Golf Players

Jeff Smith on the relationship between chest turn and side bend

This is a clip from Sportsbox 3DGolf’s Webinar with Golf Top 100 Teacher Jeff Smith, who works with PGA Tour players Viktor Hovland, Davis Riley, Dylan Wu, Patrick Rodgers, Aaron Wise, among others.

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As it relates to swing geometry there’s there’s something i want to call out to you here we we saw that you know rory had more pelvic sway toward the target in early transition we saw that that had an effect on the amount of right side bend that was going

In we also saw that that had effect on his hand path and it essentially made his hand pass in the club much shallower and approaching the golf ball much more from the inside there’s also a relationship here when you look at the chest and this is something that i’ll

Look at with every single player all of my tour players when they tell me i want to have a specific ball flight someone that’s hitting a draw we are almost always going to see a greater side bend value at impact than we are a rotation value so you can see rory is

There at about 23 degrees of right side bend with the chest and eight line only 18 degrees turned now his pelvis is you know pretty open at 50 degrees but it also has a pretty high right side then values there all of those things these kinematics that you’re seeing are having an effect

On his swing geometry it’s producing a more into out a more shallow angle of approach um you know with the club so when you when you think about it the the only connection that we have to the club is through our hands and our hands are applying forces and there’s torque

Occurring and those things are largely happening because of the way that our body is rotating the way that our body is tilting and the way that our that those body segments specifically the pelvis and the torso are swaying now there’s a lot of other things like how we’re you know how

We’re interacting with the ground but you know from from a from a baseline standpoint every single day on the range just a you know a conceptual understanding of this stuff is going to help you problem solve and maybe you know take you down a road where you’re making less changes to a student

I know that that’s what sportsbox provides for me because there’s oftentimes things where i’ll see something on video that i might not aesthetically like the way that it looks and then i’ll take a little deeper look in 3d here and i’m like okay those those values make sense based on the ball

Flight that that player is trying to achieve

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