Golf Players

2024 Mexico Open Best Bets

In this episode of the Golf Gambling Podcast on the Sports Gambling Podcast Network, Boston Capper (@boston_capper) and Steve Schirmer give out their best bets and predictions for the 2024 Mexico Open.

After debriefing with a few last comments about the Genesis Invitational and who has won so far on the PGA Tour, each of them give out their best bets and predictions for the 2024 Mexico Open.

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Sgn to get 50% off your first month and start making smer bets today all right DG welcome back at your boy Boston kapper with the god gol Steve Shermer we’re gonna talk a little Mexico open because we’re contractually obligated to factly obligated did my lawyers review that

Contract because I don’t know I I feel like you know usually this is kind of an off week for me usually this is during my Outer Banks weekend I know this is Outer Banks week for you I know I know like I think actually one time I did a

Podcast from the hotel room with my kids in the other room and I did like a ho by hole breakdown that was the original OG hey let’s try and uh use Google Earth on a video and I don’t think it worked all that great but uh yeah the thing we’re

Doing now works a lot better no it definitely does you know having a reliable internet and streamyard and uh something that instead of just recording on Zoom uh like I had done and then sending to my producer but yes we are talking about the Mexico open apologies

For running a little late I got a couple sick kids and we played a little grab ass before uh we came on so thank you for being patient uh while we did that but uh if you did miss it already uh Boston kapper was on the inside G

Podcast last night with Andy lack uh talking about five minutes in Mexico so I’m glad you saved a lot of those tapes for this show because I’m gonna make you talk about a little more I have zero interest in the Oscars or any those Oscars movies but uh I appreciate your

Uh some of your takes on that yeah yeah I mean what I so what you don’t like you don’t like any of the Oscar movies you don’t watch movies though I I I don’t get to the movie theaters that much anymore I don’t go to the movie

Theater [ __ ] four kids I don’t go to the movie theater it’s like take four kids to a terrible Disney movies I’m out like a like a buck 50 with popcorn candy tickets and drinks [ __ ] ridiculous well well I mean operah heimer’s just gonna win it all right so what’s what’s

The point what’s spec so there’s some Dark Horse like GMAT can definitely [ __ ] make some noise on best actor CU it you know these people [ __ ] like out smack themselves and like they they don’t want to do the the you know the most obvious choice sometimes so I don’t

Know we’ll see like I I enjoyed most of the movies me and disagreed on past lives I think we just came at it from completely different points of view what what was the what was the actor that like a couple years ago was leaked as or

No the the director director it was like some Greek guy that was as the winning uh best Italian guy for the it was the Italian guy for that silent uh silent black and white movie yeah and then I guess uh a sports book I think uh was accused of some shady practices which

Actually turned out to be I think uh quite true yeah absolutely true formerly affiliated with SGP so they will oh was it them the artist thank you yeah see yes yes formerly of uh SCM but now before we get to it though um couple things

So need to come out and say not a great start for me this his betting year uh I don’t think it’s been a good start to anybody but what I like doing I like going back and kind of seeing what’s been going wrong so I’ll I’ll own it the

Riviera card I put out one of the worst cards I’ve ever put out it took a backdoor top 20 from LV and uh JT Poston barely hanging on to actually do it I also had little salad taus for a top 20 but because of the bullying that you did

To me uh before the show I didn’t actually release it so can’t tout that but one of the things I actually noce and you actually talked about it with Andy laksh Show last night is that Ed Riviera as like a barometer of how the guys did the Masters one thing I

Actually noticed I told you this was that actually Rivier played a lot differently than what it normally does in two key respects we’re all talking about bombers usually because it’s very driver heavy turns out yep distance did not matter at all as far at all no it

Didn’t and you even called Hideki like bombing all over the place he wasn’t hitting all that far dude so dude on Sunday he was absolutely smoking the [ __ ] ball off the box I mean smoking it maybe for him I mean maybe maybe um one thing he was he wasn’t his normal

Deck did you notice zot torus doesn’t have as much pop either right now so so on I think on 10 so Z’s horse hit in the middle of the Fairway and then Luke Liss steps up and hits it like 30 yards past him it’s like oh okay like

He’s he’s rounded into shape but like that gear that fifth gear is not there for him right now so that’s something to keep in mind yeah uh and also around the green play didn’t wasn’t quite as impactful what it was uh in normal years

Of re er and hey when I have two main things I’m going on my betting card I get a what happens but what what I also want to do though is we talk a lot in Discord about the power of data Golf and how a lot of these markets now you see

Significant shifts in anything they have with positive EV like they say is a good bet yeah immediately gets bet down I actually went back and looked at what the opening odds were for a couple golfers and what data golf said they were just to see if they’re kind of on

Point so Sentry Chris Kirk open up let’s use FanDuel for example they use that pretty generous outright eyes usually a little more flate everybody else the he have 130 to One D go had at 250 to1 so not a good bet not a good prediction there Sony

