This Optical Illusion is Ruining Your Golf Swing

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Many golfers don’t realize that their eyes are playing a big trick on them. When you aim properly at a target with your feet, it won’t look like you’re aimed at intermediate targets properly with your eyes. This is due to a phenomenon called the Parallax Error – and it happens with every club in your golf bag, even your putter!

In this video we explain how it works, and what you can do to aim correctly on the golf course.

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If you’ve been fighting a slice all your life go to multiple instructors and they all tell you you’re coming over the top or outside in or swinging to the left for a right-hander and you can maybe fix it a little bit on the driving range but

Once you get to the golf course you just fall back into the same old bad habits yep um what we’re about to show you might change your golf game completely because I believe that most people make these in errors because of eyesight and perspective and optical illusions and by

The time you see this um and understand it um I I think it’ll really help your game and I think you’ll be amazed uh at the concept I agree he just showed me this a few minutes ago and it’s just blown my mind so um I am going to talk

About today one of in my opinion one of the most profound things um that I’ve learned um I show it to hundreds of people a year like I was telling you um and it’s very rarely when somebody else appreciates this as much as I do and how

Important it is um so for all of you out there please pay attention to this video it is really really important and and in my opinion it’s something most of you’ve probably never seen before you’ve never seen it before until showed me this two minutes ago it’s it’s really interesting

I’ve never heard anyone talk about this before and for all of you that um know that you come over the top in your golf swing whether you’re right-handed or left-handed we’re going to show it right-handed here but um I believe it’s vision and perspective that causes a lot

Of Swing flaws and so if you’re one of those that have an over-the-top swing and everything you try doesn’t correct it it’s because you’re fighting with your sub conscious and your vision and we’re going to explain that really good here in just a minute so as we’re here

Patrick as if you can see very well here on the video but if you stand on this target line we’re aiming right at that post way out on the Range and there’s a big tree right behind it and do all of those line up are they on the target

Line I can confirm the these all are almost perfectly lined up towards that tree it might not look like it from the camera but if you stand right behind it it is almost perfect that’s correct and so but as Patrick has seven iron here I

Believe is that right so as he steps in with seven iron and addresses the ball and he looks at this first yellow alignment Rod is it lined up with the big tree out there in your mind it looks like it’s one to two feet to the right

Yes and if you drew a line from there out it that would be maybe 15 yards to the right of that tree would you agree with that maybe 20 maybe 20 all right so I agree but is it to the right of the tree it is not actually if you get on

The target line it’s straight yeah and so what happens out there folks we pick out an intermediate Target and we get up to the ball and that Target doesn’t look like where we’re supposed to go because we’re it looks to you like you should go is right here is

That right yeah am I right if I line up and I try to pick a spot I would say probably at least two feet to the left of this first yellow that’s right and if you hit a ball on that angle if now if I put my hand right here and get behind

The ball oh like this way yeah and if you hit the ball on that line and it went straight where’s it going to go 20 yards to the left 20 yards to the left so people swing paths go to the left because their Vision tells them this is

Where that tree is where that post is but it’s not there it’s here and so the answer to this is to set this up yourself on a driving range the closer this gets to you the more it will feel like it’s to the right because this last one out here

Doesn’t look as far to the right you is that correct correct yeah yes now grab your driver Patrick and so that was was seven iron as his feet get even farther away from the target line with a longer club now how far to the right does this look oh I mean if I

Lined up from the ball to that pole it would go 40 yards to the right but it wouldn’t this is your Target and so if you don’t understand that you’ll always swing to the left with your path to try to make the ball go over here and this isn’t where we’re

Aiming we need to aim here yeah so at home if you go to your practice facility take a couple of alignment sticks I’m just using these green Stakes cuz I thought with the dormant zoa they’d show up on video better I just usually use a couple of alignment sticks and put one

Here and another one about 10t 10 yards maybe farther out there and um practice that way so you need to get set up here you need to have a Target line on the ground so you you get your stance correct and then you’ve got to make the

Ball go to start over that yellow stick yeah does that make sense you could probably even do this in your backyard without hitting the ball just take a spot that’s 200 yards out and just work on lining it up and then see what it feels like yeah absolutely that’s a

