Golf Babe

GOLF WITH SLITS – Dan and Phil Play: Golf With Friends #9

It’s time to cross sticks as we tackle the castle course. Listen to our background music on Spotify!! We hope you enjoy the DanAndPhilBEATS gaming vibes while going about your day imagining us yapping. (should be available on all your fave streaming platforms)

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Edited with Kris Edrosa

Music courtesy of US wow omg. Thanks to the producer Ben, Lowave, and the art by @queenusagi

– Hello, DanAndPhilGames slits and welcome. – Look at us. – Back! – And nothing’s changed. There’s nothing interesting. Stop trying to-, what are you trying to do? Bump slits? You’re trying to bump slits? – Do a slit bump. Dan’s is much wider than mine and mine’s nearly grown back in again, actually.

– Oh my God. End me. – If you missed the charity stream, – End me. Dan agreed to get a slit after he did We’re All Doomed and it was finally broadcast to the world. Can I get a slit in the chat? – No! What does that mean? – Slit. Slit. Slit. Shut up. – Oh! (Phil laughs) And it looks- Wide. – Great! – Okay. – I think it suits you. – Yeah? What do you think the energy it gives me? – I think it makes you a bit intimidating. Like if I saw you in a corner shop, I’d be like,

‘ooh, he’s after the butterscotch’. – Right. – Yep. That’s that. – And Terrance. – And what will make me happier after all of this hard work than playing Golf with my Friends. – You love golf. – It’s my favourite series. – Yes. But before we get our sticks out, have you heard what is going on in the background?

– What is, what is this pleasant jingle. – Look at this. I mean, listen to this. – You may have always thought, Dan and Phil, your choice of background music; It’s so sexy. It’s so cool. Well, guess what? – We’ve leveled it up! – We have commissioned an entire original soundtrack to DanAndPhilGames.

– Yes! – That is right. We have made a whole ass- Why-, we need to come up with a thesaurus that isn’t ‘whole ass’. – Whole ass. We’ve made a- – We’ve made an entire-, – A large ass. – We’ve made a big selection of original synth wave, high octane, friendship gaming tracks.

And we were like, this is gonna be good. – Yeah. – Finally, it’ll be our music on our channel. We worked with an amazing music producer called Ben to put all this stuff together and we were like, Yes. This is the vibe. – This the vibe. – This is the vibe.

And then we put it out on Spotify. – It’s the perfect vibe. – For what kind of activities? – Just have it in the background. – Gaming, laundry. – Cooking. – Slit-, bumping slits. – On your favorite streaming services, we have made an account called DanAndPhilBeats. – Which, it’s official. It’s ours. – We are now Dan and Phil Beats. – We have loaded the soundtrack to it. – We could do club nights. – No. Okay, calm down. – In Vegas. – Calm down. Calm down quite a lot. We have put a Spotify link down in the description. So if you were ever thinking,

Dan, that’s a catch little thing’ while these two are yapping in the background. – Yeah. – You can listen to it in your leisure. Go listen to it right now. – It’s perfect for background listening. – There’s some beautiful art. Thanks to Asaggy.

Look at us, Dan and Phil on a vapor wave highway. Making it towards the neon city with a tops only bar, It would seem, okay. Hashtag PRESAVEDANANDPHILONSPOTIFY – Yes. – So, whatever. Enjoy. Enjoy the jingles. Right, here’s your hat. How the fuck do you wear these things? Like, I actually don’t know. I’m gonna Google right now. How to wear a golf visor. – Oh, you put it on your head. – Yeah, you bonce. Where? – What do you mean, ‘where’? You wanna be able to see your eyes.

– Well that’s what I’m saying. Is it like, are you supposed to be like- – I think, I think so. – Is it PPE? – But no, we need to be able to see our faces. But then you get a little mushroomy-. – That’s the issue. How does one deal with a mushroom?

– You gotta do a tuck. – Got a wide slit and now I’ve got a, a, a meaty top. – Stop! – Okay. – That’s good. – No, it’s not. Gaming! – We’re ready! – The lights are wrong. It’s like we’ve got a green and red lamp here. – Oh yeah, switch it round. Red to the left of me. Green to the right. Here I am golfing with Dan and Phil. – We have just paid for what looks like, clearly,

The Shrek level. – I mean, that’s important. – So we are gonna do that. Phol. There you go. – Phol again. Let me have a good ball this time. – What color’s my hat? Green. – You’re green – And, okay. You could put a floppy pigeon on it.

