Golf Players


Our Golf DFS (PGA / LIV) experts ANALYZE the upcoming golf slate. Find out who they are recommending for your DraftKings and FanDuel lineups!


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All right now we’re back reboot we’re live um so before we left so because I know you’re on a limited time frame but I said that the course is AB brute it’s you eject a lot we left off there uh PGA National always low uh single digigit winning scores

Which indicate a very tough course top five on tour um in in in recent years what say you this week about the course and what people know about PJ National I I think that all of the the history holds true you know we’ve got a lot of data since 2007 that shows the

Way that this golf course is played you got to be great on approach U number one buckets 175 to 200 and you’ve got to be a good Bermudagrass putter that being said what’s unique to this year or this Edition other than the new name is that Florida Southeast Florida’s had a lot of

Terrible weather and as a result the growing conditions for Turf haven’t been very good and they use a Ry over seed for the rough and it’s been sparse it’s been thin it hasn’t been growing in as as well as tournament organizers would have liked to have seen I was there last

Year on property and that place was as Lush and as velvety as can be so I think that one of the ways that you can find an edge at this place for this calendar year is maybe taking a couple guys that have a little more power and aren’t as

Worried about missing the Fairway as they would have been in years prior maybe it’s not as positional not as Pebble beachy not as W as it was just for this one standout year because of the grass and the turf and the growing conditions greens are going to be a

Little bit softer so maybe if you do come from the rough which isn’t as dense you’ll be able to hold some greens that are over some of those holes that have those you know penalty areas or what I like to call water hazards from back in

The day um so I I think that with limited time that’s the number one thing that that I think is going to give people an edge against people that aren’t really paying attention to what’s going on site so you get a player like um Rory’s W before let’s start with that let’s

Start there uh miscut miscut um in recent years people have said in the Discord and I and I’ve talked to Pros before and you probably know this you may have a different stance than me but I asked Pros who won on tour is there ever a week where you

Just go out and don’t want to compete or win are you there to practice uh or do you throw away you know this is a private conversation do you throw away a shot to miss a cut in all instances he said no never I don’t see Rory coming

Out here and saying listen I’m fine with a miscut what what say you here about him and his state of his game he seemed off to me at Rivier a little bit he seems checked out of the inner circle of golf he seems a little disenfranchised

That’s how feel about him and even his commentary about you know Klay Etc he’s the highest owned player this week I’m going to be wrong on that uh because I thought he wouldn’t be but I think he will be so your first comment about taking a

A swing off or something like that I think all of these guys when they’re in the heat of competition want to do the best they can that being said if he’s working on something in his golf swing say it’s golfer X we’ll use somebody who’s not there Max hom let’s say Max

Hasn’t been playing well lately well maybe he’s working on a swing change that he’s preparing for to be better in Majors tiger did not only change the way that we prepare you know physically mentally the way you train but he also changed the way that we prepare part of

What doesn’t really throw me off too much about this early season the big names not winning is that maybe they’re really starting to figure out that you have to Peak for the majors nobody’s looking Tory Pines is not you don’t get a green jaet right so Riviera the same thing it those are

Good I guess you know testing points for where you are but when you see guys aren’t really playing their best chances are they’re working on something that is more long-term motivated as far as a goal goes that being said we just saw Rory on Monday night at the match I know

It’s a hit and giggle but he should have dominated that field he should have flat dominated that field and he did not so I still feel like whatever we saw at Riv is relevant in the Rory world as we come into this week now Rory’s do you think it’s political or do

You think it’s gameplay like do you think it’s something in his head because because of how he was treated and he’s sort of isolated from maybe the top leadership now like a can’t lay or do you think it’s swing related I think it’s like our Wi-Fi it needed a reset I

Think it’s that simple I I think that there was so much junk going on there he needed to unplug and now he’s plugging in and let’s be honest Rory has one goal right now in his career and that’s to win The Masters so he’s doing everything

In his power right now to get ready for seven weeks from now not seven hours from now plain and simple so okay 122 Rory be careful be careful right yeah I mean at 122 he has to win right to make the numbers work so sometimes but they do 5K pricing now so

