ball to right field Matthews has to go back to

Get it he’s on the warning track he hauls it down boa about 5T away from putting that ball out of here down the right field side fair by some 20 ft but it’s just an out and bake McBride hangs on at first One out on the inning the batter is Mike Schmidt well dick ruthman of course is married to the twin sister who the other sister married Tommy Hutton and uh they are of course identical twins and we always feel like we’re running into Debbie when we see Sue Sue is Dick’s

Wife and Debbie Tommy’s wife here Schmidt bouting at 280 Mike with nine lifetime home runs in this ballpark this of course a good hitters ballpark 169 home runs here last year high in the National League Ruth and misses low outside with a fast ball ball one Schmid has homered eight times leads

The Phillies and RB with 27 Ruth bat the Bell here’s his pitch to Schmidt and the curve ball catches the outside corner a strike we don’t have a final yet on that Dodger s Francisco game our ticker has not reported anything since the seventh inning at which time it was Los Angeles

2 San Francisco 1 thr to First McBride is back Bert hooton pitching that game against V blue and the pitchers are up at Pittsburgh tonight Rudy May for the Expose and Jim Rooker for the Pirates there goes McBride here’s the pitch swing in a Miss throw to second

Base bake is safe stolen base McBride well bake McBride had two stolen bases last night and he picks up another one tonight stolen base number eight for McBride the count as a ball and two strikes on Schmidt Mike swinging and missing at that pitch and bake getting into second

Base he had a good jump one out of the inning ruthan now will check McBride at second Pitch on the way to Schmidt it’s up a little bit High two balls and two strikes American League action this afternoon as final Toronto beat New York 4 to1 the

Winner was Jim Clancy and the loser Ed figuroa here’s the two- two pitch to Schmid low on outside with a breaking ball and we’ve got a full count Cleveland over Baltimore 6-2 David Clyde the winner he’s undefeated at 3 and0 Mike Flanigan the loser at 5- four

Boston over Detroit one to nothing as Jim Rice’s sixth inning home run is 17th of the Year stood up to make a winner of Louis t and the loser of mors the Kansas City Minnesota game postponed by rain here’s the payoff pitch to Schmid it’s a breaking ball ground ball to

Shortstop McBride will stay at second the throw across this in time for the out SMI got a breaking ball and he grounded out to Short Stop Daryl Cheney playing there tonight and we’ve got two down the batter Greg linski here’s one other American League Final Oakland defeated Chicago 4 to3 Bob Lacy the

Winner Jim Willoughby the loser Dave ring and Mitchell pagee each hit Oakland home runs Greg linsky’s average down to 246 pitch to The Big right-handed batter is a curveball and it’s over for a strike Danny ozar said tonight this is the worst slump he has ever seen linski

Suffer through the bull is 0 for 11 and two for his last 30 here’s the one strike pitch to him it’s a change up but it bounced one ball and one strike in his lifetime ruthman has won 38 games and lost 54 has a 4.16 lifetime earned run Average 27y old right-hander is at the belt here’s his one-1 pitch to the ball a curve ball catches the corner on the outside a ball and two strikes to lozinski Greg was off to a pretty good start this year Chris yeah he was off to a good start and he’s just been

Struggling a lot there Ruth is getting his breaking ball over it’s sometimes a slider sometimes a curve It’s a combination really he used to call kind of a swerve and he’s been getting it over so far here’s his one-w pitch to the ball and that is the breaking pitch and he just missed

Outside two and two never seen him do that before he kind of dropped down on lazinski and kind of came sidearm almost and he’s always been straight over the top with everything he threw and that’s a a definite new ring all there in his pitching two balls and two strikes on

Lozinski two out in the inning here’s the pitch fast ball call third strike the bull is out of there and the inning is over for the Phillies no runs one hit and one left at the end of a half inning the Phillies nothing Braves coming up the purchase of selected General

Electric major appliances General Electric is giving away a US savings bond bonds away that’s from now until May 31st you know Gentlemen Prefer bonds you can get a great General Electric Major Appliance and use the savings bond to help finance a trip Bond Voyage or use the bond to buy something great like

Chocolate covered Bond bonds see your GE dealer today jenin Town electric Discount Appliances 220 York Road in jenin town There’s a demanding cat around he’s at your Lincoln Mercury dealers and he wants these dealers to sell every mercury in stock everyone that means you have a great chance to get into any one

Of his Fine Cars right now from the full-size Mercury Marquee right through his cougars zeph monarchs and bobcats they’re all up for grabs right now see your Lincoln Mercury dealer quick because that cat means business at the sign of the cat Okay fans we all know the Phillies are number one when it

Comes to performance on the field but do you know who’s the number one water treatment company in the world it’s Culligan with dealerships in 100 countries your local Culligan man is the recognized expert at seeing water conditioning needs especially if your water has that funny mineral taste or

Chlorin smell call your local Culligan dealership for a free Water Analysis there’s no obligation by the way you can buy or the Culligan unit so just look for Culligan under sea in the white pages and start enjoying Culligan conditioned water for your whole family and we’d like to thank the very

Alert Newsroom at KYW for phoning us to tell that the Dodgers did win that game over the Giants today 3 to one and the winning pitcher was Bert hooton and the losing pitcher V blue only Blue’s second defeat of the year they’re hanging on our every word back there Chris just the

Way we like it must definitely be as low night in the KYW Newsroom for them be hanging on our every word no score here in this ball game we’re in the last of the first inning and Jerry ryer will lead it off against Jim lonborg Lonnie has not pitched since

The Atlanta excuse me the Houston series suffering a back injury when he slid into second base Danny Ozark tonight said it was my bright idea to have him try to steal a base and Lonny suffered a slight back injury and he’ll be testing it out here tonight Dan he said he

Doesn’t really expect Lonnie to go any more than five or six in right hander intoo his wind up and the first pitch is high ball one Royster is batting at 268 Tom bures coaching at third base for the Braves and Pete Ward at first one- nothing pitch on the way to

The right-handed batter it’s pop foul behind the plate out of play one ball and one strike on Royer Royer has some power but he has only one home run this year and is knocked in nine before coming to the majors he led the Pacific coast league in batting him

75 with a 333 three average out of the Dodger Farm here’s the one- one pitch and he pops another foul straight back out of play when this series concludes tomorrow Larry Christenson will pitch against right-hander Preston Hannah and when the Phillies come back home Monday night for the big Memorial Day

Show Jim cot left-hander will go against hard throwing right-handed rookie Don Robinson here’s the one-w pitch to Royster a slider is outside two and two Braves have won six of their last eight ball games in this ballpark but they’re still in last place in the National League West Bobby Cox said tonight it

Looks like a legitimate three- team Race here is a popup making the call of second baseman Davey Johnson on the dirt and he takes it for the out Royster pops out to Johnson playing second again tonight and that’s the first out of the inning here’s Brian Aselin left-handed batter hitting a two 77 Asel Stein playing in Center Field tonight and they’ve got Barry bonell playing at third moving Cheney over to shortstop Pat rocket out of the lineup tonight he has a very low batting average pitch is over for a called strike to alstein Hank Aaron is going to

Begin tutoring rocket in batting on Monday here’s the one strike pitch to aselin it bounces in the dirt one ball and one strike Rod gilberth still has a sore arm and he’s not in there and that doesn’t make the Phillies sad he hit 349 against Philadelphia pitching last year the 1-1

To WL Stein as a highfly ball down the left field line luzinski shading him the other way goes into foul ground and can’t get it the ball was playable in foul ground but because a left-handed batter was up there ball swinging around the other way and he couldn’t get to

It just watching Lonnie with the first couple batters he appears to be throwing without any problem nice and loose and easy talked to him the other day in Chicago and he said he probably could have pitched in Chicago but Danny wanted him a pitch against Atlanta here and

Then set him up to go against Los Angeles next weekend at veteran Stadium because of their right-handed hitting lineup so he felt that he was ready to go earlier in the week and that he shouldn’t have any problem at all with the back well we’ve got some great games

Coming up at veteran Stadium on this next home stand lonborg misses high it’s two and two because the Pirates started out as you know and then as Chris mentioned the Dodgers for the weekend and after that the San Francisco Giants are coming in and then you’ll see these

Braves on the last weekend of that Home St here’s the two2 pitch check swing called third strike fast ball alstein Strikes Out second out of the inning as Lonnie gets his first strike out and the hitter will be Gary Matthews well Matthews is batting 286 but in this ballpark he’s batting

409 strong right-handed B Doug Harvey the home PL umpire has given every indication tonight that he’s going to be a pitcher umpire both Lon Borg and Ruiner really getting the big PL the corners and that pitch to as Stein was could have been outside and a couple pitches that he caught on some

Philadelphia hitters in the first inning so you better be swinging lonborg into his wind up first pitch to Matthews right in there a strike called Matthews had one hit in six tries facing Lon last year Jim’s lifetime record against the Braves is six and three here’s the one strike pitch and

It’s high one ball and one strike so the pitching matchups for the rest of that pirate series two Tuesday night it’ll be Steve Carlin against Bert b and Wednesday night Randy Lurch will come back against John Candelaria wind up in the 1-1 pitch it bounces on a change up two balls and a

Strike to Matthews Gary leads the Braves and homers with five but the RBI Leader by a long shot is the man on Deck Jeff Burrows he has 23 of them 2-1 pitch on the way it bounces again and Lonnie runs a 3-1 count on Gary Matthews the Bas are empty there

Are two outs in the first inning and this ball game is scoreless prior to the Ball Game here tomorrow there’s going to be a home run hitting contest Schmidt luzinski and hedner are going to participate for the Phillies here is a pitch that sails on lonborg a very high fast ball in Matthews

Walks so Matthews gets the board and Jeff Burrows will bat in that home run contest tomorrow it’ll be Burrows Matthews and Dale Murphy and the winner is going to receive $500 there’s Jeff Burrows batting at 346 one of the top averages in the national league three homers and the

Club High 23 runs driven in lorg turning around to check his defense now Gary Matthews has a habit of throwing his helmet away all the time and he did this twice last night and they made him put it on again the the League this year has

Said that the base runners have to have a batting helmet he keeps throwing it away and they going to stop the game till they go get it for him Lorg from the stretch now pitch on the way to Burrows and it’s low inside ball one Braves are above 500 at home they’ve won 10 and lost nine but on the road they suffer they are 6 and 15 away from home the Phillies know what that’s like their record is just exactly opposite

Home and away right now swing and a miss by Bros one ball and one strike the Phillies at the veter 13- six on the road they are six and 13 one-1 count to Jeff Burrow’s strong right-handed batter former American League Most Valuable Player back in 74 pitch on the way from lonborg ground

Foul tapped behind the plate toward the Phillies Dugout last year burls was second best in the National League with home runs he hit 41 and he had 114 RBIs that ranked him fourth among National League batters last year last last season of course his first in the National

League after 5 years in the American circuit the onew pitch on the way slider misses outside two and two did not miss by much Lonnie’s record this year is 4 and three Jim has a 3.80 earned run average he and ruthman have an RA almost identical here’s the 2-2 pitch called

Third strike on the inside corner and the Braves first is over no runs no hits one man left on base at the end of one no score now time for a tasty break there’s only one fever just about everyone in Philadelphia wants to catch and that’s Philly’s fever just like

There’s only one package cake philadelphians want too Tasty Cake like the fresh baked Taste of Tasty Cake chocolate creamies two delicious layers of moist chocolate cake filled with tasty vanilla cream you couldn’t ask for a more mouthwatering treat so ask for family packs of Tasty Cake chocolate creamies they’re all the good things

Wrapped up in One well the Phillies are back home starting on Monday night against the Pittsburgh Pirates and that ball game will begin at 8:35 but actually keep in mind 7:30 because that’s when all the pregame treats begin and we’ve got a bunch of them for you the US Marine

President’s drum and bugle Corp is going to entertain before the game and it’s also Glassboro night so the Glassboro High School band will perform for that ball game and you’ll want to come early and stay late because following the ball game a big fireworks show new different

And exciting this year and sandwiched in between big ball game with the Phillies and the Pirates Jim Cott to pitch against Don Robinson and that one so we’ll see you Monday night at veteran stadium and we want to note a new starting time for you on the Monday June

5th game when the San Francisco Giants are in town Mark that when down as an 810 start that’s Monday June 5th the Phillies and the Giants starting at 810 the game will be on National Television that night blacked out in the Philadelphia area leadoff man for the Phillies in the

Second is Richie hner up against dick ruthman who winds and here’s the first pitch to hner swinging a foul back to the screen hner batting at 265 heavner matox and Boon to face ruin in the second of a scoreless ball game pitch on the way to Richie is just a little bit High one ball one Strike Phillies will be very glad to get back off this road trip and play in the next two weeks at veteran Stadium curveball misses inside two and one the count to heavner Phillies will actually be home three of the next four weeks with only a week in California

Sandwiched in between 2-1 pitch on the way to hner Misses L and inside had another breaking ball and a 3-1 count to hner after Richie bats will have a station break for you dick ruthman in his sixth National League season 27 years of age and here’s

The 3-1 to hner swing and a miss strike two ruthman had a serious ankle injury last year he suffered at May 1st at St Louis it required surgery and he was expected to be out 3 months but he came back in two of all things he was running

Out an infield hit here’s a 3-2 fast ball that hner fouls back over top the Screen three balls and two strikes on Richie hner leading off the Philly second inning last couple of days the Phillies haven’t scored many runs they scored two last night on Jerry Martin’s Homer and in that windup game at Chicago they scored just one run again the 3-2 to hner it’s a

Breaking ball and he popped him up it’s foul behind the plate poar Roba is back but he doesn’t have any room it’s in the crowd maybe that wasn’t a breaking ball might have been Ruth’s change up but hner fouled it out of play he’s come up with a good change up

Uh he had a decent change up when he’s with the Phillies and talking to him the other day said that it’s really been a good pitch for him it’s been his out pitch he’ll throw it 32 count or sometimes when he’s behind in the count and kind of take a hitter by surprise

