Get EFFORTLESS Power like Fred Couples, Ernie Els… and Jake Knapp

Get my 3-part full-swing training series that will help you tap into a level of power and consistency you didn’t know you had. And the best part? It’s completely free!

Huge congrats to Jake Knapp for picking up his first PGA Tour win at the Mexico Open this week!

Jake’s swing has been all the rage this week… and for good reason! He’s able to generate INSANE power and ball speed with a swing that looks as easy and relaxed as Freddy Couples or Ernie Els.

In today’s video we’re going to take a look at Jake’s swing and see if we can pick up some pointers to help YOU get some of that effortless power in your golf swing.

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→ The Best Ball Striking Tip I’ve Ever Received –
→ What Should My Right Arm Do in the Golf Swing? –
→ Tilt, THEN Turn Your Way to the Perfect Golf Swing –
→ What GOOD Golfers See When they Swing –
→ The Golf Swing is So Much Easier When You Know This (Do THIS Before Every Swing) –

Ballstriking Blueprint:
Consistency Code:
Simple Swing Solution:

Hi I’m Zach, thank you for visiting my channel. My goal here is to help you play the best golf of your life while having as much fun as possible!

I’m a PGA-certified golf instructor and have been coaching since 1997. I’ve been named a Golf Digest “Best Young Teacher,” a GolfTips Magazine “Top 25 Golf Instructor,” and Southern California PGA’s Teacher of the Year. I’ve worked with golfers of all ages and levels, from 4-year-old beginners on up through touring professionals. My students have included nationally-ranked juniors, touring pros, celebrities, and CEOs, but wherever you’re at on your golfing journey, my goal is always the same… to help YOU play your best golf!

I started playing competitive golf at a young age, ultimately reaching #3 in the California junior golf rankings – just behind another promising young golfer named Tiger Woods. I also played collegiate golf at the University of Southern California and professional golf on the Omega Asian Tour.

I work with students in-person at my studio in Valencia, CA, and teach golfers all around the world through my YouTube channel and on my website: Thanks for stopping by and drop me a comment if you have any questions or would like to get in touch!

So check out this golf swing right latest rookie on tour Jake knp to win amazing motion here he works with John Ortega and Dana dalquist he’s got he’s not just going to be a one-time winner he’s got one of those iconic golf swings that I think a Fred Couples a Sam

Sneed and Ernie L’s his driver swing cruises is around 190 miles hour you know to give you a for instance Rory you know when he’s going at it pretty good is around 180 and he doesn’t look like he’s swinging at it at all I’ve got some

Great things to look at today that I think are going to be able to kind of steal from some of where he’s getting this effortless power from and he’s not a big guy I guess even up to three years ago he was working as a bouncer as he’s

Trying to pay to be able to play his way onto the PJ tour which he’s successfully done so kudos to him but let’s see how we can maybe steal a couple of his trade secrets to be able to hit the ball a little farther with less effort so the

First thing that I want you to watch here is just watch underneath his lead lat and his left shoulder girdle how much he’s stretching that out right he’s really stretching that whole entire unit like a rubber band on his back swing right your typical amateur that’s not

Going to be occurring right um in a lot of different ways that’s what’s going to cause this effect of casting maybe some will come over the top to find power some will early extend but a lot of that is because of the back swing not being properly loaded and stretched so

Obviously from there when he comes down he’s got an amazing chance at being able to C create even more stretch right to really be able to unload that into the golf ball with a lot of slingshot so you know I love using using analogies from other sports this guy is

One of the longest frisbee disc golf throwers on the planet 550 foot throws or drives which is the equivalent of maybe 18 185 yards so where is he getting all this power from in a relatively slender frame and it’s just like Jake naap look at this position right there okay what

Do you think he’s feeling across his lead lat his scal his left shoulder and you can see when he does it his arm is very relaxed obviously it looks straight there but it’s like a rope and he’s getting this big stretch across his upper back this is exactly what Jake’s

Doing to get the power look at his his left shoulder girdle left lat look at what’s occurring in this position okay um he’s getting that same stretch to occur and that’s really important because that stretch is what begins the down swing right you can see him pulling

With his hips into his rib cage into his shoulder pulling that lead left arm that’s nice and soft and then snapping and releasing it through it’s exactly what he’s doing right here to get that effortless just whip through the golf ball and that’s the same thing I’m going

To show you here next so stay tuned so here we go I got a tight sh on here just to show you exactly what Jake knap is doing and how he’s working the muscles in his back correctly to get the most snap through the golf ball quick drill

Here just to get that feeling I’ve got a driver I’m just holding it out in front of me and I’m going to feel my shoulders protract or I’m reaching out and then I’m going to retract and pull my hands in I’m going to reach out I’m going to

Pull in reach out I feel a big stretch across my upper back this way and then I’m going to pull back in out in what’s that got to do with the golf thing I’m going to show you right now so that occurs right here this is where

We’re reaching out the most my arm is nice and relaxed it’s not one of these reaching outs okay it’s just like that disc golfer where they’re literally just extending and snapping that arm out before they change directions Jake’s doing the same thing he’s reaching out this way he’s protracting those

Shoulders and extending and that gives him this sling sshot effect when he comes down as the shoulders start to retract and the hands go from wider to narrower and remember as you do all this right cuz you’re going to hopefully be whipping that club a lot faster keep

Your lead arm keep your back nice and relaxed we want to be mobile those disc golfers if you ever watch them in person they’re out here snap there’s none of this blocking tension keeping the left arm straight they’re not picking the club up they’re not rolling it inside

They’re not turning their body back and then even some that look good to where they have a pretty good looking back swing but they’re not stretching the muscles enough to really get that stretch shorten cycle to where that club really starts to whip okay so that’s

Going to be the big key that I want you to feel thanks for watching if you’re looking for even more ways to take your golf swing to the next level then I’ve got just the thing for you I’ve put together a three-part web class where I

Reveal the exact formula I use to take my students from complete hackers to the type of golfers who confidently attack pins split Fairways with ease and consistently Crush shot after shot all before you reach the bottom of your next bucket of range balls I call it the one

Swing fix and you can get the entire thing free of charge by clicking the link right here the training series isn’t available anywhere else so go ahead click the link right now and I’ll see you on the other side


  1. he gets a full turn and is way more jacked than youre giving him credit for lol. he's probably one of the most ripped dudes on tour right now. all of that combined with tons of hard work and being able to hole a bunch of putts, and you have jake knapp. pretty simple. next to impossible to replicate for the average golfer.

  2. "Typical amateur" shows a 90 year old Korean man. We amateurs deserve a better ambassador 😅

  3. What are Jake's wrists doing at transition? It looks like he gets a ton of power by letting his wrists collapse at the top way more than what anyone would teach…

  4. Knapp is a giant muscly rubber band. Look at that full rotation. Look at his hands too. So much speed comes effortlessly from the hands. He is the total package for effortless looking power.

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