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UFC 298: Post-Fight Press Conference

Following UFC 298, tune in to the Post-Fight Press Conference to hear the athletes take questions from the media. ​

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18,18 highest grossing live event in Arena history highest grossing MMA event in California history fight of the night was lamos and D Performance of the night was uh Zang toore and Hernandez they all won $50,000 congrats to them Danny you just laid out the uh the numbers there obviously you’ve made a

Commitment to the Honda Center moving forward an amazing week an amazing fight night I guess just first off your thoughts overall on this fight week and and tonight yeah it’s good to be back um this this uh Serena has been very good to us for a long time and uh we like the

Guys who run this place and we look forward to doing they they have big plans for around here too they’re building a an experience here so happy to be back with these guys capped off by an incredible Main Event elot Toria U man he seemed to be the enemy all week

Long but now uh it seems like a star I mean we’re heing these chants outside this this venue right now I mean what are your thoughts on him as a champion yeah no he listen a lot of questions going into this thing you know never

Been uh in a main event like this never felt the heat the pressure he couldn’t have looked any better against the vul who looked really good too that that fight was heating up they were exchanging um topor looked solid man very solid yeah El immediately said hey

He wants to go to Spain to do this you had mentioned Spain before was on the rad does that become an immediate prior I want to go to Spain too we’re of Spain yeah you think his first title defense will be there or is that too soon to

Make happen no yeah if if there’s a venue available for us we’ll be there I love it Alexander vinoski a great Champion right he mentioned maybe a rematch what do you think I mean he’s given rematches this was a pretty decisive result but you know he’s been a

Great Champion given rematches along the way what do you think is he deserving of a rematch or is that not I don’t know yet just happened I you know I don’t I’m not even thinking about that right now yeah couple other ones real quick Robert Whitaker amazing performance from him

Tonight as well both guys I thought they both look good co Costa so durable man so big so durable that that front leg it it was almost disfigured it was it was so nasty he stayed in there kept swinging kept getting kicked in the leg kept moving forward stayed in the fight

Uh you know both guys look solid yeah do you when you have your Matchmaker meetings will Robert be in your title discussions I mean is he right there mean you know obviously he’s had some losses to Champs and sort of thing but a former Champion I mean is he do you feel

Like he’s at least in the discussion for a number one Contender type fight of course he is I mean I mean the former Champion himself looked good tonight against a big strong durble guy um who you could tell was motivated and wanted to win we’ve had some weird history with

Costa you know but but when you look at the The Rock hole fight and then you look at the fight tonight Costa comes to fight man when you can get him in here here comes the fight uh last one I know you don’t make fights but morab

Deales feel Joe Rogan said it but is but I mean he’s got to be next right I mean Ali and Cheeto he’s got to be that for the winner yeah and then last he good tonight man he he he came in and uh and did what he had listen when you’re you

Know uh in my opinion you can’t take three years off in a combat sport it’s it’s never done well for anybody and uh cejudo uh you know looked great in the first round thought he started to gas out in the second round Mor Rob just

Got stronger as the fight went on y last thing I’ll just ask you about the USC 300 Main Event uh you know you talked about all the drama that it took building up to it and all the options you looked at why did you settle on what

You settle and what are your thoughts on the fight I wouldn’t say that I settled settled decided on let apologies um yeah listen we we were out there talking to lots of people trying to make lots of fights and uh in this business it’s about it’s about taking opportunities headlining

UFC 300 with all the buzz and all the energy around it let let me let me say this Leon Edwards Leon Edwards never Leon Edwards has had like three opponents throughout this thing Leon Edwards doesn’t say no to anybody th this kid is an absolute stud um he’s had

Like three opponents thrown at him dur during UFC 300 yes yes yes was willing to take on anybody man kids’s an absolute stud Leon thank you much respect Dana going back to the the guys that haven’t taken that opportunity to get on the headline of c 300 why was

That were they asking for too much money did they feel they had no no no this was not about money it’s all about timing we got three killer cards in a row and in this business you have injuries and all kinds of other that goes on

Behind the scenes and and you know we’ve been talking about 300 forever and we were just trying to make the best fights that we could possibly make we had two more fights to make and we were trying to put on two badass fights so um

These two guys are it I mean I’m sure if you saw the video I walked through who they both are what they’ve both done both guys are hungry they both want it no way that fight sucks in the past we’ve seen for UFC 200 for Conor Aldo

We’ve seen these like epic trailers sort of movie trailers do you think we could see one of them come back for 300 say that again in the past for big events like Conor versus Alder you had them walking down the street to Las Vegas do you think we could get one of those

Traders for 300 no I have to now that you said it I guess right I got to figure something out you’re welcome everybody thank you and uh you know this week you went viral um for your new dislike of podcast is there no point anyone asking you to join

Those again yeah please uh you know where I’m at with the podcast I feel like Jordan Peterson every time I turn on Instagram I’m on a podcast yes no more podcast please podcast it out by the way did Robin uh Costa get a bonus you mentioned how good

That fight was did what did Rob and Costa get some extra money for their fight they did not they did not okay we gave out three performance bonuses and a fight of the night we’ll kick them something though we’ll take care of them for you you’re welcome hey how are you

How um just just just perance uh just wanted to know what did you think of ot’s performance and how do you think of him going forward as the Champions UFC yeah I think he look great listen obviously vul’s one of the greatest of all time and he’s definitely

The greatest in that weight class ever and uh topor looked damn good in his last fight and he looked damn good tonight uh if he keeps his head together and you know uh continues to do what he’s doing he’s going to be a force in that division volovski immediately asked the uh for

The for the for the rematch and he said he would mind going to Spain do you think that would be a cool thing to do yeah well we’re definitely going to Spain uh who is going to be facing I don’t know yet but uh I have a lot of

Respect for volovski we’ll see how that plays out but as long as there’s a venue we’re going to Spain talking about talking about the venue um much has been said about the San the the new stadium for Real Madrid in Madrid is there any a real interest in

Actually do how many seats is that um full for soccer 80 80,000 about 35,000 if you if if you actually cut it into an arena for an event like that indoor or outdoor indoor no say I like it sounds good yeah sounds good and lastly um could the UFC debut in

Spain with a pay-per-view could would would it be a could could the UFC debut in Spain with a pay-per-view would that a champion the guy from Spain is a world champion yes it would be a pay-per-view okay thank you very much today thank you sir right here yeah I just got one for

You I wonder if you could talk to me about the decision to put vly Silva in the Hall of Fame he deserves to be he deserves to be in the hall of fame um back when uh you know me and the fertitas got into this Sport and we were

Huge vanderway Silva fans and you know everybody that was uh a hardcore fan back then was a big fan of Pride and you know a lot of big stars came out of there and vanderlay has done a lot for the sport in the early days and and he

Deserves to be in there yeah right here um you got asked about Alexander vulcan’s future and stuff but it’s too Knockouts in about four months now um do you think I know he likes to be so active but do you think he needs to take a little break now uh yeah

Um yeah I I I don’t know what he’s going to want to do but that’s up to doctors not me if a doctor says he’s cleared to fight it’s up to the doctor I don’t determine you know whether he’s healthy enough to to compete doctors do and you

Heaped a lot of Praise on Leon Edwards there for his willingness to fight at 300 yeah um what happens now is he’s not going to be on the card so is he wanting to fight soon are you trying to get him out 301 or 302 yeah listen the guy’s

Willing to fight three different opponents and obviously if it was for UFC 300 three nasty opponents this guy doesn’t care he’ll fight anybody and uh you know think about this we we call and we’re talking about UFC 300 you’re going to headline you’re going to fight this

Guy then we call back and say the fight that’s going you’re going to fight this guy right and then the third time we call and change opponents on him again that that it’s it’s just crazy and this guy could care less he’s up for the challenge he’s ready to fight anybody I

I love it respect it very much so you sorted through a few different opponents for him where do you go back to next time is it still Bal at like the top you just I have no idea what we’re going to do yet he’s not fighting on 300 when we

Figure it out yeah then we’ll and just last thing I wanted to ask you about uh McKenzie D she you know took another rough loss but she’s been very exciting in these past but she’s being on the feet kind of throwing um I guess what would like the

Advice to her someone like her be in terms of evolving and maybe trying to stay away from this type of damage she’s taking the past few fights she’s not on the transport thing did did she uh we we were sh that’s crazy we we were convinced that she had a broken orbital

In that fight when she went down with the eye thing we were convinced it was a broken orbital and she fought through it but I’m shocked that it’s not you you just reminded me of that and I I just looked she’s not on there she’s so

tough man she is so tough and uh what’s your question yeah yeah she’s awesome she’s awesome there you go and uh Last Thing Mark Zuckerberg walked out with vul he was here cide having a blast during MacKenzie’s fight uh did he ask to do that to walk out or was that vul’s

