Epic Disc Golf Bag Swap Challenge: Who Will Reign Supreme?!

Alex and I take on Hunter Parks hardest layout but with each others bag! We bag completely different bags from putters down to distance dirvers. Who will prevail in this battle of bagswaps?!

All right guys welcome back to the channel today we are at Hunter Park meeting up with a very special guest on the channel today that all you loungers if you follow the community Lounge on Facebook if not I don’t know what you guys are doing we got a special treat

For you guys yes yes and once again we have a another windy day out here in Oklahoma but we’re going to make the best of it we are playing a back swap going to be playing the red layout here at Hunter Park which is typically one of

The hardest layouts that we have very hard to shoot under par cuz it’s very easy to miss your line and get knocked off the fairways so doing a back swap is definitely going to be a little bit different but I’m super excited to get this guest on the channel and get you

Guys introduced to him all right that is right ladies and gentlemen we have got the one and only Alex Hart and Ruthie that’s right how are you Ruth say hi hi all right so we’re going to start here at hole one playing Reds 353 ft it’s a backhand turnover or forehand

Forehand is going to be the more line that gets you there I’m going to flip heads I go first Tails Alex goes first dramatic definitely heads so I’ll be going first that’s straight yeah it is it not the place you want to be scrambling from well I haven’t thrown a forehand in

Almost 2 months but I tried a couple out before this round started and I think I can throw it to about 50 60% uh-oh I’m going to be where he is oh Lord we’re in scramble Nation now we’ll survive I’ll take it it’s because I I bag such good discs eh it’s questionable

We’ll find out at the end of the round don’t roll all right we got to make a put on the first one first tester with beadless Putters oh boy beadless Putters aka the putters of the devil oh he’s cash oh baby cash today he might get converted to alpacas i’ got to

Tap in here no harm no foul pars a start all right so we’re on hole two which is about 370 ft it’s a par three I would say arguably the hardest birdie in Tulsa there’s a couple other holes um that might be able to rival that you can

Either throw a roller if you want to do the birdie play you can do just a turn over to the middle and then throw down to play your par or you can play Planko through the woods like I like to do so not having a midnight on this hole

Really hurts so we’re just going to put the hex on a little bit of angle just try to match the Fairway don’t hit that okay I am going to go with the op pyro never thrown one before it feels pretty good I like to just try to do kind of the more stable

Turnover shot oh me and Taylor have been playing buddy golf so far today all right I’m going to go midnight prow 2 I get another disc I’ve never thrown but I’m going to do a little flippy hoo-ha through the Gap and hope it just kind of flips up and Li rides

Down should be a putt yeah it should be you guys know how I feel about zones I’m just not a Zone guy oh I don’t know if this is straight or not but hopefully it kind of is can put this on a little flex line and get up

There oh that’s got some stability to it you’re going to love zones by the end of this round we’ll see oh dance on the rim a little bit sauce you up and say it doesn’t matter for the best putter in Tulsa but here we are give me two holes and we’ll be

Golden no you trash dis golfer easy Bogies uh-oh hole three 263 ft tunnel shot plays slightly uphill so you kind of want to go like a straight to understable mid-range and just give yourself a look up there oh it looks pretty good good shot H we’ll see what that

Happens like the ground play up there can be tricky sometimes [Applause] mhm little low but I do think that his alpacas are a little bit more stable than my pa3 so I’m going to try to rely on that oh oh I thought I was going to hit the

Tree I always tell people layup is a term for basketball and me they’re just made for birdies all right so we are on hole what hole is this four yeah 260 ft you got two gaps you got a left side here for the psychos you have

The right side where you can either play kind of a flip up that just Glides left or you can throw something a little bit more stable that flexes uh-oh scramble Ville I love That that is going to get super got way luckier than it should have I’m like it’s so gummy that I don’t expect it to be overstable so that must be one of the most overstable zones I’ve tested out which kind of liking well this is what happens when you decide not

