Golf Players

Golfing on Steroids #177

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I’ve just been choking up on everything see that feels weird to me when there’s uh excess coming out uh the like the top pad of my left hand it just it feels different yeah but all my irons everything from probably eight iron on I’ve been choking up on really feels good feels

Good I think that’s the main thing are you choking up or choking down um well when you when you choke up on a bat you move your hands up and there’s more bat sticking out the thatat sticks up yeah and then you’re going the club when you’re like this but at impact you’re

Going like this and it’s down yeah if you choke down your hand would be hanging off the handle I think it’s choking it’s like the dist it’s like the distance thing clubbing up or clubbing down yeah no that’s that’s right we we’ve got that one no we got that one

Right but and and we’ll get this one right too but it’s like are you choking up or choking down on a club yeah Tyler in order to choke up you’d have to stop at the top of your back’s swing move your hands up an inch and no no no it’s

Called choking up because you’re moving your hands up to the head where’s the head of the club I’m moving my hands toward the head that’s choking up but when you are doing the action your club’s down so you’re moving your hands down the head you move up to the head

The head even if it’s down that’s still the head and you’re moving it into the direction of the head I stand by choking down if you choke down down away from the head no you choke it down on the club we this up yeah I mean Tyler’s right obviously we’re rolling too right

Yeah they piped that the wrong Fu way I’ll call the clubhouse we’ll book in another 18 for tomorrow okay they cheated on that they fluff their balls yeah no better time for the breakfast ball than now what do you got Jake I mean there here’s the thing is

That there is no choking down just anytime that you readjust your grip to make the thing act smaller you’re choking up yeah so is arguing something that doesn’t exist also according to the dictionary choking up also means to cause someone to become tearful or overcome with strong emotion so there’s

Also that I do choke up when I hit a bad shot or a really really good one in multiple ways y uh what’s up everybody hey guys welcome back what episode are we on 177 Jesus Christ we got a big weekend coming up big weekend we got a

Lot of [ __ ] planned well first let me get it out of the way cuz we keep forgetting to do it get it out of the way Tyler uh Sim update we are full in the playoffs well not full swing we are we’re chok we are full swing into the playoffs

We fully swung right into it from the regular season speaking of sorry just speaking of full swing March I think March 3rd new season comes out yeah I’m gonna be honest I’m not as hyped about this season as I was last year I think I don’t think they promoted it as much

Yeah it’s weird um I’m pumped that Joel Damon’s still in it um yeah he’s he’s the people’s champ I’m sure I think Rick’s in it isn’t he I don’t know I don’t know who the [ __ ] even in it I feel like Netflix ended up switching their like marketing budget towards all

Other sports D are not anymore uh DJ Brooks Ian polter they’re not in it anymore neither’s JT right not sure I don’t think J your speeds in it no idea once they saw how well full swing did they immediately you know they did quarterback right and did they just

Announced one to follow the Red Sox for this entire year too I don’t think um what would be great to see what made the F sorry Tyler get let’s finish the Sim update and then we’ll get into full Sim update we had the first round of

Playoffs it was me and Jared versus Jake and Allen we lost me and Jared lost Val uh Trevor also lost gono so rematch of the week five regular season for the real toilet bowl an actual War this time me versus Trevor again who gets uh Trevor’s team gets we’re the higher SE

We beat him in the regular season so we get to choose either game or course and I would like to do it right now on the podcast okay I’m ready cuz Jared doesn’t give a flying [ __ ] what we do let’s just run back the same [ __ ] we did last week

Except scramble at the part three yeah because it’s the only way Hannah and Jared are gonna have fun what do you mean Hannah has fun at the real courses no I’ve seen her she hates playing with you who she’s so angry and it’s because you’re there like every time she hits a

Bad shot I’ve never laughed at a single bad shot see Trevor laughing at he does the right under maybe that’s just maybe it’s just trying to like he’s just trying to fill the dead air yeah it doesn’t work cuz on once like when someone’s continually hitting bad shots

I what what do you how do you approach that how do you approach conversation or like how do you react to it I think it comes there comes a point in time where you just kind of have to stop reacting and just let them deal with it themselves the thing with Hannah though

Is she’ll like she’s asking questions out into the void every time she hits a bad shot and Trevor doesn’t say anything I think that’s I say once in a while but it’s like I don’t like you can’t she like what am I doing wrong looking directly at Trevor and Trevor’s like i’

Never laugh I’m just like uh but Trevor’s advice in the moment is also not going to help a single right but anything you could say something be like honestly I don’t know just keep your head down or like I’m the wrong guy to ask for advice like Tyler when miles

Used to when we used to stream whether it was Nascar or PGA he would he would get mad at you he’d be like what am I doing wrong and every time he be like I don’t know exactly I mean so at least I responded and his is out of anger Hannah’s is out

Of desperation she’s like what am I doing wrong Trevor and Trevor’s like I’m not [ __ ] helping you well I just there’s not much I can help with I know I’m not a golf coach I’ve figured out my own swing somehow it’s not fixed you can be supportive teammates I tried helping her

Jared asked me for help and i’ be like hey I have no idea I just here to drink beer and have fun with you you watched like two holes there’s holes where I try to help and I just well I think that’s did she not have fun

Last week playing that round no she had fun when we did scrambles yeah I’m saying let’s play that same place and up scramble well I get to pick the course yeah no you pick the course or the yeah so I get to pick first okay so I’m gonna