That’s really good I used to get out in the street and go down the curb and do the same thing too so so um but I can’t tell you how profound this is um you guys have heard me talk how many lessons I’ve done and how many years I’ve been

Doing this um I am a firm believer that um I think most people come over the top because of the poor perspective on the aiming and as because our eyes aren’t on the target line because they’re to the side of the target line here that perspective changes and um um if you’ll understand

That and then practice the tour players a lot of them practice exactly like how I have this set up because they struggle with the same issues and so everybody does it plays this game that’s one of our most popular comments is do something about alignment right yes alignment and slicing and slicing go

Hand in hand they do and and in my opinion that if you’ve tried and tried and tried um and you can’t correct when you may be able to correct it on the driving range but once you get on the golf course you’re over the top slice comes

Back or pull Hook from that over the top um it’s because of vision and it’s because of this pers so when you’re out in the golf course how do you compensate for that in your brain cuz it’s going to look a certain way so do you have to

Mentally aim to the right to maybe at first I think most people do have to mentally figure out how much to the right that is hopefully if you’ll practice on the Range like this um what I found in my game um I can kind of see

How these line up now when I take a stance but I didn’t at first this was way to the right to me one of the things that helps me is if if I start from back here and I can see that line then as I

Come in I just can stay with my eyes on that line and I can make that yellow stick become closer to to where it is and so but that that’s a great way to practice is to set up two or three alignment sticks here out in front of

You on a Target line um and get used to seeing that that’s straight yeah and I promise you if you’ve struggled with this for years um when you do this for the first time um it’ll freak you out really it did you right just a few minutes what’s so interesting to me is

When I practice with my short clubs wedges I my path can be to the right right but as soon as I gets a midiron long iron driver now you’re left it’s going left 5 10 degrees sometimes and it’s like and I don’t think I’m consciously changing my path but it

Might just be my eyes playing a trick on me it is cuz this is an optical illusion that’s what you said earlier it is and and you have to understand that and and once you understand that you’ll be better the you know I there was a great

One of the very first Nike commercials with tiger was him hitting these windows in this building everybody remember that so and then if you ever watch The Big Break years ago they always had the basketball goal there that they would that they would aim at and and and break

The the window um so that’s what tour players try to visualize is this this stick here that’s on their target line Looks to the right but they’re imagining there’s a window here right above this stick that they’re trying to start their ball on and so that’s how I would

Recommend you to practice with driver absolutely and um uh imagine this window here is is you’re setting up to the ball and that’s where you’re trying to start it okay and um I think it’ll help you all right so I’m trying to hit that yellow pole is my goal right now yeah

That is yeah that that feels to the right it’s that’s so so wild I know and then from behind I like players to look can see can you see did it start right of the to me that looks left of it right a little bit left just a little

Bit sometimes if that’s too close you won’t pick it up fast enough with your eyes so you might have to have the alignment stick where the first green steak is but you can kind of look at both here all right so so you’re just trying to you’re that’s what you’re

Evaluating is what is your start line I’m going to try to get it even to the right just a little bit to see if I can compensate to get it all right get it there you don’t do it with your alignment and your stance you don’t aim

To the right you do it with your club path so you’re fine I pretty good there okay yeah you’re right I was starting to cheat a little I know that’s what happens you’ll end up aiming more and more right that’s not the solution to this yeah um the solution is to still

Aim be parallel to your target line but to change your path to make the ball go there that’s very important good wasn’t that good that was great it still was even a little left of the though great as an arrow huh that was a great shot yeah happy with that one I’m

Going to walk back here where I can watch from behind oh I got it yeah you did man that’s that’s wild to me it it feels like I’m way aiming to the right to hit that thing I know I’m glad you find this I

Think this because I do but it I see I show this to so many people and like I said they they look at me like I’m crazy like what difference does that make keep swinging so that would have started 3 or 4 feet left I was going to

Say that that one clearly was was left it faded backward but especially way the wind’s blowing today yeah a’t that good yeah that is really a good swing wind that ended up 15 ft right of that post that’s yeah that’s on the on the green if it’s out on the course sports

Psychologist you know will will work with players and they’ll talk about visualizing their shots you hear that all the time absolutely and what they mean by that or what they should mean by that is exactly what we’re talking about you have to learn to visualize where this starting window is

