Golf Players

Balloon Party – February 26th, 2024

Tim McKernan hosts a show rooted in sports but branching off into gambling, entertainment, and whatever bright shiny object distracts him on that particular day!

Live weekdays from 10am-11am on 101 ESPN.

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Yes yes yes yes welcome in it’s balloon party 101 ESPN driven by mongan ass St Louis sa you’re in mongan ass burkard Alon Toyota my name is Timothy Michael mccurnin that’s Jackson Bennett burette wearing a TPC Scottdale hat today I like that hat thank you thank you uh and

Jeremy ruford is going to talk about your hat coming up at 10:45 we also have the little PES weekend wrapup and we welcome you to participate in the show by texting in the Air Comfort Service text line 314 39996 46 or by joining in the uh YouTube

Chat and seeing what’s doing in the YouTube chat Jackson so that’s what we got coming up here over the next hour on balloon party what’s going on with you I need to know what’s going on with you yeah I just did a show with you for three hours but you’re in your little

Horton Watkins studio so I don’t know what’s going on with you I guess more on the hat you know these uh this kind of hat they call a rope hat Rope Rope here or the brim and the uh Crown Meat and I’m usually not into that it’s usually a

Shorter brim but I’ve gotten know kind of like the Rope hat I’m kind of getting into I really like a snapback look over a fitted cap I don’t know where you’re at with that but an adjustable and not just any adjustable I prefer the Snapback as well yeah the little I have

Some fitteds I prefer the Snapback right cuz you know your head size can change based on hair situations or whatever I just prefer the Snapback well I prefer that as well plus I’m used to wearing my hats down low that goes back to playing poker and hiding my eyes even though I

Think my tell was a throbbing vein in my left side of my neck yeah oh I’ve got pocket kings and then all of a sudden my vein is throbbing and people just own my soul so that’s why you bring out the turtleneck once again the turtleneck

Neck and a ball cap yeah that’s my look uh Droid effects is in there tiny pee pe’s in there b hog do you pronounce it John shanzy or Shanel let’s go Shanel he says yes the weather has been awesome and I agree with John Shanel yeah it’s

Been Choice glorious did you ball strike oh yesterday oh where did you play you play it the log uh log was filled up um log and bogey were both filled that’s tough so you guess you had to fall back to St Louis yeah yeah played the the

Executive nine and uh yeah made a real quick day out of it no it was gorgeous yesterday perfect day for playing golf for just hanging out outside and more of the same where was the the pin placed on that famous green uh right on the uh

Right on the Shelf oh wow yeah yeah it was tough it was tough but you know real ball Strikers like me we get right around that nice real nice Jackson’s still taking hell he took some more on TMA for the Miracle on Ice yeah I think people are misconstruing it that like I

Think would you like to issue a clarification five days later yeah like I’m not saying that the NBA allster game is more important than the Miracle on Ice game it’s not even a question I don’t think anyone in their right mind would tell you otherwise the question

That was posed to me is which would you rather watch in person and it’s a no doubt answer for me but that doesn’t mean that like I think the game is insignificant or I’m the best part about this whole thing to me and there are a

Lot of great things about it is that you are so sincere and there’s no chance you will ever back off of this no no because that’s like if you’re asking me what I prefer to watch that’s the answer and that’s where it should stop end like it

Has no bearings on whether the game is important or not or how good or bad the Al I don’t care about talking about that I’m not interested in talking about that there a question was posted me which would you prefer to watch in person I gave my answer that’s not saying that

Not trying to diminish the significance of the Mir CL ice game I understand it’s probably if not the most important moment in American Sports history right up there what else would be there oh man trying to think I mentioned last week in 1936 when Jesse Owens won in in Germany in the

Olympics there that was a very important moment uh Jackie Robinson I would put right up there I would say trying to think like a boxing one that’s not like Rocky but you know Rocky in a way is kind of an important American sports moment um but the Miracle on Ice you

Could easily make the claim it’s the most important and I wouldn’t disagree with you so if that takes some of the heat off me I don’t really care I’m just telling you like where I’m at the Miracle on Ice thing is an absolute debacle Jackson has to stop that’s from

The 636 stop what what what am I what did I start I didn’t I I did you like not listen to like the last minute and a half of what I just said because if you did that then you’d have no opinions you can leave a mic drop if you’d like to