– Do you want a floppy pigeon on it? – A cupcake that is bigger than the ball. – These are all the things that we’ve won. – Triceratops. Lovely. – What you gonna get? – I mean, that’s how I feel. – I feel like this has you energy, for some reason.

– Right now, I’m a slouch. Fuck yeah. – You’re a slouch. – Yeah. Okay. Oh I’m gonna have a red trail for contrast. – Sexy. Yes. – And my floaty shall be a rowboat. There you go. That looks like a whole thing.

What the fuck is this thing game? You know what I mean? – That is beautiful. (laughs) – Red. – Yeah. – And then I’m feeling- – That’s you, dunce. Oh my god, no. Don’t do the whole thing with a floppy pigeon. – I need it! I need the floppy pigeon.

– For fuck’s sake. – To represent Steve. And then balloons, because it was my birthday. – Sure. What a disaster. – A while ago. – It was your birthday a month ago. I told you. Every time Phil has a birthday, it’s like a royal tour. – We’re on the cusp.

– He’s like, ‘friend I haven’t seen, let’s go out for a birthday meal’. Phil, it’s March. – Look, as long as it’s cold outside, it’s still my birthday. Goose. Double ducking it. – Ah, right. Phil’s on quack. Collision disabled. Imagine if we added collision. Oh my God, the chaos. – I think we should be able to collide. – Really? – That’s what happens in real mini golf. – Fucking hell. There we go. Right. – Oh, a beautiful land full of hopes- – Look at this. – And mystery.

– Oh, it’s me first. – Phol, it’s your turn. Look, you’re a fucking pigeon. – Woo! – Oh, that pi-, this pigeon for sake. – Oh my God. Oh my God. Yes! Eat that. – What the f-? – Eat my pigeon. – I wanna speak to the manager of Candyland.

– Oh, you could go on the river. Maybe you should go that way. – I don’t think so. – Have a dunk. Come on. – Ohh. The cork hat’s going up. Don’t do this to me. – Edge it. Oh. – Oooooh! Bonk. Oh, yeah.

– That made me dizzy. That was too much camera work. – Ohh. – Michael Bay. – Rainbow over the castle. What is that made of? Balloons, plasticine? I don’t know. – It’s the gay castle where prince gay lives. – Okay. – Because there’s a little slit here that I could go through.

– That’s not a-, okay. – And then I think I could avoid this whole whirly gig anyway. – Go on, then. – Come on. – Ohh. Is he gonna get total wiped out? – Yes. Yes! – What the fuck? – That’s what I need to happen.

– Are you fucking joking? You didn’t mean that. Those balloons are so distracting. – Yes! – Sorry. – It begins. I just need to slunk this gently now. – Oh, that was perfect. – I wouldn’t say that was gentle. Someone put this pigeon back in the bird cage. – Right. Here we go. Oh, zoom him all around again. – Lovely. Taking my time.

– He’s taking his time with golf. – Fuck. – Many shots. And he’s missed the par. – Right. Get out the way. Oh yes. The curse is taking hold. – Oh, what. – Inflatables? Lovely. – Busy? No. – Wait, is that, that’s the hole there. – Yeah.

– I’m guessing that’s just a wall. – Yes, I think so. – Right. Ooh, what’s going on here? Oh, Phil’s allergic to greatness. – Got too excited. – Oh, choke harder. – It’s one of those digits. They’re all holding hands under ground. If I time this right,

I can smash all the way past the diglets. – Yeah, go on, do it. – Come on. Come on. Baby. – You crazy weirdo. – No! – Right. In the hole. Fuck off. Are you joking? In the hole. Fuck off. – I feel like that amount, three inches.

– Phil only needs three inches. – Yes! I got it. – It’s on par. Won’t do the job. – That was par. – Right. – Three inches which way? – What the fuck does that mean? – You were saying it wouldn’t do the job. – What the hell are you saying?

