Hit It LONGER As You Get OLDER Simple Swing For Senior Golfers

Is this the best golf swing for senior golfers? This simple golf video is giving you the key golf swing instruction to make the best driver swing for seniors.

Why pursue complexity when simplicity can bring you better results and preserve your game for longer? By embracing full-body rotation and a balanced, more natural posture, every part of your swing stands to gain. Remember, a smooth golf swing shouldn’t be about fighting your body’s tendencies; it should be about harmonizing with them.

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Next go to ▶The Easiest Pitching Technique For Senior Golfers

you’re getting older and your swing is getting slower. But don’t worry, there is still hope! In this video, I’m going to show you how to hit the ball longer as you get older.

The Easiest Pitching Technique For Senior Golfers

Senior golfers, you’ll want to watch this video! By following the tips in this video, you can help increase your distance and accuracy on the golf course. By hitting the ball longer, you’ll reduce your scores and have a more fun experience on the green!

Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf teaches you a Simple golf swing with the driver and three instruction components that you can apply today to add 10 to 30 more yards to every single drive.. so maybe yes.. this is the best driver swing for seniors.

We want a golf swing that has effortless power and that is easy on the body to swing pain free and an easy golf swing is more consistent and will help you hit the golf ball father even if you have slow swing speed because you will hit the center of the face more often.

One of the keys is to make a big turn without resistance and Harvey Penick, of the best golf instructors ever use this method of tempo and timing to transition with the driver onto shallow the driver for the angle of attack

So even if you are a senior golfer and you want to move speed with the senior golf swing and to hit the driver longer.

Here’s the link to another golf downswing lesson to give you more power and consistency that is mentioned in the video;

Free premium simple golf swing series


Alex Fortey from the Art of Simple Golf gives you a simple golf tip to improve your golf swing Enjoy this golf video to help you get closer to having a perfect golf swing.. YOUR perfect golf swing
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Golf wins in the complication department. No other sport boasts the amount of gadgets, swing fixes, variations of balls, clubs, tees, courses, not to mention weather!, however, it is not as difficult as you have been led to believe.

Or at the very least as complicated and frustrating as the golf industry has you made you you think.

The Art of Simple Golf was born when confusion overruled the joy of golf.

We all want to play golf for many years to come but we want to play well we want to still hit decent shots that get decent distances without it hurting our brains or our bodies unfortunately too much golf instruction and the way too many of you are going about trying to

Work on your swing is a making you worse be not sustainable for your body it’s just way too complicated we need to make the golf swing feel effortless and I’m going to show you just one major key that is probably going to transform the way you play golf

Forever I’m not going to go into it too much but I do want to at least touch on some of the challenges that we have when we get a bit more experienced in life and the types of swings that I tend to see we tend to lose a bit of Mobility

Unlike most conventional golf wisdom you don’t actually have to be that agile and mobile to improve your swing it really is just a matter of working with what you’ve got but understanding the best ways to literally move your body for a very simple task and for a moment I want

You to just kind of step outside the golf instruction Paradigm a little bit because a lot of times we’re focused on swing positions like this just with having that type of intention about thinking okay I’ve got to use the wrist here I’ve got to turn this way I’ve got

To lift the arms I’ve got to bring it back down I’ve got to try and get lag all of these things get away from the very natural aspect of seeing an object having an Implement to hit the object and just swinging what happens is when we’re

Trying to do so much of a golf swing when we get a little bit more restricted in our Mobility we tend to see a move that’s either turning a little bit too much here but we’re not creating fluid action in the hips we’re staying static with the lower body but trying to turn

The shoulders around the lower body and what happens is because we don’t have that Mobility you’re going to see something like this we’re trying to turn and it feels forced we’re sort of restricting here and we end up kind of looking a little bit this way and what

Happens from there we have a little bit too much wrist extension for one thing but we’ve got nowhere to go so we end up moving over the top this way we end up moving over the top and then bring the arms down flipping through it’s not very

Powerful to say the least but it’s also just you know hard work cuz we have this flexion the other option that tends to happen when we’re trying to cheat is again not moving the lower body and just trying to use the arms like this where we’re not getting any kind of rotation

So we end up swinging this way and kind of pushing it with the upper body through the ball neither of those is going to prove very fruitful for nice fluid strikes so what do we do instead I want you to stand up out of your chair

What I’m going to show you I want you to stand with your back to me at the camera okay at the screen that you’re looking at and I want you to imagine that I call your name hi what have I done I’ve allowed my body to rotate very naturally I

Certainly have not restricted my lower body here because if I restrict all of my body like I said with the arm movement where we’re just using the arms i’ I’ve moved nothing that’s very difficult for me to just look there or I can restrict the lower body and use that