Even trajectory wise if you want to hit it high that window could be way up here and if you want to hit a knockdown shot that window could be here okay yeah and so that’s what they’re visualizing is what is the correct start line or window for them to hit the shot

They’re trying to hit and it if they’re trying to hit a fade if they right- handed that window could be here okay and if they’re trying to hit a hook that window could be here and if they’re just trying to hit it straight that Windows right over the stick that’s fascinating

To me especially I think I imagine with driver is where I’ll notice it the most CU it is cuz you’re the farthest away from the target line and that makes it even more to the right Y and now you got a flat club and when you’re over the top

With it you’re making a bigger mistake yeah absolutely and it’s so it’s all a vicious cycle and it’s all because our eyes and our brain don’t reconcile this fact this alignment yeah so I can’t I I know I’m over and over saying the same thing but

You can’t be told it too often because I think this is a big thing for me absolutely it is and I I’ve never seen anybody online talk about this somebody in the comments will say they’ve seen it before watch thousands of golf videos I’ve never seen anyone talk about this I

Know so pay attention to this I promise you it’s a big deal now I promise you if you’ve those people that can’t take it to the golf course it’s because their eyes are playing tricks with them yeah and then they’re always combating that in in their subconscious and conscious

Minds I know that sounds deep no sense but it’s it it’s really the truth yeah okay so now you know why you swing more left with the driver it it’s two things the shaft’s flatter so yeah makes if you’re steep it’s a makes a bigger mistake but that

Feels so to the right it’s unbelievable but it’s not it’s straight as an arrow good do it again you started that one straight yeah yeah faded a lot but that’s okay started straight so was that more just Club face was a little uh it was Club was behind you little bit

Behind yeah it impact yeah that’s all don’t guide it there swing it there okay you’re not trying to guide it over that stick you’re trying to swing at it and see that’s pretty good don’t you think huh absolutely yeah had a couple more that’s pretty good keeps Ming yeah actually started

That one a little to the right that’s why I was wondering so the the clubs the face is maybe a little open on those it is uhhuh just a little that’s I mean as long as the PA mostly the path one uhhuh that would have been good path uhhuh yeah

Yeah do your takeaway correct too still okay yep was that a little uhhuh it was uhuh there we go see the difference yeah yeah that was good good shot that’s a huge difference that was more or less exactly where I was aiming so I know cool good shot

That’s awesome the other thing is this is a great way to work on um hitting hooks on purpose and hitting Fades on purpose if you’re going to start your ball over here to this side of the stick well then it’s going to have to work left to right to get back on target

Right Y and if I start it over here on this side then it’s got to work right to left to end up at our Target and so those are great ways to practice hitting Fades and draws on purpose is having a a straight line line out here and try to

Hit right to left Shots by starting it over here and hitting left to right Shots by starting it over here yeah absolutely and and that’ll that’ll really really really help you and there’s so much of this that’s a the image that you have in your brain of

What is correct or not and like I said I show this to lots of people and most people look at me like I got you know three eyes you know like I think it’s profound but I do too I it’s one of the things I’ve learned I was at Pinehurst

Uh last year for PGA magazine had a a Teachers Conference there and I that I was invited to with some of the best teachers in the country and we spent a couple hours one afternoon on the Range there at Pinehurst number two um talking about these alignment sticks my buddy

Lou guy and out of Philadelphia area um was presenting and talking about this Mike magasco was there um and we all you know when they when they realized and looked at this and U most of those instructors had never thought of this concept either and so uh I found that

Interesting and um but I’ll tell you if you’ve never seen this before try it put a couple alignment sticks get behind them make sure they’re lined up and then set up to the ball and it’ll blow your mind yeah and I would say I would encourage you even if if you’re not in

The situation where you can practice hitting ball s at least set it up cuz just the way your brain sees it is really interesting I it blew me away when you first showed me this yeah it’ll help your games you’ll hit better shots especially if if you know I see this all

The time with with players that play a lot of golf you know they say why can’t I take it to the golf course you know I I on the Range I can set alignment sticks down and I hit it pretty good but when I go to the golf course it all