– I don’t know! – I’m feeling this locale. – I’ve got a strap. – That was not a strap. Not that. Do you think that hand is a bit of a red herring? It’s like in here. – No, I think it’s the entire herring. – It’s in here. – Up the ramp. Woo!

Okay, that was a lot less rampy than I thought it would be. Oh, it’s not over. – Oh, hello. – Look at this. – Damn. We should use a different song from our album for each hole. – We should. – You’ll get a little taster. – Are you enjoying this one? – Yeah.

– Right. I guess I am also just following you now. – Yeah. YouNow, remember that? – Okay. Oh, another suggestive finger. That’s what she said. – There she is. I’m gonna wait for the pipes to switch off and then zont it all the way. – The pipes. – Go on!

– That’s a fan. – Yes. More! This is the endless hole. – This level needs to shut up. – Calm down! – This level is yapping. – Maybe the pipes would’ve been helpful. Oh, oh. Ahh. – I almost did something amazing. – Are you still in the game? No. – And yet.

– Fuck. Hands off my duck. – I think that’s a pigeon. – I think it’s a duck. – What makes you think that’s a duck? – Oh, it’s a pigeon. Alright. – What the duck? – Whoop. I can’t even see what is happening. – Oh, dear. – Oh, there it goes.

– Don’t start. Oh yeah. Straight down. – Smooth. – Oh, right on the ridge. – Straight up the ramp at the side. – I’m lining it. I’m lining it up. – He’s lining it. Optimum out. Fuck. That was not even close to being good. – So you have to launch it then.

– Maximum speed. – Woo! – Oh, weak little ball. – What? – Look at you go there, you shit pigeon. – Woo! Fuck. Okay. Right somewhere in the middle there. – I thought I’d done maximum velocity myself there. You’ve gone all the way to Narnia. Right. Here we go.

Oh, no! No. No. Take it back! – Gold clap, everybody. – I take it back. Uh! – No rewinds here. Oh, get a fricking frack. – Who wants to get inside the VHS player now? – What? – No rewinds. – I’m not following your analogy from 30 seconds ago. – Full.

– You just watched me overshooting. What are you doing? – I don’t know what’s happening to me. – Phil’s gong giddy. He’s too excited by the music and his little hat. – Oh, that was, that was, that was beautiful. – Oh, straight in the sink. – That that was so good.

– Eight strokes. That’s all Dan takes. – About there, I think. – I love that you didn’t line it up with the hole at all. – No, I did. I wanted to give my duck a little experience. – All right. Ooh, I’m catching. – Philly’s still leading it though. – What the hell?

Right. Well, there’s only one way to do this right. – I bet if God is real, it’ll look something like this. You know what I mean? – Oh! If God is real, it will look like that? Just like a big DNA strand. – Well, people think it’s just like a dude.

But I think it’s gonna be like that. – You think it’s gonna look like Attack on Titan ancient amoeba vibe. – Ooh, ooh, ooh. Ah. We love it. – Oh my God. You’re in a perfectly straight line. – That was so straight. That was nothing like me. – Ooh! Oh! – Scooted.

– Come on. – Seems eager. – Oh, excuse-. We collided! Oh my God. It begins. – I sent you off on a mission. – It begins. Oh, we are not dealing with this shit. – He’s gone to Asda. Oh no. This is gonna send me over the edge.

– Oh, you did a little hop, there. Points for effort, little eagle. Into the mix. Oh, come on. – Ha ha ha ha. – My bird’s causing too much momentum. This one. – Oh dear! – Kiss. – Oh dear! Oh! – Fuck! No, no! – Oh, this is how it ends. – Sad!

– It ends two inches from the hole. – I’ve still got a bogey. – You didn’t even get it in. – Oh, I’m one behind now. – G. – I don’t think that was a G. – No, that was not a G. I’m going in. No!

– Oh, he went in and then he went back. – I went in and and out. – Great one. – I just can’t stop thinking about that video of that giant seal. – Oh fuck! – You really need to get in. – God, that slit is not wide.

– That’s my slit. That’s the really small one. – What was the logic there? You just sent yourself back to where you came from. – I need to get used to the power. I’m not used to my own- – Oh, you’ve only done this for 28 hours.

