Why You Shouldn’t Swing Like A Tour Pro | Garage Golf Tips

Before building your swing or adapting new techniques there is one question you must ask yourself. Can my body do this? Stay tuned as I explain. Thanks for watching. PLAY BETTER GOLF.

Hi it’s Paul from Paul Kelly golf I’m here in my grad and I’m continuing on with a series of grad golf tips grad golf tips are tips that allow you to work on specific parts of your game without having any facility at all whether this is in your wreck room or

Your garage you don’t need to hit balls these are things that are going to allow you to get a better understanding of your game so that you can move forward now throughout the 30 or 35 years that I’ve been teaching golf I’ve always really prided myself on my ability to

Simplif things for people and that’s what I want to do here I want to talk to you about simplifying something so that you understand it and you work within a realistic expectation that expectation is you do not have a tour body or a tour Fitness

Level so you should not try to achieve a tour golf swing if you look at videos now and just go in and search up golf instruction impact positions you will find pretty well the same thing side tilt chest slightly open hips wide open everything driving into the ball that’s

How the Tor Pros look now here’s what I want you to do I want you to just put yourself in this position statically so without any of the impact now can you even do that without swinging can you do that from a static position now imagine

Doing that at 80 90 or 100 miles an hour over and over and over again so if you can’t do that you have two options train your body to be able to do that position for me that’s unrealistic my body’s never going to do that I’m 60 odd years

Old I’m going to shred my back if I try and do that or second option learn how to swing within your body’s capability this is the whole reason of identifying what your body can do before you start building a swing why try and copy something that you just physically

Can’t do that just seems to be set up for failure don’t try things that you can’t do find things that you can do and find ways to make them work better for you and if you like the content that this channel is providing please hit the Subscribe button hit the like button if

I can get to a th000 subscribers the channel unlocks some other capabilities for me and allows me to do bigger things and allows me to get better content out to you thanks again for watching I’m Paul Kelly


  1. Even if I tried to swing like a pro when I was young, I’d probably be in worse shape today 🤣
    Finding our own unique swing that works for our body is key to enjoying golf for years to come!

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