I know you’re in the betting side that’s you read the line Keith seart PGA uh has the angles and sharp takes that that I’ve always admired over the years we’ve got a great team here at RPS but follow at read the line underscore um and for all internet takes he’s your man quick

Internet fixes Keith Stewart um valaki last week was an incredible call uh that came out of nowhere from for us but it really inspired our Discord to really take stock of what you were saying right um do you have anything this week that you’re hearing from the ground or seeing

Or the style players here here’s the first that comes out to me like a shining Beacon is Keith Mitchell okay um I think he’s playing well I think he dominates on the Florida swing he’s won here before uh I think his game fits this week never underestimate the value of

The rug and what I’m telling you there is that there are Bermuda grass players it is the worst grass to play on by far it is the most challenging it’s the most frustrating I don’t care what anybody says about bumpy in February in California right the Grain on Bermuda really befuddles people

And a guy like Keith Mitchell that’s a Southeast you know an SEC type guy Georgia guy um if he played well out west on POA and other grasses he’s just those guys are looking for that opportunity to come back to the East and get on these grasses so a guy like

Russell a guy like JT those guys that were in good form but just couldn’t get across the finish line out there at whatever pricing level you’re looking at if they’re a Bermuda grass guy and you know that for a fact and they’re already playing well look for them to pop this

Week it’s gonna happen Daniel burger right a killer are you Notting I mean I think he showed enough already that he’s he’s he’s not satisfied with just you know hopping around the tour he he is a killer he’s like will Z oh yeah yeah yeah and you know the recency bias from

Wiie I’m glad you bring that up will goes what 13th at Farmers then you put him in a comfortable place and he goes off at Riviera okay Daniel Berger is set up to do the same thing he’s shown that he’s healthy just from a coach’s point

Of view I the what he has done to transform his swing body is really really difficult and I saw him on the Range there at Phoenix and he looked great he does what 28 or top 30 there and like he went through a change to do that which

Lengthened um how long he was going to take off because his game just wasn’t ready you put him at a place where he’s super comfortable and why is he comfortable at I was gonna say Honda but why is he comfortable at cognizant because he flights the golf ball well he

Plays a low fade that fits most of the holes off the T and also Southeast means the bear you know the bear plays downwind but also you know there’s a number of water hazards that come into play it’s it’s one of those things where like that type of

Golfer that can find a fairway and flight the golf ball is very dangerous here and he would be a guy that certainly I have my eye on do I think he’s ready to win yet sure he certainly has the St he has the stones to do it he

He definitely but um I I I definitely think that he he’s a he’s gonna be a factor this week there’s no doubt about that yeah I think the two ones I’m very nervous about because they’re going to be highly owned and you know Ben on is the first person off on Thursday

And we know how that H what happens when benon is the first player do sweeping on the course he throws down a 12 under and you don’t think he can get him um I’m not sure I can chase that much ownership in Ben on um but Eric Cole talk to me about Eric

Cole yeah Eric Cole is impressive man and you know he’s treating this like a Super Bowl there’s no doubt about that he he took a week off last week he’s the only guy that had played I think every single week of the first seven or the

First six and then he took a week off so you know he’s thinking ahead to this that he has a legitimate chance to break through as a winner he’s going to have the hometown support he’s on a grass that he’s comfortable with and again to

Go back to the Gras Point okay let’s use Russell Henley Russell was striking the ball great or JT Poston striking the ball great had good results solid results out there on the west coast them to Bermuda we hope for them to pop conversely sunj m a name that we always

Here at the Honda at the cognizant right here at PGA National sunj he he’s really struggling with his iron game right for whatever reason he is and he’s been good at places like Farmers out on the west coast he’s been good at the Sentry and he didn’t show that this year for him

Coming to Bermuda grass I don’t think that’s going to be the solution so just to kind of characterize what I’m saying there is that the guy has if they’re showing form and the change of the carpet gives them the edge that they usually need to win then I like those

Guys if they haven’t been shown for West I don’t think this is some sort of magic pixie dust they’re going to pick up from Orlando on a trip through Disney World or something like that you know they’re going to need to show some form at least

To get my dollars and cents and you know even to the point where the carpet matters so much to like let let’s go with a guy like Ben Griffin right where does Ben Griffin play well well golly look what he’s done at Sanderson look what he’s done in Bermuda look what he’s