Pick the par three course again okay then I’m going to pick a scramble see there just what I presented and you had to make it different well I wanted you to pick the game so I can pick a different course no so here’s how the playoff here’s how the Sim League

Playoffs are working the higher seed gets to Pi gets their choice at either the course or the game whatever they pick the lower seated team obviously picks the other um and things have things have gotten they’ve they’ve shooken up I would say to begin playoffs because

Now combined total is a game that you can choose in playoffs which typically the better team will pick combined total and it’s and it’s almost a guaranteed victory for the higher seated team picking the combined total however now the other lower seed can pick a par three course so they can take

You know their less of a player essentially they can put them on a course that is no more than 140 150 yards a hole and they can have a better chance at winning so it actually I don’t agree with it but I also do at the same

Time it’s really even the playing field because I don’t I don’t think the handy caps should be the same for a par three course because it’s so much shorter um but however it it does level the playing field more I mean your handicap doesn’t change on a course that’s 5,000 yard to one

That’s 6,500 yards yeah but but but the driver still play do from a par four to a par five to a par three not in our league true I mean I’m actually G to put a par three course in the regular season next year I like that yeah I like it’s a

Great move yeah so now I mean like for so Jack and I are we’re number one see I mean that was kind of given we after the beginning of the season but um we now have to think a little bit more about like okay well we normally would just

Pick combined total we would take our semi-final W we’d roll it in the championship and which this is way more fun that people have to actually strategize and not be like combined total will take the win for sure I I probably I had to do probably like 30

Minutes of research on like hey should I pick game um or should I pick course now I went through weeks one through five and I’m like okay well what did our opponents shoot during a scramble combined total all this kind of stuff um if we pick this game they’re going to

Pick a par three course cuz that levels a playing field well I don’t want them to pick a part three course cuz last time their 30 handicap had three Net hole in ones yep okay so it’s like well we would kind of [ __ ] ourselves there so

It’s like all right well let’s pick the course well if we pick the course they’re going to pick Scramble for sure MH and now it’s like okay well we need to pick a very difficult course which is going to screw us but it’s not going to

Screw us as much as it’s going to screw them hopefully that’s the thought so the cream Rises to the top for sure so far I mean even with the par 3 is on the table all the higher seeds have won we’re playing Beth Page black front nine which

Beth Page I’m sure in real life is very difficult but on the simulator they juice the [ __ ] rough big time up so much like if you don’t hit the fair like the first cut off the Fairway is is is rough uh so there’s rough and deep deep

Rough on GS Pro but even the rough will take 20 yards off your shot the Deep Ru is taking 30 MH we played it in the regular season last year and that’s the one complaint I actually listened to it’s like don’t play Beth PL again yeah people were like this wasn’t [ __ ] fun

And and you can’t get through the trees if you if it like some courses are designed like if if it goes into the trees it’ll just like fall like it’ll just fall through the trees and like won’t bounce off this one if you hit a tree you don’t know what direction it’s

Going yeah um on our simulator we can see like what our true distance would have been like as if you were at a driving range and you hit that shot on a perfect lie off a te versus how it reacted in that environment and I watched Ryan play Beth Page black last

Week and he hit like hit a nice hybrid it was probably 230 yards like in a driving range it probably went 160 yards um in the game so yeah you have aund let’s say you have a nine9 you have 140 yard shot in the deep rough you’ll probably play

That as a seven iron Jesus so yeah it’s crazy that’s the best we can do that’s the that’s the biggest advantage that we can give ourselves is that we can probably hit our no and Blair are staying in the Fairway so you’re fine I mean if they even if they

Hit if they hit it if they hit it 200 yards off the te in the Fairway they probably still have an advantage over hitting it that’s just it they won’t exactly why they’re all over the F they win they win weeks just because they scramble well yeah yep and they beat us

The first when we played them in regular season they beat us this your loss your chance of redemp oh that’s why Ryan’s so nervous about this well I just know like now the playing field is leveled because they’ve beat it they’ve proven to beat us in a scramble um so what are they

Going to pick do you think because there’s two different types play Scramble stroke scoring or scramble skin scoring I’m not sure yeah which one are you picking by the way stroke okay cuz I look screw skin I looked when we lost to them in the regular season I looked to see if we

Would have beat them in skins cuz they beat us in stroke M that was the game that week we would have lost in skins as well so I need to I Beth Page black is not uh front nine is not official maybe back nine because I need their double bumps they get two

Holes they get double bumps on I need to I need to Clump those together so that if there’s a push push push and then double bump it’s like [ __ ] we’re already two strokes down to begin the hole and then you know if they’re separated it it it does not do us Well yeah we’ll see what they pick I bet you I bet you they don’t pick skins a lot of people don’t like leaving it up to chance I I mean I would love stroke that’d be great they they probably will yeah um they’re not going to think about

It that hard either no but it’s I I like this because there’s so much more strategy that has to go into it it’s not like we’re just going to walk in the semi-finals win by six strokes and then be on with the finals you know yeah I also think we should play together

Trevor and I think I think all the rest of them I think it’s more fun if everyone plays together like against your opponent we haven’t done it all year you can try I know it’s kind of a [ __ ] show getting four people schedules to be the same yeah take a little bit

