Golf Babe


#bigboypantsgolf #cnn #divorce #tombrady #gisele

In this episode of Big Boy Pants Golf I speak with the leading divorce attorney about red flags and Golf Feminists. Georgia Ball goes viral on TikTok. Now she has a contract with Cobra Puma Golf.

Was she mansplained to?

Plus, the Jazzy Golfer has claimed that she was told to use the ladies tees. Did this CNN golf show host tell the truth?

Finally, Ashley Perez body shames Pat Perez. But Tom Brady and Gisele are able to remain civil.

And if I was her lawyer I would tell her to stay away from social media I think what she’s doing is Despicable she’s posting about Pat Perez having a small when he when he started talking to you were how did you like diffuse the situation how long did it go on

For it was a a minute or a minute and a half um so yeah folks in this very special episode of big boy pants golf I’ve got New York’s leading divorce attorney d he’s got to keep a low profile cops are looking for him he’s in his car it’s the

Most intense video yet we got to talk about three of the very strangest women in golf and it’s all happening right now in the last six weeks or so Dr how are you doing bro I’m doing great thanks for having me pleasure to be on the channel looking forward to having a nice

Discussion about some red flags and some Oddities and the crossover between the divorce world and the Sports World crazy chick number one Ashley Perez let let’s get into it my Instagram platform is not me promoting myself and my body in a sexual way for you guys to go home and

Enjoy yourself with looks like the you know the prince of live golf Pat Perez did not in fact find a good one um I’m sure anybody who follows this knows somebody found a filing from Mar I believe it’s Maricopa County from November I don’t think it came out until

Maybe January or early this month they had quietly filed for divorce there’s a timing issue because you still see the photos of everyone so happy together but if you’ve already filed it you know I I was trying to figure that out also and I know when I was at Liv Bedminster I

Guess maybe that was in August and I think she was still in the mix at that point she was definitely very prominently around in I think the early second Live season she was always posting I guess the private jets were probably season one of Liv though but she was

Always showing herself getting lushy and you know lit in the hospitality suite she was always posting pictures with the other wives at events she was making fun of Xander schafle and Patrick klay’s wives right being um boring so this has to be within the past year that things

Got bad but I I would even guess maybe it’s got to be 6 months this this is all happening in a whirlwind it’s very strange to me because she’s already on Instagram now with some other guy I mean and this is it’s very it’s a very weird

Way to go about things and if I was her lawyer I would tell her to cut it out to stop it unless their divorce is already finalized and she’s already worked custody and everything out already I would tell her to stay away from social media I think what she’s doing is

Despicable she’s posting about Pat Perez having a small dick size matters why is she going there this dude literally has made her wealthy Beyond her Wildest Dreams yeah I I think that when you know the personality type while she you know and she posts all this woe is me

Victimhood mentality I think that’s going to be a theme tonight the victimhood mentality and the victimhood Olympics you know she’s saying oh you know I should have noticed the red flags and I was married to a narcissist is she the narcissist cuz you see the photos

And that looks like narcissism to me it seems like she’s more concerned about what people on Instagram feel about her than people who actually matter I mean if you if you look at her Instagram lately and I’ve been taking notice of this because I knew we would discuss it

But even in the past couple days she’s probably posted 10 times as many things about her and her new boyfriend than her kids you know that shows where her head is at just to be flaunting all of this stuff so publicly is very strange it’s I find it very off-putting and legally

If they were still in the midst of their divorce and fighting over custody this her Instagram would be exhibit a BC all the way through probably double you know we’ll say double D in her case but you know there’s probably more than 26 examples of it how often do you see

Women like this act like this nowadays especially with everyone wanting to have a social media presence I’ve dealt with maybe one or two instances where the wife is aspiring wannabe influencer everybody seems to be an asp wannabe aspiring influencer these days the first thing a judge will do in court is to

Very succinctly unambiguously tell both parties don’t do anything on social media that is going to reflect negatively on you that’s going to make your kids think poorly of your of their father or mother I think her kids are probably too young to be reading now what she’s writing but you have to

Imagine if she’s putting this all online she’s probably telling her kids some some inappropriate things and guess what in a couple years when the kids are older they’re gonna google their dad because they’re going to be proud of him that he was a famous golfer and he

