Golf Babe

What’s In The Bag? (UNCUT)

In this episode, Gabby is doing her first ever “WHAT’S IN THE BAG”. A lot of people have been asking for it, so here it is! After getting a VIP club fitting at the TaylorMade Kingdom with Trottie, she has gotten her new clubs and is going to give you guys a full breakdown of the new set. Basically, every club in her bag is new. Then she shows you what she keeps in her golf bag like extra rangefinder, speaker, sunscreen, bug repellant, and the TP5X Pix balls she is playing. After showing you what’s in her bag and hitting a few shots on the range she goes on to the course to do an uncut unedited 3 holes of golf to show you guys how her new clubs are working out!

You guys have been asking for it what’s in the bag 2024 my first ever what’s in the bag not only am I going to show you guys the new clubs that I got full new set from the kingdom fitting with Troy but I’m also going to show you what what I keep in here hit some shots with the new clubs

And I’m going to do three holes uncut at the end of this video show you how I’m playing with these new clubs I’m super excited here we go let’s get into it guys if you’ve been watching these videos and you haven’t subscribed yet or if you’re watching this video and you

Haven’t subscribed Please Subscribe it really helps us out I’m going to get into everything in this video and we could really use your help to drive the numbers up and comment below on what you guys play and what you think of these clubs cuz I want to hear I want to hear

Your take firstly let’s dive right into it what driver am I playing obviously I’m playing the qi1 but I’m not playing the max I know you guys saw that full tailor made fitting with Troy and I decided to change to the max but we’re going back to standard I just felt that

Was a little too much for me right away and I really was having great initial Swings with standard Qi 10 so that when I got into the max I was like this is a little bit too much I’m going to go back to the standard it was working so Qi 10

Standard 9° we’re playing it one click higher like Troy told me to do and definitely I’ve been seeing some great drives from the qit 10 my favorite driver by far Taylor Maid has made I mean I love this thing now we’re playing also we’re playing the Fuji Cara Ventus

Shaft and honestly there’s nothing I need to change with this driver right now I love it I love the feel of it I’ve been hitting tons of Fairways bombing the ball also I just hit a drive that was to 282 no joke the other day I was in shock it was

Amazing next Club my three-wood this is where it gets interesting I just have to find my three-wood this is the problem I always there we go I never get on the first one all right so three-wood I’m playing the QI 10 Max 16° now usually a three-wood is 15° or that’s what I’ve

Been told but I don’t do well with a 15 degree I always do better using a 16 Dee because I actually love my woods and the only time I have a hard time hitting my Woods is when there’s a three wood that’s 15 degrees I think that one

Degree makes such a big difference for me Tour AD graph height senior Flex shafts they’re orange everybody’s been telling me why did you pick orange as your shaft color because it stands out and super bright I did not pick that I just really like these chefs I’m getting

So much more height with one one degree higher 16° 3 wood I started off using the 15° when I first got my qi1 woods and I just it wasn’t for me it was too low I was hitting it further but that’s not important to me I rather have

Accuracy just getting so much more height with this so I would say if you’re struggling with your 3-wood don’t be afraid to go up a degree I really only lost like three or four yards like I don’t see really any difference I have two more Woods that I play now I

Used to have a lot more I think I had one two three four five Woods before maybe five woods but I put the six iron and five iron back in the bag and we’ll get back into that but I have a five wood that is 18° so only two de

Difference I have the V steel qi1 not the max I think it’s more forgiving it spins a little bit more there’s definitely more height even though there’s only two degrees difference more height more forgiving I love my fivewood V Steel qi1 yardages on my driver probably anywhere from

235 to 250 is how far I hit my driver now if I get a little downwind downhill then I could definitely get more than that that’s why I hit a 282 yard Drive the other day usually if I have it downwind I’m probably going to hit it

Like 265 270 but that was really far and then three-wood I have a big gap three-wood I can only hit like 215 yards and someone almost just killed me that almost killed me anyways got to watch out here we go fivewood I probably hit around 200 205 um but there’s really