Longer too I got kid yeah but yeah me too um I don’t know what we were saying about full swing just that we don’t know what what happening with it I have a list of the people oh yeah read it off read read the list Keegan Bradley Windham Clark Joel Damon Luke Donald

Never heard of him Luke Donald maybe this year’s Joel Damon maybe I never heard of him last year uh Alex and Matt Fitzpatrick Ricky Fowler Dustin Johnson oh DJ is back in it Zack Johnson oh oh we’re gonna get him freaking out at the waist we’re going to get the waste

Management cuz it comes out in March so I think probably Waste Management yeah it’s probably already the the editing is probably already done yeah probably yeah um Tom Kim Rory nice uh Justin Rose and Justin Thomas it’s actually like a like a good lineup of solid likable people one I’m

Actually really interested in is wam Clark because it’s like a name I’ve known forever I really don’t know much about him so Tyler I’m pretty sure remember we had Travis fton on the Pod long long time ago yeah like episode eight or some [ __ ] he had mentioned something about Windham Clark about like

One of those lower tier guys who not even like the best amateur could beat like we were talking about the separation between like even the lowest of lowest Pros basically asked him like what anyone like anyone in these Pro AMS like the Tony Romos the Aaron Rogers

Could any of them Go Pro and he’s like absolutely not Jesus and and then and he used win I mean and that was that was three years ago and now win Clark he’s a he’s a major winner he went on a teir last year yeah and and he now he’s like

He’s an a name to watch in every tournament yeah it’s like we’ve known his name for years I still don’t know [ __ ] about him yeah so it’ll be interesting I don’t really either like I don’t think I’ve ever watched a press conference with him or like a sideline

Report like nothing other than just this guy’s winning a lot yep yeah you you kind of you strike me as a Brian Harman type of guy you know Brian Haron I know the name similar same thing didn’t he he won the didn’t he win the British Open I

Think so I mean remember our very first episode we were like we don’t we don’t watch professional golf we’re going to pick our favorite golfers and I just coincidentally picked Victor huband he is my favorite golfer okay he’s [ __ ] hilarious I Wason say Brian Harman he

Lives the dude’s a baller he was on it yeah or Max hom too would have been fun yeah Max would have been good um I want to say Brian Brian harman’s a big time Hunter Big Time turkey hunter uh he like lives in the woods in Georgia hell yeah

Um he’s got to have his own course that he can turkey hunt yeah he’s fromg listen to this [ __ ] I I don’t know how I missed this like this summer I was so Grandma and Grandpa have a campground kind of by three bears okay I have permission to turkey hunt Three

Bears really the golf course I just was talking to the owner of the course Joe the one guy who drove a Subaru on the course guy that drove the Subaru on I was just chatting with him at the bar and I mentioned turkey on he’s we got a

Lot of turkeys out on the course I was like anyone hunt them he’s like no you can if you want so I I’m in a turkey hunt [ __ ] Golf Course um could we possibly do that together sure and like can we shoot a video around it yeah that

Would be unbelievable stick the decoy in the hole the cup yeah so when we went turkey hunting a few years ago you had given me um you had given me like two or three turkey load shells and I still have them perfect that’s all they’re

Like they’re like in my ammo case and I I’m going to hang on to them cuz I you know [ __ ] I only need one but two two will do two just sit at the clubhouse in the morning do some locator calls and then head out to the course he did say

That I got to be off the course if someone shows up the golf which understandable yeah well as long as you’re like on the back like the back side of the of the nine and they’re on the front I just keep driving my cart away from the golfers looking for turys

Yeah just just you just got to know what’s what’s beyond what you’re shooting at wait for someone’s back swing to start hit hit a box call on someone’s back swing yeah I mean we could we could start early we could just we could throw the shotguns into the

Push cart um like right where the uh right where the um umbrella is supposed to go and then you go b day I mean the turkeyy got to be used to people with oh yeah golfing so and then there’s it’s also very hilly so you could just we

Could sit up on like I don’t know that par three with water right there and it’s like very very uphill mhm we just sit on top of that green and I’m going to put the I’m going to put decoy on a green yeah be [ __ ] unreal dude okay well we’ll get that

Worked up um my thing about full swing this year is obviously last year the the hype behind it was because of people knew the Liv the PGA D that was going to be like the Baseline of of the show right yep but now I think and and maybe

The Baseline this year is the PGA t or deal with the PF which isn’t isn’t official yet I hope that made it I hope it wasn’t n too late where that occurred oh it’s got to be yeah if I remember right like the so think about like Hard

Knocks that’s only edited like two months after it happens okay so there can be some recent [ __ ] in this like it won’t be the First episodes but I I bet you the final episodes of full swing aren’t edited yet because it gets released one week sure if if if the

Waste management if Zack Johnson at the waste management is not in there um I bet he’s going to he’ll sleep good at night oh yeah because Hees that I don’t think it will if it is in there and it has like you know his like commentary like his side commentary beh

It couldn’t it it might be detrimental could get ugly I mean we’ll have R we’ll probably have Ryder Cup uh Ryder Cup in in this Z Johnson he’s getting FL for that yeah so and then when we had uh Country Club adjacent on the Pod oh man

Uh what’s the long-haired guy’s name I don’t remember I I don’t even I can’t keep hates he went in on Zack Johnson um so we’ll see maybe we’ll get a reaction from him to see uh if if they’re buddies again also funniest thing ever Country Club at Jason that I’m pretty sure they