Provided them this great life and the first thing that’s going to pop up is a New York Post story about Ashley Perez talking about Pat Perez’s penis over 15,000 men turn their baby carrots into thick girthy cucumbers the word despicable sums it up right it shows a

Type of ity that I would never you know I’m not familiar with most people are not familiar with but you know her entire life is putting on a show for people on Instagram hello my Instagram family I feel so dumb having to get on here and do this video for you guys now

I guess she’s got her little espresso Martini brand that her husband probably funded which he should get a piece of if he had a good attorney but if this custody stuff is not already worked out I would be hammering the [ __ ] out of her I mean if I was Pat Perez’s attorney

Again I have to put a disclaimer on here I am licensed and practice in New York the laws state to state are very different both with money and with custody so I can’t really say definitively how it works in Arizona but this Behavior would be highly frowned

Upon in New York and it just shows a extreme lack of prioritizing your children over your own whims and your own I guess self gra you know instant gratification and self-gratification cuz it’s weird I mean it’s very it seems like this came about very recently she’s

Already got this man a new man all over her Instagram and at the same time she’s kind of projecting a lot of these things onto her ex and she seems to be pretty awful I mean it’s it’s not enough in these cases sometimes where for people

To just just move on and be happy they have to kind of turn the other people into a Villain at the same time and I think that’s a that’s going to be another theme we kind of touch on tonight with some of the other people that we’re going to discuss it’s not

Enough to advocate for yourself and whatever cause you’re advocating for you have to find a villain also and you have to take someone down in the process in order to lift yourself up right compare this with Jazelle and Tom Brady no one was really dragged through the mud there were they

It kind of ended it it’s none of them were you know they they did this very responsibly I think they put their kids first and they realized hey the priority is the kids it really makes no difference and it really doesn’t help anything to kind of be the winner in the

Court of public opinion right even though they are very public figures at the end of the day it really means nothing and I think something just came out with the Tom Brady today in the news where he learning how to deal with gizelle’s new you know lover whatever it

Seems like they’re getting serious I know I sound like like one of the people who reads the gossip papers but only really when it comes to the stuff that I do for a living so that’s the way that you’re supposed to handle it you’re supposed to say publicly you know what

I’m I’m if she moves on I’m happy for her it didn’t work out we have kids together let’s be the best co-parents we can be let’s be the best kind of teammates we can be when comes to raising your kids one thing I tell people is you are not going to be

Married anymore but you’re always going to be a family as long as you have children you’re always going to be a family you’re not going to be husband and wife you’re not going to love each other anymore but you are still part of a family unit and that’s what has to

Always be the priority is how is my behavior going to affect my children and the way to do it is to put on as much as you may hate the other person you got to put on a friendly face you got to be respectful you never talk down about the

Other party in front of the kids it’s just anything that listen these when you’re famous and I don’t know what it’s like to be famous and I don’t know what it’s like to personally get divorced but these people are going to Google their their parents’ names in the future and

This is stuff that’s going to come up you know when you Google Tom Brady yeah he’s a great football player but for now now that his football career is over the most recent search engine results are going to be about his divorce with Jazelle so you just have to be

Responsible about that for the kids the kids should always come first in this Arena and if you’re a parent who who doesn’t have the self-control or the mental fortitude to do that that’s a red flag and that that really reflects negatively on your own you know mental health and your own

Personality in terms of victim Olympics we’ve got other women in golf and it’s insane because the first time I saw this was was this lady on CNN Jaz the Jazzy golfer she takes over in living golf from this older dude you know get rid of the old white guy who’s been doing it

Forever now she takes over and with within a few months she’s holding up a cardboard sign where suddenly she goes to a tea box and they’re like hey that’s not the ladies teas you got to go to the ladies teas and now she’s having this movement where her sign says uh these

Aren’t women’s teas it gets me really wondering did that situation really even happen yeah and that’s what I touched on before right it’s not like I I look that you know I I looked at her social media and I kind of looked you know delved into a little bit about you know what

She’s about it seems like she’s very involved in women’s golf clubs and programs and trying to uh promote you know women in golf but again it doesn’t seem like she was getting the traction maybe that she was hoping for by just doing things normally not only that but

I actually contacted her on Twitter and pointed out that at another Women’s Golf Magazine was complaining that thees weren’t far forward enough for women so now you got two different competing narratives here let’s out try to victim each other and silence on both ends but yes please continue she didn’t get any

