Discraft’s Newest Plastic!

This new plastic is saving the world! (And our wallets)

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Today I’m going to tell you how Discraft is saving the world with this new plastic and potentially saving our wallets as dis golfers as well let’s jump into it this is disc Craft’s new recycled ESP plastic and man it is absolutely beautiful we’ve noticed that lately really over the past few years

Big big disc golf companies are starting to roll out their own versions of recycled and more sustainable Plastics we’ve seen this all the way back to MVP rolling out their R2 plastic which is an incredible plastic but now we see companies like latitude 64 has a recycled plastic Casta plast has a

Regrind plastic uh Clash discs is rolling out their new planty uh biop plastic I believe a few other companies are starting to as well but there’s a huge Push by the entire Disc Golf Community as a whole to now reach into more recycled plastic and make the sport

More sustainable sure there are a lot of reasons for this but I have to give a huge shout out to Jesse over at trash Panda because this has been happening over the last couple years genuinely I remember playing this golf in college and there were few if any truly recycled

Plastics out there uh I think there were some like Gateway had hemp Blends and other things but I don’t even know if that was for the purpose of sustainability it’s really been since Jesse a trash Panda started his company where he has this interc he has the Dune

He’s rolling out a fairway driver soon he showed that there is a very passionate community of disc golfers who want to see the sport move into a more sustainable place and he also showed that you can take recycled plastic and get a pretty high quality product I

Think Jesse is also one of the few people who at some point was taking plastic that was not made for disc golf at all it was just going to a landfill and turned it into a disc golf disc he does use recycled plastic from discs now

But I believe he still Blends it with genuine trash to make discs I think he’s one one of the only people doing that still but like I said he showed that there’s a lot of disc golfers out there who want something recycled this is recycled ESP plastic so I believe that

It is just you know leftover ESP plastic that would still otherwise be going to a landfill so this is a huge step in the right direction and turned into recycled discs we have here today a buzz a Zone and a meteor all recycled ESP this is a

Just traditional ESP Zone and it feels almost identical uh if not exactly identical to this ESP plastic I noticed maybe these are tiny bit more stiff but they feel almost exactly the same and this is one of the absolute best parts of this this craft is rolling out nine

Different stock run molds of this ESP plastic which again absolutely beautiful and they have told us that the market price for these is going to be $15 each for every single one of these nine molds which usually these swirly ESP molds especially of things like the zone or

The buzz are running closer to $20 and traditionally recycled plastic tends to be more expensive than nonan because of the process they have to go through to turn out these discs I think of like the R2 ion is more expensive than a normal ion because it is a lot of work I think

That’s why companies haven’t been doing it up until now is because they didn’t know there was such a community out there and such demand for recycled discs that it might not be worth it but now fortunately I think they’re realizing that a lot of people are looking for

This and disc craft has a tendency to do things just absolutely the best and this is some of the coolest coolest recycled plastic I’ve ever seen and it’s only going to be $15 I’m really happy to tell you that they fly exactly how I would expect them to fly in their ESP plastic

Um something I am noticing about the hand feel specifically that is kind of controversial I I love it I’ve heard other people say they hate it they kind of feel like they have that you it’s very hard to see on the disc itself because of the colors but they kind of

Feel like they have that Inova blizzard bubble kind of Rim that I personally love it makes it a little bit more grippy um and sometimes it makes them more understable depending on the disc but I really really like that I pursue Inova discs that have that but

Especially on this meteor there are some definite bubbles in the rim which again I like other than that they feel and fly pretty much identical to their ESP counterparts so definitely be looking out for the release of disc Craft’s recycled plastic big shout out to Discraft uh for moving us forward I

Still think we’re a few steps away from having you know truly truly recycled plastic discs but this is a huge step in the right direction be sure to check them out let us know what you guys think down in the comments below and we will

See you guys in the next one stay snky


  1. Genuinely the reason I'll start buying discraft. Beautiful looking, good variety of discs, and more sustainable! Sign me up!

  2. I really hope a lot of these big companies are taking the hint from Jesse because he did a lot for growing the sport sustainably.

  3. I have to wonder if trash panda will still be able to compete if big companies like Discraft can produce recycled plastic discs for much cheaper. But I am happy to see recycled plastic becoming more common.

  4. I wish these companies would give us more of a look into the manufacturing process for these recycled runs. Maybe most just look at it as engaging content but Jesse was also holding himself accountable for his claims by giving the public such an unprecedented look into his manufacturing process for Trash Panda, frankly it makes other companies look like they're being a little vague when they drop a recycled blend with just a 60 second promo video but maybe my skepticism is misplaced.

    It's still a step in the right direction on discraft's part, I just think it's important to hold companies accountable when they're more or less piggy-backing off a grassroots initiatives like the one Jesse has started

  5. So the story on the Jarn regrind is not related to recycling. The first run Jarns went out to dealers and most of them had damage (generally a crack) to the mold point in the middle of the disc. Kastaplast told everyone to send them back so they could grind them down and then remake them. There are some first run Jarns that didn’t make it back and even a smaller number of them that didn’t get damaged AND didn’t make it back. Those non damaged, non regrind jarns are sought after. TMYK.

  6. Trash Panda for the win. Jesse is doing it for the environment. Others will do it to cut cost. I would like to see them testing and improving durability, so that discs last much longer.

  7. I dont care about the BS that is "recycled" or "bio" plastics.

    In fact it turns me off from it.

    I loved jesse wanting to make discs… I couldnt care less. Sell the discs for cheaper instead of regrinding them. all of the added chemicals etc to make the regrind viable…. sheeeesh.

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