What’s In My Golf Bag For 2024

Here is what clubs I am play for 2024! Drop in the comments what you are gaming for this year!

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All right I’ve had a few requests for this video we’re going to go over what is in my bag what I’m playing for 2024 first let’s start off with the bag I have my lovely friends and partners over at Stitch golf I have the Stitch miy SL2 stand bag it’s different than their

Other bags it’s got a lot more storage my favorite thing here is uh their magnetic tea pouch right here and ball pouch you can uh put all your balls in here um it has these really big Side Pockets here really cool leather accessories and goods they offer um a

Water bottle pouch here not too heavy extremely comfortable to carry honestly the straps are very comfortable like this and we got a lot of their cool head covers on my clubs they got knitted ones they got leather ones they even have alignment stick covers here which honestly if you think about it you

Should have something cover in the alignment sticks because if they start scratching up your clubs and irons it’s not going to be good so having something here it looks cool um that is what we got going on for the bag as far as a towel it’s extremely important you have

A towel on your bag at all times I got the Stitch large uh one of their large towels here say Stitch like this you know a lot of people clip towels along the side of their bag I personally just like to get a large I call it a caddy

Towel cuz I had one of these out like when I was caddying just wedge it through your bag like this super nice clean off your clubs after each shot and make sure they’re nice and clean now getting into the clubs I have Tacomo everything we’re going to start with the

Wedges so I have the Tacomo Sky forger wedges the sky forger o1s I have a 60° 56 and a 52 60° is 12° of Bounce the 56 is 12° and the 52 is 10° um Tacomo is awesome if you’re not familiar with them super affordable clubs across the board

Uh they have everything besides Putters on there um but I honestly pretty impressed with these I played Titus Vogies for the longest time before these and like I said I’m pretty satisfied um definitely a different feel but for the price and the quality it is pretty amazing they are forged too which is

Pretty cool moving on to my irons um we have the Tacomo 301 MBS now their irons is where they kind of got their start right really affordable irons these forged irons bladey pretty much blade like irons full set for about 550 bucks right less than half of uh what you’d

Find at other big manufacturers and I tell you I cannot feel a difference between this and my Munos that I had before they’re amazing these I have the straight blades but they have a variety of different clubs you can choose from the 101s I I’ve hit them um as well they

Look great extremely forgiving uh they have cavity backs they came out with a 101t um these ones are fors right um but I absolutely love these clubs we’re going to hit a couple shots here just to you know show you guys after I’m done going through my clubs but I had this

Through pitching wedge through four iron they’re great they look great feel great and then in terms of shafts I have the KBS tour 130 G extra stiff a super high quality shaft that comes stock uh with your uh order so really really nice there then recently they just came out

With utility irons so they have a four three and a two iron I had a two iron prior so I have their two iron 101 U I believe it’s a 18° uh correct me if I’m wrong but you got a KBS hybrid shaft 80 g extra stiff for me in here lot larger

Head I think it’s a hollow body design so a little bit more forgiving I love a two iron even more than a hybrid just cuz I feel like I can hit the Fairway more often and it’s a little bit more confident when I’m standing up to the

Ball and I love this two are so much pop uh feels great off the face and it goes a mile so super impressed with that forgot to mention also on all the Tacomo clubs you get just standard lampin grips uh super you know nice grip that you get

With them moving on to my wood I have a fivewood used to have a 3-wood um but it was going a little bit too far so I went down to a fivewood now I have the Tacomo ignis Fairway woods they have a seven wood fivewood and three Woods I have the

Five wood here but I tune it down to uh minus 2 degrees so it’s playing almost like a 3-wood probably about 16ish degrees and I tell you I’m super impressed with their Woods um in the back you have an adjustable weight here right now I have a 20 G weight they have

A 15 and a 25 you can play around with that the uh face is adjustable in terms of Loft in terms of shaft I have the Hazardous RDX smoke extra sift 6.5 um X and yeah really impressed with how poppy it is it’s a carbon fiber top

Here looks super cool you’ll see it on the screen um but coming off of the face it it it this thing goes and I’ll hit it for you guys in a second but really impressed with this thing um you know no complaints at all and then we get into

My driver so my driver is Tacomo again right I said they have all the clubs the ignis D1 here you have an adjustable weight in the back that you can actually slide and move to a draw or fade setting and also an adjustable hazzle here plus

Or minus degrees I have the 90° driver subtracted 2 degrees so it’s playing like seven just trying to really get it low cuz I hit it high and spin it same thing as the fivewood though you got the carbon fiber top uh the driver does make a pretty interesting sound I’ll show you

Guys right here but I’ll hit a couple just take a listen reminds me of kind of like the old ping drivers if you uh know what I’m talking about but same thing here got the hazardous RDX smoke shaft 70 G extra stiff um and yeah it was a bit it was a

Little bit more of an adjustment for me with the driver but I’m uh pretty happy with it driver’s always been a pain point in mine so just trying to figure it out in general but really happy with uh how this club is performing I’ll hit

This for you guys as well let we get into the flat stick now I have a lot of Putters at home this is the one I’m gaming right now I got the bardi ss17 guess this like a limited edition one I thought it looked super cool it’s got

Like the honeycomb face on it um plain the blade if we look at like tow hang sort of thing it’s got about I’d say 60° of tow hang um I have a couple putter more Putters at home I have a lab putter a couple Scotties so I kind of filter

Through them when one’s not behaving I just kind of swap it out but uh I like it so far I’ve been rolling it pretty well want to get out and play more and see how it goes but I do like the uh putter let’s go hit a couple for you

Guys just wanted to make a video here uh let’s hit some irons in in the driver so you get to hear it also forgot to mention I use stitches gloves they’re pretty pretty nice but let’s hit a couple shots here just hit a couple irons and you guys know the drill go hit

A couple irons here hopefully you can see them a little bit I know it’s not night time but just want to mainly show you how the driver sounds but I I really do like these irons um you saw the overhead shot they’re a little bit more

Uh blade likee so not as forgiving as the other ones that they do have but very happy with them they treated me well I’ve had them for over a year and they’ve done really well for me super solid feeling off the face very big and good build quality so you won’t

Be disappointed if you get a set of these and for half the price I mean it’s honestly a no-brainer you can customize the lies and Lofts on their website as well feels really good let’s hit a driver just so you can hear it all right couple drivers here just just want you

To be able to hear it off the face it’s a bit different but it uh sure goes kind of a pingy old school type of feel don’t confuse the pingy with not poppy off the face cuz this thing it jumps but I’ll just hit that one for you

Guys don’t need to make this video longer than it needs to be but yeah that’s the club that I’m playing for 2024 I’ll let you guys know if anything changes if you’re new to the channel make sure to subscribe helps me out a lot and I’ll see you guys out here real soon


  1. Why go with all takomo when there are clearly better options out there especially for wedges and woods

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