Golf Players

INTERVIEW: Brothers Scott and Kieran Vincent Pair Up | LIV Golf Jeddah

Brothers Scott and Kieran Vincent discuss playing together and against each other on different teams in 2024 ahead of LIV Golf Jeddah.

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All right we’ll get going welcome to the latest press conference at LIF golf Jetta 2024 I’m delighted to be welcomed by Scott Vincent of iron hairs GC and kieren Vincent of Legion 13 GC welcome guys thank you thank you who’s who you Scot but if you didn’t know they are

Brothers um I think let’s get going and just talk about how the last few weeks have gone of being back playing together on the same tour and how it’s being playing against some of the best players in the world here Scott yeah incredible um seems like I

Can’t get rid of this guy so whichever tour I go on he seems to follow and and do pretty good so that’s that’s annoying at times but it’s at least from a family perspective it gives us something to talk about so yeah car um yeah I think it’s it’s it’s fun it’s

Enjoyable it’s cool to travel the world and do some pretty cool things together um and so yeah I’ve enjoyed the experience so far and um hopefully it continues to be like that and Scott you qualified or you secured your spot for 2024 in jeder last year in October um

And Kier and you qualified through the promotions event not too far from here in ababi do you have any specific memories of those moments of when you secur your spots individually but also when you found out your brother was going to be playing too yeah I remember when um Karen was

Doing the qualifier um of course the time Zone’s completely flipped over so we were it was about 4:00 or 5 in the morning at Denver time and so my wife loves checking the scores all throughout the night and I like sleeping so when I got towards the end and it was very

Close she’s like waking me up and like you got to watch you got to watch um so we actually founded a friend uh in Singapore and they had us on FaceTime and we were able to watch Karen plays last few holes and um yeah talk about an exciting tournament uh where there was

Just so much action and so much on the line and um yeah could have gone either anyway um and for it to be a it was a three-person playoff for two spots two spots yeah um just super exciting I think really cool for golf and uh what a

Great way to start the promotions event for for live and I think it’s going to be a great success and Ken your memories of when you found out you were know when you qualified through the playoff what were the first emotions going through your mind I think I was tired of emotions

More than anything I mean it was a long what seemed like a very long day but kind of flew by at the same time I mean just kind of wrapping your head around what just happened and what is to come I think we just come some of the the

Biggest things but also you know obviously putting the spec of just that my game was able to um shape up that week so it was awesome um um gives me encouragement for what is to come over the next couple of months um so yeah just excited the fact that it it flipped

In my favor but yeah as Scott said it could have gone anywhere so we’re just super grateful to be out here were you nervous depends who’s asking and final one from me what’s the dynamic like between you two during a tournament week how competitive you guys

Are or are you just chilling just for each other what would you like it to be whatever you say what writes the story better you tell us um why don’t you go for this one well he hasn’t challenged me in ping pong yet so um not much of a challenge that’s why

We I guess especially being on different teams does that add an element of competitiveness to you it gives us a break from each other you know cuz sometimes it’s a bit much uh but I wouldn’t say we’re too competitive the fact that we want to ring each other’s

Necks I think that kind of happened in the earli years of our life and I think we’ve got to a stage now where um necks have been wrong enough and we just out here to support each other the best we can um so whether we’re on different

Teams or whatever it might be I think family trumps everything and so the fact that we can be out here be one family um I think that kind of steers us in a way to motivate and help each other the best we can do you believe that Joy your schooles have been show

That fair point I’ll hand over to Mike well I actually was going to ask that cuz last three starts obviously you guys have finished in the same position each of the tournaments how do you how do you explain that just kind of a brotherly connection right we don’t want the

Family to have favorites so we try and play it equal and so they can careful both of us knowing that we’re going to finish the same so it’s been good so far nailed it nailed it yeah Scott can you can you just take us back to last year going

Into here at Jetta and kind of your mindset knowing that there was a lot on the line uh that week for you and how you kind of dealt with it throughout the week uh the pressure yeah um we we always try and treat every single week

