Today Ian is at our Manhattan location with a very special guest, Paige Spiranac. Paige loves her current Titleist TSR3 driver, but has been seeing some issues distance. Quickly Autoflex becomes the answer to all the problems!




Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

Smashed it yeah absolutely smashed it your launch conditions with this are amazing 15.7 launch 2300 you beat the optimizer in both counts 229 252 okay I still want more I still I think we I love that that’s what I want for my club Fair okay guys welcome back to the channel so we’re

Testing with Paige in the bay today we’ve done some iron stuff Loft and lies adjusted um new Heads new zx5 that you love you still got your La golf shafts that you love mhm so we’re going to test the driver yes you made a comment earlier which I think is very very

Interesting in terms of what people experienc in their game you thought that based on how your irons are performing you were starting to leak that performance into your driver and you maybe hanging on to it a little bit so this kind of like overdrawn that we we

Corrected with your Li angles was sort of filtering in there yeah 100% I love this driver so it’s the TSR three La golf shaft GP master grip and this has been my gamer it feel like I could get maybe a little bit more distance out of

It but the M hits in the dispersion with this driver has been great I Under Pressure I tend to yeah turn it over get a quick hook and I hate that shot but with this one I really don’t see that shot really at all but I’m interested to

See if you can beat this today it’s going to be quite the challenge it’s tough I mean you know it’s one of those someone walks in in the bay and they’ve got like a certain model of driver from a certain year and you just lift the

Head cover off it and you just know you’re yeah you’re just like I’ve got nothing I’ve got absolutely nothing but well let’s see there’s a few little tricks we have upper sleeve there’s some new stuff there’s some shafts actually I’ve kind of picked out for you as well

Who knows listen if this is a great dyer for you and we and it ends up being great then you know fine and we can we can tweak things around with waiting to take that that kind of push out there but I think we’ get you more well let’s see let’s see

Okay okay so yeah let let’s take a look what are your expectations on distance what what how far does yours go it it depends on where I’m at but I would say here on um East Coast normal Golf Course conditions I’ll hit this between 245 and

Can get it up to 265 y I feel like I have decent distance on my irons and on all my Fairway woods but I have struggled with distance on my driver I feel like there’s so much more with my swing and um the the strength that I

Have that I should be hitting it so much farther and so I have started um speed training and really trying to get the ball speed up and trying to get my club head speed a little bit faster I think even people who have seen my swing I

Almost desell after the ball and I’m sure that’s you know past trauma of those duck hugs and also just again no one really does speed training and you have to train your body to move faster and so I’m excited to see the difference but I think with you know some of this

Small changes we can make will help me actually swing it faster and I think that’s the ultimate goal is if we can get the swing speed a little bit quicker and the ball speed up yeah let’s let’s meet in the middle everything you’re doing and let’s try and some attach some

Other things to in terms of how we build the club and accelerate the process that’s that’s what we should be able to do here I think is just get you to that goal a little bit quicker yeah okay let’s have a look that was really nice delivery page was so 2

32.9 angle of attack one up do you remember what you were at sort of previously with angle attack before your sort of Swing changes quite steep you were a little steeper that yeah I always had to get a driver with very little Loft on it so I would play like a

758 and we really had to manipulate the club to help my swing but I’m coming a little bit more from the inside now hitting up on it and I have seen a difference I would say again though like that was just kind of a stock swing for

Me not swinging all out and I would really like it to be more than 232 I mean I hit my 3-wood almost farther than my driver sometimes and I again I don’t know why if you were to if you were to show me this set of numbers I would have

Actually have said is that your treewood yeah because where the spin is at at 3485 even the dynamic Loft right so we’ve got a 9 degree driver we’ve got 18 degrees at impact so we do have a little bit of excess Dynamic Loft any amount of additional Dynamic loft is just wasted

Speed so if we look at all the winds that are achievable for us our so um spin loft is too high combination of attack angle and dynamic Loft because that’s too high we’re not putting enough pressure into the golf ball so we can see at that speed we can reach 140 no no