With and that’s what he tried to do with hner just then here’s the wind up by ruthman and the pitch to heavner fast ball swing and a miss he struck him out we paus for station at an ification along the Phillies baseball Network this is KYW Philadelphia 65° cloudy at Independence

Mall mostly cloudy tonight and tomorrow morning is 8:01 rman with his second strikeout to start this second inning and here’s Gary Maddox Gary the one Phil who has been hot lately went three for four last night and matox has seven hits in his last 12 times at the

Plate Gary has raised his average to 291 pitch on the way to the right-handed batter a fast ball popped down the right field line and is going foul out of play into the Atlanta picnic area they have the picnic area here down the right and left field lines quite similar to the

Ones we have in Philadelphia not as well populated I think I should add pitch on the way to MX slow and outside of ball one ball and one strike Braves have been averaging about 14,000 the ball game this year here’s the 1-1 to Gary matox a strike on the outside corner as ruthan

Poured the fast ball in knee high one and two the count to Maddox Gary has 15 runs driven in his only Homer came in this series at Chicago swinging in a Miss by Gary he strikes out it was a fast ball so ruthman has picked up three

Strikeouts and an inning in two3 and Bob Boon coming to the plate booney batting at 258 Ruan getting his 10th start this year he’s pitched two complete games including one shut out here’s the pitch to Boon a breaking ball and the pitches up high for a Ball right-hander winds here’s the next pitch another breaking ball high two and nothing this is the 11th game on the road trip for the Philly should have been the 12th but there was a rain out in Chicago the Phils have won two and lost eight very rough road trip the two tooon

Is a fast ball low ball Three Earthman falls behind Boon three and nothing hasn’t walked anybody yet has three strikeouts here’s the three-oh pitch swing and a miss booney went for a pitch that was up high had the green light on three and 0 didn’t get It three balls and a strike to the right-handed batting Bob Boon third high on the team in rbi’s with 21 here’s the pitch to him aall strike Full Count to Bob Boon batting with two outs and nobody on base in the Philly second scoreless ball game here’s

The pitch a little popup in Shallow left center field the shirt stop Cheney is back out there and he squeezes it for the out the Phillies are retired 1 2 3 in the second at the end of 1 and a half no score rler Le Baron a good combination

It’s a car size for today living yet loaded with luxury it gives you your money’s worth a sensibly size style and your choice of three models the young stylish twoo a classic four-door and the New learon Town and Country wagon the difference between this wagon and any

Other is luxury why drive a car that doesn’t feel great why not get your money’s worth of style and luxury when learon gives you all the this why settle for anything less see it at your local Chrysler Plymouth dealer Today Lewis bi pokera leads off the second for the Braves POA to be followed by Murphy and benell scoreless ball game Jim board pitching for the Phillies he picked up two strikeouts in the first inning poar Roba switch it are up there as a left-handed batter half swing at the first pitch

Fouls it off strike one fif is batting at 236 he’s not a bad catcher he certainly did a good job with Phil nro last night and the Braves have signed him to a long-term contract Bonnie wies here’s his next pitch it misses low one ball and one

Strike to pocar Roba he has not homered this year he has driven in 10 runs runs the one-1 pitch is a Fly ball pretty well hit in the left center field Greg linski getting over and he one hands it for the out on the Run Greg lozinski went into left center field to

Haul down the Fly ball by pocar Roba out number one in the second next batter for the Braves Dale Murphy Bull’s not hitting right now so he’s going to take a little defense out there that’s a pretty good play he made was playing H the left-handed hitter in

That direction but he had to run a long way for it he made a good play on it Dale Murphy first baseman batting a 211 a good-looking Prospect the pitch to him over for a strike call Bobby Cox saying tonight it looks like he’s starting to hit and they liken him to San

Francisco’s Jack Clark a year ago at this time Clark a good-looking outfielder who all of a sudden this year has really blossomed here’s the one strike pitch and has popped foul over top the screen off the change up nothing in two the count to Murphy remember our daily news home run

Payoff inning tonight will be the fifth Harry Callas will be here by that time and we hope we have a winner for you we did last night Jerry Martin made a winner of Connie Knight here’s the 02 pitch it’s slowing and outside of Ball Murphy was originally a catcher but they have changed him into a first baseman before they did that they were thinking that Jeff Burrows might be brought in from the Outfield to man first B this Year the one two pitch breaking ball high two and two Murphy out of Portland Oregon only 22 years of age hit 305 last year at Richmond swing and a miss a slider and Murphy has struck out so lbour gets his third strike out each pitcher’s gotten

Three so far and the batter is Barry Bell banel and next Philly batting at 236 he never actually played for the Phils but the Braves got him along with Jim asan for Dick Allen and Johnny oats in May of 75 Vanella right-handed batter and the

First pitch to him as a fast ball in for a strike Bell playing at third base tonight Bobby Cox says he is not a good defensive third baseman but he is a pretty good defensive outfielder here’s the pitch to him ground ball two hop to Schmid it bobbled

Out of his GL but he picked it up barehanded and threw him out that was a nice play by Schmidt that ball never left the air after it bobbled out of his glove Braves retired in order in the second at the end of two no score I used

To think of the George machine at Gerard Bank as my own private money game if I forgot to go to the bank or needed cash on a weekend there he was proceed to go and collect $200 man I own that withdrawal button you know what I mean

And then I looked at all the buttons wow checking savings deposits loans transfers balances I got a whole bank right here now I do my everyday banking with George I push the button buttons and I run the bank George lets you be the banker Gerard Bank we’re there when you need Us these Atlanta Braves are headed for Philadelphia and you can see them the weekend of June 9th 10th and the 11th and on the 11th that’s going to be jacket day Sunday afternoon jackets compliments of English leather free from the Phillies for all kids 14 or under

And remember the start of that series is a big one Friday night June 9th it’ll be teen night all teams getting a dollar off box and reserve seats for that Braves game at 805 but come out early that night a great pregame show featuring the tramps with Disco

Inferno there’s dve Johnson lead it off for the Phillies Johnson batting at 122 Davy X Brave had a tough time here last night struck out a couple of times ruthman misses with a slider outside ball one dve one home run this year that was his Grand Slam he has knocked in

Seven wind up in the pitch by Ruth fin as the fast ball popped foul back out of play over top the screen the ball on a strike to Dave Johnson he’ll be followed by lonborg and McBride as the Phillies bat in the third this ball game scoreless here’s a fast ball grounded to

Third Base Barry benell has it his throw across is in time for the out Johnson grounds out to third well the Phillies got a leadoff single by bake McBride and he then stole second but ruin has mowed down the lineup in the meantime and here’s Jim

Lonor Lonnie batting at 214 he has three hits and three runs driven In Lonnie bats him like he throws right-handed Ruth V wies here’s the pitch to lonborg swinging in a Miss on a fast ball strike one it’s Doug Harvey at the plate tonight veteran umpire who lives in San Diego here’s the one strike pitch to Lon Borg check swing but it’s a called strike says Harvey nothing in two to Lonni no rain here in Atlanta today they did have showers overnight and of course batting practice for the Phillies curtailed by a shower last night a ruthman fast misses low it’s one and two to line Board wind up and the pitch on the way swing and a ball tapped off the plate they’re going to call it a foul ball it rolls toward third but it’s foul so it’s a ball and two strikes to lonard the Montreal Expos have scored in all three Innings of that ball game in

Pittsburgh so far and they lead it 6 to1 as the Pirates bat in the last of the third Rudy May pitching for the expose Jim Rooker knocked out of there in the third and Bruce key in in relief lry Parry should a home run for the expose

In the second with one on his fourth of the year the pitch to lonborg as a breaking ball just outside two and two and the final from this afternoon the Dodgers over the Giants 3 to one Bert hooton beating V blue first time blue has lost a game in

More than a month the two2 pitch to lonborg hit hard to center field getting back is Asel Stein and he takes it for the out heon hit that right on the button but Asel Stein got back and made the catch for the out that’s two outs with the bases

Empty and bake McBride will bat well bake has the lone hit in the ball game for the Phillies he singled the right field and as mentioned got a stolen base is eighth of the year and his third in this Series left-handed batting bake McBride coming up this ball game still scoreless we’re in the top of the third inning and this series will conclude tomorrow afternoon at 2:15 when Larry Christensen faces Preston Hanah the latter a young right-hander who is three and0 this year here’s ruan’s wind up and a fast ball is

Over for a strike called the Braves will continue a home stand after the Phillies leave the Cincinnati Reds will be in town starting Monday breaking ball high one ball one strike to McBride bake batting 294 he got off to a slow start this year and people were wondering when he would

Hit 300 he hasn’t yet but the assault is on and here’s a line drive base hit into right center field bake McBride takes the wide turn here he goes on into second here comes the throw safe double McBride Line Drive double for McBride as second hit of the ball

Game well big McBride uh Brian aselin the center fielder did all he could with that ball and he got it in the alley a little bit he cut it off and made a good play to Second think I was talking to bake the other day about the way he’s

Running right now and I never seen him run as well as he is right now even when he was going good with the Cardinals before his injury and he agrees he doesn’t think that he’s ever run any better and boy he was just flying going into second base just then

He at all so bakes it second with two down and the batter is Larry boa pitch on the way to Larry is a ground foul outside of first base strike one to boa Larry very nearly hit a home run in his first at bat tonight a very

Deep Fly ball to right field it was hauled down on the warning track by Gary Matthews boa has slipped for the moment under the 300 mark he is at 299 so the Phillies have a runner at second with two down their second hit of the ball game and bake has them

Both stretch in the pitch by ruthman curve ball high what do he call that pitch a slurve he used to call it a swerve because it was a combination of a slider and a curve and he could never figure out what the heck he was throwing

And it it breaks bigger than a slider but not as big as a curveball so you used to kind of call it a were here’s the one- one pitch to BOA just misses well I think when the slider was first invented they used to call it a nickel curve didn’t they yeah well

That’s what it is really it just kind of breaks almost on the same plane kind of sidewards and it has the same spin as a fast ball and that’s what makes it so hard to detect for a hitter I can remember for years and years my old friend Jimmy Dykes talking about the

Nickel curve here’s a fast ball off the handle of the bat looped into center field for a base hit bake McBride rounding third the throw to the plate is offline and score as Philly’s lead one to nothing boa goes to Second boa got jammed but he singled to

Center field and he picks up RBI in number 10 and the Phillies are on the board Larry really has been one of the few Phillies that has hit the ball consistently well on the road trip he’s driven in some runs and that time he didn’t get it he didn’t hit the ball

Hard but he kind of got it in on him a little bit it was a good pitch by ruthin he slung it into center field and took second Bas when alstein kind of foolishly threw home trying to get McBride that sets up another run on in second

Now two out on the inning in the Phillies lead the batter is Mike Schmidt who grounded out to short so Boa at second base he went there on the throw following his single and the batter is Schmidt ruthman has his sign from pocar Roba pitch on the way to Mike very high

Fly ball medium distance right field it’s going to be caught by Matthews a few steps toward the line he takes it for the third out the Phillies score a run in the Third on two hits and they leave one man on base at the end of 2

And A2 Phil’s lead Atlanta 1 to nothing and now it’s time for a tasty break why do the same kind of people who love those fantastic Phillies also love Tasty Cake because both bring out the kid but they in all of us like the delicious Taste of Tasty Cake chocolate

Cupcakes cream filled cupcakes and cream filled coffee cakes or kids from 9 to 90 taste cake and those fabulous Phillies are all the good things wrapped up in One play ball with Richard Buick Volvo in New Town Square King Richard’s got it all Buick opal Volvos leasing don’t strike out save a bundle on all 1978 models drive a little Save A Lot listen to this a brand new 1978 Buick Electra air conditioning power steering power

Brakes and more only $ 65.99 and talk about leasing a new 1978 Regal coupe with Factory air 139 a month three-year open-end lease that’s King Richard for a lionhearted deal on Westchester Pike in New Town Square today we Phillies fans begin the season when families from all over get together relatives friends and neighbors pitch horseshoes at picnics polish the brass on their motorboats drive to the shore and Country and celebrate the weekend with neighborly cookouts it’s part of the real Spirit of America and

The people at Acme are proud to be a part of this Spirit of friendship from all your friends at Acme Super Saver to you best wishes for a safe and happy holiday weekend there is a left-handed B of the face lorg carrying a 288 average Lonnie misses high with a fast ball ball

One KY r and Royster to bat in Atlanta’s thirdd inning wind up in the pitch it is low two balls and no strikes londborg wies here’s the two nothing pitch it’s a hard hit ground ball Davey Johnson gets it off his love but it bounces behind him and safe at

First bces Cheney Davey had to move sharply to his left got a got the ball actually in his glove but it hopped behind him and they are charging Johnson with an air Cheney aboard on the air by Dave Johnson well that brings ruthan up in an obvious sacrifice situation and the

Phillies will be looking for it Mike Schmidt has already started to come in from third base Vick has one hit in 18 times this year but I doubt he’ll be swinging away here Ruth been a right-handed B pitch on the way to him squares around drops it

Down the first base side it rolls foul strike one the Roth Phillies one to nothing RBI Larry boa and that’s the way we stand in the last half of the third inning Larry Christenson who missed his last start because of an attack of asthma will be working here tomorrow afternoon against Preston Hannah hborg stretches here’s the pitch

To ruthman he takes it low a ball and that time he did not indicate a bunt the only final from National League Baseball this afternoon noon the Dodgers over the Giants 3 to1 American League finals Boston over Detroit 1- nothing Toronto beat New York 4 to1 Cleveland over Baltimore 5

To2 Oakland for Chicago three one game was rained out Kansas City at Minnesota ran handles the bat very well for a pitcher in fact he really Prides himself in his hitting he likes to hit and it’s the type of guy where you might let him bunt one time and then swing the

Bat the next time which is what Cox did here’s the one- one pitch to him he’s back to bun again he drops it down bone picks it up throws to Second safe everybody safe that ball did not go down the first Baseline very far boony was

Right on top of it but his throw to second base did not have much on it for some reason it died in front of B Larry tried to take it on the Hop but already called safe Was Daryl Cheney a sacrifice for ruthman and everybody

