Golf Babe

Kyle vs Salim $10,000 NELK BOYS Match!








All right boys before we get into this fullsend  golf video I want to let you guys know about   fullsend golf merch here’s the page right here  site is Live 24 hours we got hats we got ball  

Markers we got golf te’s we got head covers we got  polos we got everything that you guys need on the page for golf all the golf merch could  be found on or click the link in  

The description thank you guys so much and enjoy  the First full sent golf video boys let’s get it   all right full sent Golf Channel this is the first  video One V one me and Kyle I’m a little nervous  

Cuz I’ve been golfing a lot longer than S so if  I lose on camera it’s kind of dust I’m pretty   nervous I feel like I’m going shank it this guy’s  been training like a Navy SEAL when it comes to  

Golf very very excited you excited yeah so what  what are we putting on it all right I think we   said 10K right 10K all right I mean we probably  bet more than all the other golf channels right  

All right 10K n holes those guys bet for like  cookies and right I’m kid I’m very excited for   the full s Golf Channel you guys know how much  I really really love golf you guys see it on my  

Stories I think every week would be dope to post  on the Golf Channel want to get a lot of guests   on here like Bob do Sports good good I love golf  all jokes inside my only real job was working at a  

Golf course I worked at McDonald’s for like three  ships and I said [ __ ] that I quit and then I   just worked back shop at a golf course shut out  Royal Ontario I worked there for 5 years that’s  

How I like saved up all my money to move to LA  the first time yeah I love golf so s’s going to   take lead on the channel but I’m down to be in it  whenever I can like it’s not really work to play  

Golf it’s not for me it was just a tiger wood  documentary my watch it got inspired and I was   like let’s go to the range then fell in love with  it so make sure you guys comment who you guys want  

To see next on the full Golf Channel get some golf  GRS going yeah definitely you already know let’s   who do you got in the match I think I got Seline  for this one you just watch his Instagram stories  

I’m going to win this yeah you got me go warmed up  stop playing with me bro I think Kyle he’ll shoot   seven over on the front see a lot of Hook shots  I see a lot of short putts I’m not being cocky  

But it could go either way he has a nice swing  on Instagram he is really good though obviously   and he just pretty much started so I think I  could beat him let’s just say one up me all  

Right first team what are we doing Blues I guess  right we can’t play whites on camera all right   first hole 386 yards part four and just watch out  for the bushes though maybe aim a little bit more   right that’s me keep your arm straight yeah I  know competitive golf though when there’s like  

Actual action is the funnest thing ever yeah it’s  just pretty nerve-wracking I’m not going to lie   cuz you’ve been training and [ __ ] like that’s  no training for weights bro like yeah I can hit   the r the golf though lessons won’t hurt go to  the range and you’re doing shot shaping I would  

Classify that as training one breakfast ball to  start you [ __ ] up on the first te only it’s the   worst on the first te when there’s just a [ __ ]  Pond right in front of you I we’ll get over it all  

Right here we go oh [ __ ] Trace that [ __ ]  boy is that how you feeling Trace that [ __ ] boy left should I take a Brey I’ll take a Brey  I’ll take a bre all right first one I hooked it   [ __ ] I shouldn’t have called The Breakfast  ball Ru this where the pressure starts to

Mound hey a good shot a little  hook there on the first one but   the Mulligan saved me one Mulligan  we’re both out all right you’re up   look your way know littlee are you  you forgot that I drove it farther that it’s on the green I’m  coming to [ __ ] play today

Ah bunker all right all  right I’m in the bunker holy [ __ ] go all right I got that far now  Walker oh my God for you yeah right for far little tester left there t oh oh you can to that in you  made what oh [ __ ] good think  

You said it was good Dam it all right  all right well I want to took my time for one up I should have read my line I  didn’t read my line at all I stood over  

So confidently the first hole hey putting hey you  just stand over the wall you’re like bro come on   just knock this in you know like when there’s  big action on the line putting is you get a   little [ __ ] shaky when your [ __ ] shrivels up  when you’re really nervous throwing a big putt  

You ever get that never get that huh you guys  know what I mean do you all right you won so um go holy [ __ ] lighting up the CGI  today boys is that what we were doing

Like that one went where I didn’t want it  to go but it’ll be fine I don’t work unless   it’s long as [ __ ] that where I wanted to go  but we’re good I’m over a hill right now but  