Pretty much the same um we don’t want to elevate something higher than it needs to be because it just adds uh unnecessary pressure on things that we can’t control like of course we know what we would like but how much of that can we control not very very little so

We just kind of came back to um it’s what we had practiced all year it’s just trying to be present trying to be in the moment trying to to learn something you know every week’s an opportunity to do that and that week probably more so than

Any other like can we really really stay present this week can we really just focus on what’s in front of us can we can we be fully engaged in the shot can we can we not get caught up in the results because that’s that’s what everyone’s preaching that’s what you

Know all these uh interviews were about oh you’re in this position it’s like that’s great you know that’s that’s for everyone else you know but for me like what’s the best I can do and how’s what’s going to help me play the best it’s just being present being being

Right there being being grateful for this opportunity you know like how cool is this that 10 years ago we in Zimbabwe playing golf together on a you know random Golf Course um just just having a great time and 10 years down the road there’s two of us on the best tour in

The world or one of the best tours in the world um right next to each other competing uh and encouraging each other on like I mean it’s in a way it sounds like a dream like it’s it’s so cool that that this is what we get to do and our

Families and friends get to follow that and support us so we’ve got so much to be thankful for and um being out here here is is is certainly a huge plus to both of us and we just want to use uh this opportunity to just become better

People and and and and uh train ourselves and and and what we’re working on and the people we’re becoming so yeah you know last year this time was yeah incredible week I learned so much and um I get to do it again this week Scott you

Were I mean Karen you were here uh you were here cheering on your brother what was that like um remember we we got asked as reserves to do like um like teach them guys some some golf inside the the big Marquee tent over there on the 18th um and so I was

Getting close to when Scott was finishing cuz I was watching the guys come down 18 kind of peering one one head one head back and all of a sudden I was like hey guys I got to I got to go like I got I got to see what’s going on

Like cuz I heard so many rumors about you know the the little stretch down the end there um and so to really kind of see the shot coming down 18 understand understanding you know all that was on the line for him was was key cuz I’ve

Obviously seen how much hard work um not only over this past year but previous years um that had passed to see how much you know effort he’d put into all his training being like diligent to everything that he did so just to kind of see it all all pay off um everyone

Kind of thinks that one moment like dictates everything but I think it’s the the many little things that you do on a day-to-day basis leading up to that one moment and so I think he’s he was able to achieve what he could achieve because of the little things that he done in the

Past and so it was just awesome that it it all happened here when I was here when the team was you know it was just it was just such a an awesome experience so I was happy to be part of it how’ you celebrate how’ you guys

Celebrate by jumping on a flight I think I think it was it was quick out of here got remember yeah yeah I think we just there’s another tournament next week and that’s that’s the thing about life and the and especially golf you know there’s just there’s always a carrot dangling in

Front of you it’s it’s like you have the most amazing week but there’s something next week you know so really there was a couple moments like I’ll never forget calling my wife after that where she watched and we’re both in tears like about what had just happened um and then

From there it was like right next week’s Miami next week’s the team thing I want to be the very best I can for my team and you kind of prepare for that it was yeah it’s just weird like that where there’s always something and and it never fully satisfied it’s like you win

A tournament now the next week you have to justify your win and then you do all that well you got to justify it’s just it’s just weird like that’s that’s kind of this this life that we living never ending uh and Karen I wanted to ask you

We talked a little bit about this in in Vegas but just about your power off the tea Scott told me that you had an injury in college and that helped maybe fuel some of your power can you can you talk about that development uh uh while you were in college yeah yeah

Um growing up I used to be shorter than me didn’t like that so he changed and he it’s flipped a little bit but just a littleit um yeah I was never obviously the biggest like person growing up um and so it was never really a strength in

My game and I’ll never forget I was in college and I kept going through the same cycle of getting feeling sore getting injured you know sitting out a couple of weeks and and repeating the same process um to eventually it came to a point where one of the guys sat me