ESPN mic drop we’ll make sure to app and we’ll make sure to play Jeremy Rutherford coming up at 10:45 I peaked at the Little P’s weekend wrapup so I’m segueing into this and I can’t wait to go down this road with the audience cuz I’m really curious where

People are on this topic but go ahead Jackson set it up ladies and gentlemen Jackson Bennett berat still on a high from eight days ago the NBA All-Star Game here it is the Little P weekend wrap-up uh so the blues lose on Saturday 6 to1 to the Detroit Red Wings um tough

Tough game nice early morning on the uh on the puck drop but it seems like Jordan kyou is a bad developing situation if the situation isn’t developed already How concerned are you about the future of the young forward what do you think is the best and worst

Case scenario with number 25 uh take the second one last and the first one first um the uh situation is really bad and uh he didn’t uh make an appearance or maybe a handful of minutes in the third period of course Robert Thomas didn’t make much of an appearance either in the third

Period and the blues uh were already getting worked over that was a rare case where you’re going oh wow three nothing we’re not even halfway through the first period and Detroit just was putting it on him it really did remind me I know you weren’t around even though uh I know

That uh you may not have been watching even if he had been around but there was a time when the blues would go to Detroit in the ’90s and you just be like oh God you just know you could get it put on you and that’s what that reminded

Me of even though Joe Lewis Arena it’s not where they are anymore but uh that was reminiscent of it just not with uh lacking the the Hall of Fame names that littered that lineup and uh like my God this is like a Time Warp from 25 years

Ago so alas uh it was a rough one all across the board but this is the thing Kyo comes off of a game on Thursday against the Islanders were like man Even though Bennington had the shut out and he was really the reason why they probably won that thing um bunich has

The hatrick kyou was all over the place setting those things up and then he reverses form and away they go so with all of that said I continue to think it is the biggest issue facing the blues because it isn’t just a short-term issue I think it was an issue that played the

Role in the demise of Craig barui and he is on the books for a long time at a high price so with that said I was texting with my compadre and uh that’s Kevin Len who often times uh we text on Mondays since Jr comes on and will be with us at in

45 and I asked him this question and I honestly thought he was going to go below 50% so I was like well below 50% I said what percentage chance would you give that the Blues trade kyou and he said 52% by this summer 60% before there’s no trade clause kicks in in

2025 uh it goes up for me because I just don’t see him figuring it out so they’ll get increasingly frustrated that said I don’t see him dealt for Value I think it’s reclaiming cap space and getting a prospect like snuggerud comfortably into that role and I and I wrote back to him

And this was about an hour ago we were texting I said I would think you and me are probably in the minority of Blues fans thinking it’s likely he gets traded again 52% isn’t saying it’s a lock it’s just greater than 50% and he said that’s true but I think it’s because they’re

Looking at the skill SL production and not at the offy stuff that we might be more slightly clued into and the organizational behavior of really holding this guy accountable and not seeing any growth from doing so one thing that stands out for me is you see a lot of irresponsible skill guys like

That thriving garbage time where the systems break down and they get to Showcase their skill he checks out in those situations and is usually a factor in why the team is in a hole in the first place as an example teras Seno’s two goals in game six in 2016 against

The sharks that is a really nice call back and I’m some I’m sure some blues fans may remember uh that because he was nowhere to be found in that series he had been badle series and then started scoring when the game/ series Was Out Of Reach and they were desperate so I just

Think when you have those kinds of dollars tied up and you got a guy who maybe could be viewed as someone who could get that change of scenery bump and change of situation bump change of room bump I just it strikes me as being something that’s good for both parties and I

Really hope it happens uh now this answer surprised me Jackson I know this is pivoting off your uh kyou question but it’s staying along the lines of the Blues I and I’m asking the audience here to text in your answers or to to answer it in the YouTube chat percentage you

Think kyou gets traded at some point before the no trade clause kicks in so that doesn’t mean by March 8th but percentage that bich get traded by March 8th trade deadline and I think it’s super likely I I mean I God I and so the

Noning who is on is with me on the kyou trade again not saying it’s a lock but at 52% uh he goes 48% that b navit gets traded and he says just because Army doesn’t have to move him yet uh and he’s using the shaton Kirk blueprint again and I made

Reference to that last year how shaton Kirk was out there for a year and a half but didn’t trade him until the following year and then got Zack Sanford uh and a first for it so uh with that all said I I’m I’m going kyou getting traded

