Golf Players

INTERVIEW: “Committed” Kokrak Talks 8-Under 62 | LIV Golf Jeddah

Smash GC’s Jason Kokrak talks to the media after carding an 8-under 62 in the second round of LIV Golf Jeddah and assesses his chances on Sunday.

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All right welcome Jason KRA or smash GC an awesome round of eight under today gives you a total of 10 under and a tie for third talk us through your round of it today um yeah um you know I told my cadd on I guess maybe the second or

Third hole I was going to commit more to the Target lines and the shots that I was going to hit so um I did just that got a few to to go early to gain the confidence and you know went out and you know hit a couple quality IR shots gave

Myself a lot of looks and you know made a few I think there was a six seven whole stretch there between you and Abe there was like 12 13 buddies were you bouncing off each other a bit I think we were vibing off each other a little bit

Too um at one point I think on uh three Abes caddy said just fill it up boys so uh that was good um you know I think we’re definitely um feeding off each other uh he was making putts I was making putts and seem to bird a lot of

The same holes but uh you know when you see a good quality shot into a hole it kind of gives you the confidence to to go do the same thing so um I was just happy that uh I hit hit some quality shots committed to you know the lines

And targets and you know had a good round over to Mike J Jason when you got finished with five did it cross your mind 59 you were nine under at that point with two left uh not not really um you know I just trying to make birdies just like you

Know I don’t didn’t never I never want to get ahead of myself yeah I knew I was you know 8 n under par I didn’t know exactly what I was but um yeah I just wanted to hit some quality shots like I said uh before commit to the Target

Lines commit to the shot and just uh you know don’t get too too far ahead of myself what what’s it like when you hit a hot streak like you did there kind of starting at 15 uh is it is it like a different feeling than you know like a regular

Round do you feel like anything can go in well yeah I think uh when you get a little bit of hot streak or a little bit of confidence I think um you know you’re H you’re hitting it closer you’re hitting quality shots and you know once you see a few putts go in

From outside of five to 5 to 7 10 ft um I think that gives you the confidence that you know you’re rolling it well and just pick your line pick the right speed and you know a coup once you see a couple go in you know that’s kind of it

Opens the hole up pretty pretty good and then one last for me going into this week obviously Brooks had won the last two events here do you guys get together and game plan as a team talk strategy do you do you kind of you know pick his

Brain a little bit how does that work um every once in a while uh I think I’ll step to the side and either watch Graham chip it around some of these spots uh Brooks is I think one of the most underrated chippers out there I mean

It’s fun to watch him chip too so uh I’ll every every once in a while stand back and watch these guys where they’re putting or chipping or you know hitting their shots from but no we we never really get together um but yeah every

Once in a while if I have a question uh I think Brooks and I kind of hit hit it about the same distance so we kind of see the golf course similarly um just as you know being aggressive off the tea or bunkers we can take out of play but no

We never really get get together in game plan anything like that we’re all uh veteran guys we’re all play good players and uh I think if we we all know how to play our own game and I think we trust each other to to do just that how much

Would it mean to to have another smash guy at the top of the podium there um it would mean you know obviously to get uh my first Victory with Liv would be amazing but uh you know another team Victory to move forward I it would be

Would be awesome I think uh you know like we said earlier in the in the presser this week that you know we brought this team Brooks brought this team together to uh to to win a lot of Team events and I think uh you’ll see

You know the four of us at the top of the leaderboard quite a bit all right thanks hey Jason hi um I know you went pretty low today you in the wrong sorry uh a few of the other guys seem to sort of struggle with their scoring

Compared to yesterday how did you sort of find Co conditions compared to yesterday I think uh you know yesterday I I don’t I think the wind kind of died down in the middle of the round I think guys kind of took advantage of that um some of the holes that normally into the

Wind were downwind so today was kind of uh back to a normal wind that I’m used to um but yeah I think the pins were a little bit tougher today uh but I hit it a lot better I hit it a lot closer gave myself a lot of look so I think that’s

Uh that’s what I saw you know uh again just kind of feeding off off of a and him playing well too so um very very pleased with my round perfect cheers sure hi Jason Hi hey uh the the group that you were in I mean in a seven hole

Stretch you were like like 14 under for the group H how good was that in the conditions yeah um you know with the with the breeze not quite as heavy as it it normally can be here uh I think we’re trying to take advantage you know

Obviously we both birdied uh ab and I both birdied uh number three you know we went on a nice little stretch there I think we were both hitting it within 10 ft every hole so I think both of us were putting it well we saw a couple go in

Early a uh you know made a couple nice five to seven eight Footers to part early and I think he got a little bit bit of a you know a confidence boost uh with that started hitting it a little bit better and uh I think we’re both

Right there so um it was a nice uh nice nice guy to feed off of n’s a great guy Benji’s a great guy I mean we had a good group thanks Jason best of luck tomorrow sure thanks


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