Down and he says you do know this there’s a mindset that plays into this he says you can mope about it and and feel like you’re injured 24/7 and and stick in that kind of lifestyle or you can do something about it and wake up one day

With a positivity that this can be all healed and and you can get better and so I had a little lower back injury but hearing those words really kind of motivated me and he was like you just got to go into the gym and and change

The mind ET and so I think it became a little bit too much of a freak where I love going to the gym way too much and we had a good group of guys around us that challenged each other um maybe a little too much at times but uh we just

Enjoyed the experience of being in college having that close-knit group of people um but you know as you kind of hinted on there the fact that something was so negative back in the day you know this is probably seven eight years ago that probably looked at maybe putting a

Damper on my career if even having a career at all has now kind of flipped the script and has given me a strength week and week out and so I’m just fortunate for the opportunity that people you know people are good at what they do um lean on people um and so I

Was able to lean on that guy back then um who helped me change my mindset of I don’t really need to be mopy and sad about this 24/7 I can actually do something about it and it’s in my hands and so the mindset shifted and I guess I

Like the gym in in the meantime so well uh I was going to ask you about I I think I think there was a drive in Vegas on the final round that was like 177 yards if you that was your regular Drive I think you’d be leading uh You’ be

Leading the uh league and driving distance what happened on that drive for for one thing and then just how is it to kind of compare yourself to some of the really big bombers out here obviously Bryson uh wolfy uh guys are you sure you got the right brother

Here maybe are we talking about you that’s that’s what I want to know um come on yeah I mean I think there was a caveon next to that name I don’t think there’s many s Vincent leading the the leaderboard on that side they get us confused all the

Time so but no it um yeah obviously these guys hit it so far but I think what separates them as being some of the best in the world um is they understand their strength and they and they use it effectively um coming out of college I was kind of a

Little bit willy-nilly knowing that I could hit F so I just kind of pulled driver wherever I could um but now working with a a great guy in Dave Phillips he’s he’s told me like hey like you got to understand that like it’s a weapon when it needs to be a weapon but

You also need to understand when to to dial it back and so yeah I’m fortunate that I can get out there if I need it to get out there um but just adapting and and being on the tour and seeing how some of the best do in the world it’s

It’s not something that you need to push out on every single hole and so just fortunate that we do have it in the tank if we need it thank other English questions yeah I’ve got one question for Scott and one question for Kieran Scott uh you might not admit it now but uh

Last year when we were talking in Singapore uh where you again played fantastic golf you said that Kiran is actually more talented than you but the question is was that supposed to be a secret what’s your name again next question please are you surprised how fast he has

Risen uh right within that one and a half years period um honestly no I I think like being 5 years older you see a few things earlier than maybe he did and obviously you can see the level that he’s at and maybe the level some of

These the top players are at and it’s like it’s very easy to see how he would fit into that um and it yeah it to me it doesn’t surprise me one bit um I think there’s many qualities about Karen that uh fit perfectly into this level of golf

Um and the amazing thing is he’s still young and he’s got so so many years ahead of him and what can learn and and how we can use that going forward is just really it’s up to him um and yeah I I like I said you know I do feel like

The the level of talent that’s not to discredit anything that he’s done because he has done a lot um but I just think the potential there is um is really really high um and that’s not to put pressure on him it’s just the way it

Is and he’s just got to go about his business the way that he does um I think if you look at us we’re very we’re close but we’re very different in our approaches um so yeah he’s just got to continue to believe in his processes that he’s developing uh over over these

Next few years and and months and um really stick and hold true to that and and and I think he’ll be just fine awesome Kieran how is it being part of team of John Ram probably the best player in the world right now uh what have you learned in these two weeks that

You have been together for the two tournaments uh what kind of things have he has he spoken to you guys being a new team as well yeah um he’s I think I’ve mentioned this many many times but he’s such a good guy not only on the golf course but off you know

