Golf Players

The Craziest Things That Happened at This Year’s Waste Management Open “Sh*t Show” | Le Batard Show

The Waste Management Open is known for being an unusually wild golf event, but this year due to weather and enormous crowds it was on another level to the point where the open had to close gates and halt alcohol sales because there was fighting, a woman was hospitalized, and much more. We react to the wild scenes from this year’s tournament.


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But I want to First since we’re speaking of drunk people I want to wander over to the waste management open and just show you golfers yelling at drunk fans because there’s an assortment of b-roll from the Waste Management Open that continues to escalate over the years MH people keep getting drunker and drunker

So there were hospitalizations there were an assortment of fights there was uh Zack Johnson yelling at fans let’s play the video of of Zack Johnson yelling at fans because we’ve got him we’ve got Billy horel yelling at fans du gots originally at one point we were

Going to have you go straight from uh the Super Bowl to the Waste Management Open to get into this debauchery here but let’s play some of that let’s go with Zack Johnson first please show him just screaming at fans and we will have an assortment as well of a b-roll here

For you let me let me oh don’t don’t Ser me somebody said it I’m I’m just sick of it just shut up grow up number one that’s someone giving him crap over his choices for the Ridder cup and it’s just it’s just drunk people and then Billy

Horel he people are yelling at Billy H horel when there’s a guy swinging like they’re yelling at Billy when the guy in the Fairway is swinging and then it’s just oh my God it’s so awkward and when the when the waste management has me saying guys dial it back a little bit no

That’s when you know it’s like no it was too much they stopped alcohol sales on Saturday appar because the crowd was so unru and this is an event where they expect the crowd to be unruly like that is is it is more than encouraged like they expect this and that that is what

Makes this event stand out on the calendar but apparently it was just way too much they got carried away because the PGA Tour and it and its players excuse me has encouraged those fans to drink especially on that hole and one year one weekend of the year you have to

Deal with unruly fans every single game that an NFL play plays they deal with unruly fans you get it once a year and you’re going to complain if you’re Billy horel or Jordan spe or any of those guys terrible job by them let’s play the clip

Here of Billy H losing it all right go watch a shot next buddy when he’s open a shot shut the up man damn golf shot here job holy it’s just you could just see the frustration of like guys enough uh put on the long weekend yeah

Put on I heard it here let’s just run some b-roll of just the insanity that was the Waste Management Open I cannot think of a worse combination in sports of ingredients than the golfer etiquette and just general drunkenness and the only thing that this tournament is known

For is everyone’s going to get Ri roaring drunk it’s the reason your tournament matters yeah but you don’t want people to get so drunk that they’re being like hospitalized and they’re hurting other people like there is obviously a limit stug gots to how much unruliness you’re allowed to have where

It becomes a liability for the people putting on the event and I think that was the fear with this weekend and everyone got really mad when they stopped selling alcohol and they I think they also temporarily closed the entrance because there were so many people coming in too so I think that

There I don’t know where the line is but I I guess the people putting on the event felt that the line had been crossed Jessica I’m going to say here’s where the line is when the Waste Management Open cuts off liquor sales I’ll say good when when if you’re has

Been if you’re telling me the Waste Management Open is saying that’s it we’re going dry here we’re afraid of a death we’ve we’ve entered the fights and hospitalization area um I’m I’m good with the Waste Management Open saying no more liquor sales we’ve got liability problems here I love being drunk as much

As the next guy but when is ever just sliding down a hill shirtless like a fun thing to do you would do it no I wouldn’t do it they do that at the lally World Series every year and everybody thinks it’s adorable cuz it’s kids but

Then all of a sudden an adult male who may or may not be slightly overweight does it and it’s a problem get out of here hypocrisy body shinger drank like that I’m not going to lie when I saw these videos and I saw that hitting the

And I was like glad I already went last year don’t care what happens now been there done that this is on them though like they’ve encouraged this for so long like this you wanted this to be this and then it was too much of what you wanted

And now it’s a problem like you did this to yourselves the fans are saying how do we outdo what we did last year that’s it I mean all good things get ruined Y is it going to be like remember when South Beach was like we don’t want people in

Here here anymore like are they going to do this next year at the waste management where just like crazy security limit to Drinks like there’s got to be something it would be great if there was a tank there next year


  1. Yeah this is Great for the game…. Especially the golf course smelling of beer and urine , Can't wait for the Ryder Cup

  2. I get that it’s a shit show but why does always have to be quiet boring tournaments with soft claps. There’s a reason golf is depicted as a sport for old boring white people. I think it’s ok to have a different vibe at a tourney

  3. My favorite tourney. Sure, there were some unruly fans but there ALWAYS is. It didn't seem to bother Taylor or Hoffman. It was no worse than a Ryder Cup. Golf needs more tourneys like the Phoenix Open. Most are really boring.

  4. ASU student body really showed out this year. Thank you all for reinforcing the stigma the rest of the world already knew, ASU is a f*cking joke and an embarassment to society.