Idea yeah vul asked him to walk with him and you know you know PE people ask me about that type of stuff it’s like even a guy like Mark Zuckerberg who you know you you have everything there’s a couple things in this in this business first of all number one first and foremost

There’s the fight right when you have the opportunity to come to one of these fights and and and sit in the crowd uh uh Hunter was telling me tonight the the guy from Imagine Dragons was like holy this is one of the you know most intense sporting events I’ve ever been

To and yeah then to stand where I stand uh for a Faceoff when you got these big fights it’s it’s without a doubt one of the most unique and incredible things to do in your lifetime if you’re a huge fan and the other one would be to walk out

With a world champion as he’s going out for to defend his title so no matter how much money you have no matter what you have in life it’s one of those very unique amazing things if you get the opportunity to do it yeah and his passion for the sport is obviously very

Genuine I know he’s dealing with like the knee recovery and stuff but he said he wants to do an MMA fight I know that El on things in the past but if he wanted to do that is that something you would want to work with with or does he

Need to fight you know some more lower I don’t know I don’t know I know he wants the fight and and he loves this Bo I mean this guy loves this sport he’s super passionate about it he brings Fighters out all the time to train with them and stuff and

Uh and everybody in this room knows this or most of the people in this room anyway when you when you get into this sport it’s fascinating the way this pulls you in when you think about the people that khabib didn’t even make it to the locker room and Putin was on the phone

Valentina shev shenko meets with the president of her country every time she goes back there um uh the royal family in Abu Dhabi the list goes on and on of the people that these these powerful uh extremely wealthy people that just fall in love with the sport

When you get close to this thing it just sort of sucks you in and and and it uh you just fall in love with it so when I see people like like that like Zuckerberg love this thing as much as they do it’s just it’s fun it’s

Awesome you done with me Dana over here yeah to your left y or to your right I’m sorry okay hi hi um throughout the entire promotion ilot Toria was saying that he is not going to give any of the top guys a shot at the title if he were

To win that and he’s been kind of chasing that’s awesome great to hear he’s been he’s been chasing this Conor McGregor fight which seems a little unrealistic what can you promise to the fans who want to know what’s really next for Toria you know how this works you

Fight all the best in the world he just won the title um he looks like a guy who who could be one of the all-time greats you got to clean out that Division and uh once you do then you start figuring out what’s next how do I challenge myself you

Know and if Conor regret I don’t know if we ever see Conor McGregor at 145 pounds again if if you had told me right here right now you know tell me if you think it it’ll never I I don’t think it ever happens but um everybody wants to fight

He’s kept saying at any weight so obviously I’m sure Connor probably has other ideas of his return but uh another Irishman on this card Ian Gary uh didn’t really have a nice performance pretty listless by all most regards what do you make of his uh performance tonight what do you mean by

Listless just judging by the crowd’s reaction and uh the way the fight unfolded so what do you mean talking what what did you hate about that fight just what oh he’s back there hey Ian this guy thinks your fight suck tonight uh you wants to know my opinion on your fight sucking tonight

Uh so so what what is your what are you asking me about the fight I wanted to get your reaction to the performance because I know you uh put a lot of weight into what the crowd thinks about the fight so just want to get your uh

Wow I I I listen the crowd came in and and paid and broke the alltime California record the gate record and things like that but it was a great card and and to say that uh to say that uh his fight wasn’t a good fight well might

Not have been a a great fight compared to the rest of the night with with the card but uh when you talk about bad cards Toronto was a bad card Toronto I owe you another one we we’ll try to do better next time um but I wouldn’t say

That that that listen did did Ian go on and put on unbelievable performance tonight like knock down drag him out war and win a fight no it wasn’t uh Whitaker Costa but he won the fight and lastly UFC 300 now that we have an official Main Event what is the co-main event

Going to be the co-main event is is the other championship fight on the card thank you yep Dana back here yep uh uh one know can you walk us through how things came together to switch between the tofa brothers for the Marcos rogerio fight what do you mean one fell out the

Other one came in straight up did you text him call them paperwork that fast one out one in didn’t have to change any of the marketing didn’t have to change the posters didn’t have to do anything uh finally um Miranda Maverick opened up the card with the victory obviously

Upand Comer just what were your thoughts on that performance to open up this big uh event yeah I I mean um for a uh you know to take out to to to win the against a tough veteran like she did awesome unanimous decision but yeah uh

Good for her thank you yeah thank you hey Dan down here to your right to your right down here hey zoria changed his Instagram bio earlier this week say 15-0 UFC world champion before the fight ever happens goes out there and does that I mean what does that say about him and

His confidence level he definitely believes in himself uh that’s that’s definitely putting yourself out there um you could call that a lot of things manifesting cocky uh whatever you want to call it he made it a reality he came out and did it tonight ins spectacular

Fashion against the guy who is the best ever in the division which is saying something considering the fact that Max is in that division too you have Toria this month and then next week is you know next month is om Ali and Cheto Vera and om Ali is a 20-some champion toor 27

Champion is this like the Next Generation kind of coming up in those weight classes would you say yeah I mean if you if you look at at both guys I mean topor is is an absolute stud man I mean the way that he looked tonight and vog

Started to turn it up and they started trading and and uh that fight really started to heat up and he finished the fight um yeah he’s this kid’s special there’s no doubt about it and then obviously the the the Miami card this card’s awesome Miami card’s awesome and

Then 300 from the first fight of the night to the main event it’s a great card do you see stardom from both those guys toore andali not just being great Fighters but also being ticket sellers rview sellers 100% and anytime that you get a guy that can uh bring us to

Another Market it’s always fun you know yeah if you look we’ve been doing this for like 23 years now Never Been to Spain this will be our first time ever putting on a UFC event in Spain how fun do you think that’s going to be last

Thing uh what do you got cup there uh is that secret juice you can be honest yeah no it’s uh it’s an energy drink it’s a monster thanks Dana thank you hey Dana um in seven UFC fights Alex Pereira has become a double Champion headline mass and Square Garden twice now headlining

UFC 300 like just can you put into perspective just how big this guy is yeah and and how fast he did it in such a short amount of time two different weight classes um a guy coming from basically one style and and being able to accomplish what he’s accomplished

Here um obviously was super impressive when Izzy did it and now this guy did it even faster and in two different weight classes you know that fight’s a little while away but you know Jamal coming back from mes injury which is devastating for for athletes um how how

Do you see that fight kind of going down I don’t know it’s going to be I’m friends with Kelsey Plum do you know who she is from WNBA she had the same injury she came back and W MVP and won a national title um you

Know and he’s been going to the pi she recovered from that injury at the pi so hopefully he’s good uh last two for me was Conor McGregor ever an option for UFC 300 no um and then lastly I was just wondering if you would uh give a hint on

Who who Leon Edwards was offered those three three opponents I’ll call you later question get over here yeah so at the power slot press scas you mentioned that the UFC 300 Main Event was in the works and another fight so now we know perah and Jamal are going to headline

300 so do we have an update on that other fight that you said was remaining to be confirmed we got one more to make yeah no okay and similar to that video you they were asking about earlier at UFC 200 we saw a special CED canvas for

That event do you think we’ll see the same for UFC 300 uh probably yeah for sure I haven’t even thought about that yet hopefully but um you also signed Kayla Harrison not too long ago I know it’s a signing a lot of fans wanted to see a while ago

But now it’s finally come into parition so what is your take on that signing yeah um I I think that when you’ve accomplished as much as you’ve accomplished outside the UFC as she has it’s a big deal for these guys to come in here not just her MVP and uh you know

You’ve seen others do it and uh you know when you get here it’s a whole another level so I think I think it’s going to be great for them to uh finally get in here and and and and compete against the best in the world and like you said MVP

As well Kayla Harrison so given the situation that the other promotions have had as of late and everything have you guys had conversations with other guys or girls from the other promotions what do you mean as far as like maybe them sucking and not selling any tickets or

Stuff what are you asking me no no no no no Fighters that may be looking for home or something I know some guys don’t have their divisions in the other promotions they they don’t have other divisions there’s some like Fighters that don’t have their respective divisions in that other in those other

Promotions merger yeah listen if you part of a shitty promotion that nobody watches and nobody buys any tickets for and you want to get out of there and go to a place where we sell tickets and people watch we’ll probably see you someday last couple I don’t know what you’re

Asking me but I hope that answered your question all right and last one’s for me uh Daniel Cormier said in the leadup to this fight that this whole buildup from Toria with this Cockiness or arrogance or confidence whatever you may want to call it it kind of reminiscent to

McGregor when he was coming up so do you agree with that statement did you who said that Daniel Cormier I don’t know what are you asking me like if you agree with that just can I have a question so Daniel corm said he’s cocky and arrogant like Connor and you’re