Done here in Florida last year Ben Griffin when you when you rip through a stretch like here beill players and the guy guys gain five and a half Strokes total on average per week last year and you know he has no experience at those places you know that understanding and

Being able to putt towards the rip on this on you know on these greens is a big deal and those are the guys I’d be favoring this week for sure uh two names two names um that have been really impressive uh one Andrew Novak right top 10 in Chris McDonald goes the carpet

Matters in many aspects of life yes well there’s there’s a lot of puns there folks okay just have fun with it that’s that’s how sharp Keith is he’s burying these um oh no but Andrew no Andrew Novak top 10 Strokes Game T to Green um we know he’s a good putter he

He’s a guy in form coming into this place that I really like at a very low price from a DFS perspective and the other one’s Justin low right when is when has he not been performing well another top 10 last week I think um just a great golfer all around who are some

Of your dark horses that you think outside of the ones we talked about that maybe coming in here under the radar like valaki last week was a perfect example yeah um I mean you got to go deeper down the board for that um you know like I just mentioned one Ben

Griffin right sure didn’t it had he had an okay West but he’s one of these flar guys that he was he was good enough that the change in Agronomy makes a difference right um ah conversely I I wouldn’t go after Ali Hodges you know I I I kind of like the

Fact that I like the way Grayson Sig was hitting the ball out there on the west coast I saw him play he was playing with Joel Damon out there in the desert walked a bunch of holes with him and he just couldn’t putt um you bring him

Another sec Guy back to you know where the grass that he’s comfortable on he’s probably gonna make a couple more putts and he’s somebody down there you know near the bottom of the list um how I feel I feel good about Novak but La laow I don’t know if I feel good

About that we hear a lot about um being in control of your ball right I know that’s a broad statement and and very difficult to do week to week but here especially like the guys who are in control of their ball don’t have to hit it necessarily 350 yards but you say

That may may change this week because of the changes in the in the setup but Chris Kirk perfect example not a long hitter but always seems to be in control of his ball one here before kind of it golf is about what have you done for me lately literally lately what have you

Done for me in the last 24 hours people will forget about Chris Kirk it’s one guy that may get a little bit of ownership bounce because people will be on Ben on or uh Eric Cole especially um but but you know the guys the guys

That you see that are quote can can stay in control of the ball are not too erratic are are like a Chris Kirk Tom hogy right you put really put me on to his iron game at at Riviera and now he’s decently priced and again what have you

Done for me lately or Steven Jagger um very heavily owned last week but always playing well uh disappointing at Tory Pines but a guy you know that could have won and now continues to play well are are the hogies the Jaggers those guys even guys you’re eying this week or even

Chris Kirk again um so what did Kirk do last year he goes third Sony third AMX misses a cut in the desert wins Honda how about this year we’ve got a guy like a JT Poston right so a lot of people are all over him and with good reason you

Know he goes what like five six in Hawaii then he’s 11 at AMX 20 at Pebble misses the cut then comes back 10 at Genesis Sea Island guy like a Chris Kirk very similar game you know you love that fit but overall this is a true iron test

The par 3es really encapsulate it’s it’s a microcosm for what you need to do on this golf course to score all of them play overpar all of them are super difficult um if you’re a great par three scorer you’re a great iron player and you’re also pretty good around the green

Because you don’t hit All Your Greens in regulation and of course if you’re good here you could putt Bermuda so a guy like Tom hogi who’s the best approach player currently in the field on tour is he has a huge ad advantage and he’s proven before that he could putt on

Various strains of Bermuda grass right he’s had a great career up at Players now that’s not straight Bermuda but at the same time he’s been very diffic he’s been very good on difficult golf courses why because he flushes the ball right so a guy like hogi or a name for you

That’s but I still think he’s striking ball with 10 of the guys playing in the field this week and he’s a relatively good putter you know on any carpet right so for him I mean the drapes match the carpet for him he’s got he’s got the long game and he and

He’s got the putter right so like overall like I I don’t care what inuendo you want to get in there this looks EXT he he looked extremely comfortable out on tour on the west coast he’s a South African guy he was traveling with his family by the way

