Golf Players

Anthony Kim Returns To Pro Golf, Talor Gooch Sounds Off On Rory McIlroy, the Masters, Mitch’s Golf

The gold world has been on pins and needles for the return of Anthony Kim, and we get it this Weekend at LIV Golf Jeddah. The former budding superstar fell into oblivion, but is making his comeback. Talor Gooch had some interesting quotes about Rory McIlroy’s potential win this year at Augusta, and Ronald Rugumayo gets a warm welcome from his fellow country upon being the first golfer from Uganda to ever make the cut on a PGA Tour sanctioned event. Plus Fairway or Fore.

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Big Drive energy Wednesday it’s a remote show today Mitch is traveling we’re g to talk about this man right here Anthony Kim making his return to professional golf on the Liv tour Jetta in this in Saudi Arabia this weekend no shock there uh Taylor gu also had some interesting

Comments regarding the Masters Rory mroy we’re going to discuss the match and we’re also going to talk about Ronald rugam Mayo’s return back to Uganda pretty cool scene there for the first Ugandan player to ever make the cut also have as we do every single Wednesday a fairway or four all right

Let’s teed it up how’s it going brother all the way across the country again um playing golf in Charleston how was that how how’s the little mini start of the trip been since I saw you um the golf has been good well so we played yesterday yesterday at

Stono fery which is our buddy Oliver’s home course um very tough track a lot of fun but it’s It’s a Grind especially for not having played golf in a while so uh it was a it was a good time I mean I could have played better I could have

Played worse um I’m G to be posting some Tik toks and some content that we made so we played with Oliver’s buddy his named jacqu Wilson and he’s a very good player uh he’s like like so he actually played in the barol classic last year I think he

Won I think he won the barol classic I think they want it um him and his teammate he he he said he was like a plus 6.8 um at one point when he was playing in the Barcelo classic so the dude can just move it he hits it a long way and

He’s just really doesn’t have any holes in his game like I I really didn’t think too much about his round yesterday and I think he bogy the last hole to shoot two on on a day that you know I think I probably shot about 80 and I think oler

Probably shot about 78 or 80 like it it was blowing 20 30 miles an hour um and he just ho home two underpar like very very tough day so yeah it was a lot of fun play with them but I want to I want to talk a little bit real quick we need

To discuss some things because I was blowing up your phone about my Uber ride to the airport yesterday or was it yeah just yesterday morning or no no it was Monday morning Monday morning God I was like if that’s only yesterday then this world is going by too slow

Well dude I I don’t know what day it is anymore um but I was texting you about my Uber driver and this dude so first of a couple things uh the Uber driver was like the slowest Uber driver I’ve ever had in my entire life um he I’ve never seen somebody

Want to follow further behind every single car than he and he was like sitting in the fast lane and I would see a car like he he was legitimately following 15 car links behind and when they would break up there he would break every single time I’m like what are we

Doing here bro and and in the middle of my Uber ride out to the airport because I usually leave you know I think I left an hour like two I left the house two hours before my flight with the intention of getting there about an hour

And a half an hour 20 beforehand um I get a text from DIA in the middle of my Uber ride that security lines are extremely long and to allow more time at the airport and to get there early I’m like you text me literally two hours

Before my flight saying I need to get there earlier like it’s already too late you know that’s got to be just a like such a bad scenario when you’re sitting in the Uber you’ve already called it there’s no there’s no going back there’s no going faster you’re not gonna talk to

This dude and be like hey I wish you would speed it up a little bit my the security lines are long you’re just trapped nothing but trapped right there oh dude so I started to like go on tilt a little bit I started to fly off the

Handle like in my own brain obviously I’m not going to be a dick to the Uber driver but in my own head I I just started to panic a little a little bit so then I get to the airport and have you have you been to the new security

Dia yes I think I think I went West security West uh never eat soggy waffles I no I I don’t know I don’t know if I’ve been through the full news security I do know no it wasn’t a Dia there was somewhere where I went through one of the body

Scanners where it was very new compared to like the ones that trap you all the way in like it was definitely new technology but I think that was in Las Vegas so I’m not entirely sure okay well so the new West security legitimately is and it actually seems very efficient like once they

Figure it out but I’m not kidding you when I say that um it was so bad so I I get dropped off at West security the line looks crazy long so then I so I’m TSA pre-check and clear so I was like there’s got to be a shorter line

Somewhere else because like North security is closed right now so only west and south are open so then I walk over to the South security and the line is legitimately wrapping you know those restaurants on the side like where you’re walking the line is past the restaurants like going

Towards like the middle of airport it was probably 250 to 300 people long and I start like myself cuz I’m like I my flight’s in an hour and 20 minutes and so then I go back up to the West security and the line is probably 5 to 600 people long for pre-check and

Clear um I’m like what the is going on right now I was panicking I was like I I had almost kind of come to terms with just the fact that I was going to miss my flight I was like this is not going to happen luckily the line moved

Like it was so weird because it was like a line of probably 600 people but we never stopped moving like we started we we probably walked like a quarter mile just back and forth like you know how they have the rows of um that you organize people

With of the ropes and we were just walking through wines of ropes for like 15 to 20 minutes straight just to get ultimately to security so I ended up making it through thank God and I got to the gate like 10 minutes before we were boarding um but that was stressful that

Was a nightmare and then Landing the plane uh was also a little stressful it was not the smoothest ride in the world because I think we were heading straight into the wind and there was a few times when you know when you feel like your stomach drop like when the plane like

Drops quickly with like the wind and dude terrifies me every time oh dude I honestly don’t I don’t really think twice about flying until I have like a rough flight and then I’m like I understand why people don’t like doing this because your life is in the

