The best Kettlebell Golf Swing Exercise

Time to hack your Golf Swing to add speed, power and consistency with just 1 Kettlebell exercise…

The Step to Rotational Swing πŸŒπŸ½β€β™‚οΈ

Why is it so good?

It matches the mechanics of your Swing, it loads the muscles you need to use and helps you dial in your sequencing for amazing compression with your irons and distance with your Driver!

Want more than just one exercise? Hit the link and get yourself a 7 day free trial to get started with the best workouts in Golf with the GOLFWOD APP:

And if you want to put this movement to work, go hit this full workout:


Asymmetry – 3 Sets

20 Single Arm Swings
20 Cross Body Bulgarian Split Squats

10 Each side both movements, looking to increase weights used from last week.
Increase intensity from previous weeks.
Rest as needed between Sets and focus on stability against the ground and spinal positioning.

Speed – 6 Rounds

6 Back Squats or Front Squats @ 50% of 1 Rep Max
3 Box Jumps or Bounding Broad Jumps

Rest 90 seconds between Rounds.
Low load, mid volume and high intensity for a unique lower body set.
Load slowly into the movement and accelerate out of the ground.
The activation from the squats also powers your jumps.
Huge gains.

Rotation – 3 Rounds

12 Step to Rotational Swing (6/6)

Rest 60 seconds + between Rounds.
A new movement coming in early from the impending update.
This is huge for sequencing and reactionary forces.
Work on your loading and footwork as you use the ground.
Look for a challenging weight but also learn the movement through the rounds.

WOD – 3 Rounds For Time

15 Cal Bike-Row-Ski or 200m Run
15 DBL DB/KB Push Press

Challenge Score: Sub 5 Minutes

Beginner: 8kg/16lbs
Intermediate: 16kg/35lbs
Pro: 24kg/53lbs

Simple and effective – this gets it done to round out a powerful day of speed training.
Looking for high intensity and a quick time, so choose a weight to allow you to go all 15 reps unbroken.
Drive through the ground and create a solid overhead position each rep.


One kettlebell exercise that can help you compress your irons and rip your driver in this video we are taking you through the step to rotational swing this matches up to the exact mechanics of the golf swing and strengthens your whole system as well as building increased power and speed for your golf

Swing remember you can get full kettle bell workouts and more with your free trial on the golf wad app right now and stick around till the end of the video we’re going to give you a full day of golf wad training including this exercise so you can get the best golf

Workout you’ve ever had so what is the step to rotational swing here we’re taking one of our members favorite movements the rotational swing where we move the kettle bell around the body and adding in an additional loading element that builds the kinematic sequence of your swing so now when we execute this

Movement first of all grab a kettle bell that is going to allow high power high speed and high quality of movement but give you enough of a challenge to really change your body now we’re going to add a step in and really mimic the mechanics

Of your gol swing that is that when we work into the back swing we’re always looking to load against the ground and activate the trail hip and glute that gives us that stable position to turn around and change direction it’s exactly the same with the kettle bell because if

We don’t load that trail hip with the kettle bell if we slide over it’s going to be very difficult to execute this movement at all never mind optimally so immediately we build the stability and power in your swing by taking that step into your golf posture rotating the we

Into that side loading the hip loading the glute and then pushing against the ground to change direction that’s where this movement really does come into its best form and gives you the best gains so we step load and change direction immediately we can see as we load we go against the

Trail side we then rotate to the Target the hips open first then the chest and then we really release these are your golf swim mechanics and when we train with load we can massively increase your speed and power potential so we step and change direction take it back

Step and load so you get that flow we get the Rhythm and it’s that loading against the ground every single time is so important it’s not only huge for your power and speed also for your stability and your longevity when we do it well just like the golf swing we have

To execute with great form to ensure that we do this well and benefit from it because just like the swing we need to be able to load the glutes the hips and maintain a neutral span so that when we deliver all of those rotational forces the body can accept and deliver

Time After Time After Time because when our golf swing gets out of sink that’s when we start to put pressure on the back that’s when we start to put pressure on the body so executing this kettle bell swing will enhance your ability to do so and build longevity as

Well as performance the key things you’re looking for with the step to rotational swing to do it well and to get your golf gains number one is loading and accepting that Force so when we step back we got to make sure there’s a slight Bend of the knee the hip

Rotates and loads the glute and then we stabilize the spine around that position it’s exactly the same as your golf swing and using load allows us to do so even better and with greater awareness Factor number two is to always sequence through the body okay so these are the factors that

Really do stop you from hitting better shots that’s why we train like this this okay so we take that step into the swing we load if we try and move with the arms only we’re going to be very restricted in our execution okay if we do however push through the ground rotate through

The hips and then transfer the energy we step rotate and all the energy then goes to the kettle bell that’s exactly what we’re looking for in the GOL swing and we’re training it to get even better with this movement the final Factor always train both sides we swing in a certain direction however

We should train the body the same for symmetry longevity and movement control so working the opposing side of your body your non-dominant swing side allows you to get those same mechanics the same durability and also the anti-rotational benefits that allow you to swing faster have greater longevity over time injury proof the

Body and build your goal Fitness so that’s is is the step to rotational swing High powerered Dynamic and strengthening your golf swing every single rep there’s a full day of Golfwood training up on the screen for you here you can see how we structure the day to have asymmetrical stability

We have power rotation and overall physical fitness okay that is what you’re looking for in terms of developing golf Fitness that really helps you out on and off the course this is one of many k variations we use in our program in day after day and with

Our new update we have the best workouts in golf taking a huge upgrade with new movements and new designs so if you’ve got the kettle bell let’s get on the program let’s get to work if you don’t have the kettle bell get on the program

And get to work right we start with zero equipment all the way through to full strength and conditioning and that’s why they are the best workouts in golf all right we appreciate taking the time to watch this video try this movement execute in your golf posture start with

A lightweight build up your mechanics and develop the golf swing that you have always wanted all right so hit subscribe tell your friends gol strong

1 Comment

  1. I like your exercise , then explanation of how it’s going to help with the side shot with you hitting shots

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