Not that big of a difference between my 3-wood and my fivewood obviously my fivewood goes higher and it lands softer so if I’m hitting into a green I have like 210 yards I’m going to hit fivewood not three-wood because I know the three Wood’s is going to roll

Out holy cow that launched I I know you can’t see that but my 3-wood probably launched like just above the tree line like 10 ft above the tree line This fivewood literally got up to like that cloud it goes so much higher even though it’s only two de difference the yardage is

Pretty similar but the height difference is crazy I mean that goes so much higher than my 3-wood I love my fivewood one of my favorite clubs in my bag now seven wood this is a new addition to the bag never had a seven wood before I had a nine

Wood so the situation before was that I had a driver a three-wood a fivewood a four hybrid a nine wood and a s hybrid lot of woods going on there but I put my six iron and my five iron back in in the bag and my 9wood and seven hybrid were

Replacing my long irons because I just didn’t feel comfortable hitting them before because we changed my irons I put the six iron and five iron back in the bag so now I don’t need to have a 9wood or seven hybrid so I decided to change

To a fivewood a three wood and a seven wood instead of a four hybrid so my seven wood is basically taking the place of a four hybrid long story short 21 degree 7even wood V steel just like my fivewood and we’ve got the same shaft all through my Woods here Tour AD graph

Height senior Flex the yardage is probably 185 190 19 maybe 195 and this gets a ton of height I mean I can hit this Cub into a green anytime whereas with my four hybrid I felt it was too low it was harder for me to hit

Visually I don’t like hybrids so it just didn’t make any sense for me I mean I just get so much height with a seven wooden fivewood and that’s because I changed to the V steel I just know it is with the max Qi 103 wood I

Was just I’m trying to get as much yardage as possible that’s why I have that club I mean the height is incredible that’s why I love this club getting into the irons got a little situation with the irons here so originally I had graphite SL steel

Shafts in my irons and I was playing the p790s nine iron through seven iron that’s it nine iron eight iron seven iron pitching wedge and the wedges um but now I have p770 heads and the reason for this is because Troy was telling me

That if you look at all of my marks my wear marks on my irons they were all right in the middle of the face on my p790s and he was telling me for that kind of player that’s hit in the face every single time middle of the face you

Can play a p770 you can be a little bit more crafty with the club and use a 770 instead of 790s which are a little bit more forgiving and I wasn’t getting the height that I wanted to on those seven iron six iron five iron I feel like I’m

Getting that height now with the 770s five iron I’ve had this club for about a week and I haven’t had a five iron in probably five years so I’m getting used to it it’s definitely a little weird for me so I’m playing the KBS Tor light regular steel shafts in these irons I’ve

Had steel before I had it like 3 years ago and it didn’t work for me because I wasn’t strong enough yet but now tr’s convinced me to play the steel I know I’m a good enough player I know I have the strength I just need to get

Used to it and at first it was a little weird for me like couple days ago hitting on the Range I thought I didn’t have enough strength but now I feel great in them so it just was that initial transition that was a little scary but now it feels much

Better so I definitely do hit my five iron a lot better than I was hitting my five iron like a couple years ago and I didn’t feel comfortable with it so I do feel like I’ve made an adjustment I feel a little bit more confident hitting this club definitely more speed more

Power than I used to have I’m definitely getting a lot of height too which was the problem when I didn’t want to have a five iron was because I was hitting my five iron so low so five iron six iron seven iron eight iron nine iron and pitching wedge I didn’t have I

Didn’t used to have this this many irons but they’re all the same specs all p770 KBS Tor light regular steel shafts I’m loving them so far I I feel so much more accuracy and so much more height off the Jump like I felt like before

When I hit imp packed I was just getting these low Beamers and you could even see it on the numbers with Troy I was hitting it higher right off the Jump and actually I was having a problem with my nineiron eight iron and pitching wedge I was getting too high actually at impact

So those lowered long irons went higher it’s it solved itself with these irons standard Lofts with these irons and when you have the speed and you have the confidence to hit these steel irons it’s just so much better when you hit a good shot it’s it’s cleaner it’s crisper and you feel more