Asking me if I agree with that no no I’m just saying like he he said that it reminds him a lot of that McGregor buildup when he was making his way onto the big stage and everything I don’t know what do you think I think so I mean

You agree I agree quote him on that one not me thank you D yeah thank you do you have it Dan over here yeah uh Henry cejudo said that he would retire if he didn’t win tonight the gloves were off he didn’t get to go on the mic after the

Fight what’s his status and that I have no idea um that I have no idea listen morab was in a position where um he wouldn’t fight his friend you know how we love that here when you won’t do that so you know I I I I have haven’t

Been thrilled with morab I I I don’t like that attitude uh you fight everybody you do whatever morab went in there tonight and he beat the former Champion Henry cejudo Henry cejudo already retired okay he did the whole drop the gloves thing tonight was Mor Rob’s night morab went in there he

Fought the number three guy in the world former world champion he won easily won the fight tonight was Mor Rob’s night if if if uh if he wants to retire again he could do that here or somewhere else you don’t give the mic to to cejudo tonight tonight was Mor Rob’s

Night thank y right here um while we’re on the topic of other promotions um bkfc head David Felman spoke very highly of you called you an ally and we’re we heard from Mike Perry that there was some sort of offer to buy the promotion can you give any U any life to that

Claim or any possible Talent exchange that might be in the works I like that guy too he’s a nice nice guy first time we met absolutely no truth in that whatsoever uh any any truth to the rumors about uh possible Talon exchange no thank you okay Dana you mentioned

That now you guys have the option to go to Spain several times but you also have option to go to South Africa apparently because you have a champion there so can you kind of give us a little insight in how you prioritize these new markets because at this point you have multiple

Places to go with multiple new Champions and does Spain suddenly LeapFrog South Africa and the whole African continent trying to put that together we’re going there too just just a matter of time I mean you know people have been anticipating we’ll go we’re going brilliant you’re brilliant yeah great

Question that’s the answer right over here Dan yes sir uh with with regard to Conor McGregor what what is the holdup with his return what do you mean well I mean he The Ultimate Fighter was over back in August and I can’t imagine the

Plan was for him to be out as long as he’s been well the first problem was that he broke that shin bone he was recovering from that that that was one of the reasons we had it on the other problem is he’s rich and how does that present uh an

Issue to you with negotiations what do you mean well does I’ll ask does Conor McGregor Conor McGregor doesn’t need money so are we at a point here where Conor McGregor may never fight for the UFC can you say that if you had shitloads of money would you be sitting here right now

Asking me this question no no you would not that just answered your question so he so well I answered no so but I was so you’re saying there’s a there’s a chance that Conor McGregor will not fight again for the UFC I don’t know Conor McGregor’s

Got a lot of money and uh you know anytime we get Connor we’ll be happy to you know be thrilled when when he comes and fights but um money complicates a lot of things just filmed a movie he’s got to do the uh the press for the movie and he’s got

Obligations with that and he does want to fight this year but we’ll see what happens is part of the issue um that Conor that’s the only issue does anything is there an issue there’s no other issue that’s it wanting to resign him to a longer no contract Conor

McGregor has probably been one of the best business partners we’ve ever had doing business with Connor is getting Connor to show up the on time is a problem but Connor is as far as the business goes for a guy everybody talks about how Connor used to be on the Dole

And all this stuff for a guy that was on the Dole Conor McGregor is a very good businessman and Conor McGregor’s always been a great partner to us there’s never any hanging out and haggling for money or you know you pay me more money Conor McGregor has never done anything even

Remotely close to that it’s the exact opposite when it’s time to to to to dig in and get to work and and uh you know make money he’s probably the most incredible partner we’ve ever had to be honest with you all right and I have one last question um with regard to vanderly

Silva um it was 10 years ago where you said he wasn’t going to go into the UFC Hall of Fame and you said this the guy’s been Pete rosed um so I’m just curious you know uh what has changed you know what what went into changing your mind

There I’ve been you’re not really somebody to change your mind on a stance like that yeah I’ve been I’ve been in so many beefs with so many people that I didn’t even remember that till you just told me you said there’s going to be no Hall

Of Fame the guy’s been Pete rosed this was after uh he left and it’s a good thing I forgot it’s a good thing you forgot exactly all right thank you yep huh good good night go ahead sir what do you what’s up I talked with the mirav today and he said that he

Could fight next month is this possible to mirav back after the UFC 299 main EV yeah heal he talked to morab and he said morab didn’t know no injuries or anything he could be F he’s fresh to fight next month is it a possibility

He’s a backup ah got it yeah no yeah I mean I don’t know if we already have one but I don’t know definitely how how about Omar norto what about Umar what about him what about Umar yeah to be a backup yeah to back up I think umar’s got a fight

But yeah he could be a backup too thank you sir thank you M Rob congratulations uh on your Victory obviously a very impressive performance I guess first just give us uh thoughts on on your Victory thank you so much I put so much work in and I was

Very comfortable today and I just I just go there and just I have a fun you know I had fun and um now I’m here with you guys nice uh the strategy coming in interesting I don’t know if anybody expected you to come out throwing spinning kicks off the top uh was was

That part of the game plan or something you just felt in the moment what what was that wasn’t part of the game plan uh I’m I’m a complete MMA fighter you know and we I was working with every technique in in the gym like I said before I was

Focused of myself not not for Olympic uh wrestling or spefic wrestling grappling you know of course I train everything we’ve been training everything but not spef typically this but you know he’s lucky I don’t I don’t I don’t land this it felt like maybe he had some success

Early but you kind of dominated the latter stages did you need to make any adjustments or do you feel like he maybe tired a little bit or what do you think the difference was early versus late I think uh I’m getting better every rounds you know if it was five rounds uh

I’m sure you guys all can imagine what’s going to happen right so yeah I mean I guess I don’t warm up good first round I mean before I guess I don’t warm up in the lucky room good so next time I go with I’ll Jo with

Two hard rounds and I come and I will continue better rounds nice it was on the opposite side of the cage as the media so we couldn’t see but were you talking to Zuckerberg were you talking to what what was going on you were talking over there yes um uh yeah Mark

Zackenberg uh we’ve been became friends in social media he’s been supporting me and uh send our positive message each other and um he did text me a couple days ago he will be fight at the fights but he he tell me don’t tell no one like

It’s keep a secret I I keep a secret of course and I I know he was there and as soon as I I go there I saw him and say hi and good to see you and finally in person and um and after the during the rounds he was calling me times 30

Seconds left and he was coaching me he was my fourth Corner tonight so and then like just conversation like this just say then I and then when I got him that actually to the choke was tight but I get too excited I was looking Mark Mark zackenberg and I had too much

Fun and I I mean maybe I should focus to finish but you know I’m just fight I’m free that’s that’s that’s how what what we do and uh yeah that was like fun good positive conversation Dana confirmed you are next as if there was any you know

Choice to be made but he said it so what does it mean for you knowing that your next fight is for a UFC title um that means that I’m fighting for the belt and uh I have another challenge that’s only goal I have now fight for the title and then win the

Belt I believe myself I I’m only getting better as you guys see you know every fight looks so much easier and really tonight I wasn’t even really breathing I wasn’t really even like heavy or I mean I was very comfortable and um yeah this is only beginning you know

I have so many years left of me because I live healthy lifestyle and uh I change little things in my life for be full-time fighter and just training hard training smart and I’m just grinding and uh and and I’m just blessed and uh yeah so now yeah I’ll be ready I can make

Wait in 5 days and no problem in if they if they need a replacement I will be there if not then I enjoy my time and I will just training like I always training and uh I will face whoever will be Champion nice last thing for me I know this night is about

Your accomplishment but for Georgia uh a very special night I guess what did it mean for you to see you know what you did and then what Ilia did as well today is uh historical moment for country Georgia all country was up they wake up early the all the restaurant was booked

And the stadiums the people are watching in like everywhere like they are in the streets now they’re celebrating as you guys see there like so many Georgians came here Arena and plag was everywhere and um uh the my country are proud We have a first Georgian UFC champion the

It means a lot and the my country was always supporting me and I want to tell them thank you so much and uh I will just continue hard work to make them proud and I will give uh good example and motivation young people you doesn’t matter where you’re coming from you come

From Farmers Family like me and then you people work hard hard work will pay off and uh everything is possible thank you sir thank you thank you so much all go what sort of things was Zuckerberg advising you on was he telling you how to adjust your grip was he telling you

To maybe go slower what exactly sort of things was he advising you on yeah he he was giving me some tips but um you know over there when I’m when I was fighting it’s like a good music you know when you like when you’re running and you hear