Luckily it’s a par five so I can just lay up  and then get on the Green three ky’s playing   [ __ ] really good right now and I’m kind  of like shocked I don’t know we’ll see as  

A round goes on if I lose man that’s going to  be a terrible night tonight but a bit tight up   there I’ll probably let s go for it he’s hooking  all his shots so hopefully he just puts it in the for hey

Out get the [ __ ] down H bunker right by me  all right let’s get it we’re right next to   each other right now we’re going to hit onto the  green for three uh but we both laid up dude I’m  

[ __ ] jittering let’s go SS first see if he puts  the pressure on me what you at now 155 156 today   so what was the difference so pasta you’re [ __ ]  time to bulk up boys you guys know that we are in  

The gym grind Kad is 12 Day transformation and I’m  still going yeah yeah 128 to the pin I got a nine iron that’s two bunkers back to back  God damn’s craving a beach day oh   my goodness I’m just cutting across it  you guys have seen too on my Instagram  

I’m focused on that impact it’s all right in  the bunker I’m good out of the bunker up and down that looks a little bit left to me  it’s long PT buddy better than the bunker   yeah yeah yeah okay okay I’m triing for no  reason for two on greens and rag baby hey  

The thing is though he still got a not three  putt you know what I mean even though I gave   him that last one he was still missing  I mean we all do that actually I’m just   talking [ __ ] I’ll get out of the bunker  my bunker game is good but I’m not messing  

Up on putting I can’t my put actually  looks pretty nice sit down get in the hole y’all saw that [ __ ] he even saw it and he’s  pissing yeah sure clean though you like that huh   that’s another [ __ ] tester for you though I’m  going to read my life Kyle got like a two putt  

Right now see how close he gets it up or he gets  it in okay he it’s gone man it’s gone oh my my God [ __ ] this is like giving  away the match if you miss

This a you Su [ __ ] that’s two down all right no  focus on the next hole Yeah I can’t putt somebody   help me putting any any coaches out there  helping focus on my swing too much I’m to   down no dude okay well there’s dude there’s  seven more holes to go that’s 10K down the  

Train if I lose the next seven damn dude I just  gave those two up though y’all got to roast me   in the comments car boys sleep he’s going to be  doing his head now I know you guys are tripping  

My [ __ ] swing in the comments but [ __ ] you  guys but we do have seven more Hol to go I can   win the next seven we have a 397 yard par  I could have at least tied that hole that  

Would have been a clutch tie I mean you’ve  been in the bunker twice my bunker Get Saucy   though you can’t lie 10K I’ll take you to the  Bahamas where there’s lots of sand that’s what  

You want that was a good Shir that was a good  sh yes a [ __ ] yes cancel the after effects membership that is down the middle ladies and  gentlemen it’s just beautiful isn’t it I love  

Seeing green to be really honest I might have lost  that ball wait no you serious oh it’s right there   you safe [ __ ] yeah it’s right there I got it  I got to drop so I got the third hole where do  

You want me to drop point of entry yeah right  there yeah by that red stick but go a little   bit behind cuz you didn’t drive it as far as me  you know what I mean um at the range was saying  

Do not go left at all whatsoever obviously  I mean there’s water he said the green is   so slim that even if you were to be not even  that left that you’re still going to go left  

So I don’t know it’s weird way of explaining  it look at him dropping in front of me come on ah [ __ ] short ah I’m short too Kyle’s going for his four  I’m going for my third I’m just going to get up  

And down we’re good I don’t know how to hit on  downhill lies but uh I just hit the little tiger walk but yeah it’s up there little short I  had pitch and wedge from like about 120 little   downhill I’m going to get progressively better  like I really want to inspire people the way  

Kyle inspired everyone and obviously like what  my journey is with the gym you know the people   that don’t you know have a lot of motivation  seeing you guys get motivated dope why not show   it in the golf game as well all right so I’m  going for my third Kyle’s going for his fourth

[ __ ] you I’m going for par right there good you want to concede if I make that and you   miss it it’s a tie it’s the  probability of that though 21% got it I think so right yeah all right all  I got a hole let’s go all right Kyle’s up one  

