Question: How important are swing triggers?

Question: …. the importance of swing triggers, forward press, backswing setup..

Okay first question from blade here online on the YouTube channel asks about swing triggers and forward press and that sort of thing um I think it’s a very personalized kind of a thing I’ve seen all sorts of triggers people doing all kinds of things from uh foot

Shuffles to big big forward presses to KNE kicks to head moving back chin moving back I think um the whole idea to me of um any kind of a press or a a trigger to get you going is to overcome this issue that we have of the ball

Being stationary you know unlike other sports I think it’s pretty unique in golf that we have this stationary ball and here we are and somehow we need to kind of react I almost feel like it would be better if in some way if you’re the ball’s moving if it’s coming out you

And you’ve got to tennis the ball you know it’s coming at you you’ve got to you don’t really have time to to to think about much you’ve got to just react so I I think the idea of a swing trigger a press something to get going

Is really to help us mentally to move into kind of a reactionary sort of thing my take for me personally is um it’s not really something I consciously have thought much about other than my pre-shot routine is is by Design because of what I’m trying to do in my golf

Swing and along the lines of what we would be teaching at Advanced ball strike uh for me the first thing that I try and do is establish the orientation of my body to the Target uh whether I’m set up you know left right whatever I’m

Trying to do I’ve got a shot shape in mind before I’m hitting my shot am I going to fade this ball am I going to draw this ball so if I’m going to get get over the shot I’m going to take my stance I’m going to look at the Target

I’m going to uh feel my orientation to the Target not particularly overly concerned that it’s exact that I need to set up exactly uh parallel or 15 yards left or right or whatever I just basically come in with a with a general and this really becomes the next

Level of of golf uh is really feel feeling feeling the game once you’ve got good technique then it’s all about ju just feeling feeling the shot feeling what you’ve got to do in the body to produce the the golf shot that you’re trying to hit so if for instance

If I’m going to hit a 5 yard fade kind of a low shot I got a one iron here come and hit a low little five yard fade well I’m going to make sure that if this is a fairway but I’m a little bit down the

Left side of the Fairway I’m not trying to hit it under the right rup or something so I’m just going to you know grip the club and make sure that the the club is in my hands properly I’ve got my grip pressures so that happens all

Pretty quick I like to tap the club down feel it feel that downward what we teach in the fifth module and advanced ball strike in the hand attitudes so I feel I would feel that I’m going to set up to it make sure I’m about the right distance from the ball pretty easy

Because I’ve got my elbow on my body and my posture I keep my spine fairly erect so that’s all pretty easy to to lay into it got my orientation to the Target for me what I then do is I like to make sure that I’ve got my bout to

The 430 line I’m going to be coming into the strike from the 430 line so I like to move everything over this way bow a little bit and I think that’s what Mo was doing when he was setting the club back behind the ball so that’s something

That I personally learned from MO it’s consistent with what I teach and my Approach towards setting up the golf ball so my swing trigger is basically I start here then as I move the club back to the ball to feel the orientation of my hands where I want them roughly to

Impact and I’m going to just tap that and it’s usually a little bit of a a quiver in my right arm and my right knee just to get things going muscularly so I’m ready to ready to the shot so my pre pre-shot routine would be here and my

Trigger would be right there boom uh you’ll see a little movement in the knee because I’m moving the club back to the visually from the right side of the ball I’m taking it back more with my right side than I than I am with the left I

Mean a little bit of both but predominantly going to be right side as I’m going back so for me this would be it take it back get ready to strike but everybody’s different you know we again we see a lot of a lot of knee kick we see a lot of head going

Back you know that the chin going back is a thing to kind of make room for the shoulder to to move so as long as you have some kind of trigger um and I think a lot of this happens kind of naturally one of the things that

Probably helped me a lot was rapid firing golf balls again the influence that mon Norman has on me you know most favorite thing was to line up five or six or usually about five golf balls and just start rapid firing these things you know he would just set it down and go

Tap bam you know just one after another Bam Bam you know just hitting them it that allowed for the brain to go into a different area where it becomes more reactionary um and you don’t really have time to be analyzing gee where I’m going

To be at the top and all this uh you know if you’re rapid firing golf balls one two three four five it just takes that off the table so then your pre-shot routine and your trigger I think it’s going to happen from from doing that if

You’ve got a ball here now just said go boom bam hit that move to another one another one and you don’t really have time to be thinking about much so that’s basically my thoughts on I guess that’s a lot a lot to think about but um the again just to refresh I think

The main idea of a swing trigger is to get into that other side of your brain where you’re hitting it more sort of automatic subconsciously and not really having a lot of too many conscious thoughts over it so you just kind of keep keep it as almost like a reactions

Part so there you go


  1. Great content John. Can you please explain the "straightening of the right arm" when talking about Mac O'Grady's swing and the MORAD system? I've never really understood what this means and/or how it executed in the down-swing. Thanks.

  2. Been thinking lately I want to experiment with a trigger…. Left knee back Right knee forward at same time just a small pop to start swing….. make it athletic feeling
    So many pros move before swing… hard to see unless looking for it and sometimes have to rewind several times to see what it is lol… Like Rahm, Jordy, DJ

  3. Great video. I don't do anything consciously but I'm very aware how my swing starts. A little love tap to earth, exhale, then just go. But like you, bc it's reactionary, it looks like i forward press on purpose. My right knee and hands move ever so slightly forward but not consciously at all. I like what you said about rapid firing. It frees up the mind. I really want my mind to go blank. Great stuff!

  4. Good stuff 👏 👍 Trevinos late tournament movement and talk pre shot was ultimate. Just like he's playing a Monday game with some friends. 🙌

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