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MARK LEE v JOHN WINTON (muay thai )plus – KARATE v KUNG FU

Action fights from NEC UK Classics part 1

Right ladies and gentlemen we continue withing please welcome first into the ring and it’s the rec corner from lead Mark Lee and Now ladies and gentlemen his opponent Into the Blue corner from Stafford he welcome John wi 17 fights 14 wins five by KO two losses and one draw against John wind

From the Stafford Trojan B TI 20 years of age fight seven wins two by KO this an individual match on the K1 heavyweight Battle of Britain 2004 I’m Malcolm Martin with me Phil Williams Phil our first my tie B in the night two very young men Good Records

Good camps this should be really exciting it should be yeah it’ll be um once again I will put my opinion down I think it’ll be it’ll go to points it will be quite a tactical fight yes Mar Le the more experienced very f 2 minute rounds introducing in the Red

Corner from B company leads please welcome Mark Lee all right we’ve got the unbeaten John wincott against Mark Lee Mark was seen a number of times on these shows John Les experience totally unbeaten but we have to say has he got enough to live with the experience of Mark Le on the

Bad Company gym we’re going to find out as soon as they’ve done the Rano age we don’t throw many big bombs well I’m going to put myself on the line here having seen Martin Lee on a number of occasions and I’m going to go with his experience I think I’ll agree with you

If it does take the points I think Lee will take it through his experience and he’s he’s fought despite his age at the highest quality in National terms that is and I think if it goes the five Lee will take the decision but again that must stress ours are just personal

Opinions were not the judges good combination there though straight away from Mark Lee absolutely if he could stamp his authority early I would I would agree with you he’s got some oh they that left that hurt him that shook him shook him may may me me my

Words he’s got some excellent Spar in Mar Lee in his gym he’s got Liam Harris and pound for pound probably one of the best fighters we got in the country at the moment and he’s also got Richard Smith very experienced and of course his wife world champion Lisa Horton Smith absolutely

And we’ve got Richard c as well he’s got a good corner there but equally John win very experienced Jim and for tie boxing a very Lively start they normally TR to to work each other out we we’re used to one or two quite slow rounds these two young RS

Have gone straight for it absolutely and John win Cut’s out on his feet there you know you know I’m going to be made to eat my words he’s going in with his chin up in the air marle hitting some big shots K there’s another big right P just as

You said that then the left then to the body switching nicely up and down as I said I’ve always R Mark Lee great Camp nice young fighter and I said I’d been privil to see a number of his fights and very very hard to beat he is yeah he’s

Very technical he he’s well schooled John win I’ve never seen him tested before he he’s he’s undefeated and he he’s he’s been matched well and trained well but he’s getting tested he’s going to struggle here he’s going to struggle they often say with an unbeat beaten Fighter the two test characters if you

Do get beaten how you come back some it destroys others come back stronger don’t they absolutely he he he technically here he’s getting beat Marley’s got too much too much experience and too much knowhow good first round as I said they normally take time to see each other out

But I’m going to put you up on the point there he’s very unsteady as he comes back to his corner there John win yeah was actually earlier on he got hit with a left hook and then he got hit with a right handing Mark walked straight in as

I say he’s getting older Mark as you say he’s got the experience maybe will choke it now there’s that right hand big strong right hand and he followed up again Left To The Head then he brings it down to the body absolutely yeah Mark Mark’s coming on

Lovely he’s looking for the knee there and it goes yeah he’s got John in a lot of trouble here he’s he’s going to come out and stamp his authority again but I don’t think he’ll rush it cuz his corner will be telling him take your time Mark

Take your time John Su recovered there though Phil we’re looking at this corner now on the monitor he seem to be composed again and listening to his Corner what will they be saying to him they’re going to they’re going to tell him to get his guard tighter he going to

Get start kicking I presume to get kicking get his hands up a bit higher get some low kicks in yeah he’s got a slow momentum down he he’s got go out there now and stop him asserting his authority like he did in the first round absolutely they’ve got to see this round

Now if he can get John winot to see this round up maybe they can turn it around later on he’s walking in with his with his chin in the South do that against someone or’s CH in the air like that he’s going to get punished yes as we said there only seven