Good music and oh okay I don’t really remember exactly the now when I look but uh yeah that time it was it was nice you know and he was he was coaching me if he fights Elon will you be in his Corner oh yeah absolutely I will be I will be his

Corner even if he fights my Coach Big John Wood here hey M sorry John on uh on on media day you said that uh you know you you said Henry has better wrestling than you but tonight you you you took him down you controlled him do you still feel that way no I mean if we go wrestling rules

I’m sure he’s better wrestler than me but it’s MMA you know it’s totally it’s a punch shoot and um and adrenaline and you see the arena and a cage we have a like the wall it’s different Man sport this this is different sport and I I respect wrestling but like now when I

Watch wrestling it’s too boring they change rules you push outside it’s one point like something like this you know but MMA it’s a real take down and punch and you know mix it up you know Jo Alo Peter Yan Henry sudo are the last three

Guys you beat I mean yes just an amazing run you’re on correct yes thank you so much and I I win all in Ana’s decision it wasn’t like Split Decision or something yeah how I dominate peteran like you guys see you know like you guys lot of people thinks that omali lost the

Fight right uh so yeah I’m only getting better I training so hard and I’m putting a lot of work in so as you guys see now and then finally obviously uh om Ali and Cheeto are fighting next month I just want your prediction and who would

You like to be fighting who would you like to fight for the D I’m guessing it’s om Ali but does it matter uh I want to fight om Ali because I was calling him since 2018 and um he’s Champion now I I wish he will keep the belt and I can fight

Him and um I want to take his belt and I see today he was wearing nice jacket white jackets I wanted this white jacket how did it feel to be the fan favorite inside the arena Mor Rob I know like when you fought Aldo the fans weren’t necessarily on your side but

Tonight it was a whole different story Yes actually I feel the support everywhere I go like the people always asking me go go fight omali go Bight the fight for the belt you know I feel everywhere everywhere and this means a lot for me and just I’m more humble and I mean I

Mean thank you for all my fans I’m not sure if someone told you but right outside this media tent there was like a huge group of Georgian fans jumping around in circles and singing so I guess how does that feel for you when you hear something like that man just just Pro

Man like uh I was one of the guy like who was like chairing and support our Olympic Champions and I was one of the kid and I was I was so happy to when Georgian was successful in the sports and now like all these Georgians immigrant immigrants some people play

Especially from Georgia or other countries to support me and uh of course this is big moment and um yeah I’m just happy to be UFC fighter and um just do what I love to do congratulations thank you sir um Rob right here yes um for forgive me if if

This is a retread at all but um U just now that Alain Sterling is is fighting at featherweight you have this title shot coming up can can you speak to just how difficult it it might have been mentally emotionally to to sit there and be so close to that title shot and just

Not getting it for whatever reasons no nothing man I’m a fight there Alo was always booked and he had fights uh and then I was his training camp you know training with him I had fights and uh yeah I mean if we say let’s go we fight

Or some maybe we F but it worked out better as you see now I I will get in my title fight and it’s worked out good you know uh I I knew the AL just said you know he had like two more fights left and he was going to go up but after

Henry seudo fight um um yeah they you know they push him to fight omali like quick you know like and we know Al Jo cut lot of weights and stuff but you know it’s it’s all good man I’m I’m I’m like see like now everybody knows then yeah like now it’s

Okay now good I’m sure but now it comes tricky you know I know how how good aljo is and he will do very well in 145 but my other brother IIA to Champion and now like I know will be number one Contender soon and I don’t want to invite so we’ll

See it’s a fight and it’s all love and all respect well we just just for fun uh how would you see that that hypothetical fight going which Ian uh I forgive your disc question my thank you congrats no problem just a quick one for me Rob amazing performance congratulations on

The win thank you regardless of who you fight in the future we know you’re the you’re going to be the top guy challenging for the Belt doesn’t matter the opponent how exciting is it that potentially you have Elia representing Georgia and you could potentially also be a champion Georgia and two Georgia

Champions 20124 that’s amazing man this is very big for our country you know we are warriors but to be UFC champion this is special thing man this is something special as we see we know like to be UFC to come UFC champion this is like dream

I I don’t even dream for the dream for this I’m just working so hard and then uh I’m going step by step and uh and uh when when I will fight I will fight hard I got to make sure I I I can have this opportunity and hopefully I

Can win Bel for my country and my supports and my my people and for my legacy and my family and this means everything for me I cannot even talk loud about this but I’m working so hard for it excellent well great job great work good job sir thank you everybody I

Really appreciate it thank you so much for all my supports around the world I love you guys I’m only getting better and uh let’s go I’m fighting for the belt next but I’m very happy and thank God and God is good thank you guys thank [Applause] you will congratulations on your Victory I

Know you got to walk in to uh hear some potential criticism of it but uh what are your thought initial thoughts after the fight I mean firstly that’s ridiculous seven and0 in the UFC the second person ever to go 7 and0 in the welterweight division the current longest active win Street in welterweight

What was listless about it out of curiosity from your point of view footwork speed elusivity if Jeff Neil was running out you swinging bombs what would you do you’d run do you know what I mean like that dude hits like a truck my job is to make him Miss

And the counter my job is to upset his rhythm upset his footwork and find Avenues to take advantage of his mistakes that was the best Jeff Neil we’ve seen today he didn’t bite on faints he didn’t bite on reactions as well as he normally did and he hit like

A truck do you know what I mean the truth is he slowed the fight down and grappled cuz he wasn’t happy with the Striking he was having he slowed the fight down and tried to Grapple and take me down another person who couldn’t and the truth is my speed and my my accuracy

And my footwork it just tricks people and they’re just on the end of my rope and I just pull them in and I take advantage of them so look say what you want have whatever Penny you want my hand got raised I’ve breaking records again I’m doing what I

Do and I’m still not done I’ve got so much time to go so yeah are you happy with it I mean are you happy with the way it turned out because you know you’re saying hey it was a win and I don’t care what you say

But like you know as you said he was maybe more difficult I think you had a lot of respect for him but I think he was maybe even more difficult than you thought he would be tonight if I got dropped 14 times in a round and still

Managed to win I’d still be happy with myself my job is to get my hand raised if I went out there and got beaten for 14 minutes and I knocked him out I’m still happy I got my hand raised I am my harshest critic I will go back and I

Will watch the fight I know I I wish I was able to set up a bit more kicks and make the fluidity of the combinations what I normally see but the truth is if you crack Jeff Neil or you take an inch too much he’s going to put you

Unconscious and you have to respect that there isn’t many people in the in the welterweight division that possess the power he has in that hand so you got to respect it you got to give it the time it deserves and you got to M like you got to find that way to to

Find that success I mean he started leaning I started making him lean I started making him lean do you see those knees to the face I’m surprised he took some of them do you know what I mean he ate two or three clean and that was because I’m making him reach that’s

CU of my disc control my footwork I am such an intelligent fighter that if I go out there for 15 minutes minutes I can fight for two more rounds I can fight for 25 minutes I can do it clean I can do it like amazingly and I can do it and

Not take a hell of a lot of damage that’s that’s the most important thing I want to be active I want to continue to fight if I go out there and let Jeff Jeff will hit me 40 times chances are I’m not going to be able to turn around

Quite quickly right I can give me two or three weeks off and going on Holiday by you my family now I’m going to rest recover go have some sun some beach and then we’ll try to F book that Kobe date next you know what I mean that’s what I

Want next so let’s make it happen outside of the fight itself what did you think of fight weekly I mean you know you’re flipping off the crowd and telling them I don’t care if you boo me I mean you’re kind of embracing I guess people disliking you but is that hard

For you I mean I can’t imagine like you come in saying I don’t want people to like me I don’t want fans I want to get booed I mean is that is that difficult for you I don’t care what people love me or hate me I’m doing what I love I’m a

Kid who had a dream and I’m up here living it you know I mean I watched Connor go through everything that he went to went oh just want to that’s that’s what the life I want to live I want to put on a show I want to I want

To fight for a living I want to travel the world and train with the best coaches in the world and the best teammates on the planet and I’m living my dream and there’s no one that can wipe that smile off my face and there’s still nobody in the world that can take

That o off me and I’m going to keep proving that and whether they love me or hate me whether they cheer they boo if my hand gets raised I’m still going to become a world champion whether they like it or not last thing for me you

Know when you came into the USC you said look I’m not in a rush I’m you know I’m building myself here but you know where you stand now you’re talking about Kobe Covington who’s right up at the top of the division I mean you you get that

Fight and get that win are we talking about world title fights at that point no I want to earn it I really want to earn it so that people don’t say it’s listless and it’s undeserved I think it’s ridiculous that people say we rush up

