Golf Players

Master of Putting-Fairways of Life w Matt Adams-Wed Feb 21

Matt Adams is joined by PGA Tour Legend Loren Roberts as they break down putting like never before. Matt and Loren take a hard look at why Scottie Scheffler, Colin Morikawa and more struggle on the greens and inversely why they are such great ball strikers. Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy comment on the future of golf and what the PGA Tour could look like.

Welcome to the most listened to golf in the world the fairways of Life show on air online and around the world with the most candid interviews Unforgettable stories taking you beyond the ropes here’s your host New York Times bestselling author Matt Adams good morning one and all delighted

To have your company from wherever you’re joining us around the world we are still in our home away from home just outside of New York City I’m up here at NBC Sports hosting shows for golf champ Channel this week well where we’re going today has me so pumped and I

Think the information that we’re about to share with you will blow your mind because we’re going to go down the road of the philosophy of the execution definitely the mystery that surrounds putting because it’s it’s a really interesting subject we are about to have on the show a legend who is one

Of the greatest Putters of all time full stop and the thing that I’ve always found that’s interesting when talking to Great Putters is you’ll have this conversation go hey um what is it what’s the secret and the great Putters will say oh you just look at the hole and do it

What what are we missing here here’s where I’m going with this if you look at the great ball Strikers on tour I’m talking about worldclass ball Strikers on tour and then compare what they do when they have the flat stick in their hand the numbers at times are absolutely shocking

And in I can I can look at it from an inverse position too and say okay the people who are not even average in their approach to Greens that are exceptional when they have the flat stick in their hand what is this disconnect take a look at this

Graphic that Dom and Andrew put together this morning that illustrates exactly what we’re talking about about it is amazing Scotty sheffler is 168th this this was on the full season last year that’s why we used last year as our standard although the official World Golf Ranking is current Strokes game approach however

He’s first Colin morawa Strokes game putting 114th approach he is second and you can see again look to the right column and see where they are with the official world golf rankings Tony feno defending champion this week 125th fifth in approach 24th in the world Gary Woodland 186 Gary’s a little

Bit different in terms of measurement here because he was Ill last year but nonetheless the numbers are what they number what they are for for discussion purposes today sixth in approach 116th in the world Adam Scott as an example 143rd in putting 19th in approach number

48 in the world now let’s flip the coin Maverick mcne putting he’s number one on tour he’s 159th in approach he’s 144th in the world Taylor Montgomery second in putting 181st and approach 88th you can see I’m going to keep going down McCarthy third that’s Denny 85th and

Approach he’s F Harry Hall fourth 163rd he’s 162nd in the world Sam Burns is eighth in putting he’s 129th and approach he’s 18th in the world and strokes gained putting for Justin s he is 10th he’s 125th in Strokes gain approach and 83rd in the world so

There’s a few things that you can draw from this one is that great ball striking still by average if you look at that that chart the average position world golf rankings for the great ball Strikers was 40.6 right and that was brought up because we included Gary Woodland there

As an example he’s 116 so it brought the whole average up if he didn’t have that it would be far closer to about 18th as when you look at the great Putters their average World Golf Ranking is 90th it’s really interesting because the old you know dry for show putt for

Dough while there is Merit to that approach it’s showing us that great ball Strikers still at times can Trump the bulky putter now it isn’t because they’re just simply beating the putter it’s because at times the putter decides to cooperate and when the putter decides to cooperate they do amazing things like

Win major championships like get ranked number one in the world but at other times it is so frustrating watching them because the putts just refuse to drop the question is why so we today are climbing the mountain and we’re going to find him in his cave somewhere sitting

Cross-legged to find out how and why putting is the history that putting is it is absolutely a delight to welcome to the show a PGA Tour Legend Lauren Roberts can I go to a better Source than this the boss of the Moss an eight time

Winner on the PGA tour he won 13 times on the PGA tour Champions including four senior Majors amongst that he was a 1995 United States Ridder Cup team member he was a 94 and 2000 president Cup team member as well and listen to this this talk about grinding it out

632 starts on the PGA tour 293 starts on PGA Tour Champions combined that’s 925 career starts he had 106 top five finishes 20 of those were runner-ups as well cannot wait to get into all this with Lauren Roberts Lauren how have you been I’ve been great yeah doing

Good is there any greater evidence of the golfing Gods than the chart that we just showed you I I’ll have the guys put it back up on the screen again to get your comment on it well you know it’s still ball striking is obviously still the important thing all right um

But you know you you can and I look at my career and say well okay you know I had an ice ice sh tour and it was basically the putter that really kind of saved me and got me up in there and uh but you know you’ve got to combine both

Of them if you’re going to win wi you’ve got to combine both of them for that week and um you know I have there’s there are different ways to putt and I have my ideas about what I did what I do I’ve looked at other players and and see