– I’m not used to my own strength. – Oh, gentille. Oh, yeah. If you fucking touch me, I swear to God I will break your toes in real life. – I’m gonna go straight into your hat and send it into the moon. – Stay away. – Perfectly lined up.

– To you shitting balloons out of your butt. – I am ready to put this whole. Ah, got it back. – Double. Imagine. – I got it back. Only two to pick up now. – It’s just such a wide slit. – Someone was saying you should get a piercing

Either side of the slit to like really accentuate it. – A slit frame? – Yeah. – Frame my slit? – A framed slit. – Eye brassle. Oh. I mean. – This is eager. This is like pop, pop, pop. Oh, he’s done it. – Ooh, okay, okay, okay, okay. Jazzy print.

It’s like a nineties bus in London. – Yep. Yep. – Well actually. – Oh no! – I didn’t full sail it. – Oh, I’m sailing. I’m sailing. – Oh shit. He’s supposed to be in the water. – I can jump. – Oh, now he’s on a fucking lazy river. What the fuck?

– Yes! There we go. – I thought you’d die when you go in the water. Shit! – No, I took a whole scenic route. – Oh, what about this? Oh shit. – Oh my God. You’re in the river. – Well. – It’s a double hole. It’s a double ender. – Ooh.

– You can either go to the top end or the bottom end. – I think I can arrange this. Come on! – Get the fuck out. – Ooh! – Shut up. – Yes! Ca-caw. – Right. No way am I gonna be able to do this. Fuck! That was so weak. – Dan is sailing. He is sailing. Oh no. Right on that corner. That’s not-

– Shut the front door. – Okay. – No! I’m going back to the previous hole. God dammit. – Six strokes. Does that mean recall again? – No. – Oh, I’m into lead! – Shit. – Yes! That is a headache and a half. – This is stressing me out. – I’m nervous of it.

– What ya gonna do? Quit? – I think I’m gonna leave. – Cry to your golf mum? – That’s gonna send it off though, so I should do it here. – Oh, he’s calibrating. The brain cells are twitching. Oh. – Don’t touch. Don’t touch, don’t touch. – Woo! – No!

– That is actually maybe better. – I get it. I get it. – Right. That like barely nudged. – It didn’t do much of a nudge, to be honest. No. – Oh, come on. I needed that. Well, those trees look like, um- – Uh, ice creams? – Ice creams – Calibrate.

Okay. Not, not that one. Gentle energy. – Alexa, who is the opposite of gentle energy? Fuck my fucking brick prick. – That was zero energy. Whoop. – Oh! – Right on the line. – Wee! Get in the corner. – This is such a troll level. – Get in the corner, you wally.

– No. – Come on. – Oh. Oh. You are on the moat edge. – Stay the fuck away. Okay. Thank you. – Yeet. – Oh God. – Hand off. Boop. Oh, okay. – Dan! Damn you! – Muah, ha, ha, ha. Go on then, my son. – Piss! – Perfect intensity.

– That’s it. That’s it. That’s it. Yes! Six strokes. I’m alright. We’re the same. Like with me, has your slit now given you kind of an empowerment to get a tattoo or something else? – Have you been empowered to get a tattoo by your slit? – I was a bit. I was like,

Oh, I’ve changed something about my body. What else could I do? – And what were you gonna get, Phil? – I’m not telling you. Google. Is it bad that’s the first thing I think of when I see a G? Gay! – Yeah. I went for My Chemical Romance. – I’m going.

Look at these whoopy cushions. – Is he thinking about the pattern? – I am. Up, up, up. Oh, I would’ve got it if I wasn’t so- Oh no, I’m on the boat. – Alas. – Get whacked. – You freaky little- – Oh my God. No! I’m gonna give you that. – I believe in you, Phil. You’ve got this. – Yes! Come on. Sail it in. – Oh! – It’s gonna be a hole in three. – The pidge missed by a smidge. – The pidge is wiggling too much.

There you go. No! – Oh God. – Oh, I hate this little teasing edge bit. – He cannot get it in. He is right by entrance, but he can’t find it. – That was painful for me. – Oh, Phil. How do you feel? – Oh my God. – What is that?