At 70% but again that’s not like now uh that’s not in the next 10 days to be clear on the next 10 days that’s the question and the percentage I’m looking for from the audience I’m looking for two percentages B navage I’m like at 75% and I’d be really be surprised if he

Wasn’t obviously otherwise I wouldn’t be at that level but I realize also that I tend to be more on the side of selling than many St Louis sports fans MH but if it ain’t going to happen move on and get value and I guess we just haven’t seen a

Lot of that around here with the exception of what took place last year with the blues it just hasn’t been commonplace but it isn’t going to happen I just I mean listen I want it to happen I’d be happy to play this segment back in June when they’re having the parade

Down Market I just don’t see it happening and so get something for him uh when his value may be super high because he may be one of the best available at his position and then the cyou thing God I think that is I mean that’s that’s of the utmost importance

There couldn’t be a more important player in St Louis Sports to trade than Jordan Cairo for the future of his particular team which sounds so counterintuitive considering what he’s making it’s nothing personal I just don’t think it’s going to work out and I kind of view it like the card unloading

Alan Craig when he was a declining asset uh so from that standpoint that’s where I am where are you on it 314 399 9646 we’ll ask Jeremy ruford what he thinks he’ll join us at 10:45 on the other side of the break more from Jackson Bennett

Berett and his little p week can wrap up this is balloon party on 101 ESPN like to recommend my insurance agent whose name is James Carlton of the Carlton State Farm Insurance Agency he’s online at Carlton and you can type his name into a Google Search and you will see

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Welcome back Bloon party 101 ESPN Tim Mur and Jackson bat with you Jeremy rord joining us at 10:45 you’re welcome to send in questions for Jr if you would like by texting in the Air Comfort Service text line 314 39996 46 and of course the YouTube chat on the 101 ESPN

Channel uh our studio camera were sponsored by the air Alliance team uh number of people on board with the perspective of trading Cairo I kind of thought there’d be a good amount of resistance to that but uh people are on board with that and also a number of

People think uh the blues will trade B nvic by the trade deadline next week that’s where I am and to be clear on the kyou conversation that’s not saying by next Friday um but man I would love to see it with with both not if it’s personal it’s just observing what the

Situation is and also um what the spot is around the league um with the desire for forwards and with that said uh the hockey news with the story uh saying that there is a belief growing that the Penguins extend Jake Gil so from that standpoint uh if that is the case then

That puts the Blues in an even better spot so we will talk that over with Jeremy ruford coming up at 10:45 meanwhile here is Jackson berquet with his second question for the little p Monday weekend wrapup playing out the hand for the Cardinals this year and assigning arbitrary percentages what do you think

The chances are that they bring up one of these young pitchers to get consistent starts in that fifth spot for the rotation would you say this is the most important thing this season to to develop the young arms for the future to match some of the other young players in the

Field now when you’re talking about the young pitchers which ones are you talking about are you going deep or you going the the S like the guys you think would be next up McGreevy grao Tink hence okay Liberator I didn’t know if you’re liking the Thompson talk no okay

Um maybe one gets a spot start I don’t think I don’t I because I think they’re going to win the central I mean again not like man this is a great team I just think oh this division although there’s Cody Bellinger going to the Cubs 3 years

80 million maybe that changes some of the arithmetic got to take a look at did you look at the odds on the National League Central and how much that moved it I I bet it moved it a little bit either way point being to answer your question they got Innings eaters they

Got healthy guys I mean Matts is whatever but uh I I I would I would put the arbitrary percentage if if you’re set if saying it counts at five starts combined amongst those guys uh I would say 18% okay I was going to go in the

25% so we’re in the we’re in the relative range I I just think uh the situation with Johan oier though a few years ago has really scared the Cardinals off from bringing young pitchers up quickly no Bullpen support that’s what that one was yeah referencing bringing up o who’s got

Maybe it was a little early to bring him up and I think it kind of riled his confidence as we’ve seen uh for the rest of his career but I I do think it is so important so they’re not in a situation where they got to spend 10 million a

Piece for guys like Lyn Gibson when you theoretically could get similar production if not better with higher ceilings at the guys who you’re pay paying one two million at most you know so I think that is the future of the team is getting guys up there like that