What they do and um you know we we got we got a lot to talk about today so looking forward to it dude I cannot wait to get into this because it is such a mystery to me I I I think about the words I’d have to paraphrase because I

Forget Lee Trevino’s exact quote where he said God doesn’t give everything to every body and in his reference he was talking about Jack Nicholas with a wedge in a hand back in the day but it seems to apply with the Potters versus the ball Strikers can I just start there

With you Lauren do you can you have any Theory as to why it is that a that a player that is such a consumate ball Striker seems to have difficulty the majority of the time except for these flashes with a putter um you know obviously it’s it’s the focus F us

On what that player does the best and what that player feels like he does the best that’s what he’s going to focus the most on um you know there are different ways to putt uh just like there different ways to swing you know one I first started there were a lot of different

Golf swings out there now guys all most of the players they all kind of more look alike you know than they than when I first started uh because there are some there are some basic approaches that everybody has to do when it comes to golf to create speed and all that

Sort of thing but putting to me is more about feel and I’m going to just and I don’t know what this stat looks like but this is what I’ve always kind of felt like if you’re one of the best ball Strikers you’re going to be you know

Knocking at 8 10 feet a lot okay and you’re not going to miss as many greens uh so you’re not going to be chipping it up as close you know you uh so I don’t know I think there’s there’s uh when you’re hitting at eight or 10 feet every

Hole uh it’s it’s tough to make a lot of those and I don’t know and I don’t know and I’m just throwing this out there I don’t know if that weighs into the stats or not but you can probably tell me that well I mean I could I can give you an

Example last year’s open I was assigned to cam young so I was with him for the final 36 holes every shot that he hit and I will tell you honestly I think he should have won the open at Royal Liverpool by at least 10 shots he could

Not make a putt in your experience when you were watching great ball Strikers back in the day at the height of your prowers and they couldn’t get the ball in the hole the majority of time but they were such great ball Strikers that they had more opportunities for birdie

Like you’re pointing out so they made enough that they were in contention or they would break through and they would win what’s it like for you as a great putter when you’re watching someone who just seems to naturally struggle the majority of the time with a putter in

Hand you know I think go when you if you know you’re struggling a little bit and I think a lot of people would think this way I mean it would be something that could be in the back of their mind they start putting a little more pressure on

Themselves and you start looking for different things to do I mean I’ve seen guys that actually change what they are trying to do with the putter in the middle of the round I mean just to try to make some more put um it it just you have to figure out U

What is going to work for you and just stick with that um you know great really great ball Strikers that’s I’ve I’ve always thought gosh I would have loved to been that but I did just and this is just me saying that when I played I used to always kind of use the

Term okay just get me on the green and now you’re in my Stadium okay that was that was the mdle approach I used to do so if if I take a look at Lauren Roberts in that regard this is interesting because it does provide us with the

Contrast we’re talking about I went back to its difficult because when you go back to your days in the PGA Tour they didn’t have the The Strokes gain stats coming in the way they do now but I went back to 2002 and the reason why I picked

2002 is because it was one of the later years in which you won and and again I emphasize it was a year in which this man won on the PGA tour 125 to 150 yards ranked 128th 75 to 100 yards ranked 123rd 50 to 75 yards 112 total driving

135th driving distance 192nd now I’m not saying those stats Lauren to diminish you I’m saying that to celebrate you because here you were in these areas that weren’t even to the average but you won in that year year and it was a long run of winning that you had done on the

PGA tour so again now you got them in your Stadium when you get them on the green the first question I would love to know for you is your philosophy on putting but don’t tell me save it for when we come back the fairways of Life show is presented by the PGA TOUR

Superstore they are the number one golf retailer from coast to coast a big new store opening up in Virginia this weekend check it PJ tour your happy place relax easy now find your happy place it’s all in the hips just T yes find the latest clubs in apparel

At golf’s happy place the PGA TOUR Superstore in Ireland golf is more than just a game come and experience our world famous Lynx courses and our world famous Parkland courses all set alongside world famous scenery and visit our world famous historic sites and while you’re here enjoy our world famous

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So easy to hit super excited for the consumer to try this they’re going to love them pxg nobody makes golf clubs the way we do period baseball nah football done it I think I’m going to go after the PGA Tour Bo you’re going to need the right Equipment Company I think

I got that you know tourage backs all their clubs with a lifetime warranty I know they ship all their premium custom clubs in 48 hours I know all their premium clubs are hand buil in the USA I know you know tour edges won 35 times out here guys I know pound for pound

Nothing comes close Bo golf provides the ultimate world class golf destination with 10 Championship caliber courses spanning three Resorts centered in Michigan’s Northern lower Peninsula the courses are the products of some of the gamees Masters including Robert Trent Jones Senor Arthur Hills and Donald Ross from the all-inclusive vacation package