Safe well that’s one of those Do or Die plays and boony was off balance when he threw it and that’s why he didn’t have the Velocity on it that it might get he kind of threw off the other leg in his attempt to get the runner at

Second couple of bad plays by the Phillies again and they’re in trouble nobody out on the inning Runners at first and second and now the Braves go to the top of the order here’s Jerry Royer stretching the pitch to Royster a fast ball high and he had squared not

Squared around but actually choked up on the bat as if to drop a bunch Royster popped out to Dave Johnson in his first at Bat ph’s leaded one to nothing but the Braves threatening in their half of the third here’s the one- nothing pitch to Royster he punts Third Base side boony chasing it it rolls foul Royer buns foul to make the count one ball and one strike well he was up

There in a sacrific situation almost got himself a base hit he put a perfect fun down the third Baseline and just had a little bit of spin on it rolled fou was very very close having basic loaded nobody Out Royer started the run without he has to come back we’ve got a one ball one strike count on the Atlanta infielder Lon stretches here’s the pitch to him he’s around to bun again but he bunts it foul and went off the hand of Boon one ball in two strikes I think

Boony took a piece of that on the meat hand the Harvey talking to Bob nobody out in the Braves third inning lanor gave up a two out walk in the first retired them in order in the second but an error and the Phillies unsuccessful playing of that sacrifice

Has them in trouble here in the Third here’s the stretch onew pitch on the way to Royster fastball grounded foul outside of third well here in Atlanta they have something like our daily news home run payoff and this is their payoff Inning ours tonight will be number five when the Phillies bat one run three hits in an air for the Phillies no runs no hits for the Braves unorg stretches here’s the pitch it’s a shot in Center steal getting back is matox and he catches that ball

Tagging at second base is Cheney he will go to third base holding at first base is Ruth Jerry Royer hit a shot but MX retreated to make the catch that’s out number one just a perfect example of why he is such a good outfielder Gary Maddox have said many times how shallow he

Plays while he was really playing shallow on Royer and Royster hit the ball over his head and he went back and made a tremendous play on that ball and saved Jim lawn more all kinds of trouble next up Brian alstein left-handed batter he took a called third strike in

The first inning lorg has three strikeouts tonight now we’ve got Runners at the corners with one down the pitch to Asel Stein a pass ball high ball One ASL Stein from s of barbar California 24 years of age he was the Braves first draft choice in the winner draft of 73 the pitch to him is a fast ball low and he swings and misses one ball one Strike Ryan batting 274 according to Bobby Cox he is going to be playing the majority of the games in center field having beaten out Roland office who will probably be traded here’s the 1-1 pitch ground ball to First fielded there by hner he can’t get

A hold of it finally he does and steps on the B but a run crosses the plate Hassel Stein grounds out the heavner who bobbled that ball a couple of times but he was right on the bag as he did it and a run cross the plate as that happened

Giving asol Stein his 10th run B then and the Braves have tied the ball game that’s the second out advancing to second base is ruthman prie had ideas of going to second base and trying to go a 363 double play on that ball Bru of course the pitcher runs pretty well and

Asle runs fair and in his haste to do that he picked the ball up and double dribbled it and dropped it a couple times and was just able to get the one out here’s Gary Matthews at the plate pitch on the way to him as a pop fly

Shallow right field long run for bake McBride out is Johnson but bake will make the play and the inning is over so the Braves score a run without benefit of the hit one run no hits one air one man left on base Harry Callis will have

The play byplay for you in a moment at the end of three we’re all even 1-1 a luxury car ought to give you your money’s worth of luxury it ought to be big enough for you to stretch out in and have a smooth and easy ride Chrysler

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Your local Chrysler Plymouth dealer and get your money’s worth have you heard what’s happening at gos no man What’s happen right now you can get a goo’s Giant and regular fries for just 9 all right On that’s 99 B pennies for a delicious goo’s Giant and regular fries at participating goo’s restaurant hey that’s cool not cool hot the hottest deal in town is Gino’s giant deal yeah big deal not big gigantic Gino’s giant deal two all beef burgers too right a goo’s giant two all beef burgers piled

High with all the trimens and goo’s special sauce and then gos adds their crispy fries all for just 99 makes sense to me right again 99 Cents for Gino’s giant deal but you got to hurry offer expires June 4th now how do you Feel hey you know fella you you’ve got a pretty good voice I’ve been practicing we move to the fourth inning of a one-1 ball game and before play resumes in the forth let’s pause for station identification along the Phils Baseball Network this is KYW Philadelphia 64° cloudy at Independence

Mall mostly cloudy tonight and tomorrow morning it is 8:29 leading off for the Phillies here in the fourth will be Greg lozinski the bll was called out on strikes his first time up one-1 ball game Phillies have three hits the Braves have none Braves got a run without benefit of a hit and

That third inning pick ruthman ready to work to Greg lozinski ruthman has been throwing a good fast ball tonight here’s a pitch to The Bull fast ball grounded to the right side Jerry Royster the second baseman has it and throws and linski is out on one pitch one down that’ll bring on Rich

Hner he struck out his first time up rman has won two he’s lost four this year carrying in an earned run Mark of 3.79 he has pitch one shut out hner steps in one-1 ball game fourth inning wind up by ruin here’s the pitch

On the way to hebner and it’s over for a strike call to change up one strike to C to Hner one strike pitch to him curve ball is low inside for a ball and it’s one one one ruin when he was first signed by the Phils had an exceptional curveball say that was his out pitch at Fresno State the one-1 pitch is a breaking ball it’s over for a strike

Call and he’s in front of heavner a ball and two strikes pitching very very well tonight he’s getting his fast ball over with good velocity he’s breaking ball over and using his change up very effectively here’s the one-w pitch fast ball it’s a little bit low for a ball it’s two and two

He WS in two strikes to count to hner one out of no base runners Philly’s got their run out of double by bake McBride and RBI single by Larry Bo two two pitch fast ball over for a strike call hner is called out on strike fourth strike out

For Ru and that’s two down in the fourth and that’ll bring on Gary MX he went down swinging his first time Up matox has picked up nine hits in his last 22 at that on this disastrous trip which have seen the Phillies lose 8 out of 10 matx has played well as has Larry boa ground ball back up the middle a base hit for Gary matox not sharply hit but a seeing

High ground ball up the middle for a base hit ph’s fourth hit off dick ruthman that’ll bring on Bob Boone who popped up his first time up adx might try to steal a base here Gary has stolen nine this year he’s been caught twice Ruan has a real good move to first

Base and he’ll sense that and he’ll keep M Out close here’s a pitch to Boon a fast ball that misses low for a ball one of nothing to count to baboon matox takes a pretty good siiz lead throw to first base close play Gary has to die back in safely

Out was stretch by Ruth in the 10 oh Pitch Pitch Out nothing on Pitch Out was fairly close to a strike but the couns two balls and no strikes to Bab Boon here’s a stretch by ruin two- pitch swinging in a very high fly ball right center field Brian aselin is right there

Waiting he makes the catch and the Phillies are down in the fourth no runs one hit no errors one left go to the bottom half for the fourth inning it’s Phils 1 Atlanta one pouth Arrow gets great mileage 39 on the highway 29 in the city and has a low

Sticker price 3841 excluding taxes and destination charges and features like reclining buckets pinny glass and fold down rear seat so when you get a Plymouth Arrow you get your money’s worth the mileage is an EPA estimate for a manual transmission arrow with 1.6 L engine your mileage May differ Plymouth

Arrow’s great mileage price and features give you your money’s worth see it today it’s your local Chrysler pouth dealer I must be seeing double those guys riding that bicycle bill for two both look like Ed McMahon right you are Virginia but then I’m always beside myself when pick

A pair time rolls around that’s when everybody says my favorite word twice Biser right again just look for me both of me on the pick a pair display at your favorite store take home not one but two six packs of the king of beers and this

Year pick a pair time will be rolling from now right through the 4th of July weekend that’ll give you plenty of great times to enjoy the easy Taste of a Budweiser or two guess I’ll be seeing you real soon Ed both of you in fact and don’t forget to say it twice Budweiser

Budweiser smart girl all right partner yes indeed Edward now let’s pedal these six packs home bye fellas see you soon A Farewell my Chicken and BR St Louis leading off for the Atlanta Braves bottom half of the fourth inning Jeff Burrows he was called out on strikes his first time up Burrows having a great year came into the game inting 346 one-1 ball game bottom half of the fourth inning wind up by lorg and here’s the pitch to burrow swing and a line shot to left field Fair ball down the left field line linski chasing Burrow’s on his way to second goes in standing with a double

So Burrows gets the brav first hit off lomard a line double down the left field line Jeff burough is really having a good year of course is a tremendous candidate right now for the All-Star team and the voting going on right now and Harry Callas already has an Allstar

In his family from what I understand yeah that’s right Chris braad my 9-year-old son has made the Devin Stratford Allstar team along with teammate Brian Carr a short stop which was your position at marle New Town right that’s true I made a few all-star teams but it’s very nice for Brad

Congratulations is obviously a much better athlete than you first pitch to pocar Roba is a hard shot in the right field base HP Burrow’s rounding third being held there the throw comes into the plate a good thing bake made a good throw to the plate but pocar Roba has

Grounded a single to right and the Braves have Runners at first and third and nobody out Burrows does not run particularly well and third base coach Tom Burgess wisely elected to hold him at third bake made a strong throw and that’ll bring on Dale Murphy even though this is a grass and

Dirt field that ball was really smoked the right field and it got them mbde real quick and if BS had tried to score there was no chance it would have been really foolish to send him here’s a big rookie Dale mury Runners at first and third nobody out

And he looks at a strike called on the inside corner poova came into this game hitting 236 he always seems to hit well against the Phils he looks like a good hitter we play him stretch and the one strike pitch swing he chased the high fast ball

Nothing in two that count to Dale Murphy talking to Dick ruthman about him Harry he he really likes him a lot especially as a receiver he says he’s a good catcher works well with him sets up the hitters well and he says he’s a very underrated player if he was playing

Somewhere else you know where their team got publicity you’d hear more about him B strike by L board two strike pitch a breaking ball is high for a ball and it’s one ball and two strikes Jeff Burrows at third base fifth poker Roba first base and nobody out one-1 ball

Game bottom of the fourth lorg ready here’s the stretch onew pitch swinging a high ground ball to third Smith comes home they have Burrows hung up oone chases him down and tags him out so Schmid rather than conceding a run decided to come home they had Burrows dead to right

Raay have Runners at first and second one down Burrows out Mike Schmid to Bab Boon Murphy safe at first on a fielder’s choice and foba moves up to second with the tail end of the order coming up Chris I I think it’s not a bad play cut

Off the go-ahead run it is a good play especially the way the Phillies have been struggling to score runs and when you have a guy that dead to rights as they had Jeff bar you might as well go to the plate and get him and like like

You said it’s the bottom of the order and you don’t expect to get hurt that bad with these hitters coming up Barry banel the batter grounded out his first time up here’s a pitch by lomborg high and inside he has to lean away from the fast ball ball one one and nothing to

Count to benell poob at second base Murphy at first base and one out bottom of the fourth we’re tied at one lorg stretches one pitch swinging a ground ball to third might be two to Johnson one relay yes they turned the double play so the

Phillies get out of a big Jam in the fourth as Bell grounds into an any ending Double Play No runs two hits no errors one left after four it’s Phils one Braves one something no matter where we are just sharing a along the high a I just saved myself a trip to the bank and a trip to the post office I’ve got this new thing going with George Bank by phone from Gerard Bank just paid A month’s worth of Bill did a whole pile of banking I even gave myself a loan oh

Sure a few other banks have pay by phone but Gerard lets me pay and Bank by phone you know it’s almost like having a Gerard bank right here in my kitchen ask for a demonstration of George Bank by phone at any Gerard Bank Office Al the Phillies will be back at the friendly confines a veteran Stadium beginning Monday night against the big bad buckos from Pittsburgh Monday night’s game time 8:35 but plan to be on hand early pregame ceremonies will include the US Marines president drumman bugle score performing before the game as well

As the Glassboro High School band it’ll be Glassboro night and after the game dazzling fireworks show totally difference in the ones which you’re accustomed to seeing at the vet they’ll plan to be on hand on Monday night PL of tiets remain for that game as well as

The remaining two in the pirate series Tuesday and Wednesday at 7:35 Pirates will be followed in by the Los Angeles Dodgers Friday night June 2nd at 8:05 Saturday afternoon at 2:15 and Sunday at 130 well fans this is it time for another Daily News home run payoff and

Now you can win even more money because every hip pays off Davy Johnson leads off in our home run payoff inning takes a breaking ball high for a ball he’s batting for Chaz Hunter of Philadelphia a single pays $20 plus four tickets to a future game here’s a pitch on the way to

Johnson swing in a high popup on the right side of the infield Dale Murphy the first baseman puts it away Davy Johnson is out one down on the fifth and Chaz Hunter of Philadelphia you’ll get four Reserve seed tickets to a future Phillies game if a banner should triple

That would mean $100 plus tickets to a future game and you still win $1,000 for a home run 5,000 for a grand slam use the entry coupon appearing every day in the Daily News the more times you enter the better your chance Jim lomard batting for R Le Steiner of potown

Pennsylvania bouncing ball to third Barry vanell has it in throws and lomborg is out on one pitch that’s two down on three pitches in the fifth an R Le Steiner a PO down you’ll get four Reserve seed tickets to a future Phillies game that’ll bring up the top

Of the order bake McBride bake is two for two a single and a double and has scored the Philly’s lone run tonight one-1 ball game in the fifth inning bake will be batting for James Strauss of Liberty Avenue in Norristown Pennsylvania the Phillies run coming in the third inning when McBride doubled

And came around to score Larry boa’s basee hit Bray’s got their run without benefit of a hit that air a sacrificed fielder’s Choice a Fly Ball and a ground ball b stands in with two outs and no base runners batting for James Strauss of Norristown Pennsylvania wind up by Ru and here’s the pitch to McBride fast ball is high and tight for a ball one and nothing to bake McBride here’s a one pitch to bake and it’s a breaking ball high again ball two two and0 Billy’s got their run with two

