Why You Struggle To Keep The Left Arm Straight In Your Golf Swing!

This video will tall you exactly why you struggle to keep the left arm straight in your golf swing. Are you struggling to keep your left arm straight in the golf swing? This is the number one reason why you struggle to keep your left arm straight in the golf swing and we’ll be also covering a simple step by step drill you can to to STOP this and finally keep your left arm straight in the golf swing.
00:00 Intro
01:06 Tendencies & Goals
04:14 Posture Routine
06:16 Adding The Rotation
10:28 How To Get Results Faster
15:00 Hitting Shots
17:02 Bonus Drill
19:47 Takeaways
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You’re just about to find out now why you struggle to keep this lead arm straight your left arm straight in your gol swing your back swing in particular and this is a simple reason I’ve seen so many golfers that have come to see me down here at the golf projects and a

Couple of my online lessons suffing with the same issue and it all led to this simple reason why they were all really struggling to do this so I’m going to be revealing this to you on the video now in just a second we’re also going to be diving into a very simple stepbystep

Drill that you can do to help you stop this from happening in your golf game and finally keep this lead arm straight for good in your golf game as well so for those of you who are new to the channel welcome my name is Harry PJ golf professional transforming golfers

Worldwide from the golf projects and on skillist or if you live down the road or on the other side of the globe I’m here to help you improve your game so drop those comments down below with tips or drills topic you’d like me to cover in a

Future video and be sure to hit the Subscribe button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen click the Bell icon to all so don’t miss out on any of the future content coming your way every Tuesday and Friday so kicking things off then let’s reveal why the reason why you

Really struggle to keep your left arm straight in your golf swing your back swing in particular so I’m just going to set up to the golf ball here now just in some sort of address position some sort of posture position here and I’m just going to make my back swing like so well

What have I done here why have I in the first place started bending this lead arm this left arm in the GOL swing well you can have a look and see two reasons but they sort of Interlink with one another which is why we’re talking about one reason in particular and it’s all

About creating enough room to be able to keep this lead arm straight this left arm straight in the golf swing if we’re standing very close to the ball like this here we are limiting the amount of room we can create in our swing so when we take the club

Back we’re probably less likely to get this rotation taking place and when we don’t get the rotation taking place in your golf swing you can only swing so far with keeping this left arm straight up until probably I can just about reach just past parallel in this position here

Just to exaggerate things for you and then from there a lot of golfers because they don’t get this rotation aren’t set up in the correct position at a dress from this position here they’ll always find a different way to increase this length of Swing to make sure we’re

Generating as much power as we possibly can from this awkward posture position limited rotation rotary motion taking place in the golf swing so from this position here we’ll then begin to flex this lead arm Bend this lead arm left arm up like so and then the trouble with

This is we’re having to react and then straight in time to hit that golf ball and because with no rotation coming into the golf ball we then have to use our arms to try and time that release and square up the face like so if we were to

Just keep it like this here and just extend and push our arms out to straighten up like this here and we just kept them there we’d blast it well off to the right or now and again you’d probably try and fight this and get that release too much and start to see the

Golf balls go too far to the left so first things first we’re going to be looking at the actual posture address position and then we’re going to be diving into the drill that’s going to allow you to get this rotation this increased rotation taking place in your

Golf swing to maximize the chances to make things so much easier to keep that left arm straight so for the posture position you notice just that I was quite close to the golf ball hitting that shot so what I want you to do instead is just this posture routine

That’s just going to make sure and this isn’t the main reason the rotation is the main reason in particular but I’m mentioning this now because it makes a huge difference it makes it so much easier for us to get this correct rotation taking place for the next part

So Club across the shoulders like so we’re going to stand in a nice straight line just like a pencil dead tall like so and the first thing we’re going to do is just take our stance slightly wider than shoulder width apart a very easy point just to check this positions

Correct is you’re going to take the club and place it on one of your shoulders and then it should fall when you bring the club to fall to the ground it should just land on the internal side of that foot so a good example here is I’ve just

