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Should Jason Kelce Have A Retirement Deadline? | WIP Midday Show

Philadelphia Eagles center Jason Kelce has flirted with retirement for a few years now, but the WIP Midday Show thinks it’s time for the team to give him a deadline to make his decision for 2024.

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It’s a today’s a special day you it’s Leap Day leap day yeah extra day of Black History Month that’s that’s when I said it to you this morning like oh yeah extra day it is February 29th we don’t get these uh well obviously once every four years all right and today on Leap

Day this year on leap day it got me thinking about the calendar right you look at the calendar every once in a while and I looked at it today because we are very close now to NFL free agency the start of the new league year March 13th we’ll be at mcgerks for our

Birdtown Hall and that will be day one of the new league year March 11th that Monday that’ll be when legal tampering starts right when the GM and agent legal tampering which sounds funny cuz T has been going on for a while yeah but you could talk right legally you could talk

On Monday March 11th you can make offers to players you could do all that kind of stuff so the clock is ticking here and Hugh it’s ticking on someone in particular it’s ticking on Jason Kelce to make a decision on his future look we know I mean since the season ended there

Was that report that came out the next day we kind of already say goodbye to Jason Kelsey in a weird way at wiip we all thought he had retired but he never said he retired and he said he wanted to tell everyone his decision when it was

Time and now we are nearly at March we’re nearly at the start of the new league year and he hasn’t said anything whether he’s in or he’s out so my belief is the eagles need to give him a deadline I mean I I think they’ve been

Very respective of his last month and a half you know making his decision trying to figure this out with his family obviously doing some stuff at the Super Bowl with other networks like you know sitting down with Amazon whatever trying to figure out if there’s a role for him

And I get this is a hard decision it’s one I’ve never had to do Hugh you had to do a decision like this I didn’t I didn’t really have I didn’t have it they made it for me you’re right they they made it for me I didn’t have I didn’t

Have a choice but I get how difficult could be to be a high level player and to still be young in life and not know what to do it’s hard and we watched the documentary last year so I know it’s really hard on him but if I’m the Eagles

I need to know and and here’s the way I I’ll I’ll say it this way I I had give him a week like from today I give him one week because if I’m hoe I need to have that weekend right before the league year starts before legal

Tampering to figure out my salary cap situation to figure out my plans am I you know going after a guard and free agency whatever and the way I view this is they need to know how much money they have to spend in free agency they need

To know if they’re going to go after a replacement on the offensive line of free agency and I got a new offense to install with a new coordinator I need to know are you in or are you out even before I make Draft plans in April cuz I

Might draft a there 215 592 9494 we all love Jason Kelce and Jason Kelce gets one more week if I’m Howie to make a decision here where do you come down on this because it’s uh it’s almost March and we don’t know yet see like I I agree

With you with the hard deadline I just don’t like all the bass that you have in your voice Joe I mean the bass in your voice makes me a little like you you you making it feel like you’re being aggressive I don’t think it needs to be

That I I I understand the week thing I don’t know if I would give him one week to figure it out but he has to let me know before free agency gets going like I’ll probably say the night before free agency I would like to know because then

That way I can I can figure out you know my moves I’m going to make and as far as the money is concerned listen if I’m going into this thing because Jason Kelce is still the best center in the game right now even when he if he’s

Going to retire and if he decides to come back he’s the best center of the game as we speak so I’m going to give that man as much time as he possibly can and I understand that I would like to think that Jason loves this organization

Enough to not leave them in a bind like that I mean he understands that there’s a time limit to this so I don’t think he would leave them in a bind so with everything you’re saying I’m on I’m on board with but it’s just all that Bas in

Your voice Joe you need to kind of take a little bit of that out you don’t need to just be like it don’t need to sound like you talking about yo you need to tell me this day and if it don’t happen then we got to make a move it don’t it

Don’t have to be like that well it does I mean not really well that’s a hard deadline Hugh I I don’t think of it as anything but Jason I need to know by this date if you’re in that we want you to be in but if you’re not sure we’re