Outs and no base runners when McBride got his double and Bo a base hit here’s a two- pitch to bake McBride it’s low for a ball and ruin falls behind him three and Nothing wind up by ruin here’s the three-oh pitch to McBride low Ball Four walked him on four pitches McBride is a base runner for the third straight time first walk given up by ruin James Strauss of Norristown you’ll get four Reserve seed tickets to a future Phillies game that’ll bring on Larry boa

Larry will be back batting for George Gardner K Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia boa has flyed out to deep right field single to drive in a run the Braves play him as a pole hitter Braves play him more unusually than any team in the National League here’s a

Pitch on the way to Bow and it’s low for a ball aselin is shading him a bit to Right Center Matthews plays him fairly deep in right of course all the other clubs play him as a left-hand hitter well around to the opposite field and Shallow Ruan throws the first base a close play but bake mcbry gets back’ be surprised to see bake McBride go too while lar boa’s B he and boa and Maddox have decided they’re going to do a little more running there he goes and the pitch is buted fouled down the third

Bas side bake was off and running but boa tried to bun his way on and bake will come back to First face he had a good jump one ball and one strike to count to Bo that’s one of those situations there were McBride was obviously running on his own two outs

And Larry did not realize he was going and just tried to put a bunt down the line try and get a couple men on for Mike Schmid don’t know whether he would have stolen the base but he had a heck of a jump and would have had a good chance to steal

It bing the strike the count to B pel moves in a step or two at third base one-1 ball game fifth inning ruin steps off the Rubber and looks at bake McBride the runner at first Bas B batting for George Gardner Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia in our daily news

Home run payoff inning here’s a pitch to Bo swing a line drive it is just fouled down the right field line well hit ball by boa but fouled by about a foot so B will come back to first base the count a ball and two strikes to Larry

Boa think ruthman keeps coming in to boa he’s he’s pitching him inconsistently T night and Larry hit the long slide ball to right and he got jammed and got his base hit last time and that pitch was in again he’s thring a lot of fast balls in

On the hands and he’s really handling that pitch well that’s obviously the reason why they’re playing him around like that because they’ve decided to pitch him in and not let him hit that pitch away to the opposite field now the stretch by Ruan throw to first base and bake McBride is Back Ruan stretches McBride going onew pitch is high the throw is also high and bake is safe at second base with a stolen Bay his second stolen base of the night is ninth of the year he’s only been caught once I think that might have been a

Pitch out yeah it might have been except I don’t know he defin the ball was definitely up and it was a good pitch for pocar Roba to handle and he’d made a poor throw to second but bake got a tremendous jump again he he really is playing well right now and just running

As well as he’s ever run McBride at second base with two outs two and two the count to boa pitch to him is very high and it’s three and two full count to Larry B now all of a sudden ruthan started to go away from him a little bit

I guess he figures he’s hailing the ball in on him so well that he has to change his pitching pattern on b a little bit Full Count to B bake McBride second base and two Outs 3-2 pitch swing and a pop up down the third Bas side Perry Bell in foul territory puts it away and the Phillies go down in the fifth inning George Gardner of Philadelphia get got four Reserve seat tickets to a future Phillies game join us again tomorrow afternoon when in a designated inning

You could win up to $5,000 in Daily News home run payoff no runs no hits no errors and one left we go to the bottom half of the fifth it’s Phillies one Brays one the cat is really on the prow at your Lincoln Mercury dealers he wants

These dealers to sell every mercury in stock everyone that includes the anniversary edition fordor Mercury Marquee with its traditional full-size luxury and comfort plus a special value package featuring a vinyl roof luxury wheel covers body side moldings flight bench seat and more right now this special package is being offered by

Lincoln Mercury to its dealers at a factory discount so check out your local Lincoln Mercury dealer now at the sign of the cat place and in the M there’s or little where something called Spar go and that’s what makes the mot good under the hood if the you use a champion

Do what you want to do when you turn the key on so you Gots do what you want them to do give you better and performance to so if you got four or eight little ho with a Daryl Cheney leads off for the Braves bottom of the 50th he with fa on an air and scored Atlanta’s run his first time up he takes a pitch high for a ball Lor’s one pitch high again ball two it’s two and nothing to Daryl Cheney 1-1 ball game bottom half of the fifth

Inning pitch to Cheney is fouled straight back Steven bordon from wer New Jersey is here at the Ballpark tonight cheering for the phills as our Mr and Mrs Jack Houston formerly from Philadelphia now living in Jacksonville pitch on the way is high and it’s three and One Mr Met this is Bill Houston listening in Wildwood tonight three and one the count to Daryl Cheney leading off for the Braves bottom half of the fifth inning here’s Lonnie’s 3-1 pitch and a highe ball for he walk second walk given up by lomberg that’ll bring up pitcher dick

Ruthan ruthman sacrifice his last time up was safe at first on a fielder’s Choice well I’m sure the Braves will be bunning again right now rman handles it bad very well 1-1 game fifth inning it’s uh seems like a situation where you would want to bunt with your

Pitcher here’s a stretch by laboard Ruth and around to Bonnie bunts it foul down the first base side one strike to count to Dick ruthman also a good hitter dick ruthman and he’s one of those tight pitchers that a manager might take the bun off and let him swing away and try

And get it through one of the holes that open up he like I said he really handles it bad well Rin looks down at Tom Burgess the third base coach see if the bun is still on br’s got their run without benefit of a hit on an air that’s sacrificing a

Fielder’s Choice flyball in the ground out one strike pitch he bunts it again again he bunts it foul down the first Bas side it’s nothing in two going to the count to Dick ruin Cheney at first base face nobody out bottom of the Fifth Lor Gets Ready has his sign from Boon here’s the stretch two- strike pitch he bunts it again it’s a fair ball lorg has the one play to first base gets him at first base sacrificed good by Ruan play goes lamborg to hner for out number one and moves Cheney up to second

Base and will bring up the top of the Order Jerry ryer ryer is popped up and lined out to center field Dodgers defeated San Francisco 3-1 today bir hudon got the win V blue took the loss Montreal is really pounding on Pittsburgh they leaded nine to one at

The end of five innings Rudy May the recipient of All Those runs Jim Rooker started for the buckos he didn’t get past the third inning here’s a pitch on the way to Royster and a tie for a ball Larry perish in an expose home run his

Fourth of the year had the two at St Louis nothing nothing the C Cubs in the Cardinals Dennis lamp and Bob Porsche now the stretch by lomborg the one pitch to Royster is low for a ball it’s two and nothing American leag finals this afternoon Toronto defeated New York 4 to1 Jim Clancy the winner Ed AA took the loss they had 55,000 Plus at Yankee Stadium for that

One largest crowd in the major leagues this year cland defeated Baltimore 62 behind David Clyde winning his third without a loss Mike Flanigan took the loss and John grub hit a home run for Cleveland big swing and a miss by Royster a slider two and one the count

To Jerry Royer Boston one- nothing over Detroit lisan pitching the shut up Morris was the loser the only run coming in a Jim Rice home run his 17th of the year Kansas City of Minnesota were postponed because of rain Seattle in Texas no score in the first inning at Texas Tom house against

John mlac here’s a 2-1 pitch sighing in a line drive to left field linski makes the running catch no chance for return to second base hling back to Second Daryl Cheney ryer hit it on the line but ad luzinski two down kany at second base and that’ll bring up Bryan alstein

Hlin has struck out and grounded out Jerry Royster is really hit into some tough luck tonight the last time he was up with a couple men on he hit a shot that Gary Maddox made a heck of a play on in center field and that ball to

Left the linski had to come on hard make that so he’s really had a tough Night jny second base two outs bottom of the fifth we’re tied at one lomborg pitch to alstein he golfs the foul behind the Phillies Dugout down the third Bayside one strike to count to Brian Alstein here’s a stretch by lorg one strike pitch a little bit low for a ball it’s one in one plays are very high in this 24-year-old left hand hitter Brian alstein feel like he is going to be their center fielder for a good number of years one- one pitch to him as a

Curveball it’s over for a strike call B and two strikes to aselin here’s lamborg stretch onew pitch SW a ground ball on the right side gatel up by Dav Johnson he throws and ASL Stein is out PR go down in the fifth no runs no hits no airs and one left after

Five the score remains Phillies won Atlanta W and now it’s time for a tasty break take Baseball battler Major Leaguers come from every part of this Greek country of ours many come from places like Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic but only one came all the way from Czechoslovakia to the big

Leades can you name him why you toss that around head for the kitchen and grab the cake that started right here in Philadelphia it’s Tasty Cake of course like tasty cake chocolate peanut butter and mint candy cakes three delicious ways to discover the scrumptious fresh baked taste people have been cheering

For over 60 years and when you bring home candy cakes in family packs there’s always plenty of that great tasting cake to go around and now here’s the answer to our baffler the player that came to the Philadelphia a all the way from Czechoslovakia was Elmer valo one of

Baseball’s great pinch hitters who will long be remembered for his spectacular Feats in CMAC Stadium baseball and Tasty Cake they’re all the good things wrapped up in one in the KYW Newsroom this is Fred hunsburger in the news this hour there’s word that Resorts International Casino has received the biggest slot machine

Take ever by any casino the two major candidates for Pennsylvania Governor will hold a series of TV debates this fall about 15,000 people demonstrated across the street from the United Nations today all favoring disarmament by all the nations of the world 64 de cloudy skies on Independence M it’s 8:58

Now back to the Atlanta Phillies game Mike Schmidt will lead off for the Phillies here in the sixth inning a 1-1 ball game Schmidt has grounded out and fly out to right field Chicago Cubs got two runs in the third they now lead St Louis two nothing at the end of three

Those Cubs have been playing fine baseball ruin ready to go to Mike Schmidt here is the wind up and the first pitch to Schmitty a fast ball is low for a ball why nothing to count to Schmid there’s a wind up by Ruth in the

10 pitch fast ball popped up way up in the air in foul territory behind the Braves dugout pocar Roba can’t quite get there two rows back B on a strike to Schmidt let’s pause for station identification this is the Phillies baseball Network this is KYW Philadelphia it’s 64° cloudy at

Independence Mall mostly cloudy tonight and tomorrow morning it is 9:00 one and one to Mike Schmidt leading off the Philly E6 here’s ruan’s 1-1 pitch fast ball is high it’s two and One Sign flash by Biff poova here’s the two1 dmid high again ball three Pauls behind him three and one Ren has walked one he is struck out Four wind up by Ruth in the 3-1 pitch swaying in a high high pop foul coming back and out of play behind the screen so it’s a full count to Mike Schmidt good grab by a fan behind the screen Phillies won and the Braves won we’re in the sixth Inning here’s the 3-2 pitch to Schmidt a fast ball low Ball Four he walked to Mike the base runner second walk given up by dick ruin that’ll bring on Greg linski the ball has struck out and grounded out second to First just about as low as you can

Recall linsky’s batting average being at this stage of the campaign in late May came into the game hitting 246 set a tough trip pitch on the way to the ball as a breaking ball in the dir good block by Biff pocoroba one and nothing to count to Greg

Linski here’s a stretch by ruthman and the pitch to luzinski swanging a foul ball back out of Play Good grab by a fan in the upper neck one ball and one strike to count to linski Schmid at first base nobody out sixth inning here’s a stretch by Ruan one-1

Pitch a breaking ball as Pop foul back and out of play and ruin in front of the bull one ball and two Strikes Now Ru is ready here’s the throw to first Bas just a loud toss not his good move Schmid back in plenty of Time onew pitch a sidearm breaking ball swinging them as he struck Em Out dropped down to the side and gave him a sidearm slider struck out luzinski for the second time that’s five strikeouts for rof and one down in the six that’ll bring on Rich hner hner has been up

Twice and twice he is struck out big problem for the Phillies on this road swing where the Phillies are one two and DRFT eight has been the production out of the meat of the order the three four and five men Schmidt luzinski and hner simply have not been

Able to hit during this entire trip throw to first Bas and Schmidt gets back in time there’s a stretch by ruthman and the pitch to hner Swang in a flyball center field Asel Stein is right there makes the catch though hner is out two down Schmitty holds it first base and

That’ll bring on Gary madx Maddox is one out of two he is struck out in singles with two outs Mike Schmid might possibly try to steal a basey has stolen four bases this year he’s been caught three times matox is been a good hitter on this trip had

10 hits in his last 23 at pass a quick throw to first base and Mike Schmidt gets back 1-1 ball game sixth inning two out Schmid at first base here’s a pitch to Gary madx swaying in a Fly ball into deep center field Asel Stein away back it is out of here

Home run to straightway center field off the bat of Gary madx Mike Smith scores in front of him and the Phillies lead it by a count of three to one the manox gets his second home run of the Year both have come on his road trip

Here the Phillies a big boost the Phils now lead at 3-1 Bo and matox really and bake McBride lately have been the only players that have hit it all on this road trip and Gary mtox really hit that ball well to center field was a pitch it was down and

He really went down and got it and drove it here’s Bob Bo and the pitch to him is fouled straight back matox is Homer for a case of Tasty Cake for him and wife Sandra Sons Gary Lee and Derek and also one for the St Edmund’s home for

Crippled children so the Phillies have taken a 3-1 lead in the sixth on Gary madx home run X pitch to Boon is low for a ball and the count is one and One B on his strike the count to Bab Boon two outs no base runners Phillies lead it 3 to1 sixth inning pitch to boony is a fast ball low two and One here’s ruin 2-1 pitch swing and a drive to deep right center field this will stay in the part though aselin there makes the catch but the Phillies moving front on matox two-run Homer two runs in the inning one hit no errors none left we go to the bottom half of

The sixth inning with a score phills three the ra one when you serve Lancaster brand Meats you’ll find there’s more to like than just the price like Lancaster brand boneless bottom round roast its consistent quality assures you it will be tender juicy and flavorful slice after slice and that’s