Is Elite instruction with the bo Golf Academy tournaments and so much more Bo golf truly offers an unrivaled Michigan golf vacation experience just log on to Bo Welcome back to the fairways of Life show our guest is eight-time PGA Tour winner Lauren Roberts one of the greatest Putters in the history of the game and Don put out our question of the day today in which he said Do you believe you are a good Putter and right

Now just under 60% are coming back and saying no so let’s pick up right from there Lauren Roberts is putting in putting performance in any way predicated on belief you you’ve got to have a positive attitude if you’re going to if you’re going to be well about it I mean if

You’re standing over a putt then this is obviously this is my thinking about it if you’re standing over a putt and you don’t feel like you’re going to make it uh and you feel like well I’m struggling what am I going to do here I missed the

You know you’ve got to have a positive attitude about what you’re going to do but you know if if it doesn’t go in you got to forget it you move on to the next one you got to foret you you got to forget that way you’ve always got to be

Positive about it um you know and obviously I had bad weeks putting too I mean but um you just yeah yeah yeah yeah I had some bad weeks too dude I missed a five foot putt that would that would have won me the open in oont for

Heaven’s sakes on the last hole so okay I miss them too you know yeah but anytime anybody judges themselves on missing a putt at Oakmont that is a very very difficult [Laughter] stand oh gosh did you ever have putting performances good or bad I guess would

Be the question but I suspect it’s it’s the former did you ever ever have putting performances that even surprised you um yeah I’m trying to think of what what it would have been but um gosh uh you know I but this is I tried to

Forget it you know I’m sure I had bad tournaments and bad weeks where I where I didn’t put good and uh you know I I try to forget it I I’d get past it just forget it ever forget it ever happened you know um what about on the positive

Side were there times when you were like my gosh I I I just I couldn’t miss everything went in that’s right yeah I’ve had weeks where I just just just everything went in I mean you just it didn’t matter but you you were in a rhythm and you stayed in that Rhythm I’m

Sure I sure most players on tour would tell you and also it’s about the golf course you play where you’re playing the type of grass you’re on but you know I there were some courses that I could go play and I loved them and I couldn’t

Finish out of the top 10 whatever year then other courses I could go play and and could barely ever make the cut and play as good as I could play you know it’s just I don’t know just uh different different courses for different guys you know but what would you say I always

Tried go ahead go are always you know I always try to use the attitude that okay uh I’m gonna get up here and I’m G to do the best I can if it doesn’t go in I’ve got to forget about it but I always want to be positive about playing around as

Far as just get me on the green and then I got a chance you know so you’re always looking at yourself as being in a positive frame of mind Lauren you and I haven’t discussed putting and and the execution and the philosophy of it and the emotion and the

Mystery of it to a great extent over the years we we’ve mostly talked about your career what you accomplished and and how you did it but it’s fascinating to me because I’m already sensing you going down the same road I I have had this discussion climbing the mount and

Talking to Dave Stockton I have had this discussion in in talking to Billy Casper I remember both of them like in in a lot of ways like you it’s it’s hard to grab onto something concrete I remember saying to to Billy Casper one time I said Mr Casper can you tell me

Anything about putting that is something that that’s more concrete than visualization and just step up there and and separate yourself from execution and blah blah blah and he said you know that way he would talk it was deep and he would say well Matt I’m only going to tell you one thing he

Said whatever the back of your left hand is doing that’s what your putter face is doing and I was like yes that’s something good and with Dave Stockton it was the same thing I was it was when we were we were doing the US Open for ESPN

He was sitting next to me for hours I had hours to pick his brain I just could and I it was like it was like trying to read clouds in when when someone has that innate putting ability and he finally said the only thing I tell you

Is that when you’re going to putt he said I don’t care how people putt I don’t care what they’re moving none of that matters to him he told me what matters to him is that you do a full circle around the hole so that you can see all the variables that you’re facing

When you’re trying to execute said putt what of Lauren Roberts is there something that you can give us that has a hook to it a concrete that I know people right now are leaning forward towards their television and radios well yeah I’m going to give you a

Lot of stuff because I I feel very positive about some things and obviously we’re going to talk about a lot of different things here but you just talked about walking around the green when believe it or not you you should be reading that putt before you ever get on

The green as you’re as you hit that shot on the green and you’re walking up on the green you you need to be looking at the whole green and and and the the tilts and where the runoffs are so you can get a feeling of well how is this green

Absolutely placed you’re you’re you’re reading that and I I think a lot of players do it and they don’t maybe don’t realize they do it but you’re actually reading that putt before you ever get on the green or you should be because you’re looking at the whole dynamics of