To pick a gap and just throw it straight down the middle don’t flare into the water oh that might be in the water it’s a 50/50 it either sat on back of the hillside or it’s in the creek this is going well on our Channel we we have a phrase just run

It just run it so that’s what we do we have no fear of death putts here that’s what we like to see sound like it set yeah it did I think you’re good I know you can’t see but I’m balancing on a log that I believe is dead and unattached to this

Hill Oh it’s terrible oh what a putt good par good run hole five 602 ft par 4 keeps playing drastically uphill not drastically kind of from the te box it is but it’s just gradually uphill the entire way sits on the hill way up there That yeah that’s fine yeah that’s okay oh I’m not strong enough to make it flip do I need to hit the gym probably what the probably just a little bit more reps in there next time you’re in there are you m was it a good shot

Yeah well now that we know I can’t turn a Road Runner over uh I am going to go with the old CD too shout out me for getting this to Taylor you terrible influencer oh right into the tree you love to see it oh threw it right into the hillside

You hate to see it oh he lost it in the leaves and it’s leaf colored it is leaf colored we’ve had to look for that one a time or two all right this feels like a temple shot I’ve seen Taylor throw this a lot we’ll see if I can also throw it

Little body English or just dunk it one time oh he good shot got to get these alpacas under control here got to love the headwind downhill uh-oh my my daughter just ate it get a get a shot of that nice down for the count you good you you tough okay good

Pot thin oh that just you didn’t see it that almost went pouille right sometimes it is the Archer and not the arrow for me it is the Archer I can work I can make anything work just once I get a feel for it all right so we’re on hole

Six it’s 353 ft we got water right here we have OB right there and so generally what I like to do is to throw a forehand that can skip back down the hill the risk obviously being the water and if you turn it over into the OB but I think

Today I’m going to try to go backhand with the Tailwind that we’ve got that’s pretty much just how I play it just play it to where you going where are you going oh boy all right it’s curled up actually put me in a better spot than I prefer

Ah oh that’s fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re okay that’s how you got to play this hole sometimes hm did I kind of juice that he Juiced it I’m in that little ditch just right behind the basket but should still have a look at it look like you went about

75d oh no oh no wait yeah oh no perfect see that’s the trust I don’t have quite yet yep that’s the trust temples are good oh left side oh no I was kind of actually surprised at how well it was playing with somebody else’s discs and

Uh reality struck whole 7’s a par 3 336 ft couple different ways that you can navigate this you throw some straight to underst staed just pipe this Gap you go forehand out left you can go wide Heiser out right wide Heiser is probably the safest play as this Creek in the middle

Here just plays as casual it’s not OB so I’m going to have to find a distance driver that will carry over there so I am going to go uh straight Gap just because I like to live life dangerously up yep there’s no shot it looked good another uh disintegrated uh

2020 Calvin try to get that skip play hopefully it doesn’t pop up on me it’s wide enough now I just got to get the carry yeah that should be fun I think that’s part yeah yeah uh we’ve seen me almost go OB with this on our

Forehand now I’m going to try to not go OB if I actually find OB um I deserve a cookie cuz it’s quite far away from the basket yeah there we go that’s fine well at least someone’s getting birdies today so we are on hole eight

It’s a 638 uh foot par 4 uh there’s three ways you can play it uh one is kind of the Hydra Flip or even a flat to high as your backhand you can go forehand up this Gap or there’s some people that are comfortable with rollers

That like to throw the roller as well I tend to do the heer flip out the right side have it Glide as far as I can before I get it to hook up so I’m going to assume that this is one of his more overstable Calvin cuz playing into a

Headwind I am kind of like a anheiser to Flat release kind of guy so let’s hope that this can handle that shot okay oh o I thought he made it usually when you only get a about 280 ft off the te you’re probably taking a par

I tend to like the Hiser more than the flat play but this headwind has me a little bit iffy oh thank you yes get Raz thank you well it’s short but it’s out there at least I think that’s fine about 250 past Taylor door’s

