YouTuber vs Podcaster [ft. Ron’s Commentary]

A Podcaster called me out on his recent Podcast in an attempt to expose Golf influencers! Absolute roller coaster of a Match!!

Thank you Portsea Golf club for hosting this match!

Contours golf:
Ron Chopper:

Hazard Hunters:

So not long ago this podcaster said this like I’ve watched them play they’re claiming that they’re going to be pros and breaking scratch and shooting level power every time they go out there golf slump have watched him phenomenal content let’s let’s have a game cuz I

Play off five and I’m an average golfer these guys are claiming that they’re you know consistently on camera shooting three over Maximum under par having Eagle putts on every par five I want to see it if it’s real I want to see if they want to put their balls on the line

And take a average golfer on at their home course off the stick match plate whatever format they like on camera so I’m here with Q the Challenger I’m here at this beautiful Golf Course Port SE Golf Club down in the bottom of the peninsula of Victoria a huge shout out

To the guys that Contours golf they’ve provided me with these amazing drone footages so check them out incredible work and a big part of the local golf Community we do have a special guest on today Ron can you hear me yeah come here come on let’s go it’s better be good um

I want to go to the pub so it’s better be good I haven’t actually won on my channel thank you very much very nice to play with you thank you very much thank you sir appreciate it so good to play with you again how’s that well done that

Was a tough day but I’m just really excited to get my first win out the way today um final words q thanks for having me down mate thanks for py firstly for having us down beautiful Golf Course hopefully it suits that Tik Tok slice or the actually the Tik Tok hook hook the

Tik Tok hook that you’ve got going mate but no can’t wait for it uh yeah going to ruin your Channel today big fell I’m excited that well best of luck so we’ll do a tea flick fantastic yeah okay all right I wanted you to go first so you want you we can

Go and look for your ball first when you hook it just on the left yeah all right first to the Moa I’m going to try and not call out my shots today smart ID mate uh I just thinking in my head better start oh just went over the

Bunker did to go over yeah just rolled out Jesus I think you’re in trouble today Q so do I mate in trouble of winning too early I’m going to just get an ironing play cuz I don’t trust myself with the driver off the first it’s a match play

And he’s hitting an IR on the first T it’s too far to walk back to get me driver mate oh good strike q that was beautiful it’s going to plan wow plenty more of those it’s SW that nice 89 to the flag it’s bit of a Dy

Green false front uphill probably got to hit about 100 m shot I think going to hit pitching wedge just try and cut one off that’s all over it get up it’s on the green start you boy all 47 m I love this distance oh that’s pretty good sh mate thank you

Very much I’m in between here like this is your typical like I’m playing off like six now handicapper issue do I putt this or do I chip it we go with the putter just got a two cuz I’ve seen Chang put on camera before and it ain’t

Pretty Jesus look good in the air eh sit sit sit sit they are lightning reck that’s still you probably is isn’t it oh well there always a two part go yeah pick it up oh oh sorry something in me Thro I live for these moments

Q r watch this okay give away the hole on these ones too you should great putt I’m clutch great putt let’s see if you can do it see if you can hold it together for another 17 Champion all right second hole one up through first how do you feel so far Q

Made all the pressures on you I feel like I’m the underdog after my appear you’re the scratch golfer I play six oh all over it shut great ball mate thank you hold yeah she’s dancing hey just trying to put the pressure on you early you have I didn’t think you’d

Box that last one but anyway you are a scratch golfer sit sit go in oh get in it’s all right two putts from there Happy Days 15 ft for birdie I this is just outside left what yeah you can have it thank you so I was like what are you waiting for just

Pick it up I just thought like we’re giving each other like 10 Footers and stuff but that’s all whatever yeah good putting here’s clutch good couple of Threes all right third Hole uh usually I would hit my four iron or something to just get it on The Fairway but I just

Got to go for it don’t I you’re W up mate you got nothing to lose I have nothing to lose just your channel B shut thank you but I’m just going to hit my two iron get it in play B bit conservative at the start cuz I know

He’ll tighten up once we get going oh [ __ ] it’s all right sit down Sit baby sit Yep we got 221 to the flag I don’t think I’m going to get there it’s part five I’m just going to hit tuine again hopefully a little flick wedge in yeah pretty happy it pulled up before the pots sit down it’s g a little bit to the right yeah good kick great

Kick it’s the easiest game ever golf is easy isn’t it oh I don’t know why people make it so hard just hit it up there and goes where you want it to go it’s sick all right driver wedge not bad hey On a par five uh 135 let’s get it dancing