Confident I feel like everything’s going further too like when I hit my regular yardages with my irons are going further and Landing softer which is like perfect okay wedges so starting with the 50° we have the M Grind four tailor made wedges here and I have a 62 degree lie on my

Wedges all three of them again same KBS Tor light regular Ste steel shaft 50° 54° bent to a 55 and then 60° my yardage with my pitching wedge is about 115 carry 112 113 115 carry and then with my 50° it’s about 100 yards sometimes like 103 104 um but I really

Like the 50° because it’s also just my favorite yardage to get to on the course so I end up hitting it a lot and then with the 54° and 60° 54° bent to a 55 same 62° lie and we have 11° bounce on my 54 10°

Bounce on my 60 9° bounce on my 50° my 54 Dee goes around 88 89 90 yards sometimes 91 92 and then my 60° probably goes 70 8 79 yard so there’s probably a good 10 yard gap between each wedge but my wedges I do have good gapping between them that’s

Something Troy and I worked on a lot because I really needed to have great gapping in between my wedges because before I had a 58 degree a 54 vent to a 55 and a 50 and I just felt like my 54 degree and 58 degree were going the

Exact same yardage so we did fix that problem by getting a 60 I love my 60° I’m so glad that I got that I came back to a 60 and instead of my 58 oh this is my putter so most of you must have seen that in my tailor made

Fitting at the Kingdom I got fit for for one of the spider Putters the reason I went to a spider putter is because they told me that for me I have a little bit more shaan and also I try and have my putting stroke be as straight as

Possible instead of Arc and so I’m always overcompensating with a blade and so with the numbers it seemed that with a blade I was opening the face way too much at impact and instead going with a face balanced putter would make it so much easier for me to putt through the

Ball this way at impact I was just just as straight as when I started I got a spider putter but in the meantime I got sent this Oracle Red Bull Racing putter limited edition spider of course different model but I kind of fell in love with it and I love the weight I

Love the putter I just started putting really really well with it and I think that sometimes yes there’s a lot of important numbers in putting but sometimes it’s just feel when I got the other putter I realized I I can’t not putt with this putter so this is the

Putter I’m going going with Red Bull Racing limited edition tailor made spider Putter and I love it I mean look at that super stroke grip it’s sick not just because a lot of people are going to think it’s just because of the look that I went with this butter but I did

Actually like putting with this putter better and I was making a lot of putts just made no sense to change it I mean this is an insane head cover as well it’s pretty cool I just I love this butter we’ll putt when I go on the course let me show

You what non club stuff I’ve got in my bag start with alignment sticks um I love alignment sticks but the problem is is that I don’t usually use them to like line up on the Range I know a lot of people do that top players do that I do

Do it sometimes but for me it’s really for my club path um I think that I can align my feet and then I like to align my club path and that just visually is so important to me it’s more important than my alignment because I just want to

Get everything straight when I hit impa alignment sticks are super important for alignment when you get up to the ball the reason for that is if you start to get a little bit loose in your swing alignment is usually the first thing to go and you realize that your alignment

Is completely cockeyed but for me I put an alignment stick at my feet and I put it at my club path because that’s the most important thing for me I want to make sure if I’m having a range session I want to make sure that my club path is

As perfect as possible without having like a track man here to tell me the exact numbers I’m going to aim my feet there but right now I’m working on swinging out to in and hitting a cut as much as possible so I will literally exaggerate this club path like totally

Exaggerate it so that in my mind I feel like I’m coming cross and that’s my face because right now I feel like I’m getting stuck behind and then when I become too far out to in I’ll change it to be into out so that’s why I really love alignment six

Next rangefinders and if you’ve been watching my channel for a while you know that I lose everything so everything in here is replaceable and that’s most important thank goodness I have a partnership with shot scope right now because they send me rangefinders and I lose a ton of things not just