Grayson Murray 500 to one they had a thousand to one nobody was on him either Nick dun left 400 to1 they actually had him at 50,000 to one so really bad bet now we get some other names Matthew pav this was actually the closest they came

150 to1 opening they had 166 okay yeah it’s in Wham Clark 9 to one opening they had him 150 to one not a good betat if he had that [ __ ] 150 to one for a guy who’s a proven winner on tour this is why stats are [ __ ] stupid sometimes

Well this is Prov my point Nick Taylor 121 they had him 230 to one Hideki 80 to1 opening they have 12 to1 so my point being is that a lot of people are relying on day to golf for their information and predictions I do it all the

Time I don’t think they’re having a great year so far they used to put out their betting cards and basically they bet everything with POS [ __ ] murdered and they probably are getting murdered um I know they tweak their model maybe that there’s some kinks in

That right now so I never use data golf ever I it well I mean it’s got a lot of good tools I think the predictions with them I just like using the barometer yeah I use I use I use different tools I just for whatever reason I don’t I I

Don’t know how to navigate that site and I don’t care to [ __ ] figure it out when I have something I like just as well and I know how to navigate that Stu well that’s why I basically hold a tutorial every Sunday to show you the important parts but my my point being

Like if you’re frustrated right now like if you haven’t hit an out right yet you’re not even close like the smartest guys right now which is them uh they’re not really doing all that great either so be patient maybe it’s going to come this weekend you know don’t freak out

And change your process whatever’s work for you keep doing it I’m going to try doing it you’re going to try doing it and hopefully we hit a winner this week yeah it’s it’s an interesting week and talking talking with Andy about it definitely strange man it’s definitely

Strange like Andy he even knows he luck boxed into window he didn’t think he was gonna hold on on Sunday right because how H is it to back up that performance with another good one on Sunday right so yeah it’s uh it’s been a wild [ __ ] start of the year no question no

Question about that has I mean was a nice constellation probably given a shout out to lvic at people like me probably had an outright stolen so well so we hit we hadit a live out right we hit Neiman and I know but that’s because I have an Inside Edge I’m actually

Calculating H fake fake Strokes gain at this point I told Andy he needs to [ __ ] text you so we can get a hold of that [ __ ] I think he would be disgusted by what I’m actually trying to come up with hey man it’s better it’s better when everybody else is doing exactly and

We’ll talk about that next week when we go to jeda but uh first we got we got Mexico uh we take our first break and then uh let’s break down uh how you should bet Tony F out this week all right well listen game time all right

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Double your first deposit of up to a 100 bucks that’s Underdog fantasy promo code golf s gpn all right okay all right how about top of the board Tony feno so actually no one’s betting him at least in the No No he started out at

Plus 650 he’s all the way up to plus 850 which doesn’t sound like a lot but that actually is a lot that’s a huge move for that’s a huge move it actually what what I was kind of looking at too is his top 10 prop this week seems EX extremely

Trappy I know you texted that well because I remember last year my radar well like all right I I remember last year and I I understand it’s John ram versus Tony F now Ram was a lot more reliable right but Rah was like what four to one and his top 10 price like

Minus 200 yeah so fena opened up like minus 110 and he’s drifted all the way to like plus 115 so my question is what do the books know that what like it seems like they are baiting you to that Tony for a top 10 give him this dog [ __ ]

Field give the fact he hasn’t finished outside the top two in this event get the fact that his first one was on Puerto Rico pass palum really good on that surface I don’t know I Pro you gotta stay away right so here’s the deal no you can bet it just don’t do

Like triple quadruple football bets right like because it seems trappy and here’s the deal I don’t really think the books know any inside information especially on a tournament like this golf is so [ __ ] variable you can’t fix it like you can fix other games so it’s just scar tissue and paranoia from

Us as just degenerate gamblers and having a lifetime of [ __ ] questions about legitimacy and things like that to make us believe that that being said it does seem stinky uh but I I’d still bet that plus mte a top 10 in this [ __ ] field was Pon [ __ ] blows right now

But I don’t particularly give a [ __ ] he’s Head and Shoulders the best [ __ ] player in this field so you know whatever and he’s defending champ yeah top 10 I I’m not going crazy with it but plus money for Tony in this field the top 10 fine I’ll take it okay all right

What about the matchup market so the only things I really see is he’s paired up against Nikolai hoard he is like a minus 15 minus 160 favorite um are you just blindly back in Hoy guard or would you actually lay the juice of f out at that point I’m not

That’s something I just stay away from okay I I don’t I don’t so I know you love hoard I’m starting to warm up to him I just don’t [ __ ] know enough about him to to but him against Tony at a place he’s come second and first in

The last two times he’s [ __ ] played okay just you know it’s just something that I’ll just pass on like that’s just that’s just how it goes with me but the only matchup that I liked was uh pendrith over dri because dri doesn’t close uh ever and then I looked at this one

Earlier I didn’t bet it yet but Andy was on Grayson Sig and you know I love Sig and he’s he’s up against had okay why don’t we save those guys for later because top of the board right now um so what listen I don’t have any F out

