Is This Why You Are Too Steep?

In this video, I uncover the reasons behind a steep golf swing and show how adjusting your forearms can straighten your swing path. This video breaks down the complexities of forearm pronation and supination, providing clear, actionable drills to help you achieve a more efficient and controlled swing.

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All right what’s going on everybody uh hope this video finds you well got a really cool topic here why is your golf swing steep we’re going to go into causes cause and effect based on our forearm movements so why is our golf swings steep how do the forearms or how can the

Forearms basically help us change or worsen change or worsen the golf club steepening or planing out right there so uh before we get into that if you haven’t checked out the last video that I did uh click that link down below also got a free crash course understanding

Impact would love to have you check that out also uh let’s dive right into it so when we look at players that struggle with being steep okay so there are players that I see that get the golf club very on plane here and and the club

Comes down like this and the club comes down like this now we could say it could be a rotation piece it could be a wrist condition owner radial uh it could be all that the place that we’re going to dive into and we’re going to bring a

Little bit we’re going to shed a little bit more light on is what the actual forearms do and how that can have and how that can change maybe the pitch or the look of what the actual shaft does so I think the first thing when we start

Off with this is what do the forearms actually have the ability to do so what can they do so a forearm movement is going to stem from the elbow joint it’s not going to be a shoulder movement so all we’re going to focus on right here

Is we’re going to focus on the movement of the forearm so when you look at this this is how I started to comprehend anatomical terminology better is if we look at pronation so if you hold your thumb straight up here we look at pronation pronation would be moving

Towards the midline and that would be with that would be with both both hands so moving towards midline and I would call this position one straight up would be neutral this would be position two and as we go into supination this would be forearm up or a doctor I was working

With he told me he explained it as holding a cup of soup right there like if you were holding a cup of soup that would be supination so we would go 1 2 3 1 2 3 so we can do that on both sides so thumbs in towards

Midline this would be one neutral is straight up and down and this would be three so 2 1 3 3 2 1 okay so I think it becomes a lot easier as well when we start coding a lot of times when we code anatomical terminology versus saying let’s go into pronation of this

Superation of that yada yada Y A lot of times for the players that don’t comprehend a lot of anatomy this can be easier so when we look at the player that is steep so one of the things that I like to do one as a teacher in helping players understands number one where

What are the forearms doing if we’re steep okay so if we went here this would be steep so if I turned and I faced this right here we would say my thumbs both of my thumbs are up this one is moving the direction of supination or moving

The direction of three and this is moving closer to the direction of one so if we go here and I go into my back swing and down this right here this would be steep right here so that is going to be our forearms rotating this way okay so that

Is our forearms moving this direction so as I’m right here forearms moving this Direction down swing here this is what we would refer to or we would call steep here cuz now we either a we have to shallow it late time this or B we just

Keep going that direction and we are out in hit poles sometimes hit Fades sometimes hit slices so one of the easiest ways for me to actually comprehend comprehend this and we’re going to do this from a neutral grip standpoint is what actually forms a plane so swing planes are obviously going to change

Let’s say 45 to 50 degrees just for an easy mathematical purpose sometimes they move upwards of 60 even wedges they might be a little bit higher than that but let’s say for an easy mathematical standpoint we need it to be around 45 to 50° I think that’ll be easier for

Everybody to comprehend this right here so if we go thumbs straight up and down we’re going to call this 90 okay so this right here would be 90 if I took my right forearm my trail forearm and I rotated this 45 and I took my lead forearm and I rotated

This in at 45 this is basically this is the direction that I need the golf club to be on the way back and on the way down with the forearms here guys so that would be our forearm movement for this Golf Club to start to create a plane so if this

Was right in here and let’s say this started at 50° right here let’s say 45° well if I was up in here and I rotated these 45° this would now work closer to perpendicular to what my spine would be right here this would be my spine angle okay so if I went here

Rotated we could see this shaft angle is perpendicular to what my backline is when we see players steep in this this shaft starts moving closer to what the player’s backline is and this is where we have to change something so when we look at what the forearms need to be

Doing we need them to be moving again this would be position two position two so anything towards midline is going to be position one for for what we’re talking about in regards to anatomical terminology so this would be going into pronation and we’re going to be going

Halfway so this would be two this would be one all the way that’s right in between okay so we’ll call this one and a half this is a two now it would be moving towards three but not all the way kind of a halfway point right there okay

So we would call this one 2 and 1/2 lead arm would be 1 and A2 so Trail Arms 2 and 1/2 this would be at 1 and A2 so from here I start off neutral grip thumbs are almost straight down the grip and I go takeaway now from here I’m going to

Start to move the forearms to where they would form they would form this plane right here and that club is getting more perpendicular to my back line work this up work this back down and there’s impact now what’s neat about this is we can actually turn

This into kind of a pump drill so when we turn this into a pump drill what I would say is we would go takeway rotate this to about a 45 now and we’re going to work on feeling how we could keep this at a 45 and then return it to impact so I’d

Go right here take away flip this to a 45 the arms are still against the chest pump this a few times and then we would hit so here’s what this would look like so I’d go take away flip this to a 45 swing it back pump once pump

Twice and then I would go hit right there and I think one of the first places that we need to actually be with something like this we need to know what the heck it feels like because if you’re the person that’s been if you’re the person that’s been really steep man this

Is going to feel like this club is way the heck behind us because of the direction the directional movements of where we have the forearm so firstly we need to go into a comprehension of what do we need the forearms to do I think that’s the most important part of

Learning is comprehending what it is that we need to do secondly we need to go into what does it feel like now and what does it feel like in Emotion thirdly then we can start to implement that right there so then we can go into the implementation process

Of it then we we have to know what to check we need to be able to analyze it so a good place to analyze it takeaway here golf club is at it’s about perpendicular to the spine we’d pump this pump this and then we would go from there so

I think that would give us a really good reference a really good starting place for where we actually need the golf club to be from a forearm position movement again 1 2 3 one is towards midline two is neutral three would be a away from the body right there or away from

Midline okay so we need the lead forarm to go here Trail forarm to go here that would be at about 45° and that would be where we want to see the forearms positioned throughout our motion so that we could keep the golf club right there relatively on

Plane I hope that educates you a little bit about pronation superation and how you can actually use that in your motion so if you have any questions you need anything at all from me please leave those in the comments down below I will be sure to get back to each and every

One of you thank you for watching we see you next Time


  1. This is why im subscribed to your channel. I had a Feel.
    And out of the gate your explanation, proves my feelings and work, in the golfswing. I Found this feeling by watching Ricky Fowlers swing.# Boss

  2. Thanks for sharing … clear and concise .. My only comment on the pump drill 8:05 .. when you pump back to shaft parallel the club face appears not to be square to the target line .. I'm not saying this is wrong but in the other videos it seems as if we were promoting the club to be more shut … so as we pump down on the right plane shouldnt we begin some more twisting relative to what you achieved …

  3. The absolute best golf channel in simplifying technical aspects of the golf swing. Keep up the great work TS golf

  4. Great video mate my swing becomes steep by me pulling down on the golf club I don’t come over the top just steep by pulling down any solutions ????

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