Rangefinders but everything so they’re going to be having to supply me a lot of rangefinders I always keep two always at tournaments because I’ll go to a tournament I’ll leave it near where I’m hitting balls and then I go to the first t or the first approach shot and I’m

Like where’s my Rangefinder and it happens every single time so that’s why I keep two so we’ve got Pro L2 shot scope Rangefinder that’s like my backup my favorite the pro LX so I keep that one as my number one go-to but this is my backup just in case the biggest thing

With my shot scope rangefinders that I love the most is just the way it sits in my hands like I’ve never seen a configuration like this and it just it feels right it just when I go and Laser something I want to be quick first of

All but I also don’t want to be like grabbing the range fighter like this just perfect um when I’m not wearing my airpods or I forgot to bring them like today I’m always wearing them but I lose everything so they’re at my house but when I’m not wearing my airpods I have

To have music all the time like what’s golf without playing music so I have this on I have this speaker on on my bag but I have a ton of speakers so even if it’s not on my bag there’s one in my bag at all times I have one then in my first

Pocket I tend to keep not really anything just extra gloves tailor made gloves cuz I lose everything in my front pocket it’s just gloves it’s my shot scope watch and it’s just really empty space is probably where I put my phone most of the time and I also have backup

Gloves so I have five gloves in here because every single day I don’t have a glove I lost it I left it in the car it’s somewhere I don’t know so these are fresh gloves and then three in my front pocket now my second pocket yes guys a

Lot of comments this should say Gabby golf girl Gabby golf girl is my name Gabby golf is not my name we’re going to get it fixed logo is really pretty sick but Gabby golf girl is my name not Gabby golf um in the second pocket it’s just a

Bunch of balls I either have you know I play tp5x my favorite because I need to get as much distance as possible especially on my driver and I do feel that all either tb5 and tv5x always spin around the green so for me I know Taylor Made balls spin anyways around the green

I just want to get as much distance as I possibly can with my driver so that’s why I play tp5x this one these have my logo on it I got them before they came out at tailor made shoot day and they they were prototypes then and then when

I’m playing in a tournament where I’m playing like super competitive and it’s a big day I’m going to play Pick golf ball and tp5x obviously um the reason for that is just because first of all I think they set me apart because a lot of people just play a regular white golf

Ball I want to play the thing that sets me apart the most and I love when I’m putting I just like to be not distracted but I kind of like the way it looks and it sets down so I’m playing right now tv5x picks you’re the dragon golf ball

So on this little pocket here I have sunscreen which I don’t use and offs spray I know a lot of people are gonna say need to wear sunscreen I’ve never worn sunscreen I’m Italian so I just never burn ever and my mom just like put

This on I’ve never put it on just keep it in there to make her happy no a little I mean I now that I’m down in Florida living here full time I have been using it a little bit more like I’ll use it in tournaments but that’s

About it I know there’s going to be a lot of hate comments for that but what I do use a lot is off if I don’t go anywhere without this because I’m terrified of bugs and I don’t want to be playing golf and just my entire day be ruined because there’s mosquitoes or

It’s in the summer and there’s tons of bugs around me so I have like I have a million cans of this at home when I play Summer tournaments in Florida 100% of the time there’s going to be bugs so I have like three cans of this in my bag

During summer because I just and all the girls are like do you have off and I’m like yes I have off I always have off also I have hand wipes in here because when you’re playing golf most of this stuff is for tournaments what I keep in

My bag because I know that when I play in a tournament I Got Dirt all over me I’m walking I’m sweating I need wipes just to wash my hands and just clean myself a little bit then I keep my little golf bag that my nana got for me

For Christmas and more hand wipes or cleansing wipes for my face um more off it’s going to be a lot of off another sunscreen my mom put in here she always sneaks sunscreen in my bag hand cream which is extremely important and then I have headbands I have tons of

Hair ties lip balm which is always really important all this stuff is like essential people are going to think it’s not but it’s 100% essential and then I have lip gloss to go on top of the lip balm I have hand sanitizer I have a mini