Open oh I put a little angle on it it’ll come home yeah she’s a good girl right to the yellow basket that’s fine yeah it’s it shouldn’t be on the rocks it should still be just down there I don’t know how much ground play that got but I’m kind of curious I did

Kind of what I thought I was trying to do but we’ll see yeah those oh no that’s fine made it a way harder AUD than it should be but yeah but with a putter like you no fear wow thank you caner well I found a pile

Of sticks instead of a a nice little skip so we went for it that was hey you’re long in the basket that’s all that matters per but not this day hole 9 Par 3 333 ft this is a tricky one the Nemesis hole of Taylor Nora here cuz every time I feel

Like I’ve absolutely parked it I’m somehow in the creek so we got a little bit of wind on this one I’m going to try the reactor I haven’t thrown the glow reactors hardly at all so I wonder if they’re stable if not I should be able

To just hit this flat and it should get close oh was just dropping out of the sky there we go he’s safe he’s got a putt that kind of just dropped out of the sky on me I don’t know if I threw that nose up or into the ground I’m

Going sexy hexy I’ve have not thrown this one it looks like he smashed some trees with it be a concrete wall well when you throw it in the dirt doesn’t really matter I threw mine into the dirt too oh I love this game especially when I throw things in the

Dirt oh boy I got Tailwind so I feel confident running this it’s just if these Highs are out and I don’t put the power on them they’re rolling into that water oh it just dropped out of the sky this is some crazy swirly wind going on

Right now I can’t get a read to save my life mhm respectable it hit something it hit something that’s all you can ask for it did hit water well I could ask for chains that’s true all right we on hole 10 uh Par 3 324 very similar honestly in

Shape to the last hole um ideally you just don’t want to throw it directly into the dirt lay up to 40 ft and miss your putt um so if you don’t do that you should be good oh yours is a little bit more stable than mine find land please nice

And juicy that’s uh that’s going to be a 50/50 but I’m pretty sure it is barely on land all right we’re doing a cd2 battle on this hole uh hopefully I don’t throw it directly under the water like Taylor did mine’s not in the water it’s got a shot to be on land

Mhm look how beautiful that mine is compared to his oh look how far it went that and you are definitely long very long that’s okay it was an ace Run just that’s a tap in well you may remember in the intro I said 324 ft um I thought that I said 394 ft right where I like to be BK got you’ve got like the angle on those to float those in they’re okay I mean for a beadless putter um which are

Gross it’s okay leave a comment in the comment section are you a beadless or a beaded putter there is no wrong or right I’ve puted with both I’m kind of just go with what feels good in the hand p3s and me do not feel good in the hand so let

Me know what you guys putt with beadless or beaded whole 11 par three 336 feet Place 336 feet if you want to go down the death Gap which plays OB almost the entire way and then you got to land it on a peninsula or it plays a whole lot

Further by throwing a wide Hiser out to the right typically you want to go that direction but even the upshot can be tricky cuz you’re pretty much pitching downhill from there so because I’m not playing with my bag I’m just going to go the safe route and get aiser out there

Hopefully get a penetrating push that skips and flares somehow now penetrate skip no skip it just kind of hit the ground and jumped up to say hello no skip to you leave a a comment in the sections if you counted how many times Taylor said penetrate in

That situation there some of you guys I know are moist right now get your minds out of the gutter all right I normally like to go forand guy out here but I don’t trust my forand right now and definitely not with Taylor’s discs as I

Don’t want to go swimming a lot I don’t think any of us do so I am also going to try just to do the Heiser penetrating route that’s so good not enough penetration though yeah I couldn’t see the skip like the trees blocked the shop but that looked really

Good you know I always say this channel is not about laying up like this is a really good opportunity to lay up because even if I want to run it there’s a limb that hangs down right in front of the basket so I’m either going to come