Falls apart well it all falls apart cuz what your brain your eyes are telling you he not correct that’s not your starting line and if it’s you have an incorrect image of where to start the ball it’s going to influence how your body swings sure and it’s just that

Simple the other thing I’ll tell you is this for a right-handed player when I give putting lessons to a right-handed player um even really good players probably nine out of 10 people aim the putter left of where they think they’re going what looks straight to them is left and

Then they have a cut stroke okay so if that’s you it’s the same principle the reason you’re aiming left is cuz you’re not over the target line with your feet and the starting line to the hole looks to the left it might only be an inch on a

10t putt sure here it’s 20 yards with a driver but it’ll still be the same thing with the Putter and that’s why they aim left with the putter is it’s all perspective Parallax error it’s called and um um so pay attention to that as well that’s why putting on a chalk line

Or putting on a String Line uh using a line for your ball is so important putting it’s it it it goes putting driver seven iron it’s all the same principle and it’s all the same that’s one of the things you taught me years ago every time I putt I take the line on

The ball and I line it up with my Target and then I’ve learned I need to just trust it because I get over it and if I make a little tweak because it feels off I it almost always misses in the in the direction exactly like you’d expect from

This concept yes that’s right so it’s a pretty big concept to grab and to appreciate and then it’s pretty big to practice it so hopefully we’ve given you that information and be give us some feedback after you try it I think you’ll be blown away so try it

Please is what I’d say try it hey we got a shout out today for revore and caddy Daddy yeah I’ve been using the same uh Callaway stand bag for 20 years and it finally ripped has holes in it yeah convenient timing they uh this company revcore there nice and reached out and

Sent us this bag to check out and we’re both pretty impressed by it it’s a leather cart bag U I don’t know if it’s real or synthetic but it’s really really nice material whatever it ISS it’s all kind of nice heavy duty Rubber and uh lots of good pockets for your valuables

And all that stuff it’s even got one of those dedicated putter things which I’ve always wanted that cuz my putter always gets stuck in my bag so I’ve told you before that you know the standard for putter Link’s always been 30 6 in that’s how tall the bags are are little the

Average putter on the p orer is probably 33 in these days so most people are putting with Putters that are too long for them yeah and uh so yes you could put your putter in there absolutely um but yeah they were kind enough send us

To stuff we met them at the PGA show down Orlando uh they got a really nice travel bag with the wheels and this card bag’s awesome and the duffel they sent yeah and they got some interesting gloves called The Claw mhm um and it has like a plastic material on the face of

It and you talk about a grip I mean it is really for somebody that it’s older that has arthritis and has a hard time holding on to a golf club this would really be great yeah I mean it’s like it’s almost like tape like it’s really

It’s got some great grips I think I might get my dad to try some of these yeah you ought to and then I’m I certified to teach in PGA hope um which is a p National PGA program that was started here in the Gateway section in St Louis and um helping our Patriots

Everywhere is what hope stands for oh that’s great yep and uh so uh we work with a lot of disabled vets that want to play golf and a lot of them have grip strength issues Absol that and I can’t wait to show a couple of my guys this

They’ll like it I think these are all machine washable too so that’s another nice thing is if you’re you know going through gloves are dirty all the time you can supposedly throw them in the wash and turns out okay good cool so thanks uh revore caddy daddy we

Appreciate the stuff and also we’ll have a link in the description I think we save a little bit of money if you get anyone wants to try some of this stuff so we’re so far pretty impressed by we’ll make we’ll give you an update maybe in a couple months after we try it

Out and see you know how it holds up this a big upgrade for you yeah it doesn’t have a hole in it that’s a great one that’s right


  1. Brilliant advice guys. Thanks very much. Do you plan any bunker tutorials soon. Bunkers are my most troublesome part of my golf.