What the green are I like that of looking around on both sides I would always generally be on the low side of a putt and then behind it now if I had if I had a little doubt on what I saw then I’d go around the whole putt

Um but you know I’m I’m reading that put before I ever get on the green and guys have played numbers of practice rounds on these golf courses and they they know what the greens I mean my gosh they have all these little books now where they

Well they used to be able to you know write down all the all the dimensions but now you can’t use that anymore but um you know you you’re read it before you get on the green now this is the one thing that I always always say about

Putting that I and and I know there’s two different ways to see it and you talk to Mike Shannon who teaches putting down at Sea Island down there and I’ve talked to him him about this over the years and you know there’s two ways you see things you’re either linear or you’re

Nonlinear okay and that’s a personality thing but um what I always say is the most important thing about putting is speed control is the whole thing about putting if you cannot control your speed you can not pick the line you know very few putts are straight putts out there all right

So if you can’t control your speed how are you going to pick the line uh that’s my number one thing now how you’re going to control the speed is obviously with your stroke now there you know there’s other ways to put you know because okay and i’ discussed this with krenshaw a

Little bit and obviously you look at you look at kren Shaw’s stroke he’s he’s the absolute true Arc putter you know true Arc putter I don’t care if it was a wedge or a driver or a that that that shot was going to go right to left so

When the putting you know he he take that thing back the tow open and he release the toe through and and release it it was he was a true Ark putter now you look at Travino now okay he took the left side of the golf course out of play now he

Could make it he was so good he could make it go any way he wanted to whenever whenever he wanted to but primarily in my observation he would take the left side out of the golf course so now he would be a Square to Square putter he’d

Work to heal through it okay Square to Square now that’s what I do so there are different ways to do it but the key is how do you control your speed now this the putting stroke is a miniature golf swing okay it’s a miniature golf swing

And when I see people that I you know given some lessings to just friends around I see and I’ve even seen a couple of tour players do if I on the backstroke if I see that putter shaft go back and that the butt end of that putter shaft is not pointed at their

Belt buckle on the back of the on on the backstroke they got no chance because that it’s got to be a golf swing that that thing has got to have a swing to it and a release just like the full swing when you swing a golf club this is absolute gold Lauren

Roberts helping us to solve the mystery of putting on this day we’ll be back with more of this Legend after these words stay with us folks relax easy now find your happy place it’s all in the hips just t video yes find the latest clubs in apparel at golf’s happy place

The PGA TOUR Superstore in Ireland golf is more than just a game come and experience our world famous Lynx courses and our world famous Parkland courses all set alongside world famous scenery and visit our world famous historic sites and while you’re here enjoy our world famous hospitality fill your heart with Ireland at golf it screams it tracks it’s soft it reacts it is the Bridgestone tour B with a gamechanging reactive cover designed to Spring faster off your driver and stick longer to your wedges TR bridgeston tour bees the tour Bowl reinvented the Gen 6 iron is a culmination of everything that we have

Learned as a team the absolute best golf club I’ve ever hit it’s something special say hello to the New pxg Gen 6 iron the longest most accurate irons we’ve ever made they go higher and farther than any iron that I have hit to date and they’re so easy to hit super

Excited for the consumer to try this they’re going to love them pxg nobody makes golf clubs the way we do period baseball nah football done it I think I’m going to go after the PGA Tour Bo you’re going to need the right equipment company I think I got that you know tour

Backs all their clubs with a lifetime warranty I know they ship all their premium custom clubs in 48 hours I know all their premium clubs are hand bailed in the USA I know you know Tour Edge is won3 five times out here guys I know pound-for-pound nothing comes close Bo

Golf provides the Ultimate worldclass Golf destination with 10 Championship caliber courses spanning three Resorts centered in Michigan’s Northern lower Peninsula the courses are the products of some of the gamees Masters including Robert Trent Jones senior Arthur Hills and Donald Ross from the all-inclusive vacation packages Elite instruction with

The boing Golf Academy tournaments and so much more boing golf truly are offers an unrivaled Michigan golf vacation experience just log on to Bo zero friction introduces the wheel Pro push cart golf bag with its revolutionary 3 in-one design supportive legs that spring into action a comfort

Grip handle with three locking positions accessories for the modern golfer enhanced by seven pockets for more storage and removable allterrain Wheels which slide right into place the new zero friction wheelpro golf bag checks every box for every golfer push carrier cart the decision is yours thanks to zerof friction head to zerof Today welcome back to the fairways of Life show pleasure to have you company from wherever you are joining us around the world you can weigh in on the question of the day or be a part of our live discussion board by logging on to the fairways of Life YouTube channel so Dom