Fights 20 years of age there lots of time to mature and grow and it’s also very difficult when you got a big home CR following sometimes that can make your heart Ru your head can’t it absolutely yeah and as you see tonight he’s getting tested tonight he’s getting tested he’s undefeated he’s getting

Tested against a very good gym well at only 18 years of age I’ll stick my neck out and say Mark Lee will test anyone at the way in this country absolutely absolutely maybe we’ve got a K1 Max Champion there and I just mentioned as you said his stable mate Liam Harrison he’s been

To Thailand he’s been to Japan and he’s been knocking out the local guys there he’s getting a real reputation and like Mark is at seven is’s 18 Liam’s only 17 they’ve got a great stable coming through haven’t they absolutely and I know for a fact that marks him Mark’s

Actually been to Japan with him been to Thailand been in his corner so he’s getting all this experience he’s getting the sparing he’s getting the knowhow and you know he’s take with there are he’s hurt John again yes this is a real learning curve for John wicock and as I

Said the real test is if he does lose tonight I’m not going to presume anything at the moment but the real test is how you come back from it absolutely again again I’ve always seen in the past John winot southp star works really well he’s got a good jab a good left

Leg you know he’s got away with things but tonight he just can’t get away with all that kind of stuff tonight in front of Marley and there’s an arrogance about Martin now he drops his hands and he moves away look he’s taunting him now he’s calling him

On yeah Mark Mark Mark maturing even though he’s 18 he’s been training since he was a little boy those muscles are developing he’s learning all those techniques and he’s starting to hit harder well John winot survived get the second round it wasn’t quite as one-sided as the first but the other

Thing we haven’t touched on is people forget a home crowd favorite with a big support can actually fire up the away fighter whenever I fighters in away camp all I would say was shut the crow up and it fires up in a away fight so sometimes it doesn’t necessarily work to Advantage

To be a big Hometown favorite with a big following it can put immense pressure on you absolutely yeah tonight it’s not it’s not a tit fight this is to give these young guys the experience but Mark is sort like just out of range there that shows confidence

Doesn’t he drops his hand he comes out of range he taunts him then he closes the Gap so quickly absolutely you can see Mark Mark Mark’s looking to inflict damage he’s making mistakes but you know he’s still looking good in the process I think Richard telling him to

Settle down stick to the stick to the job in hand keep doing what he’s doing don’t get excited on the fight his because I think it’s fair to say at the moment one of the things that um I agree with Paul Hennessy one of our co-promoter tonight is that we’ve got

Very few people of the level of the top ties at the moment we’ve got to look to the Next Generation like Mark Lee and like Liam Harrison to be the guys that maybe could mix it with the ties absolutely there is some good guys in this country but they they they fight on

Their own shows they don’t leave the home area you know Richard Smith and Paul Hennessy and people like that you know they they put the guys out on big shows like this they get them the experience you know they’re not afraid and they’re coming on that’s the only

Way we’re going to get our guys to compete with the ti like Liam Harrison 17 years old going to Tha Japan and knocking knocking their Champions out at the age of 17 we’ve got to be proud of it so if we’re looking at this there’s two rounds gone both to Mar Lee looking

On a positive what can John wiot take from this possibly his unbeat record going what will we take from the fight experience and learning as you said earlier on it’s you know the figh when they lose for the first time it’s how they come back you know and I’m sure

John will come back you know to me he’s met someone very similar in style to himself but just that bit more advanced at this moment in time is that fair com absolutely yeah and not only that Mar Le even though he’s taller he’s got his chin down John shorter with

His chin up and you know that’s what’s giving Mark the advantage you see he’s looking you’ve got a taller guy there throwing shots from over the top you know that’s telling you something isn’t it on very little for our referee Howard HED to have to do here one thing I will

Say it’s been a nicely paced tide boxing but hasn’t it been very fast right away from the start it has yes it’s uh a good tie boxing bag you know it’s doing these guys a lot of favors well that’s you the crow are getting behind it as well that’s the end

Of round three and really you’ve got to give all of them to to Mark Lee haven’t you you have however Johnny’s coming back you know I I I would say he’s probably going to go the distance now unless Mark hits him with a clean Shotz John’s warming into