And help bolster the pitching staff you know if tin hens and mcgrey and grao play to their ceiling could be really really dangerous National League central odds Jackson yeah a been pulled from the board it’s been pulled from the board oh wow that Bel a lot of people a lot of insiders

Are are high on the Reds the reds are the one I’ve seen a lot of uh support for yeah my uh data nerd guy who boy I’ll tell you I mean it’s just because he hits often doesn’t mean that he hits all the time let me be clear but uh sent

Out uh his numbers last week for the biggest discrepancy between team’s projections and where his projections are uh the biggest discrepancy as far as like a Las Vegas total so for example the A’s win total is set at 56 A2 lot of enthusi ASM in the East Bay as they

Decide where they’re even going to play the next couple years much less how they’re going to play uh and he’s got them at the biggest discrepancy because he’s got them winning 67 games it’s like oh wow big discrepancy and they’re still winning 67 games but it’s much greater

Than so if you’re interested in over the ship and the biggest discrepancy on the other side the Reds uh their team total is 82 A2 and he’s got them at 76 wins so minus 6 and a half and since this guy has just been so strong I do cite that

This isn’t just like a guy who’s like trying to get a Tik Tock following and just throwing crap out there I mean he’s impressive man uh with regard to the Cardinals uh their number is 84 and a half and he has them winning 84.4 so there you go that one’s on yeah

By the way uh as far as the National League central goes now this was pre Bellinger he’s got the Cubs at uh 78.5 uh he’s got the Pirates at 75 and who have I not said yet from the National League central that is correct the Brewers he’s got them at 81.4 so

Therefore the Cardinals win the central oh boy yeah and with some some room that’s uh yeah three games over the Brewers I mean it’s such a yeah it’s tot a crap [ __ ] it’s so depending on crap is a good word it’s totally dependent on where you’re going to get at guys like

Sunny gray and Michaels and to an extent either ly or Gibson someone one of those two of those three are gonna have to have as good of years as they’ve had in recent memory I don’t know how good they have to be in that Division I don’t know

It’s such a different situation because of the division anyway Jackson question three all right well that moves him perfectly because an interesting story over the weekend that affects the local nine was Cody Bellinger signing with the Cubs for what seems like less than what was expected Bellinger was one of

Boris’s four along with Blake Snell Jordan Montgomery and Matt Chapman with his develop do you think there’s a case of Boris overplaying his hand if you were Snell or Montgomery would you be concerned with your status as we now are two weeks into spring training I don’t know how

You couldn’t be right I have no idea how you couldn’t be yeah this is really surprising I mean we are approaching March and you have the sa young winner sitting out there and you have a guy who may have been you know top three as far

As reasons why the Rangers won the World Series so yeah the former MVP just signing for essentially was a one-year deal I mean what a what a startling development so yes I would be very concerned if I were them yeah I would say like the Bellinger Market is a little different than what

The market probably looks like for Snell or Montgomery having said that they’re not wearing a uniform at the moment and that’s kind of a problem considering they start playing games in the month so I mean if I’m montgom or snow be like I guess we’ll just take a one-year deal

Kind of bridge contract I at this point you probably go okay there’s going to be an injury in spring training somewhere and that’s that’s what they’re counting on yeah yeah I mean this is and maybe I like this is selective memory but I just can’t remember a situation where two

Guys of this stature one former sa young winner and one who was instrumental on a World Series team not be on a team this deep into the air when it’s not like pitching har in 2019 that was that was what had Adam way wri saying on TMA what

Got him into trouble although I appreciate it it was very direct um because talking about collusion and he goes people think there’s not going to be a work stoppage they’re wrong we are we are ready to go after this stuff so for Adam way to be pissed at saying

Something um so I think that was probably the biggest example of it but this is certainly glaring and I don’t feel like it’s getting as much attention as I would think it would I think kind of like kind of like was like it was like oh Bellinger sign oh Scott

Boris is one of his clients oh he’s like basically can go back into free agency after one year and taking less money than they thought now people are like oh yeah George Montgomery and Blake Snell are still out there it kind of Unearthed it but yeah if you’re like really into

Baseball this has been the biggest story is that these guys can’t don’t have contracts at the moment and probably signing Bridge contracts coming up oh I I don’t I mean I I’d be very surprised if otherwise but who knows uh see Buster only tweeting this morning the Red Sox

