The set-up to stop YOU slicing!


This video will cover all things set-up with the cause and effects of why you slice & pull and how you can go about improving the ball flight!
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🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿I’m Callum Beveridge, a P.G.A Professional based in Scotland looking to help as many golfers as possible and grow the great game of golf! ⛳️✅

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Today’s video is for the slicers and pullers out there so if you’re struggling with a big curve from right to left if you struggle with a straight pool you aim at 12:00 and it ends up going towards 11: this is a video for you we’re just going to cover setup

We’re going to cover everything that we need to try and do to minimize those shots and run through the setup points to hit the ball ster so first of all is the grip so we’re going to cover grip first this one definitely applies to the slicers more than it does to the guys

Who are pulling it purely because if you’re slicing you’re coming in with the club face open if you’re pulling you’re swinging out to in but the club face is square so what we’re about to do is possibly strengthen the grip so it might not be for you guys who are hitting pill

Shots in this one so in terms of grip what we want to try and do is we want to start with the face Square to slightly closed if you are someone who sizes above that will help you’re struggling with an open face we need to try and

Change that so Square to ever so slightly closed then what I want you to try and do is make sure that you just don’t have a weak grip you see a lot of slicers who have their hand both hands too far around to the left for a

Right-handed golfer and as soon as we start to do this we are much more likely to have an open face so what we want to try and do is making sure that we have the hands more to the right if you’re something that looks similar to what we

Were in if you look similar to what we had the hands there you definitely need to look at moving those round and making your hands stronger stronger not meaning that we’re holding the club tighter stronger meaning we’re moving the hands more to the right so as a general rule

Of thumb we go through the fingers wrap it round we’re looking for a vshape to be created between the thumb and the index knuckle so this vshape here points up towards my right shoulder that’s in a very neutral to slightly strong position then this right hand goes underneath we

Grip it through the fingers again we pinch this thumb close to the knuckle wrap this pad on top and again we’ll see that there’s a V created between the thumb and knuckle pointing up to the right shoulder and now we’ve got the grip in a position where we are much

Much less likely to hit that ball with an open face for any golfers who are slicing the ball if it’s on the weaker side so pointing too far round to your left definitely look at making it stronger if it’s neutral to strong skip this step and move on to another one but

By strengthening your grip you do give yourself a much much better chance of square in the face and that’s what you’re struggling with if you’re hitting a slice so that covers grip then if we move on to ball position we need to make sure that ball positions in a good place

So as we set ourselves up what we don’t want to do if we SL ice or pool one of the problems if we are hitting a pool that’s because the club’s traveling from out to in so the club’s traveling this way as it comes through the ball if we

Think of a time if we think of this being 6:00 and this being 12:00 you guys are probably swinging somewhere from 7 or 8:00 across to 10 or 11: so if we go to the player view if you are 6:00 here 12:00 here if if you’re pulling and

Slicing the chances are that you’re swinging from 7 or 8:00 so the club head’s coming in this way and then it’s exiting at 10 or 11 so that is one thing that we want to try and change is to get you from less from out to in and we need

To try and get that a little bit more neutral so with that in mind if we place the ball too far forward if we place it too close to left foot or I’ve got a 99 here if I start pushing 99 too far forward what’s going to happen is we are going

To we are going to get to the low point of the arc too soon we’re not going to strike it very well but also what’s going to happen is the club head wants to travel this way through the ball so the further forward we put that ball the

More likely we are to swing out to in so making sure that that ball position is favoring further back rather than too far forward so with this 99 I’ve got this right in the center of my feet it’s in line with my chest it’s in line with

My nose that’s a good reference point that’s going to be the case for 7 89 pitching wedge full wedges possibly just moving it slightly left of center for five six iron that kind of a area a little bit to the left for the Fairy Woods and hybrids and then no more than

Inside the left here for driver so if we grip the club very very weak and we’ve got the hands too far around to the left we can present the face open and start to slice our ball off to the right High weak shots so that stronger grip is

Going to encourage a less open face when you close the face you tend to deloft it as well so we’re going to get so much more out of our golf shots when we strengthen that club face so we’re going to do that through the grip with that ball position

That can play a huge huge part if I get my n iron here and I play that n iron too far forward so it’s very very close to my left leg couple inches to the left of center my club head can very easily travel out to in which is going

To get the ball starting to the left of Target if you have the face fairly Square it’s going to result in a pull if you present the face open impact with that same swing path you’re going to start to fade or slice so the next part

We’re going to cover is a little bit of alignment and a little bit of arm structure so in terms of alignment one of the there’s a few things I would see a lot of slicers and pullers do and what they tend to do is with their arms they would have the arms too

Much this way so imagine that you had a steering wheel and you twisted it to the left it’s this kind of movement here where the right arm’s forward the right shoulders forward that then gets you open and your body’s pointing to the left which does encourage a more out to

In path so if we can start to change that and almost do the opposite so if you imagine that you had that steering wheel you have it down in front you twist those elbows in towards your rib cage so you’ve got the steering wheel like this if you then twist that to the

Right so you’re going this way this right elbow is going to tuck into the rib cage slightly more than the left one this one’s going to be a bit more extended this one’s a bit more tucked in from there that’s going to give you a little bit of tilt that gets your arms

Nice and close together so you’ve got a really good structure which is great for ball striking and then from this angle here rather than having the shoulders and the forearms very open pointing left they’re much closer to square or closed with that arm structure you’re going to

Get a more rounded swing as opposed to being here and having a more upright swing again promoting a better turn more connection so better ball striking and number one a better start line and shots that go closer to the Target so by doing that setting up to the ball holding our

Little steering wheel twist to the right elbows tucked in shoulders are more to the right than what they probably normally feel you’re are going to get a much more neutral path which is going to improve your start line and if you present the face Less open you’re going

To hit the ball a lot straighter so there twist that steering wheel off to the right ball position is in the middle this is huge especially with driver I see a lot of people get this wrong with driver partly to do with the fact that the ball position’s so far

Forward it’s very very easy to twist yourself that way as opposed to twisting the steering wheel that way and one more thing in terms of alignment it is not a bad thing to have your right foot slightly back again if you’re someone who slices in pools and we’re swinging

Out in there is absolutely no harm once we’ve T that steering wheel to the right there’s no harm in bringing your right foot slightly back so it’s in line with the bottom of your shoelaces of your left foot because what that’s going to do is that’s going to encourage a really

Good coil up of the hips which then gets your swing a little bit more rounded and that’s something that would promote a better swing path if you didn’t coil up enough and had a more vertical swing you are more likely to swing across the ball so by bringing your right foot back that

Can really start to help things so there’s absolutely no harm in bringing this right foot back slightly so the toes are in line with the bottom of the shoelaces that’s going to promote a greater hip turn on the back swing which is definitely something that does encourage a better swing path because if

We didn’t turn enough it’s very easy to start swinging across the ball so slicers and pillars these are the things that I would really really work on before getting yourself to the swing because you’ll be amazed that a stronger grip could start to close the club face

In the swing by changing your arm Str structure and going this way that can promote a more rounded swing and a better connected back swing which can encourage a shallower down swing just by getting that arm structure right by bringing this foot back what we’re going to do is encourage a greater hip

Rotation which will improve your shoulder turn and again that can generally get you a slightly flatter plane and improve things down at impact so there’s lots of things you can do in set up that can number one improve your golf and cam the slice and pull down but number two by changing

Some things in your setup you can really make some big changes to your golf swing also so don’t overlook setup if you’re looking to change things cover these things first then see how the swing looks and by changing a couple of tweaks at set up that could be enough to make a

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