The ladder for me I don’t I never want that on my career that’s my third top 15 guy I’m going to go out there and I’m going to beat Kobe kington like we’ve never seen before and then I want a top three opponent someone who’s in that title

Contention because the truth is Kobe’s biggest claim to the fame he’s fought for three World titles and he’s lost all three he’s not as good as people think he is you get beaten by a young talented upand coming Prospect one of the best we’ve ever seen you don’t come back from

That and the truth is I’ll match him Pacers Pace on cardio I’ll match him for output he doesn’t possess anywhere near the power Jeff Neil does he has great wrestling Co put me on my back I’m trying to with Dam Maya see what happens

If you put me on my back I’ll choke him unconscious I promise you I will end that fight I’ll finish that fight and I’ll read you see read the UFC of Kobe C in for once and for all like he needs to be gone I’m sick of his nonsense he’s a

Piece of you here um just kind of going off that you laid up you laid up the the upside of a kby fight in terms of ranking and all that stuff pretty well but the flip side of it is we know the type of things he’s going to say and

What he’s going to do to build a fight um it seems like you know given just where you’ve gone mentally in the past few months is that something you would Embrace be ready for dread let him write his script let him do the Pano let him

Do the ACT let him do everything I’m going to get to punch him in the face he can talk about me my wife my family my kids he can talk about whatever he wants he gets the pass cuz he’s going to sign the contract as long as he shows up and

Bees a man I will punch the mouth of him and I hope I hit him so hard he’s never able to speak again and you said earlier this week um got a little bit of backlash in the comment about maybe being too big to headline in Ireland and

I think maybe people didn’t understand they took the wrong way yeah you just kind of want to explain and maybe people who didn’t understand that what I mean is that I don’t want to become too highly ranked and too important for the UFC to not put on pay-per-views I want

To bring the UFC back to Ireland I’ve got my sh like my believe Patty day dunks on like I’m trying to get the UFC back to Dublin I’m trying to do it but the truth is I’m fighting on the biggest cards in the world I’m fighting

The next best guy and I’m moving and I need the UFC to help me bring them back what I mean by getting too big is I don’t want to become the world champion and then the USC go yeah you’re fighting in America you’re fighting in the biggest stadiums Ireland doesn’t have a

Stadium big enough for it and if they couldn’t do it with Conor McGregor then the chances are they’re probably not going to do it anyone ever again do you know what I mean so like people took that the wrong way it’s yeah I think everyone got what I meant

And the people that didn’t just run with it so thank you for helping me Ian right here what’s up sir how are you I’m doing well thank you congratulations uh Ian obviously there’s been so much going back to you know last November December and your family being

At the center of it can you just talk a little bit about those conversations at home and just having that support and strength to get through everything and all that outside noise that has been going on in the media my wife has a smile on her face

Tonight my little boy is at home in bed asleep we go to Bay on holiday in the weekend nothing that is said online or by people who are completely irrelevant matters to me or my family there was a time at which it did hurt and there was

A time at which it did Sting to have people and still to this day it still stings but the truth is we’re living our Dream we’re traveling the world we’re happy and we’re proud of what we do as parents as as a couple as soulmates people can talk all the

In the world at the end of the day my hands getting raised my wife is happy my kids are happy my family is doing amazing things and I keep winning so unless any of that changes I’m not changing a single thing if there’s a reason that you don’t love me Lea then

Maybe we’ll talk but until you keep smiling we’re going to keep running with it and then uh can you walk me through a little bit you’re in the back you’re obviously getting ready you know the crowd is probably going to make some noise again when you get out there just

What’s going through your mind when you finally go through that curtain i a little cry backstage like I always do pulled my team close prayed with them let out all the emotions before I I went on my journey let it all out let the tears flow thank the Lord for the power I

Possess the ability I possess asked him to give me his speed and boy did he give it to me I was fast tonight I was elusive tonight the amount of videos you could chop over of Jeff swinging and missing tonight is impressive I’m just very grateful to

Have the people around me I have to be able to make the walk so actively so consistently it’s not there’s like the truth is had I fought with if had I not gotten pneumonia I would have fought five six times in the last 12 months there isn’t people like me in

This sport that’s active I’m going to turn around and make this Kobe fight as as soon as I possibly can on the biggest card I can and after that I’m going to go towards the end of the year and get another big opponent I’ve done too many

Fights that people can’t keep up I’m 7-0 in the UFC you know the second guy ever to go 7-0 after Kamar so say what you want about my performan to say what you want about me the speed the power the intelligence everything is there and I’m just going to keep that

Proven that I am right that I’m going to get that BT wrapped around me I’m going to do it my way and I’m going to have a smile on my face when it gets there appreciate you yeah just just curious uh whose idea was it to uh use Lila as a

Walkout song tonight Leila has been my walkout song song for the last four or five songs now four four or five fights and the reason behind it is because I love that woman and when I fight it’s to make sure that she knows that I love her

And everything’s going to be okay and I’m going to goow out there and I got that but more than ever tonight it meant so much to know that I’m playing her song to all these in the stands who are booing her and saying truth is she’s the only person that

Matters in that in that Stadium at that time I want to put a smile on her face and I love her she’s my wife I’ve got a name tattoo to my body she’s the mother of my child I don’t care what people people have to say she’s got a smile on

Her face she enjoys the show that’s all that matters and last one for me why didn’t you go with the unplugged version H I don’t know I like that one I just I don’t know the guitar does differently my favorite one is the acoustic version but it ain’t got the uh

Theph energy the umph for a walk out song but I like that one a lot I think maybe talk to youc about the unplugged version maybe that’s on them with the rights I appreciate you hey Ian um in case Kobe turns turns you to he doesn’t

Have a choice he doesn’t have a choice his last three title fights he doesn’t have a choice sorry I don’t mean to interrupt but there is no other option for him who else are they going to put he’s not going to sign to fight Grapplers that’s for sure he’s not going

To fight Wonderboy Thompson do you know what I mean what’s the point of putting them two together he’s going to f he’s going to do what he’s told and he’s going to fight a young up and coming Prospect so I can take him out of division wipe him off the off

The top 15 and the USC can go great right that’s been great let’s take that and R with it question sorry it’s all good you know he has a history of turning down fights so if he does turn it down like are you open to to fight a

Young Prospect like a Jack Del sha Brady shav cot or do you want like a Stephen Thompson Kobe someone who’s fought for a title I am a fighter who says yes I don’t say no I don’t be picky I say yes where when that’s it the truth is I call

Out who I want Kobe’s the biggest name in the division without a title going out and beating him does so much he also look I might be talking about him there’s a lot of respect on his name from all the MMA Community you I mean he wrestles heads he puts output in fights

But he’s just no way he’s not one tenth of the fighter I am and it’s my job to go there and prove that and I would do that with a smile on my face I don’t believe he’s in a position to be picking and choosing his fights now if he wants

To fight he’s going to do what he’s told and I’m sure Hunter and day not tell him that and finally there was a clip that came out today of you of you checking some fans that were uh talking about your wife oh my God a

He said get that crazy lady out of your car I told her guy to stop the car come over and say that to her face he folded he folded people honestly I happened today I’m not going to mention names of who it did but someone said something to me outside and I just

Was like o get the back here talk to me calm down when you put someone on the spot and you call them out for the they’ve said they crumble it’s like you can see the masculinity in them go oh I up and now he’s going to

Hurt me like it just changes when you call people that we’ve all seen it whether it’s a boss at work or you know a child who knows they up and they go uh oh and they look at you it’s like you can see it in people’s eyes

When you call people out for the they say you need to do you know what I mean Justice is important that guy needed it he was a sorry for my language you know over here obviously this fight week you were kind of welcomed as like the villain of that

Fight so are you going to embrace this role going forward or is it just something that doesn’t doesn’t really cross your mind I couldn’t care less I have a smile on my face I’m a happy proud man I don’t care what people are saying I don’t care what the noise is

I’m going to do my job I’m going show up I’m going make weight I’m going fight I’m going get my hand raised and that’s all that matters to me man I I genuinely can’t get that across enough awesome and obviously you fought Vegas Charlotte Boston MSG now California which has been

Your favorite place and why really I genuinely love California I think the weather it’s not too hot it’s not too cold it’s got the beach it’s got the green it’s got I like golf got some really good golf courses it’s just been a really really cam peaceful City to be

In and I’m very happy that we got to experience it that’s one thing that I love to do about traveling the world it’s I knew the travel would come and now the success is coming the travel’s getting greater and I get this experience many many places in different

Cultures and I love it and I saw that you had those dunks on are you big are you a big shoee head or sneer head or not I’m I’m getting more into I’m getting more in there I’m getting my little collection on but I’m getting

There I like them I like them a lot I need to get more knowledgeable on them them congratulations appreciate you man you and as a fellow vegan what is your postf fight uh celebratory meal looking like I’m going to go find a nice vegan pizza I’m going to chill out I’m going