Hands of some random pilot up there and you are 30 feet 30,000 feet in the air like there’s and it it’s funny because everyone you know there’s a stat that says flying is safer than driving which is technically true but when you drive and and you get in an accident there’s a

Million scenarios where you don’t die when you are flying and you get into an accident there’s zero scenarios where you you’re not dead like the if the everybody yeah everybody’s dying so that definitely flashed through my head a time or two on the flight out dude there’s nothing worse than that when

You’re in the plane and all of a sudden you’re you just start second guessing everything once again just like the Uber Uber where you’re trying to get to the airport earlier and have no choice to yeah in the plane there’s nothing you can do I mean you can be like some of

The psychos we’ve seen on the news the last couple of weeks and just try to exert yourself out the exit door or do whatever but it’s h it’s it’s a trapped feeling and there’s nothing you can do about it exactly and then uh my so I I

Buy the Wi-Fi on almost every flight and I’m so sick of United’s like they say I pay $8 for the Wi-Fi it says you have streaming it says you have all this I can’t even load a podcast on my phone I couldn’t load anything that I didn’t already have downloaded

I’m like why did I buy this wi-fi if I’m not going to be able to use it for anything so I was just pissed off kind of the entire flight luckily it went by pretty quick Landing was a little rough but then uh just got back to Oliver’s

House the other night we grilled out had some drinks of course stay up a little too late and then played golf yesterday at like 1 1:15 or so and it it is so we’re playing golf again today at like 1:15 and I think it is probably my

Favorite tea time out of all tea times like it is you can wake up do whatever you need to do in the morning like Oliver is working a little bit I’m doing the Pod you can shower you can have some food and you can get to the course and

Like an hour early warm up a little bit hit some balls hit some putts and then you’re still done golfing by like 5:30 6 o’clock and I think that is probably well we discuss this afternoon is like my least favorite time of day especially when like it’s kind of dragging on it’s

Monotonous so filling my afternoon with golf is the perfect thing because I hate playing golf in the morning and being done by like noon and then what do you do with the rest of your day you’re tired you don’t want to do anything I would rather finish my day with golf

Than start it with golf yeah it definitely now that you put it in that light I think it’s definitely more of because after it’s it always amazed me the guys now granted all the retired guys that would come out and play at the course they’re playing at 8

9 10 o’clock then having a few afternoon beers then probably going home and taking a nap before they they eat dinner yeah but in the real world when you’re not retired you can’t just be waking up at you know 8:00 a.m. going and playing golf coming home at noon one o’clock and

Then not doing anything the rest of the day I mean on your day off yes of course but just overall that’s not a realistic thing so 115 is great I guess we have to kind of preface it with the time of the year like what time does the sun go down

There right now um I think it’s around 6 o’ but overall it was is just the perfect tea time the perfect day yeah dude the afternoon is is quite the time to be able to play golf uh I enjoy a little bit later in the day I would say

But that’s also with the caveat when it’s if it’s a summer day and it’s light till almost nine o’clock I think a three o’clock is perfect for me because then it feels like I can get enough of a day in at work and still go play golf and

Then I’m done around seven a little late dinner but it’s still light out and even though I I will never condone I think it’s just the the Course Pro in me I will never condone the fighting the last few holes bringing the carts in at dark like it’s fine I

Actually enjoy if if we’re walking I think we did that well maybe did we do that at city park once where we were walking but we were like one of the last people in we were the last group to finish 18 but we were walking yes yeah that

Part doesn’t bother me but when we have carts when we have motor carts that’s what my uh that’s what Inverness calls them by the way like when you sign up for a tea time they call them motor carts because I guess you know they’ve got push carts and I guess they really

Want to differentiate the difference between a cart that drives and a cart that you push with your body and doesn’t have a any sort of engine to it but I like to take my mot but I don’t like to be the last one in with the mot are you

Positive that they don’t have like push cards that have Motors in them could that be what it you know they’re talking about a golf cart yeah because there’s no there’s no other option there’s push PC and MC when you when you add to the tea time and that’s

All we got okay huh that’s uh yeah that seems very British sounding yeah exactly so I like to take micott but I like to be in around seven then it’s perfect time to have a few more drinks or or eat outside on the patio and it’s warm and

Then be able to be done with the day but yeah I’ve never thought about it that way in terms of I love I do love playing golf in the morning because Morning Golf the first thing about it is the golf course is in the best shape it’s been it

It will be all day yeah so that part of is the peak shape you’re going to get is the de sweeping first couple of tea times greens are freshly moan the whole place has just seems Serene and quiet CU sometimes in the afternoon evenings there’s so many people crowding the

Course and everybody’s like trying to get done that it almost seems like a stacked up F1 race or something of everybody trying to get to the Finish Line before dark but the morning the quietness usually it’s a little chilly sometimes which I don’t particularly love that’s why I’m also that was that’s

One of my pros and cons that goes to the afternoon but the golf course and the shape that the golf course is in at the end of the night isn’t always the best so I think that’s the only real downfall for me but we used to play so many

Morning rounds and then work afterwards those are days from hell and we’re very first world problemy saying like that like oh I got to go play free golf at my course and then work in the Pro Shop from one to nine and we can get into the depths of why that really is

Ass and and what sucked about it but overall that’s a first world problem still not near as good as banging out a little work in the in the beginning of the day getting off and then getting out off work and then going to the golf course thank you for specifying what

You’re getting off of um yeah I would just much rather wake up early to get to work early to get out of work early and play golf then wake up early to play golf to get to work late to stay at work late like I think that is the most

Logical way to put that yeah if you if you’re playing Morning Golf there’s a got to be a nap guaranteed guaranteed nap time in there else it’s not not gonna happen I mean we’re not like the Boomers that are built different like do you remember one of our old members would literally be