Hey I’ll take it I thought it’ be a bit further back I don’t really like this distance just got to get on the surface and put the pressure on the slumper it looked like it was going to roll up just do on me oh God I didn’t think I’d have this

This for [ __ ] bir I thought I’d be was here it’s quick okay I know it’s up here but let’s get it up there that’s slow as [ __ ] that first graen scared me you got to leave your handbag at home queue I don’t own one all right Eagle pot thing

Two pot here would secure the whole or do I do I get shots today or nah no mate you called me out no no no shots today I’m not a scratch golfer though that’s all break break break Mark that okay don’t know why I didn’t just say pick it up and save the

Go save the issue we’re here now can’t be giving these away anyway C unlucky pick it up y well there’s an easy pot all right two up through three all right fourth hole two up I think my mission today is to try and not let Q hit first on the

T I think it’s going pretty good so far sit sh thank you all right I haven’t hit the dog all day this is why oh [ __ ] oh I think that’ll be all right maybe a maybe not is it no good well to be fair it goes dog leg right so I think

You’re going to have a good shot I just [ __ ] whack it I just need to play the chip don’t I nice that’s it Q smart play mate 144 slightly in two just need to hit the green here and make young slumpy boy do the same thing it’s pretty tight so here we

Go oh that’s looking money might be short it’s a heartbreaker here report see all right 138 oh it’s in to win I just don’t want to go long where’ you going to get there maybe not nine thank you oh wow I have lost trust in humanity that was cheeky Q all over

It stay up stay up please St suck back miles get in a divot oh wow that came back a lot it did it kep rolled down the hill don’t know how I did that all right chipping comp damn just zip back a little bit too much chipping comp Q nearest the pin sure

Oh got a pretty tough chip though over the bunker why I do this to myself shouldn’t have called these guys out worth it though beautiful Golf Course even if I only see seven holes see what these hands can do that’s good that’s really good little Duff and roll is that marker

Okay there yeah you sure oh man if I hit that marker I’ve got it going that but what no you do you it’s all good pick her up man you soft [ __ ] o he’s alive the boy wow good bogers hey I’ll tell that every day of the week that is a far six

Handicap apart you actually read it right to left I read that left to right I Had It Go on the way it went all right fifth hole casarina let’s hit it down the middle cut cut a little bit it’s in trouble it might be okay it’s not okay

I’m trying to go s what way you are is it just straight at the sprinkles honestly yeah you just want to be at the sprinkles yeah yeah draw not good there mate nasty little kick that’s okay sup’s more [ __ ] than I am beep all right I don’t know what to

Do here it’s pretty finger there’s a little Gap so I’m just going to try and get it out there and hopefully after that last little chip from Chang it’s not good I don’t know what I got to do not good K stays true to that I’m

Just going to put the ball back and try and uh get it up as close as I can to the grain I didn’t hit that Branch I was on the money but it’s pretty good happy with that 36 m to the flag absolutely cooked to be honest it’s a tough shot

For not a scratch golfer so uh Andrew can we just zoom in on my drive just to show him where my second shot is and and yeah well might hit the tree otherwise I probably would have on the gra so whatever I’m just going to try and fly

It just commit to the shot hey go run run run run run run it’s my four hasn’t really been a good hole to be honest but that’s all right still a chance yeah I probably should putt but already cooked so let’s go pick it up manate what’s going on

Mate hey you challenged me out today I want to see if I can make a solid birdie here I tell you what Q called you out slumpy and you’ve delivered so far I don’t know uh I don’t know what’s going to do from here struggling early struggling early all right sixth hole

Definitely not a driver hole Q the way you hitting it today this is actually the first time hitting the new utility iron from Tacomo so let’s see what it’s all about hey all right let’s try and rip one how slightly uh I think that could be okay

If it bounces left okay cuz a huge downhill so if you can just get it over that Ridge it’ll just feed down to the same spot I hope for your sake it’s there well you nearly gave me the wrong Club on the last hole so I didn’t near

Don’t everever trust me I meant it just get over get over yeah got it no good beautiful [ __ ] these te snap every time re can if I hit that just a little bit harder that would have just hit off this and then just been where C is down there

But anyway I don’t want to take the risk going for the green here oh that’s not good uh it’s 99 to the flag great year North won the premiership that year um 86 to fly that front pot just going to hit my Approach just get it on the green

