Wide Length Putter Grips to Fit Your Putting Style | 2THUMB Putter Grips Review

Looking for a putter grip that is more comfortable and stable for your putting style? 2THUMB has multiple grips to choose from to fit your golf game.

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The grip of the putter is oftentimes just as important as the putter head itself. It is important to have a putter grip that fits your holding method for better stability and stroke shape.

So many golfers accept whatever grip that came with their putter, and never even look at the many options out on the market that can drastically improve your putting.

In this video we review multiple grips from 2THUMB, as their are multiple sizes, widths, and lengths to choose from to fit your grip. We go over our overall review of the styles, material and quality of the 2THUMB grips.

Watch the full video to learn more about the 2THUMB grip. Let us know what you think, and if there are other grips you like or want us to test.


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Today we’ve got another review on an Innovative grip company called the to thumb let’s get into It hey guys Tyson with golf ascending if you’re new to the channel make sure to hit that subscribe button Brady and I upload golf content every week um feel free to hit that like button if you guys enjoy it definitely helps out the channel but today we’re reviewing two

Thumb golf grips um as mentioned before this is another kind of innovative grip company that is you know in the market kind of like what we reviewed with Garson golf um which is you know really cool because there’s different grips for different holding methods um you know

And one thing um with this one specifically you kind of see it in the name two thumb and I think really the the underlining message here with two thumb is you know you’ve got to place to put both thumbs on top that rest in a really nice position that’s comfortable

And puts your arms and hands in the right place they’ve got a wide range of grips um and lengths um a couple different shapes but all of them kind of share the same um you know trait where you can rest those thumbs on top um you know

Today for for this review primarily I’m going to stick with the um the OG grip because that’s kind of their bread and butter um but yeah so let’s let’s hop into it so um right off the bat you guys see as far as color scheme goes they are um in

Their kind of logoed colors white black and orange um you know if they have a really kind of nice branding to it um the one thing that I would say maybe as like a negative there is that um you know if you want a more personalized colored grip you’re not going to get

That with these guys these guys you know as a brand seem like they are trusting in what they have as um kind of like you know the the product the the name behind the product and they’re they’re really advocating on you have this grip because it works now um on their website um

What’s really kind of cool about this I mentioned that they you know have different style grips for different style holding methods and what’s really cool is that they almost have like a quiz type feature where you can say how you hold the grip do you hold it left

Hand low right hand low do you um do you go prayer hands do you go um you know traditional kind of um interlock that type of thing um you know then from there they ask you um you know what’s your Ark like are you a straight back

Straight through do you have a big Arc do you have something kind of in the middle there and after you take you know this quiz and you know there’s a few other questions as well they narrow it down to like four grips or so that you

Can choose from and I think as a customer and as someone who’s looking to get what’s right I think that this system is really nice that they kind of are helping you understand which grips to buy with just very limited information given um one uh one grip method that I

Mentioned there was the prayer hands and this um this grip method is kind of the reason why I reached out to to Thum is this grip method always kind of INRI in me a little bit like you see the you know the prayer hands you see these

People that come in here like this with their two thumbs on top and because of that that holding method it kind of brings everything in and you’re you know you’re right down the middle of your body and you can make a nice little pendulum stroke and so I was excited to

Throw this on a Putter and to um see what that was all about and so um we got a few grips sent To Us by the guys at two thumb and um I picked a few of them up and I was like okay let’s let’s go

With this one this one kind of feels like this would be a winner for me as far as my hand shape goes and everything like that so I have on this putter I’ve got the OG light 35 um and the 35 stands for the different widths um I also have

On a different putter we’ve got the 31 um so it kind of ranges from there but I got the the 35 here on uh this Putter and you you really do see it when it’s installed you got that flat part on top and you’re able to kind of rest

Those thumbs there like really nice and easy because it’s a big flat surface now something that I found and you know maybe it’s just you know the the prayer method of putting that just didn’t quite work for me was I had a I I felt like I

Had a hard time like interlocking my fingers and maybe it’s because I’ve got sausage fingers or something but I just I couldn’t I couldn’t get to that position quick enough and like with ease I guess and comfort that I could just a standard grip but I I did try it a few

Times and and the way that I kind of did it crossed them up like this and then I had the index fingers running along the side and then the Palms just off the the flat part on the side right here and then you rest the thumbs here and what