There at the golf course before we were there and he would go like walk nine or 18 holes and then he would go he’s like yeah heading to work I’m like what is your deal man like do you have an extra gear that I’m not aware of where you built differently because that

Is not something that sounds tantalizing to me whatsoever well I will say uh you know you you have a girlfriend I’m very early into my marriage but I think some point there gets to be a point where the dudes are like do not want to be around their

Home or their wives and I think that that extra gear kicks in very easily when you don’t want to be around your wife you can go to the golf course then go straight to work I think that’s I think that’s part of it that’s very true

Well so this this is a funny story we used to have that group of like 12 older guys uh out at Spring Valley and legitimately no matter what the weather was they would all show up every day like they would show up if there was six inches of snow on the ground because

Like you said they wanted to get out of their house at all costs they didn’t care what the weather was they didn’t even play plan on playing golf that day they just wanted to get out of the house more than anything so yes I think once you get older that definitely

Contributes to it because a lot of these guys are like I just want to go hang out with my boys and like I I don’t want to sit at home and have my wife tell me a million things I need to do around the house I’m getting out of here

So I get that like I don’t blame them especially especially when you’re retired like and you got nothing else to do I would just show up at the club too I mean you know have a cup of coffee with your your buddies and that’s still a pretty darn good day yeah

Exactly that’s still better than a day sitting at home watching probably prices right or oh yeah Family Feud show hate game shows family feuds the best of all of them for sure no it’s the most cringy of all of them but anyway all right well whatever let’s

Talk a little bit about the return of Anthony Kim this week uh kind of it was there was an interesting tweet yesterday that was like the only thing that we haven’t seen of Anthony Kim in the last two to three weeks leading up to his

Return as a wild card I love how they call them wild cards instead of free agents in at Liv just another just another CL Touch of Class there a touch of excitement not really class but I don’t know what else to call it uh he

Will be competing as a wild card for the rest of the season hoping to earn a team spot for 2025 but they haven’t shown his face and when you haven’t seen somebody’s face in 12 years like I don’t see my son’s face for seven hours some days and I feel

Like it changes I can only imagine 12 years of being quote unquote retired from the game of golf so and somebody was like they tweeted you know you haven’t seen Anthony Kim’s face and you’re going to be shocked when you do or something to that effect and then he

Like got a bunch of responses from people that were like what are you talking about this is weird what happened to him did he go into fire and then he said he’s like this tweet was way more ominous than it needed to be it just meant that you know you hadn’t seen

His face and he definitely does look older looking at some of the pictures that were posted today but what are you excited what’s your overall excitement level for the return of Anthony Kim because I’ll revisit some of his stats here in a little bit but this guy was

Considered the next Tiger Woods tiger was still in his prime but 0809 2010 right before he quote unquote retired from the game of golf this guy was the next the chosen one yeah so what he was definitely the guy that was the the you know Tiger Woods had his

Issues obviously on and off the course this guy was also a Nike guy which was huge because he was going to be the next one to carry that Nike golf brand throughout he had a couple of high finishes in the Masters he had a couple of top 10 finishes in open

Championships uh it was just he was the next one ready to win that major and ready to become the king of the world and then kind of fell off and he did mention he said there’ll be a time when I’m ready to tell my story right now I’m

Just ready to whoop some ass so that kind of got me a little fired up okay so Anthony Kim I I think in my opinion it’s a little overhyped him coming back I I almost think it’s somewhat of a a fairy tale that has been told for so long

Because uh we haven’t seen the dude play golf for over a decade so it’s really easy it’s it’s a game of telephone you you remember playing that when we were little kids where somebody tells you one thing and then they tell it to the next person the next person and I honestly

Think that’s kind of like what the Bible is hypothetically I don’t want to I don’t want to go into that deep um but it’s just a oh I see what you’re saying the concept of the Bible yes yeah okay the story told over and over again

And it CH like the versions change every you know and it it becomes more grandiose with every single time that it’s reset and I almost feel like that’s what Anthony Kim’s career was because he’s just like a lot of kids our age uh Roman Empire um he everybody wonders

What he could have been and that is something that you everybody goes through in life like you have a relationship and it probably went terribly but you’re like God you just feel like it it had this potential to to be something or you know what when you played High School baseball and thought

You were the the man and you were like God if I would have just played baseball and if I wouldn’t have partied and just stuck with it that’s like Anthony Kim’s career for a lot of these golf fans so I honestly think his expectation is almost unrealistic that a

Lot of people have set for him because he hasn’t played competitive golf in 12 years and even if you’re playing money games or whatever it’s still not playing on tour like it’s going to take time to get your game back to that point but I guarantee you like I was talking to

Jacqu yesterday on the golf course and he goes I’m gonna watch live just to watch Anthony Kim play again and I was like that’s probably gonna be a lot of golf fans so and then there’s also G to be a group of golf fans like kids our

Age that just recently got into golf like during covid and they’re like who’s this Anthony Kim guy like you know what I mean it’s there’s definitely going to be two different groups grp of guys uh and just fans women whoever fans of golf that are like who’s this Anthony

Kim dude and why is everybody like hyping him up like crazy and that’s when you got to go back to the YouTube highlights and like I showed my girlfriend Anthony Kim YouTube highlights that’s just the kind of uh he’s like Tavon he’s like the Tavon Austin of pro golf like you just feel

Like there was so much there and he never really reached what he was capable of and you know I mean what is he in his late 30s at this point mid to late 30s I don’t think he’s going to like Peak again and compete at Majors or anything

It’s just more of a fun story and let’s be real that’s what Liv is looking for is a fun story a good storyline a reason to get eyeballs on their their tournaments so well he is the perfect live player because as much as we do love live live love laugh we also know