True whether you choose a Lancaster brand boneless bottom round roast or any of our other fine cuts of meat remember the Lancaster brand is sold only at acne Super Saver markets at acne Super Saver serving you as our policy and my pleasure I’m a PhD in economics right I run

Around to three stores to buy food so I save a dollar here a dollar there and yet I let $200 sit in my checking account where it doesn’t earn a sent no more now I use the George machine at Gerard Bank to move money from my savings to my checking account only when

I need it with George I push the buttons and I’m the brains behind the bank that’s got to make me the smartest Banker in town George lets you be the banker Gerard Bank we’re there when you need us you know impurities in your car’s gasoline can cause bucking missing and

Even stalling well now you can effectively clean your car’s fuel with a Lee inline gasoline filter it removes impurities before they reach the engine or carburetor and it’s on sale now at pen Jersey auto stores for just 99 Cents the Lee inline gasoline filter just 99 Cents at pen Jersey another reason why

They say when your car are R Auto well the Phillies come back home on Monday night against the Pittsburgh Pirates hope to see you there the Phils and the buckos at game time will be 8:35 at plan to be there early at 7:30 a performance by the US Marines president drumman bugle Court it will also be

Glassboro night the Glassboro High School band will be on hand and after the game an exciting new and different fireworks display all that on Monday night when the Phils come back to Veterans Stadium Gary Matthews leading off for the Atlanta Braves here in the 60 has walked and flyed out to right Lor’s

Pitch to him big swaying in a Miz one strike to count to Gary Matthews next pitch on the way is high for a ball at one and one onboards one- one b in the dirt gets by Bob Boon two and one the count to Matthews Phillies lead this game 3-1 we’re playing in the bottom of the Six here’s the 2-1 pitch low for a ball he falls behind Matthews three and One lomborg 3-1 pitch to Matthews bouncing ball to Mike Schmidt at third he has it and throws out at first base is Gary Matthews that’s one down in the sixth inning that’ll bring on Jeff Furrow furrows was called out on strikes his first time up line to double to left

In his second at pass Danny said before the game tonight since Lon hadn’t pitched for a couple weeks that he thought that he would really watch him closely after six Innings and if he could get five or six good Innings out of him that might be it

Pitch on the way to Burrows is high for a bow well he’s had five very good Innings so far out of Jim lomard who’s given up one unearned run only two hits pitch on the way to Burrows is low and it’s called two two and nothing lot

Of it of course would have to do on how many pitches he’s thrown he hasn’t really labor tonight he been ahead of most of the hitters so he might let him go a little longer if he’s pitching well here’s a two- pitch and it’s high bow

Three three and nothing to count to Jeff burrow one out nobody on base we’re in the bottom of the sixth Phillies leading 3 to one there’s a three- 0 pitch inside Ball Four walk him on four pitches that’ll be the third walk given up by Lomo Burrows a base runner with

One out it brings on Biff pooa he is flyed out to left in Singles Bil’s got some Bullpen activity warm Brewsters starting to throw there’s a stretch by lorg and the pitch to poova is a fast ball that’s over for a strike called right-hander Tomy bogs is throwing in the Atlanta Braves bll pen here’s a pitch on the way Swang at a pop

Foul coming back behind the screen and out of Play Nothing until the count to Biff pocar Roba Burrow’s first base one out bottom of the six Phillies lead this game 3 to One the two- strike pitch sang and a broken bat Looper to right field BAS F Burrows will stop at second base with the pesky fif pokero but first with a looping single to right his second hit of the night only the third hit surrendered by Jim lour two men on base

One out that’ll bring on Dale Murphy the first baseman Murphy is struck out and round of into a fielder’s Choice Jeff Burrow’s second base stiff poker over at first base and one down the pitch to Murphy he chased the low and Away slider one strike to count to Dale Murphy now stretch by lomard one strike pitch to him bounce foul down the third Bayside lorg in front of Murphy nothing in two Bob Boon TRS out to talk to Jim lomor this big guy Dale Murphy so far what we’ve seen of him he really looks like he’s a Deadpool hitter and Phillies

Are throwing him a lot of breaking balls Lono throwing him sliders away and what you hope to do is a guy will try and pull that pitch and he’ll wind up hitting a weak ground ball to the left side of your infield I think him to the count to Dale

Murphy Burrows at second base he walked pool at first base he singles the two- strike pitch sidearm slider missing low and outside it’s one and Two lorg ready here’s the stretch onew pitch bouncing up there for a ball it’s two and two rck Camp is up and throwing now Atlanta Braves Bullpen here’s the two two pitch slow ball three a Full Count to Dale Murphy so after getting a in front of Murphy

Nothing and two lomborg tried to get the big guy to chase a bad pitch he did not and it’s a full count here’s lomard stretch 32 pitch swinging a bounding foul down the third base side of Tom Burgess their base coach stays three and two to Murphy

Adrien Divine has joined Rick camp in the Braves Bullpen warm Brewster throwing in the Phillies Bullpen bottom of the six bills lead 3-1 here’s a 3-2 pitch low Ball Four he walked him and that allow the bases the fourth walk given up by Lomo two of them

In this inning and the Braves have them jammed with one out that’ll bring on Barry benell he is grounded out and grounded into a double play so lorg in some sixth inning trouble here a walk a broken bat base hit and another walk pitching coach Ray Ripple me is coming

Out should indicate that lorg is going to stay in the ball game usually when Danny Ozark comes out the pitching change is made rip having a talk with Jim lomborg the Braves have the bases loaded one out bottom half of the sixth inning Phillies lead 3 to

One well looks like Danny’s going to let him go to at least one more hitter Brewster has definitely had enough time to be ready if they wanted to bring him in and a lot of times what’ll happen is he’ll stall a little bit like this but the Phillies really aren’t stalling

Right now because Brewster’s thrown Us in fact he’s kind of just pwing the mound out there right now and he’s ready if they wanted him lomborg will pitch to Barry Bell Bas is loaded one out Burrows at third pokero at second Murphy at first the pitch to Bell very high and inside ball One one and nothing to count to Barry Bell lomborg has his sign here’s the stretch the one oh Pitch swing and a miss at a sharp breaking slider one ball and one strike to count to Benell Bonnie has his sign from Bob Boone one-1 pitch high and inside ball two two and one the count to benel Bas is loaded with Braves one out Phillies lead 3-1 we’re in the bottom of the Six the 2-1 pitch swing ground ball to third schmi short half throws the second one relay a wide relay two runs are going to score and this game is tied up three to three SMI juggled moment arily threw to Dave Johnson Johnson hurried his relay through and he threw it away two runs

Score and this game is now a three to3 ball game and bell at second base safe at first on of fielders Choice goes to the second on the throwing air on Davy Johnson give Bella run bed in enabling Burrows to score karoba scores on the air on

Johnson forc at second base is Murphy two outs Bell at second base and that’ll bring on Daryl Chene score tied at three sixth Innings pitch on the way to Cheney is high for a ball Cheney is been safe out an air in his Walk here’s the pitch to Cheney and it’s over for strike called it’s one and one Phillies during this entire road trip just have not played well defensively at all and that is supposed to be one of the foures of the club ‘s have committed two more errors

Tonight pitch on the way to Cheney is outside it’s two and one the errors on this trip have been very costly here’s the stretch by Lomo the 2-1 pitch wide ball three it’s three and One now the stretch by lard 3-1 pitch playing in a ground ball foul down the first Bas side a Full Count to Cheney Rays have tied it here in the sixth inning and only one hit Bray’s got their first run in the third inning without a hit and have scored two runs

Here in the sixth inning on one hit a broken bat Single there’s a stretch by Lomo 3-2 pitch swing and a m struck out Cheney goes down swinging that’ll be the fourth strike out for Lomo but the Braves tie game game with two runs one of them on earned one hit one costly error and one man

Left at the end of 6 Phillies 3 Atlanta 3 and now it’s time for a tasty break trueu Phillies fans already know there never was a better baseball team than those fantastic Phillies just like true blue pie fans know there never was a better tasting package pie than Tasty

Cake pies try an apple a cherry a peach or blueberry and discover the tantalizing Taste of Tasty Cake pies they’re all the good things wrapped up in One when you paint this year select the paint that lasts longer mab seore house paint it gives you more years per gallon in fact it’s the best paint you can buy that’s because mab Seashore house paint was especially designed for the harsh rugged weather conditions on the shore

Like wind rain sun and especially Salt Air so when it comes to painting your home inside or out think of MAB in the more than 300 maab paint stores dealers and Rich Lux Home Centers bank americard and Master charge accepted well we move to the seventh

Inning of brand new ball game again tied at three Phillies three runs five hits the Braves three runs and three hits two of the Braves runs unearned as the Phillies continue to make bad plays in the field that’s kind of been the story of this entire road trip leading off for

The Phils will be Davy Johnson Johnson has grounded out and popped up here’s a pitch to Davey and a tie for a ball one to nothing Tim McCarver has moved into the on Deck Circle to pin ship for Jim Lomo next pitch to Johnson High towering fly to left field but it’s going to stay in the park Burrows there there at the warning track makes the catch and Davey is out one down we’ll bring on Tim mver to bat for Jim Lomo with one out in the seventh

Inning Phillies so far in this road trip playing their 11’s game have made 12 errs and the thing is they have been costly errs in just about every case very unfilly like Phillies are respected around the league as one of the finest Fielding teams in the game maryver hitting 371 as a pinch

Hitter Timmy is one out of five have to be happy with Jim Lor’s performance he he gave the Philly six strong Innings he gave up three runs but you know they were really cheap runs and only three hits and showed no signs of his back problem so that’s encouraging

Here’s a pitch on the way to marver A change is over for a strike call one strike to Tim mauver with one out 33 ball game seventh inning pitch to Timmy a fast ball high for a ball and it’s one and One all of the strike to count to Tim M Carver pitch to him is low for a ball it’s two and one two balls and a strike to marver batting for Jim Lomo hot night tonight Chris I decided not to smoke my cigar in deference to you thank

You here’s the 2-1 pitch change is over for a strike called it’s two and two didn’t have to get so angry and break it head what was wrong with it nothing was wrong with it it’s a matter of opinion must have been a throwback to the last inning the

Pitch to mver is swinging him as he struck him out good fast B by Ruth is recorded six strikeout two down of the seventh that’ll bring on bake McBride bake has been a b three times he’s been on base all three times a single a double and a walk stolen two

Bases two outs nobody on base seventh Innings 3-3 ball game final game of this road trip thank heavens will be tomorrow Larry Christenson against Preston Hannah three run here’s a pitch on the way to bake a fast ball is’s low for a Ball buckos are having a tough time at Riverfront tonight or rather at Three Rivers tonight Montreal leading Pittsburgh 10 to one here’s a pitch on the way to McBride a leate swing and a miss Bing a strike to count to bake McBride with two outs and no base runners Here’s a one-1 pitch to MC prde it’s a slider on the inside corner for a strike call so Ruan is in front of McBride a ball and two Strikes there’s the one two pitch fast ball laced into right field Matthews makes the catch it his shootah screaming line drive grabed by Gary Matthews and his shoot Phil’s down in order in the seventh no runs hit their errors and none left we move to the bottom of the

Seventh the score phills three bravs three two years ago Plymouth introduced the most successful car in its history pois today we’ve got it in three styles that all give you your money’s worth the Slant six coup the gets better mileage than any six-cylinder automatic build in

America the sedan that’s room is in its PL and the wagon that’s become the number one selling Wagon in America over the past 2 years Coupe sedan or wagon valari gives you your money’s worth see it today at your local CH P dealer no can’t well we move to the bottom after

The seventh inning the Philly’s new pitcher tug McGrath for more play byplay here in the seventh there’s Andy musters thank you Harry tug is pitching for the first time since last weekend when he had a decision in every game in the Philly series at New York tug coming in

With a two- win three loss record an ear run average which is right on the Mark at three tug tonight appearing in his 15th ball game he has worked 18 Innings dick ruford is the scheduled batter for the Braves but it looks like they’re going to a pinch

Hitter and cedo Gaston will come out and bat for Ruthin let’s pause here for station identification the Phillies baseball Network this is KYW Philadelphia 61° cloudy at Independence Mall mostly cloudy tonight and tomorrow morning it’s 9:30 here’s CTO Gaston at the plate swings at the first pitch and a one hopper right back to the mound mcra grabs it and

Throws him out Gaston retired on one pitch and that’s the first out of the seventh inning so tug mcra came in and got the veteran right-handed pinch hitter cedo Gaston that’ll bring up Jerry Royer who is 0 for3 tonight he has popped out and twice lined out this ball game all even

Three runs aside the starters both out of there now lbour giving away to tug mcra and the Braves will be needing a new pitcher when the philli bat in the eighth Inning conference at the bound between Bob Boon and tug Mcrath the Braves Ace reliever Adrien Divine is up and throwing in their Bullpen Jerry Royce to right-handed matter the wind up in the pitch by McGraw a curveball is low ball one Well tug had quite a weekend last weekend in New York he was the loser on Friday night the winner on Saturday and the loser again Sunday swing in a foul straight back one ball one strike on Royster hitting a 263 twice the Phillies have had leads in this ball game and twice the Braves have come back to tie they have never LED l two of the three Braves runs are Unearned MC’s pitch is high a ball two balls in a strike the count on Jerry Royer Brian Asel Stein is on Deck here’s the 2-1 pitch by tug and it’s laced into right field but make McBride playing it almost perfectly catches it for the out that’s the third time tonight that

Royster has lined out he has lined out once to each of the outfielders and along with his pop-up he’s 0 for four two down in the inning the batter Brian Alstein HL Stein has knocked in one of the Atlanta runs he did it on a ground ball he’s 0 for three he is a left-handed batter base is empty two outs in the inning here’s mcg’s pitch it’s high ball one when the Phillies return to the vet

On Monday night Jim cot will pitch for the Phillies against a hard throwing rookie right-hander Don Robinson for Pittsburgh the one- nothing pitch a little flare Beyond short stop and it falls for a hit it was right over Schmidt’s head boa couldn’t get back in time and a little flare hit just beyond

