Golf Players

Welcome Ben Wharton to “Coffee and Carts” ☕ An all-new Episode being released next Friday on YouTube

Hitting like a 34 shot or if it is windy you don’t want to kind of kind of bust it up there and I’ve talked about this before the harder you hit it and the the more kind of oomph you put into your swing I suppose the more Spin and

Revolutions it puts on the ball so then that makes it go higher and then into the wind take an extra club grip down a little bit swing it 3/4 on the way back when it’s Breezy swing it easy Bree swing it easy that makes complete sense

Right you know so many amers you know like myself will just strengthen it or swing a little bit harder or really go at it when you watch you guys play it it really is just a very natural fluid thing that uh we can all learn from that’s for sure

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