What it is and what it needs to have for legitimacy and I think it’s reach a point where yes ROM coming over to the tour helped but overall its legitimacy is kind of peaked I think at this point and and unless the the tours somehow merge or the players somehow start

Playing against each other more in different sort of events Majors is kind of what gives them legitimacy legitimacy sill but the overall peak of Liv has is g to is going to be plateaued at some point I don’t know what the is going on in my brain clearly I haven’t

Woken up yet you have two brain cells just rubbing together yeah they’re starting a little fire right now all right let me get back to real quick Anthony Kim and talk about just how good he was because he is the perfect live player he’s somebody that has taken the

Golf world by storm I don’t know how many players that haven’t played in 12 years could just drop in and create a buzz for from everyone not Liv tour PGA Tour players former PGA Tour players the whole media everybody is in on the Anthony Kim story so he’s a a true he’s

A true wild card what he’s a true wild card in multiple different ways like he’s literally a wild card and he is figuratively a wild card on the live tour yeah because he could easily shoot 90 but people are going to watch him shoot 90 and the live tour he shoots 90

I think that the live just needs to be cancelled next week like they just well dude they no because we watch enough look at the guys that are out there come on J Jed jediah Morgan there’s there’s your guy I’m gonna pick on him again he sucks he’s

Horrible I’m just saying he’s not gonna shoot 90 he might shoot he and that’s the other thing too I think obviously there’s extremes on both sides because everyone’s like oh he could be this good like he could shoot 65 he could shoot 90 and and it’s like guess what he’s

Probably going to shoot around even par maybe a couple over par it everybody just loves to look on just the extreme ends of both spectrums where I just think that it’s it’s been talked about too much now we finally just need to it’s like I’m making a lot of comparisons on this pod

But it’s like every football fan you you have a long enough offseason in like the summertime where you start talking yourself into like ridiculous ideas of either your team’s somehow a Super Bowl Contender or your team’s going to win two games that year and guess what they’re probably not going to do either

Of those things they’re probably G to be somewhere in the middle of that so but when you have nothing to base it off of and you’re just you’re you’re caught up in the hype then you you start getting pulled in these like outrageous directions that probably are not going

To really come to fruition oh fruition I’m having a tough time of it this morning buttery crispy flake buttery crispy flake I did have a couple of Game Changers last night I had two of those with uh real quick this is very off topic but Spencer do you remember

The game changers at home team yeah they slap the tits off your body yes they uh so it’s like a they make adios look like they’re an NA Bev I I would yes I would agree because I had two of them and I was like on the verge of blacking like I

Had to come home and drink a cup of coffee so I was trying to stay up for the Avalanche game but uh I had a couple of those and then we get Sailor Jerry’s floated on top of them and that is just like the ultimate bottom of the barrel

I I got like a one single Swig it was just Sailor Jerry’s because it’s like a frozen drink so the liquor sits on top not all the liquor but some like you can get a floater on top and I just ripped a shot of Sailor Jerry’s and I

Was like I felt like I was 18 again it was terrible um but yeah that’s that was the the home team scenario if you’re ever out in South Carolina in Charleston there’s a barbecue spot called home team I’m G to bring it up on my Fairway or 4 a little bit later uh

But you have to check out home team barbecue one of the best barbecue spots and I I just love Carolina Barbecue in general it’s a lot less sauses and a lot more like spices and so if you’re into that kind of thing check out home team barbecue no free ads home team

Barbecue so you’re mildly excited about Anthony Kim there’s people out there obviously that are very excited there’s people that don’t know who he is like pretty much we’re kind of the end of golf fans in terms of age that know who he is anybody younger than 26

27 right now they’d had to be like nine or 10 years old and seriously paying attention to professional golf which I highly doubt is the case so here’s some Anthony Kim stats for you let me see if he’s get you Juiced up at all just just

To remember just to I feel like you were going to give me these stats 15 minutes ago so yeah let’s get to it well yeah until you started fumbling over your words and then talking about game changers at home team I was I was ready

All right so won he these stats he’s won three times on the PGA tour uh he’s finished six in the money list and fourth in the FedEx Cup standings in 2008 eight top 10 finishes including six top three finishes he spent 20 weeks inside the world top 10 with a career-high of

Number six after winning the wacovia championship that’s a back in the day scenario and A and AT&T National and he’s got 15 career Major starts with a third best finish as a third place at the 2010 Masters where he finished behind Phil mikkelson and Lee Westwood

So top three all current Live players it would be insane to think that in 2008 you said or excuse me 2010 13 years from now the three top finishers at this Masters will be playing in a offshoots golf league around the world in Saudi Arab an alternate Golf League in offshoots gol

Some Saud ARF League that’s insane but he also currently still holds the record for most birdies in a round at Augusta National with 11 which is absolutely absurd and he’s got two top 10 finishes in the Open Championship once in ’08 and once again in

2011 so he’s also he’s won a Ridder cup he’s been on a President’s Cup he it it really is insane he’s got the the University of Oklahoma scoring lowest scoring average record so he’s after you know after that that career right there is a borderline like not it’s not a Hall

Of Fame career but it’s a he’s better than he’s better than 95% of I would say the of the people that teed up in the Mexico open maybe Tony feno has had a better career well definitely Tony fow has had a better career than Anthony Kim and you

Look down the rest of that leaderboard and he’s better than everybody there yeah maybe Matt coocher did coocher play in the Mexico open because C there’s there’s a few veterans I think that played in it that are no longer relevant um but I I see what you’re getting at