Bets let me just skip that usually I would bet nickolay horard I am not gonna bet nicolay horard like I was very particular with top of the board um just trying to separate them and the one thing I noticed about a bunch of these guys up here is that you know obviously

We talk about long irons over 200 that’s actually been hoard’s kind of kryptonite so far this year just hysterically so ended up going away from him uh did not end up betting Grio he was close but just didn’t make the cut yep uh diet’s been doing it all with a Potter yeah so

He doesn’t know how to win ever ever he doesn’t know how to win no no so he’s out joerger also I was I remember I think because just him and contention at the farmers Burns in my my mind that piss kind of stinks yeah he pissed away he pissed away that Sunday I

Just know him from DFS because he [ __ ] made a ton of eagles like that’s [ __ ] what I know about joerger I played him in draft games and he made a ton of eagles I play Himes yet somehow he can never finish past like T25 [ __ ] wild absolutely wild yeah listen

He’s it’s it’s like a better version of Christian bazan who like he’s got a ceiling of like 22nd and a floor of like 40th and then finally broke out at Tory Pines yeah so so the one guy I’m on up here and I I told you that Andy lack and

I are on a lot of the same guys you’re gonna get very mad probably because we’re gonna sell you on these guys uh I bet Taylor P the 33 he’s down to like mid 20s but yeah he’s like 28 25 I I just I he fits a lot of what I’m looking

For uh long hitter got relatively decent success in pass palum really good from over 200 he’s starting to putt a little better too um that just fits everything what I’m looking for here all right I guess I don’t know man he’s just he’s just a guy

That I don’t know I don’t bet him a lot I know this this [ __ ] shitty field trying to pull up his stats I know he’s good with I know he’s good with long irons but I thought he was better with like mid irons trying to pull it up

No I I got him over the last year gaining a stroke on the field per round over 200 I mean [ __ ] man he hasn’t played since the Famas I don’t like that two weeks ago no it wasn’t yeah it was you had Phoenix you had Rivier now now and

Pebble so was a month ago and Pebble fine was a month ago now he [ __ ] it he finished T T9 right cut T10 so I mean for him he’s [ __ ] in amazing form um I think fine dude I’m not gonna knock it he’s a bomber this field is horeshit

It’s just crazy to me that I don’t know that pendrith is GNA be [ __ ] 28 to one and [ __ ] win a golf tournament okay all right I understand that that seems like a little concerning yeah but but I say that and in the same breath I’m betting Patrick

Rogers at [ __ ] 30 to one like what the [ __ ] is the difference there’s no goddamn difference yeah so for whatever reason it seems like I was looking at like ownership in DFS and it seems like he’s kind of the Forgotten man this week and for whatever reason what are you talking about

Patrick Rogers he’s terrible can’t putt yeah he can’t putt you talking he’s got he’s got a decent track record on P probably think what like top 10 last year yeah wa you saying pendrith is the GU man I’m sorry say that again are you saying pendrith is the Forgotten guy or

Rogers no Rogers The Forgotten guy okay yeah yeah because his his putting numbers look like ass like real bad like recently yes and it seems like he’s kind of falling off a cliff he was doing pretty well he’s kind of falling off a cliff no so that’s a little

Concerning so Grio top five last season here on this course yeah I mean I’m fine with Grio I guess in a placement bet I got too’s fine I can’t bet everybody buddy yeah all right so good luck to you so scky um one guy that’s kind of getting discounted pretty heavily just

Dismiss because people just don’t see him torbor Olson thunderbear so I to actually tell you what he’s been doing okay he’s been carving up the Euro tour actually the last course he just won is pass palum so palum uh success right there long hitter losing jokes off the te but long hitter

I don’t have any iron numbers on him but everything looks pretty good over there but he literally has never done anything over here I think the last time I bet him he shot 40 over so he I know he finished top 10 the Masters like way way

Long time I think actually the Adam Scott year he was top 10 and he’s done well at Bridgestone which is driver heavy golf course so there’s something with that but um I just he’s never done it on with these type of guys and it seems like

Some of these Euro guys come over we talk them up and they don’t really do anything isn’t he nagles guy I don’t think so dude I’m pretty sure nagles has a [ __ ] story about uh Thorn B I’m telling you I think he’s got a

Story he tried to talk him up once on a show tell you all right um all right I’ve been doing a lot of talking tell me C guys you like under 50 to one so I mean do we just ignore Woo’s course history we can’t in this field

Right [ __ ] 30 35 40 to1 depending on what books you’re looking at I mean he clearly likes the course he’s got it was it two top FES or two top 10 yet I have too many [ __ ] tabs open I think it’s two top 10 he’s got a I think a second

Place finish here no it’s two top three finishes yeah I mean we can’t ignore that right like I mean if we if we’re worried about Tony and obviously he a super short sample size if you look at those leaderboards like they’re pretty similar I know he missed the cot at Phoenix but