– That has been inflated. – Sonic! – Oh, stop you with Sonic. – Is that you? What did they do to him? My boy! – So I can either go left or right according to the hands of justice. I’m gonna go left. – Okay. – Oh! – Well, I’m actually mad

Because now you’ll be able to copy my strategy, which is to obviously go in a straight line through this slit. – What’s this? – I am on the fucking hot air balloon. – What? I didn’t know you could do that. – What? – It killed you. Oh, trap door hatch.

– So if I did that again, but just less. – I don’t know what it was meant to do. – I’m in the water now. Blob. I’m vibing. – I think you- – What! Why is that there? – I don’t know. Past the diglets. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. Oh, wiggle it. Come on!

– Oh. – Nearly the final wiggle. It’s broken. I don’t think it works. Yeah. – Oh, shit. Okay. – Double bogey. – Right. Well, I’m absolutely boned now. Mr. Bone. – Down the hatch. Did you ever go to soft play as a kid? And you just throw yourself down

One of these bouncy castles at full velocity and not even break a bone. And then you’d make a friend and then you’d never see them again for the rest of your life. – Hey Clive, who I spend the afternoon with. – Yeah. – What happened to him? – How’s Clive doing?

– Triple murder? Seven. Not bad. Considering how diabolical it started. – I’ve only got one measly point to get back. – This is a good song. – Do you know what? – I wish I could stream this on Spotify. – Wouldn’t it be great to go on Spotify

And just listen to this for three hours? Um. This is what the inside of some of my mind looks like. – You have a mind? – I do have a mind. – All right. Okay. I see what I could have done there.

– Did you ever go on a death slide when you were a kid? – Yes. – How did you feel about that? – Scared. – I went on one after a girl got concussion called Sarah Roy Sullivan. She went down too fast and went bom on the back of it. – Uh.

– So I had the extra fit. Woop woop. Yes. – Oh shitting geometry. Oh fuck. – Yes! Oh, perfect. – You actual- – Rejected! – Oh, imagine if I went all the way back up. – The steam was like, not today. – That’s the wrong way. – No, this is the right way!

– Oh! What happens if you get bopped by the hammer? Do you just become a flat ball? – You die in real life. Are you actually stroking my fricking pig. What is actually going on right now? Right. Get malleted. – Oh. Oh. That was almost full sex. – And yet. What?

Well, that was, I was, you know, straight sended it in. – Full sex? – Like sexual feeling moment. – Yeah. That way. Gone. – Shut up! – Phil’s favourite part. – Ah, tasty. We’ve been visited by a whole herd of magpies into the garden. I was trying to remember the song this morning.

– Ah, yes. – One for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy. – ‘Gender’, said the magpie. – And then I had to look up the rest and it was really weird. – What the actual fuck. – Magpie song. – I got fucking smacked.

– Squash. You need to slow down. – Oh fuck. This is how it ends. It’s over, people. With my hell, for some reason, having to listen to Phil explain. – It’s a Lancashire song, which is my roots. So you need to listen to this. – Don’t hit me.

– One for sorrow, two for joy. Three for girl, four for a boy. Five for silver, six for gold Seven for a secret never to be told. – Oh! – Do you want the rest? – How many verses are there? – Eight for a wish, nine for a kiss.

Ten for a surprise you should be careful not to miss. Eleven for health, twelve for wealth. Thirteen beware it’s the devil himself. – That’s a lot. – I know. – Look at this lovely castle. – When you went downstairs, one of ’em started pecking at- Oh, I didn’t mean to do that. It started pecking at the window. – What imp? Phil in an RPG would just be like a strange pixie with chaotic energy. – I think I would just always roll a critical 20 without realizing it. – Ha ha. – Ah-Huh? Kapow. – I’m gonna kapow you in a minute.

– Here we go. Oh no. – You got kapowed. Wa-wa. – It was the devil. – Fuck my fricking freckle! – Isn’t it hard? – God, that one spins you fast. – I told you it was a big spinner. I’m right way back here.

Only Dan is not on fire is not in the way. – Go on, then. Nudge me forward. No, I want to go around you. Yes. Lovely. Oh, there’s more. Oh my God. That is full fall guys, now. – Oop! Boing. – Stay away from me. – Look who I saw here. Ooh! Bonk.