This does like I was saying it when you bring it in you can you’re you’re doing that little prayer Style just go back and forth and it is a very stable way of putting but I believe that it’s better if people have more flexible fingers I guess to be able to kind of

Lock it out and kind of hold it you know like a you know a little Bravo type of a thing um so after trying that you know it was it was really cool but I found you know what for me this grip wouldn’t work out with that method just because

My hands aren’t going to make the prayer methods work so I actually found with this to do kind of more of a standard but come in with my trail arm just kind of wrap around it and still have the two endex fingers on the side side and I

Found that that the two fingers on the side kind of gave it a little bit more stability and I could kind of bring it in and do the same thing and it was really stable and I really liked it but uh let’s hop over to the putting green and kind of show you

Guys my setup and kind of how it felt um and then I give you guys My overall um review on it so let’s head over there all right guys so I just want to talk about the families of grips that we have here with the to Thum so the first one I

Want to talk about is the o so the OG is what I figure to be kind of the most versatile grip um and what we have here kind of what I mentioned is we got that nice flat top and straight sides as well so that that prism like shape um and within this

Family we’ve got some that are shorter and some that are longer as you can see right here one other slight difference that you can get in an OG is a tapered as you can see right here it tapers off toward the bottom you see that right there what’s really nice about these

Grips too is if you ever are curious about which one you have they do say on the labeling what they are so right here we’ve got the OG light tapered and this is 43 which is talking about the width right here so 43 as you can see got

Another 43 non- tapered this one’s slightly smaller than the 39 35 is a 39 long as you guys can see and we’ve got a 31 so really just depends on what size you want and kind of what if you want it tapered or non tapered that is the

OG moving over here into the octotech really the main thing about this one as you can see the shape it’s an octagon shape 1 2 3 4 5 6 7even eight sides um this one reminds me a lot of the Garson quad what is it the Garson ultimate grip

Um but just a little bit of different shaping in your hands so we we’ve got different sizes in that as well pistol this one to me kind of just looks like the home plate like a baseball um it kind of tapers down which is supposed to kind of get your hands in

Um a lot like uh Garson in the quad tour um it’s got that angling right there but enough flat space on the top to put your fingers again comes in varying sizes and then lastly The Snug I guess a snug 2.0 this one the difference is it’s a little

More round off the bottom and then flat on the top so if you don’t like kind of the harsh angles of the OG The Snug is probably for you it’s just got that more natural round on the bottom that you could hold into your fingers so again

With the snug we’ve got different sizing right here um long and different Widths All right so overall I found a lot of really good success with the two thumb um for me personally the prayer hands just wasn’t going to work um but it is something to be noted that it is big enough on top that you could do that um there’s enough space here there’s enough

Uh real estate um I found like I was saying earlier kind of take more traditional grip I got my finger on the side here and then just take this Trail arm and kind of grab it on top here go like that and I found it to be really

Stable um uh one thing that I did note um after trying this on a couple other Putters um the bigger the grip I found it was better on a heavier headed putter um as you guys can see I’ve got this one here it’s more of like your answer style

Putter um your answer style blade um I did stick the smaller one on here and as far as like waiting goes and feel this felt better for like an answer style this was the 31 um and even with the smaller one you still had a lot of room to put your

Thumbs on again you know kind of take the grip like this got my index finger up here and just grab it here and I’ve got plenty of room with the thumbs and can do the same thing um but overall really stable grip um you know if you like resting the thumbs on top

And you like more real estate on top this is something that I would definitely um take a look at um feel wise um material you know this is exactly like uh you know the super stroke kind of leather feeling um same kind of material there um on that um I

Did find that the the um edges like the flat edges were nice kind of reminded me of the arson how um they kind of formed a spot for your your elbows and arms to sit and I really liked that um but overall very stable grip um my only

Complaint at this point I think would be um my color options just aren’t there you know right now I’ve got this this green shaft on this Putter and you know with the orange and white I’m looking a little Irish I feel like here I don’t

Know if I could rep that right now but uh anyways I I I think it’s a really good grip set definitely to check out if you want you know something a little bit wider and it does put the hands in the right positions so two thumb grips guys

Definitely check them out um definitely the quality there um I don’t know if I mentioned before the price on these guys is about $35 so pretty standard um you know for grip these days so anyways you guys like the video make sure to hit that thumbs up subscribe me and Brady

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