Hair brush which I think is really cute it’s supposed to go on a keychain but I’m keeping it in here I have more lip balm and if this is sunscreen no deodorant I was going to say if she put sunscreen in here again it’s in my little mini bag here this is like

Essential stuff this is this has to be here all time I need it no matter what and then gum of course cuz sometimes I do like to chew gum on the golf course it depends on what kind of mood I’m in but right now I feel like I’m in that

Mood so I’m going to put it definitely this thing now so for people that are looking for drills and stuff this is why I keep this in here so I use this all the time it’s foot spray powder but I put it on the ground I’ll put that

Line down there so that when I hit a shot I gotta put my glove back on now this is one of the core essential drills if you don’t know of this drill it’s so important if you’re having problems with compression if you’re hitting a little

Bit before the ball or a little bit too after the ball you’re too steep this drill is perfect because you want to have your divot be after that white line whenever I have like problems with my swing and I’m going back to the like core Essentials this is what I’m going to do

Like that one I don’t even have to look I know that was after it yep you wipe the Dirt away that was completely after the line it didn’t even touch the line you want to make sure that all your divots are going after the line I always

Keep this in here because it’s extremely I mean it’s like an essential drill you have to have this drill in the bag also it doesn’t like ruin your Club you know because it’s just foot spray it just wipes right off so here are the markers

I Ed this one my brother got me I’m not from Boston but we’re big Boston Celtics friends I got this one at the US Open at Los Angeles Country Club this is the US Army parachute team um and I stopped them saw them asked them for a picture

It was really really cool the entire team was there they gave me this marker so I do use this I also you have a Dixie amateur marker that I played in that tournament so that’s why but I my problem is is I have this thing where I

Just don’t use many markers like in tournaments and stuff when when I’m not playing in a tournament I don’t use a marker I just I’m I don’t know if I’m too lazy I just don’t use it but in tournaments I usually use a te and because of that and the reason is

Because I know if I take out my marker I’m going to lose it so like in just in my mind I don’t mind if I lose a tea and I just leave it somewhere if I lose a marker I’m going to be upset about it so

I usually use te’s that is what is in the bag for 2024 now we’re going to go out on the course playing uncut show you guys how I use these new clubs show you my putter show you all my shots let’s see how I’m playing with them we’re

Going to go on we’re going to do we’re going to do three holes uncut unedited here we go uncut three holes we got a par five a par four and a par three this is a video idea I’ve been doing for a while I think I like started it last

Year basically there’s no Cuts in this video or this part of the video at the end except for in between holes because we do have people in front of us and if we didn’t cut in between holes we’d be waiting and that would be a very long

Video so I’m going to try and use as many clubs as I possibly can on these three holes to show you guys the new set see how it works out this is a video idea I came up with a while ago and I love doing this format cuz I just gets

To show you know a different element it’s just a different idea so here we go I don’t know if it’s a hat or someone up there but that’s where I’m going to go maybe just a little bit left of that like I said before I’m I’m teeing

It up way lower with my driver and I just with the one click higher that Troy had me go to on my driver I think it’s perfect like I just feel way better about directing the ball there we go a little bit of a draw that’s not what I would have wanted like

Let’s be critical there that was not a good shot by me it works out perfectly I definitely gave myself enough room for error but not the kind of shot you want like off a first te of a tournament like that’s not I kind of pulled it a little

Bit so I I definitely have to be critical and that wasn’t perfect but I think the par five par 4 and par three is perfect way to show you guys how the Cubs are going but here’s the thing with my qi1 new driver I mean that

Was a terrible shot I pulled that and it was perfectly straight bombed by the way usually let’s just give some reference point here I usually hit it by this tree right here that was where my drive ended up so that’s like a good 15 20 yards further I

Know for a fact I’m swinging the club faster I don’t know if it has anything to do with the weight in the club but I feel like I’m hitting it further and excuse me and I’m just way better at directing the ball like even when I hit a bad shot

It’s still pretty good so let’s see how far we are here all right to the water 123 to the flag 207 most people are going to say why don’t you just go for the flag if you can hit it 25 220 with your 3-wood but it’s just not the