Just signed a deal with pxg um and I mean Zach Johnson has been with pxg for a long long time so I I I I can only about imagine if there was a a meet up or an interaction there I genuinely think we had to like censor some of that

Portion of the podcast cuz he’s saying some [ __ ] up [ __ ] yeah and we were like we that was at the beginning of our pxg deal yeah we’re like yeah can’t be putting that on the internet and it’s tough to like uh have that assumption about a person when you’ve never met him

Before like you only see people are only putting online the bad stuff right or like the [ __ ] that makes these people look bad so I’m sure Zach Johnson’s a good guy he just like you know it’s the head coach or the quarterback that catches flame for a a bad performance

That’s what happened and it’s also human nature to like be regular fans of the game like us to be like oh I hate this guy right and just be like this guy stinks and then it’s I have the opportunity to go face to face with that

Person you’re like oh yeah it’s like the Timeless meme of sitting on your couch eating chips talking [ __ ] about Olympic athletes that don’t have a good routine or something yes I always that always runs through my head now that Meme actually like when I am like either internally or externally shit-talking a

Professional athlete I’m like I’m on the couch right now I am not making millions of dollars a month my favorite I am here and they are there my favorite is when like old dudes are talking [ __ ] about old Lyman like I could go out there and

Not block too like way what would you do every other play or even like a referee like hey you put yourself in the moment of like an AFC Championship game having to make a call within a split second and like that’s the decision that’s being made you can’t just pull that flag back

Off the field and be like well I mean you you can but it doesn’t happen often so MH I think I genuinely think that we should just get rid of officials it’s going to it’ll happen eventually I mean every single thing is reviewable well even now in the now in the NBA like

There there are calls being reviewed after a game is finished like days or weeks after the teams can protest a a loss against someone else if there was like a last second foul yeah yeah so baseball you can play in protest against officiating so I mean I don’t know what

Does specifically but you just state I’m playing in protest today because of last night’s officiating or whatever so does that means nothing they’re just it’s just like yeah essentially it means nothing but I’m going to play in protest with my buddies if they don’t hell yeah um Tyler you mentioned

The Olympics and this made me think of something I don’t know if you guys saw this um a couple weeks ago but I want to say it’s like the founder of venmo or PayPal and like a couple other billionaires are starting their own Olympics but it’s non-drug tested no sh

Yeah oh I have heard of this can you look that up Jake are you sure what should I search up uh ESPN posted it and there was like a there was a write up on it what should I search up uh non- drug tested Olympics oh yes okay basically so

You can have the most roided out people yeah uh tell us who is founding it and and yeah it was somebody who is notorious for doing it’s called the enhanced games athletes competing at the enhanced games will be free to use performance-enhancing drugs they won’t be tested and will be under no

Obligation to declare which substances they have taken in order to compete um I mean that’s wild isn’t AR aren’t some of these performance-enhancing drugs just illegal like in general not even just in sports just like like federally illegal like for even you and I to take yeah like

Sched well I mean I guess it depends on where you cuz like you there’s certain steroids that are for sure illegal oh yeah yeah I mean but you can go down to like Mexico and buy anabolic steroids at a pharmacy yeah but you got to stay in

Mexico and do them in Mexico you can’t come back to the US and do them correct yeah correct I mean you could it’s illegal like yeah like Barry Bonds Mark MCU Mark Maguire Sammy Sosa like the steroids they were like you said the stairs were taken weren’t that

That’s in illegal substance were they no they were legal oh they there are some like they’re legal for the general public but not for an athlete or like an HGH versus like a [ __ ] like a steroid that you’re just yeah that’s what like back in the ’90s that’s what those guys

Were on HGH which was like legal you could buy it and stuff like that it was like tough for you to get your hands on or whatever actually there’s a Netflix documentary about it about um a guy who was dealing HGH back in the day interesting that you should go watch I

Think it’s pretty good um do you think steroids and golf would give somebody Advantage no yes I think I think off the tea I mean Bryson for years was under scrutiny of doing steroids because outside of strength does it give you any like uh like mental focus or I think the

Opposite doesn’t it [ __ ] you up mentally it can like I know like I look I’ve never done steroids this is only from me watching that one documentary so I’m talk completely out of my ass here but like I know if you take like if you take

It for too long you can get like [ __ ] up in the head and stuff like that like too much testosterone roid Ridge you know there’s a lot of Junior College transfers that would come play at Jamestown and I would say 90% of them have had been on at least one cycle they

Were coming from a lot of them came from California from two years in California um and they would explain like hey like I did go through Roid Rage one time and that’s when I realized I had to stop yeah I have I have one friend who’s

Would never admit it but I’m 99% sure he’s fully roided out like currently y like all through college and continually and he’s an angry man yeah do I know him no okay I have a buddy who did it and he was like I had to quit doing it because

My heart was just like you like your heart just can’t keep up with it it makes your heart pound when you take it apparently he was like I would [ __ ] do steroids and then immediately my heart would just beat at 170 beats a minute for the next 20 minutes Jesus see I

Would think that um okay so I mean what is the consensus do you think steroids would help somebody play better okay no I don’t I think it would get longer off the tea but it’s not going to help anything else you still got have a short

Game in putt so no I would I would think like an Aderall or something like that would help somebody play better than steroids would on the golf course because I think about even if I don’t think Bryson was doing steroids because he doesn’t look the steroid attitude was