It’s not just like full John and then you don’t see John at all like John’s such a great guy off the golf course which I think makes him you know such a great guy to look up to for a lot of youngsters um and so obviously he he can

Dial it on on the golf course and we’ve seen it many many times but I think what like struck me a lot was what what happened off the golf course you know like a simple text like hey I’m going down to breakfast like anyone want to

Join you know when I was signing up I didn’t think that was going to be a possibility and so you know just the closeness the the really relational relational of John I think what’s kind of separated like him you know I think he’s he’s so good to want to talk about

Anything and everything share a little bit of insight of you know what’s kind of got him to hear but also just really kind of be alongside you and and be your friend knowing that you know if you’re in a dark place you need you need some

Help like he’s going to help you and so I think that’s just really a great thing to to idolize not only just from him but also from the rest of the guys like obviously Caleb is a youngster but he brings so much to the team as well and

Then obviously terl tur’s tur I mean he’s fun he’s he’s energetic he brings a newness to the team so I think the whole team dynamic just work super well and so very fortunate to be to find myself in that situation one last question to both of you who has got better

Hair why are you asking us why don’t you tell us depends what you like huh it’s apples and oranges over here we’ll do a few questions in Arabic and yassim will translate them I can translate um hi SC hi Karen um the this is Ali from he welcomes you guys to the kingdom

And he’s asking you like being Brothers growing up uh did you guys ever think one day that you’ll be playing in one two together touring the world and um you know like uh playing professional golf against the best in the world go send it BR sure

Um did we want it to be a reality yes um did we think it was going to happen possibly um but I don’t think you know everyone has these Big Dreams and these big aspirations and it’s just about finding out the small little things that can

Help you get there and so we were we’re very fortunate fortunate enough that we had a lot of people around us to surround us and give us the good Insight that we needed but I think it was just kind of very lucky very thankful very I don’t know there’s

A lot of adjectives that you can put in there to to describe what is the journey has taken over the past you know many years um to get to here but I think we just great grateful for the opportunity and just grateful for where we were and

What we’re doing today um you know being able to use this platform as brothers together would you like me to answer as well if you want to add something sure sure yeah I um kind of like what what I said a little bit earlier but um it it

Was a dream you know you uh you get to Dream Big Dreams and um you you never really know um of course it’s it’s a real reality now and and looking back it’s like wow how did this all happen was it was it my doing was it his doing

Was it someone else’s doing you know we’re in a very religious part of the world and that plays a big part in my life um and I do believe that there’s yeah there’s higher Powers um higher power and I think that played a Hu huge

Part in where we are today um and so like I said you know we’re we’re just trying to be the best people that we that we can be and this just so happens to be golf for us and um just amazing how we we get to do that together on on

A tour like this uh in Saudi Arabia of all places just very special and very cool thank you guys Um this is from the S Channel and he welcomes you guys to the kingdom as well and he says like you’ve been as lot of questions uh about you know like uh the Brothers part so I’m just going to ask you guys about um Royal greens your

Preparations and um how did it feel out there um you know like you’ve been uh maybe SC like um recently here in in the previous event and now it’s a different uh time of the year uh the weather is a little bit different but can you tell us

A little bit more about um how did it feel out there yeah thank thank you for for welcoming us um yeah I’ve been very fortunate that this is probably my third or fourth time coming to play here and we’ve got to play it at different times

Of year and um I definitely prefer this time of year it’s a little bit cooler we like that um the wind is still strong uh which which again is is great because it just it just creates a different level of difficulty that you know we we get to

Practice in um yeah the the course is playing great I think it’s changed so much since the beginning of the week um it felt a little bit softer and the the greens were a little bit slow and they today I definitely noticed that they they fell a lot quicker and like they

Were firming up and speeding up so you can see the course changing as the week’s going on which is kind of what we expected um but yeah it’s it’s a wonderful place to come and play golf it’s it’s still mind-blowing how they can have such a good golf course in this