Kind of hole you want to go for it’s just not worth it I’ve played this whole a billion times and I know it’s just not worth it so I’m just going to hit nine iron out there I hit eight iron actually eight iron out to the right and then

I’ll have my perfect yardage in because it’s just this hole for me it’s not worth it the pin’s tucked all the way on the left I don’t want to go for that so I’ll be in the bunker and then or I’ll be maybe chipping up and I just I rather

Hit an approach on in going for that cart that’s the perfect spot here yep that was good all right perfect there let’s put some sand in that all right feel like a the divot there I mean you don’t get relief from this thing if it’s not in your stance or it’s not

Where the ball is but like because of that the slope was so uphill and it just ended up being such a steep shot which is fine on that shot cuz it’s a layup but that would not be fun if that’s the approach shot you have because then it’s

Like you’re stabbing steep in there this headband is annoying me so much today because it just it’s so it lost its elasticity and it’s like really really loose and it just keeps falling off and it’s not doing its job of holding my hair at all here we go let’s see that

Pin is so tuck that’s just not worth it to go for here we go with an eight iron I’m still 75 yards away So 60° 75 yards uphill playing like 77 78 I’m going to go like two feet right this is the perfect club right here all right okay definitely a good clean swing good shot went the distance but I did did push it out a little bit and then it

Kind of stayed out there and I already had aimed right from the beginning because you don’t want to aim at the pin or go left on this shot because of the bunker and there’s like no room on the left so could have been more aggressive I always end up not being aggressive on

This approach shot on this hole and it’s something that I got to get out of my mind because the pin is always tucked so it’s like you got to just go for the pin it’s 75 yards away and I’m usually pretty like accurate with my wedges when

I’m under 110 yards I’m usually like 10 ft from the pin 7t from the pin I know it’s pretty crazy but that’s like my specialty and on this hole I just tend to always like leave it out right just let it float out there you can see I’m

Very like right hesitant not left hesitant on this hole throughout the entire hole this is a good this is a good birdie opportunity though here you guys have not seen me putt with this new putter here we go this thing I love it I I just really really really like it and

Again I like I said I don’t you use markers when I’m playing I know it’s probably like people may think I move the ball or whatever I’m putting it right back in the same place plus it’s casual so it’s not like okay the hole here this is definitely a little left to

Right I’m saying this is the hole right here yeah for sure I mean this off this bunker it’s going like this and then you got this bunker this way this is like kind of downhill and then uphill so you got to be soft with this rather be short on this pup

All right this is going in the hole we’re making this pup didn’t break at all it just didn’t break it went right through the brake and this is why we cut because they still haven’t left the the tea box and that would be I mean the amount of

Time the video would be well think about it how long does it actually take to play three holes well it probably takes in my TM it’s takes 15 minutes per hole so it’d be a 45 minute uncut for three holes because they’re still up at the green

So all right I’m going to hit it down in between those two Palm groups of palm trees this is the hardest hole on the course little right be fine there I end up see I end up hitting right on this hole off the te a little bit more just because that

Bunker is in landing territory like everything just feeds to that bunker and if you go on the left side you’re going to be in the water because the water only is like I think it’s like 190 to the water on the left side and then on

The right there’s t tons of room so basically you got to go right you don’t want to be too far right cuz then it’s all shrubs they could be out of about it’s very tough hole like this is really tough then you got to land it and make

It stop on the green over water over a bunker the green is literally below your feet so it’s already going to run out it’s really hard let’s see I think we should be fine though and we’re going to have to wait for them again wow we actually may have to cut it again

Cuz they’re taking a long time taking their sweet time I cannot see anything there it is right here now I hit it really far but it kind of took this kick off here so we’re fine here should we I think we should cut it again now we’ll we’ll

Leave it this is going to take a long time for them 98 yards this wind is crazy it wind another part of this problem is the wind is always crazy on this hole it’s going super left to right I’m going to have to hit this like

Middle of the green right edge of this bunker and have it come back over and then it’s also going to fly out of the rough 98 yards probably hit like I have to see when the pin’s in because it’s hard to make a a judgment when you’re just