Your internet chopped but I got Benda Hood out of it right yeah bz right yeah CZ yeah yeah and and so when you talk about good ball Strikers hogi Baden hoot senson not as good a putter but great ball striking these are guys that I would have all over my lineup that they

Would be the foundation of my lineup flushers I mean because 15 16 17 the barar Trap you know that’s where things things get ugly for a lot of the golfers right and again you you have every year historically sometimes there’s Sun running and putting with Ricky Fowler but historically it’s been approach

Approach approach approach with capabilities around the green it’s been your iron game here period with no lock boxing on tough courses so you can identify those people spencon a good one yeah yeah I mean spencon hit it so good at Riv putter wasn’t great so if you go

Senson versus CZ you go CZ because they’re both hitting it great but CZ is a better putter but if if you’re if you’re looking for Pure ball Strikers sven’s getting himself into that category very quickly and um you know what scares me about Rory is that the

Ball striking was was eh on the west coast it was like just look Rory like you know yeah and that’s fine um we could can we can play other people but um I don’t know I I’m interested the next two weeks I’ll be on the road I’ll be interested see Rory’s very

Comfortable at beill and he’s had obviously success at the Players if if Rory gets back to being Rory the next couple weeks then we know that it’s it’s it’s going to be a green light special heading up to Magnolia Lane which would be kind of fun who who right now you’ve

Gotta go who right now um yeah great call in vaki absolutely that’s what the Discord was saying and Keith’s in our Discord now well he’ll be in our Discord hanging out um right now so somebody said hogi made no Cuts here look at what years those were that was before before

He learned to win on the PGA tour that was a long time ago yes he missed four Cuts in a row I get that right but he’s a good Florida golfer he’s a very good win golfer he’s a very good approach golfer right sometimes you know recency

Bias can works for and against you just look when he he was playing Honda so just as a good point good point there you go sports life uh gut your gut right now what’s it saying if you had to if you had to say this is probably one of

The top guys I’m looking at this week who’s your valaki this week is it Ben gri oh down down that down in that land I like Ben Griffin you know and um overall yeah if it’s not Ben Griffin who oh I think this could be a week where

Sam Ryder comes back into the fold wow wow that’s from downtown and he’s he’s in the fives why why Sam ryer same reason uh the ball striking the ball striking when Sam needed a reset and I’m not saying that he’s going going to be

Some kind of a winner or even a valam I mean valaki great second I I just thought valaki was trending in my mind to be a top 15 consideration so you know he hit his ceiling thank God great awesome I love that for everybody but um

I think that um Ryder needed an East Coast shift and uh he would be one of those guys I think down at the way bottom that is a little bit undervalued for um how much he loves that place and uh how much his ball striking will give

Him an edge not put him in the water you know the the other name that again what have you done for me lately who looked fantastic at Riv and I finally had to Cave that maybe he can putt now and PJ T put put out a tweet that says you know

Luke list makes no putts misses no putts which you know we both we all had to be like kind of not true but Luke list looks fantastic he looks very good um just look at his Bermuda it’s tough the it’s tough man you know um it’s uh oh

Goly you know like okay so if if we’re doing a matchup and you have a like a hogy or a Bez going against the luk list and they’re all hitting the ball great you got to favor the guy that has has shown propensity to score on Bermuda and um especially like at the

Top of the board you know and uh you know a lot of people are fading cam young or they’re wondering about the struggles of Matt Fitz Patrick and everything go with what you saw in the west that works yeah model them for some Bermuda grass whoever pops they’re going

To be the same names that that you’re hearing online and then we’ll see what happens and then probably AE at 250 to one will win so Cole Kirk Cole Kirk Henley on Burger post Postman yeah and O wins probably all right brother you got a meeting thank you the internet held up

For the most part awesome we’ll talk soon see in the Discord yep thanks he left me he left me live hang on a second I can’t I can’t leave the show without doing an outro one second there we go let me check the Discord here Keith likes Ruff

Rider yes McDonald the Discord says Sam Ryder he says Sam Ryder let’s roll with it this one worked thanks Rubio

1 Comment

  1. You shocked me when u said Sam Ryder! I went the sports book earlier and put 5 on him to win and top 20.. +15000!!! Let's go

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