Issue launch and spin are both too high and Peak so we’re going to want to keep this around 85 ft I think we might want to even take spend down a little bit than even they’re saying 24 to 32 I wouldn’t mind living like 22 to 26 I think that would

Be really nice page um but you can kind of see that really in none of those zones as you’ve modified your swing and changed some things are you in the optimized area anymore so that’s that’s the that’s the key time to make the changes is now have made some uh

Adjustments okay give me two more and then we’ll build some stuff up for you I I would say when I was going through the driver fitting my priority was dispersion so I wanted it just to be in the Fairway and I even said I will sacrifice distance and now I feel quite

Different about it and I I want the distance now I love that you know what that’s a so many valid points that that you’re making around that because there is a point in which you can have to sacrifice Optimum for functional yeah right functional is just

Like get me in play I’m a pretty good iron player I just need to be able to find my golf ball that trauma that you talked about on the left side of the course we all have a little bit of that in there there scar tissue and all of us

From Golf Course uh struggles so I think in in that sense this has been a really good driver for you yeah I agree see two more and then we’ll change it up trackman had a had a hard time with that you apparently landed in your pitchmark

224 that was nice that was actually uh that was much closer I I know that that was probably just it was misread but that does happen a lot where I get no roll and it’s all carry and when it gets a little bit wet or I’m playing a long

Golf course I I know it’s going to be a very long day for me and I’m have some long irons and woods into the greens I just I see other people they hit it and it just rolls forever and it has this nice ball flight and mine doesn’t do

That we got to get that landang that angle descent um 34 it’s that’s that’s closer for sure unfortunately I didn’t it didn’t read quite what the ball would have rolled out to there but those numbers were were closer high in the face yeah but again

Like I can hit that shot all day long with this driver okay I want more we want more we’ve got to see something in the 250s right we have to any less than that we’re short changing you is that where it would Gap out if you look through my

Irons I mean you fit my entire bag what distance would you are you trying to chase for me so when it comes to driver I just look at your driver Club head speed times 2.7 okay so for every yard every Club M nerve Club head speed you

Have we we have access to 2.7 yards so I always challenge myself in every fit can I get the player to 2.7 for every mile hour and then anything beyond that is launch conditions so higher launch lower spin that sort of thing um you’re really you’re really pretty close there um the

Only thing is just that Dynamic loft is is just too high yeah it’s just too high which is good because it means there’s some more yards in there for you okay pige starting off with the Cobra dark speed LS different head shape what I know it looks like a little balloon I

Was looking at the back of it you usually don’t see a bubble on the back side really really um yeah really really interesting sort of shape designed specifically for aerodynamics so all the curves is designed for airf flow over and around the head from what cobra’s tested this

Driver moves faster than any other driver in the market so we might actually pick up some Club head speed and ball speed together well it looks nice although the back is a little bit different than what I’m used to yeah the front profile is nice and small I think

Sometimes there’s like this era of drivers that were so big and super sized and it just felt like you couldn’t even get through it cuz they were so big yeah that’s Prett Goods I spr Goods not bad of first shot one 251 wow yeah 94 on

The swing speed tooed up a little bit that’s amazing so we can lift the launch angle a little bit the peak height and we can carry it further so we are right on optimal in total we have a little bit more we can optimize which is

Awesome okay let me just nudge The Loft up a little bit so in that window we spoke about 22 to 26 so if we lift the Loft up just a little bit we’ll we’ll lose the the 21 yeah we’ll lift that just a little more launch will come up

As well okay Paige amazing start really really good sort of uh little lift and on ball speed I love that we got into the 40s our very first uh ball carried at 251 yeah the peak height just dipped a touch for us and we had a little bit

Of curvature so my main two things here I want a slightly straighter flight from the driver setup and I want to try and be 75 to 85 ft okay maybe even 80 to 90 let’s see so that mean that’s got some bomber distance to it yeah um ball speed’s a is

Hanging a little lower than I would like I think for as fast as you’re swinging that page I think we should be living a little bit closer to that okay we’ve got really high launch really low spin I love the height now that we’re at 83 we