Yeah I mean I don’t know how you just I don’t know how you ignore it he played well at the Sony the course history this is a this is a [ __ ] crapshoot man 35 of 40 to one um yeah I like I like woo so might yeah you might be on to

Something he’s not super long but I went back and looked because he’s not playing well right now no so what was he doing head into let’s just call it the past pile of golf courses so 2022 he missed one two three four five six seven Cuts in a row for the Puerto

Rico open and then he finished T3 yeah then he went t33 basar T28 corales t21 Zurich and then T2 Mexico H okay and then the following year in Mexico last year he went cut t-58 cut t26 and Zur apparently the Zurich is like a jump starter for him and and third so the

Question is he doesn’t have the Zurich doesn’t have the team event to jumpstart him now yeah is that gonna be enough for him but I mean listen he has not needed form to do well here maybe he just really likes pass palum so I think

That’s he might I mean you look at those you look at the [ __ ] putty numbers on pass paum versus versus everything else it’s wild it’s like [ __ ] night and day it’s almost I I I need you to correct you on that one okay the the only pass po

Strokes gained you have is actually I don’t think is here at Vidant there’s nothing in corales there’s nothing in Puerto Rico there’s nothing El cardal there’s nothing in MOBA so anyone who has cited Strokes gain pass po putting is citing like eight rounds and it’s just here

Interesting I I just need to clarify that for the record dude thisen I’m glad you brought it my I didn’t even think think about that because they don’t [ __ ] track it and it’s the stupid ones that those are the ones that always [ __ ] with me in my first round leader

Bets because some [ __ ] drunk uh [ __ ] tells me that he [ __ ] birdied it and I I pull it up six hours later and he’s [ __ ] double Bogi it yeah I mean so that’s that’s that’s not something to really lean on I mean if you want to like listen he’s putt well

Here that’s great like if you’re just saying he’s good P pal and putter uh you don’t have much proof un I like it yeah dude I think last year he gained like eight Strokes putting I mean that’s pretty ridiculous so There He Go all right so you like all right so you like

Brandon woo what about Doug gim so and me were talking about him last night I wasn’t sure what to do with him because this [ __ ] course to me doesn’t say Doug gim like ever but maybe I just have a brain block where I just think of douge

Gim at [ __ ] TPC and him melting on Sunday okay picture him as a TPC guy all right so he’s playing well that’s yeah playing really good big proponent two top four 15 finishes in the row hitting the ball great in like like good Fields diff good Fields difficult golf

Courses um you know his iron numbers from over 200 are decent he started to putt a little better uh his track record on pass palum he’s got T20 Puerto Rico he’s got t16 corales T15 at El cardal t33 at vidon so y good not great

Uh he’s on my betting card I did not bet him out right I have him for a top 30 though so if but if you want to bet Doug gim I have no qualms about it I think that’s a that’s a fine option despite the fact he doesn’t have a lot of Pop

He’s doing everything else that you know decent right now yeah it’s just it’s just so weird to put money on Doug Gibb to win a golf tournament why why cuz he stinks he’s not good at golf um at least on a professional level uh so I think think

The last guy under [ __ ] 50 uh was Thompson right I think he’s everybody’s [ __ ] dialing this week unfortunately um he’s just doing he’s kind of just doing a bunch of stuff good like he’s not great off the te but that’s because he sprays it right am I thinking

Correctly yeah he’s losing Strokes off the te but he hits in a mile the iron play really good the iron play has been really good he’s extremely good from over 200 the putter has been working for him uh his pass pal history is okay but I found at the beginning of the week

There I saw him at 50 I bet that and this is the Ben on Adam Scott special this week okay guys who are 50 to one they get bet down to really just kind of insane levels yeah I’m a little concerned about that but yes I have a

Davis Thompson this week because okay reasons yeah sweet all right so yeah anybody else you got under 50 one that you like uh I bet Keith Mitchell at 33 to1 again like I’m just going I just Cherry Picked what’s that that’s a good number he’s not 3more for Keith Mitchell

I thought that was a good number it’s definitely been steamed up a little bit but again this is a confident veteran golfer who was one before he has a second at corales long hitter the iron play has been pretty good the last couple weeks now most that the AMX but

He’s still gaining on the field overall uh the Putter’s been a little better lately terrible around the green but this is conditions that can elevate a guy because of how easy those conditions are um I be you Mitchell here yeah I think that’s fine especially at 33 that’s a good number

For like he’s a he’s a pedigree golfer man he is so yeah I I only have three I three guys under 50 pendri a 28 Keith Mitchell 33 Davis Thompson 50 everybody else is North of 60 this week I haven’t bet douge gim yet I so the only ones

That actually laid money on was Rogers Ru and Thompson that’s fine I think it’s a good collection there like I I guess how do you want to construct your betting card like do you just not care or do you like is it get is it is that getting a little pricey

For you like jaming all those probably getting a little pricey for me that’s why I don’t think I don’t think I’ll probably end up adding gim like that’s that’s a bunch of guys in the 30s but then my next guy’s 80 and everybody else is [ __ ] over a 100 so it really