Looking at it without the pin in I would think it’s probably GNA be around my 50 or 50 degree or pitching wedge yardage the thing is this is so hard to judge because when the ball’s out of this it’s going to either fly or it’s going to hit

And just get knocked down by the wind and by the LIE see it is 103 to the back yeah um one more time I got 99 there maybe it was to the person 100 all right so 100 yards I think I think I’m going to go with my

Instinct and go with my 50 degree no I mean I I want to go with my instinct of 50° but I know now the wind’s now the wind’s changing now it’s coming like more towards me crosswind I’m going to go pigeon wedge and just choke down I

Think that’s just safer cuz I know I can hit that shot I just have hit the choke down plus this is like an uphill ramp so let’s go left and we’re going to hit a cut all right here we go wow sit down sit down get knocked

Down I mean that’s a pretty good shot from there you can’t ask for anything more I mean I’ll take it all day it’s safe it’s on the green didn’t hit the best Drive in the world you can’t like this is such a hard hole if this is the

Hardest hole in the course and you’re on the green you’re fine you’re going to be fine for the round so hopefully you just keep that up sorry for the coughing I just got over um a cold the past I think like the past week I’ve been in bed just not been

Feeling good so I haven’t had a chance to use my clubs or really practice with them yet because I’ve been sick wow that’s even still short that wind knocked it down so much have a little long putt here long it’s probably like 35 40 fet all right see some lag putt with

This putter I really do like it the only thing that I think like if I have to criticize it just a little bit is it’s me it’s my fault that I’m hitting putts too hard because I just think I have to get used to a mallet and it’s just like

A different putting stroke with the blade I feel like there wasn’t as much weight so I just kind of had to hit it harder now I end up hitting this a little bit long but I have had some of my best putting with this putter so far

So I’ve had this for a little bit this is little right to left off this bunker and then it kind of comes left to right it’s super uphill but I’m still going to try and land it a little bit land it not like a shot no I’m going to try and

Leave it a little bit short only because I’m working on being a little bit short of the hole with this putter keep going keep going I lost it too short that was too short all right we can make this we can save this not a good putt but we we’ll figure

It out all right left to right pretty much inside the hole and definitely left to right uphill I’m not going to take it outside the cup though I’m going to go here I did a lot of putting practice today so if I don’t make this I’m going

To be upset because I got to make this this is going in the hole all right we’re making this pup this is going right in the hole oh all right boogey on that is just not good not when you’re three putting not when you hit a bad drive not a bad drive

Not when you hit a not so great drive and a great recovery shot and then you’re on the green and ‘s three that’s just not not what you want to see I mean we’re going to have to make a birdie on the next hole because that’s unacceptable all right maybe I read it

Wrong maybe it was right to left okay yep I think I just read it wrong it was definitely right to left and I totally still see left to right but I guess I was just wrong sometimes you don’t always get it right all right

We’ll go to the next hole and we need to make a birdie you guys can see we’re just waiting for the group in front of us I promise all right 136 yards eight iron and this is a very tough shot I mean this is this after that bunker it just goes

All downhill so the goal is not to land it at the pin because it’s going to go over so you want to land it like 3 ft left and then hit a cut so you got to cut it to like 3et left in my opinion this approach out is

Harder than the last one but I like this hole better so we’ll be good I’m h an incredible shot here oh that’s such a good shot just got to go or stop am I hitting this further than I usually do because I did not know where that went it might have gone over

If it had a bad kick but that was a really good shot eight hour and 136 yards I mean like I’m 138 yards I think actually so we check did it go over or no can’t see it it’s not a good sign 138 so 138 with an eight iron is really really

Good yardage for me because I mean that’s like three four yards longer than what I usually hit with my arar those little yard yards make a difference I just hope I’m not over because I want a birdie putt so please please please please hopefully I didn’t get a bad kick come