Cuz slumpy is a bit cooked first time for today first time for the day bad time yeah good strike here get up go go go go that’s really short mate got punished by the wind let just go find Jaws in the [ __ ] what’ you hit all right just in the

Amazon jungle I got a little I got a little swing out of it so get in sit sit oh perfect yeah that’s fine short Chip Shot this is going to look good Q all right just watch this not bad zip a bit no so I’ve just got to get it on the

Green and close I’m not great out of bunkers but we’ll try go oh good shot finally hit a golf shot I still FedEd that that was a battle isn’t it Advantage Q what I’ve had three you had four you got to box it then you give me

This W you I’m going to hold this one and put some pressure on you mate yeah pick it up went back that was weird God still a bit of Port Ste left in that wasn’t there that didn’t not Dr off do you want to introduce the hole Yeah I do we’ve

Got the Glory Box my favorite place to be it’s uh the seventh here at py 169 M par three beautiful Golf Hall into in this is a heavily heavily in two yeah um yeah so I’ve actually got the honor so if you could just make way that’ be great oh hold

Hold come down it’s okay it’s [ __ ] Miss but it’s fine what are you going to hit a high cut not going to respond smart boy hit it at the flag oh keep going that just didn’t cut did it oh is that really long or short really

Long I I just honestly should have not listened to you no try and get this close Q’s down there doesn’t look too good great shot thank you put some pressure on him uphill Li tough shot to be honest uh yeah don’t know how I’m going to do this but I’m try inside

Slumpy that’s best shot I’ve ever hit in my life take notes Andrew wow that kind of backfire I was trying to put pressure on Q but now I’m kind of feeling this one is that marker okay there yeah it should be fine I reckon okay thank you though no problem mate

Just doing my best bit of etiquette did they teach that at Tik Tok School etiquette oh here you Got wow good it’s the best that up and down from holy [ __ ] Mom and Dad kept messaging just asking how it’s going and what did you tell them this kid’s scared all right so I got the eth it’s called The Castle home good name 484 M par 4 C this one is

L this one is a hole that you want to just try and give everything to the ball okay okay so try and just rip one please sure I’m just going to get it in play and keep heaping the pressure on your young fell it’s part five is it yeah I

Said part four part five good drive key thanks that’s perfect sorry Swampy a great ball to be honest for Tik Tock he hits it pretty good caught that a little bit bit average but yeah still got him I about 220 to the flag very tough pin

Par five I’ve just caught the roughy I didn’t feed in like young swampy did mine never went in the rough mate didn’t it doesn’t matter mate straight it straight down the middle just worry about getting out there to your ball walking another 10 m mine would have run

Out a bit but anyway um yeah very tough pin today so I’m just going to try and lay up near the near those bunkers on the right yeah that’s a smart play for a five handicapper six anyway let’s go go that’s great good layup if you’re going to lay up Ean lay

Up all right unlike Q uh as a scratch golfer this is how we do it we just go straight for the green mate keep going go go go yeah she’s dancing was it yeah you sure I couldn’t see not bad eh for a scratch you should be doing that as a

Scratch we still playing off the tips today keep going that’s a pass not bad not bad got a part at it he’s got a drought jar this to win so the way you’re putting you’ll probably get that in this is the reward you get when you play like a scratch

Golfer uh just my standard Eagle pot on a par five flag out no leave it in please no wors most scratch guys take it out I’ll just ask you to uh take the ball out uh with the flag though for your pot no problem oh is that

You all right Q come on put some pressure on me man all the pressure is on you has been all day how have I not felt it yet then you’re only one up against a six handicapper Mate oh good birdie thanks great birdie Jesus this is what I like this never happens this is what I like Po thank you couple of birdies it’s nice PR for the hole yeah all right so we’ve got the beautiful ninth Hall I’m one up through eight great couple of birdies last hle

What’s your plan here two iron wedge birdie Square simple oh no sit it’s sat very short I think that is equivalent to not hitting it past the lady scky that went well past you just needed to get it over that Ridge it’s all right I’ve got it where I

Wanted it all right so there’s no holding back I felt a bit bad after the first four hle so I was going to little it easy but sure you were not anymore hey got the driver and there’s plenty of room to work with on the left so uhoh just like that

Trouble lots of trouble love that don’t you [ __ ] just hitting Fairways all day still only one up against the six handicapp I play a five and I’m an average golfer 164 in a me is to just yeah try and get it up as close as I can either on or next to the

Green and make Chang hit another good shot ah so fat no it’s nowhere near it it’s all right it’s up there 103 up here so it’s playing probably 110 let h a nice gap wedge up there oh wow just going downhill from here now imagine one B of pressure does to a