Doesn’t [ __ ] what if you did like first round leader on Doug gim just to kind of cover yourself oh yeah no that’s 100% happening okay that’s 100% okay what about like top five Doug gim to kind of cover yourself I go top 10 top 10 you probably

Get like what like three and a half to one yeah like three to one probably is what I’m thinking yeah so yeah why you do that what if he he just misses he’s on the eding editing room floor misses the betting card but you have the consolation prize there yeah agreed all

Right I like that okay everybody go back d g all right um I got nobody else under here I really want to talk about why don’t we take another another break and then we’ll start talking about uh relative long shots all right sounds like a plan my ad reads

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Hall of Fame bets all right will you answer [ __ ] Cam’s question all right cam come in the chat or the chat come on the stream don’t be shy all right all right Jake nap let me ask you a question see you’ve never seen him hit

A golf ball no so what what what do you know about him all right uh so when I was supposed to be working today I did some I just looked at a bunch of stuff you know like I do I just that’s how I do my research I just look at some stuff

And then I don’t make any models I just look at some golfers and then I ran across this guy and he hits the ball a country mile he is good on approach and he he’s kind of got a good he’s kind of got a uh a good profile for

This course he was T3 at the farmers and played well he was T28 in Phoenix but his numbers looked really good like he was gaining Strokes on approach and putting and off the te so um I think he’s a I think he’s a good DFS play at the very least East but like

Then I saw his number and I was like I’ve never seen this guy he’s 45 to1 like this feels disgusting but it feels so disgusting that it feels good you know so he’s I think a darling of the golf gambling community and CER you can probably back me up on that one yeah

100% yeah yeah who he texting by the way nobody I’m just [ __ ] I’m laughing at [ __ ] oh oh you’re just you’re just zoned out right now I’m just listening it’s great sit back and listen I love cam I don’t uh I don’t make models I just look

At stuff you know some things the guy the second guy you remember that thing which thing the first thing or the second thing it’s one of those that’s went through my like typically my process is I look at course history and then I look at course fit and then I

Look at comp courses and then I like just got some stuff down this is a terrible system because you that’s not but at least it’s a system you had to do the same thing every week dude it’s a system but sometimes I’m going to miss people because I don’t make a model and

So I I usually go off Matt’s models uh Matt our coworker uh just because he releases them on Twitter uh so that’s typically my process and 45 to1 was just a dumb number for someone I’ve never seen so that’s that’s that’s Cam’s gross play of the week okay all right let me ask

Another question yeah one one more thing Steve who would you pick one I already know cappers pick one between Nikolai Hoggard in the 20 range Nikolai Hoggard Keith Mitchell amelan Grio or Taylor pendrith probably gonna go pendrith on that one okay so y’all are both y’all

Are both yall both like pendrith out of that yeah NE well kapper is very hesitant on pendri by yeah like gun in my head that’s what I pick okay all right um let me ask one more thing about Jake knp how old do you think Jake knp

Is uh I I actually just pulled up his data golf profile so I know but wait let me guess I don’t know how old he is I don’t know how old he is hold on let me guess so the way you’re saying it tells me he’s not as young as my brand would

Think he is Young 29 he is 29 and nine months he turned Pro in 2016 dang this is really the first we’ve really seen to this guy so I just want to throw a word of caution that it’s not like this guy is just some young about

Eric Cole man Eric Cole figured it out he’s in his 30s that’s fine I get that but for every Eric Cole you know there’s a Scott kety or something so I look I’m just saying this could be just a hot streak I know everybody loves him yeah

Man whatever hey but how a little skeptical okay how many times have you been out there playing golf and you’re just like you just can’t miss like you’re just striking the ball pure and then you go out the next day you you got all the confidence in the the world you

Know you’re hitting the ball well like I’ve had that feeling only like once or twice but that’s when I play my best golf so I think that’s important okay are are you also playing against other world class players too who also had those feelings as well no no okay

All right I’m just I’m just saying like maybe word to caution this could end up popping into everybody’s face very soon so not this some young feet off he’s gonna come crashing down because the I shot back to back under 85s and I was like I’m there I have this game figured

Out I said it I had it figured out because I Shot Two Rounds back toback under 85 and I don’t think I’ve sniffed 85 [ __ ] since that still [ __ ] okay we have spent way too much time on a guy we have not bet who cares all right who

Cares okay bet him people did bet people who listen to this might have bet him there you go there’s a lot of H clips that could get thrown in our face uh about this exactly yeah he he’s an old gezer apparently a can’t wi all right

Couple other guys North of 60 or north of 50 that I bet uh one guy uh consolation prize for the uh steam the golfer of the week uh Sam Stevens I got him at a hundred on Monday morning and he out like 50 to one that’s that’s

Unreal yeah I was gonna say he got Adam got it he he definitely did but the case for Sam Stevens which apparently I guess everybody has made already really long hitter good P palum history second at TPC San Antonio which is a fellow Greg Norman Golf Course uh playing relatively