It he seem to have weathered the storm hasn’t he and again when you look at him he’s still very focused and very calm in the corner there he’s looking better there than he did at the end of round one you know and he he knows he’s going

To have to start fighting now so as Phil Williams said we’ve had three rounds down we think they’ve all gone to Mark Lee but we feel that JN has weathered the worst of it Phil predicted at the beginning this could go the distance and it’s looking more that way now despite

Mark taking the points comfortably John looks comfortable and and this is the dangerous for him though isn’t it as you said the way that Mark dominates the center of that ring absolutely yeah and you can see Mark he’s choosing he’s choosing when should

I go to the head when should I go to the body because he knows that John’s Chin’s going to be up in the air but this is what these undefeated Fighters are going to have to learn from you know oh why do they get beat and I’m sure John will yes

Well four on the schedule five and as we said John wi seem to have weathered the S and look stronger there at the end of the third than the end of the first because at the end of the first there was a very good chance of a second round stoppage but well come

Through that absolutely yeah I’ll be surprised if he gets stopped now I do think he’ll drop it on points but it’s just the it’s just the age you know Mark at the age of 18 you know he’s not going to have that explosive power that he will do in 18

Mon two years what sort of weight do you see these guys going up to said he’s 18 and 20 they 70k at the moment you look at Mark he’s very tall and lean yeah when you stand next to Mar talk you realize I to is from what I can remember

Mark about 6′ one possibly 6 fo2 he’s going to be a light heavyweight very soon he’s going to be going into the 72 75 kilion but show butting there from Mark I like the lad but he knows I don’t really like that I like to see them

Business as usual I’ve got to be honest yeah enjoying himself a bit too much in there himself a lot more favors instead of doing a lot looking for shots like that exactly getting the job done I think it’s a bit of what we said before knowing you’re coming in against

A HomeTown lad that sold a lot of tickets and they were drenal in ja and he is Young he’s 18 so absolutely he’s not going to do himself any favors come to the home fans by teasing that guy when that guy show all the respect yeah Mark must say is a very

Very nice lad I think he’s just the moment and the crowd and the the fact that it’s the K1 absolutely and and he’s beating the home guy yes he a great advert for him when you look at getting on K1 promotions the way the K1 is growing Welling stat here

He’s doing himself no harm with the performance like this absolutely yeah you know it’s going to be soon breaking on the international scene he takes it very seriously all these little moves away he’s TI him up there that’s good scoring oh there’s a beautiful left right straight

Down right at the end of the round that was a count the referee never finished the count there but that was a definite count a 108 round there for Mar Lee a game though JN still looks Corpus mtis in the corner there absolutely those shots they took him off balance more

Than they hurt him you know chin was in the air hit him on the chin over and go te’s on the back foot there and there goes the punch he’s on the back his balance is gone and over he goes it be still a good punch though yeah see the

Menace on Mark’s face though yeah Mark menle but um John took it well it was a good shot it was a clean shot as he said it was good that it actually works in his favor that he was already coming off balance if he’d took that upright and

Possibly going forward he might not be there now no he he’d be in trouble especially with some of the earlier punishment took him round one and two may have seen a bit more trouble than what he was it looks like you’re going to be right we’re going into round five

He’s been hurt but not to the stage where we feel now that the stoppage can come I think you’re going to be right this is going to go the whole way yeah I go the whole way not because of the ability as Fighters just because of the

AG and I’ve seen them the bomb and the explosive power isn’t there yet but it’s been very exciting well knowing Mark Lee and knowing the way he thinks I’ll tell you this field he’ll be looking for a stoppage in this round but a good shot

There from John win but Mar Lee will be looking for the stoppage I’ll tell you that now and he’s got another count yeah that was a clean shot that was shot he might stop him oh he’s gone he’s shaking his head his eyes are glazed over how to

Be looking very carefully Mark will want this he will want the stop be looking for the straight right down the middle now if was yes he fainted the left he wanted the right it didn’t quite land for him no good Mark got to take your time there’s that right though landed