There I mean yes he he could jump back out on tour and still have had a better career than 95% of the dudes that are out there right now but I think we should kind of segue this into Taylor gu’s comments because we know how SE segregated separated whatever not

Segregated I I don’t even know if that’s correct but uh the two tours are so separate right now and there’s a lot of Talent on both but ultimately we’re missing the you know the Complete product where everybody in the world playing the best golf is playing against

Each other so Spencer do you have that quote on you read that off so that just the one from yesterday or all the dumb that Taylor gu has said over the past three years well I mean yeah throw some of that in there because that can kind of qualify

The statement he made yesterday Okay so yesterday Taylor G said oh man wrong wrong post great podcasting coming up here for all of you oh my God we should just I thought I was there and then I wasn’t there you’re getting there I’m slowly getting there do you want me

To try to find it no I got it okay we’re we’re here I see you scrolling on Twitter so you’re lying to me I’m not on Twitter I’m scrolling through our messages here oh okay basically Taylor G said something to the effect of if Rory wins completes

The Grand Slam and wins a masters and so then he will have won all four majors he says there should be an asteris asteris next to it um because the a lot of the Live players are not in the Masters so I mean that kind of I think it has some

Legitimacy behind it um but also at the same time you can only beat who’s in the field like look at the guys you know 50 years ago that played at Augusta there was probably legitimately four or five guys in each one of those fields that could have won that week because that’s

How much less deep those fields were back in the day but there’s no asterisk dude that might be one of the hardest words in the English language for me to get out asterisk there’s no asterisk next to a lot of these guys wins because you’re legitimately playing the field that you

Know that qualified there’s nothing you can do about who you’re playing against all you can do is beat him so having said that I don’t think Rory’s going to win a masters ever um I don’t think he’s going to complete the grand slam it doesn’t matter matter if he’s playing against the

Augusta put Pitch Drive Chip and Putt Allstar team like I don’t think he’s gonna win a masters regardless he’s I think mentally he’s too much in a pretzel about it and it will go down is one of the biggest like travesties of all time that Rory maroy will never have

A green jacket uh but I think it’s going to happen honestly so tillor gu’s comments are a little unfounded to me because we we’re not even going to have to have that scenario it’s not going to happen yeah well so here’s the exact quote after um some digging some serious

Digging if Rory quote if Rory mooy goes and completes his grand slam without some of the best players in the world there’s just going to be an asterisk it’s just the reality I think everybody wins whenever the majors figure out a way to get the best players in the world

There and clearly he’s talking about himself mostly and I think there’s also some salt in the wound considering that waen Neiman has now been invited to this year’s Masters but as we spoke about on the Pod a week ago when we found out about Neiman getting invited Neiman took

The steps to go play in other tour events and play outside of the live tour exclusively and gu has not really done that I think I saw the the Tweet he played in one event in like very Eastern Europe or somewhere over maybe he was in

Asia somewhere and he got like t42 in the one event he played outside of the Liv tour so for that part of it that myth is debunked that it was walking Neeman winning on the Liv tour and being such a good player on the Liv tour that

He got invited he went and took steps out of his way and then the best part about quotes like this is all the clever comments from people that that and things that people do just on the Internet is the internet’s a wonderful place but one of the comments here and

That quote was on nuclear golf who’s one of our favorite follows on Twitter follow them at nclr golf all caps follow us as well at Big Drive energy but Jeff Wartman tweeted the best players in the world will be there Taylor gu just isn’t one of them and then there was a whole

Instagram thread from zy which was also hilarious to me so people going to someone’s Wikipedia page is one of like the most loow hanging fruits you can do but also very hilarious so Shane bacon just tweeted or these are some quotes regarding Taylor Gucci’s comments Shane bacon tweeted just realized we got to

Put an asteris next to the 97 Masters win in the 2000 US Open win because Taylor gu wasn’t in those fields either sorry tiger and then the Wikipedia page they have his live golf wins with asterisks and at the very bottom it says asterisk Rory maroy not in field and

Then this tweet that I sent that is now posted as well Twee Mitchell Taylor gu makes a good point I’ve been giving him credit for winning Liv last year but it turns out most of the top players weren’t in those tournaments so maybe he actually

Sucks and then uh the last one was a Reddit post this would have been such a cool moment if gu was in the field and it was Phil Mickelson handing the green jacket over to Tiger Woods about way back in the day so Taylor G is catching

A lot of heat and rightfully so from the golf heads because he is winning on what many consider an illegitimate tour and he’s but he has been playing some of the best golf in on the planet right now whether you know you believe the live tour is legit or you believe those

Players are still any good but this doesn’t help his case because he’s already made the comment about he made the comment last year about Ridder cups and stuff like that where he said with Dustin Johnson and Patrick Reed right next to him I’ve never played in a

Ridder cup but I got him imagine the electricity is somewhere at this level and like Dustin Johnson’s face if you just look at Dustin Johnson he’s like yeah and he starts trying to look around to try to maybe not laugh Patrick Reed even as as scummy as that

is he was like he was like trying to smirk and not laugh so Taylor gu doesn’t have a history of making good comments but he’s a guy that the live tour needs from that perspective where he’s putting his money where his mouth is and and keeps winning was the player

Of the year last year on that tour and I do believe he they should get into majors at some point but the asterisk part of it is going too far I think your comment was one of the best when you were like you said it just now and we’re

Definitely clipping that but Rory’s not going to win The Masters at all it and I fully believe that and like that that would only be an issue if Rory’s actually going to win a green jacket which he’s not going to do he’s going to shoot even or one over on Thursday he’s

Going to shoot even one under two under make the cut by one or two on Friday then Saturday he’s going to shoot 77 then Sunday morning he’s going to birdie seven of the first eight holes be like five within the lead and then finish like eight or nine back of the of the