Now hey really we going to come back but n  it’s a good match now it’s a good match if   you would have won this one it’s like all  right bro give it up but um got par there   and we’re off to number four probably  pretty good I’m I’m nervous like a lot  

Of the shots before I hit him I’m just  like I hope I just don’t shank him but   I’ve been hitting him pretty well we got  a par four right now and uh I have honors so sit down that good sit that’s  good [ __ ] Nice Shot Fu I know  

My distances how did you take that  line tiger son I was so ballsy yeah   I wasn’t even trying to do that go C  but dude I’m right on the edge it’s crazy hate others [ __ ] Like Water behind the  green and [ __ ] 204 this is a perfect like six  

Five iron I’m going for it I’m going for what is  this you said a six iron you said you hit your   9130 I mean for you you’re probably stronger than  me like you’d go four just to be definitely yeah  

Now five would be perfect if you go a little too  deep it’s it’s gone this course is tough there’s   a lot of water on this one you up one man you  got nothing to lose ready oh I hate this shot [ __ ] all right I got 200  to the pin I’m going five  

Iron here I’m just going to really  get a nice divot on this one sorry course buer again that’s three bunkers  in a row that’s some thick rough bro I   did it best I could but is a par five  so I can get up and down for birdie  

But damn I really tried getting at that  not that strong guys I’m getting there though so close to money so close one more  [ __ ] inch that would have been on the   pin it’s close par five though still going  for Eagle here basically third shot in par

Five oh I wasn’t enough all right that long play   this is [ __ ] Saucy sit  down going for birie right now down yeah I got to make this though this one  seems like it’s going to just slip as soon as   it like Katy Sigman oh my goodness  yo you Wilding bro the golf course

Boys tied up I shouldn’t have said that  like I can’t let her down this guy’s a   troll yeah he’s trying to get in my head  we’re on to the fifth hole we’re tied 22   I got to win three of them wi all of them  [ __ ] all right we’re [ __ ] we’re even  

Boys I’m getting a little stressed  now so time to throw in a [ __ ] bomber you’re up S all right 350 yard par for  [ __ ] did I let that slip it’s a game of [ __ ]  

Inches eh okay that was a bad shot I just [ __ ]  gave up on that sit down don’t hit the car okay   going to be a long second Budd he’s a Nashville  eh why’ you hit hybrid there uh it’s short I  

Just thought I was going to smack it there’s no  danger up there yeah that’s true it look like cool Club [ __ ] downtown boys I don’t know what  I did right there but it’s those types of   things that are just so dumb whenever I play  I just pick up a goddamn Club sometimes I’m  

Using rentals I’m not going to say his name  but one of my friends forgot my clubs in the   back of a [ __ ] Uber all right I’m going to  get this one out all right uh don’t mind the  

Gunshots but uh I have a 5 iron I’m 200 out man  I hit that shot nowhere I hit that hybrid like 150 oh my God [ __ ] look at that [ __ ] get out  is it on the green I think it’s over so I have to  

Run after that one that one was strike so well  that was a nice one that was a nice shot but I   think it’s over the green I seen it bounce but I  think it’s either really really short I I can’t  

Hit 5 iron 200 I promise you on my life like I’m  being very dead ass honest I just never been able   to do that so we’re going to see where am I at  oh I’m in the bunker I knew I was sure I’m in the

Bunker oh it’s deep FU oh my [ __ ] god dude  [ __ ] idiot I just got to get up and down   so I’m good he can get up and down too I don’t  think I’m in the bunker I think I’m on the grass  

No I’m in the bunker but dude he went over he  went over we can win this one get the hell out   that was terrible all right a little bit closer  I’m going for par Kyle’s going for birdie right now [ __ ] so close

Man can that go in he’s got to get up and  down the tie or he’s got to make this to win wow that is so can we delete that  clip that might be three straight so   Kyle’s got this putt to Tai I  made a bogey and he’s going for  

Bogey right now if he misses this  hey that’s three strike for your boy oh my God that’s T that’s actually tough I  shouldn’t have bed him I should oh my God no I’m  

Not going to cap I don’t know I had a feeling he  was going to make that though for some reason oh   paing out to that one boys I needed that one I  could not lose three [ __ ] straight that would  

Be [ __ ] I would have got two nervous now I’m  buzzing let’s go all right so we just finished up   whole five Kyle just hit a clutch shot yo I got  to applaud I got in class for that bro but yeah  