What are you hearing right now what’s the return on your question of the day which is do you believe you are a good putter uh right now it’s flip-flopped 52% are saying yes now maybe some overconfidence there I play a lot i’ played a lot of hacker

Golf I don’t I don’t know about this 52% they’re listening to Lauren Roberts and they’re they’re getting inspired that seems a little high I feel like that number should be like like like 11% or something like that I will one more thing this there’s

A lot of stuff coming in I I hate to break in but there’s a lot of questions coming in and maybe we can go straight to Lauren here okay with everything you’ve been saying Lauren I’ve got people ask asking about aim Point there’s a lot of guys on tour now using

That and it’d be curious to see what you think about that is that a good method in your opinion well see I I’ve never messed with this I don’t know if it’s if it’s about how you read the green with that if that’s what you’re reading the green

About or whatever you know I mentioned earlier uh you’re either L you see things linear or you’re nonlinear you either see the curvature of the putt or you see the putt as a straight cut to a spot left or right of the Hole uh to me

I I am more about all speed I want to see the curvature and I’m all speed this is what I’ve always said if I were to go to you and and and tell you to go stand on the other side of the room and throw a ball to me okay

You’re you’re not going to throw a ball at someone and I tell this to 25 handicappers you’re not going to throw a ball at me and have a go off at a 45 degree angle you’re always going to be somewhere in the vicinity of me it’s

Whether you throw it in the dirt or you throw it over my head and that’s speed control okay so whatever you need to do to control your speed then you can pick the line that’s where you get the consistency that’s interesting you know when you were talking Lauren about Ben

Khaw and and you were talking in reference to speed control in types of putting Arc putting or you know Square to Square if you will yeah Ben has told me that he actually decelerated into the ball now is is acceleration or deceleration relative to putting is that something that doesn’t

Really interest you because again it all comes back to speed control and whatever you need to do to get the ball to the Target area it’s it’s what you need to do to be able to control your speed I mean I mean you know I see sometimes I

See guys they’ll have a 12ft putt and they knock at four feet by the hole I mean it’s like okay that’s not going to go in if it you if it does if it does hit the hole uh I got a I got a great quote from Ben

I’m going to give you he said you know Lauren he said you know you you’ve got the hole it can go right in the middle of the hole it can go in either side of the hole or it can be just like you’re late for church on Sunday you can come

In the back door okay so I mean it’s it’s getting it around the hole if it’s got the right speed around the hole it doesn’t have to be on the perfect line it’s going to go in the it’s going to go in the hole is there a personality type of a great

Putter I I don’t know you know I mean like type A type B somebody that’s generally pretty chill uh you know I think uh you know I I anybody that’s going to be successful I think doesn’t matter what you do in life it’s going to be a little

Bit okay they’re going to work at it they want to do they’re going to have their their their plan and they’re going to execute it and they’re going to they’re going to work at it that’s the way I feel about that you know it’s how

You what fits you so by the way I I my curiosity is overcoming me I have to ask a question what is what is sitting on on that little serving tray to your left right here yeah some apples and oranges and fruit that makes sense I thought they

Were Donuts that’s why I was asking you I was going to be shocked that no no no okay I’m can I can I give you just a couple more physical things about the choke that I think apply please okay you remember when guys were you know they they until they outlawed

It you know you could anchor on your chest here okay you could put it in your belly button here so you could have it you could have it anchored now what did that do to the shaft okay that made the shaft swing because the butt end was

Anchored okay so that made that thing that putter swing okay you didn’t see the grip carried backwards and then the grip carried through the the the P actually sang and Swang through and and the shaft would swing through through the ball I mean that’s what you want to

Have on the putting show because that’s how you control your speed it’s a it’s just a smaller golf swing and I’ve got a great drill this what and I I give this drill to uh to amers I help when I see them out at the local golf courses and they ask me about

Putting I said okay go find about a 20 25t putt if you’re a right-handed player put the putter in your right hand stick your left hand in your pocket and just hit some 25 foot putts with just your right hand for you to be able to hit it hard

Enough what do you have to do you have to set the angle on the back swing don’t you and when you set the angle the the butt end of the shaft ends up pointing into your belly button area okay so you set the angle now you can put through it

And release it I’ve always felt you know when you mentioned crenchaw I felt like he always toell desell a little bit at impact I always feel like that’s the maximum speed at impact so then your putter immediately starts slowing down after that because I want to think of

The putty stroke as a pure pendulum action this is absolutely gold so do you think Lauren that any part of being a great putter because I’m thinking about in in the annals of the game where the gift of putting left players you know like a Hogan and for a while with with

Sam Sneed and and Arnold Palmer there there was a diminishment of putting over time you never had that diminishment of putting you don’t believe that any part of being a great putter is a natural gift well yes but I can tell you maybe how it happened because when I was a an