Not steroid um but he did bulk the [ __ ] up and he did get good off the tea but it’s not like Bryson was winning all the time yeah exactly he went on a te in like what 2018 2019 where he won like what four events that

Year yep yeah he won a major um which Windom Clark did that you know and again like like these guys are rich enough to work with the best nutritionists the best strength coaches um just because somebody’s big doesn’t mean they’re on steroids and a lot of times like the

Bigger you get the less flexibility you have and I I I don’t know I think it could kind of contradict you if you can if you’re like Rory you can hit it an average of 320 off the T why do you need to hit it 380 with steroids M and then risk

Flexibility or short game or whatever I mean I genuinely think there’s actually less Sports than you would think you where you wouldn’t benefit from steroids like I don’t think you benefit from steroids in basketball no I think you would basketball really basketball football and baseball I think you definitely benefit from steroids like

Tennis I don’t know a ton about soccer but I can’t imagine you just being this giant bulky thing in the middle of the field is going to help you too much no yeah but I st I think steroids also give you uh endurance yeah so like um I can’t

Remember what like what the what it is but there’s something you can do that increases your red blood cell count um so like a lot of uh alra marathoners and [ __ ] like that will will get on this whatever this we’ll call it a cycle blood doping is what they call it right

Okay yeah yeah so itre Lance was doing yeah so it increases red blood blood doing isn’t that just when you take your blood out and you save it for later and then when the day you compete you put it back in so you have more more blood in

You something like that yeah and you can work you like so that’s not like a a ban substance it’s just an illegal thing to do yeah kind of wild just thrown upon yeah Jake what drugs do they test for on the PGA because like Victor hin has to

Be like Stone out of his [ __ ] mind yeah you think so but also like he just he doesn’t he also see kind of seems like a good boy yeah he doesn’t seem like he’d be doing that well Ryan in case you want to know they have a

52-page manual in terms of all of their drugs that they don’t um they test blood obviously they test a lot of [ __ ] um I’ll get you an answer here in just a second Ryan yeah um yeah it it is interesting because I don’t know if I’ve ever heard of anyone being

Sus spended off the PGA tour for ban substance subst I mean when you got guys like [ __ ] I can’t think of his name notorious cheater Patrick Reed Patrick Reed John Daly Matt Fitzpatrick that are really really good at the sport I don’t they’re’s not doing steroids whoa guys

Whoa what marijuana is banned for the PGA Tour that’s not surprising it’s banned for most sports it’s not banned for uh for MLB it’s no you don’t get you don’t get tested for marijuana when you make the 40-man roster I don’t know anything outside of the 40 man you’re

Good yeah but um I mean even I mean Josh Gordon got suspended how many times from smoking weed in the NFL I don’t I don’t think the weed the NBA I I don’t think it’s banned in the NBA anymore nope it’s all legal now yeah MLB like uh they say

Cody Bellinger plays Left plays field just stoned out of his door even like out there like bench warmer he’s got a butterfly on his Club yeah yeah like Tim linum was Notorious before a start he’d be like in the players parking lot smashing a bowl before he’d go on and

Pitch and like I’m wondering he he was a sidearm guy wasn’t he uh he wasn’t a sidearm guy but he was like a i he’s like 5’8 170 pounds and through like mid 90s Jesus so I think a Kent nesek I don’t know I don’t know why they would

Banned why why they why would they ban marijuana on the PGA tour cuz you’d have too much fun they don’t want their sport to be fun anymore yeah that is true I mean again it’s like the good the the the good old boys club or whatever the [ __ ] they call it everyone there

Wouldn’t be as many pace of play hardos if the whole Golf Course was just stoned oh for sure well that’s nobody would care that that’s who the pace of play hardos are getting mad at is the people who are ripping monies in front of them trees yeah not sharing yeah exactly I

Would have to say if there was an official drug of golf it would be smoking weed for sure for sure dude um yeah also apparently to this list Ryan here’s your list um this is short from golf week they say the tour list includes uh cannaboids which is hashish

Marijuana uh cocaine and then also uh ecstasy and PCP and meth are no longer so they were allowed before yeah apparently up until 2018 they got banned so that’s good huh okay had to leave my weed at home and bring my meth pre 2018 yeah well I mean

We’ll see who defects now from the PGA over the like to the enhanced games they sign a $40 million deal with the enhanced games they play one Olympic games every four years and they make a bag doing it see nobody’s gonna do that the thing with the enhanced games I

Don’t give a [ __ ] who wins the enhanced game I just want to see the scores there compared to the regular Olympic see some records being smashed I I just want to see like how much it truly helps like there are going to be Sports where like long jump that person is

Gonna jump so much further oh my God yeah Javelin or hammer throw yeah yeah the person who loves to do drugs will jump farther than the person who loves to jump got I think that’s how that phrase goes um okay well we want to do we want

To take a break or do we want to talk uh what we’re doing this weekend right now let’s take a quick break all right right all right I I I do have to admit it’s kind of a it was a big weekend for me this last weekend I so it’s Genesis Invitational

Obviously huge hype behind it Tiger’s the host and also tiger played in it I I watched the entire tournament Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Thursday Friday had it on in my office obviously round two I think it was whole after whole six yep Tiger Tiger gone