The infield on the left side that is unbelievable well there was some indecision between Schmidt and boa boa obviously thought Schmidt was going to catch it and Schmid he gave up on it cuz he thought boa was going to catch it and it dropped and you know the way it’s

Been going that is only the fourth hit of the ball game for the the Braves just a little flare right over Schmidt’s head that fell barely on the edge of the Outfield grass so the Braves got a runner with two down and the power of their lineup is coming up here’s Gary

Matthews 0 for two with a walk Matthews Batting over 400 in this ballpark this year the pitch to The right-handed batter is the screw ball outside ball one Phillies three Braves three were in the seventh inning tug stretches here’s his pitch to Matthew as a fast ball it’s in for a

Called strike neither one of these teams has been scoring many runs lately not at all surprising to see them tied 3-3 in the seventh inning here’s McGrath’s 1-1 pitch and it’s a curveball High two and one Harry Matthews made a pretty good play last inning catching that low Wier by bake McBride

Here’s the 2-1 pitch to him he swings and Taps it the third base Schmidt over to Second for the force out and the inning is over for the Braves in the seventh no runs one hit and one man left at the end of seven it’s tied Phillies three Braves

Three I used to think of the George machine at Gerard Bank as my own private money game if I forgot to go to the bank or needed cash on a weekend there he was proceed to go and collect $200 man I own that withdrawal button you know what I

Mean and then I looked at all the buttons wow wow checking savings deposits loans transfers balances I got a whole bank right here now I do my everyday banking with George I push the buttons and I run the bank George lets you be the banker Gerard Bank we’re there when you need

Us here’s a great oil bargain from Penn Jersey auto stores Castro’s best GTX in 10w40 and 20 w50 now just 69 cents a qut limit 6 you’ll save 30 cents a qut during this limited sale so You’ pick up some right away castol GTX motor oil

Only 69 cents a qut at pen Jersey auto stores which is why they Say Auto back here in Atlanta the new pitcher for the Braves is going to be Adrien Divine remember a big 12 game home stand coming up for the Phillies beginning day after tomorrow 12 games beginning with the Pirates the Dodgers the Giants and these Braves and when the Braves come in on Friday June

9th for teen night all teens get a dollar off boxing reserve seats and a great pregame show that night featuring the group the youngsters love the tramps they’ll be doing their hit rition of Disco Inferno Chris you kept up with the changes while I was giving that little

Plug on the home stand what are they Brian Aslin went from Center to right and Adrien divine’s a new pitcher he’s going to hit number three uh bonell went from third base to center field and Rod Gilbert came in the game to play Third Base and he’ll hit

Ninth here’s Larry Boa at the plate and the pitch to larious high ball one lrien Divine is their top relief pitcher though his record uh may not show it he’s got a 5.79 earned run average and he’s got two wins and two defeats appearing tonight in his 20th

Ball game swinging a ground ball by boa off the glove of Murphy picked up by the second baseman though he can’t get either and B is safe Larry Ball will get an infield hit on that ball Larry Ball getting his second hit of the ball game he’s two for

Four and the Phils have a runner on to start the eighth inning gra still had a chance to make Geto on that play after Murphy messed it up and went right over to Royster Royster then fumbled it and uh the Braves kicked the ball around a little

Bit that time like the Phillies have been Doing and the plate Mike Schmidt Mike Schmidt being called in for a conference with first base coach Tony Taylor schitty is 0 for two tonight with a walk bills with the go-ahead run on base nobody out only reason that Tony Taylor could be talking to Mike Schmidt is that BOA

Told him to tell him something like he might be going on the first pitch because Billy Demars would be giving the signs at third bck the right-hander winds and then quickly makes a throw over to First not in time dine is 26 years of age a Texan

From galvaston this is his third year in the big leagues he had previously been with the Braves went to Texas and they got him back right-hander stretches pitch on the way to Schmid a shot to left field coming hard and the ball is caught in left field by

Jeff Burrows and a throw now back into the infield and what’s the call here there’s no way well we’ll have to see a replay and I can’t believe that that he caught that ball and then well we’ll have to oar’s going to argue about it and boa is

Going to argue about it and Demars is going to argue about it so boa was doubled off first base Larry thought sure the ball had fallen in we were watching the third base umpire Jerry Crawford who made the catch sign all the way there’s a big conference

Going out behind third base right now and Doug Harvey is going out there to step in front of Larry B and try to cool him down there’s no way that the Phillies will overrule the Umpire here that’ll go as a double play Chris has left the microphone for a

Moment to try to catch the replay if indeed it is shown to see exactly what happened but that was a sinking liner in left field Jeff Burrows made a tremendous play on it Larry I thought there was no way that he could have caught the ball and so Larry was easily

Doubled off first Base lari boa has left the field Danny ozar continuing his complaints out there and it’s getting quite heated right now Billy dears is talking with the home plate umpire and Danny is nose to nose with Jerry Crawford they’re into a real screaming match out there Jerry the young Philadelphia umpire son of Veteran

Umpire shy Crawford Ozark is out of the game Danny Ozark has just been ejected from the ball game but before he goes he’s getting the last shot in at Crawford and looks like Jerry’s giving it right back well I just saw the replay and the ball

Bounc I would say almost a foot in front of the outfielder almost a foot and I just can’t believe you can miss a play that bad I don’t care who he is you just can’t miss a play that bad when you’re looking right at it you Know a doubled off first base so instead of Phillies having a genuine threat here there are two outs in the inning and nobody on base and now Danny ozar has been ejected from the ball game Jerry Crawford really ought to be ashamed of himself for that that’s just

Unbelievable I mean that’s the reason B was doubled off by so much because he was down at second base standing there because the ball had been trapped by Jeff burrow I mean it’s just unbelievable you know the things that are happening on this trip and when an

Umpire makes a terrible call like that it doesn’t help just unreal well Mike smid had standing at first Bas this entire time but he is now going back to the duck out that was a hard hit low liner by Schmitty that looked like it certainly was going to

Fall in and according to Chris’s observation of the TV replay it did in fact fall in I did not see that but at any rate that was a tremendous play by Burrows and left field and the Phillies are very upset about the fact that BOA got doubled off first didn’t need a

Replay really but it just had to see it you know off the naked eye from here it was obvious here’s Greg linski swinging and a foul at the pl strike one the Bulls had another tough night he is 0 for three and has struck out twice Jerry

Crawford is looking in The Dugout he wants to run about five more people and he might get a Chance one strike on Greg linski wind up in the pitch by Divine swing and a miss and a breaking pitch nothing and two the count on luzinski this game is tied Philly three Braves three were in the top half of the eighth inning and when things start to go bad even the umpiring

Gets bad here’s a curveball outside one and two the count to linski Braes got Divine back in the Willie Martinez deal a fast ball misses low two and two the count dick ruthman went the first seven innings for the Braves giving up five hits and three runs he walked to struck

Out six Gary MX hit a home run off him pitch to the ball is a broken B ground round ball to Short Stop picked up by Cheney the throw across is in time and the inning is over for the Phillies no runs one hit nobody left on base at the

End of and half Phillies three Braves three clouth Arrow gets great mileage 39 on the highway 29 in the city and has a low sticker price 3841 excluding taxes and destination charges and features like reclining buckets pinny glass and fold down rear seat so when you get a

Plymouth Arrow you get your money’s worth the mileage is an EPA estimate for a manual transmission arrow with 1.6 L engine your mileage May differ clth Arrow’s great mileage price and features give you your money’s worth see it today at your local tler pth Dealer back here in Atlanta and we go to the Braves half of the eighth inning a tie ball game Jeff borrows their cleanup hitter will lead it off against tug McGrath controversy abounds in this ballpark tonight Danny Ozark has been ejected and the Phillies really think they have been robbed in this one

Tonight Burrows pocar Roba and Murphy the Batters in the eighth inning here’s the wind up by tug in the pitch it is over for a strike call Burrows has struck out doubled and walked he has scored one of the Atlanta runs burls batting 348 here’s the pitch from the left-hander

Swing and a ground foul trickling straight back nothing and two the count on right-handed batter Jeff furrows the starters are gone Lon Borg and ruthan out of the ball game it’s tug mcra matched against Adrien dine right now in tied three3 here’s a pitch that

Really sailed on tug way up high one and two well Jeff bar just got a little knockdown message right there and all he did was try and trap the the ball in the outut it wasn’t his Fault here’s the one-w pitch on the way breaking ball high they’re going to knock somebody down they want to knock Jerry Crawford down pitch didn’t s all that much now that was an 02 message well you are lashing out in all directions no that was just what that

Was here’s a two- two pitch change up or a screw ball is outside Full Count mcra goes Full Count to burrow is waiting off the eighth inning for the Braves all right tug has the sign from Boon he winds and here’s the pitch swing and a foul

Ball two of the three Braves runs are unearned tonight been a tough night for Davey Johnson he’s committed a pair of errors and Johnson is 0 for three at the plate tug wines here again the 3-2 pit pitch it bounces ball four Jeff Burrows walks for the second straight

Time and the Braves have to go ahead run on Braves are going to a pinch runner for Burrows Roland office will go in and run for Burrows rol and Office up to the plate F pocar Roba po has had singles his last two times up switch hitter now batting right-handed the pitch to him is bed toward third it’s a beauty SMI Fields One play first base in time hner staying on the bag to receive that throw the

Sacrifice successful office goes to Second a 5-3 sacrifice that’s the first out of the inning and now Dale Murphy and Barry benell will have chances to drive in the go-ahead Run Murphy is 0 for two tonight with a walk Roland office the runner at second base and one out on the

Inning both bullpens quiet right now tug is out the belt here’s the pitch to Murphy swinging a ground ball headed for the hall scooped up by Schmidt holds the runner throw across in time a nice play by Schmidt Mike went into the Hall to feel that ground ball a grass hugger and he

Skimmed it right off the ground picked it up threw him out and at the same time held offic at second base that’s the second out and to the plate Barry bonell well benell has hit the ball Schmidt’s way three times tonight once into a double play once getting aboard on a force out

On the potential inning ending double play in the sixth when the Braves got two runs swing and a miss at the curveball strike one Barry benell started the game at third base now playing in right field for the Braves make that center field pitch on the way to the plate is low a ball one ball one strike to Barry benell right-handed B tug stretches here’s the pitch screw ball outside two and one last night the Braves won four to2 behind Phil nro his knuckle ball was

Really working the only Dent was Jerry Martin’s home run here’s the pitch to benell lace to left field linski coming hard he grabs the ball and hangs but no It Gets behind him it goes beyond him and scoring on the play is office all the way to second base LEL and the

Braves has taken the lead lozinski got leather on that ball but he couldn’t hang on and the Braves have gone up four to three Greg lozinski will draw an err on that play and there will be no RBI but the Braves have the go-ahead Run third air of the ball game for the

Slump written Phillies how much you can add to that the ball was a sinking line drive and linski came up and tried to make the catch and he was there in time and the ball went off the heel of his glove some game Daryl Cheney is out the

Plate right-handed batter the pitch to him swing and a miss a strike well you got to say tough night for linski too because his plate slump has continued the ball is 0 for four tonight with a pair of punch outs and now this error to allow the go-ahead run to score for

Atlanta pitch to Cheney misses low one ball and one strike well how do you think the Pirates feel Montreal 15 bucks one and that is a final score your basic route kany takes low ball too two and one KY got aboard on an eror by Dave Johnson and scored earlier tonight an

Unearned run he has also walked and struck out it’s now 4-3 Atlanta pitch to the plate ripped into left field here’s another one but this one Falls in front of linski being waved around as Barry by now heading for the plate stars and the Braves get another

Run sarl FY a line drive single to left field and the Braves waited five to three any he runs the Braves get now will be unearned because the err by linski would have been the third out of the inning that’s only the seventh run driven in by Cheney he’s at first with

Two downs and Rod gilberth batting out of the number nine spot he’s the guy that killed the Phillies last year with a 349 batting Mark against them right-handed batter the pitch to him it’s in for a strike call gilberth Batting 216 this year no home runs eight

Runs batted in he has some power he hit three homers against the Phillies last year and knocked in 11 runs tug stretches here’s the pitch to gilberth Fly ball right side it’s going foul out of Play Nothing and two the count on G Tug ready here’s the pitch to gilber it’s way high of ball well the first hit the Braves had in this inning was the single by Cheney they got the go-ahead run without benefit of a hit high ball two two and two lead off walk to Burrows sacrifice round

Ball and then the error by luzinski on the sinking liner hit by Bell to score the Run swing and a popup it’s off the first base side and foul ground it’s out of Play Count remains two balls and two strikes on Rod gilber playing at third

And batting out of the number nine spot he was an eighth inning replacement Phil’s in danger of losing their fifth straight ball game and of dropping the under 500 for the year here is a base hit to center field and Gilbert picks it right up where he left off Cheney stops

At second and Rod Gilbert send the ball back through the middle for a base hit and he hasn’t forgotten that the Phillies are his favorite team up where he left off Cheney stops at second and Rod Gilbert sends the ball back through the middle for a base hit and he hasn’t

Forgotten that the Phillies are his favorite team well the Braves had three hits coming into the inning and they have three in the inning I beg your pardon they have two hits in the they had four hits coming into the inning and they have two within the inning four and

Two back to the top of the Atlanta lineup and here’s Jerry Royer Royer is 0 for four the last three times up he has lined out tug stretches here’s the pitch to Royster fly ball down the right field line but it’s going out of play strike one on Royster Cubs Two Cardinals nothing their ball game in the sixth inning the Expos have beaten the Pirates 15 to1 Houston two the Mets won their game in the third swing and a miss by Royster nothing in two the count on the Atlanta second basem Well win or lose this road trip concludes tomorrow afternoon we’ll be on the air at 2:15 Philadelphia time Christensen against Hannah here’s the pitch the Royster ground Ball Boa backand throws over to Johnson at second in time for the force out and the inning is over but the Braves have done some

Major damage in this inning they have scored two runs they were both une earned they did it on two hits there was one error and there were two men left on base at the end of eight the Braves leaded 5 to three ignore this tone in the next 30