Moving on I mean that like if I’m hoe I have to move on those words are so harsh though but like you don’t need those words you don’t need to use those words he’s a Hall of Famer man you don’t need to handle him like that is this are they

The Jason Kelsey or the Philadelphia Eagles see that wa see why why you going to go there with it because you said he’s a Hall of Famer what does that have to do with my team he he’s the best player at his position still wonderful that that’s great so I like I I

Understand the situation that I’m in with the the new cap ramifications and all other stuff that’s not an issue for me I just need to know if he wants to play or not and if he’s going to be all in because that was one of the questions

That he had last year when the thing started to slide whether or not he can make that type of commitment that would would have him all in and he’s had almost two months to make a decision like I I I didn’t say Jason day after the playoff game I know it’s it’s it’s

The wound is tough right now and it’s hurting tell me what you’re doing the Eagles have given him plenty of time let’s listen to Howe Roseman first at the combo by press conference today CU here’s what I’m wondering here are the Eagles actually going to give him a

Deadline I think they should hoe did not sound like he’s interested in deadlines here and I I don’t know about that here’s how a couple days ago obviously uh those guys are unbelievable players unbelievable people and they deserve the right to decide what’s best for them and

Um you know uh we’ll wait and give them whatever time and space they need to make the right decisions and I think the important thing from our perspective is you’d never want to see them wearing different colors and I I think for us no matter when that is if they want the

Opportunity to come back we we’d want to have the opportunity to bring back well I understand that part they don’t want to see him wearing different colors you want to give him time look I I understand there’s a delicate balance time yeah it is but you they he can’t

Have as much time as he needs I have to either move on and build my team or not so a couple things one he doesn’t play for cheap right so that affects my cap room I’m not worried about the money part by the way when it comes to Kelsey

But I I get it yeah no I’m not worried about paying him but I am worried about allocating the money if he’s not coming back cuz I could lose out on a safety I need I could lose out on a line point I get that point so I need to know with

That and the other thing is I got to know if I need a replacement right I it’s a player but by the time we get to mcgerks on March 13th I would guess like 10 of the top interior linemen guards or centers or whatever they’re going to be

Gone so if Jason doesn’t know then I might lose out on those players and I I can’t do that see this this is what I I think and this is why I feel like it doesn’t have to be as heavy-handed because I I understand well I think that

Jason understands the position that the Eagles are in and the timing like this is one of those things where you’re right Joe you’re on the clock you’re definitely on the clock but I don’t want him to feel like he’s being pressured even though there is some pressure to

This because he understands that we have to get this train moving in the right direction now as far as some of those contingencies that you’re talking about I think some of those are already in place whether or not he’s here or not I think some of those are already in play

Because because you know this is not a chess this is not a checker game this is chess and you always have to prepare for potentially what’s going to happen but as far as allowing him the the time that he needs I think that realistically I give him up to the day before free

Agency starts because there are going to be some conversations that are going to be had as a matter of fact during that that that period there are probably some deals that are already going to be done so I would even say push it back to make

You feel a little bit happy like three days before free agency starts I need to know what your plan is and on top of that I don’t think that Jason is the type of guy that once he makes a decision that there’s going to be a position or a situation where he’s going

To Waffle on that decision and say oh a couple months from now he’s going to want to come back because I think that at that point he’s already going to have his deals in place for television all other stuff not saying that he can’t

Come back if he wants to but I I I think that his loyalty to the Eagles means more to him than going out there and just playing football just to be playing 215 5929 494 should the Eagles give JC Kelce a hard deadline to make a decision

It’s it is kind of bizarre we don’t have a decision yet only for this reason the reporting came out the day after the playoff game that he was going to retire he spent time here obviously the last couple months meeting with networks and all that kind of stuff like obviously

Preparing for his next time I’m just kind of confused why he hasn’t said it yet it makes me think he’s considering still playing like all the tea leaves say he’s going to retire and maybe the Eagles know is and we just haven’t had an announcement yet he it is a little