Influenza I know I told you it was a back issue Jake and that’s what I’ve been seeing online before it was diagnosed but um had to hook the old man up to an IV yeah no Flu Game it was a tiger flu round instead tiger a tiger flu

Tourament as iconic [ __ ] sweet and I don’t think Tiger’s ever won the Genesis even though he’s hosted it for years and he’s played in a lot um that was kind of a bummer though because obviously I think with this the whole Sunday red launch and then him coming back for the

First time in 2024 playing in the tournament but having to withdraw I think I mean the tournament itself was electric for the first round and a half because tiger was in it the man is getting old dude he I mean he’s what 46 yeah he’s also had just terrible luck

Too when in terms of like Health stuff like that some of it was self-induced well some of it yeah but like getting influenza to have to withdraw right at the PE like that that’s very unlucky you know what I mean yeah he’s had a BN he’s had a couple other withdraws and stuff

Like that that’s just like yeah we withdrew from the Masters yeah EXA his legs thing yeah yeah that was the leg thing was cuz he got well I think about the the odd thing is he still hosts the Genesis and I’m pretty sure like his his crash that he

Almost died from was that weekend of of that the Genesis Invitational weekend of that year in Genesis can you fact check me on that check um before I go any further I would like to I would like to see if I’m correct on that I am looking it up right now um

Single car wreck major damage it was February 23rd so it would have been it very well could have been that weekend depending on how when it landed what kind of vehicle um his vehicle is a black SUV which I think I mean Genesis makes like a black

SUV mhm I thought gen was like a watch or a bank or something they’re they’re the luxury brand from Kia the first one Yep they’re Kia’s luxury brand is what genis is um yeah I can’t find what car it is a black SUV of sorts anyway

Maybe maybe it’s just to get over his it’s just to conquer his fears maybe but um I mean not a great like it it just I think it left people thinking like I mean he’s a [ __ ] gamer he’s a competitor why like why why is he still

Doing this is is the biggest question I I think he wants to prove it one more time honestly if he was ever going to retire retire it should have been in 2019 it was Genesis M it was a Genesis gv80 or something like that [ __ ] um so

This is the first full golf tournament I’ve watched probably since probably in the last six months since the open probably since the open yeah and I mean with that it’s like I now have you’re talking about the bug before you went on vacation I now have that bug yeah because just just watching

All the swings and the nice weather and the birds chirping in the B background whether they’re real or not yeah I I think they’re real at the Genesis What A vibe though it’s like it’s all quiet I mean it’s it’s complet flip the script from Waste Management completely

Different I had the exact same feeling that you did while watching it this weekend especially with the whole list thing like list playing really well and mat Yama coming out of nowhere just a great tournament all in all great ending yeah it also was like it felt like the

Sunday brunch of golf tournaments like last night you were crazy like Saturday night you got all wild and then Sunday brunch the next day everything’s calm everything’s quiet you’re just kind of chilling enjoying your day that’s exactly how the whole tournament felt yeah it’s phenomenal um yeah plus the

Riv areas Rivier is a great course phenomenal course phenomenal would would really like to play the riv one day yeah um and now I mean I think it’s it’s also like a good precursor to the Masters in April yep uh it’s either late late late March or early April the I mean the

Masters is only a month and a half away and you know that when the Masters is coming up Spring is right around the corner however spring is now spring has sprung I want to say in in North Dakota we have golf courses you guys opening up and right tomorrow the day that this

This this episode releases there is at least one if not two golf courses open in our area now what pisses me off is that we didn’t golf in January when we could have I know we could have every year or every month this year I think December was closed down for we played

In December oh you did did we didn’t we no we could have we were pizy we didn’t oh we couldn’t have played in January though it was December that we could have played it no Jay just played in January though where did he play uh oh Alexandria yeah no that was February

That was beginning of February it was anyway there was I remember there was one month it doesn’t matter but there was one month where we there was no opportunities to play whatsoever and just for reference this happened the last time we’ve had this type of winter

Was winter of 2012 was a freshman in college yeah I don’t remember that winter but I believe you so I mean it’s because I remember walking back in fourth and from the buildings in college with a [ __ ] long sleeve shirt on in January February M so um quick before we

Get too far into it we did get an update kind of on the waste management uh Derek dm’d us he worked for Waste Management not the tournament but for the actual company and he said uh I’m always beaten up on my boss for tickets to the tournament on Monday following the

Tournament he looked at me and saidy chance you had of getting tickets is gone now big changes will be coming soon so the tournament is just going to overcorrect and then I said something about overcorrecting it’s going to turn into a regular tournament he said everything this company does gets a

Little out of hand one time and then they totally overcorrect and choke it down that’s what we call the company waste mismanagement jeez and what the company gets is a m massive advertisement and a tax right off so they’re just going to use all this momentum tone it way down

And then it’ll be it’ll just be a normal tournament next year I’m I was also confused by like his boss telling him that his chances of getting tickets are slim like they’re still going to sell tickets he’s still like yeah but they’re not going to be handing them out

Anymore well I get that but it’s not like Waste Management’s handing out 10,000 tickets Tolo employees they are that’s part of the reason they just had a whole bunch of anyday tickets given out yeah that was part of the problem of why so many people got in right was the

Any day ticket thing I did see a couple comments um talking about the were explaining that yeah well I also saw that um wasn’t there a big delay wasn’t there like an O like an overnight delay to where they like couldn’t finish around one day and then they had to