To eat it the truth is veganism has changed my game it’s it’s given me the ability to be that fresh in the third round and keep that mve and keep that speed and do everything I’m doing so yeah I’m going to keep running with it

I’m going to keep doing it and I I genuinely believe it means all the world to me for success and the way in which I cut weight because of the vegan diet means that I’m more hydrated and I can take those shots from a Jeff I can

Absorb those shots and I can recover so quickly and that’s genuinely the most important thing to me health is everything have you had any good vegan food here in La I know there’s a lot of good spots here no I had my I had my nutritionist here and he makes all my

Meals for me he he looks after me he protects me he makes sure that I’ve got the immune system during fight week and people normally get sick and they drop obviously after the last fight we had to make sure of that but you know we just made sure that everything was was speak

In Span A1 and we just looked after ourselves and do what we do best appreciate you guys thank you so much Rob congratulations a very impressive Victory against obviously a very dangerous opponent so uh certainly banged up a little bit as you sit there but how do you feel about the the result

And your performance overall um yeah obviously I’m very happy with it uh I always look like this after fights like this show plus I had a firefight with Costa so you know it shows a little bit um I’m very more than the win itself I’m happy with I don’t know I’m

Satisfied with what I wanted to achieve and I achieved that you it looked like you had your Rhythm very early on the timing everything was per I mean everything was going your way right and then one shot like nearly changes everything I guess how difficult is that

Moving forward to you know mentally to know that like that guy has the power to change everything in a second even as I’m doing everything perfectly ah it was all right I just brushed it off you know I we’re in the fight game you know it’s there

Are sorry I get distracted loud out there yeah it’s there’s uh we’re in the fight game this is yeah there are moments there are milliseconds that can change the outcome of the fight it is yeah you can’t let off for a second for a millisecond and sometimes as you said

You’ll do everything right and he’ll throw a h Hail Mary spinning heel kick capera kick and it’ll land but I did brush it off just want to I want to highlight that very nice uh I mean listen you know Daniel was here earlier and you said look you know Rob’s always

In the title mix when we’re talking about you know performances like that there’s a lot going on in the division right now so are you are you thinking about that I mean are you thinking about the title picture and what gets you there faster and things like that uh

Definitely not mate I’ve been in this game for a long time I understand the rules and how it’s played I the only thing that I’m focusing on is myself my career my trajectory my performance performances that’s I think that’s a key thing that I I took away from this week

And the pressures that I kind of put on myself this week and you know the fight itself is is just that you know I got a grip on the reins I’m not about to to to take the foot off the pedal I’m G to go

Home spend some time with my my my new daughter and then just get straight back into it love it that was kind of my last question for you is uh I guess what do you see and we know you always like to go home and have a little time with the

Family so do you envision like fighting twice more this year once more this year like what do you see as the plan definitely i’ I’d definitely like to fight twice more to be able to to jump in again mid year would be great for me

I want to I want to keep fighting you know like I said I don’t want to take the foot off the pedal I very much intend to go home to my family and spend some time with my new daughter and my kids and my wife but mate if I’m not

Spending time with them what am I doing I’m training like that’s all I’m doing so yeah if I’m training and I’m ready I’m fighting me gaming is in there too yeah it is it is but I can’t the five kids might you know I can’t get anywhere near

As much as time doing that as I want to hey Rob um is Strickland probably is is that the most logical opponent for you next do you think or are you kind of keeping your options open uh options are definitely open the the middleweight division is is funny there’s so much

Movement and fluidity in it and opportunity in it that any fight could be made at any time any anywhere and honestly UFC have always done right by me I’ve never had to pick my opponents they’ve always been laid out in front of me you know and that’s I’m not about to

Change the way I conduct business just now you know you can match up with Sean you you you said multiple times that you know you come from the gaming world and those are the most toxic people around so I’m I’m sure Sean’s trash Talk’s not

Going to get to you right he’s he’s not that bad like like he’s not that bad I don’t know he’s kind of holistically angry at everybody I don’t think he singles anyone out unless you do something to him particularly I I find it he I feel like it would be hard for

Him to to to get a grip on something I’ve done but you know there’s there trying how long did it take you to recover from that Spinning Wheel kick and then in that first round what kick I know what you’re talking about mate Robert um I know you got the win

For Australia obviously but volkanovski didn’t quite do that and I was some to asked you did you get to see his fight in the locker room or in the back or what was your reaction to it I was getting um pushed around a little bit in

The back there at at the time but I did see the the finish and I saw uh Snippets like I was trying to watch it whenever I was given a chance T’s got good hands you know very good hands and uh that that’s the game we’re in that’s the

Stakes fortunately one man loses one man wins and he’s been at the top of the game for so long I don’t count that makev fight like with much weight because of the circumstances that were around it but he’s done so much work in that division probably the most dominant

Featherweight Champion ever and I know there is potential talks of this fight that just happened could have occurred a while ago on an Australia card and unfortunately for you it couldn’t happen you couldn’t compete on that card so is a goal for you this year to compete in

Australia again or is that just something that oh definitely if there’s a card in Australia I’m jumping on it you know I got a fight in now so I don’t know when it would be but it would make sense for me to wait for it congratulations thank

You rob over here uh correct me if I’m mistaken is this your first time fighting in California it is it is how did you enjoy the experience with the here mate the crowd were wild absolutely wild even at the the press conference and the weigh-in like you they they were

Wild and uh I’ve fought a lot of places and I got to say this is up there top two top two I think sometimes fans don’t realize it is that is that that extra boost of energy when you’re out there in the cage even though you’re trying to

Focus on everything when you hear such an excited crowd out there uh mate when I’m in the Octagon itself I don’t really hear much I don’t really hear much I think I think I hear like the as’s and oo when you when you land shots but it’s

Kind of it really does become background noise because I don’t know in my fight it was happening every 10 seconds was a lot of as and ooze congratulations thank you hey Rob where are we I was I was getting text and that from friends back in like New York

Saying they were watching in bars and people scream for you when you came out in the bars I’ve seen people at other shows wearing repe show and Reaper gear even over here at the states what do you think it is about yourself that makes you so popular even over here like away

From your home country uh I think I think a I think a big thing is that people can people can tell fake and I’m not fake what you see is what you get and um another thing I believe is I don’t try to be likable you know like I

Don’t try to make people like me you either like what you see or you don’t and I understand stand there HS of people on the other side of the fence but is mind my own business keep to myself and try to put on exciting fights for everybody thank you very much spee

Alex all class as always I mean clearly obviously not the result you wanted tonight but I guess as you’re processing things you know we saw the pain of of the last one that you had to process as you sit there tonight what’s what’s the feeling like oh yeah know like that’s

Yeah that that that was totally different you know what I mean this one uh you know was High Spirits hallway I’m still still in High Spirits you know it’s yeah he caught me that’s that you know I felt good in there I felt like I seen everything uh early uh you know

What I mean and but he ended up uh catching me you know I was pretty comfortable in the first round and then we started being like we’ll start to do more I was just about to do more and he caught me so it’s just the game sure I’m

Pretty confident we you know we’ll probably up until then but that’s that’s just that’s the game the opening round it looked like you were having some success I mean were things playing out exactly as you saw him was was there anything he did that was you know maybe

He was a little faster than you thought or maybe he was a little better was there anything in there surprised you no no cuz we knew we would be fast we knew we would be powerful obviously uh we knew not to be on the on the C cage

There and let him catch her there so uh again he did you know he he did a great job there so there’s there’s no not much I can say other than uh congrats to him but you know obviously you know I’ve been a champ for a long time and you

Know I want that rematch you know so it’s uh that’s something that you know need needs to happen so you know I’ve been raining champ for how long you know I’ve been a bit of a company man you know I’ve backed up with short notice and you know fought Max three times you

Name it uh I’ve done it and been chair for a long time so I think I deserve that and uh it’s going to be different next time yeah Danny was here earlier tonight he said you’re clearly the greatest featherweight of all time so I don’t think that changes but you know I

Think the talk coming in this was like the only concern was mean your greatness is known is he turning around too fast right there was The Knockout four months ago is there a physical element is there something that’s going to you can’t take anything away from toor if he puts a

Hand on you like that like you’re going to go down like I don’t care how you know that’s just that like I mean that was a clean right hand uh you know and I think no matter who you are like you let one of one of those land on your chin

While you’re caught there you’re probably going down don’t let him catch you that that’s that’s what that was you know what I mean so he caught me so I won won’t take nothing away from him you know what I mean I’m not going to sit

There and say was this or was that uh I felt great Camp was great um I felt good in there like I said I seen everything he through I thought you know like I knew he would be fast and Powerful but I I seen everything you know what I mean