Okay right now just checks a lot of the boxes of what you’re looking for at a driver heavy pass P golf course I’m not the first person to make that argument but in full transparency he is on my betting card at a way better better number than what anybody else can get

Him right now like we always say he can put that c losing ticket right on the fridge okay all right one guy is still hanging around this number who I don’t think a lot of people are on but I like him how about Michael Kim 65 to

One oh so okay little longer than what you would think you have just 305 off the Box the long iron numbers on him were last year is pretty good on him he’s a good putter he has I think let look at his past Palm history it’s not

Bad so I don’t think he’s played Vidant yet what did you get where’ you get Michael Kim at I got him at 65 all right so he’s got a T30 evidon last fall El Cardell t23 t26 in Mexico fifth last year Puerto Rico open 16th at the prior

Year Puerto Rico open so he’s pretty good on pass pal sneaky long uh the irons from long range are pretty good you know he’s been kind of sniffing around contention for the last year or so I like him okay okay okay that’s another I don’t hate it all right how

About uh what was that tournament what was the tournament he boat raced everybody at John Deere oh well that’s less impressive in my brain though yes I think that I think he was like 250 to one and then he fell at the face of the Earth but now he’s back yeah

Uh how about how about a guy that Annie brought up last night I was a little upset that he stole my thunder on this one how about slumping Vincent Norman yeah 80 to one right now talk talk to people about him all right so he’s been terrible but ter he’s a streaky

Golfer he’s a proven winner he won the barbol he won the Irish open I kicked the crap out of Rory on Sunday so I know you love that uh he’s also hitting the ball well right now it’s the iron play has been good the last two tournaments

Obviously he’s really good off the te really long off the Box around the green and putting has been a big issue for him but I have no reason to think I mean well I have no reason to conclude he’s bad on pass palum he could be good he’s

Got some good finishes on pass pal so maybe can put the surface usually guys who are pretty terrible around the green can get a little b a boost here uh on the P palum I thought considering his number the fact he’s super long the fact

That his iron are kind of trended up a little bit I thought a bite at 80 to one on Vincent Norman was worth it okay okay all right I’ve been doing a lot of talking my voice apparently is going uh I think my kids got me sick uh

Dude so so Norman got [ __ ] steamed too did he what’s his name at 50 oh my God I’m like searching I’m looking for I’m like where the [ __ ] is he I got to scroll up he got the [ __ ] he got the Andy bump I guess great great I can never get

Credit they put this show out earlier like he said uh so I got I got Vegas at [ __ ] 80 to one and Andy saw 55 or 60 he’s there now 55 60 I just went back and looked he’s still 80 hanging on my local so yeah I I don’t

Mind Vegas he that’s another guy Vegas man that’s another guy that got left off the card for one particular reason so his long range iron play from over2 200 is Stellar the problem is he had a very long Gap last year huge and ever since he’s come back from that his his long

Iron stuff is garbage now it’s like 25 shots it’s very small but I mean that’s a factor but if he he’s awesome on pass palum he’s got a lot of top 10 finishes he’s a big hitter yep huge maybe that maybe that’s just a sample size issue I’m still chasing I’m

Still chasing the [ __ ] wi scam champ [ __ ] stole from him that’s that’s my that’s my problem [ __ ] well look I mean like also you also just recently hit a South American golfer in a Camila oh that’s true one of your guys at this [ __ ] these [ __ ] tournaments maybe you

Just have a good feel about uh guys south of the Equator listen I tried to convince my wife to [ __ ] move to Costa Rica at the beginning of the [ __ ] Panic well techly I guess you’re happy well technically that’s north of the equator so yeah it is that’s fine that’s

Fair but but it’s sou am Central America it’s all about the same it’s all about the same yeah you know so I am a shellback do you know what that is what is a shellback so it’s a sailor who has cross the Equator and you have to go through a

Ridiculous hazing brutal [ __ ] ceremony and the whole ship stops and you basically get your ass kicked and humiliated for about 6 to8 hours but after that you’re a shellback and if you go to a bar you’re with another sailor and they say they’re a shellback and they don’t have their shellback card

Then they they buy you drinks all night long and I did that to somebody in in where where it cams from actually uh not where it’s from where he went to school uh in Texas ANM they give you a bumper sticker for that s yeah man [ __ ] off

Dude you’re not a [ __ ] shellback I’m not wouldn’t last a second so that’s why you’re a better man than I am all right uh let’s do you want to have the Carson young talk I guess if we have to feel like we have to

Look I get it I know why people like him this week I bet a positional on him I don’t trust that little twerp to actually come through so it’s like a top 30 at like plus 170 but he has been awesome on pass palum and his iron numbers from from

Long range had been really good he finished top 10 at Puerto Rico top 10 at El Cardinal which is a very comp to this place it could be he just this he’s just one of these pass P Aces I was thinking about it today he