Had a zoom meeting with Jordan Montgomery recently he’d represent an upgrade for their 2024 rotation and have signed to a long-term could be part of the staff rotation they certainly have the payroll flexibility to make it happen um and uh that’s the latest on Jordan Montgomery who I feel

Like just permanently trending on Twitter yeah but just with nothing new all right 1029 in St Louis will break Jeremy Rutherford’s joining us at 10:45 you’re welcome to send in your questions for Jr uh mine will be focused on Jordan Kyu and uh Pavo B nvic in the upcoming

Trade deadline yours are welcome at 314 3999 646 or in our YouTube chat the 101 ESPN YouTube channel this is balloon party driven by mongan St Louis AER and madas burkard Alton Toyota on 101 ESPN and the 101 ESPN YouTube channel the presenting sponsor of balloon party

Is mongan St Louis Acura and mongan ass burkard Alton Toyota online at St Louis and at Alton and if you would like to text them with any questions requests you may have please feel free to do so you’re going to the people in charge the number is 314-2521 n that’s

314-2521 n it’s mungan St Louis acur and mess burkard Alton Toyota work with the best Jamie burkard Clayton Patterson Peter Mast and then in the service department Ryan cyberg even if you didn’t get your car from mongan EST get your car serviced at mongan EST St Louis

Acur in mest burgart Alton Toyota just go to St Louis or Alton and you can go shopping for new cars and pre-owned cars for buying for leasing it’s right there for you it’s mungan St Louis acur and mongan burkard Alton Toyota this is Action Jackson with a sports

Center up driven by Johnny lond Chevrolet and Johnny lond Autoplex the blues lose to the Red Wings on Saturday final score 6 to1 the blues will be back in Action tomorrow as they take on the Winnipeg Jets you can catch that game right here on the home of the Blues 101

ESPN pregame at 6 p.m. puck drops at 7 p.m. and last night in the NBA the Kings defeat the Clippers 123 to 107 dear and fox with 33 points that was another Sports Center update driven by joh lond find New Roads and Shop 247 at and LOL are you kidding

Me Tim mcer and Jackson brette with you this is balloon party 101 ESPN it is driven by mongan St Louis Zur and mongan ass burkard Alon Toyota on 101 ESPN and the 101 ESPN YouTube channel uh Jackson Jeremy ruford will be with us in about 10 minutes uh your next question on the

Little P weekend wrap up focused on the retirement of one of the biggest names in football coverage Yeah Tim uh news that hit me this morning I did not see until literally this morning Peter King has announced that he uh has shutting it down he has been writing his weekly

Column for about 27 years Monday Morning Quarterback has been a staple in sports for more than a quarter century and he is for sure an iconic sports writer my question to you is in modern times in both the media landscape and the state of sports discourse do you think a

Sports writer whose main content is print can still have a major foothold on the sports landscape if so do you think it is as uh in Vogue as ever do you think the Nuance analysis could still be there or is it all going to be hot take

Stuff for prominence in print I don’t think it’ll be all hot take stuff but I do think that the days of say a Peter King and that was kind of a must-read column for a number of years um I would think that unfortunately it’s not likely

That you will see something like that in the near future I don’t know if something would change to make it more likely in the you know next 10 years as opposed to the next couple of years but I just don’t think that there’s anything like that in sports now uh I love

Reading Gabe Arman stuff on Power missou and the uh Monday morning 10 Things I think thoughts on the Monday yeah love that yeah uh and look forward to it then during the college football season he has his 10 thoughts on college football on Sunday mornings if I’m not mistaken

So I personally like that but the reality is that’s not where the industry is going and so people such as Peter King are more likely to be in the uh takes Smith Tik Tock Instagram real business YouTube than than writing a long form column he used to write like a

10,000w column and his editor told him to see if he cut it down to 6,000 and he didn’t like that because he didn’t know what he could cut out yeah yeah I would what I would say on that is I think what used to be how important print and

Columns were has kind of shifted into podcasts because like you said Pier King used to write very long columns 10,000 words that has kind of transitioned into an hour hour and a half long podcast where someone can give nuanced opinion display personality that was once done

In print but do it via podcast because it’s honestly just more digestible right now for the modern landscape but writing is a different skill than totally than broadcasting now I I happen to be great at both right I hope that doesn’t come off arrogantly the truth is the truth