Eventual winner that’s how it’s going to go down just like every year he’s the king of um being out of contention on Sunday at a major and then shooting like a career tying round underpar and somehow sneaking into the top 10 but I legitimately don’t think

He’s going to win a masters ever again so or ever he hasn’t done it so how can I say again but uh yeah Taylor gu honestly you know like Phil Mickelson and a lot of these guys have made a lot of money off of Liv has anybody carried

More water for the live tour than Taylor gu who’s a guy that’s making significantly less than all these other dudes like he’s he’s looking he he’s like the the new um you know first year sales associate that’s trying to make a name for himself with

Corporate so he he goes out of his way to really whenever he can like and he he just rides the live tour and I mean like you said the live to or needs guys like that but uh I think a lot of the other dudes like like you

Said the Dustin Johnson’s and the Patrick Reeds and of the world are looking around like yeah I mean we’re over here making a lot of money but we’re not going to say that we’re not going to delegitimize the PGA Tour and I mean I take that back because they’ve

Done a little bit of that but uh yeah Taylor guc is just kind of the heel of the Liv tour but at the same time I think he’s had a lot more success on the Liv tour than he ever had the PGA Tour so uh you know it’s just like the

Perfect home for him I saw one of the Tweet replies was uh when they under that video of him talking about like how electric it the atmosphere was somebody just goes it feels like gu is the perfect name for this dude so he he is a

Little bit of a taint out there on the on the Liv tour yeah he’s he’s speaking more from his gu than his Taylor that’s for sure and his name is t l r like I I’m sorry his parents really setting back with that one yeah um I

Thought his name was Talon gu the first time I saw it to be completely I honestly was gonna say I I would almost associate it more to Talon than Taylor and that’s kind of that name kind of hits though Talon guch yeah yeah we’ll ceas fire there

Um let’s talk a little bit about Ronald ruga before we get there though I want to tell you guys about our great friends over at bet 365 we’ve got some bet 365 picks for you for the cognizant Classic this week formerly the Honda Classic Honda one of the three or four sponsors

That dropped out of their PGA Tour sponsorship from last year going into this year still at the same Golf Course uh there’s a lot of good players in this field I wouldn’t say it’s overly topheavy Rory maroy is in this field fresh off his big win at

The match on Monday uh Monday afternoon but bet 365 is the only app we bet golf through you can go in there it gives you the odds for the eway bets just a full disclaimer we have bumped up our eway bets this week to one through 12 because

As we talked about on the pod on Monday we are the kings of finding the guys that just missed the top 10 or they get T10 now if they get T10 and they we have one through 12 we have a better chance of them getting that full payout instead

Of a uh payout that’s cut into a little bit so we are going one through 12 on the each way bets here use the code All City and all caps at bet 365 and you can choose between betting $5 and getting $150 in bonus bets or a $1,000 Free Bet

Safety net meaning you can bet up to $1,000 on your first bet if it loses you get to take another shot at that same bet or just with that same amount to make your money back and if you win that first bet you’ve already doubled your

Value you can cash that baby out put it back into your bank and then you have money on the bet 365 app to play with they also have some great early payout offers uh this is a good thing for the AVS when they’re rolling if you take AVS

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Gets up by three goals or in the NBA if your team gets up by 20 points that bet is automatically paid out so use the code All City in all caps when you sign up for bet 365 and get your choice of two different offers must be 21 plus and

Physically located in Colorado please gam responsibly if you someone who know has a gambling problem call 18005224700 all right also want to talk about our great friends over at Co light if you can see if you’re watching on the YouTube shouts to you you can see my

Sick Co light sign in the back if you’re not make sure you check us out on YouTube big Drive energy golf but I got this C light sign and I’ve never put it in the podcast and I’ve never had it displayed uh I stole it from the

Basement of the bar it was just some old I think so I was trying to figure out how old it is it’s got to be at least like 03 or later because the Houston Texans are on it so I know for sure that it’s at least from there I thought it

Was older than that mean the Oilers no the Texans that’s I’m saying more recent oh more recent I thought you meant older no it’s got to be at least newer more recent than 03 but okay if you ever need time to chill K’s light is the beer for you it’s my

Favorite beer to order a sixer of right when we get to the golf course Goes Down Easy doesn’t like make doesn’t upset my tummy uh it feels good to drink it’s nice and cool you can always tell when it’s cold enough if they give you mountains that aren’t blue turn that

back in say go to the back of the cooler and get me one with the mountains being blue because K light is the best beer the best light beer around only thing I like to drink on the golf course when I’m trying to have a chill day and

Not trying to black out at a current scenario or I know I’m going to be drinking for 10 to 12 hours instead of mixing in a water now it’s mix in a c’s light so make sure you’re drinking the C’s light check them out by far our

Favorite beer we’re super soaked to have this new partner new sponsor on because it has been always been one of our favorite beers but now we just get to tell the world how much we love the Blue Mountains and C’s light brewed in Golden Colorado just short drive from us here

In Denver all right yes so I had I actually had about six CS lights on the golf course yesterday so that was great where the mountains always blue where you keep Mountain are always blue no matter what they got the coolers on the carts there right you didn’t have to

Yeah they got the you just carry that cooler right in they throw an eight or 12 of the the coolers like tall boys in in there and you’re just ready to rock and the tall boys are great too because you can reeal them so you can close them

Back off and then reopen them and it’s just like you got a fresh beer they never get go flat I mean you shouldn’t be letting it go flat anyways because it tastes so good you just want to drink it uh but yeah you can reeal it go hit your

Golf shot crack it back open just brand new beer so good yeah must must have on the golf course is a resealable beer cuz there’s nothing worse than being on like the second or third hole and you have a non you have a beer that just has