Might be like a chz Rey just a shorter hitter that is a really good ball Striker from long range for whatever reason and maybe that’s his career which hey that would be a decent career if he had chz ree’s career I’m not betting him outright he’s

Very popular but I know we poo pooed it on Sunday I get it do we have to bet him just for solidarity with Kim like just throw like 20 bucks on him I got a positional on him that’s all I’m willing to go on him

I’ll throw 20 bucks on him that way if Cam actually does get a sweat out of it I can enjoy it instead of hate it okay uh the only other guy there’s two other guys I want want talk about north of 100 one guy I bet one guy I did not

Bet but I I was I was pretty close all right so Andrew Novak he was 170 to1 at the beginning of the week he’s been steamed up a little bit but listen he just came up a top 10 finish at Phoenix he’s got a little bit of Pop he’s got

Some decent pass P hist he top 10 penix yeah he came T8 he was like tied for the lead going into the weekend Oh no I remember that I thought for some in my brain I thought he like ejected ejected no he he stayed in the top 10 he hit the

Ball great he’s got a T15 finish here he’s got a decent finish at corales think he finished top 10 at TPC San Antonio last year that’s Greg Norman design listen I mean he’s know okay he’s he’s hitting the ball pretty good his last 12 rounds why not 71 for a guy in

Everything you just told me I am 100% stealing him from you okay all right and then do you know who Sammy Val valimaki is you know the answer to that question okay so big fat guy you know or or Orca fat or Ora fat love talking about yeah

Like like ABY bonat or bigger no he’s probably like Harry higs oh okay yeah Harry higs he’s just I don’t know he’s like he’s like he’s not like skinny guy fat he’s like fat fat no but this guy’s 25 years old he’s from Finland so he got

So he got his car through the DP World T he was really Hamed up with the the the crowd on 16 like he was making long putts he was yelling at him he’s got a lot of energy it’s a guy he definitely can get behind

He fits a lot of what you’re looking for at this place he’s a really long hitter the sample size on his stuff from over 150 and over 200 is really small but what he’s been doing this year has been really good from that range so and actually if his past Palm

History uh last fall at uh uh which golf course was it uh the Doha golf club for the Cotter Masters uh that is p palum and he won that he also won the Oman open at Alm golf club that is also pass B okay so my problem is is that I can’t

Get I can’t bet a finish guy to ever win because tarasque was my goalie for 10 years and he literally [ __ ] down his leg multiple times like literally the stomach flew and blew two Stanley Cup finals for me so the fins are might as well be French war heroes to me like

They can’t close all right well if you want a pro a winner on P palum who’s long off the Box who been H his iron really good from over 200 uh and just as a likable guy Sammy valaki is your guy I didn’t met him but if you got room on

Your card over 100 to one you want to add it go for it what do you think about Sig I mean Grayson sigs he’s fine his over 200 numbers though I don’t like like really like really don’t like like one of the worst in the field so that’s a disqualifier

Right there um but I think he’s been what’s his past po history I like this Novak bit you got me all excited about this guy well that means he’s gonna suck all right so so six C poory T9 of corales T25 of corales t18 last year in

Mexico fine like listen he’s he’s decent here go for it all right okay um I don’t really have I mean Cy has been hitting the ball pretty well coming out the corner what’s that name I refuse to bet him based on his name uh Chris gup is

Actually somebody the oh yeah we should talk about it so Chris gdup is actually somebody the really sharp books like this week yeah uh like on Beck Chris I think he opened a 75 to one he immediately went down to 50 really somebody over there really somebody

Hammered it yeah really long hitter the iron numbers really the iron numbers really stink on him but hey so does Cam Champs fact [ __ ] fact yeah so listen if Cam champ can do well you’re chis got her up here interesting yeah got her up I guess I guess it’s been over a year

For me since he burned me um Alejandro toasty is also another guy that people oh I’ve heard his name kicked around again long hitter good from over 200 uh apparently uh he’s a cheater by the way we had the the controversy with Jordan Speed signed the wrong scorecard apparently this guy is

Known for that getting for the wrong scorecard so yeah be careful like maybe he’ll be 54o leader sign the wrong scorecard and get dced and then just send everybody into a frenzy again so what do you I mean how’s he trying to cheat every you’re on TV like

People know what you [ __ ] shot I don’t know well not these corn Fair events that’s fair that’s the thing like everybody who wants like the shot Link in order to keep the scores first first of all like what are these lower level events going to do though shot link

Second have you seen shot link this year exactly you really want that system right now keeping track of all the scores look at when they go to to the Bermuda all the scores change anyways they don’t know what they’re doing even when they’re in the states they [ __ ] up

No that’s that’s a stupid suggestion that you want shotlink to do it because all the errors they have they didn’t even fix like remember it crash I think at AMX they told that all the data sites go pound Sam we’re not going to fix it tough [ __ ] sorry yeah that that’s not a