Used my right shoulder I’m going to get the club to land down straight down and it’s just landed on the inside the internal side of my right foot so once you’ve checked this position on each side you’re going to take the club back across the shoulders like so again I’ve

Just got it a little bit lower you may notice just so I don’t avoid um the sound from the mic and then we’re just going to flex the knees ever so slightly just like this here not too much so you can’t see your feet or toes just enough so you’re

Just about covering halfway where your shoelaces are on the shoes from here we’re just going to tilt over the feeling of tilting over is for me it’s feeling like my hips are moving towards the wall behind behind me in this position here so I’m just feeling like

My hips are moving towards the wall like so keeping this back nice and straight chest is going to be tilting towards the ball from this position here then I’m going to take the club right out in front of me arms nice and straight and I’m just going to allow the club to drop

Until we reach the ground like so so this is a great posture and setup routine that you can go through just to ensure that you’re getting yourself in the correct address position to Max maximize this rotation and therefore keep that left arm straight in your gol swing so now we’ve covered that posture

And setup routine that I want you to go through just to make sure you’re not standing too close to the ball nor too far away from the ball as well now let’s bring in the actual rotation side so developing more rotation in the GOL swing is critical and we’ve explained

This very simply earlier in the video well it helps us keep this lead arm straight I’m just going to show you quickly why before we bring in this drill so obviously we’ve spoken just then about this posture trying to get this turn to take place into the top of

The Swing right well if I was just to do that again that posture set up just like we’ve done here so much more athletic in this position more tilted over towards the ball and I swing up well I can swing a bit further you can see I can swing a

Little bit further without bending this lead arm but eventually I’m still going to have to bend it upwards like so to make that that full swing but if I was just to allow my back to rotate and get this back facing towards the net so for you being at the driving range possibly

Practicing this it’s going to be the Target that you’re going for or just the driving range it would look something like this and then bending the left arm would feel a little bit weird it feel like you’re going a little bit too far around you might be able to see the club

When you do this so you’re more likely to keep this left arm straight if I turn the body I can keep the left arm straight for much longer in my golf swing and this same simple rule applies to every single golfer on the planet so for this drill dead simply I’m going to

Get you to go through that posture routine again set yourself up in that position if you can’t quite remember it just rewind the video have a look at that part and then come straight back to this part here I’m going to make this bit now a new chapter so it’s easy for

You to go back and forth so we’re going going to set up in our new posture position we’ve tilted over in this position here the club now is going to go back across the shoulders obviously I’m going to get it a little bit underneath just for the mic reasons and

Then the idea is that when we’re set up in this position here we want to feel two things only in the back swing two simple things we want to think this Trail hip of ours so our right hip for right-handed players is going to twist

And when I say twist it’s going to go towards the wall behind us as opposed to shifting too far in this direction here towards the camera there if we get this shift we’re more likely to bend the arm because we’ve got no room to make this

Full swing so we’re just going to take the club and we’re going to make sure this right hip is going to be twisting towards the wall behind us at the same time you’re going to try and get this bu end of the club from this position here

To point at the golf ball and don’t worry if you can’t do this all the way I’m going to show you a great training aid that I use in my lessons that helps you increase this rotation on the way back but this is a great drill just to

Get you started off with to to develop that understanding of what this movement should feel like in the back swing and you can see here just from this angle I’m just going to place the ball about here just so you can see this from a

Face on view if I just do that again and do those two motions on the way back so hip moving to the wall behind me towards the corner of the net and but end of the club pointing at the golf ball you can see here I’m ever so slightly moving off

This Center Point here and when I say Center Point the way to think of this is the swing Center is the center of your chest imagine a line going straight down towards the golf ball so I’ve set myself up in this position so rather than really trying to encourage that Center

Point to stay directly in line with the the golf ball we can just allow ever as slightly for us to get this twisting motion this rotation and move ever so slightly off that Center Point that’s a great indicator that we’re able to transfer our weight into this Trail foot

This right foot of ours when we make a way up to the top of the swing and this is great for the follow-through stage which I’m going to explain in a little bit more detail later on just to keep things simple so we’ve got that routine