  2. About 1/2 +/- through this..was at range other day ,and finally worked out stopping slice …or the snapped hook when trying to counter the slice …from another video of yours i concentrated on keeping elbows in and rolling my extended (or flexed cant remember terminology,so my fingers get closer to inside my wrist during contact)wrist down instead of flipping wrists(moving wrists opposite through contact) to close face …it took a few shots but it was amazing how the feel was the opposite of what happened …i had aim issue but not enough balls left to do much then …will use this type of aiming at next range day ,possibly today ….assuming the new swing has stuck lol… thanks

  3. To make things worse, your brain has a reference to the target line at the ball so when you’re steep and left you subconsciously open the face through impact

  4. Feel smug for subscribing some time ago as an early adopter. This channel is going to do very well. Teaching style makes sense to me

  5. I always have struggled with this, picking an intermediary target. If you pick a tuff if grass, it's still possible to not line up correctly I've found. So on the tee, I point the arrow, line, triple track on the ball at my target and line up to it. I average 75-80% FH now. For anything off the tee, I hold the club head straight up and line it to the target and then lower the club down until it straight pointing to the target and intersecting the ball. I then imprint a shadow line of the shaft with my mind and line up to it. I don't look up again at the target because the illusion that I'm aiming right will screw up my swing. But yes, this is one of the most underrated skills to learn in this game, and maybe the most important. Thanks guys!

  6. Hey Coach, We played together (with my friend Tim) at Hawk's Landing in Orlando a few weeks ago. Love your videos, very helpful tips.Were heading back to FL next week, I'll use this tip there.

  7. Mike Malaska did this in a video a few years ago. Check it out if you're interested in comparing. I think he touched on some other aspects of the illusion.

  8. Nice video! Could you tell me how close the yellow alignment stick was from Patrick? 10 yards or so? Thanks!

  9. this is a real eye open moment , i was just thinking about how on different the course visual makes me swing different !!!

  10. This is wild. It makes so much sense and explains why I am struggling so much with alignment with my driver and longer clubs. It's so obvious yet so counterintuitive. Amazing. I'm going to try to use this. It's kind of blowing my mind right now.

  11. No, the intermediate target is only a foot or two ahead of the ball and you draw an imaginary line to square hips and shoulders to.

  12. Coach you’re like Norman Schwarzkopf nobody knew who Norman Schwarzkopf was until he came out and kicked butt and every message that he made was consistent. You are in the same category. Love your content you’re not trying to sell anything but good Golf keep it up. Please a video on pace Would be great!

  13. Thank you VERY MUCH for this video. I've "known" about this for many years now but have forgotten to keep it with me in my head while on the course. Even Tiger talks about picking a spot to align to when hitting a shot. I get so frustrated taking my range shots to the course, only to fail. What a great reminder and also learned more about how to use the alignment rods that I rarely take out of my bag! Love it!!

  14. Ed, thank you for another excellent lesson. People like me who watch a lot of golf on youtube, are quickly realizing your likable nature and a phenomenal knowledge that you present in an easy to understand way, is the amongst the best out there. You are gracious to give credit to the great teachers you have met during your career, on behalf of all your fans, you're a great teacher!

  15. This is a good video explaining something that will help me. It would have been better if the camera was on the line instead of behind Patrick. I don’t know why you placed the camera where you did.

  16. I only look at the target so i dont suffer this , i dont have a lot of time for train tracks either , sometimes im hitting a little left sometimes a little right , dont overthink it .
    I cannot even remember how many short putts ive slid past the hole as far again after overthinking then just back tapped them in without breaking stride .
    Your aiming function is primitive its not fooled by your rational brain its there to keep you alive its part of the same system that closes your eyelid to protect you from that incoming bullet ( its that quick ) your aim and spacial awareness work better when you let them tell you .

  17. Blown Away! This explains so much. EVERY time I watch tour players hit on TV I keep thinking, WHY does the ball always look like it's coming off the club too far right? But then it seems to come back left. Sure there is some draw shaping but this illusion is apparent even when watching televised shots.

  18. How far away from the ball should your reference be? Obviously, there won't be an alignment stick out twenty feet on every hole. So, should you pick out something three feet away or twenty feet away?

  19. This one resonates with me. I always, every shot, driver through putting… pick a target far away (with putting not so far but more towards the apex), once I've picked that far target, I pick a line by holding the club up between the ball and target. Then I pick a spot (divot, grass blade, etc) on that line, within easy peripheral view when I'm lined up parallel to the ball. I usually use that line and mark as my club path as sometimes I'll open or close the club face to get a fade or draw. But I've always got that target line and that's what I align my feet and body to… forget the optical illusion that says to align more left, it's a lie!

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