Good answer so I the the amount of push back on that for something that happens a couple times a year and if it was like you know Patrick Fishburn or Ben Taylor who does it no one is complaining but because it’s Jordan Speed the golden god everybody loses their mind well my boy

Tommy was very [ __ ] upset I know he said he’s gonna go watch live that’s a big step for him now that’s a huge step he was still arguing with me about [ __ ] live the other day I was like dude I don’t know who you’re carrying [ __ ] water for anymore they already

Had meetings they snapped everyone in the back like Let It Go man Let It Go yeah it really Tommy does nothing to irritate me Tommy is legitimately one of the nicest people I’ve ever met in my entire life I have no idea why he’s friends and uh and [ __ ] um it was

Like it was irritating me I was like all right man like just stop like this is dumb like I can’t I don’t want to talk about this you’re irritating me yeah I mean after after June 6 it it under all those arguments everything forget about [ __ ] even Andy even Andy is watching

[ __ ] goddamn live golf at this point well I feel if we’re like I said if if we’re gonna do content we got to do content for the majors we have to we have to be informed of these guys yep agreed yeah I’m not I’m not saying that

I’m not saying our audience needs to watch it I’m saying that if you actually want to Give opinions on golf you need to watch it yeah we have to watch it yeah we have to it’s it’s it’s it is funny like on on Friday when I’m texting

You I’m like [ __ ] it’s not on my local WB or what is what’s it called now it’s not the WB what’s it called CW um God I’m old um the um you’re explaining to me I need like live plus I’m like [ __ ] God damn it usually it’s on YouTube you can just

Go to that yeah okay all right I I don’t have anything else do you have anything else nah nothing actually do you want of uh well I mean technically the news broke on uh from he opened open Andy Lac aort breaking news last night I know so cam cam did you

Listen you didn’t oh so cam hasn’t heard this was this was the fun okay all right so um I might have a f not a family connection I have a connection to uh patrons and Augusta and I went a couple years ago and uh this uh the this year

They’re not going again so I was able to secure tickets to the Masters and guess who my hot date is let’s go baby it is it is Austin Capper we are going once again to another major championships I am taking him to Augusta National uh I’m not sure

If you’re going to handle the Walkabout that I did when I went down there just walking all the holes you know you got kind of a no that’s what I I want to do that I’m so I want to do that on Friday I want to do that on Friday that way

That way like maybe we’ll Spot somewhere really cool on Saturday where we can go sit you know what I mean okay all right maybe I’ll get a wheelchair ready for you so I can wheel you up uh theway what does that mean just K around

No all right no we’re gonna have a great time I I I I can’t think of a better person to take obviously than my co-host um it’s gonna be amazing however like I I am 100% sure about Midway through the morning on Friday you are going to get so [ __ ] aggravated with the

Leaderboard situation and the no cell phone situation it it’s going to drive you nuts and I just listen like take your heart medicines I don’t want you have another heart attack following a major again I know it’s going be that be it’s gonna be so stressful on you not

To be able to know how your bets are going other than the the leaderboard with the posted notes with everybody shouting at them saying like you know how’s bubba doing on 12 I can’t wait to do that so what’s the so I’m not eating that [ __ ] gross ass

Pento [ __ ] I lived in georia that sh have to do that it’s fine I’ll eat it you don’t have to how’s the barbecue sandwich isn’t good I didn’t have that but the the in the morning the chicken biscuit oh [ __ ] yeah that’s good yeah chicken biscuit yeah you can’t go wrong

With a chicken biscuit in Georgia no you’re gonna be very impressed with the efficiency of getting everybody through the food lines the efficiency of getting everybody through the bathrooms yeah it’s it’s amazing you are going to be what you think austa is it’s not even

Close it is so so like the best customer experience I’ve ever had it’s amazing and I I can’t wait to show it to you yeah I love it I cannot wait I’m literally I’m just telling [ __ ] random strangers at this point [ __ ] hey guess where I’m

Going like like yeah it’s it’s it cannot come fast enough and the only thing I I do have a nice break up I’ll be able to go to the players in between so yeah what a great [ __ ] 12 months of golf for me [ __ ] Rochester with you [ __ ]

TPC and then Augusta holy [ __ ] like what a [ __ ] grade 12 months it’s not bad not bad huh not bad okay not bad and I could have been dead I couldn’t you know how mad I would have been if I was dead and I didn’t get these [ __ ] tickets

You would have haunted me I would have haunted you I’d have been very upset you you would have been all right I got anything else next week what time we want to do go on Sunday uh uh what tourament next the Honda Honda well whatever it’s called now it’s not

The Honda oh the cognizant I don’t know I don’t know we’ll talk okay all right so we’ll do this preview show for the cognizant interesting um what is that like a is that like some sort of like pharmaceutical company or something that’s probably some tech company all

Right eitherway so we’ll be back on Sunday to talk about uh that cuz listen I love that [ __ ] event uh so I’m excited about I love that course I know you do um and then we’ll do our normal betting show on Tuesday yeah don’t make that face you like it fine all right

Anyway talk to you guys later bye

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