Just could get slightly more ball speed out of it okay give me one more smashed it yeah absolutely smashed it your launch conditions with this are amazing 15.7 launch 2300 so you’re actually you’ve beat the optimizer in both counts 229 252 okay I still want more I still I think we I

Love that that’s what I want for my club fair I think we can get like if if we can get those launch conditions but we are still not optimized in ball speed I know there’s there’s more in the table yeah that driver feels really good through impact yeah really feels like I

Can swing through it I think sometimes even with my Titleist I’m holding back or I’m not fully swinging but that and I feel like I could be really free through impact well look at that that little kind of tight draw as well back to what we’ve done with the irons I think when

The irons were really nice they just have that lovely right start line just Falls a little left it’s so neutral so also shows the importance of why you need to go get fit because I would have never one get fit for shrick on I would have never suggested that for irons and

Then especially like a Cobra driver I would have never thought to try that right off the bat no well the other thing is as well like like any like anyone who’s deep in their craft we’ve got all sorts of little tricks up the sleeve like we’ve got weights flying

Around here we’ve got like I’m rumaging in bags in the back looking for certain shafts and our the mind just never stops and it’s it’s it’s the opposite end of the spectrum from off the shelf it literally is okay into the Callaway uh AI smoke Triple Diamond does it drive

You crazy when you see people tinkering with their clubes and trying to add more waiter cuz everyone has the tools now that they’re able to do that do you know one thing I I always think I like as a I love golf Co obviously right I love that other people

Love it as well and I just think they’re having fun so I don’t mind it as long as they don’t stray too far off track like come back to come back to the Asylum at some point and you know let’s let’s kind of make it right but um when when you

Yeah when they just go off in a tangent and maybe they bought a Club from us they go off and start tinking with it and then they tell other people I can’t hit my driver but they’ve been messing with it for the last three weeks okay paig um the only problem with the

Previous driver I really liked it but the golden black wasn’t doing it for me right we got to get you back in the pink shaft have to have to Pink as we know so uh this is an interesting one have you ever have you heard about autoflex so

It’s funny since I have the the pink La golf shafts everyone in my comments is always asking me if it’s this shaft right okay and you’ve never hit it never hit it awesome yeah first time all right let’s let’s see a you oo amazing what’s pretty cool about

This is 250 is now the norm like like to another 250 so the difference between your angle attack in the dynamic Loft we’re going to we’re going to get that spin Loft down um we want the spin Loft in your driver page to be around 15 okay okay right now we’re sitting

Around just a tad high is that because of my swing or yeah I think it’s a it’s a function of the goal swing it’s a function of how your swing works with that club it does seem like it’s a pattern though with driver always has been that way a little bit so high

And dynamic so that you said earlier on you’ve used a bunch of s and a half and 8 D near time and now I can I can really see why okay let’s let’s tune this one down a little bit for us okay paig we’ve

We’ve sort of like in a good way hit a bit of a plateau 225 250 total um we’re we’re looking really really nice the AI smoke Triple Diamond has two weights in it two and uh 14 I’ve taken the 14 out and put seven in so lightened that up a

Little bit I’ve turned in the 8° down to 7° so the dynamic Loft number here I’m looking for about 15.5 so let’s let’s see if that goes up and if the club head speed goes up because we’ve made it lighter as well okay 256 I love that angle attack

Was better there that was a little bit more up Peak height was really really nice there it sounds so good off the face too feel like I’m absolutely crushing your your launching spin now is so good yeah you’re actually carrying the ball if you look at where your total

Was earlier on like like 210 yeah it wasn’t yeah so the totals earlier on were 233 24 224 235 your carry distance is now what yeah is what your total was before that’s insane wow okay Paige cherry on the top we’re going to add in the the golf ball

Into the equation again we talked earlier on with the irons about maybe playing something with a slightly different cord in cover combination than your tp5 let’s let’s see if if this is any better but we’re really close yeah feels really good love it so good yeah so good Dynamic Loft now