Assistant Pro before I ever got on the tour out in California our local Club the putty green was literally 20 ft outside the Pro Shop door and we didn’t have any hardly many members play after about 2:30 3:00 so I’d be out there all afternoon putting every day just

Listening for the phone to ring did you are you a player that stuck with a putter or a small group of Putters or were you the sort of uh of of like the walrus where where they said where’s your putter he said well that one couldn’t

Swim well you know I I think I’ve had four Putters my whole life that’s what I thought uh I started out with an old Tommy armor offset blade putter when I was younger and a kid 34 in and I would get out in those 80s on

The first 80s on the tour and I would maybe have two good days but I always have at least one day that uh I didn’t make anything okay and obviously that would kill me so I just remember my old coach that kind of got me there would one day he finally

Came out and he said here this is a PR I want you to practice with this Putter and it was an old TPA 18 tailor made with a kind of a big round head on an offset the shaft was 36 and 12 inches long a big old heavy metal shaft with a

With a round leather grip on it and he said he I want you to practice with this and so I started practicing with it I said dog gone I like this and I actually put it in the bag the the next the next week and I started putting better and I

Just and I moved on from there now I had a couple of different styles obviously I had to deal with tailor made for years so I puted with a particular putter that they designed for me but I had my shaft and my grip on it always and uh that’s

Kind of what I’ve always stuck to it’s fascinating I want to keep talking to you about putting but just for a second step away and and ask about the work that you’re doing with the first te of Memphis how much does it pull at your heartstrings to be able to give back that

Way well I just love to see the kids get interested in golf and I love to see kids that maybe wouldn’t have the opportunity to to be around the game get there and to be around other kids cuz you know obviously we have kids that

Play golf and no golf and then we have kids that never really seen it and to see them get around kids that love the game and then that they get attached to the game and they make friends that they normally probably wouldn’t make and then they get together play golf at different

Times in the summertime and I don’t know I just that’s what I like I like about it and I always like the the the idea of the game of you know the rules and the the manner of the game and and how you’re how you react and I that’s what I

I’ve always loved about golf it’s amazing stuff I I do want to ask you about Yips as well Lauren because when you’re talking about strategy and approach and and a positive mental mindset uh I mean we know that Yips is is a neuro neurological misfire

Is have you ever seen anyone in in your eyes whether it’s Bernhard Langer or whomever that has changed an approach to putting that has been able to overcome that well yeah you go straight to L I mean well he’s overcome it a couple times uh he’s he is absolutely amazing

To me that how good he played at his age he’s amazing uh but yeah he definitely done a great job about that do do you have any advice for people that are struggling with it well you know I would say to you’ve got to get out and practice okay you’ve got to come

Up with a routine that you have to go through if you’re standing over a three-foot putt and you’re thinking about I’m going to miss it and all a sudden oh my right hand gets a little in to me hands are involved in the stroke because you set the angle on the back

Swing you I’ve told you that about having the butt end putt it at your belt at your belt buckle on the backstroke so that you have a release when you go through now okay so if you get out and you just control that arms that those hands with the shoulder rotation I’ve

Always felt like I wanted to have just a little bit of a squeeze in both my armpits so that I’ve got my arms attached to my chest and then I just rotate I rotate my shoulders to me I’ve always felt it’s easier to control the big muscles than it is the smaller muscles

That’s interesting because that is very much in keeping like with the philosophy of someone you mentioned already with Mike Shannon where he he was telling me that the because the green speeds are getting so much faster in today’s world of golf that back in the day when you

Had the the players of the sort of like a Gary Player that would Pop the ball and very much were handsy through the stroke that you need to be putting with the body was the way that it was described that seems to be in in keeping with your philosophy as well that’s

Exactly what I’ve done I want to work on my shoulder keep my arms attached to my chest obviously my hands are going to set the angle of the back swing a little bit because I want to be able to release the putter shaft through there to control my

Speed I am certain that throughout the course of the career of Lauren Roberts that there were players that had Flatout Envy for what the boss of the Moss was able to do on the greens when we come back from this break I want to go down

That road of hatred and find out what people had to say to him about his ability to get the ball in the hole when he needed to stay with us I guess hello world huh and with one subtle hello tiger began an amazing and Unthinkable [Applause]

Career I’ve done it for 20 years now with with bridgstone allows me to play an aggressive style around the greens and it’s allowed me to win a lot Bridgestone Golf Crow part of your journey Bo golf provides the Ultimate worldclass Golf destination with 10 Championship caliber courses spanning three Resorts centered in Michigan’s

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Body doesn’t move properly for them to be able to hit a golf ball and when you’re training for golf it’s a little bit different because you’re focused more on flexibility and mobility and being uh strong in motion when you’re able to kind of have a warm-up and have