There’s not much uh big shots he landed before then like in his Cal kicks he was landed a couple of those but I’m pretty durable so I’m all good with that so I was be able to I was able to keep the weight on there but yeah last thing for

Me you said in the cage hey let’s go to Spain let’s do the rematch there um I mean would you want it I know how often you like to fight so would you turn right around if he wants to do it in three or four months it’s it’s going to

Have to do about being active I want that rematch it’s just the the rematch you know what I mean so that’s that’s my goal you know what I mean obviously I always talk about oh we active like I don’t care about any of that I just want

A rematch and I you know I don’t care where that is but I want the rematch would you well I guess I was asking would you prefer time like with at home with the family first or spend or like do you want if it’s his next fight home

You spend time with the family look he just won the belt I’m not expecting him I’m not expecting every champion to be as active as me you know what I mean so uh let’s be real he he just won the belt he’s going to go back celebrate I’m sure

He’ll celebrate big uh so uh you know they usually take a bit of time till their next fight after after they take a belt so um you know whenever you know we leave leave that leave that up to him leave we’ll see when that Spain card is

And uh did anyone mention a Spain date not yet but yet they said Spain D excited about going to SP well there you go you know what I mean it’ll be massive I said I said I wanted to take take him out and then I would LED but I mean

Maybe I’m headlining as a as a challenger vul just want back here uh wondering uh the whole old man vulk really took a life of its own fans showed up in costume day to cheer you on I mean can you just speak to the ban reception to you out here in California

This week oh man it’s been incredible you know the the the love from the the fans uh for the last couple of times I’ve been in crowds just been unreal you know what I mean so uh you know obviously appreciate every single one of them and thank you for turning up uh

Sorry I didn’t get the job done Alex um obviously it’s still really fresh and stuff but going into a rematch with Ilia I mean how do you think it would be different how would you approach it differently I’m sure on his end he’s going to be way more confident

And there’s going to be way more doubt on you and which I know you thrive off but what are your immediate thoughts on yeah I mean look you know you can’t give too much away but that’s pretty obvious uh you don’t want to be caught in front

Of him like especially on the cage you know what I mean and uh yeah so that’s I’ll I’ll leave it at that but I mean there’s definitely things that we could capiz look I I wanted to start to do more I was about to uh you start you

Know bringing all the disciplines in you know what I mean but uh he caught me before before I did that I was like all right now I’ve got it now I can start adding uh some things onto it and um I think he ended up uh catching a couple

Of I was all right and then but it was just enough to get me on the back uh back to the fence and one right down the pipe right on the chin you know what I mean you get a big powerful puncher like that putting one on your chin while

You’re St stuck there that’s what’s going to happen so uh yeah again credit to him but that won’t happen again I just want to ask you about uh El’s confidence right you you you’ve seen it he’s been confident forever you know he was Ultra confident how much did that do you think

That played into the fight at all do you think that like it helped him any more like I don’t no no I don’t think so I mean being confident is going to definitely help him not get too you know emotional or when things are you know if he’s because he was you

Know finding it hard to find me uh early like obviously with guys like EMT like he was able to just land the jab whenever he wanted and things like that like um he was finding it hard uh but you know he didn’t he didn’t crumble under that so maybe see that’s when the

Confidence can definitely help you so if you are really confident in your skill I think uh you know again he’s look man he’s a he’s a good dude you know he’s just uh you know playing I don’t know if he’s playing the game or what it is but

Yeah look he’s confident young fell uh and hey so he’s got every right now right like I can’t say much other than yeah congratulations it worked out like that’s a tough game you got to play when you want to go down that route uh and it

Worked out for him tonight so uh it’s just going to make a massive rematch in Spain by the looks of it obviously you didn’t break the over 35 curse that’s been talked about so next time going into the rematch are you going to dye your hair dye your beard gray like like

What do you are you going we’re still going to run that old man vog don’t worry about that that’s that’s you to stay you know what I mean it’s a are we in Hollywood too you know maybe get some Hollywood uh acting up in here as well any connections what what you

Reckon and then finally for me I just wanted to what was the uh idea to bring Zuckerberg to walk you out oh well he was uh coming uh to watch uh obviously I know a a m with him I have a chat with him regular he said he was coming to the

Event I’m like heyy would love to have you come walk out you know what I mean and he goes you know if it’s not going to get in the way I’m it ain’t getting in the way would’ love that and he did so I appreciated that something

Different there 155 still in your goals I mean I know you want to get your belt back at 45 but you still haven’t you still Envision yourself going up to 155 and trying to get a Bel over there as well right now I don’t want to talk

About that I want to talk about my rematch that’s it so uh it’s just uh by the look said he wants Spain I think Dana did D Dana mention Spain he said he loved it yep let’s just talk about Spain and uh 145 fair enough and obviously

Just mentioned Zuck um did what did he say to you after did he get to talk to yeah yeah he was he was backstage with us he was in the room and just sayy like uh everyone knows that this is the game you know what I mean like you know

Obviously it’s it is two in a row but I mean it’s that’s that’s fine like last one but this one got caught all good like uh that’s look I’ve been the hammer plenty of times I was a nail today so it’s it’s all good I’ll bounce back

Trust me obviously I can tell all eyes are on Spain for you and that re reclaim your belts but you did say me today that you kind of want to fight at MSG one day before you call it so maybe this November and MSG is that one you want

You want to get in this year yeah well maybe if Spain one doesn’t happen for the rematch maybe we do do it in MSU it doesn’t matter like you know I mean it’s just I want that rematch uh you know I think I deserved it as as I’ve said I’ve

Been reigning champ for what almost five years is that right almost five years uh defended multiple times you know what I mean fought you know Max three times when you know let’s be real I didn’t have to short notice fights being active you you I’m uh I’m you know doing doing

The favors and I just want that rematch I I don’t ask for much and speaking of Max what do you make of his fight against Justin gate at UFC 300 ah great fight that’s going to be fun and that’s uh yeah I’m I’m excited to watch that

One for sure thank you for your time thank you Alex uh we see a lot of Fighters after a crushing loss just not even want to come out and face the media why was it important for you to come out and talk tonight oh man like

Uh it’s that’s it’s a part of the game you know what I mean like uh you know all I want to talk to is when I win and when I lose that that that’s just how it is uh obviously the last one was a bit different you know what I mean cuz uh

Yeah it was obviously as as you see me after it was a you know a little bit you know it was early a couple months there I think people maybe took that out of look I’m I’m sweet like you would see me breaking down now if it was a problem

But I was just uh you know wasn’t wasn’t good then before that fight and that’s why you see me there but now I’m good you see me in High Spirits I just want that rematch you know I mean now I’m I’m just motivated more than ever just to

You know I need that that that belt back and now uh that’s that’s all that that matters to me before was I I want to be active I want this I want that you know just try you know but now it’s just give me that damn rematch if a rematch isn’t

Next and you’re it is next it’s next if if it’s not do you see yourself kind of going back and forth between weight classes again uh after I get the belt back after the rematch we’ll bounce between the two yes thank you sorry mate all good all right thank you appreciate it [Applause]

Sorry good night to everyone El congratulations I mean uh listen you were confident all along you predicted you’d be here you said you’d be Champion but now that you’re sitting there with the belt you did what you just did what’s the emotion like for you

Right now I feel amazing man I feel very thankful and I just can’t wait to live this place and enjoy with the team and with with my family I imagine we won’t keep you here too long uh competitive opening round right I mean obviously you had a lot of

Respect for him all three judges actually gave him the opening round what did you think about the first five minutes and and how he was as an opponent versus what you expected to see first of all I don’t need the judges when I’m fighting they they can go and

And take their time to break and rest a little bit but yes man the the guy was really fast very very fast Jabs his movements I don’t know with his kicks he surprised me a little bit it it took me a little bit of time to to sty

Him and I had to knock him out in the second round yeah it seemed you really gained confidence in the second round um was it just figuring out his timing his rhythm like what changed that you gained that confidence and did you know that right hand would be there to finish the

Fight I was just waiting to to find my timing you know he he he he I don’t know how to say he catch me with with couple of punches he catched me with couple of punches and he was like celebrating like hahaa and I was like now it’s my turn

Wait for that wait for that and the game plan since the first moment was to to to to do a long combinations not just a one two punches not like combinations of three four five punches because it’s it’s more difficult to read com long combinations than Jazz combination with

Two punches so yeah we did a great jump I become a world champion I’m very happy and very thank thankful with God to give me all these moments to be a able to live it and I was able to enjoy it too during the whole week so very happy he’s

Really really interested in the rematch whether it’s next or not maybe fight somebody else first but given how great he was as a champion do you believe he deserves a rematch with you at some point so he’s such a good person you know and to be honest at this point I’m

