Golf Players

Nelly Korda Plays Us With Only A 6 Wood

We run it back with our favorite LPGA golfer, Nelly Korda only this time she can only use one club. How many of us will she beat?!

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How far is it over that Creek got to put that into account probably like 160 170 last minute decision change yeah what if you end up in a bunker she just won’t figure it out yeah 290 to cover I think is what they said yesterday those bunkers like the the

Water get your eyes [Laughter] checked one Club challenge you can only use one Club we’re going to use our whole bag we’re pathetic golfers what do you choose I uh actually chose a sixwood 21° it’s pretty much like a seven wood but you can adjust it so sixwood this is

A I hit it for I Hit It For the First time yesterday so newbie in do you have a sixwood in the bag now I have a seven wood so they’re actually the same degree 21 so that’s a new Qi 10 you like it it

Qi 10 yeah I really like it I like that you can adjust it yeah so like if I want to let’s say I play us open I need a high ball flight I can use it there and then I if I want to play British and I

Need a low ball flight I can adjust it as well wow same well now you’re now you’re in bigger Stakes which is the one Club challenge with Barcelo golf exactly so can’t adjust it though that’s against the rules right of golf I don’t think mid adjustment I think come on I’m only

Using one yeah you’re by the green you’re just like pretty sick um lead us off Nelly am I going first are we doing That Does does anyone have a tea yep we almost we almost got four te thank you okay into the wind yeah we did not make this easy on yeah par five too you said it was 200 what did you say it was I think it’s like 280 to the bunkers 2

275 I should be fine yeah you’re going to be all right that’s going to work that’s going to be just fine going to be all right oh yeah sorry I broke your tea a here you go thanks so much you actually have to it’s a one te challenge have she said

She said a one one te challenge so you have to no problem so here’s where we live up to the hype right here yeah yeah I’m the hype guy who just it out of bound okay I’m the hype guy hey found the Fairway now I’m goingon to

Be the only guy out of the video after wow I F got me going with this driver yesterday all right dude watch you’re in the video I’m going to be I’m at least hitting a second shot which is rare covered the water yes that was huge yeah

See we add up how many of us you beat here okay DJ beat all three of us all three really Lefty Lefty it was tough oh money dude you smoked that should be good right what have you guys been doing since playing DJ practicing a

Lot every day playing a lot of go he’s got a lot of he’s very good right now yeah oh when I was playing DJ I was a house of hor what did he kept calling you he kept calling you uh um oh pigeon or something he goes I found my pigeon I

Don’t know what that meant I still don’t know what it meant I was like wake up in the middle of the night thinking about it yeah oh get out there I might have found me a pigeon oh I’m dead well I got my pigeon that’s for sure can you give me a definition

He wouldn’t he wouldn’t give just drive right by Trent go there’s my pigeon like what feels kind of sending oh hang on H somebody order the Snapper hang on hang on I think it’ll be okay okay okay Dan did you did you do the shoulder

T no I didn’t you got to do it know Tommy’s in your head Tommy Fleetwood got in his head cuz he kept doing this and Tommy’s like Daniel little uh sleeve po pro move this one yeah pro move you do that for the feel or for the look honestly didn’t

Even realize I was doing it oh yeah stay out of his head over there stay out of his head I don’t like the shoulder thing yeah he said why you doing that and now he just like now can’t do it he’s ruined your pre-shot routine that’s you cannot let that

Happen boy come on do it what tiger did Tiger went swing really hard he’s mumbling to himself right now you have to dude self-confidence that is gone stay stay stay I think it’s holding its line is it yeah man we all hit second shot huge all right all right I’ll walk

If you guys are walking may as well get my may as well get my steps in got over over Trent yeah I think so so that’s the best trve I’ve hit in a while that one I hit really good do you live around here or I live on the other side Sarasota

You guys do you guys live I live in LA I just moved back to LA and you’re just not a fan no I think it’s more of the people I think everyone’s a little too Hollywood yeah like WN to be I guess yeah everyone’s an aspiring actor yeah

Exactly okay did TR at you almost out drove my six wood oh whoever that was I think that’s me wait you got a six I think I think I got you let’s go Wow Let’s Go impressive dang little six foot action do you have a shooter I don’t we don’t does anyone

Have a shooter no our shooter guy is over in the trees we were playing this earlier though like 260 from here wasn’t it this is uh yeah this is need your shooter oh this is playing like 270 here I’m going to hit this brand new stick fivewood off

Of the shells here in Florida down where’s this one going get down I I did not see it I just want to know what that bunker is because i’ probably the one on the left of the green yeah one right in front of it kind of we

Can have him come up here and shoot hot bunker Frank you almost got in it am I short just short I’m going to swing this thing go for it Trent stay out stay out yeah oh just over just over yeah let’s go solid bounce huge good sign rig you want to

Shoot this bunker up here I want to make sure that there are no other surprise bunkers here that is your last thing you need is a bunker with a seven I think I would go backwards says like 227 okay to cover it thank you I think I should be okay I think that’s good I think I should be okay yeah I think that’s good I don’t think I went in right I don’t know I can’t really tell gosh I hope not cuz Nelly would be going backwards where did it go I was like

Legitimately left of that halfway house thing no oh yeah set up for the old cut double cross situation love that for you yeah it’s fun Frankie spoked it feeling a little adrenaline just hyped up oh no okay okay fine little chunk middle of the Fairway little turfy it felt like it was turfy

Yeah junkar Roy all right Bush now I’m in all this crap over here I just was in that crap I’m in this crap all they told us there’s like pythons and birds that like eat each other out here and I’m all over that stuff it’s not how you start