We’re off to Hole number six we’re still all tied  yo I got to give you some DB you actually I would   have been mentally done if I lost three straight  yeah no that was that was great all right 373 part four that’s too much that’s in the

Water SE a bounce we’ll see I don’t know  I’ve seen a bounce I’ve seen a bounce once ah stay out of there [ __ ] you it’s all right next shot I  think mine might be in the water I’m fine get  

Your scuba get your scuba gear Bud all  right so I did hit in the water I got   165 I’m going for three so I got to get this  up and down I’m going to snap this to a bird too get out oh that’s there it’s  on the green [ __ ] this is my game  

Plan my game plan is to make that so  now I’m going for Park I was hitting   for second shot holy [ __ ] look  at this lie I [ __ ] hate these shots I’m all the way here just to see  where Kyle’s going to hit his he’s in  

The bunker he’s going for birdie and  I’m going for par right now I’m on   the green I got to get better at those  shots drop some comments boys shitty   lie I know I got to hit down on it or  some [ __ ] Kyle’s not good out of the

Bunkers [ __ ] me you’re going for  par yeah going for par too [ __ ] you get out stay there not raking that [ __ ]  going for par you’re going for what bogey yeah he two puts this and I make this

Bro wow wow think about now the turn of  event that’s crazy now I could lose pack   is in see the vision yeah okay he’s up one  again [ __ ] go I really actually got to   practice putting there’s pieces to the game  it’s not just about iron striking but uh he’s  

Back up to one and we got three more holes  to go so solid putt yeah hug I will say one   thing when it comes to short game if he puts  it on he’ll put it on pretty good off the te  

Now too you got good off the te but no your  chipping has always been there my chipping is   a little weak now my bunker [ __ ] that was  brutal he’s got a great short game and he’s   been hitting it great off the te so okay  that was just embarrassing that was just  

[ __ ] we at part three I’m going to hit like  an eight AR here actually I really hate seeing water right got right at let’s go oh that’s close   every time I take a leak  this guy hits a [ __ ] pin Seeker stay

Up oh [ __ ] that’s there too okay  God that’s a tight game both on the   green y this is competitiveness go  oh we neck and neck NE like it’s   not like anyone’s dusting anyway no  it’s pretty tight wow you’re closer  

Dude I’m I just suck at bu bro this  one’s a slider too both going for bird just slide more and  that’s gone wow look at that wow ah huge all right both going from far yes oh [ __ ] I got to sink this  by T P we get out of here with the  

Time I do that if he makes this I’m going to kill myself just turned for me one time they  turned for me one time all right we tied   the hole just won’t turn all right at least you  tied P still one up we’re heading to eight two  

More holes I got to win both of these for  10K I can’t PP [ __ ] Slim’s Miss is to the right slip but it’ll work that worked  just fine that worked just fine oh nice shot that’s trees ladies and gentl

I no oh oh no bro what a lucky bounce he’s in  hit the tree and came out whatever still a good   hit though he hit the tree and it bounced  on the car path and I think he’s safe but  

It would be dope if he’s not I’m right on that  Hill if I lose this hole it’s basically over the   match is over we’ll play the last one for fun  I shouldn’t even be saying that [ __ ] I got to

Stop D it mentally I’m not all there when it comes  to like the game of golf so I plead myself so much and that’s in the bunker again so that’s  that’s about like four bunkers I think I was  

Pretty aim there but been H it well out of  the bunker so Kyle’s going for his third so that’s a good shot I got one in the bunker  just got to get up and down ky’s going for par  

I’m going for birdie right now out of the bunker  so I’m sure I’ll hit it well oh dude I am pretty   far away this could be the match right here  go go go you’re still going F far both going  

For far yeah s’s got to get up and down pretty  much that’s a far bunker shot pretty much hold   on let’s take our time let’s take our time  let’s think about all the possible outcomes  

That can go right now so if I were to Blade  this shot head it into the water we’re done   I get it up and down and go out with a tie and I  could win nine okay how about we just hold this

Out sit down okay [ __ ] himself a chance  going for bogey he makes this it’s over   he two and I make this we tie I mean if I win  the next one I’m going to have to do a [ __ ]  