Up short or get wrecked by that limb by oh baby oh look at this gu I will give I will give credit where credits do the pa3 is are stable which I like stable Putters cuz that just saved me from going OB 100% yeah did I’ve never seen a

Drive land here you can never say that again this is a tap in for Alex the best putter in Tulsa thinks that he needs to putt his seven Footers okay it looks so much longer oh all right we are on hold 12 295 ft uh there’s a couple different

Ways to play it dead straight is the fun way and it’s kind of the ace run uh this is kind of an iconic hole for Hunter it used to be a little bit more beautiful than it is now we lost some trees but it’s still a really pretty Hole uh and

Then other people will play kind of the big spike Heiser over that tree so pick your poison and Ace I’m going to keep rocking this hex I feel like it’s going to turn a little bit so I’m literally going to aim at the dead tree to the

Left of the basket see what it does oh it’s a little bit more flippy than I expected oh what a oh what a kick my discs have done no no wrong today for you no they really haven’t I thought it was going to penetrate it more than I

Thought there’s that word again and uh but no it kind of kicked me almost rolled me down the hill but we’ll take it all right I’m going for the old spiky route the old Yasha 2.0 going Firebird do it one time I think that’s OB nope you hit the back side of the

Tree oh I thought I hit the car you I thought that was a car smash yeah when having too much power goes wrong gosh dang it tragedy strikes again it does drop wow incredible glide on those incredible Glide I love that yeah hold on that basket’s missing a chain it’s in

My head now I’m going to aim right after it oh Jesus that was the worst putt of the day how’s the orange one I got a little shaky on the camera with that one oh my gosh you I’m blaming you she’s like what are you do I’m blaming my daughter

That’s exactly what his putt just did I’m blaming her oh p3s are the absolute worst no Par 3 467 ft one of the hardest birdies to get on this course other than hole two just cuz you typically have a lot of right to left win on this hole or you’re

Playing into a headwind so it takes a pump I am just going to get something in play cuz there’s OB left where the cart path is Prodigy D2 we’re just going to see what it does oh she is flippy you know what though if I knew

What that disc did before I would just put that really high in the air and let it sail up up my Miss was right your Miss was right right into that tree I loved that it’s not what it’s not what I said I was going to do no not at all no look

At this disc everybody incredible look at that guy that thing dude you can eat cereal out of this thing this thing is wild that went absolutely nowhere oh boy that just held the turn well fortunately it’s a Tailwind back all right well I did uh none of the

Things I said I was going to do in either of my last two statements so now we got to make but you get a stroke back oh I thought I did it but I didn’t oh he couldn’t miss I couldn’t miss there was no way I could miss that

All right so this is a 388 ft uh Par 3 and it is challenging into a headwind you’re kind of riding uphill the entire way with a late left finish the problem is if you go over the hump you’re OB in the water uh and if you don’t make it

Into the hump you’re skipping far left and there actually is OB across the sidewalk on the left very short but you know what Oh uh that might now just be nice to him just stick right there oh tree oh I was going to say out you’re something happened yeah get down halt halt perfectly fine sticky oh please just be nice okay look at that just perfect disc doing perfect thing thing is one of the beefiest

Softest things I’ve ever thrown H you can’t really say that too often in one sentence yeah okay I love headwind uphill putts with water behind it get wck incredible mck 10 strikes again what the wheels are falling off for Alex and I as we make our way to hole 15 364 ft

This is another good opportunity to get back on the birdie train hopefully because the next three holes are very getable you just want to swing something over that tree you can go straight down and underneath the branches on the left side or you can just swing out for me I

Play like a flat to stable flight on the right side so just get somewhere in the circle and you’re going to have a clean put Get Wrecked yep I just thought that somehow that would Hiser flip in the Tailwind but uh it’s really hard playing with someone else’s back for sure all

Right I’m just going to go Halo dinosaur see I’m going to try to throw a similar line to a Taylor but better than what he did but we’ll see we’ll see today’s been an interesting day nope it’s about exactly the same but on the other side of the tree