It’s how you finish right it is I think I see yours is perfect is it something’s glistening up there I think got to hope it’s my ball hoping it’s a golf ball I’m hoping my Ball’s like right in front of that bunker I’m praying I’m somewhere up there anybody see mine by

Chance lost ball lost Ball’s no good I think we got 15 people out here somebody would have seen it oh I think I see it yeah right up there nice window where oh yeah this is my kind of golf here now just the way you positioned it right just the way you

Thought of it nice tight lie yeah she’s short of it that is huge that’s going to be an impossible shot how do you end up over there kind of smoked that one honestly double cross yeah um what’s she going to do with this shot5 we going red or white uh

White trying to keep it low here get low get low get low to the window to the wall what the heck you going to do here this is going to be a little bump and run action little chip chip skis have you ever attempted this

No this is like a British Open like shot whereare it’s like blowing 60 M an hour sit all right all right thank you little rigsy golf there wash my towel so I can’t you know do anything but that’s pretty good I’m put the birdie sit sit that’s so

Deep it’s back part of the green right this could go [ __ ] this could go horribly all right so explain this shot Nelly okay is there even a way to describe this yeah exactly okay I have a sixwood yeah that’s exactly what I thought I was going to

Do damn I have to the only thing that’s kind of bothering me is is this lip in the bunker it’s a little higher than I would want it to be what’s the plan here are you going to like try I have to bump and run it yeah I have to bump and run

It but the thing is it’s like getting it high enough but also not hitting it hard enough where it’s going to run through this is a crafty little shot you so I think I’m going to have to she say she never attempted something like this we

See how it go that’s kind of cool yeah all I really need to do is just get it over this lip but it’s not that high of a lip so I think I should be fine now she’s got this six which she bum this thing W that was Unreal oh my

Gosh oh my gosh sit down sit sit sit sit catch a slope no oh just on top that was still pretty awesome really sweet shot Prett that was so close to you having a tight one for birdie nice shot first time ever attempting that you’re like I

Got to fly this 15 y everyone in the world St and then it needs to stop it’s okay I have a shot at bird yep let’s go see that one felt better see it grass that was incredibly impressive what she just did yeah sixwood over the bunker

Little Chip Shot bunted or chipped it up there now quarter is right by the pin so I just got to make sure I don’t wow zip oh sh dude nice sh didn’t come down better all right I didn’t kill her put for birdie yeah and I didn’t kill her that’s huge yeah

Oh this is a fun putt give me the line I’m going to give you the exact line you putting for eag no I’m putting for birdie oh okay me too oh my God that pin position though who I almost feel like this was a better pit I

Like that one should we pun to that one we’re switching it on you we’re actually going to go back to this pin I got to dodge this tea as well give me the line oh missed it oh it oh should have gone higher missed it not the worst thing ever still

Rolling that might be an L for Dan rabid for still got a putt at it I’m just painting the picture Dan that’s for five Dan that’s for five yeah this is either going to be really good or really bad nothing in between no I don’t think there’s an option for it

Oh sofen I don’t know I don’t think it’s really possible to to stop it no it’s like yeah just a hair too hard just like kind of no matter what happens impossible okay I try no stoping same thing it’s like it’s impossible that is just what a pin the

Slope was supposed to be fun for the approach shs and we all hit him on top and it didn’t do anything yeah wow all right putt off Trent’s back in it Trent’s back yes six five five five nice Trent Ryan all right bar dude great putt that was

Sick ooh good effort okay you I think it’s me okay just clean it up Focus here no you didn’t okay oh boy oh boy okay it’s fun this thing’s much harder to p with than I thought it comes out with like like some Loft on it ex so is that a six

Yeah that’s a six sixer honestly with the with the lie that you got in front of that bunker and then that putt I wish I was actually short of it I know it’s like three putt City from up up above the pin there this is to beat Trent Ry good luck to it

Frankie uhoh I’m going to need to see that I’m going need to see that this is the beaten alley here oh yeah wow we’re going to need to see that of course has a Group thank you very much I wonder if this is even doable like do you think you can stop this is this even possible or what yeah is this doable it’s a huge that’s a huge victory for Trent Ryan myself um Dan Rapaport with a tie and I

Think rigs bar with a lost in La qu pretty sure that was pretty perfect I think that’s as good as you’re going to get I don’t think it’s sto go in that’s better though that is better that’s hard speed putting was a little better on that one thank you to

Nelly for the one Club challenge uh respectable very respectable impressive part uh bogey thank you I would say many people I wish we stuck with that back pin right next to it in good shape we would have been tight yeah who picked the pin um that’s the video make sure

You subscribe thank you again to Nelly thank you to tlor maid best company in the world


  1. That looks like a QI 10 Tour 7w. That makes me think there's got to be a 4 wood QI 10 Tour out there somewhere that I've been asking for since SIM TI.

  2. Let me just say how much I respect Trent to always be cool with being the first one to take the tee in any of these challenges.

  3. All of these shorter videos from the Taylormade new clubs launch haven’t been great. Milking the content from that day really. Just my opinion

  4. I love the fore play homies!! Trent we gotta have a series! 2 shitty golfers battle off heads up 😂❤️

  5. Listen, Riggs is a scratch golfer. I’ll fucking fight anyone who disagrees. And if you challenge me and I kick your fucking ass, then that proves Riggs is at least a 4 handicap

  6. love when pros rip into dan. he takes himself so damn seriously its truly a pleasure watching him get worked up. also why does he treat everyone one of hist statements like its an epiphany

  7. A year ago with Lurch, they would have gone all out to win, the only one left now that loves winning is Riggs, the rest have become so melow( don't care if they win or loose) it's all about promotion

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