A workout routine and kind of gradually build up to where you’re training your body to move prop properly yeah you’re going to get a lot of big dividends on the golf course relax easy now find your happy place it’s all in the hips just tap it in yes find the latest

Clubs in a parel at golf’s happy place the PGA TOUR Superstore what if we started a company and the company was under no time constraints no Financial constraints the one constraint is their clubs had the be exceptional performers and much better than any other alternative I was told time and again

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Technology The Stride handles almost any terrain and it’s 54 hole range will last all day the lightweight design and removable front wheels makes it simple to handle plus it easily fits golf cards order yours and save visit zerof friction. back/ strive or scan the QR code to order yours today stride your personal Cy Everybody agrees Lauren Roberts is an amazing guest this morning talking about the Mysteries that surround the world of putting hey Dom I’m going to bring you back in here again I want to get an update on your question of the day you guys can weigh in on the fairways of

Life YouTube channel but I’d also like to hear what the people are thinking what they’d like to ask of Lauren yeah there’s a lot of questions coming in Lauren uh we really really appreciate the time absolutely extraordinary Insight uh they’re they’re getting more and more confident 55% now

They’re just I think the more you talk Lauren the mor like hey you know what I am I am a good putter I can I got I can do this I got it all figured out but I want to throw a couple quick questions

At youall I’ll go one at a time here now more than one person has asked this and I’m just curious what you think about it and you’ve seen it most recently comes to mind Jordan spe players that choose to look at the hole during their stroke

What do you what do you think about that is there any is there value in that well I’ve seen that and that’s something that that I’ve never even thought about before uh but I I can I can understand that uh working it’s like in in other sports okay in golf you’re you’re

Hitting the ball here at impact but you’re trying to put it in a hole over here well you know as other sports if you’re throwing a pass or you’re throwing a pitch or something you’re looking at where you’re trying to where you want that ball to go to move this so

I can understand how that could how that could work in golf jump in one more I appreciate it again the people are people have a lot to say about this okay I I got multiple questions coming in about grip pressure when you’re p what do you what do you think about grip

Pressure when you’re putting is there something is there something there or does it is it is it per does it matter if you’re holding it too tight is that really going to screw you up yes you need to hold you need to hold it so it’s

In your hands but if I were to walk up to you and grab the head and pull that putter it should come out of your hands okay you want to just hold that because you you you you you you’re making that stroke and there’s going to be a release to that putting

Stroke so the last thing I’ll comment here Matt and then I’ll let you pick it back up I I I had a third category you know are you do you think do you believe you’re a good putter yes no and my my last option was I am broken and that’s

At 2% so there’s some people that are they”re just they’re ruined they they’ve been ruined they’re done what we feel for the 2% there’s no doubt about that Lauren I’ve been dying to ask you when you watch and uh Andrew if you could put that graphic back up on the screen that

We started the show with today and you’re looking at these great ball Strikers like Scotty sheffler and Colin morawa Tony fow was defending this week in in Mexico Etc when you see Scotty sheffler number one ranked player in the world right now and you see him struggling on the greens

Watching the golf carage or what have you what does your instinct tell you how would Lauren Roberts fix Scotty sheffer’s putty gosh I that’s that’s an area that I don’t know if I want to get into talking about other players but you know he h he has his his own R routine and

You know people have talked about you know how he turns through and he kicks his right foot through there and all that he has his own routine how he hits the ball and for me I think he should have that same routine and same think about when

He when he when he putts you know you just you you have that routine and they both kind of have to to match you know you you can’t have one way of feel like I’m swinging the club and the way you see it and then totally try to change

Your Tempo or change your Rhythm or whatever you do with when you when you putt because it’s still like I’ve said trying to say the putting stroke is just is still a swing of the golf club it’s just a much shorter one but it’s a swing of the golf

Club what when I hear you say that I’m I’m trying to sort through your words so to understand it sounds to me Lauren like you’re you’re talking about freeing yourself up to putt would that would that be a fair way to interpret it that that’s that’s exactly where I’m trying

To go with this what I’m trying to say in the way that would be somewhat uh instructional you know or whatever it’s you you just need to free yourself up and like we talked about earlier the ball doesn’t have have to go dead center in the hole you just have to get it

Around the hole if it it’s so much easier to put this is just purely my feeling about this is it’s so much easier to put especially when you get inside the 10- foot range it’s so much easier to putt when you think about okay I just got to get

This thing I’ve seen I see the line I’m going to hit it I just want to make sure I got the right speed and just get it around the hole if you just get it around the hole it’s going to go in all right so if if you don’t mind it

And because you’re being so gracious to us I would love to pick your brain about more drills that all of us can do to become a better party you’ve gone through a couple of them but can we keep going down this road kind of give us a