Begin it the next day it was I mean yeah it was a comedy of errors I think but like the things that they can that waste management or the the tournament organizers control is stuff like those any day tickets and all that stuff so of course they’re probably going to

Overcorrect on all that but yeah we don’t have to hash out Waste Management again I just wanted to share that because I thought that was interesting that it’s already been out in the open that within Waste Management the company they’re already talking about the changes coming so yeah it’s being

Managed right now the was yeah manag managed um yeah so we can golf now guys it’s back it’s here and I don’t think it’s going anywhere we’re not going to get snow again probably get one little little blizzard in April and it’ll melt in two days do you believe in the uh the

Old wives tail is it w wives tale yeah yeah um 90 days after a fog big blizzard no I’ve never heard that big in the agriculture farming Community they always say 90 days after a fog is supposed to be a big blizzard and we had

A lot of fog last month so March can we look at at March March April um who knows it happens every year but we uh we’re going to live in the moment we we can golf now yeah I mean I actually turned down a tea time for this weekend

Um why is that Tyler because we are headed to US Bank Stadium to play golf for some reason we’re going to play we’re playing golf in the home of the Minnesota Vikings me [ __ ] awesome and I’m gonna check down I’m gonna hit Gaff every time please don’t no but actually I did

Get invited to play Leonard this weekend and I can’t because we’re going we’re doing other golf stuff we already got a tea time uh Upper Deck golf is coming to US Bank Stadium we got a tea time uh it’s going to be us four so I was doing

A little bit of research on it yesterday please enlighten me because I still have no idea what what this is okay so I believe you you can only bring four clubs you can bring a wedge you can bring like a you can bring a wedge a pitching

Wedge a nine iron and an eight iron you can’t bring anything higher than an eight iron drivers are do not even come close to that stadium with a driver because they they may just confiscate it I’m doing some rough math here um if you were at one end zone top row the biggest

Nose bleed that you could get and you tried to as the crow flies get a ball to land on the 50 yard line it’s about 400 feet so like 125 yards or something like that yeah you I’m going to bring my four lowest clubs just think about we’ve

Talked about how 100 yard shot on the golf course feels like nothing but 100 yards in a football field feels like a long ways yep mhm we’re not going to have to hit any shots more than 110 no for sure not cuz like if we do it’s

Going to be in the other side of the stance yeah yeah oh yeah yeah for sure um so you can’t bring anything higher than eight iron um you cannot bring a golf bag yeah that’s kind of stinks cuz I was going to bring my little stick bag

Little Sunday bag Sunday Par 3 bag um I was going to do the same but no bags allowed I I get it you can you can stash it in there it’s it’s just it’s like a put your weed in there put your weed in there um you

Get it’s a nine-hole course and you get 18 balls so I I want to say you can take two shots at at each hole um we’re not going to be losing balls so no definitely not but I I do think I may I may sneak a couple balls into my

Waistband um just just there’s going to be a mental health shot is that a nut sack joke uh it wasn’t intended to be one but it can be one if you wanted to okay um I may may stick a couple in the waistband I can sell you a ball or two

Okay yeah or yeah I can just I can bum off Trevor yeah sell y um Trevor your ticket got paid for you’re not selling [ __ ] well if he’s needs another shot for another mental heal that’s true yeah I’ll have a bunch of $5 bills on me okay

Um so you get 18 balls I I want to say you get two shots at each hole and then how the scoring works is um each Target or like little green that you’re shooting at has a c CC around the pin inside of that Circle and

I don’t know the the diameter of the circle but inside the circle is a birdie uh right outside the circle but still on the green is a par and off the green is a bogey so I could just dribble it off the upper deck and still get a

Bogey correct hle shank bogey hle shank bogy I it’s it’s the best scoring system there is yeah um as a mental health scoring system is what it is accidentally smoke one of the go beer here guys walking up and down the stadium yeah so like we’re up up top

Right hitting golf balls okay so it it varies like make sure you wear some good shoes and don’t wear golf shoes because we’re going to be doing some walking we’re going to be going if any of you show up in your golf shoes I will not let you hear the end of

It just for that I made um so we’re going to be anywhere from like I want to say like the like bottom deck all the way up to the top deck okay mhm I don’t think there’s any holes like outside no I I can’t imagine from the promotional material I’ve seen it’s just

Like you have like five or six greens down on the field and you like from The Concourse level you hit I haven’t seen anything from being down in the stands or being in the nose blades like there is I I know there is a there is an upper

Deck one it’s it is what it’s called Upper Deck yes yeah yeah um and then I think you also like when you register you can add on like the driving competition putting competition and uh chipping competition yeah which when I signed up I didn’t add on any of those

No you can do it at registration when we get there um so I I don’t know I’m probably going to do all three of them just for shits and giggles but yeah I don’t what’s the driving competition we can’t bring drivers no well you use just

One of the drivers they have there um I want to see you just hit into a net and I don’t know if it’s distance or ball speed or what it is but um so yeah it’s it’s going to be it’ll be [ __ ] sweet because they’ve been to Target Field

Which is a twin Stadium um they’ve been to a bunch of locations across the country whether that’s football or baseball stadium and it’s first time they’re doing it at US Bank and I mean that’s that’s kind of like your second home oh yeah and anyone can fight me on