An open can and you hit a bump and then there’s beer all over the whole cart for the rest of the round I can’t handle that I almost got to get like a fresh wipe and wipe down my my cup holder so when you can reseal it that is the key

Uh yes 100% resealable we’re all adult children out there so anything that we can uh have a closed top on is better off for us yeah exactly and be able to close that that toppy make sure it’s got top make sure you’re getting that top on the beer all

Right let’s talk a little bit about Ronald rugo coming back to Uganda after his history making cut uh on the DP World Tour last week still awesome for him it was cool to see on the Instagram video because they did the uh arches I don’t know how to describe it we had we

Had to do this for our cousin’s wedding who’s in the Air Force and like they did the whole sword scenario where he walked down and then it looks like super medieval was it was it swords yeah yes it’s like an Air Force thing I thought they were what are those old

School like uh bayonets isn’t that what like the gun with like the I don’t yeah I don’t think there’s bayonets inside of that church I’m pretty sure pretty sure that’s swords are swords are just as dangerous I thought you were going somewhere else

With that um but yeah so they they uh he got back to the airport everybody was there to greet him super awesome feat for him for the the uh country of Uganda I hope when the Olympics roll around he gets a chance to play that would be

Really cool because it’s cool for him to just have an entire not only his family behind him but an entire country behind him right well it it just is really wild to think that and I mean it probably sounds like a privil comment but there is countries in this world where with a

Prominent sport such as golf where is an Olympic sport there’s certain countries that legitimately still like don’t really have golfers and don’t golf is not really a thing there like for do you think there’s any other sport like that where you I mean you look at soccer you

Look at any international sport that’s played throughout the world and it it’s pretty much played in every single country you would think but golf is still one of those Sports where it is not a thing and it’s barrier to entry and all everything like that um but yeah

I I never considered the Olympics like how cool would that be if him and a couple other guys were able to go participate and represent their country like that would be that would almost be cooler than winning uh like winning a Tour event or winning a major you know

Obviously monetarily it’s different but at the end of the day like representing your country and being able to put Uganda on the map for golf that’s going to be something he’ll talk about for the rest of his life like nothing can really beat that yeah and I don’t want to take

Away from Jake npp’s win but I’m sure Ronald’s path to the DP World Tour was a little tougher than Jake’s we saw some more uh light some more info came to light this week and we talked about him being sponsored by the Anaheim Ducks and the the sentence starts out with the

Anaheim Ducks owner a guy worth billions of dollars is a member at the same country club as Jake knap and they played together this wasn’t some make a wish story this is you know he’s a member at a country club where there’s an owner of a professional sports team

That’s also a member so not taking anything away from Jake NAB team pxg shout out to him still one of the smoothest swings on the tour that we’ve seen in years and effortless ball speed but very different starting point for Ronald rugo and Jake knap for sure and

We talked about it you know the UCLA product Etc not taking anything away from his win but Ronald I guarantee it meant more for Ronald rugo to make the cut or uh Joe Dean to make 170,000 Euro after baging groceries than a nightclub bouncer that was probably just working

That job to pick up chicks let’s be real right yeah he just liked the way he looked in that staff shirt that they give all the bouncers he’s like this really makes my arms pop so I will say dude he the picture that we sent that

You talked about um where it it had him you know two bound and it was when he signed with the Anaheim Ducks and made it from the cor Prairie to he looks Haggard dude I don’t know if it’s the mustache or what but he doesn’t look

Near as good as he looked this past weekend I’ll fully admit when a dude looks good and he looked like a rocket this weekend but the the him with just a mustache and like full smile he didn’t look near as near as appetizing the right word but you no I I

Would agree with you um yeah he’s definitely a little bit uh I don’t know man I you know whatever you’re into but not my my cup of tea he wouldn’t be on my Valentine’s list for the PGA Tour but he he’s very muscular so I’ll give him

That he’s got the he’s got the muscles going he’s got that athletic you know uh vascular look the new term that Marissa taught me so can’t knock the guy but yeah I mean the the difference is night and day in a a dude coming from Uganda where golf literally does not exist um

To making a cut on the biggest tour in Europe relative to this kid going to one of the most expensive finest colleges in the world and then you know he has to work a side gig while he’s getting his start in professional golf and then makes it out on tour so definitely gives

You a little bit of perspective about these and it just gives you perspective on America I mean how privileged we all are like any come up you have in America is easier than a come up in Uganda like let’s just be real it’s you you’ve got a lot more advantages just being born

Right here in America and a lot more opportunities so I don’t want to dive too deep into that but I think we’re all just very lucky um to have the opportunities that we’ve had and I’m sure you know that Jake naap acknowledges that too and it’s more of

Just the media wanting to lean into uh you know having a feel-good story they want to pick out a feel-good part of every single story out of everybody’s story so I I don’t think it’s as much on Jake knp as it is on the tour for just

Like leaning into that story oh 100% the man’s just trying to win golf tournaments now he’s done it he’s goingon to be playing in the Masters excited to see that golf swing at Augusta National real quick let’s get into I’ll uh read off our picks for this week once again cognizant classic

Formerly the Honda Classic we’ve got Eric Cole uh I I’m just going to be like copy paste every week either Eric Cole or Doug gim I feel like that’s where I’m at at this point he actually lost here in a playoff last year so that was he

Was that close to his first tour win maybe he gets it this week so he is plus 2,300 and that’s boosted uh on the eway one through 12 Adam senson he is plus 2800 on the eway 1 through 12 and Lee Hodes plus 8,000 each way 1 through 12

Once again Rory marroy in this field very high favorite last time I checked on the bet 365 app he was plus 800 to win the event plus seven or 800 so he’s the standout here but this course uh this is one of the tougher if uh I think

