Golf Babe

Lancaster Golf Clubhouse haunted? #ghosts #history #haunted #lancaster

Ashton Hall is now the clubhouse for Lancaster golf club. It dates back to around 1381 in sections. Haunted by a lady who died here a long time ago but whose restless souls still appears
#ghosts #haunted #history #lancaster #lancashire

Now the clubhouse of Lancaster Golf Club Ashton Hall has seen sudden death and great unhappiness it is said that long ago a jealous Lord of Ashton before he set off for the wars ordered that his lady was to be restrained in the tower of the hall until his return for he did

Not trust her to preserve her virtue he was delayed and when he arrived back at Ashton his lady was dead thereafter it is said her mournful ghost has been seen walking around the tower her prison that became her tomb on Windswept moonlit nights


  1. Did the lord forget to tell the servants to provide food & drink? Or did the lady die of loneliness?

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