Part of the world you know when without coming here what your expectations of where you’re going You’re like it’s just going to be sand everywhere and there’s nothing and you come here and it’s some of the best looking grasses in the world um yeah just the whole experience is

Really cool um the food and and everything that we do while we’re here is is really cool so yeah I’ve I’ve really enjoyed coming here I think it makes me a better player um and yeah I look forward to the challenge that this week’s going to bring tan do you want to

Add anything about Roy of greens and being out there and playing some rounds I mean you got got a factor in the Red Sea I mean standing on 16t I think I kind of get all struck every single time I’m out there just being able to like take that all in it’s not

Every day that you get to see that view so it’s it’s pretty spectacular but Royal greens itself I think it’s an it’s an awesome course um as Scott said the wind’s going to play obviously a bit of a factor but at the same time I think

It’s it’s so unique to have such a prestigious Place course out here and yeah just obviously grateful for this opportunity to to be able to come out here and and showcase what we’ve you know been practicing over the last couple of weeks and Months um the second part of the question what would like to hear from your Scot in terms of um obviously um throughout the year you guys play in different places different courses different weathers um um how is it easy for you guys to um you know just adapt to different situations

And how will it be um um difficult for you guys guys uh in Royal Greens in the coming 3 days to um perform uh compared to what you guys did in the previous event yeah I think the word you use there which which is something that I

Think is what I’m trying to get better at is adapting you know with with golf you just never know what’s going to happen so you’re always having to adapt um as well as in life you know things get thrown at you from different directions and so adapting is a key part

Of just just doing life um and and with golf like even more so um there’s so many different lies and winds and grasses and and course conditions and weather and so you’re always having to do that and um the great thing about live golf is that you start on Friday so

You get an extra day of practice if you if you if you want to use or you can take it as rest there’s there’s so many different ways to um get prepared for a tournament so um yeah we’ve we’ve spent we’ve been here since Monday today um so

We’ve got to spend a good quality amount of time on the golf course just adapting getting used to what uh what is going to be required and the shots that we think we’re going to need and and to work on that so yeah we you know we get a few

Days to do that and that’s what we do to the best of our abilities and some weeks it works amazing some weeks it doesn’t um and um yeah we we’ll see what happens this week thank you I think this is our last question okay alikum this is B from sa gazetta newspapers um

He would like to to hear from both of you uh Scott and Kieran about uh the one factor you think apart from of course the weather because we can see it and we can feel it but the one factor in your play that is going to make you do and

Perform well u in the coming days you know what that is yet it might be the coffee you know it might be the coffee I tell you what best coffee in the world right here thank you thank you brew 92 big shout out to you

Guys um I think it may not even just be on the golf course I think it’s the mindset and being able to stay patient I think it’s the golf course that you might find yourself in a little bit of trouble as time comes and just being able to stay patient stay motivated and

Stay uh positive to yourself knowing that you’ve done a lot of work out here and just um remain patient enough to know that there are going to be some birdie B holes and and see what you can do to the best of your ability so I think it’s about game planning and as

Scott was saying a little bit earlier adapting um adapting and and staying patient out there I’m going to say courageous like are you willing to be courageous this week and take on some risks and some and and some shots that maybe feel very uncomfortable um are you willing to fail

You have to be courageous and willing to fail in order to uh take on a shots so um yeah it I mean who knows it’s a journey right um there’s so many different factors that could go into whoever’s going to hoist that trophy at the end of the week

So yeah for me this week that’s going to be something that I’m working on is just can I be a little bit more courageous this week I think with that we end uh press conference thank you for your time Scot we appreciate it and wish you all the

Best good luck thank you thank you thank you everybody


  1. Met Kieran at the Greenbrier last year, watching his brother play as he wasn’t on LIV full time yet, huge fan.

  2. Currently trying to watch the latest PGA offering, the Cognizant. Absolutely sucks and I've been watching pro golf since the early 60's. These two tours together could really make golf shine, but apart, LIV has them beat.

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