Scratch Goa how do you miss green well if you want to know how just replay what you just saw and you’ll see it Advantage cute check pretty good oh my God so much sing fit on this chip yeah landed couple feet on and hopefully it releases forward yeah that’s a

Pass game on swampy we downhill left to rer that’s got to sit oh not really a layup is it who would have thought hitting a two on would get us There oh big bit of ticker there by Q he’s back to sare boys this is good I don’t know I don’t know who’s going to get it done this is good this is good yeah he’s a scratch golfer though good part bro this pter is hot

Wow oh all square n Q’s finally pulled it out but uh we’re on the 10th here it’s called the little devil it’s a 256 par 4 beautiful tricky little hob while the looks of things I’ve got the two onon that’s been okay today um I’m just

Going to hit one up in play and put the pressure on the little champ this is looking to be really exciting so I’m very happy you sound excited pull up good strike oh good kick what did that do left yeah that’s good bro my eyes are shot I’m the

Worst play to play golf with I never know where the ball finish yeah great ball oh I should fly it cuz I’m a big dog what it go don’t know was looking pot I can’t even see where the pin is this is how deep it is scratch

Goer all right at the back palls in my court here plenty of green uh just going to aim right over the flag get up that’s fine it’s up there [ __ ] but I don’t care ah oh you know how Tiger Woods is known to be like a artist on the golf course yeah

Well I want you to just watch and learn today okay yeah I have Lear heaps wow this is this might hit me that is I went right out the back ah tough hole all right it’s not looking great but that’s all right we never give up that’s the difference between you and

Me Q oh was three down mate I’m about to go one up I didn’t give up hit your shot goober all right that’s great that’s in get In wow good shot slumpy mate where the hell did that come from sometimes you just got do things in the B that’s great that was the best shot you loses the hole now oh my God don’t know about the celebration but wow it’s a good shot though that’s actually sick what can I

Say hey that was amazing that’s a sick shot takes greatness to Big greatness we just learned that makes me pretty interesting now I was like I’m just going to three put this to a win now I’m going to have to try and haul it stay up stay up

Oh I’ll give you the satisfaction of hauling that in here dog I’ll miss this now there’s a bit on this now done all the hard work and then you just do something 10 ass like that and I I will just say there’s no editing in that that was unbelievable I still can’t believe

You actually hold it which is not good I’ve just left me 3T for par you’ve just Jed the like probably one of the hardest chip shots I’ve ever seen [ __ ] kidding me come on mate what was that what the hell was that how does slumpy win that

Hole Yeah the turns table how the turntables well well well how the turntables all right 11th hole PA five 447 M I’ve regained my uh honor feels nice to be back up here first just rip it where’d that go really high finally to good golf shop all right uh skyed my drive I’m

Just going to try and hit a 5 iron just try and lay up very unusual from a scratch goer but oh that’s got to hold hold hold holdt that’s all right I’m just going to try and get it up there it’s up there skinnier than

CH all right I got 100 m wind is still quite strong into me I’ve got a wedge in my hand I can get it really close just get in oh that’s long 63 m to the flag 53 uh sorry 503 of the flag 603 of the back

Edge 403 of the pot I’m going to try and hit it about 50 50 should be good zip come back that’s just lovely that is just delightful sh out to the family probably won’t need my putter here would I C I’d putt that if I was you really

Good really good hold on pick it up mate little bit right to left the putter is going to get me back in the game and then get me back out of it this putter is hot just like that it’s the game of golf isn’t it not

Really I’ve worked so hard to get back into this this should not be the position I’m in k it work so hard through 11 all right 12 hole two up this is getting exciting isn’t it key well actually I don’t even know I don’t know if if it’s ever been ex

You’re very lucky to be two up but anyway let’s go just [ __ ] putting you haven’t won it you’ve I’ve lost it B that’s a bit of an Overkill you don’t even need to hit a driver if you just get over that Ridge is I was never hitting driver probably going to end up

Staying I was never hitting dver yeah that’s going to come around really nicely oh did you see a kick out no did it if if that got a right kick should be that would be perfect I’m angry but we got 132 in uh little downhill live

Pretty tough shot but just got to get it on the green and see what happens eh oh no sit [ __ ] goes from bad to worse it’s all over tried we’ll just go 100 more M to my ball I did it a drive I didn’t know