Twice again this is very Rocky territory now for John winot yeah I think go up with the kick then look for the punch afterwards Mark calling him and he doesn’t need to he’s got him hurt yes his man dropping now and another Big R as you said i’

Just like him to pick a few more although John’s in big trouble just pick his shots more Le with the legs or the knees to bring those hands down winding up the shots he doesn’t need to wind the shots up you can just relax he’s got a

Very front kick oh that hurt that’s it Howard’s taken into a corner another count it’ be ashamed to see John get stopped but he’s not going to win this fight I just like to see Mar open him up with the kicks he’s got a superb front kick

He’s got a superb low kick land them to bring the hands down and then bring his own work over the top sure I can tell by the way he’s looking for the head kick there we are he’s looking for the head kick just needs to go in relax just throw his combination

He could finish John here John’s doing very well to stay on his feet yes you’re almost wishing him now to finish at the end here homeown lad you want him to see it till the end absolutely see Crow and not like him the fact he’s shots from his off

Balance yeah just I was Mark I’d like I’d like him to work the legs low get the man thinking about downstairs thenly bring the hand back up but fair play to John W he last of the distance real good performance Mar Le getting a lot of boo what you expected from Hometown crowd

But I’m pleased that John went this is but an emphatic Victory from the man from Bad Company yes very well done well scored and he did really well he beat The Undefeated guy there who I’m sure will come back he showed a lot of heart

But a good one for the crowd even if it wasn’t him go in the crowd’s favor yes you said he’s taunting here he’s very arrogant there was the the left hand and it really rocks him yeah it hit him high on the top of the head

On the temple his eyes glazed over he didn’t know where he was the referee was was right to give him a standing count yes Mark going now to pay his respects in the corner now it’s all over the fight’s over that’s the way it goes here

And you can’t really blame him for being a bit psyched up you got a HomeTown land a HomeTown favorite your adrenaline goes just that bit more doesn’t it absolutely absolutely and here he’s he’s hitting him hard and hope he’s got him all over the place and Howard has to step in the

Game and it’s always a sign when the fighter turns his back without realizing absolutely I know John wi he wouldn’t turn his back in the Red Corner yes very good win there for Mar Le ladies and gentlemen show your appreciations to a good loser Inn huge Applause for John he’ll come

Back from this because one thing he shown he’s got a strong chin and the Heart of a Lion absolutely yeah he’s got a strong chin and with all those wins behind him you know he will come back from this he’ll learn a hell of a lot

From this and he’ll be a better fighter and please welcome first into the arena representing karate Paul new well Phil here’s something different in for the first time in K1 under K1 rules I must add a special match karate vers versus kung fu Paul new current England karate International taking on

Kim Khan a wing Chung fighter under K1 rules now this has got the potential to be incredibly interesting it’ll be interesting no matter what happens it will be interesting now I know um Paul new he’s represented by Joe long Associates very good karate pedigree and at the end of the day this

Man’s a natural fighter he wears a karate gear but whatever system he trained in he become good at now he’s gone kick boxing he’s gone tie boxing he’s gone boxing to make sure he’s ready for this Phil he’s one of those guys that just likes to

Fight and in the karate World he’s known for his mobility and his movement absolutely and I also know that he may have trained in different styles but he is sticking to what he believes in and he believes in his karate yes Paul newbie current England International one of the best at his way

And he has fought huge support here to the K1 in wolver Hampton Phil absolutely I’m interested I’m interested in this fight from what I can hear around the arena he is the favorite Paul Paul new is supposed to be very very good well you know as well as I do Phil

Some guys are just Fighters they just choose which discipline they’re going to fight under now cassim Khan what interests me here Phil is a wing Chung Fighter coming out of his system very brave because as you know they’re normally very insula they like to stay Within their own system but he’s chosen

As his forum for his first individual fight the k1s it’s a very very brave move absolutely win Chun I can’t see how win Chun would work in a K-1 style in a K1 format but I I do know that he has been going to an amateur boxing gym he’s

Up he’s up in Sheffield let’s just see it’s interesed no matter what happens but I’m going with Paul newbie just from what I what I’ve been told well he’s in his traditional Kung Fu uniform as you know Wing Chung rated as a street system Yik man made it famous one of his most