Taking place into the top of the Swing there getting that butt into the club and this Trail hip rotating and twisting back but for those of you who may be struggling to quite not quite get that feel right all the way up to the top of the Swing this back facing towards the

Target from doing this i’ highly recommend taking a look at this trading Aid that I do use and I get quite a lot of my clients who come and see me down here at the golf projects to use this as well and this training a just allows you

To literally turn up into the top of your swing without really having to force anything you can you because it’s attached to you in a way that forces you to get this rotation taking place then it’s going to be so much easier to get this feel so you can see here it’s set

Up with four different points so two points either side here where we take the grip and you can see I’m not gripping my hands this way on the club because that’s going to encourage what we call internal rotation in the swing we want to really get this external

Rotation rotation away from the body taking place all the way up to the top of the swing and you can see these two other points are right underneath my armpits here and what this is going to allow me to do when I’ve got this grip

Right at the end of each side I’ve set myself up in that poster routine again got ready to go and from here now what this allows me to do is if I can’t quite get that rotation all I have to do is keep these two points touching my

Armpits and just think right get that back to face towards the Target and for the correct term for this this really allows you to open up and get more of what we call thoracic spinal rotation taking place so it really encourages your upper body to increase this

Rotation taking place all the way up to the top of your swing and I’m not swinging this laterally because that’s cheating here you can see there it’s much easier for me to get up to the top of my swing and get this so-called rotation taking place and this way

Either we don’t want to go this way because then we’re going to go too short so a good checkpoint is getting this part of the training a here to point at the golf ball somewhere if was a line just being drawn on the ground facing towards the target as long as you’re

Keeping this point in a line on the ground you can see here I’m able to maintain this 45° angle with my spine from the posture and setup position working way up to that top of the back swing position gosh this is like a workout actually you can really feel it

In your back there which is good it’s a great trading a to warm up with as well I suggested this to one of my um senior clients who’s been on the tour played a couple of rounds on the tour and he was saying God that you can really feel how

Much it’s encouraging you to open up and get this turn taking place to the top of the swing and obviously you can do the same thing on the way through so back and forth like so and you can see there that my Stern and my chest is

Pointing right to the corner of this net here so it really encourages you to get this rotation back and forth taking place so now we’ve got used to this rotation you’ve done that drill a couple of times back and forth and then Works your way up with this training aid we

Can then begin hitting shots doing this and to get started off with hitting some shots I’m going to be using a 79 but also my brand new golf glove from GX golf which is a brand new sponsor to the channel and if you’re sick and tired of

Spending too much money on premium golf gloves or heading out on the golf course after a couple of rounds and your golf glove begins to rip then I seriously consider checking out GX golf for the high quality gloves for fraction of the price I did a YouTube video reviewing

These golf gloves gosh I think it was 3 years ago now and I was seriously impressed with the quality of their golf gloves and it’s really nice to see that and hear that they’ve come back out reached out to me um asking to do this sponsorship deal because it allows me to

Tell you about the product you can save money on better high quality golf gloves and also receive 10% off using my code Harry 10 so make sure you check them out the link is in the description below so we’ve gone through that posture routine ready to hit some shots doing this in

The ideal setup position ready to go we’ve worked on getting this rotation taking place up to the top of the Swing right hip working back and the shoulders working this way to get that butt in the club pointing at the golf ball and to begin with what I would recommend doing

Is rather than thinking or trying to keep that left arm straight just let it do what it wants to do first and get yourself really focused on increasing this rotation taking place in your golf swing so you can just start off with just by using a

Little te like this one here or ones that you’ve got at the driving range if you’re going to practice this on the golf course you can obviously te up have are slightly lower and hit a few shots maybe like an IR on a t and this just helps you then rather than worrying

About striking the golf ball properly it gets you more focused on getting this turn to take place in your golf swing so once you get up to the top of the Swing here all you’re thinking about is rather than worrying about where the arms are

Moving in the golf swing you want to be focusing on getting this back to face towards the target from doing these two motions we’ve been speaking about to really open up and get this rotation so all I’m going to do here is just relax my arms and shoulders let them do

