The Secret To Starting Your Downswing Correctly (90% get this wrong)

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All right guys in today’s video we’re talking about how to start the down swing correctly there’s really one move but a two-part move that we’re going to show you in today’s video if you’re like most golfers like all of us we really want two things JT right we want to be

Able to first things first hit the ball consistently solid and then second after we hit it consistently solid we really like to be a hit it high far and pretty straight maybe draw little bit of a draw pattern maybe would be nice right and if we can combo the solidness of

With high far straight with a little curve I think uh you know the golfer would be happy and I know you and I have coached together for a while I’ve seen you do a lot of coaching and we see a lot of the same golfers and probably

Like 10% of the total golfing population we see does this one move this transition from like top of back swing to kind of halfway down correct and probably the rest of them really need to improve this area and so if you’ll take a setup in there JT let’s talk about

Like okay what are those two things and then let’s go through some of the feels drills and details of each one for sure so um you know as you mentioned the movement is coupled which is really important right so there’s two movements sort of happening at one time think

About rubbing your belly Pat in your head right yeah that’s tough for a lot of people but maybe it might help your golf game to do that a little bit yeah that’s really that important movement to start the downswing is going to be a coupled motion um and the first motion

That we like to see of that coupled motion is one where we are moving the rib cage down forward really trying to get the sternum ahead of the belly button so that’s an easy way to think about it we were talking about this earlier and a cool way to think about it

Too is we get the low point out of the way early so we’re fixing the the low Point issues that a lot of us have early on in the swing which is very very helpful for uh reducing the chaos that we’re going to feel down near impact

Which is what everybody feels right the the feeling that we want to have here is you know we’re going to go up to the top make a nice turn on my back swing here what I’m trying to do is really feel like some bracing maybe in my right leg

Right foot moving my torso really down forward that gets the low Point control kind of out of the way yeah so the reason it does that is because by moving my rib cage forward it helps put some force on the club as well which is a big

Thing we talked about um and kind of putting that force on the club getting the butt end of the club to go more forward is how we improve on our low point so that’s kind of Step One of the process making sure we get our low Point more forward yeah can can you

Hit one just with that JT yeah yeah absolutely hit want to go through that so I’ll kind of go through this process slow so you guys can see it here yeah just really trying to get that forward and that’s like and we’ll we’ll show some tiger and stuff on the on the

Screen of them you know breaking that lead side when they come down yeah and I know we have the quadrant set up for those who haven’t seen that before for us you want to kind of walk us through what that is and like where you would be

Moving with the upper body yes so um you know the reason we have the setup is to help you kind of Orient orientate yourself while you’re swinging and so the goal is you know as we swing back you know we’re feeling like okay maybe we’re in this back right quadrant but

What we want to do is we want to feel like when we’re pushing the rib cage forward we’re pushing ourselves at an angle kind of 45 degrees towards this front quadrant okay and what that allows us to do is that keeps our arms and our hands a little bit more behind us rather

Than that spinning open that we see so much right for people who chronically slice the ball and early extend and all those things yeah most of the time they really kind of move into this quadrant with their shoulders right away and that’s what causes you know see if I do

That immediately now we have over the top Steve and a lot of other Funk things with that and let’s do one more of the good one and then we’ll kind of dive into that second part of the arms and for those watching too this sort of front right like maybe this is quadrant

One maybe this is two three four we’re saying we’re kind of going on this angle with the Torso into that first quadrant and we’ll dig into that second piece like you mentioned let’s yeah let’s kind of pop one more out just with that feel Y and when you’re feeling this JT are

You feel I know you said the sternum forward are you feeling like the rib cage the lat what are you feeling yeah so basically when we’re when we’re doing this we’re just trying to move really kind of this whole lead side forward on top of this left leg what we wouldn’t

Want is for the leg to go faster too fast that would be one way we could run into some issues where if our leg goes too fast this way we actually lose the brace we have nothing to really move the rib cage down and forward with so it’s

Important that the instigator of this movement is more of your core and rib cage not your legs and and one other question we that from a timing perspective I think we’re kind of talking transition so it’s like from top of back swing till like hands hip high

Kind of halfway downish yes so uh really from top of the back swing to lead arm parallel to the ground okay so maybe there maybe a little bit past there just like the first early part of the down swing first early part of the downswing cool let’s pop one more out with that

And then we’ll do the second part yep so here we go making sure ribs are getting you know forward down ahead yeah it’s solid coupled motion there’s two pieces to this we can go in fact let me hop in there JT we switch back sure so as we’re doing this