– Oh, look at those. – Just a slit between them. – Oh, you have to do it really hard. That’s what the death silde was like, where Sarah got concussed. Well done. – Reverse your death slide trauma. – Oop. Yes! – If that goes in. Okay.

– Imagine if it plopped right in, then. – Ooh yeah. – Oh yeah. – Ow. I’ve got ground to cover after that flop round. Right. Hole 13 unlucky for some. Why do I hit Cannon Fire? What’s going on? – This is intense. We’re approaching the castle. Wow. – Wow! – There’s a lot. There’s a lot going on on this one. – Oh, he’s pissing. – Out of his hands? – Yep. That’s how gingerbread people work. Do you know nothing about anatomy? – I did not know. Do you usually go for the head first?

– When eating a ginger perso-,bread, man? – Yes. I go for the head first, because that’s all the best bits on it. Like the chocolate eyes and all that. Here we go. Whoop. – Bonk. – Bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk. – This balloon trail is obnoxious. – I think it represents the birthday,

Which I’m still having today. – Okay. Yep. Yep. – Oh, that’s making me want to piss. – Can you go up that, do you reckon? – Yeah. – Ohh. – No! Fuck. – Are you gonna get it between his legs. – Yeah. Right through the slit. Go on. There we go. Oop. No!

Oh, I did what you did. – What the fuck? Life is unfair. – That’s alright. – Malcolm in the middle. – That was nice, Daniel. I’ll give you that. Hole in one. Please. Come on. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. – God damn it.

I really need Phil to pork it on one of these other ones. – I know. I’m gonna be fully… golfing. – Woo. – Jim Henman. Come on. – Jim Henman? Jim Henson? Tim Henman? – Tim Henman. – Right. – The tennis player. – Forty five degree angle. Ooh.

– Let me into the castle. No! Are you having a game? How did you do that? Into the castle. – Oh, no. Get your goose out. You need to go down. – You need to to go down into the- – Higher angle. You weren’t high enough last time. Psych. Wait. – Yes! – That actually helped. – Come on. Come on, come on. – Stop for some reason. – Ssss. Are you having a jame? There we go. – Ooh!

– Oh, it’s close. Four left. All to play for. – What the hell? – That was a pretty strong start. – Ooh, okay. Okay. Copying me? – Yes! You got really far. – Fuck! – Oh. Oh. – This guy. – Delicious. – You’re the person whose character is just all luck.

– I’ve got charisma. I think I’ve got a charisma and luck. Oh, we liked that. That was lovely. – Gosh darn. – Oh my. There’s another God down there. Look at that. – Oh my! – Bye. – Why does-? What have I done? Don’t. – I’m just going maximum speed, maximum luck again.

– Beep. – Oh oh oh. – Get sliced. – Like strike down the- (Australian accent) Straight down the middle, mate. – (Australian accent) Straight down the middle. Straight down the bloody middle of the God, God hole. – (Australian accent) Can you believe we’ve got this golf going on? Killed it. – Stop. No.

– Oh my God. Return to the start. – No! – Return to the start. – Don’t. Oh my fucking God. – Now. What! What was that little bump it did? There must be a little lumpy bit there. – Now what the fuck am I doing?

Come on. Come on. Get me around the corner. Oh, you need to go right a bit. – Yes. – And yet no. Fuck. I knew that would happen. Fuck. – Uh oh. He’s in. – I’m gonna have to just do absolute insano math. – What! That was. That was a goodie. – Ooh!

– Well done. – What are we on? – Oh, I’m still behind. – Clawing back a little bit. – Phil had to think for a moment whether he was winning or losing. – No, I didn’t. – Yes, you did. – Choose your hole. Do you want the ball? – Golf!

Do you the man or do you want the stick? Oh, okay. I’m gonna go for the stick. – The tee. – The tee. – The stick – No! it was the joker. – Wa-wa. Right. I reckon they want us to go this way in this time. Wait. – Uh-uh. – Shat. – Ready?