Thank you um but often times guys who are great writers aren’t necessarily great broadcasters totally and and vice versa so I don’t think it’s necessarily okay if you would be a great writer then you’d be a podcaster because I can’t imagine too many people are reading you know their thoughts on a

Podcast so um yeah and yeah you’re going I mean having written plenty of columns on insid uh back in the day it’s a different it’s a different process of because you can think through it more before you submit it um and certainly that’s not the case when you’re just shooting from

The hip with a podcast or in this case a radio show yeah and I and in my statement I wasn’t you know trying to say like well because you’re a good writer doesn’t mean obviously you’re not be automatically become a good podcaster there’s signs to both of it but what I

Would say is that what used to be an opportunity for writers to display personality in a column give their opinions as opposed to just reporting on stuff while that was once prominent what the new kind of version of that is long form podcast where it’s not interviews

But you just kind of displaying your thoughts and while they’re completely different skills I think there is room for nuance to be very prominent you look at some of the top podcasts out there they’re certainly not hot take style people who are doing it they’re giving nuanced opinions I respect that but your

Question wasn’t about nuanced opinions your question’s about you know these kinds of columnist unless I mistook your question and if that’s the case I apologize you and everybody will do the basis of the question is do you think there could be another Peter King out there and have a similar well yeah I

Mean there are then in that sense I would say Bill Simmons you know because he’s got a Monday thing going and he used to be a colonist right yeah um but you know I just I just don’t think that you’re going to see what you know like

In St Louis we had Bernie’s bits that was something that was you know a St Saturday Staple in St Louis uh that was going on when you were a young Ty oh and went back to I don’t know probably the 1980s MH uh that was something people

Would look forward to and and I mean Peter King’s thing was an outlier because of how much he wrote holy crap if you knew you’re were going to read Monday Morning Quarterback and then what put became football morning in America uh you knew you had to set aside some

Time because it was so in depth but it also was so so intricate in the details and the conversations he had it was it was a it was a totally different kind of experience and also people are able to just you know more people are able to

Enter the fry and then there I don’t know if people are going to have the kind of exclusive wouldn’t be the right word but only a handful of people I think have the access that Peter King had oh yeah and so he was the guy yeah

That’s the other side of this coin that I didn’t bring up in the question is like what major Outlet that’s still you know doing print is gonna like have that on there and so maybe more so it’s towards substack where you’re kind of putting out your own stuff to get that

Opinion out because you know I don’t see a situation where’s like here oh thank you for this 8000 column we’ll put it right on the front page the audience just isn’t there probably for that I don’t know I I you’re you’re you’re I believe you’re right but

Um I I enjoyed it but yeah I just don’t think that’s the way the people are consuming media for the most part right now and so therefore it wouldn’t be a good business model for someone to go okay we’re going to pay somebody x amount of dollars to write those kinds

Of columns your thoughts are welcome as Peter King announces his retirement this morning 314 399 9646 Jeremy Rutherford joins us on the other side of the break looking forward to talking over with him you can send in questions you would like us to ask him he is joining us next here

On balloon party driven by mongan St Louis a here and M as Bard Al in Toyota 10 ESPN welcome back 101 ESPN Sim Muran with you to the top of the hour the great Jackson Bennett barquette Here and Now Jeremy ruford makes it a wonderful wonderful full day is morning Jr morning morning

Not sure about that but uh here anyway no no no no no hey Jr I’m going to come right out with guns of Blazing brother percentage Jordan Kyu was traded by the Blues Before is no trade clause kicks in that’s a different timeline than this one percentage the Blues trade B nvic uh

By this year’s trade deadline two different timelines two different players similar theme what do you got what do you got arbitrary percentages it’s funny as I was listening to the show I was thinking you know I’m gonna have an answer for Tim on ruin [ __ ] nevic but I wonder if he’s

Going to ask me for a percentage and sure damn right y you’re damn right that’s where I’m going with it what do you got I can’t wait to hear what you say sure here we are so in terms of kyou and I like the way you set up the

Questions you know we’re being realistic with it you know not kyou before this year’s deadline we’re doing kyou before the no trade kicks in uh 2025 of course players when they get no trade Clauses they got to wait until they’re 27 years old or seven years in

The league so you know I here’s what I think about Kyo I would give that a 50 to 60% chance that he’s going to be traded before the no trade clause kicks in and that might be a little low for some I just think that it it’s it’s