I saw the second toughest course in terms of score in relation to par on the entire PGA Tour so another week where we’ll have a winner I’m guessing between eight under and 12 under uh going to be a lot tougher to make birdies going to

Be a lot of high numbers out there cut might even be over par this week but I’m rolling with my guy Eric Cole Adam Fenson and Lee Hodges all right I I don’t mind those picks um so I got Shane Lowry I got him at plus

2200 and really like with the amount of wind that they have every year at this tournament I do like the uh the odds of having some European tour guys some you know some guys from across the pond um on my card because they know how to

Control their ball in the win so Shane Shane Lowry my God uh plus 2200 Sammy valaki plus 8,000 um obviously coming off a very good week last week he knows how to travel he knows how to get it done that ball flight the putter like everything about the dude and he’s just

Hot right now like why not ride a hot hand so plus 8,000 a win and then each way one through 12 will pay you out um and then Gary Woodland um I just think he’s kind of due to have a good week he’s back off of uh you know

His scare that he had his health scare last year um and it feels like he’s trending in the right direction so I saw him plus 7,000 I figured I’d take a flyer on him I just like it well this this has been the year of flyers on the

PGA tour so we’re hoping you know before the Masters I want to get one before the Masters and then I want to I want to have the Masters winner on our card this year that’s that’s my big goal uh players is coming up that’s also the fifth major good tournament to get a

Winner on but I’m I feel one I feel one coming up on this little floor to swing here all right before we get out of here for the week let’s get to our favorite segment of Fairway or four Fairway or four is we give you a scenario that’s

Either happened in our lives or we have noticed you if you agree with our take on it you say Fairway if you don’t agree it’s for uh do you want to start us off this week Mitchell you said you had one regarding um the home team barbecue yeah

All right let’s so I had wings last night uh at home team barbecue and they have smoked wings that they do like a uh a dry rub on and it really got me thinking because they were some of the best wings I’ve legitimately ever had and I’ve had them there before and I

Just forgot how good they were but I think grilled or smoked wings are better than fried wings and you can tell me if that’s a fairway or a four but I just I you love it yes 100% Fairway for me I grilled wings smoked Wings I’m not a big fan of

A bunch of the you know excess skin or excess batter if you will on a wing I actually am even I’ll even go more sicko mode on my wing preference but I don’t even like my wings with sauce on them I’d rather dip them myself I’d rather

Just get a dry rub Wing no you can have a seasoning on it sometimes if a place has got a really good dry rub seasoning I’ll order it but overall I’m uh get my wings just cooked correctly and then I’ll take four or five sauces I even

Order the extra pay for the extra sauce and then I get to have like four different types of wings I’m a variety guy big variety guy you’re you’re the king of the naked Wing King of the naked Wing 100% that’s that’s the best way to go and grilled is great smoked is great

Uh fried is okay but like I said it’s it’s not a lot of that extra batter and and bites of chicken that aren’t actually chicken when they’re grilled or smoked you’re getting just straight Chicken in your face exactly dude they they were the best wings I’ve ever had

And that’s that is a hill I will die on is grilled smoked Wing grilled or smoked wings are better than fried wings 100% all right my fairware for this week I think is a little bit of a Pander to the crowd uh to go to vote Fairway but I

Think playing music out loud anywhere no matter where you are other than in your own car in public is rude I got into the sauna yesterday and this dude had his phone no airpods in was playing music and there’s like six people in there and he’s just holding his phone and I’m

Pretty sure he wasn’t deaf so he could hear it and everyone else could hear it and I was like I wanted to say something thing I you know I’m a little less combative when my shirt and shoes are off you know it’s not as I’m not you’re

In more of a compromised position at that point yeah exactly I was coming from a place of not power but I was like I wanted to be like really dude all you’re really going to do this with six other people in this sauna we’re all just trying to chill take a moment no

Crew is lightting there unfortunately but you’re all just trying to chill in the sauna and this guy just has his Tunes out loud playing and I’m offboard I don’t even care if you’re walking down the street I think that’s rude I almost want to like go to an airport and

Steal a bunch of like the free headphones from like a I don’t even think they do that anymore but there’s been a flight in the last year and a half that I’ve taken that had headphones maybe it was the flight to London last year but I want to take a bunch of those

And just like hand them to people and just just passive aggressively like I love to do just like I love to be in life and just hand it to him and just walk past him see I don’t mind the like on the the street like if you’re just

Walking by people and they’re playing music or whatever I don’t really care but if you’re like sitting next to somebody for a prolonged period of time you know if you’re out in your own world on the street like walking by people and you’ve got something playing whatever

But then yeah if you’re sitting in a sauna in a controlled area with other people and you just decide to play music or anything out loud or you’re talking on speaker phone um on a phone call then yeah that’s 100 % Fairway like that is the rudest possible thing you could do

Yeah I’ll I’ll make it a little more golf Centric Fairway 4 the golf course is the only place that playing your own music out loud publicly is acceptable yes yeah I I would say Fairway on that love it Fairway just like none of my t- shots all right that

Wraps it up for us for this week enjoy the cognizant classic enjoy live golf Jetta Anthony Kims return all excited to see and talk about it on Monday make sure you’re following us on all the socials big Drive energy on Tik Tok and Twitter at Big Drive energy pod on

Instagram check out our YouTube channel at Big Drive energy golf make sure to hit us with a thumbs up if you’re watching this uh hit us with some comments we’re always excited to read the comments when we’re doing a live show we’ll talk to you guys on Monday

Have a great weekend it’s already March that means the players that means major season is coming up we’re only one month away from it we’re excited get excited have a good weekend peace

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