Tiger Woods Sun Day Red: Unboxing

Tiger Woods Sun Day Red brand launched last week, but but won’t be available to purchase until May. Sun Day Red gave me a box of yet-to-be-released things as a gift for attending the Sun Day Red launch event. Let’s see what Tiger Woods’ new lifestyle brand is all about in this unboxing video.
00:00 You’re Invited!
01:31 Box #1 – Towel, Ball Marker & Tees
05:00 The Hoodie
06:40 Golf Gloves
07:39 Shorts
09:35 T-Shirt
10:00 Who Will Buy This Stuff?

So about 3 weeks ago I got an email from someone that I had never really heard from before inviting me to what ended up being one of the most unique launch events of my career it was the launch of the new Sunday red apparel and Lifestyle brand from both Tiger Woods and from

Tailor maid and I’m back home from the West Coast spent a few great days out at Riviera went to the event saw Aaron Andrews saw David AES from uh tailor made Tiger Woods obviously made an appearance saw a lot of the stuff and on the way out P door was handed this bag

Of Swag and in this video I’m going to unbox this rather large very heavy bag that I had to bring with me back home here to Connecticut from LAX because I think at the end of the day what people are most curious about is not just the

Fact that Tiger Woods is starting up his own apparel and lifestyle brain with tailor made but they actually want to see the stuff and the stuff is not going to be available in until uh May 1st in both the United States and in Canada and then according to what we heard out in

Pacific Palisades California later on it is going to be M available Europe Asia the rest of the world women’s apparel and lifestyle stuff is going to be brought out there’s supposed to be kids stuff coming out later in 2024 possibly into 2025 but the real thing is like

What what’s the stuff like so we’re going to go through this bag I’m the one who toted it it’s heavy I’m fascinated to see it um I don’t know if everybody got the same stuff so truth be told some people may have gotten some different things than I did but the biggest thing

First and foremost is this rather large box um which has Sunday red I’m not sure if you’re going to be able to sort of make it out there but it says Sunday red again three words Sunday red and as I open it up here I can tell you that uh

Okay so we’ve got a Sunday red towel um that’s rather large I don’t know if this is a beach towel or whatever we’ve got going here but if this is supposed to be a golf towel it’s a pretty big one it’s also extremely thick I got to tell you

Most golf towels that that I’ve had they’re borderline Rags I mean I’m wiping dirt off of golf clubs with them I’m not exactly looking for uh the the nicest Linens and stuff like that in the world it does have this tiger sort of skin print on it which is kind of cool

And you can see where it says Sunday red on it there is also a Sunday red logo that is right there on it as well the logo has been pretty pretty it’s it’s been interesting to sort of see the reaction that people have had to Sunday

Red’s logo my son who’s 19 not crazy about it a lot of people on social media not crazy about the Sunday red logo I like the fact that they took the time to to incorporate 15 Stripes into the tiger for Tiger Woods 15 majors and I don’t

Know if David AES was being 100% truthful he probably was when he said we have also got uh a 16th stripe Tiger logo version for when and if Tiger Woods wins another major championship so uh who knows maybe this stuff will become you know even even more vintage and more

Coveted if tiger winds wins it because it’s got 15 Stripes again a small Sunday red box here and we’ve got a ball marker and it looks like a leather case here so you can sort of see this bright red flashing ball marker Sunday red it’s got the Sunday red tiger

Logo on it and then it simply says uh Sunday red and almost like sort of a little half circle kind of a shape there I’m not 100% sure what that means um but kind of cool certainly be easy to see and a little leather case to hold your

Ball marker uh we’ve seen this stuff from for example Sheamus golf in the past um kind of cool and then I’ve got a couple of sealed envelope well one sealed envelope here again Sunday red and this feels like golf teas so let’s see what we get in here and

Yes so in this case now we have six golf te’s uh three red three white they each say Sunday red on them they’ve got some little lines on it which I suppose if you were somebody who is really uh peculiar you know especially you know I suppose if you were somebody who wanted