Downward motion right as I’m going down and I’m feeling this down and forward and for me I kind of I’m feeling the same thing there where my tendency would be I get the knee and the hip G but the chest shoulders St them get back too far Inside Out y many people maybe

Kind of get everything going this way like you said but as we’re going down and forward into this first quadrant the second piece of the puzzle if that gets a solid contact so the forward motion gets takes care of the solid contact early yeah the second piece is what

Makes it go high far and relatively straightish which is where the club gets delivered exactly right and where the the club gets delivered is going to be partially based on how the arms get delivered which will be based on where the shoulders go yes yeah so kind of

What we talked about before is when you come down the shoulders being a bit more closed early just for that first little part yeah or open will control the direction we Swang exactly so the geometry is built into how the shoulders are working the low Point’s built into

Kind of how this big mass of your body is working yeah okay and let’s in fact let me hop you hop back in there JT so let’s do like the bad version where the body moves forward this way or the body starting to go forward but the shoulders

Are opening too soon yes so you don’t have to hit but just like a motion yeah so this would be kind of the bad version and maybe even halfway bad version where we go up to the top rib cage does move forward but the shoulders open as we do

That you can see how high the club is right really really high going to be thin shots M too far forward this has moving too far forward way too low you know especially with a longer Club so it’s going to be very hard to tell your

Brain to do that when you have a five iron in your hand you’re trying to hit up in the air so and that’s so important too like when you guys are watching that the reason it’s not just the forward motion for solid contact is because if

You did just that and open too much like JT mentioned you’d be way too over the top poor contact heel shots I mean all kind of bad shots yeah okay so uh really important that the couple is not shoulders opening and rib cage going forward that does not work so again the

Quadrants would be hey my shoulders would go towards this quadrant where my left foot is no good that’s going to be out to end big slices instead what we like to see is for the uh kind of upper body to go forward towards this front quadrant and the arms as a byproduct of

Staying more closed will end up closer in this back quadrant here okay so that’s how we control the arms with the low point or the geometry with the low Point yeah that makes perfect sense let’s let’s hit another one with that JT yeah so again just just trying to bunt

These out here guys really trying to make sure I’m keeping my rib cage forward I’m keeping my arms back from keeping my chest closed we don’t want to open the chest too much again that has a tendency to send the club you know too far out and over the

Top yeah really solid dude let me try one of those yeah for sure very solid you guys can hear that and see that so that’s probably JT’s hitting you know I don’t know that’s a two or three yard draw very very tight solid contact so most of the golfers we see either like

If you’re struggling with contact Big Time fat shots or fats and thins a lot of them JT they don’t get the first part right they don’t get the forward so they’re just back here the whole time exactly but if you can get into just spending some time getting your body

Working forward into this first quadrant and again notice in the beginning part of the early downswing it’s all of the segments yeah it’s all of the segments everything’s getting forward all of them four let me let me hit one like that that tells the brain guys that we’re

Going to have a good golf shot on the way way down we’re going to control the low point which is the most concerning thing um to go play golf and I like how you said that a lot where you’re like you get you get the contact piece done

Early yeah early it’s not late and chaotic yes exactly so when when you have a golf swings that are very poor have um basically a impact Dynamic issue meaning they can’t control the low point and a geometric problem very late in the swing really good swings have geometry

Figured out very soon along with lowo figured out very soon so what I what that means in my mind is a bad golfer who doesn’t go forward is back and they’re trying to figure out how to hit it solid and there come the airs yeah and there come the airs but you’re

Saying okay if we can get that built in early then we’ve got the opportunity to do some of that other good stuff I’m going do one more exactly and I also like how when we’re going through you were kind of saying hey as you’re doing this and feeling the body in quadrant

One again this is just the early part of the downswing I’m not going to going to continue doing that you know forever per se yeah but it’s the early part of the downswing the pitch of the shoulders is also kind of in that first quadrant yes for sure the angle of that shoulders

Exactly and that’s also the angle of the force on the club right so that so now if we put a laser all the way out see how far that low point is yeah so again that’s what we’re telling our brain is that hey we want to do everything here

To get the low point forward and then figure out how to hit the ball get out of that yeah exactly got it okay so here and I’m feeling kind of like my left side of my rib cage and my shoulder primarily yes is what I’m feeling but

I’m I’m feeling like my shoulders are staying a little bit closed as I’m doing that I kind of have a little like Tommy Fleetwood feel for sure if I look like Tommy Fleetwood but feel like Tommy Fleetwood okay down and forward shoulders closed yeah I mean that feels