Yeah you’re on the other side of the tree I’m going to have to straddle mcdad this one’s for Ruth oh I just died on me never mind dang it I laid up on my own channel can he make a putt for the first time today

And nice raging 25 mph Tailwind so I got to throw it about 6 ft above the basket oh that tail is brutal trash we are on hole 16 it is a par 3 231 ft you can see the basket right there which just looks so inviting and right in

Front of you little do you know it’s on about a 15t pole shooting straight into the sky so this would probably be the signature maybe basket if you don’t want to call the signature Hole uh here at Hunter Park so hopefully you park it and then don’t hit your head

Looks pretty good oh maybe a little right ah that could have got just the ugliest skip oh get down that would be layup City if I weren’t on Taylor’s Channel Hey on this basket I lay here yeah I’ll give you the yeah cuz that is dangerous you might be

Five putting the 45 ft headwind 15t High basket put 100% I have seen people take huge numbers in a tournament here because they keep putting and airballing and going back and forth back and forth from like 25 plus feet so if there’s a layup that’s allowed on this channel is

Definitely this hole I don’t think I have it in me to lay it up all right I mean you are down I haven’t gotten a birdie yet and we’re on whole 16 that’s true so they don’t get easier from here and I’m not getting any uh any better or younger

Oh oh boy oh boy this is how the seven put starts this is this is how it starts oh my gosh I’m shanking them right right now that’s right back out oh no yeah there was no razing 2-year-old bre when you’re this close you got a turbo

Put he made it all right so that’s a double bogey ho 17 Par 3 431 I got kind of confused cuz the short pin’s gone it’s 431 straight to a headwind and luckily they’ve had this all cleared out because if you came up short or you hit

One of the trees in there your disc was more than likely gone so just pump something out there get safe par is good on this birdie is amazing and I threw it about 112 ft short but it is not OB oh boy oh bye Felicia yep that’s see you later what a bomb

Though things just really got interesting very very sneak that’s not a sneak and that’s also looking like a double [Applause] bogey yep that’s fine how it’s done that’s fine it’s a par we like that y that Alex Hart was 100% a layup all

Right we are on the whole 18 it is a 486 ft par 4 it does play uphill the entire way so I bet you it plays closer to that 515 range headwind makes it interesting Tailwind it’s a fun hole headwind is kind of like a just get it in between

Those two trees without being underneath one and then have a decent upshot in oh Lord I’ve said a lot of things today not one of them has been accurate it came down well I’m sure it came down I mean it goes from the sky to the ground at some point but

Rough oh it’s so flippy he’s got to play with me I’m pretty sure I’m over there with Alex and we are making this course difficult to be fair though playing hunter in the wind is a very difficult course to play so cut us some slack people this straight crap with the

Headwind I’m either going to Turf it into a leaf right here hit that tree right there or go OB that way so I am going around the outside around the outside round the outside it might be a putt from 40 which I love yeah get stable Firebird carry over there

Skip I literally think we have the same exact I think we have a put off that is going to be very interesting so I can put Alex out of his misery right here with a made putt getting f so this is a tough putt for me

Psych oh look at this guy sometimes you just got to play with your food before you just guy oh no all right out of respect he’s still going to try to make this putt cuz it might have taken all the way to whole 18 but he’s going to

Get his first birdie question mark yep first birdie of the round let’s go confidence is high I believe in this man it just wasn’t meant to be today brother incredible yep it’s always a destroyer but I want to thank you guys for tuning in shout out once again to Alex for

Joining us shout out to all you loungers out there if you enjoyed the video a like is always appreciated and if you guys are new to the channel seeing us for the first time hit that subscribe button plenty of content coming out and until the next time we’ll catch you guys later


  1. Interesting that you don't like PA-3s. They feel great in the hand to me. Love the shallowness, but don't have a preference with the bead or not.

  2. Maybe if i had more penetrating shots id penetrate these holes better, then if my putts would dang penetrate the chains wed be in business

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