Traction this Jazzy golfer yeah it just like I said before it’s not enough to advocate for the position or the cause that’s near and dear to you you have to find a villain these days it seems like to elevate yourself turn their baby carrots into thick girthy cucumbers to

Get to a different Stratosphere with these things I don’t believe in the slightest that she claims this was a member of the course right so so it’s probably a nice course Probably sounds like a club if you’re a member there you think some member is running out of the

Clubhouse um to the first T box if he sees a woman playing from the gold T’s instead of the red te’s what kind of maniac runs off the porch of a clubhouse first who’s paying attention to who’s teeing off on one second you think this guy this this madeup person saw a woman

About to tea off from the second uh you know front teas and said no those are the women’s tees women have to play from the women’s te’s like that’s it doesn’t seem realistic at all I certainly have never seen anything like that in all the rounds of golf that I

Played I mean most of the women when I’m randomly paired up with you know a husband and wife most of theen women do play from the forward te’s but if they don’t I think if some guy ran up to her and demanded that you play from the Reds

I think that would be the most bizarre thing in the world it just seems completely completely unrealistic and it seems like again we have to figure out some sort of imaginary Boogeyman to elevate whatever cause I’m trying to further here so to me again I also agree

It seems fabricated and not only that now you have this new situation that’s popping up with I think her name is Georgia ball she’s a teach teaching pro in the UK she’s suddenly being interrupted in this practice session she’s having on the Range by some guy

You don’t see him ever and now he’s saying giving her some some advice and she’s making faces at the camera and we’ve seen this before on these gym videos it’s the same exact formula some creep guy’s creeping on you or bothering you and you know the phrase they’re

Going to use is always mansplaining do you think he was mansplain I mean I have a lot of conversations um I get a lot of advice and most of the time positive so in that situation it was and you know what who jumps in there with mansplaining the

Jazzy golfer the same chick who’s holding up the sign she pops up on her Instagram and uses the phrase mansplaining again it’s a feminist term from like 2008 or 2009 it’s killing me and it just shows that there’s some kind of coordinated coordinated effort because Georgia ball within days already

Has a cobra Puma sponsorship and a video out yeah I saw that and I I wore my I wore my Puma ml had to be uh you know ironic in honor of George ball I think like you said it was like when Elon Musk first took over Twitter and I think the

Algorithm was a little off and the only videos anybody got on their timelines were like women shaming guys in the gym and like schoolyard fights right for like a couple weeks it seems like those were the only videos you would see so maybe it was inspired by that but when I

Saw the the Cobra Puma sponsorship deal like you said right afterwards it seems more likely that this was a setup not either either a a setup and some dumb schlub fell into the Trap or it was just completely scripted and the guy off screen that you never saw was just part

Of this you know viral marketing campaign before she got rolled out with Cobra Puma because it seems very a it seems very quick and B this woman is still a relative nobody she’s a PGA professional somewhere I mean like yes this is not someone that would normally

Get this sort of you know deal you can look on her Instagram she was trying to be that Instagram personality you know she’s working that profile so then she’ll she’ll work with anyone to get that big bump because she wanted to be end with it’s a little bit more of that

Whole narcissism I feel yeah I mean I I I think that first off if I was like discussing if I was doing this podcast with you in a public place right and some some overheard me talking about divorce law or um Family Law and tried

To come over to me and tell me how I was wrong about something and they were right because their first cousin’s brother got divorced and he knows what’s going on I would straight up say dude shut up you don’t know what you’re talking about this is my wheelhouse this

Is what I do the fact that she wouldn’t just shut this guy down I mean I a humble person it’s just not in me to say I’m a professional golfer I know I know what I’m doing so it just wasn’t in me to to say that to him seems like she was

Kind of milking it to see how ridiculous can this video get so maybe it wasn’t scripted but it seems like one of those gym videos where they know that 20 times more people are going to watch it if there’s some confrontation as opposed to watching your swing video right or your

Workout video her views of spikes so it seems to have worked yeah I mean that that’s what I mean again it all goes back to at the end of the day I don’t know people of a certain age what they’re doing these days I’m sure they’d

Rather get rich and you know do what they have to do to support themselves by having hundreds of thousands of social media followers as opposed to just being a PGA professional like she’s being or being a a CNN International correspondent or host like the other woman but it does it it’s hard these