Seconds cutman transmission will analyze your transmission while it is in operation if it is faulty we’ll know about it and you will be fully aware of the Care cutman takes in its work as well as of their free towing service we can see it now it’s coming into Focus

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At your Lincoln Mercury dealers and he wants these dealers to sell every mercury in stock everyone that means you have a great chance to get into any one of his Fine Cars right now from the full-size Mercury Marquee right through his cougars Zephyr monarchs and bobcats

They’re all up for grabs right now see your Lincoln Mercury dealer quick because that cat means business at the sign of the cat defensive changes for the Atlanta Braves Roland office who entered the game as a pinch Runner will stay in and play in center field and Barry Bell will move to

Lufield that’s the third spot that Bell has been in tonight he started at third went to Center and now goes to left well the Braves lead it by two four of the five Braves runs tonight are unearned here’s Richie hner to started against Adrien Divine line drive down

The right field line a base hit for hner over to cut it off as Asel Stein and hner who had been 0 for three starts the ninth inning with a base hit to right field let’s pause here for station identification along the Phillies baseball Network this is KYW

Philadelphia it is 57° cloudy at Independence m mostly cloudy tonight and tomorrow morning KYW News Times 9:58 the Phillies bring the tying run to the plate in the person of Gary Maddox who has two hits tonight and Homer in his last bat madx a very hot batter lately he has

Nine hits and his last 15 times up Gary batting out of a Crouch swing and a miss a strike young Adrien dine an ex- Brave who went to Texas and is back again pitching in relief for Atlanta stretch in the one strike pitch foul back to the screen strike two hner at first with nobody out Atlanta leads it 5 to three the runs the brave scored against tug mcra are unearned runs and yet as of the moment tug stands to be the loser in this ball

Game Phillies need a ninth inning rally the Braves have Rick Camp up in the bullpen but actually he’s just standing down there watching the action right now pitch to MX is foul back to the screen count stays at 0 and two on Deck is Bob Boon the Phillies have out hit the

Braves 7 to six but their defense has betrayed them tonight but plenty three errors in the ball game leading to four unearned Atlanta Runs Dan Ozark ejected in this game for one call made by Third Base umpire Jerry Crawford tonight the vine stretches here’s the pitch on the way to madx swing and he just gets a piece of it and trickles a Foul the Cardinals have scored but the Cubs still lead 2 to one that game in the eighth inning at Bush Stadium here’s Biff pocoroba going out to have a word with Divine Bruce suder is in there pitching that game for the Chicago Cubs now buddy Schultz is in there pitching for St

Louis Divine stretches the O2 pitch to madx a ball off the handle of the bat sinking in right field and drops for a hit Gary’s on his way to second base the ball is rolling around the bullpen they’re having trouble with it and the Phils Runners get to second and third

Asel Stein had all kind of trouble with that blue pit to right fields and the phills have the tying runs at second and third with nobody out that’ll be the third hit of the ball game for Gary madx hle Stein tripped over the catcher area out there with a warming up another

Pitcher out in the Atlanta Bullpen and for a moment it looked like the ball had uh gotten past him but you know with nobody out there was no way you want to get a guy thrown out at the plate when you’re two down in the ninth so Billy

Dear’s made sure that Richie hner didn’t move off a third base and kept him right there b Boon heading to the plate for the Phillies first another conference at the mound between pocar Roba and the Pitcher divine The Phillies have Boone Johnson and possibly pinch hitter for McGraw Jean Garber is warming up in the Phillies Bullpen Bob Boon at the plate he’s 0 for three the pitch to Boon a wild pitch it gets by but nobody’s going to score the Phillies playing exceptionally cautious

Here I’m sure that hner could have come in on that one but he did not a wild pitch went all the way to the back stop but the runners did not move and now Bobby Cox on the way to the mound and I believe he has already made

The motion to the bullpen he stepped out of the Dugout in motion to the bullpen and we have a pitching change here in Atlanta 33 brick Camp is coming into the game for the Braves we’ve got a pitching change we’re in the ninth inning Atlanta leads 5 to3 but the phills have the

Tying runs on base we’ll be back following these messages regardless of your age if you ever thought of coming back to college now’s the time and the place is Widener College in nearby Suburban Chester Pennsylvania you can widen your world with Widener with Summer courses given in the day or

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You want to widen your world with Widener call 876 5551 2 years ago pouth introduced the most successful car in its history poic today we’ve got it in three styles that all give you your eworth the slant 6 coupe that gets better mileage than any six-cylinder automatic built in America

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Right-hander is in the lineup now for Atlanta as their pitcher Camp was their fireman of the year last year with 10 saves and six wins this year he is 0 and one with a 5.4 earned run average he inherits a potentially from their point of view disastrous situation the Phils

Have Runners at second and third he inherits a one- nothing count against Bob Boon that one pitch a wild pitch on which heavner did not score all right Camp stretches pitch on the way to Boon big swing in a Miss off a fast ball one ball and one strike Camp has one

Lifetime win over the Phillies they have not beaten him really don’t understand why no one did score in that wild pitch but you know maybe like Andy said maybe the Phillies were playing it I don’t know right hander camp at the belt here’s the pitch to Boon ground ball to

Third base over his head a base hit a run will score and being held at third base is matox Phillies are within one run it is 5 to four as Boon Cho the grounder over the head of gilberth at third base and the Phils have one of the

Runs now Runners at the corners and still nobody out three straight hits for the Phillies in the ninth inning buddy harelson into the game as a pinch runner at first base for Boon bobby gets an RBI his 22nd of the year charg the run to Adrien Divine Runners at first and third still

Nobody Out now at the plate Davey Johnson been a tough night for Davey but boy could he ever atone for that tough night right here Johnson has committed two errors and at the plate he’s 0 for three Braves infield is halfway there are no outs this means that they are in effect

Conceding the tying run they have shortened up now they have come in from the double play position and they have shortened up they are not conceding here’s the pitch on the way and it’s fouled back by Johnson they could actually pull a double play from this position if they got a grounder

That looked like a sure double play they would also have the option of coming to the plate and they’re at home of course and you know a tie they don’t get beaten with a tie and they’ have a double play and nobody on base so that’s probably

What they’re going to do they’re going to play halfway and if the ball is hit real hard you know they’ll go for the double play if it’s kind of in between they might come to the plate gives them a lot of options the way they have their

Infield set up C makes a throw to first base scampering back is the pinch Runner harelson and the Phillies have Barry foot Waring in the bullpen because they’ll need a catch CER now that harlson is running for Boon they hope they’ll need a catcher they have to tie

The game first here’s a hard hit ball off the glove of Cheney he’ll tie the ball game Gary mtox crosses the plate here goes harlson to Third Base he is in there that’ll be a base hit for Davey Johnson off the glove of Cheney he couldn’t come up with it and the

Phillies have tied the ball game in the ninth inning well that infield uh like we were just talking about before it happened the infield up being up halfway caused that ball to be able to get through if they’ have been playing back for the double play specifically they

Would have had it but they were playing up in the shortstop Cheney had to try and dive and knock the ball down and he almost did but it still sked out in the Outfield and now the Phillies are in real good shape number 21 J Johnstone

Jay Johnstone is coming out as a pinch hitter for tug mcra Jay Johnstone the pinch hitter Jay has been the Phil’s most frequently used pinch hitter this year but he is 0 for 12 in that Capacity so here’s Jay left-handed batter at the plate squaring off against the right hander Rick Camp pitch on the way to him hard hit ball to left Fields Barry Bell coming on in and he takes it for the out and his throw on in will be

In such a fashion that nobody can score harelson had to hang on at third and Johnson had to hold on at first Bas well that’s the first out of the inning the Phils had four consecutive hits prior to that shot by Jonstone out number one now another

Conference at the mound for Atlanta but they’re not going to make any changes here because they don’t have anybody up in the bullpen Bobby Cox is out to talk to Rick Camp as bake McBride is do at the plate for the Phillies it’s a tie

Ball game 55 in the top half of the ninth inning and for two clubs who claim they can’t score any runs or at least haven’t been lately this has been a pretty exciting ball game you really have to give the Phillies a lot of credit the way they’re coming back in

This game too after the horrible call by the Umpire took him out of one inning and then they gave up more runs the last inning they’ve come back and really gutted it out here in the nin and really would be nice to win this game potential

Go ahead run a third base for bake McBride both runs in the inning charged to Adrien Divine oh there a b a b a b has been called and the Phils will get a go-ahead run here is what uh Rick Camp did he blocked the throw toward first base

After Wheeling around but did not throw well they got all messed up for some way the reason the Braves Murphy wasn’t covering and he looked over there to throw and he wasn’t there and then he oh he just committed an obvious boss well that run is charged to camp

And it’s the go-ahead Run for the Phillies and now Jim Morrison is coming out and he’ll go to second base as a pinch runner for Davey Johnson Morrison out to second base to run for Dave Johnson make McBride at the plate no count on bake Phillies lead the ball

Game six to5 the Run scoring against camp on the ball so a minute ago the Braves led by two all they needed was three outs they only have one of them in they’re trailing here’s a swing and a ball on the left side it’s backhanded by Cheney

He will have no play that’ll be a base hit for McBride an infield hit by McBride as the ball got by Gilbert that went to Cheney but he had no play and bake McBride has his third hit of the ball game Morrison had to hold its second

Base that is the 12th hit for the Phillies at the plate Larry Bo here’s the pitch to Larry it’s low inside a ball Larry has a pair of hits Tonight stretching the pitch to boa he drops a bun it’s fielded by Camp throws on over to First in time for the out the other Runners moving up the base I’m sure Larry will get a sacrifice on that yes he will and the play goes one to three boa advancing Morrison to Third

And McBride to Second scoreboard shows the Phillies with 12 hits and we announced that to you but I’m sure the Phillies total is 11 hits in this ball game all right here’s Mike Schmidt at the plate Mike is 0 for three with a walk Runners at second and third and

They’re going to go ahead and give Schmidt a base on balls and face linski this is percentage baseball and it seems to make even more sense right now with the slump that Greg is fired in so Schmitty will be walked to load the bases there are two outs in the inning

And an 0 for four Greg linski will be coming to the plate Adrien dine and Rick Camp have been the relievers that the Phillies have done their damage against here well the Braves again we say they have 12 hits out there on the scoreboard for the Phillies but Chris and I have both

Checked our scorebooks and we have them with 11 so in the event that you’re scoring with us if your total reads 11 you agree with us oh what a spot for linski to break his slump the base is loaded in two down big strong right-handed batter at the plate

And he’d love to come out of it here’s the stretch by Camp and the pitch to The Bull a strike call Brick Camp is pitching out of the stretch despite the fact the bases are loaded and there are two outs this is sort of a pitcher’s Choice here and

Apparently Camp it is a relief pitcher feels more comfortable throwing this way Philly’s lead at six to5 pitch on the way to the ball outside Miss with a slider one ball and one Strike seesaw ball game both teams have had leads and now the Phillies are up by one pitch to the ball fouled off out of play one and two the count to Greg Greg was given a plaque prior to the Ball Game by a group here in Atlanta

Who HED him for his youth work in Philadelphia as you know Greg is buying seats for underprivileged youngsters again in his bow ring here’s the pitch to GRE and again he fouls another one off the right side count holds it a ball in two strikes the Phillies have fatted around

Here in the inning linski is the ninth batter to come to the plate the inning started with four consecutive safeties stretch in the pitch by Camp outside and low a ball two and two Phillies have had five hits in the inning hey I see they’ve corrected the scoreboard 11 hits linski hard hit

Ground ball to second base Royster gets it throws to First in time for the out and the inning is over but the Phillies have recovered here in the ninth inning to post three runs on the board on five hits and the Phillies leave the bases

Loaded at the end of 8 and a half the Phillies leave the Braves 6 to five have you heard what’s happening at gos no man what’s happening right now you can get a goo Giant and regular fries for just 99 all right On that’s 99 py pennies for a delicious goo’s giant well you you’ve got a pretty good voice I’ve been practicing Jean Garber will pitch the ninth inning for the Phillies who now have a a one-run lead in this ball game we also have several other changes Jerry

Martin has moved into play in left field so probably Jean Garber will be batting in the number four spot Barry foot has come in to do the catching and Buddy harelson who was already in the ball game as a pinch Runner will stay in and play at second Base so we go to the ninth inning and Jee Garber will try to pin it down for the Phillies the Braves will bat aselin a pinch hitter for camp and Rolland office there’s alstein a left-handed batter who tonight is one for four he did Drive in a run on a ground ball

Out Jean Garber Phillies pitcher with a two- one record of 2.08 earned run average Garber windes and here’s the pitch and it’s over for a strike call toel Stein the Braves still don’t have anybody in the on Deck Circle Philly’s lead at six to5 trying to break a four-game losing streak this might

Just go ahead and turn it around three runs in the ninth inning Hassel Stein sends a Fly ball deep into right field but bake McBride is there and he takes it to the out as Stein flies out and that’s the first out of the inning Bob deal is coming out as a pinch

Hitter for the Atlanta Braves Beal is quite an unusual story wait a minute they’re going to use Camp here and they’ve got Beal out for the next a I guess number 11 Joe Nolan will be the batter here they had the deal out there but they have switched now and they’re going

To Joe Nolan Nolan is a left-handed batter he is a catcher by trade he’s a 208 hitter left-handed batting Joe Nolan one out of the ninth inning Garber WIS and here’s the pitch swing and a miss on the change up strike one isting Haron s Garber four and

N Phillies are batting Martin eth and foot ninth in the lineup pitch misses one ball and one strike one ball and one strike on pinch hitter Joe Nolan swing and a miss at a fast ball one and two the count on Joe Nolan Garber ready here’s the one-w

Pitch swing in a as he struck him out on a change up strike out for Jean Garber in the second out of the inning and now rol and office will come to the plate office who entered the game as a pinch Runner and stayed in play defensively will be getting his first at

Bat Roland is batting 236 two homers in five runs batted in he is a left-handed batter what a comeback by the Phillies things were awfully Bleak tonight they Trail by two entering the ninth inning they now lead by one office takes low ball one the wind up by mcra here’s a ball