Is wow that’s quite quite the difference um we obviously know the importance pige and like how our swing impacts our launch conditions with driver we always promote hitting up on it a little a little bit more so if we look at just at the start before we gave

You this shaft with a slightly softer tip you kind of like in that one degree up on it and it was it was pretty good but now we’ve given you something a little bit more active in the tip section look at the difference in the angle of attack so for someone who’s

Been a lifelong struggler with with this if we if I even just show you just like the way we’re kind of causing the golf club to react so we know in the back swing the Sha will load at the top and then the way down we want it to unload

Well the softer the shaft more we’re allowing that tip section to really unload like that and we’re going to start adding some Dynamic Loft we have to do our bit with the head and go lower lofted here but then that spin Loft number exactly where we want it yeah

Like now your optimal actually is 261 there’s room for even more look at that so like I was loving that one but now I’m kind of looking at it going else can we do what else can we do we’re we’re looking at 240 carries now in 260

Total so and and that’s oh my gosh that’s amazing that’s almost I mean we picked up almost 30 yards yeah almost 30 yards what does the shaft feel like this because it’s obvious softer by Nature so it’s it’s from a timing perspective it is a little bit different is it is it

Offputting no not at all I felt like with my other driver I would kind of hit up on it and it wasn’t flexing the way that that one is and I can’t really describe the feeling but it it is almost that it’s bending right it’s almost

Whipping at the ball now and I can swing through it and I’m having a lot of fun I think just with the way that my swing is and the way that I like to attack it it just is I mean connecting right at the perfect moment for me it seems that way

It’s it’s a like a really hotly debated shaft in the sense of like is it just is it just a soft shaft is and other people say like they’ve never hit anything even remotely close I think in in your case what it’s doing to the delivery numbers

Is the thing that impresses me the most your Club head speed now is up at 96 so you’re well over P lpj average well over that ball speed for me is I think the next stop is is is going to be getting that ball speed in the High 140s um um

And then we’re really packing on The Yards but I can’t wait I can’t wait to see what this is like for you on the course I I like the whippin of it I’ve always kind of liked a shaft yeah can do that okay can you give me one more for

The roads I have a question so when it comes to tea height with drivers where should I be teeing it up I would always teed up a little bit higher cuz I felt like I needed to hit up on it and I feel lately that when I tee it a little bit

Lower that that’s been better but where is the proper te height for most people so your point of trying to sort of match it to what you want to do versus what you do is the conundrum for everyone so with your old delivery yes low was going

To be better you’re going to hit way more shots in the middle of the driver more ball speed more stable launch conditions with this sort of new angle of attack being four up three to four up get up there okay because the shaft is

Now sort of On The Rise the Club head is on the rise as it impacts the golf ball and yeah you can you can teat up there without any issues at all okay yeah yeah pretty good yeah still good where do you feel like you hit those last couple do they feel like

They’re solid I do feel like they’re solid I think because I’ve hit a bunch of drivers that I I feel a little slow through the ball right now yeah but I would say that even when I’m out in the golf course I tend to not swing at you know

100% so knowing that a slower swing will still go 250 is nice oh sorry no that’s okay I’m just going to uh I’m just going to go like I think you’ve you’ve made me curious about teyp because I’m looking at going like I see everything I like there

Why is why is the ball speed not in the the 140s why is the smash factor a little bit low but the swing speed’s not so that bad it’s pretty good 94 is really good and just if we just focus in on the smash at 146 like 149 150 like

That’s that’s kind of really optimized when I look again where your angle of attack and dynamic Loft are like they’re perfect they’re literally perfect there’s no reason other than maybe a little bit of a lateral miss or a vertical Miss other than that everything’s where I want it I mean I I

Just I’m just being a little bit nitpicky on that ball speed but I’ve just nudged the ball down here with the autoflex shaft will the dispersion be a little bit more weld because it’s a little bit more whippy or not necessarily CU it’s fit for my swing

Because it’s fit for you it won’t be so this this Triple Diamond Head has a right more of a bias to a rightward start line so if I put this probably on your tsr3 you’d be hitting tons of left ball I haven’t seen really any so far with