Days to really trust that anything on the internet along these lines and in the in this vein is authentic you are an a divorce attorney you’ve seen women like this before there’s some red flags can you help the Bros out there who before they they fall into this trap or

The ones that are already in it and what do they got to do so so we have a phrase in our business that elephants don’t marry giraffes right so right off the bat the guys who would fall into this trap these traps with these women are probably a little

Off anyways if you’re going out and you’re sing for a person like this Jazzy golfer who clearly has a problem with men I I don’t know what to tell you about your you know that seems like you have some issues yourself that you might need to focus on you know people usually

Find partners that they deserve it’s not always true but you know I don’t know what happened in the pat Perez case I know his wife is listen she was you can look back when they got together in like 2016 or whatever it was she wasn’t this plastic surgeri out weird looking kind

Of science experiment is that a red flag you get a nice normal girl and all a sudden she’s like you know she wants to be one of the The Real Housewives of of Scottdale I think it’s definitely weird when a goodlook woman a younger woman still feels the need to go under the

Knife excessively I think Holly Saunders if we’re sticking with golf is a perfect example of that Holly Saunders was a beautiful woman and she just looks weird now it’s like there’s it doesn’t seem like there’s a month that goes by where she hasn’t done some plastic surgery and

There are guys who I guess like Oscar De La Hoya who clearly don’t care well I mean how many brain cells does he have left you know because he had a little bit of the nose booger habit right exactly I don’t think she was pulling like the greatest people in the world

Like I mean Vegas Dave I think was her last um but again was the Vegas Dave Holly Saunders thing even real I don’t I could I didn’t see that as being real I think they were just both using each other to kind of again everything on social media who knows what these people

Are really doing for what purpose but yes I would say that if you have a woman that is so unhappy with the way she looks even when she’s clearly more attractive than the overwhelming majority of other women in the world I think there’s something off there I think there’s also something off when

You’re a guy like Pat Perez you probably you know you probably are not pulling the most wholesome ideal woman at you know dinner when you’re in Vegas for vacation I mean so again I I think that it’s hard to give a general piece of advice or two all I would say is that

You know I think people usually end up with people they deserve and listen was does Pat Perez seem like the easiest guy to deal with he see he’s probably he probably doesn’t care about anything except Golf and his sneaker collection right he probably not an emotionally available like person I think he’s emotionally

Available for Michael Jordan but that’s about it right exactly so again I mean like he probably is a guy who found a piece of ass who was into him he didn’t have to put a lot of work and she probably pursued him she’s probably an athlete Chaser her new guy is a flamed

Out athlete also and it was probably convenient for him and he probably didn’t really you know he let he probably let her do her own own thing for the most part and he did his own thing listen I can’t imagine they spent that much time together if he’s you know

A professional golfer but it did seemed like she was following him around on live because she liked the private jets and and the lifestyle but I’m sure it was convenient for him the Jazzy golfer lady if you’re the kind of s that would go for a person like that like I said

Who’s clearly a Maneater who clearly is some weird raging feminist you’re not the type of probably high quality man that’s gonna do much better anyways you deserve what you get in that case basically right yeah I mean again like I said uh elephants don’t marry giraffes

Right to some extent both people kind of probably have their own personality issues and there’s a reason why people end up together at the end of the day I I don’t really know you know I I can’t really comment too much on this Georgia Ball Lady more is gonna come out almost

Guaranteed it’s fake yeah but her personality is not not really on display as much as those other two that we just discussed that eye roll says it all when she looks back at the camera and rolls her eyes I’m just like I think every guy

Should just be like h no you know just walk away yeah again that’s why it just seems like to find that perfect kind of py and idiot to step into that situation and just continue to be as Relentless as he was and not just get the hint and

Especially after after seeing her stripe a ball I would keep walking she’s clearly better than I am at golf like this guy should have known like what are you like what is this guy doing but again if it’s real and this guy really had this interaction with her that guy’s

An [ __ ] I mean let’s let’s be let’s be honest like yes is he mansplaining to her yes he’s mansplaining to her but he’s not he’s just being weird I don’t know if it’s maybe you know the typ pants that she was wearing grabs his attention or you know what it was but it

Takes a certain type of weirdo also to walk up to someone at a driving range unsolicited and give them swing advice I saw on the rage on Saturday some dude next to me was all PGA proed out had all the gear on horrible golfer new set of

