I wish I knew this about the DRIVER SWING sooner!

I wish someone told me THIS about the driver swing soon… For years and years, golfers were taught to swing in a way that was killing their distance off the tee. Today, we go back to an old-school driver swing that encourages power and consistency!

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Oh what a start what a demonstration shot to begin with kicking onto that Fairway in we go I’m excited about todaya cuz we’re going to be talking about the driver and something that I wish I knew so much sooner about this swing cuz the first thing that I want to

Be clear about here the driver swing when compared to the iron swing they are the same technique but very different at the same time because when you on the teeing box you can as the name suggests tee the ball up it is hovering above the ground therefore the club is going to be

Moving through this space without impacting the Earth hopefully however if you want a full video on te Heights and what you can do by hitting up on the golf ball please comment below we have also done a few videos on this however today’s video it’s not about that it’s about something completely different

This is about the back swing and how you can actually turn fully while striking the driver because really over the last few years it’s become more and more apparent how important completing the back swing is with your driver for a number of different reasons when you

Complete a nice full back swing it gives you time to build up energy to build up power coming into impact but also it has a huge effect on overall technique if you have a short back swing with the driver things will become rushed things will become cramped so what we’re going

To talk about today is how you can actually complete that back swing but doing it in a more modern and slightly old school way now you might be rightly wondering what on Earth I’m talking about how can something be old school and also quite modern well back in the

Glory Days of golfers when you James brains your Ben Hogan your Sam sne you know this generation of hat wearing cashmir jumper Laden Legend was strolling the fairways of our fair game they did something within their back swing which kind of went out of favor in

The modern era and I’m not talking about chain smoking around 18 holes I’m talking about allowing freedom in the lower half during the back swing so when tiger kind of came to prominence and when everyone saw how he was generating so much power there was a big push

Towards restricting hip movement in the back swing and then turning against this pressure so restricting the turn in the lower half whilst trying to turn the upper half as much as possible now this was called an X Factor stretch this was basically in the belief that if you held

The lower half steady and if you turn the upper half against it there would be almost like a spring like effect during the downswing and it was a way to generate more speed this has been shown to be not very accurate and also potentially for most golfers watching

This actually detrimental now the reason this isn’t good for most of you guys and girls watching this is you won’t won’t have really the physical capabilities of doing a tiger wood swing but it was seen at the time as oh Tiger’s doing this everyone should be doing the same to

Generate that power and even some of the longest players in the game today they allow more freedom in the lower half because what they found out is that if you turn the lower half if you allow a greater range of motion in the bottom half the upper half can turn better as

Well and that allows you to build up that potential energy in width and in turn I’m driving the ball so well today so let’s break this down and make it super simple when you turn back the most visual cue that you will get is when the shoulders turn fully away from the ball

And the middle of the back faces down towards the target so what a lot of people do is focus on this part of the body however it’s the rotation and the turn of your hips which actually allow that body turn remember your hips and your upper half they are linked like if

They weren’t you got big problems so it’s a quick experiment if you just get a club just place it across your shoulders and try and keep your hips and your posture basically static and then turn the upper body as much as you can now this is the maximum range of motion

I can get so turning my shoulders about 45° what I’m going to do is I’m now going to try and turn my right hip and my left hip to this angle at 45° okay so I’m going to try and turn to that position and then all of a sudden you

Can see that my upper half I’ve got a lot more rotational ability now it’s important to know with this Trail hit is that I am turning and rotating into it I’m not just straightening and extending so a nice little key here is if you

Focus on your Trail leg as a ho so from the right foot to the knee to the hip keep the knee flexed and then then turn as much as you can into that position and see what your range of motion is now I did a video recently on how you

Can develop effortless speed and effortless power and this was a key component of it but also if you allow that rotation you’re going to gain control because you’re going to have more time within your swing to complete the Motions that you want so for a drill here I’ve got a couple of alignment

Sticks the first one I’m to thread through my belt loops if you don’t have trousers with belt loops done not to suest really um tape but this represents our hip alignment here and then I’m just going to pop an alignment stick to represent the shoulder alignment as well

And what I really want to try and do is I want to try and rotate my hips so turn away get those to about 45° in relation to where we are at setup and then try and get the shoulders to 90 so I’m turning I’m rotating and I’m trying

Trying to get that match up between the two so after a few of those just getting used to those turns grip the club and just try and repeat those Sensations oh yeah so guys hopefully you’ve enjoyed that video to improve your driving to whole new levels to push

It into another Stratosphere check out these swing Quest videos here


  1. By far the most knowlegable golfing coach on youtube and the best at explaining it, hopefully this can help transfer my 165 ball speed into more that 250yds carry

  2. In my opinion 80% of raw carry distance comes from physical ability. A good technique might add 20%. Perhaps a video on your gym work and how you gained power.

  3. do I sense a small follow-on from Piers' hip turn tip there Pete😉 great explanation though and something I will be trying as long as my 60 year old body will comply🤣

  4. I dont think Wesley beat Ramon because he wad more defined or bigger, he just simply has a more "classic" structure…. and that might be a problen for other guys out there…..

  5. Just a little reminder (especially for older viewers) make sure u do some light stretching before attempting a bigger turn as you will sometimes use muscles you have not for a long time and injury is possible… (I know this from experience).

  6. Great stuff can't wait to get back out in May for me hahaha I just got a new putter would love for you to review the wilson infinite Bucktown great budget friendly and I love it

  7. It’s an ok video, but I feel it’s best if you take an example of a bad/ real swing that doesn’t have the desired result and show what is wrong with it, what you should be aiming to do to fix it, and the result of the fix, rather than “this is what you should do, so try and replicate it”. No slight on you Pete, you’re probably my favorite social media golfer (swing wise, journey and personality) but these vague “fix it” videos feel a little mundane .

  8. Credit Me and My Golf, I did try this today and I can confirm, it does add distance, will take some getting used to but a great tip.

  9. Turning to allow yourself to have “time” to complete the downswing makes all the difference in the world. Thanks! ⛳️👊

  10. Ive gor a daft question to, I have been working on my swing a key area ive noticed thats helped improve consistency is turning ny hips first theb move my arms. Ive noticed that my practice swings always feel better and visually i can see ive take a divot infront of where my imaginary ball is. However when i go to take ny actual shot i tense up and kinda freeze, any tips to get out of this weird loop or is it the case if hit as many balls until its second nature ?

  11. There are some great videos of Bobby Jones swinging a club (including the driver) and he made a big backswing turn by allowing his left heel to come off the ground – something I learned us old f..ts need to do to help generate clubhead speed and distance. Works for me…..

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