That so we’re kind of able to take advantage of the fact it does kick a little bit more and match up with the right head to create the right pair quicker yeah yeah yeah so down a little bit so yeah that’s yeah wow two three four

257 and we’ve we’ve had you hit a lot of balls paig I mean you’re like anyone else there’s a point of diminishing returns in the driver fit for us to get to just about 260 out of that I I’m so pleased that’s insane I really didn’t

Think that we could improve it we both thought that drastically tsr3 we both really thought that that was going to be you know a bit of a tricky one to beat but yeah that’s there’s just like we said there’s always little tricks up or sleeve whether it’s waiting and you know

Different shafts whatever it might be just creating a new combination but I think the big thing unlocked it is we gave you a combo that gave you a more optimized delivery and and you didn’t have to change your swing so I think next time sort of you work with Jonathan

And and he’s you know you guys hit driver he’ll be like oh good work you know angle attacks up you must have been practicing really hard H you can tell me I have I have been practicing really hard guys I hope you enjoyed that as much as we did um Club fitting is

Transformational it really really is and and there’s things that really well skilled qualify Club fitter can do that will accelerate the Journey of difficulty which is improving our golf swings it’s so hard it’s such a grind you can be stuck trying the same thing for months and months even years and it

Can be hard or we can accelerate the the process with Club Fit we’re not called we don’t want it to be a Band-Aid ever we never want to mask any swing deficiencies because long run we run into problems with that too but we we want to have you guys enjoy it more than

Ever and that’s that’s what means the most yeah amazing and I got to keep my pink sh back in the pink you’re back in the pink we love it winwin for everyone okay guys hope you enjoyed that stay tuned for more and we’ll see you again soon


  1. Ian, how did you like fitting with track man?
    I enjoy seeing the optimal ranges vs shot data but outside of that I prefer the looks of foresight (range wise, your data screen, ui, etc)
    Love the fiberbuilt grass mat they have at that club champion. Saving everyone’s wrists and elbows!

  2. 4:07 Heard the siren and thought Ohio Players – Fire would have been the perfect music for this

  3. Good video Ian. But just that set up a lone is over $2500.00 that's a lot of $$ for just a driver fitting/purchase. Then you still have the rest of the bag to go.

  4. Why would optimal on the TM Optimizer ever be less than the actual? At 14:36 Paige is 222 optimal carry but carried it 225? 243 optimal total but actual 250. So her strike was better than optimal?

  5. enjoyed both of these with PS. question on the ball speed. while she was making big gains smash didn't improve as much as I might of thought. Would like to have seen where the ball was impacting the face. assume slightly high toe based on the spin numbers. beyond the tee adjustment, did you also consder a slightly longer shaft for both club head speed and maybe a little more centered impact? keep them coing Ian

  6. Paige is a delightful person. She seemed so pleased with the results of the fitting. I hope she comes back to the club where I work. I'd love to see her hit that driver.

  7. Ive been to several fittings and I can say that Ian is a cut way above the rest. I wish he was down in Cali

  8. Her hotness to skill ratio is unheard of. Paige's knowledge is off the charts but her innocent flirty disposition is dizzying. Hats off to Ian keeping his composure with no deviation from his process. Although he is a bit giddier than usual at times. Great video.

  9. Great results on the driver guys, nearly 30 yds is insane. Paige must be very happy. Thanks for the awesome video. See Ya's

  10. I feel like I’m strong enough and fast enough I should hit it 280 In the air yet I’m hitting 220 and 230 on the fly and my driver and shaft is both good for my swing speed but I just can’t hit it that far. I don’t get it

  11. Never been to a fitting (yet), but I have to believe the communication between the fitter and the golfer is HUGE! Did Paige try the Autoflex shaft with the Darkspeed as a comparison?

  12. 136 ball speed will go about 210. And counting roll out on screen golf is like saying you have an AI girlfriend. But, I saw a lady on YouTube hit 300 yards with a swing speed of 97 mph so I guess anything is possible in screen golf algorithm land, but ridiculously deceptive

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