Clubs the guy over theall one Sol away for no reason just starts giving them swing advice I see it every time I go out there on the Range just random dudes will give people advice that’s their thing that’s their Kink it doesn’t mean anything other than the fact that hey

You don’t want to see a person shank a ball yes I mean I guess that’s that’s maybe a difference in my personality where I go through life just trying my hardest not to interact or talk with strangers whenever possible maybe it’s the New Yorker and me but you know some

People are just very strange listen maybe it’s just because I’m not a good golfer but I would never think to go up to a woman hitting or even a man hitting the ball like that and be like oh I can fix your like you just said like oh I

Can fix your swing with this one small small you know tip like try this like who does like I mean it takes a certain type of weirdo to do that Dr maybe the best divorce lawyer in New York thank you so much for weighing in on these

Crazy toxic women of golf thanks for having me it’s a pleasure to be on the hottest YouTube Golf Channel big boy pants golf I appreciate you having me hopefully we’ll uh do this again sometime soon listen there will always be stories so I’m sure we’ll have plenty

To talk about in the future they aren’t going to get rid of all the crazy women at once boom but you’ve done a very good job of not outing him cuz I mean this poor guy could destroy him couldn’t You


  1. Cringey dude tries clumsy pick up attempt by offering unwanted golf tips.
    STOP THE PRESSES! Get that woman on television to claim sexism and mansplaining.
    Modern journalism is such pointless trash.

  2. The Georgia Ball episode is the one most like a hole-in-one, an unlikely scenario that sometimes really does happen. Her reaction is very British and believable to me.

  3. Holly Saunders content…keep it coming…..I can watcht the instructional video she did with Greg Norman every day…

  4. And I guess we are supposed to believe the Georgia Ball was just coincidentally wearing yoga pants up her crack that day.

  5. 🤔how many times has anyone been on the range and received unsolicited advice on your swing… happens a lot…

  6. I always thought the ex- or soon to be ex- Mrs. Perez as a gold digger, a Kardashian type wannabe who hitched herself to Pat for the $$$s and would then dump him when her ego inflated and she wanted someone and something new. IMO, they made an "odd couple." I feel sorry for the kids as divorce always takes a toll heavily on them. She is an attractive woman but I hope Pat has the good sense to pick his next wife on the basis of character, not totally on looks. (My wife and I are married over 50 years now and have had some rocky times but never gave up on each other. Just my $0.02.)

  7. I watched the video and I don't buy it. There is no critique of her swing that warranted the tone in that guys voice. It's either fake or that dude is psycho. It's not mansplaining.

  8. I have coached my kids to high levels which has led to others soliciting me for coaching. Sometimes I charge sometimes I don’t.
    But unlike most teaching pros I still can’t help myself wanting to give unsolicited advice to anyone struggling.
    If it becomes clear they don’t want help I move on. I would just hope no one plays this passive aggressive social media game instead of just telling me they don’t want help, which has happened. And that’s totally fine.

    Our whole family coached first tee and im US kids certified and coached pga junior league, helped high school teammates. Because It’s personally satisfying. Rewarding. And it helps hone coaching skills further.

    As mentioned in the vid thank goodness this trend of social media shaming anyone who tries to interact with someone filming themselves seems to be on the decline.

    But if we men don’t want to be accused of ‘mansplaining’ or anything else for that matter we can always identify as a lady going into any interaction.

    I would give someone trying to help a chance.

    I know for me with my girls if someone tries to suggest something I don’t get all protective. Instead I’m all about it. I don’t care what their background is. The last guy was a maintenance worker at a country club. His 2 cents helped say the same things a different way.

    Imo in life much less golf You never know where a golden nugget comes from. If it turns out to be fools gold it’s pretty easy to get back to natural patterns. The hard part is getting away from natural patterns.

    Sometimes it feel ladies want to do everything men do, only not really. Sports environments can be very direct places. if you don’t want help, be clear you don’t want help. Don’t go secretly tell Instagram you don’t want help.


    As for Pat, I hope he knew it was temporary.
    Wonder what the good lawyer could shed on: Can she be more overtly bad girl and still get the money because they have kids together as opposed to no Keiki. ??

  9. Come on, older dude was totally hitting on her using the swing advice as a cover. He was probably a bartender at the 19th hole. Yea could be a setup but I've seen this type of dynamic on ranges/courses many times. Middle-agers tryna score.

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