Lac to right field McBride getting over he catches it the ball game is over and the Phillies have won it the Phillies have ended their four game losing streak and they have kept their head above the 500 Mark as they come back to win this game six to5 and our congratulations to

The Phils and we also want to say a special congratulations to Tug McGraw the winning pitcher he will get a case of Tasty Cake and one for St Edmund’s home for crippled children will be back with a wrap up in just a moment great in any year mab paints when you paint get

The paint that lasts longer mab it gives you more years per gallon and grden 78 is what people will be saying about the Phillies mab has Philly gr and 78 bumper stickers and you could win two tickets to a Philly game if one of the mab spotters sees the Phillies bumper

Sticker on your car to get your free Phillies bumper sticker visit the nearest mab paint store dealer or Rich Lux Home Center in your neighborhood time was station wagons only came in one size big and if you wanted good mileage you were luck Val gives you your money’s worth of room and

Mileage of 25 in the highway 18 in the city that’s an EPA estimate for a wagon with 225 one barrel engine and manual transmission your mileage May differ and also has the high resale value you’re looking for no wonder valari’s been the number one selling Wagon in America over

The past 2 years it gives you your money’s worth when you buy and when you sell see it today at your local Chrysler prth dealer well this is a classic case of all is well that ends well because certainly a lot of things went wrong

Along the way but the end result is fine as the Phillies pull it out and win at 6 to5 Rich Ashburn will go over all the Gory details of this one on the wrap-up show and as I say there were some including three Philly ARS tonight and

Four of the five Braves runs were unearned but uh the Phillies win the ball game and their record now is 20 and 19 and they will not lose any ground tonight Chris well that was really you know for such a badly play game that was

Really a lot of fun to watch and give the Phillies a lot of credit for coming back in that game there a brutal call by umpire cost them an inning and then they gave up runs again they gave up a lot of runs tonight on bad plays and still

Managed to gut it out in the ninth inning and come back from two runs down and win a game and you know you need a game like that to finally snap out of it and make stuff St going your way again so that was a lot of fun to watch and

The Phillies finally win a game and nobody said it would be easy and it was not here are the totals for the Phillies six runs 11 hits three errors seven left on base Atlanta five runs six hits no errors eight men left on base the winning pitcher in the ball game is Tug

McGraw he’s 3 and three Jean Garber gets a save Jean’s first of the year the losing pitcher is RI camp and Rick is 0 and2 the game was played in two hours in 41 minutes a paid crowd of 15,0 181 watching here in Atlanta the teams have

Split the first two games in this series in the rubber match tomorrow Larry Christensen will face Preston Hannah and we’ll be on the air at 215 for that one Nick gear has been our engineer for tonight’s game our executive producer Steve Silverman Phillies baseball a presentation of the Philadelphia

Phillies for Harry Callis Rich Ashburn and Chris wheeler Andy muster saying so long from Atlanta where the final score was Philly 6 Braves 5 this is the Phillies baseball Network Phil baseball has been sponsored in part by your local Chrysler Plymouth dealer where you get Grand Slam deals on the most complete lineup of new cars in your area and by Tasty Cake whose cakes pies and cookies give you over 30 delicious ways to take a tasty break Tasty Cake

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Hunsburger the top story of the hour is word that the one-day slop machine take at Resorts International yesterday was the largest ever by any one Casino in other news the holiday weekend has been marred by tragedy in portions of Texas where there has been heavy flooding former president Richard Nixon is

Hosting a party tonight for 550 guests most of them former Vietnam prisoners of War we’ll have the Tails after the Tasty Cake wrap-up show it’s official Abington Township has granted building permits number 6034 and 6035 to the Marty susman organization jenin toown Pennsylvania to enlarge the size of its facilities well

Construction has begun so it’s your opportunity to make a deal on a car or truck you’ll be talking about for years the Marty hutman organization must move its entire inventory of new olds mobiles Hondas Dodges mazas and trucks even custom vans must go to make room for the construction workers and Equipment now

This is not just another sale this is a real opportunity to save hundreds of dollars on over 350 cars and trucks and over 100 used cars we’re not kidding around there are no gimmicks no restrictions all in stock cars and trucks are eligible even special deals on hard to get Hondas and mazas

Inventory must be moved immediately to make room for new construction during this truly we mean business sale that’s Marty sesman old Honda and Marty sesman Dodge MAA Jenkin toown Pennsylvania And now Tasty Cake is proud to present the Tasty Cake wrap-up show with facts and figures of tonight’s game an exclusive interview with a star of the game so grab a Tasty Cake there are more than 30 delicious kinds to choose from relax in your easy chair and get into

The 1978 baseball season with Tasty Cake in the Phillies all the good things wrapped up in one Tasty Cake is the world ofun hi everybody back in Atlanta Stadium this is Rich Ashburn and what a ball game we had here tonight the Phillies finally winning at 6 to5 to

Break a four game losing streak and our guest on the Tasty Cake wrap-up show is Gary matox Gary with a big night a home run a double a single and uh Gary kind of lost in the shuffle of this uh tough road trip is the fact that you have

Really been hitting the ball very well I think you went over the 300 mark tonight yeah as of uh you know the last few games I think it started in uh in Chicago I had had you know wasn’t much said I you know I had had two uh

Sprained shoulders and I went to the doctor in Chicago and he gave me the okay and what i’ been doing all this time was you know it was really causing me a lot of pain and I was trying to alter my swing so that you know I could

Swing and be comfortable and what it came down to was if I was going to play you know while I was hurt you know I couldn’t let it change the way I swing the bat I have to be able to go up there and swing it the way I can or either

Come out so well how does it feel now uh you know they’re still pretty sore but you know I’m swing I’m just going to swing the bat you know if I can’t go up there and swing it the way I can it’s going to hurt but there you know there’s

No chance of any permanent damage so I just go up there and uh and swing the bat the way I always have it hurts a little bit but you know I’m just going to try and play through it can can you see U like day-to-day Improvement on it

Uh well on my right one which is the one I you know I crash into the wall when we playing Cincinnati that one’s getting uh pretty good but my left one I did that on April 18th and it’s uh it’s been giving me trouble ever since then it’s

Uh kind of hard to locate you know the central point of the pain but that one on my left shoulder is kind of stand with me but the other one is improving quite a bit Jer this looked like a game that the Phillies were not going to win

They gave away three runs they had a a horrendous call in left field and U I tell you I have to give you guys credit for grinding that one out yeah we you you know we do we can’t come back we have a real good ball club and I think

One of the you know the key things about our ball Club is a confidence that we you know we have in ourselves no one around the clubhous is panicking because of our losing streak anything we still feel that we if we go out there and give

100% that we can live with ourselves and I also feel if we give 100% we’re going to win and that’s what everybody’s trying to do they’re trying to hang in there and play the best they can and we hope that we’ll come out of it pretty

Soon but we’re going to you know stay with it and play as hard as we can we’re talking to center fielder Gary Maddox and let’s check the scoring in this ball game the Phillies started it out in the third inning the starting p in the ball

Game Jim Jim lorg and Dick Rudin both picked shut out ball the first two innings in the Phillies third inning with two men out bake McBride getting the second of his three hits tonight doubled and Larry boa singled to give the Phillies a one- nothing lead in the

Bottom half of the third inning the Braves scored an unearned run when Davey Johnson made an error on shany’s ground ball Shany was sacrificed to Second and then uh finally scored on an infield he out by Brian aelan that made it 1-1 and the Phillies in the sixth inning after a

Mike Schmidt walk lazinski struck out hner flyed to center field and with two men down our guest on the Tasty Cake WRA up show Gary maddo the batter and here’s what happened here’s a pitch to Gary maddo Sing in a Fly ball into deep center

Field asle Stein away back it is out of here home run to straightway field off the bat of Gary maddo Gary that’s a lot of power that’s over 400 ft to dead center field uh looked like you got a breaking ball and you got all of it yeah this is uh this

Is one of the ballparks where I you know I think I am able to hit it out the center field the ball carries here you know pretty good I did swing the swing the bat pretty good but I think you know the ballpark may have had a lot to do

With it I don’t know but you know it it came at a good time and I was happy to hit it I take them any way they come and the Braves coming back in the bottom half of the sixth inning to score two runs one one of those unearned when

There was an error in the inning that made it 33 in the bottom half of the eighth inning Jeff Burrows started off that inning with a walk he was sacrificed the second base Murphy grounded out to Third and then bonell came to bat and hit a

Line drive to left field and here’s what happened on that ball right-hander stretches pitch on the way to schmida shot to left field coming hard and the ball is CAU and left field by Jeff Burrows and a throw now back into the infield and what’s the call here there’s

No way well we’ll have to see a replay then and I can’t believe that that he caught that ball and and well we’ll have to Ozark’s going to argue about it and Bo is going to argue about it and Demars is going to argue about it so well that

That was a play Gary we were talking about earlier the line drive to left field at Mike Schmidt hit with a runner on First and and of course there’s no doubt we saw it on the instant replay in television that it was a trap play and

You know what can you do about it what did you guys what were you guys trying to do about it well we were trying to get the third base umpire to you know to get some help from the second base umpire anybody that you know might have

Seen the play clearly but what the Umpire said was that he saw the play clearly if there was any indecision in his mind you know he would have asked for help but he said he saw the play clearly and in his opinion the guy caught the ball and you know everybody

On and on the bench sitting right here I think everybody in the ballpark know he missed it but the umpire well that looked like a very key play at the time and U of course uh it was a big play for the Phillies but they did come back to

Win and the play we were talking about uh earlier after the Burrows walk and a sacrifice a ground out by the first baseman Dale Murphy and then uh Barry Bell hit a line drive to lazinski and left field and this was a key Play here’s the pitch to Bell lace to left

Field linski coming hard he grabs the ball and hangs but no It Gets behind it it goes beyond him and scoring on the play is office all the way to second base Bell and the Braves have taken the lead that was a 43 lead uh and then the

Next batter Daryl Cheney U and here’s what happened to Cheney pitch to the plate ripped into left field here’s another one but this one Falls in front of linski being waved around as Barry Bell heading for the plate he scores and the Braves get another run and a 53 Atlanta leader and

Didn’t look for the good for the Phillies coming to bat in the ninth inning Richie hner L off that ninth inning with a single and our guest Gary madx looped a double to right Field Runners at second and third and uh nobody out then Bob Boone bounced a

Single over the third base ‘s had to make it five to four and then Davey Johnson coming to bat and uh Bobby Cox the Atlanta manager decided to pull his infield in and it cost him off the glove of Cheney he’ll tie the ball game Gary MX crosses the plate

Here goes harlson to Third Base he is in there and had that infield been backat Gary I believe that would have been a double play ball but that’s a Gamble and there that’s how you you win and lose him I guess yeah there was h a lot of

Gambling I thought I thought he gambled when you know the score was tied and he sent office in to uh to run for burls that’s right he took burls and Matthews both out of that ball game late right and I you know I thought that was

Gambling quite a bit but you know it’s funny how it worked out they scored and went ahead so it looked like a good move at the time but then uh in theate and they didn’t have them to hit when it was their turn but uh that’s the game I tell

You it’s funny I’m I learned something I’m surprised almost every time I go out there what goes on in the game that’s right the Phillies really scuffling for runs and uh it’s amazing how they won the ball game tied 55 and here’s what happened to untie

It oh there a a a b has been called and the Phils will get a go-ahead run well you can tell you can hear from Andy muser I you know I’ve seen a lot of box I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like that a double pump throw from the

Pitcher mound to first base yeah he the first baseman wasn’t holding him on at the time and I don’t think the pitcher even looked over there he just you know took his quick move and got ready to throw and nobody was there and rather than throw it away he just kind of

Double pumped and that’s the B and we’ll take it Gary great ball game thanks for visiting with us thanks a lot Richie Gary madx our guest and for visiting with us Gary will receive re uh a gift certificate from the Mitchell der off clothing showroom at 417 north3r Street

In Philadelphia the Rosemont Village Mall in Rosemont and the stock room in Quaker toown we’ll be back with a scoreboard right after this tasty Break Tasty Cake is a day in Spring a brand new love our golden ring Tasty Cake is the morning sun it’s all the good things wrapped up in One Tasty Cake is the demon blue SE the song they’re singing for you and me Tasty Cake is a world of fun it’s all the good things wrapped up in one why do the same kind of people who love those fantastic Phillies also love Tasty Cake because both bring out the

Kid that’s there in all of us like the delicious Taste of Tasty Cake chocolate cupcakes tempting cream fill chocolate cream fill buttercream cupcakes and cream filled coffee cake too with a tall cold glass of milk they’re an irresistible treat for kids from 9 to 90 Tasty Cake and those five of spiles they

All the good things wrapped up in one tasty C is a of fun all the good things wrapped up in okay let’s check the scoreboard the Dodgers beat the Giants 3 to one out in the west coast Montreal Over Pittsburgh 15 to1 Chicago and St Louis are in the

11th inning now still tied at 22 it’s Houston seven the Mets three they in the sixth inning Cincinnati and San Diego nothing nothing after two the this afternoon Toronto beat the Yankees 4 to1 Cleveland over Baltimore 6 to2 Boston shut out Detroit 1 to nothing behind

Louis tant Jim Rice won that ball game with his 17th home of the Year Kansas City in Minnesota postponed because of rain Texas over Seattle 3 to2 they’re in the eighth inning and the rest of the American League action just a little bit later so the Phillies have broken their

Four game losing streak and we’ll play the Braves in the finale here tomorrow afternoon it’s going to be Preston Hannah for Larry Christenson for the Phillies Chris wheeler my producer Nick gear my engineer will talk to you tomorrow afternoon from Atlanta on the Phillies baseball Network thank you for listening to this

Game on classic baseball on the radio we hope you enjoyed the broadcast feel free to browse our library of over 1,000 classic games and be sure to spread the word long live baseball


  1. Just looked up Jim Wright on Baseball Reference. He pitched in 24 games for the Royals in 1981-82. Never made it into a game with the Phillies. Then there was another Jim Wright who pitched for the Red Sox in 1978-79.

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