To make sure that you pegged it up to the exact height every single time that you could do that uh I’ll have to count them up there but I bet that there’s going to be 15 of those little stripes on there these ones the red ones appear

To be a little bit shorter so those ones might be for irons the white ones obviously for woods so Okay so we’ve got golf teas we’ve got a towel that’s massive we have got a ball marker um we have got more stuff to go in this unboxing video so I’ll put that

There um let’s see here we’ve got this bag so this is some of the packaging that I’ve seen some of these things in it feels much more substi it feels thicker it feels premium and that’s really what Sunday red is supposed to be about is premium stuff so Ziploc

Here and it’s a hoodie I’m assuming this is a hoodie so we can sort of take this here and I’ll lose that and of course tissue paper and a hoodie cuz why not and least see if I can hold this up to the camera just right once again the logo for Sunday red

Uh on the hoodie very thick this is heavy um it’s black obviously it’s a pretty simple black hoodie now if you’re telling me that there’s you know golf details in this thing I I’d love to see it there are a couple little details where it does say Sunday red here on the

Pull things is there anything on the back does not appear to be anything on the back um I thought I saw something on the shoulder but I may have been mistaken on that one so simple black hoodie how much is this stuff going to go for it’s being touted as being

Premium SL Ultra Premium um there was a lot of talk about um cashmere hoodies and things like that and the buzz although no official pricing has been released that was going around the event was that that was going to be somewhere around $300 to $350 so I would imagine

A thick black hoodie like this which is very nice um I’m thinking this is probably going to be somewhere in the neighborhood of about 150 bucks for the hoodie we’ve got a couple of boxes that look like they’re going to be for golf gloves it says Sunday red on these

And this is a white golf glove here in okay seems perfectly fine velcro it’s a golf glove I mean some of these things you know have got different stuff across the knuckles or whatever this is all leather there’s some ventilated sections in there uh across the knuckles and then

Across your fingers so one white glove another white glove they appear to be the same with that Sunday red logo a third white glove uh I’m not sure if they’re all the same size or not not but uh three white gloves with little carrying cases for them so that’s kind of

Cool we have another bag here um how much the golf gloves are going to go for again I have no idea uh a really nice sort of tour level Golf Club can e easily be 25 or 30 bucks so I would imagine we’re probably looking at

The same thing for the Sunday red golf clubs I would assume again something 25 to $0 all the stuff again May 1st at Sunday only you’re not going to be finding this in your local Pro Shop or golf specialty store at least right off the bat it sounds like probably for

All of 2024 this is going to be a direct to Consumer online play only so what is this this is shorts okay so these are actually very heavy like this is uh a cotton sort of a sweatshirt material um there are pockets in the front there’s

One pocket in the back there’s is the Sunday red logo sort of on the back here that’s not like a sticker but it’s been sort of a an iron into place position thing again they’re black shorts uh you get the detailing like we saw on the

Hoodie with Sunday red on the poles it says Sunday red right here um on the bottom front left there a single sort of red stripe what these are going to cost again I have no idea if I’m going to guess probably somewhere 85 to 100 bucks

80 to 100 bucks I’m not I’m not sure again they’re going for this to be a premium brand something along the lines of at least at the start when it’s men’s stuff only like a men’s version of Lululemon something that you can wear on the golf course working out around that

Was a big thing that they don’t want this to be just seen as simply just a golf only brand and they want it to be premium so a pair of yoga shorts or apparel for guys if you’re going to go into a place like Lululemon or something like that I’m thinking you’re probably

Going to be looking at 75 or 80 bucks so I would imagine we’re probably looking at the same thing there last item in the swag bag that was given out to to people as they left the Sunday red event last week is a white T-shirt okay so this also