Playoff with him so what happens if we tie  the whole nine overtime over time okay this   is probably going in though this would be  a great ending to it this will be a great one that’s very short that’s very  short ladies and gentlemen that’s  

Very short Mark that someone said overtime I  started thinking my head was in a different place that was just so poor all right for the  win this is for the win [ __ ] I’m not yo the   pressure is different on camera bro you  have a lot of pressure but you could also  

Make it I am freaking out right now good  Bo it’s the putt to win there a guy from   the range all Li on you I know I ain’t  putt will bro if I win this I get your

Shoes yeah all right we got nine we got nine yo  we going to win this yo we got nine we got nine   yo this guy from the range bro Leo my man let’s  go overtime messed him up I know that was you  

That said that to let’s go we got nine I got to  win this now I win this we have a playoff at time   all right it’s coming down to the wire guys oh I’m  excited I was very very scared cuz it was going as  

Soon as that last inch a little slider so we got  a par three all right ho nine 147 to the pin it’s   front stay connected I’m just here bringing the  energy to the table support my boy s when I came  

Here to do those shoes are dope though I can’t  lie thank you they’re not even branded they men   or no no just women’s yeah I got the Jitters  I have a lot of respect for the pro golfers man [ __ ] that’s to the right

Too that go in the water it’s dry yeah but you  got to hit it out of that you get Rel why the   ru the US yeah it’s a rle if the ball is  embedded under the ground you get really  

How do you know it’s plugged in there cuz it  just disappeared we’ll go and confirm no I I   I’ll just play I’ll just this is getting  fishy Beauty shows up I don’t know this   guy’s saying Plug I I don’t know anything about  that but I’ll probably just play as a lies don’t  

Want to hear nothing this guy took some paint  remover and removed the red [ __ ] too there’s   a red line here I don’t think it’s plugged in  I think my ball is gone oh my goodness that’s   plugged but it’s behind the red line it’s  behind the red line so you can’t can’t get  

Really [ __ ] you not me all right I have to hit  this with a pitch look at this it’s not getting up it’s all I can do yeah should  have hit the ball you know I like   totally desels when I hit that sh  it ain’t over though I got this for

Birdie that might wow no it’s too much yeah that’s  too much okay it’s all right now he could three   this who knows I mean I got this for bogey Kyle’s  got that for par so just roll this in it must make you going to turn or you  not try damn that plug thing  

Messed me up yeah that’s suck well  I could have been in the water too yeah wow great one C won 10K God damn great match  bro my Sho and my Sho it’s going to meeting you  

Bro nice to meet you you got the whoop band too we  all got it man we’re there we go congratulations   to Kyle $10,000 that’s 10K um I’ll wi that to  you today but uh yeah guys that uh concludes  

The match of the nine holes of me and Kyle full  send golf video let me know in the comments what   you guys would love to see on the channel I’d  say the first one was success success right  

It’s a great one we forgot to say Obviously shout  out to all the other golf channels on on YouTube   like good good and Bob does Sports and four play  golf is bar stools right yeah yeah shout out to  

All those guys cuz obviously you guys inspired us  too to start making golf content too so all those   channels are killing it but yeah we just want to  have fun with this too s’s going to [ __ ] kill  

This Channel and get nasty too you got to get  nasty yeah yeah I got to I got to really focus   on putting let me know what I got to I probably  got to work on everything obviously but the the  

Biggest thing is putting the putting was weird  today we made some dope putts and then just some   like brutal three putts yeah but yeah guys thank  you guys so much again for watching let us know  

Who you guys want me to collab with or us and uh  we’ll see you guys in the next one let’s go golf


  1. Oh hell yea, the tracing is crazyyyyyy. Will defiantly watch another if you guys do that every episode. Real life video game.

  2. gotta be honest.. im a full send fan of nelk…. but yeah….stevewilldoit being gone… kyle has backpacked this crew i think to the fullest/ the end…….. no i dont want that to happen… but i think they are just delaying the. inevitable anymore …. they had an amazing run but its just not it anymore….. BUT YEAH JUST MO

  3. Wack if you still watch these guys u weird… have y’all seen how they treat fans in person lol?? Look up what happened with their NFT “Meta Card” they scammed you all sorry

  4. This is the worst edited nelk video I’ve ever seen… Salim let me be your golf editor I’ll bring a better feel for ppl that actually know the game

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