Like okay I’m going to give him the rematch because he’s a good person but at the same time it’s time to move on it’s time to clean up a little bit the division you know it’s time for the new generation to to have a new challenges new faces

And I think I I will I will be looking for that but to be honest my job is it’s the f fight whoever they going to tell me I have to face and fight next I will be there so that’s it last thing for me undefeated Champion what’s your goal as

Champion you know some people want to be champ champs two divisions some want to you know have the most title defenses in UFC history like what’s your goal as UFC champion I don’t know right now I don’t know my goal since the beginning was to become a UFC world champion now I have

To go back home I have to meditate to visualize what that are going to be the next St the the next steps that I’m going to take but for sure I’m going to make some big steps so yeah right here um you just mentioned you know you’ll fight whoever you’re the

Champion now does that mean you’ve kind of changed your tune on Max Holloway and Y Rodriguez and Brian Ortega Max Holloway no all of them they they didn’t make any sense for me right now as I said I need new Challengers new ones so there are some upcoming fights we’ll see

What how they going to play out and you’re going to see a matador for a while so um you I mean you mentioned all these people who have had their title shots already the one person in that top five who hasn’t is M sarv and you guys have some history you’re supposed to

Fight I think here in Anaheim at one point um is that a fight you want to revisit undefeated versus undefeated look mosar is a a a good fight for me I would love to fight him but the guy has eight fights in the UFC eight decisions zero submissions zero

Knockouts from eight decisions four split decisions man come on he needs to finish someone maybe they can find someone for him in in in his hometown I don’t know maybe he can fight with his dad or something like that and finishing I don’t know but he needs to finish someone you

Know because like the record he has right now yeah it’s it seems nice he’s undefeated but man the guy didn’t finish anyone so he needs to do something and just last thing on a rematch with Alex um I think a lot of people given his work think that’s would would be

Deserved but he just was knocked out twice in four months do you think it would be a bad idea for him to rush back at this point I think that’s the fight in the vision which makes more sense than any fight you know so we’ll see we’ll

See I don’t know I have to I have to sit down with my management team with the UFC and we’ll see what what what’s the future is holding for me over here wasn’t just a big night for Spain but also a big night for Georgia you and

Moro picked a big one today so how does that feel for you in the Georgian Community feels amazing let let let me send a small message for all my Georgian fans See it means a lot to me it means a lot to me and I’m a lucky man to be able to represent such a great countries like Spain and Georgia awesome and I know you just did what you just did to volkanovski out there but in a potential

Rematch is there something you would approach differently or is it going out with that same attitude and just game plan for that one too I don’t know if if the UFC offers me to to to bring the UFC to Spain and do the rematch with wosi I

Mean let’s go let’s do it no problem just for everybody um this week uh throughout the week actually mentioned the important of meditation so how important was meditation for you throughout this week before this fight uh when you don’t know what port you’re sailing to you’re lost and you

Don’t know where to go in anyway we do it so it’s very important for every human being to understand where they’re going and to step a little bit and and and visualize and mentalize so for me this is what I did in meditation so data white mentioned when

You was here that when asked about the Santiago B that there would be a possibility how do you feel about that so we have to we have to have a couple of glasses of wine with him and convince him about it uh if they don’t you

Said if you don’t if they if you get the uh the fight at what other Arenas would you like to fight in uh listen if I can actually fight the babell me there’s no other this would be great and a message for all Um uh of gratitude and thank you for the motivation inspiration that you’ve been uh that you have G for me so uh it’s a message for all of you it doesn’t matter where you’re from it really matters where you’re going and it doesn’t matter um what you’ve been through in your life

This is all of us have a purpose and uh you have to believe in yourself and keep going doing the work that’s C hey IL I just have one question you mentioned having wine with Dana would that be Georgian wine or Spanish wine both of

Them both of them for sure we going to have time to taste both of them thank you Elia speaking with some of the Spanish media they mentioned that you’ve actually had some difficulty obtaining uh legal paperwork for citizenship in Spain I’m curious how bringing a UFC belt and potentially an event that

Generates millions of dollars I I don’t know who told you that but I didn’t I didn’t have any difficults with that okay I must have misunderstood no worries first of all um congratulations on the win uh obviously it was mentioned that the UFC will go to Spain uh for

Depending on you what would be the date for a card in Spain dude I just finished a fight I have no idea where I’m going to fight again all I want is have some drinks with people have enjoy with my family and I have and then I’ll have some time

To think about the next fight I just wanted to talk about the your strategy in the first round we saw some distance we saw some distance management we saw you kind of doing things little by little uh was that the game plan what was the real game plan for for you to [Applause]

Actually um actually wanting to go after him and pressure him the first round that wasn’t my intention I just said listen I would like to be able to like that’s what I want to do uh everybody when they ask me the question I say this is what I want

To do that’s my desire but that’s not exactly what I’m going to do uh do you think that a such a dominant win against the volam that has never lost like that in the division does that make you automatically into a superstar I don’t know if that makes into a superstar or not but I can tell you I’ve always thought of myself as a superstar since they number one I’ve always believed in myself and the the opinions of others it doesn’t matter on this it matters you what I believe in myself and

The opinions of my family and those who are close to me and uh one final question the social media is on fire everybody’s asking what’s the celebration going to be like you’re going to Madrid you’re going to alante where you going I’m good right now we’re actually going

To we’re going to Beverly Hills and everybody get drink my father everybody we’re we’re we’re GNA get drunk we’re going to turn up and how important actually listening to all them how important it is to be you know having these people behind you a JY two Argentine brothers from malante um

And being with them throughout this journey For this is another example what what what I said you know it doesn’t matter where you’re from it doesn’t matter what happens it doesn’t M when you actually would say for for for the Youth out there you need to have a badass gym with with the the best equipment ever no

We’re the proof that we did our work uh we we we we really struggle that we we put in the work to get where we are and look at where we are right now we have a belt and a final question you have just become a UFC champion I understand this

But do you understand what it means now I have no idea I have no idea can you explain it to me listen it’s winning a championship belt against I I’ve I’ve put in a lot of hard work and I do have a lot of work ahead of me

For the new generations that’s what I want to have a good big purpose in my life and that’s what I’m going to put my my effort on Ilia Ilia over here um you’ve been calling out Conor McGregor Dana White said very unlikely Conor fights at 145

If he even fights again because who said that I I want to fight him at 145 where where do you want to fight him without any weight limit there is no weight if I fight him he can choose it I give him that that option if he feels that he’s ready for

This level of competition he can choose the weight ah thank you and also I choose the place also uh after you you swipe the belt from old man volkanovski Thursday at the press conference how does it feel to know that’s actually yours feels amazing man it feels it feels great I

Can’t even explain it you have to live it and follow up on Conor McGregor you have asked for Conor McGregor after being a champion why Conor McGregor because Connor represents the last chapter in in MMA so actually go through that last chapter and leave him behind and forgotten that’s it that’s where I need to go thank you very much [Applause] everyone


  1. It was a good card. I had paulo and Volk winning but didn't go that way. Still a good night. 😲

  2. Increible Ilia, el trabajo duro y el creer en ti mismo han echo sus frutos, pedazo de ko al mejor campeon peso libra volka, ya estoy esperando para verte en españa🇪🇦

  3. I'm devastated by Volk's 2nd loss via KO in a row, but I'm ecstatic that Bobby won! Paulo is TOUGH! Rob had Costa's left leg in Fucksville from the first round, and Paulo still hung in there for 2 more while fighting his ass off! Great fight, and great win for our boy Bobby! Volk should never be sorry for losing. You win some, you lose some. That's part of life. I'll always be a fan, and Alexander THE GREAT is still the Featherweight GOAT! Ilia doesn't want any part of Yair!

  4. Man I LOVE Ian Garry and him shutting up all the weak fake hate from you halfway mma “fans” this guy’s got it 👏👏💪💪

  5. The key to the knockout was Ilia's framing Volk with his left hand. That froze Volk in place and neutralized his counter-right (couldn't turn into the punch). Ilia threw his right hand with perfect technique, and Volk was lucky the follow-up left hook missed.

  6. Volk vs Topuria was such a one sided fight. I'm sick of ufc giving nonsense rematches just like volk vs islam 2. Like why??? So many other great lightweight fighter could've fought Islam. So many other great fights to make but UFC love giving out rematches.

  7. Umar's got to get to the end of the line. These imports ask the most stupid questions

  8. As a Spanish supporter, we don’t claim Eliot
    He’s not from Spain or has any ounce of Spain blood
    He’s born in Germany , he’s German
    And his parents blood is from Georgia
    That’s why he reps Georgia so much
    But let’s be real not from Spain
    And doesn’t even have a resident card for Spain

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