– Oh, for God’s sake. – Getting a bit sinister this level, now. What are these faces? Why are we getting mystery doors? What’s this all leading to? No! – Fuck. Oh my God. – Well, that’s not gonna help, anyway. – Karma. – You’ve not done yours yet. – You copied me twice already. – Mm. – Yes. Into the man. – Ooh. – Ooh. Oh, they’re all slots that come out. It looks like mine was the worst one. He’s in. – Oh! – Oh. The answer was stick. – Time for Phil to nine it. – Hole in one, please. Come on. Swish around.

– We love it. – Don’t do this to me. Don’t do this to me. – Oh my God. Look at my little pigeon wobbling in there. – Fuck. Oh my God. Something terrible’s gonna happen. Manifesting it. Manifesting. – Two left. That was-, what? That was good. – Oh, yeah. Ooh.

– What a chaotic world. No! Pig! – Diglett. – Oh, no. – Please leave me alone. Now what the fuck do I do? – Do you think if you were a person, you could make it just through this without dying? – Mm, No. No I don’t. – Really?

– I think I would die. Yeah. Why, do you think you could? – I think I could. Come on. Gently. Gently. – I really needed to not mess up that last one. – We got it. We got it. We got it. – I’m in the worst place ever. – Oh, okay. Okay.

– Okay. I can work with that. – There’s the- – I’m back where I was. – Yes. – God dammit. – Light it up. Come on, Dan. It’s funny that you’re just called Dan. – Ooh, okay. Send it. – Ooh. That’s very intimidating, isn’t it? I feel like this is our final challenge.

Wow. Oh! – Oh, here we go. – What a lovely ending. – Come on. Oh. Ooh. Yeah. There we go. Right. Backwards into that pink hole. – Look at that hole. Right. Okay. – That’s where you need to go. – No, I’m going this way. (mumbles) I’m overwhelmed. Ah! Okay. Yes. Yes.

– The luck stat. The luck stat. No critical thinking was done there. – Swim swiminey, swim swiminey, swim swim, swim swim. – He didn’t notice that there were only three spines on each one. – Final round. – Shit. – Can you beat Phil? It’s looking unlikely. – Oh my God.

– Oh, look at this. I love this level. This is my favorite one. – Maximum yeet? – Medium yeet. Oh, whoa. Oh my God. Oh my God. Pitching. Oh, so close. That was beautiful. – There’s no way I can win. – Imagine if I dropped it in that hole.

I’ll give you an extra point if you get a hole in one. Here he goes. (sings tune) Oh! Oh! Oh my God. Ah. He’s back in the water. Half this video is just gonna be you bouncing around in a boat. – Twenty minutes later. – Oh, oh, oh. – Oh for fuck’s sake. – Woop. I’m in. I survived the ordeal. Which means… Yes! I did it. I feel like it’s only right that I won on such a Phil level. That was fun. – How much was that improved

By having a bendy pigeon on your head? – I, I think that gave me extra powers and also filled me with hope and determination. – I do feel like this being the video we did immediately after I got a wide slit carved into my head was a bold choice.

– It was bold, but I think it worked. Wow. I’m in a good mood now. If you enjoyed any of the beats that you were listening to, well, – Listen to them. – you should check out- – Recreationally. – Dan and Phil Beats. Our musical endeavor. – Why not? – Over on Spotify

– Feel like you’re listening to two guys yapping about slits as you’re trying to just get on with your life. – End screen. If you enjoyed our golfing adventures, give us a subscription and you will feel green with joy. Watch our last video where we delved into my deep TikTok lives.

– That’ll give you some serotonin, for sure. – Yeah. And have a lovely day. – Until next time you. – What happens if we combine the colors? Oh no. – The void of nothingness.


  1. the songs are great btw, haven't listened to them all just yet but love the ones I've heard so far! I haven't able to pick a favorite yet, and honestly idk that I'll be able to. really excited to put these on while I work on assignments and whatnot 🙂

  2. “younow. remember that?” don’t remind me!!! younow gives me chills.. that was a place where innocence went to DIE!!! except when yall would go live and crash the website so i wouldn’t be subjected to weirdos anymore🤝🏼

  3. as if dap didn’t already leak into every aspect of my life, NOW THEY GET TO INVADE MY SPOTIFY WRAPPED!!!! 💖💕🤍🎀💗💚💜

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