On can’t be that far over let’s be serious here oh my gosh look how far that went over wow that’s like 20 yards that’s crazy I mean I know obviously it rolled down there but still that is just crazy well we’re going to walk it out right now because that’s how I

Chip let’s see one two three four five six seven eight n 10 23 of my yards so like 20 yards I got to land this like here this is going to roll out so much cuz it kind of goes like this it’s downhill on both sides downhill on the

Approach do side downhill if you’re on this side of all right here we go I’m going to hit it out by that shadow that’s my line it’s really going to go left to right here go go go I’m GNA have to make that I should have played that higher I

Kind of hit it out right pushed it a little bit all right we got to make this we have to make this and my headband is falling off again one second it just keeps falling off it’s so annoying okay there we go this is a big pot huge but all right

I don’t know if this is inside or not maybe just on the edge this is my hole right here very very important part there we go all right got to be soft with this let it break got to be soft with this put all right I’m making this pup this is

Going in this is going in the hole it was a good save it was a good save I you know what I did what I could I had a great shot to the green I got unlucky picked the wrong Club I guess I’m hitting it further than I than I

Usually do which is always a good sign and and the approach shot on the last hole was also good so you know you can’t complain good up and down here not a good putting stroke on the last hole way too short but you know there’s things we

Can improve on but I’m really feeling confident so far with this new full bag set I mean it’s been really good for me I know I’ve only had it for a few days and haven’t had the chance to practice with the clubs that much yet because

I’ve been sick but other than that I’ve been very very happy with them full what’s in the bag 2024 my first one yet we got uncut three holes and we gave you guys full specs on this entire set there it is full what’s in the bag 2024


  1. Gabby wear the sun screen, you will thank your mom when you are old, it does more than just stopping your skin from burning plus it helps protect from skin cancer. oh one other thing hide you woods from your Gramps he might want those senior shafts lol

  2. Gabby, I enjoy your videos and your energy and enthusiasm! Watching & listening to you reminds me so much of my grandkids🙂. I got fitted with Stealth Irons so I know what it’s like to go through the process, even though my fitting was not VIP, you still feel VIP. And I can share the excitement of going out to play with the new clubs! I look forward to your next video!

  3. Take it from someone who has had numerous skin cancers removed, wear the sunscreen. It has nothing to do with your ethnicity. Skin is skin and the sun will give you cancer.

  4. Better wear the sunscreen or your mom may confiscate your clubs and sign you up for the bowling league.

  5. I heard you say you play the Senior Flex in the Fairway Woods, but I definitely saw a stiff flex shaft in the driver.
    Just looking for simple clarification. Are the Tour AD shafts R2 , R1 or SR, or S flex?

  6. Gabby I am being educated here on the understanding of club degrees, and shafts.i am now playing with graphite shafts and loving them. I am also getting more distance and accuracy. It was great to see your fit out with Trottie and Taylor made. The science side of it all was so well explained by Trottie that even i could understand. Most interesting fit out I've seen. I'm so happy to see your happy with your new clubs. Obviously with more play time with them you'll get better. As always you are one of my favourite watches young lady. I'm telling my friends that they should watch and subscribe because they'll learn and enjoy like me. But it's hard to get 65 to 75 year old men to watch a just turned 16 year old. Sadly they are missing out.

  7. this has been an awesome video of what's in. the bag plus 3 holes uncut. Seems you're hitting your IRONS 1 club longer now . Always do as mother says and wear your SUNSCREEN xx keep producing these great videos

  8. Gabby
    Very nice explaining.
    I use TaylorMade and I love them.
    Have you played some tournament and how was your performance?
    Next tournament?

  9. Thanks Gabby for the what’s in your bag video. Job well done ! My daughter plays D2 golf for St Martin University and she watch a lot of your videos , she is a big fan.

  10. i am so envious of Gabby's ability to hit the ball where she aimed!! Please make a video of your swings of various clubs (slow-mo please) so I can hopefully pick up some tips. It must be so routine for her to play a round without losing any balls!! I can only dream!!!

  11. I noticed before all your shots you do that pre shot routine, can you explain what is going on during that.

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