Right there in the middle but I I think this I would be shocked if Jordan kyou finishes his eight-year contract with the Blues in St Louis he might P make it past the no trade uh Clause when it kicks in and I realize that would give him control before that point and that

Might not make a lot of sense to people but I don’t know that the Blues are going to be able to pull off a trade with Jordan kyou between now and then but once it does kick in Tim like Doug Armstrong always says if we want to

Trade a player regardless of if they got a no trade we’ll figure out a way to get it done I would be shocked if he finishes thee contract in St Lou give me your thoughts on that and then I’ll give you yeah I uh I I I could

Not agree with you more on that on on the latter portion and uh yeah I’m in like the 67 70% range on Cairo being traded before the no trade clause kicks in so I I I wonder and I was texting I was telling the audience and you were

Listening Kevin Loren used to work on TMA and we always text on on Mondays in particular because he knows you’re uh going to be on balloon party and we BS in the mornings and I was surprised that he gave it a 52% I am of course above

50% and closer to 70 and then Kevin was uh 52 you’re you’re in the 50 to 60 range and I and maybe I’m off the mark on this but I would think blue fans as a whole may be surprised to hear in particular you somebody who’s credible

Whereas I’m just some kind of clown who occupies the air for an hour but you have credibility so I think people might be surprised to hear that what what is your read on the fan base’s thoughts on uh on on kyou in a trade well it’s

Interesting I have a piece up today it’s the trade tiers Blues trade tiers and I did a paragraph on each player on the roster and for Jordan kyou I divided it up I said hey his fans are going to say they don’t want to see him lighting the

Lamp for other team and I think it’s not a question with the other half of the fan base who would trade him uh tomorrow I think the situation with Jordan kyou Tim you and I talked about it last week and you talked about it earlier in the

Show today he has an outstanding game and then the next game he’s benched in the third period along with a couple other guys and it’s just too up and down with him in particular I think that Robert Thomas went out of his way the night that pavl buevich had a hattrick

Went out of his way to pump Jordan kyo’s tires say that was a phenomenal game by Jordan cyu he pushed the line he drove the play he created the offense and he did he should have been given credit but I think that’s an effect that Robert

Thomas is trying to have on on on Jordan kyou and you know at some point it just has to lead to a string of consistency with kyou or they’re going to look to find a way to move them I suppose if I wanted to summar if I were if I actually

Were active on Twitter I would sum it up like this there’s a 50% chance at best I think most would agree by the way there’s a 50 % chance Jordan cyou lives up to the dollars he’s being paid in this contract but there’s 100% chance

That the blues are on the hook for the biggest contract that could really be an albatross for the franchise and from that standpoint if you’re looking at it mathematically I just feel like it’s something they have to do even though I realize it takes on risk that it could

Wind up biting them because of that skill set he has following up I know you were about to answer the the B nvit question how do you view things perhaps things change uh from day to day the blues entered the weekend in a playoff spot now they find themselves out of a

Playoff spot with a daunting set of 48 hours ahead of them how do you view the bch navage situation in March 8th whenever I answer these questions especially when you get closer to the trade deadline I try to think about you know my years covering Doug Armstrong in

The big picture so so Kevin and I were texting about that and I don’t think you and I have had this conversation but maybe we have’t I’ve just forgot but but shaton Kirk being some kind of a of potential parallel in the sense that you

Know he was out there for a while uh before they actually moved him and and and and you were just about to go into the long-term strategy uh so that’s why I wanted to to frame it that way I apologize for interrupting but oh yeah

Yeah no so please I just think I I just think with the big picture you have to look at Doug arming in the big picture so you know let’s let’s say that this trade deadline passes and now it’s March 8th 9th and we’re talking to Doug

Armstrong hey did you know did you find out in the last week about your team no I’ve felt what I feel about this team for the past month and a half and I’ve been in dialogue with a lot of teams about certain players and this is why we

Did what we did so big picture that’s how Doug Armstrong operates the other thing that I’ve learned about Doug over the years is that you know these conversations go on for you know months and even years with some of these players you know Jay Bower we talked

About that trade for months and months and months you know Matthew K Chuck even though it didn’t come to fruition you know we were talking about that for months and months and and I think that’s the situation so I don’t think that Doug Armstrong is just going to decide this

Week that oh that’s a great trade offer for Pavo bnic I’m gonna make that deal the difference that we need to keep in mind with the trading Paul stasy and the trading of Kevin shaton Kirks at the deadline was those were expiring contracts and with Pavo bunevich there’s