Yeah all right I got 61 M I’ve got a lob wge try and get some Raz here on oh that’s really long D I hit that too good I’ve let the momentum shift take hold of me mentally so I’ve just got to get a nice shot in

Here and just make him two part at least look that’s really good that’s actually a peach zip stop stop that’s right pressure pressure’s there good shot Ke oh this looks like this could be all over Q’s lost his lost his head here slumpy’s uh it’s nothing special but my man q q the put has gone cold mate the sand will be cooked I was going through my bag sand the sound sound oh that’s I

Can remove it okay cool yeah there you go cute I just picked that up just stay in the cut all right it’s almost like he’s expecting me to K just a little birdie 13th hole path three here I’m not giving away anything now we’ve been the luckiest golfer I’ve ever

Seen mate so you just can’t win just hit a good shot I just can’t win either way just get in yeah get up oh that long ass yeah Jesus strong boy I guess obviously not a great shot again s of throwing this away which is annoying cuz for hard to get

Back into it all I’m just going to hit a little Chip Shot here [ __ ] stop it it’s all over pretty straight outside lift thank you oh Jesus yeah on see yours okay fair enough fair enough just pick it up huh pick it up what’s that four with

Four dormy all right 14th Hole uh not dormy actually we’ve got five more horsse to play Four up five Hors to play so I mean it could still finish here let’s do it hold that really is a slce hey no that’s just a fade mate okay yeah there’s a bit going on

Here it’s all right still a chance oh that’s money let’s go find it good drive I got 131 got 9 I can just use a back slope and try and use up to my advantage let’s finish off in a Style hey nice come on 128 no no confidence left

Just let him have it but anyway we’ll see how we go oh [ __ ] me where’d that go a little bit right it should be fine yeah so that approach game OB on show again flying left myself this tough little uh downhiller if you can stop that ball

Before the hole it’s impossible I think mate uh I think it’s impossible yeah no it’s not possible we’ll see how we go I give it in all we’ll be shaking hands in a minute this could be it Q could be I hope you box it mate cuz I’m

Done it’s a bit in that market you want me to finish in a style don’t you no well if I box this then I’ll let you have it but if I don’t then yeah I got no idea what this is doing just get it to the hole and

Hope for the best though the putter was great now it’s going to complete [ __ ] again and Chang’s just boxed a few out his ass thanks mate I’ll see yours oh nervous please put an explicit on this on YouTube that was close to missing that was never missing D me let’s push

On I don’t think it is Q 15 16 17 18 four up four to play am I not five up oh yeah you’re ding now or is that over that’s over thank [ __ ] hold on mate you win you said it on the tea you w’t th me

Yet no and then I recalculated and I was like no I actually have to win this one I just want to say thanks Q regardless of the score I’m you I really enjoyed the day today um honestly and if you haven’t checked this uh podcast please

Do so I’ll put it up here tear it up golf podcast yep and thank you Ron for hanging out with uspy good to see you’ve got that fade now cute unlucky mate next round you get them roll done boys I hope that was enjoyable for you well is you

Know from me but I hate it every minute of this but orders restored I did call him out so well done orders restored well done mate CK you’re next thank you guys I’ll see you guys next time on mate thank you C


  1. Seen slumpys golf lesson shorts poo up here and there. Watched slumpy get destroyed in ron’s channel and saw the difference in level. And slumpy to Q was the next level down lol. Q had no chance with his skill and mentality. Makes me wonder what his real handicap is. Need someone who claims to be 5 handicap to challenge Q next haha

  2. Very entertaining match! Well played for an "average golfer" (which he is not playing a 5 HC). Like Q's swing a lot, it is more attainable than Golfslump's professional swing (at least for me).

  3. Fun to watch…. Even though Q should of got strokes. But that’s what he gets for talking trash to a scratch golfer 😀

  4. Q reckons he plays off 5 on the podcast … then says 6 out on the course … plays like a 15. Thank goodness GS called that out!

  5. What a colossal wanker Q is… banter is fine but his behaviour is downright disgraceful…. 5-6 hcap my arse, I’m off 5.2 and I’d wipe the floor with him

  6. Anyone that is a single digit can see that your swing mechanic is a low or scratch swing.. just arrogance to question it. I play off a 5.4 myself and never doubted it.

  7. Eat

    Can't spell class without the ass. Q playing the ass role SO well.

    I wonder what Q's text to mom and dad read like after the 12th…

  8. I knew it was over for Q when he took iron on the first tee… blokes a joker… plays off 5 and claims his ‘an average golfer’. Find a golf swing champion!
    @golfslump – great vid

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