Famous students was Bruce Lee they take the center line policy which is to Blitz forward on a Center Line throwing a flurry of punches but the great thing here Phil is they do tend to stay with their own this is a real breaka away from tradition to come to the K1 and

Show Wing Chung to the world in an open Forum very brave move very brave move yes absolutely now to me newbie looks like a lightweight boxer he looks fit doesn’t he he looks fit he looks fit look tight around the ribs if you saw this man Phil just in

His tracks would say I reckon he’s a boxer absolutely absolutely I know that he chains with boxers and he can box with boxers even from a traditional karate style refere well on his trunks too sharp let’s see if Paul new will be too sharp for Kim Khan either way this

Is going to be interesting three three minute rounds and we must stress although they come from karate and Kung fui they must fight under K1 rules absolutely it’ be interesting to see whether they adopt the ax kicks whether they luse the attacks to the legs because the win Chon

System attacks the legs with the kicks more than anything where is the karate you know you got the strong front kicks and you’ve got the condition CH now these guys look in good condition but yes Kim Khan slight height Advantage let’s see if style will come into play

Or whether they will adapt that’s what’s so interesting for me is whether they will fight K1 style or will breeding come forward AB I just get the Impressions a little bit of arrogance there from cassine K whereas cor is focused he’s showing that kind of respect well if this is cassim’s genuine

First fight in karate terms newbi a vetan of countless tournaments countless medals and trophies nice punch combination there from cassine oh big right and left from new he’s rocking already big right left combination exell looks like a boxer there’s not much katica going on in there yeah he’s lean he’s mean beautiful

Footwork but he always was rated in karate as one of the best movers look at that slip the way he slipped that punch and again he’s bbing and leaving like the boxer which will he’s getting caught with the knees though he’s getting caught with the three or four knees with

Any of land in the face he’s not cut oh big right again he’s getting too excited with those hands I’ve got to feel he’s going to leave himself wide open for new’s bombs well this is the thing new’s been around he’s got lots of experience oh those knees are close to yub’s head

Though you’re right he’s got to watch this KH still KH still looks a bit Shook Up doesn’t yie move well I told you this would be the case but he took a hard leg there these are things that could worry him that come into the equation though

Oh the knee again going in and again it’s a shame the referee stopped them there because I thought cassim was working the knees well big overhand right there and again with the knee and again with deciding factor Phil this could be this could be a deciding

Factor he’s got to watch those knees he can’t just pass through them cuz one land clean and the think is even if they’re not concuss CHS they’ll cut but as we mentioned before you can see the difference between the two his movement in terms of balance is beautiful like a boxer there he’s

Hurtful when he hits as well he’s hurtful absolutely he just needs the uppercut now he just needs the uppercut he set the man up but he needs the uppercut to be honest cars lasted longer than I thought he would he’s done well least he’s done some good punches I’ve

Been impressed with his knees and he has tried the low kicks but as you know the counter to that s kick is the right cross and newb is using it absolutely holding and hitting there casimi got away with that there I tell you what these guys have adapted their

Styles extremely well I’m impressed I’m impressed I just feel that cim his downfall might be as he he holds his chin out when he comes forward like that the uppercut if new can use the uppercut it’s there for the taking there see what I mean with cim he gives you that chin

Absolutely but he’s he’s catching yie as well it’s a great fight hats off to both men this could have been let’s be honest with Travis absolutely it’s become a great little fight it has hats off to both men cassim using the knees and the low kicks well if you

Look at Paul new his mouth is cut and great and I bet you that was a knee I bet youe KN has cut P new’s mouth cuz a couple of those went extremely close to his face well they’ve adapted well in different ways I was impressed with

New’s boxing but cassim used the knees well and the low kicks well my only doubt for cassim is the way he hangs that chin out if newbie discovers an uppercut that’s when it’s over absolutely there beautiful right absolutely beautiful right hands there and this is where I thought like you

Said we thought it’d be all over from there but cim sucked it up came back got a CH the low kicks you were very concerned about the way new did nothing against the KN which a lot were there it was both both it was the fact that KH

Could throw the knees so well as a winch practitioner he was throwing them like a tie sharp knees and also the fact that was

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