Bizarre to me he hasn’t said it yet because the day after the playoff game like Adam shf is reporting he’s he told his teammates he’s retiring yeah and then on top of that you got to think like Jason Kel’s in a rarified position where he’s a showman now the longer he

Milks this the better it is for him I mean to be honest in terms of like getting an offer from a network offers from networks uh being on all these different podcasts and doing all this different stuff he might be thinking about it like that like they’re they’re

In a position him and his brother right now I would venture to say that their podcast is killing it of course it’s killing it I think it’s the number one sports podcast in the world it’s killing it and and everybody in their mother wants to talk to him and the longer he

Holds on to this it’s it’s almost the equivalent of you remember back in the day when they had the little teenage heart throbs and stuff and and they would say something to the effect that it’s better if you’re seen as being single yeah as opposed to having

Somebody in a relationship because it it just it just adds to the to the to the flare it feels like it’s probably some of that because you had one you have one story coming out as soon as the season was over and now they walked it back and

Now he’s been kind of milking this and being on every P podcast and every show you can think of talking about his decisions and the fact that Shaq’s giving him decisions or or giving him advice sure about what he should do so there there might be some strategies to

All of this as well there well there might be and that’s fine and look he can do what whatever he wants he just got to tell the Eagles I mean like he does he doesn’t have to tell me I mean I’d love to know I think we’d all love to know as

Fans of his but the Eagles got to know and if I’m hoe and look it’s it’s not I don’t think it’s it’s at a turn for them to say hey Jason we got to know we have to plan here and and if I’m Howe and I’m

The Eagles I I say I give you a week from today I need a couple days that weekend to set all my plans up to set my meetings up to to set up that first phone call and I don’t know who it’s going to be but the Eagles are going to

Have a a bunch of cap room and when legal tampering starts they’re going to call a player and an agent whoever that is maybe it’s a pass rush maybe it’s a safety a corner maybe it’s an offensive lineman if they know they loser Jason Kelce who’s that first phone call going

To I need to know if I have this guy in or out 215 592 9494 all right howwi he didn’t stop though just at the press conference he went on pro football talk with Mike Florio and Florio tried to press him like he tried to press him with the idea

Of like when do you really need to know this answer from Jason here was Howie when do you need to know what Jason Kel is going to do for 2024 well I know this um you know I don’t think that there’s a scenario in any of our minds starting with Jeffrey

Where Jason never plays anywhere else so um he deserves the time to decide what he wants to do um obviously you know we’re we’re going to accommodate that because you know he doesn’t need to be rushed on that and whatever but he was making it clear he you guys need to know

By the start of the league year last year he made that clear in the doc is that when you need to know this year well a lot a lot of things are different last year than this year it sounds to me like how’s given him a longer lease this

Year I mean La last year Kelsey said in documentary they need to know about the start of the league year that’s coming up in about less than two weeks here how he didn’t say that there I I think they should be a deadline here 215 592 9494

To hot pinch to the Eagles give Kelsey a deadline to make a decision I I believe it’s got to be a hard one one week from today


  1. I was a huge fan of Barry Sanders back in the '90s. The Lions were expecting him back for the '99 season. Barry mentioned in an interview later that he heavily considered retirement during that offseason but apparently didn't mention it to his team. They went thru free agency and the draft figuring Sanders would be coming back. Right before camp broke, he announced to his team he's retiring. They had no real backup plan. They ended up making a panic trade in August for a running back. They made the playoffs that year, but I don't think they had a true RB on their roster for the post season. I lost a lot of respect for Barry at the time, and I'd hate to feel the same way about Jason if he does the same thing. Even if he's 50/50, let the team know what direction you'd likely go. Doesn't have to be 100%, but lets the team plan.

  2. Always has something to say… Im willing to bet the eagles already know if he's retiring or not but they let it hang out there so guys like this have something to talk about and or whine and cry about

  3. YES. 👍🙌👍🙌


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