Really nice for me so good big that’s a high you know I don’t know maybe five yard draw shot so if you’re the player who comes too far Far Over the Top you hit the ball low you hit pulls slices lack distance they might want to live

Probably not might want to yeah want to live in that pretty exaggerated yes you know for for quite a while exactly so we could say that hey if you’re the golfer that struggles with over the top hey look we’re going to always be trying to

Get to the quadrant so we always need to get our low point forward but we’re going to feel as though our back stays towards the target our hands stay more in this back quadrant near our right foot right all those things need to happen for the golfer that pulls and

Slices so get the low point forward and then you know continue trying to feel those pieces exaggerated yep exaggerated yeah yeah so good and great shot for big high draw somebody who struggles with over the top that’s the things you want to feel they need a lot of that so if

We’re in the you know the golfer in the 10% who kind of does that good and has the push and draw we would say hey they can still feel those and still do those early but then they need to just learn how to get out of that yes exactly so

They need to learn how to get out of that initial scenario so probably what happens is they’re just going from that first place for too long right so they need to imagine a you know hitting a quadrant would be a great way to think

About it as well in terms of like hey I can’t get out of this quadrant so if I keep going too far there’s a brick wall here then that’s no good eventually I have to start that process of going towards that turn the corner and again

If you’re I didn’t mean to get off track there if you’re in that 90% which is where most people are yeah don’t be don’t be shy about this first one I’ll just do one more yeah don’t get too crazy here no rib cage and shoulder to quadrant one and forward the back

Staying towards the target a little the arm staying in a little bit yeah just for that beginning little phase looking for kind of a high 5 yard draw shot here yeah yeah Ian that feels really nice there it is perfect yeah if you like little high uh little draws like that

That’ll work so listen guys if in terms of starting the down swing correct getting the low point taken care of early like JT said that’s I really like that little nugget getting the body forward to get the low Point early keeping the arms and clubs and use this

Little quadrant use video feedback as always and use your ball flight like if you’re still hitting it low pulls and Fades you’re probably not doing these enough if you’re hitting too big a push and hook you might be doing it too long if you want to link up with JT we’ll put

His info down below JT’s down here in Florida he’s all over the world want to link with JT get some awesome inperson coaching Coral as always any comments U or any questions leave a comment down below thank you guys for watching


  1. It never fails that I’m working on a move and then you come out with a lesson on that move. But please followup with the finish extension piece. That’s where I struggle. Thanks

  2. You two are highly skilled YouTube educators who can clearly comprehend your message to the viewers. However, it is important not to underestimate the impact of the efforts made by the lower half in adding that extra panache to the impact. It reminds me of a rhyme that highlights the balance between what rises and what falls. 😉

  3. Man I been following you since I started golfing 8 months ago. You have literally helped me so much. Took about 4 lessons. But your videos have really really helped me. I am going to hit you up on Instagram. I asked you a few weeks back about lessons in broward county. I haven’t forgot just been busy. I will be In touch. Thanks so much man. My game has gotten so much better because of you. What’s this JT Instagram? Don’t see it linked here.

  4. Excellent job explaining the proper drop into the swing. So many instructional videos can’t explain or show the mechanics of these two movements. Well done, gents!

  5. I will add. Personally, as a single digit handicap player, I have found Eric to be one of, if not the best instructors right now. Small things matter when your goal is to break 80 consistently.

  6. I’ll add my 2 cents. I’ve suffered from early extension and loss of balance for years because I tried to follow this formula (sort of). Your words are spot on but the missing link for me was learning to put pressure on my right heel BEFORE this movement. Once I did that, I got rid of early extension and I finished my swing like Rory. Perfect balance!

  7. this is great, Thanks Eric. Would you say driver swing be the same approach being first move to quadrant 1?

  8. Eric disrupted the guest and ruined the presentation. Leaving the guest, who seems like a gifted instructor, to show and tell, would have avoided the complication.

  9. This is really good! I think this will also help with my ground force issues; I tend to "push off" too late which necessitates my upper body to compensate.

    As for the comment of this being too complicated – I disagree. I don't like being partially informed. I like this format.

  10. This is what I’ve been waiting for, as everybody talks clearing the lower body and at my age 57 it’s just not always physically possible! Over the top is my curse! Going out to work on this today thank you!!! ⛳️ one question can concept be used with woods as well?

  11. I will have to rotate madly after left arm parallel so as not to fat it. Exactly what is "round the corner"

  12. Great stuff, some of theses comments 😂😂😂. Could have used Rory as a great example also! Talk about a guy that does the exact thing probably better then anyone right now and seems to work pretty good for him🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

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