Has the Sunday red logo on it it’s plain it’s heavy it’s substantive it’s nice um and it says in very small letters Sunday red on here um there’s nothing else that’s special or unique that I can see about this this isn’t a performance story it’s a white T-shirt with Tiger

Woods Sunday red new new logo on it um I’m going to guess this is probably 45 or 50 bucks again if you’re looking at premium stuff in the category of lifestyle that they’re looking for then you’re going to have a premium price I think if you’re looking for printed T’s

In the $25 to $30 range like we saw for years and years with Nike I think you can look someplace else this is being touted as a long-term Ultra Premium very very detailed kind of thing how you make an Ultra Premium white T-shirt I’m sure there are people who know that a lot

Better than I do um all of the the clothing feels I will say really substantive really nice everything is very nice um but I’ll be fascinated to see how well received and how much people are actually going to buy the Sunday red stuff again because it’s going to be online only um because

They’re going to be pricing it out of I would think the reach of many of Tiger Wood’s younger fans I mean how many people people who are in their early 20s uh teens Etc are are going to have you know $300 for a cashmere hoodie maybe $150 for a cotton sweatshirt hoodie you

Know $50 to $80 I would think minimally for for t-shirts that’s expensive stuff so maybe they buy one thing to sort of get themselves associated with the brand but this is a totally different story a totally different kind of deal than what we have seen from Tiger Woods and Nike

In the past and so it’s going to be scarce and I think that’s something you know somewhat by demand uh Ultra Premium and fashion kind of stuff scarcity creates the demand and demand creates buzz and it sort of all Builds on itself so um will older people who you know

Like myself I’m 53 are they going to go out for the new Tiger Woods Sunday red stuff I’m not 100% sure I mean it’s going to be competing against other premium Brands now in this category we I sort of mentioned Lululemon is being a competitor to Sunday red in this light

Lifestyle kind of stuff but Ralph Lauren makes premium stuff Peter malar makes a lot of Premium stuff there are other brands that are more associated with golf that are going to have larger distribution they’re not going to have the Tiger Woods Association um but we’re going to learn a lot about Tiger Woods

Ability to bring in people and to build a brand from scratch over the next several months so it’s going to be something really really interesting to see be sure to comment down below and let me know are you interested in picking up some of this Sunday red stuff

Once it becomes available in May is this something that you’re just not into you don’t like the logo I’m really want to hear what people have to say because I don’t I don’t have a firm feel on it at this point so be sure to comment down

Below it would also be fantastic if you would like this video subscribe to my channel it really helps me out a lot so let me know in the comment area below what you think about Sunday red and I’ll look forward to seeing you again really really soon


  1. David first one here I win!!!!! Doesn't hurt to ask, can I buy one of your Sun Day Red golf hats from you??? if you got one in the unboxing. Only 18 seconds into the video. Name your price please. I love those hats and can't wait to get one. Appreciate the video and have a good one. Now back to the video.

  2. Very well spoken video not talking to much not and not to little, not over reacting to everything 👍🏼 just nice and simple love it

  3. It’s crazy, I didn’t care for the logo at first but it’s growing on me. This is going to be huge, just give it a few🐯

  4. Permium clothes come at a premium price, plan and simple. I'm sure the selection will be large. I feel the logo could have been better.

  5. That box would probably sell for 800 plus. No thanks. I will stick with Under Armor. No way I would pay for 135 to 175 for anyone's polo shirt or 350 for a sweater. Especially for something that looks like it was stolen from a Chinese restaurant menu.

  6. The large percent of his fan base does not fit into this class. He definitely was not considering that with this clothing line. But hey, keep praising him. He appreciates it greatly and is showing his gratitude for you doing so. He definitely needs more money.

  7. I kind of like it . Definitely not for Tigers younger fans with that price point . I am looking forward too seeing what they have coming out

  8. I love the logo but not sure if I'll participate in the price point for another hoodie N shorts! …it's just a hoodie, guess I'll never get this new age marketing mindset.

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