Another year so not only is there a chance to potentially make the playoffs with a Pavo buevich on the roster this year but there’s also a chance to see what everybody else is going to offer this off season for Pavo bnic and you know maybe it gets into a situation

Where things turn for the better for the team and Pavo banich wants to stay here and you resign him I just don’t see Doug Armstrong based on history making that snap move unless I mean you’re talking a package that he just can’t turn down what about the the market and how that

Could impact things around the NHL and teams desperate to bring on somebody to help them out and there just isn’t a lot of Supply this year here I think that is a factor when you talk about Jake ginel being probably the the best Winger available on the market then you have a

Uh pav bunevich you know you had the Ryan Whitney tweet about Brady kachuck potentially being available so I I I think the scarcity of Wingers in the market could be to the blues Advantage if they’re listening to offers on Pavo bich but I just don’t think it’s going

To be that much different in the offseason because teams are going to have more cap space and if you decide that yes we’re going to move Pavo B we’re not signing him to an 8times 8 contract you know when his contract’s up I still think you’re going to have

Suitors in the off season they’re going to have more cap space and I don’t think the offers are going to be that much better than they are right now that would lead Doug Armstrong to believe I have to do it now because it’s just not going to be there in the summer Jeremy

Retherford with us here on balloon party it’s 101 ESPN Tim mccurnin talking it over with J.R Jr uh before we uh got into our conversation on the blues and the trade deadline was talking about Peter King and he announced his retirement this morning after writing Monday Morning Quarterback for decades

And also riding in the NFL for 44 years he is 66 years old and Jackson and I were talking about the long form column and whether or not there is a long-term future for the long Forum column uh what is your opinion yeah first of all it’s an interesting conversation I loved

Listening to it and I I feel like I have a bit of a perspective here because I left the newspaper industry and and joined the Athletics and when we first started up at the athletic that’s what the that’s what they wanted from us they wanted the long form tell a story it

Doesn’t matter how long it is I remember in the early days of the athletic 2017 for myself Tim I was writing stories and you know features that were almost 4,000 words and slowly but surely we’ve gotten that down to about 1,800 words and for people you know maybe word count doesn’t

Mean anything to you but I I think that in today’s day and age people don’t have a lot of time uh also a lot of people read the stories on their phone and if you think about scrolling through your through your phone you’re not going to continue going on and on we’ve taken

Those mailbags that we used to do at 4,000 words and cut them into two parts part one part two and now they’re about 2,000 words each you get a lot more people to uh to read those and and and so I think that there’s still an ability

To write long form writing it just can’t be what you’re talking about in the days of the Peter King with 10,000w column so I I do think we’ve probably seen the last of that but I will say this when I write a story that’s a feature story

2,000 words you get the comments this is why I subscribe to the athletic this is what I want from Sports writing I I want these long form feature pieces uh you’re not going to get as many comments on those the comments are going to come

From the hot takes or the trade tiar or things like that but that’s just people voicing their their two cents so we only have one minute left was there research that the athletic conducted that said hey we we need to get away from the 4,000 words and cut them in half or how

Did how did that transpire yeah I think the athletic did a lot of homework but also when we were purchased by the New York Times about a year ago they’ve done all the homework for a decade plus and uh you know that the The Sweet Spot is right there at

About 1,800 words in terms of the max link good good knowledge all right there it is that’s a good perspective J.R yeah the 10 I mean I would I mean the Peter King thing it’d be like I can’t wait to read it but I don’t know if I’m going to

Have enough time between now and starting the the morning after with uh with how in-depth it was um but I I personally love it I just gather that the masses aren’t necessary look and I think that observation on people reading on their phones is is Right On Target

That’s just pragmatic there yeah just drops off a cliff after you get to 2,000 words or so in terms of people that stay engaged interesting J.R always appreciate it enjoy the conversation as always Jeremy Rutherford on throughout the week here on 101 ESPN on Wednesday on TMA and we’ll be monitoring closely

Jr’s work is the trade deadline approaches thank you J.R thanks Tim there he is that’s Jeremy ruford with us and that wraps up today’s program for Jackson brette I’m Tim mccaran this has been balloon party driven by mongan St Louis Acura and mongan burkard Alon Toyota on 101 ESPN

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