This it’s widely accepted around the the whole league the US Bank Stadium is one if not the coolest stadium in the NFL M yeah I mean it’s what five years old yeah four five years old which 2016 yeah 2016 so it’s s years old it seems like

It was just built yeah I’ve been there every year since it was born yeah yeah Target Field’s almost 15 years old now that’s crazy to me that is yeah um are you going to wear what are you going to you going to you going to wear your see

I’m going to wear a suit and tie and try and sneak into the back offices and get some [ __ ] decisions made because we’re not doing a whole lot we’re kind of just sitting on our hands started I mean I I mean we’ll resign Kirk if he’s willing to deal but

It doesn’t seem like he’s willing to deal so we’re probably going to have to let the old man walk we no guarantee we have no guarantees in this contract K you’re too old for that and you’re off torn killes um I was business man I was

In I was a groomsman in the HR manager’s wedding so maybe we could like the Vikings HR manager yep nice yep US Banks well US Bank Stadium’s HR manager so like the the concerts whatever yep yep um so I’ll maybe I’ll shoot her a message I’ll maybe okay may see may see

What you can do in the locker room or something yeah well I’ll tell you this also we’re going to have to probably let denil walk because we’re going to go dend very first pick and denil is going to want way too much money which he deserves but we just can’t afford um so

Someone’s got to get in there and really make the hard decisions because qu’s not doing much right now I’m sure he is but there’s just absolutely nothing ink in and starting to get a little anxious franchise T just started today that’s why well Tuesday well that’s one way to

Ruin a locker room is a franchise tag so we got to keep koc’s culture intact I mean I’m putting a cap on there’s five there maybe 5 to 10 minutes of Vikings talk when we are at upper neck golf absolutely not we’re in the’re inking Stadium I’ll give you 15 minutes

Per once I’m going to sit down with Ziggy wolf and we’re gonna we’re gonna make some [ __ ] happen yeah make some it’s the it’s the it’s the couch potato chip meme it’s like these guys are professionals at what they do I’ll tell you this I’ll probably sneak into the

Pro Shop see if I can get a clearance Josh dos Jersey yes I went to the Falcons game I was this [ __ ] close to buying a dove Jersey and I’m so glad I didn’t the only reason I didn’t is cuz I have the rule you can’t buy a jersey of

Someone younger than you and I’m I’m a month I’m a month older than Josh do so I couldn’t get buy his jersey what about a JJ Jersey won’t ever buy one who do you got U the Jersey I won’t wear them I’ll I’ll own them like I’ll put them in

A frame or something if they’re signed um but I’m not wearing a 19-year-old kid’s Jersey around as a 30-year-old man it does weed so like I have a Chris Carter Jersey he’s well older than me I have a Jared Allen Jersey yeah um you’ll be good wearing those I have a theelen

Jersey burn that I’m wearing theel Jersey on Saturday burn it no I’m Hometown boy he left he’s dead he didn’t leave we cut him he left he wanted more money for some reason we’re not going to sit here and [ __ ] talk contracts for Minnesota Vikings old players yeah I I

Will say this so my buddy went to the upper deck at uh tget field while it was there and I mean obviously it’s an outdoor stadium so they had it during the summer and he said it was a blast like he said it was the best they had um

I don’t I think he said that there was like some concessions and [ __ ] like that open too you kind of they got brusis there yeah they got some brusis there they we can have a good time there who can spend the most on beer I mean we all have to drive back

This true we are all driving separately that is true four guys going four separate vehicles to the same place to the same place logistical reasons y um but yeah we’ll uh the feeler out we’re we’re maybe try and do a segment a pod segment at Upper Deck golf um nothing’s

For sure yet though I will have the podcast Gear with me yep so we’ll see what happens we’ll see if it manifest itself and it’d be kind of cool we do a podcast at US Bank Stadium if doesn’t we’ll do it in the parking lot we should maybe tail you want

Tailgate before it that’s one thing us bang stadium has a really bad tailgating situation there’s no parking they have like that open Concourse but you still got to buy the beers out there it’s just not the same the tailgating situation blows at the us we’ll punt on it yeah pun intended

Nice um all right well yeah we’re uh next week we’ll talk we’ll talk Upper Deck golf we’ll talk uh I mean we gotta figure out some type of game that we can play against each other not just we could golf against each other we could golf against each other we just play

Stroke stroke I think that’d be fun we’ll have to get handicap indexes of hole before we know so we should uh we should we could play three butt poker I was thinking since you uh since you can only bring four clubs I was trying to think of some sort of apparatus that I

Could like that could house my clubs like together I’m going to buy four sheets for swords a rubber band okay well them you could do that I was thinking like a um um why am I drawing get little PVC I was thinking uh what you [ __ ] you put your

Arrows in on a your yeah quiver God you need a really big quiver I know I and I’m like oh quiver is not going to work cuz this is too small you could get like uh one of those tube things that Nick Cage steals the Declaration of

Independence and as the body strap you could put them over your shoulder then yeah you rubber band like four of them together it essentially becomes a golf bag at that point but okay um I’m excited I hope you guys are as well absolutely sweet we’ll give you guys an

Update next week and uh that’s all we got it’s all we got for the week yeah love you guys love you love you you piped that the wrong way I’ll call the clubhous we’ll book in another 18 for tomorrow okay they cheated on that they fluff their balls yeah no better time

For the breakfast ball than now


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