Stop Doing These 3 Things When Gripping the Golf Club!

Don’t make these 3 mistakes when gripping the golf club.
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There are three things you should never ever do when uh gripping the golf club I’m going to show you what those are and the shots that those mistakes produce so if one of these things is happening with your Gump shots we’re going to give you the fix that you need

The first huge mistake is this a lot of people get that right hand for right-handed golfers too far underneath the club here why would you do such a thing this is an anti slice grip you are sick of slicing the ball here’s the problem with that is you’re

Trying to fix an over-the-top move with a grip change that’s never a good idea grip is not going to fix your over-the-top swing all right at the end of this video I’m going to give you a drill that will help you fix the slice most grip problems come as a result of a

Giant slice so people start tweaking their grip so once you get your grip right at the end of the video I’m going to give you a great drill that will get you fixing the slice too so you there you go this grip produces certain things one it produces and can produce a giant

Hook shot so you going to start getting your grip under here and this is going to happen with your driver it’s just going to go left left left two you’ll also with this type of grip and hooded Club face hit a lot of heavy shots with an

Iron look at that that’s awful and to top it off this grip ruins your ability to generate Club head speed this is about a as fast as I can swing a driver right there that’s kind of everything I got and we got a 87 mph Club head speed and I duck hooked it

Into the Fairway bunker so this under here is no bueno here’s how you’re going to fix that simple you remember those uh those windmill stretches you used to do or whatever these call you know when you’re touching your toes football practice you’re going to do arms out just like this

Right here’s your grip hand here’s your grab it with your left hand I don’t really care how your left hand is right now your right hand Palm should be this way now you’re just going to take your swing get it back here that’s how you’re

Going to grip it just put your hand on it right there right there you’re not going to twist it around backwards or do anything silly put your hand on right here and then grip it boom that’s your grip right here do it halfway back grip it here with your palm

Straight and then hit some shots like that we have to force ourselves to do it right and that’s the best way to do it put your hand out here straight away grip it and now hit some shots it will be challenging but at least your grip will start that’s pretty

Good at least your grip will start looking better right there that’s fix numero unaa our video today is brought To Us by our good friends here at hack motion if you really want to take your grip game wrist control Club face control to the ultimate level I highly recommend

Looking into hack motion you can see here you’ve got hack motion and as you move your wrist about it’s giving you information and data where it is in space so for example if you’re at the top of your swing you can look and and see like okay where do I want to

Be do I want to be flexed here in flexion do I want to be in extension like that’s like that’s no good do you want to be here do you want to flex it yeah and and at impact where do you want to be do you want to be

Flexed do you want to be extended it’s all right here and so that will help you as you tweak your grip are is your wrist in the proper position throughout your golf swing so give them a checkout Link in the video description below special link there for you guys

Here at Mr short game and it’s just a great tool to use to improve those fine points of your game the second biggest thing is this and it usually precedes the first biggest thing but you’re probably at the hand underneath because you’ve already done this but some people

Are just here now so we got to tackle this now and it’s the exact opposite of this it’s the hand on top of the club why would you ever do this you always hear about connection you want connection you want this triangle in your swing with your arms

People are trying to get this connection here by squeezing their forearms together unfortunately this is the problem with doing that you’re sacrificing a proper grip which is the number one most important thing in your golf swing you’re sacrificing that for connection connection to the club is more important than body connected to

Itself so because you’re trying to get this super connection here by squeezing your arms together you roll this hand over it brings your right shoulder more into it and you also have a weak swing your alignment is awful and you’re going to have massive amount of Club head rotation in your

Back swing so if this is your shot here then uh you’re probably struggling that’s a short short weak watch it might look more familiar if I do it with the driver put that right hand way over here you’re trying to be connected everything’s scrunched in you’re going to rotate this thing cuz

You can’t not rotate it look at that so if you’re in a lot of people’s swimming pools you’re probably doing this so here’s the fix for this here’s what you want one is this elbow if you’re doing that it’s out and your your elbow is pointed this way I

Don’t want that I want your elbow pointed in just tuck your arm in like this okay and this is where we’re going to go from here now it’s a little harder to really get it over and then keep that shoulder just just keep back while you’re doing this put that El in it

Could come off your body I don’t mind but here you go and then your hands that club should be on these like middle pads on your right hand all the way up into your index finger then it’s kind of on the line between your first pad and your

Second pad like the joint there that’s where you really want it and then you really want your thumb either down the center of the club or just on the left side of the club right there that’s where you want that now if you’re doing this this is going to feel incredibly

Awkward and you’re just going to have to literally hit like 500 shots before it starts feeling normal so I would highly recommend doing it with a little iron shots and just take little swings like this to get used to it just little chip shots little swings

And build up don’t just grab your driver and start hitting because you’re going to hit the worst shots in the world when you change your grip that dramatically work on it first with little chip shots or little pit shots or just little quarter swings here right right

Here and then you’ll start getting used to it a heck of a lot faster it’s funny how most of the problems are going to be in your right hand but the last one is your left hand here’s what we see a lot biggest mistake is this so let’s say

Your right hand is perfect now uh this is what you’ll see with your left hand well these are the shots you’ll see if you do the right hand is great everything’s perfect but you do this thing with your left hand these are the shots you’re going to get once again you’re in somebody’s

Backyard and you’re hopping the fence getting chased by their dog it’s all because of where you place the club in your left hand that shot the club was on my front pad we have two pads here front pad back pad this pad’s connected to your thumb this pad connected to the

Rest of your hand and this is the pad we want for gripping the golf club the back pad if you’re in between up that Lifeline that’s no good if you’re way up on this front pad you have no chance we need everything on that back pad I don’t care

If you have a strong grip here where it’s turned way this way I don’t even care if you have a weak grip if it’s turned more that that way either way don’t put it on your front Pad but if you just move that there then you’re on

Your backpad then you have speed power and most importantly control throughout your entire golf swing but none of that will fix your over the top swing it will just help you control the club face and impact so now that you have the the perfect grip how

Do you make sure you have the perfect let’s say swing plane so you’re not coming over the top here’s an easy fix now that your grip and Club face are in control so a lot of instructors will give you this drill for that for fixing

Your swing plane is just to set up let’s say with your driver and drop that right foot back here so that you can feel this Inside Out swing and I don’t hate that drill per se but the problem with it is this is It’s too static it in nothing’s

Moving you’re just here and then you swing and you’re supposed to then somehow translate this swing into your normal swing but you’ve never felt the actual transition Point that’s going to drop the club or stop the club from going like this and get it to drop in like this in a real golf

Swing so you’re going to take the club back here you’re going to step back and swing so this is what it’s going to look like you’re going to take it back then I’m just going to I’m going to step back here and then swing doesn’t have to be one fluid motion but it’s

Going to look you know something like this like that we want it close to happening together look I’ve already dra drawn on the ball because what we’re trying to get us to do is to feel this motion here that’s what we got to feel is this motion of the club

Shallowing out so come in here take it back step back feel it o I didn’t do it take it back step back and then hit and you’re really starting to feel it should go a little yeah there you go so then when we swing normal without taking that back we’re

Going to feel as though we just did the exact same thing and it should produce something hopefully like this that’s not bad nice little 290 yard baby draw down the center of the Fairway hope this is super helpful for you guys love you all see you next time


  1. I use the exact grip you use. The pinky overlap(varden grip, I believe). I feel the most control and versatility with this grip. I used to tuck the right pinky in between the left pinky and ring finger. That feels terrible to me now.

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