Whatever they want in the golf swing for now we don’t need to worry about this here we’re just going to set up and really encourage the body to turn up to the top of the swing like so getting this rotation to take place you’re ignoring the outcome as well just

Focusing getting that rotation all the way up to the top of the swing and then hitting some golf shots doing this and what you’ll begin to notice is that if you were to film yourself after a couple of shots you’d be thinking well hang on a sec my left

Arm isn’t straight still yeah it’s probably improved a little bit but it’s nowhere near it where it needs to be and that’s more likely to take place just because you’re so used to doing this action to take place up to the top of the Swing you’re subconsciously getting yourself

To bend this lead arm this left arm to finish off that golf swing so after you’ve hit around five to 10 shots just getting used to getting this turn up to the top of the swing and then just simply swinging through all you want to

Do next now is just think right well I just need to keep this left arm straight in the swing but rather than focusing on keeping this left arm straight in the swing because that increases the tension in your left forearm and that’s going to make things like strike and getting this

Effortless golf swing to take place very very difficult to achieve so instead of just thinking right I’m going to tense this left arm to make sure I’m going to keep this dead straight we’re going to change the thought process on this a little bit so You’ hit those 10 shots

And all I want you to do is encourage the Sensation that both of your hands are going to first set up like like you would with your posture push your hands down so that your upper body doesn’t move and you should be able to feel this added tension taking place here but it’s

Not coming necessarily all from the arms it’s coming from just forcing those hands to go a little bit further away from you and if we can keep this sort of tension taking place here and pushing our hands out what are we more likely to do we’re more likely to keep this left

Arm straight in the golf swing so once you get to this position here this little bonus tip this little drill I’m getting you to do is really just forcing you to get this correct tension to take place by pushing the hands as far away from us as possible almost towards that

Camera there so I’m just feeling that tension that address and then I’m keeping that tension all the way through to the top of the back swing so then bringing this in with the clob the feeling is just pushing the grip away from you as far as you possibly can all

The way imagining that there’s a line taking place behind the golf ball pointing directly towards your target the flag that you’ll be going for the driving range or in this indoor golf facility here or one like it down towards your target line and you’re just going to feel like you’re pushing the

Hands away so the grip is going further away from you as you turn up to the top of the swing and you can see here I’m increasing this width of Arc to take place rather than reducing this width of Arc as well so that’s going to make things like strike and and improving

That Swing Circle so much better in your swing and then as well we’re just pushing them up to the top and that’s making it so much easier to get that left arm straight in your golf swing so we’ve covered a couple of things in there we spoken about the posture to

Make sure we’re in the correct posture and setup position we’ve also spoken about how we can get this rotary motion this rotation taking place in the golf swing which was the main reason this is why lot of golfers struggle to keep that left arm straight in the golf swing but

We’ve also added in a bonus tip that you can do to push those hands away the feeling of pushing those hands away all the way up to the top of the Swing to Ure this left arm of yours stays straight in your golf swing so for those

Of you who have enjoyed the video make sure you drop a comment down below the tips or drills video topic you’d like me to cover in a future video and be sure to hit the Subscribe button I’d like to thank you all on the channel who have

Already done this to help me hit my first 10,000 subscribers on the channel absolutely amazing stay tuned lots more to come every Tuesday and Friday make sure you check out golf swing systems as well for the true turn pro trading Aid that I was using earlier to help you

Increase this rotation taking place in your golf swing and if you’d like to see more content like this I’d highly recommend checking out this video in the top right hand corner of the screen now so you can get a really good feel for the next step now we’ve got this

Turning keeping this left arm straight in the GOL swing what does the right arm need to do in your golf swing so check out that and we’ll see you in the next video thanks for watching


  1. Excellent reason Harry why it so important to keep the left arm straight in the golf swing. I am always working on a straight left arm and a folded right arm in my golf swing. As you indicated, the problem for me in in this entire procedure is the lack of a full rotation in the backswing. This of course, leads to a lack of distance. I'll definitely be working on this Harry to correct the situation. Well Done!!!

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