  5. Few items from someone who was there all 5 days the past 2 years….. Some of these videos in these clips are not this season. Cans haven't been allowed in 16 for the last 2 years. Were there some drunk fans yes. But there were thousands and thousands of fans there. So sure a few may have had too many. I'm sure we could do hours of footage of football tailgaters that have had too many.

    Also, the alcohol cut off wasn't because they were "too" drunk. Were there a few drunk people…yes. But the real problem was the soaked grounds. It rained Tuesday, Wednesday and it poured on Thursday. It was so muddy and slippery on the hills that all the guests funneled to the flatter areas, typically the golf cart areas. This meant the service vehicles couldn't navigate the paved areas. The reason that alcohol and FOOD…yes food shut down too, was for safety of the guests to maintain access for emergency vehicles. Some areas were shut down by police so that emergency vehicles would have access. Fact is…..this is a spectacular fan experience venue, that if you even like golf, that you should experience.

    So I think to sum of the video, if you like golf, you like people watching, and an $11 beer doesn't scare you, come out to 2025 WMO. Congratulations to all of the WMO staff and police that put on a successful event.

  6. Zac Johnson should get crap for the shitty team he picked. He hated on LIV and left guys off the team that should have been there. (DJ, Bryson…)

    And Billy crying too. This is why LIV is better. The players on PGA are a bunch of wankers

  7. The new Thunderbirds (the team of boys who run this event) have no class. I lived in Scottsdale over 30 years. This event used to be a privilege. But now they let people in wearing costumes, acting like jackasses, with unlimited drinks. It's been going downhill since 2019. So sad. Raise the ticket prices and get the riffraff out! Get new thunderbirds.

  8. This also had a lot to do with weather delays. Lots of free time to get drunk and go wild instead of just being rowdy at tge 16th

  9. What a stupid attitude. Blaming it on the tour or WM for the behavior of a bunch of morans who can't handle their alcohol.

  10. Terrible comparison to what a NFL players has to go thru with unruly fans. Every single one of these golfer and their fans know what the proper Etiquette is……when the lights come on, its quiet time unlike the NFL which needs noise to survive. Plus the NFL travels into the other teams home environment while the PGA does not have this. If your a golfer, you have very little respect for the game to compare the two. Of course, this event is a total about face to the golfing norm, but they, the players know what they signed up for. Using the NFL as your argument….Hey, don’t quit your day job.

  11. I went to the open in AZ and it was awful. I think the tickets were oversold because the crowd was absolutely massive. Trash everywhere, we were shoulder-to-shoulder the whole time. I don't even know how people got so drunk because the lines were horrendously long and it was so expensive for alcohol. You couldn't even piss in a porta-potty (the only bathroom option) because the like was 30min long with sh** on the walls and no toilet paper or hand sanitizer. The golfers didn't get their quiet time for their swings. It was basically a very trashy frat party and not "the peoples' open" or whatever they call it

  12. They dialed back because the weather was crappy.. the people all piled into a few areas equals shit show

  13. I was there on Saturday. There was about 2 hours of no golf between round 2 and 3 because of the rain delay. That’s when shit started going crazy cause they didn’t have anything better to do.

  14. You can't expect golfers to accept the football fan-type behavior!! That's the most ignorant thing I heard this week!! Golf is a different sport, predicated on respect, honor for the game with an emphasis on etiquette… but as each generation comes along and since the softened Millenials with the "don't spank your child!", or "my child doesn't need a polio vaccine!" (now polio is back, thank you)… each generation has become more self-centered and entitled… it's staggeringly beyond belief. Respect for tradition has to be recognized and not thrown away because you want to drink beer, make a f^¢king YouTube or TikTok video of you destroying golf carts on a golf course!! Yes… Waste Management (and moreover… the PGA Tour) are to blame, but to be honest, they gave American fans the benefit of the doubt. But we Americans now, are about the most ignorant and embarrassing people on Earth. We don't see the rest of the world laughing at us and we certainly don't command ANY respect overseas! We are ridiculed and to your face if you travel… as a world traveling musician, I hear it all the time and am done defending my embarrassing country, especially after one of our Presidents decides to attack Capitol Hill because he can't win an election. Yeah… that's it in a nutshell whether you like it or not.

  15. God forbid tradition and respectful behavior are preserved somewhere. Is it a requirement that EVERYTHING devolve into an ass-clown event?

  16. What do you expect… Its north Scottsdale, nothing but a buch of rich people that already drink everyday, thinking they can do whatever tf they want.

  17. Not sure what they would do maybe stop alcohol at a certain time 🤷‍♂️ or just don’t allow booze

  18. Billy saying hes trying to hit a damn golf shot here. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 makes it sound like it rocket science

  19. Saying golfers shouldn’t be upset when people are talking during swings because its loud at football games is an idiot comparison. You’re supposed to be loud at football games. You’re supposed to be quiet when a player is on a shot. It’s that simple.

  20. 4:24 gotta love the enthusiasim of the dude in the nice white jeans, black shirt, black jacket and sunglasses heedlesly throwing himself in to the fracas on that muddy slope, sloshing the beer on the shirtless dude. I'd give those spectacularly white, white jeans about 30 secs before they get slid in the muddy slop🤣Amazing what water, dirt and alcohol can accomplish!

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