Glimpse into how you did it well here’s the deal about controlling speed and this is what I tell you know am people that me that I talk to ask me about putting and and and I say okay and a lot of these guys you know you probably do

It you you’re at your job you run around and you’re supposed to meet the guys and play at 1:00 in the afternoon you get you’re there late and so you get you you run to the tea I said well listen if you can’t do anything at all spend before

You go play spend 10 minutes on the putting green and that will slow your Tempo down that will slow you down get you ready for the round you find what you do is you find some good long hard putts you want to go 25 30 35 ft and you hit you

Go and you hit three or four of those up the hill and over the hill and K work on controlling your speed you try to get it around the hole and then you turn around and you putt the next four or five putts down the hill from 30 35 ft

Because I want you to get a feeling for the speed of the slope of the green before you go play you want to get a feeling for how how do I control my speed you want to learn how to how am I going to control

My speed when I’m out there when I have that putt because nothing messes you up more than to run out there and and miss a Miss A four-footer for par the first toll and then three putt the next toll from 40 feet all right I mean you’ve

Ruined your whole round already so uh you need to and and I even the best players I tell work on speed control because I see a lot of guys out there and they they’re working on their stroke they’ll have their little machines where they’re making the putter do this and do

That that’s great working on mechanics but ultimately you need to be able to control your speed so practice the longest hardest putts you can find on the practice screen and the toughest ones are the ones where the first part goes uphill and the hole is on the other side of the

Hill so then it’s downhill to the hole practice those because that helps you get a feeling for how am I going to control my speed that’s absolutely f fascinating before we went to the last break I was kidding about people who have the gift of putting whether it’s

Self- earned or whether it comes from the the golfing gods and then the people who don’t have it the people who don’t have it tend to get pretty mad at the people who did because of what they don’t possess I’m curious about what you heard and I’m I’m sure we can’t use all

Of the language as colorful as as it may have been back in the day when you were playing with people who were shaking their head watching you do your thing who did you hear from back in those days who did you used to have some good banter

With you know I’m not going to give that up I mean come on man giving that [Laughter] up no I I I feel very very very fortunate to have just to have the career I had because um you know my putter saved me that was just what was

My part of the game because that’s the way I grew up um you know I I was very very fortunate that way but I I we’re all competitive Okay and like I said I would use that once I that mental size of okay maybe you’re a better ball

Striker than me or whatever you know but okay now I put my shot on the green now you’re in my Stadium okay now now you’re playing a home game at my Stadium now that’s just a mental approach that I used to use you know so but I’m not

Going to give anybody up on that sorry all right here I I’m going to change a question though for you because as you know Davis Love the third’s dad used to tell him have dinner with good Putters who used to have dinners with Lauren Roberts I used to hang around with Tommy

Layman and Larry m and and uh those those guys those are my era Tommy Layman and I met at like the the tour School in 1983 we had to go back and requal I had to go back and re-qualify amaz how much you playing golf now can we

Expect to see out there at all um I may show up uh once or twice this this year just to kind of see the guys I’m still uh doing some recovery stuff but I’m I I love the game and I and I I love to go play with my friends

Oh so you you do get a chance to get out and play you’ve got some buddies that you hang out with and you’re out in the golf course oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah we’ve only got about a minute left but I do want to ask you about this before

Uh we say goodbye the tour is about to swing through Florida we’re going to be talking about Bermuda grass we’re talking about different grain any tidbits that you can give us in 30 seconds about dealing with grain well grain you know grain is not what it used

To be 30 years ago when I started because of the new grasses they have the way they cut it now the way they mow it they take a lot of the grain out but yeah read the grain look at look at the edge of the cup which side of the cup is

Kind of rounded off and worn the grain the Rin always runs from the the the the clean cut side to the worn-off side and um generally follows the slope unless you’re in Hawaii then it follow more follows the Sun that way absolutely amazing Lauren thank you

So much for the massive amount of time and insights that you’ve given us today with putting I hope you’ve cleared up the mystery a little bit for some people you’ve definitely helped me or at least given us all a lot to think about but it was great to hear from you really great

To see you again I appreciate I appreciate it very much I mean I I’m I’m just very thankful just to you know I didn’t win a major on the regular tour or anything but I’m just so thankful to be out there and and do something that I

Totally enjoy and to be able to have a career out of it’s it’s just I’ve been so so blessed my whole life it’s amazing well it was good to see you my friend and folks to all of you thank you so much for your company bye for now


  1. I went against my senses and tuned into Golf Today just to see Matt. Matt brings a lighthearted energy that the others are missing. What a giant contrast seeing open minded and intelligent Matt on one side of the desk and ultra biased, closed minded Eamonn Lynch on the other side. Matt shows amazing professionalism biting his tongue when they talk about Liv hating.

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