Sort of flexion pivot to try and cheat to try and look at you but it becomes very awkward however if I literally just allow my legs to rot rotate behind and just feel loose so I want you to shake it off all right Shake It Off and I want

You to just rotate around to you can see me allow your legs to move as freely as they need to it’s going to be variable for each of you but allow them to move rotate around so you can talk to me without any real restrictions and once

You’ve done that I go back this way got our posture okay I’m looking behind me I’m taking note of where these legs have you know rotated or turned whatever you want to call it now I’m going to look back at the ball and that is perfect back swing with zero

Resistance before we proceed I want you to stand up and really try this and let me know in the comments what did you feel what did you notice how did it differ to perhaps how you’re normally trying to move during a golf swing let me know to really emphasize this if

You’re still having a little bit of difficulty having that aha kind of feel grab a club or alignment stick or whatever we’re going to take our golf stance and I’m going to place the club just across the thighs just above the knees here and what I’m going to do is

Apply pressure to the club to rotate around so I’m making sure that I’m getting a full sort of pivot with my lower body I’m working on this pattern of movement and I wager for many of you just that alone okay having that rotation that alone is going to feel

Very different because most of you will either be restricting the trail knee and maybe letting the left knee sort of come up a little bit but there is no rotation happening and we need this rotation because we do not want to have separation this is a really key factor

To not think think that you have to be separating the lower body with the upper body that X Factor nonsense by doing that you’re putting strain on your spine you’re damaging muscles and it is not a natural movement as I said when we do the look behind all of this my backside

My pelvis my lower back my legs they’re working as a unit and that is what’s going to give Harmony and fluid swings without putting strain on the body which is how we’re going to keep playing this stupid game for many years to come so I

Want you to try this grab the club and work on your pivot you just have to notice a couple of things here I’m allowing my core to wind up to move around I’m not just turning the shoulders that’s why it’s important and I have a popular lesson and several of

Them that talk about don’t turn the shoulders and that’s what I mean it they’re going to turn but I don’t want you to try and turn just the shoulders cuz that’s how we all get messed up so I want you to focus more on allowing the legs and the hips

And the pelvis to move behind and just keep rehearsing this nice and slowly but here’s one of the keys you need to make sure that you’re staying centered that your head is not moving too much this way and we’re not moving too much this way we want to stay balanced and

Centered and allow rotation now I’m going to give you one more very very crucial key believe it or not many of your challenges in your swing where you have restrictions where you can’t get that nice fluid swing starts from your setup and this is what I mean and

Actually we have a video uh talking about posture and using a wall to calibrate your posture but I’ll just touch on it very quickly if you have the traditional golf setup where we’ve got the hips we’re flexing at the hips this way a little flexing the knees and we’re

There you think that looks great superb try and move your legs the same as what we’ve been talking about or from here try and look behind keeping your backside sticking out that hurts I mean not hurts but it feels tight I feel restrictions so what’s going to happen

In the real world when if I’m playing golf like this I’m going to cuz I know I can’t just stop my swing here I’m going to cheat I’m going to just add some more flexion this way or I’m just going to allow those arms to run off so those

Faults that we talked earlier often stem from having a golf posture that is not athetic it is not agile so all you need to do is feel like you’re standing a little bit taller but instead of flexing at the hips to get down to the ball I

Want you to feel that you’re actually flexing from the upper back allowing it just to curve this way and a lot more neutral in the pelvis and just by doing that I’m going to exaggerate it a little bit but by doing that I’m going to do the same action with my

Legs and I can make a much Freer swing I can do a back swing pivot that is so much easier there is no strain on my body and that slight modification from the pelvis and not being locked in and that’s why you think you have to have super Mobility because

Doing the traditional way and the way the Young Guns do in the tall play do they can they can work on Mobility they can stretch the body out this way not always for particularly long or very reliably but we don’t want that we want to play golf for many many years to come

And we want it to feel less strain on our body and to produce better results so that’s what you need to do allow your body to wind up and rotate set your pelvis more neutral and Flex from the upper back it’s going to going to help your whole action a great deal because

You’re going to be able to make a bigger more fluid back swing which in turn is going to help your delivery coming back to the ball it’s going to be easy to swing from the inside and to release through you won’t be having to have as many compensations work on those things let

Me know if you have any questions but I promise you just working on more rotation in that manner you are going to see dramatic results in every every part of your swing thanks for watching and I want you to check out this because if you still think you’ve got to turn your

Shoulders to get more power your mind is going to be blown when you see this lesson see you next time


  1. So I am glad I've joined your channel . Everything you have described at the start is me ! I'm 64 and can't turn, and yet that back to you and turning have me at least a 3/4 turn from the hips 😮😮😮 I have booked a range bay for after work to try your lesson. Thank you can't wait to try it ❤

  2. Great content Alex. Im seeing that i'm flexing from the hips. Please keep more sinior stuff coming!

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