Golf Babe

Chew The Steak, Julius!

We launch a political smear campaign on our Melbourne radio rivals. Belle got her chance to press the buttons for once and Liam recounted his day with his simulated baby god son Julius.

1. Belle’s buzzes out the boys Golf and Soccer stories  

2. God father Liam’s day with simulated baby Julius 

3. 610 Quiz: You seen Taken three?  

4. Liam’s suss on the new Apple features  

5. Belles long ass password  

6. Is their phone ruining your relationship? 

7. We’re paying your bills 

8. Our political smear campaign on the other breakfast shows  

9. Fast five: It’s Javelin  

10.  Guys Instagram has changed  

See ( for privacy information.

This is Ben Liam and Bell get out there podcaster yeah and welcome to chew the steak julus oh yeah fun episode today um yeah lots of lots of good little bits I mean we had a political smear campaign in there Bale got to press the buttons once which is

Very rare normally Ben is always the one controlling that um I and I and Bill we don’t we don’t get a sniff but um you don’t want to sniff I yeah I don’t I don’t want a sniff I don’t like the stank over there I think I’d like to to

Have a taste of the sniff yeah you can come over and it yeah maybe uh in a few weeks yeah yeah well when I’m off uh paternity leave for a couple of weeks someone’s going to have to press the buttons yeah we haven’t really talked about that yet someone’s going to be the

Liam and Bell show yes um and I think our boss is pressing the buttons potentially yeah yeah I think he’s coming in to press them but interesting to see how we go about it’s a good uh well you can panel if you want you you

You would do a better job than than I would no I think you do a good job too it’s so funny thinking like I’ve spent many a year almost my entire working life in the car in the passenger seat like I’m and I have no you know you know

People just don’t learn to driving out when and when we started in radio like 10 years ago we genuinely both we took it in turns we went hour for hour like hour not show for show no it was like it’s like I do six you do seven just so

We like but it was just you were just trying to learn it like yeah but um it’s kind of like if you guys were in the car and Ben’s driveing you’re in the front passenger seat and I’m in the back seat now yeah you picked

Me up and I’m in the back seat you used to be in the boot you used to be in the boot yeah yeah we used to drag you along like we you know yeah like in Troy you know in Troy when they like drive around

If you had a caravan on the back of the car I’d be in the Caravan no that’s that’s too luxurious caravan’s like Swang I I like now baby now you’re in the back about it the back SE Andy in the boot uh no Andy’s in the back seat with you whoa I

Like to think of Andy as engine you know he’s he’s uh you know he’s he’s the Pistons yeah where’s Brody and Tom they they’re they’re all Wheels you know they’re the wheels they’re the wheels they’re the wheels of the car scut is the electronics oh okay different a lot

Of output a lot of output lot of emissions lot of content emissions I was going to say like in like modern cars which is most cars these days there’s a lot of electronics there’s a lot of computers and onboard I would say because scut does the sounds he’s the

Horn I would say uh this been going for 2 and a half minutes and I think we though zto is the Bonnet I don’t know like just I’m I’m over the analogy he’s the infotainment system yeah what’s Ash she’s the radio she the radio she given

The news sheing us shut up Christ sake this is one of those weird mornings where um I’ve got a story that I really want to talk about um it’s in the the footballing world soccer uh yeah and uh Ben there’s a story that you really want

To talk about and it’s in the golfing World correct um two things that bill does not care about in any way shape or form and potentially you know a good deal of the Nova 100 listeners so we thought why don’t we do a bit of a test this morning we’ve given Belle control

Of the buttons Belle this is new for you you’re on my side of the desk there’s a lot of screens a lot of screens a lot of buttons the only button you have to worry about though is the buzzer button did you want to test it out for

Everybody uh yes the one that says buzzer so the reason you’ve got the buzzer button is Li and I are going to take it in turns of trying to talk about our sport story if at any point you lose interest you just hit the buzzer and we’ll stop talking about it oh great

Yeah if you make it interesting for me yeah that’s it yeah cool yeah it’s just like a good test so then we just don’t get too far off the me in s me in maybe I I’m happy to go first P because it was actually one of the like genuinely the

Biggest moments in Australian footballing history overnight and um I’d like to talk about it B are you familiar with an poloo no okay well you you drive past a mural of every day you dve past him every day there’s a mural a chance onry Street a mural centry Street in South Melbourne

Because he’s a local Legend and uh he’s a Melbourne guy and he’s officially become the new manager okay moving on Ben I really don’t care about this man manager I don’t that’s rough that is rough that’s rough I I thought that was interesting he’s literally Spurs manager

All right I’ll give it a shop I’ll give it a shop this is the biggest golf story of give it’s pretty big this is the biggest story in golf of all time and I’m not exaggerating the PGA and the Liv Golf League are merging which means the

PGA is now going to be funded by the Saudi regime it’s in why don’t you understand the gravity no no no because they were like split entities it’s huge it’s massive PGA were having a stance against it and players were leaving and it’s like it is

Oh cuz the thing is like um there’s never been an Australian Premier League manager before there never has been stoping the hey have you checked out wi top 10 winter weekenders yet yeah has a wi if tip Bendigo is in there lakes entrance Beach book your winter Getaway

On the what if app what if it’s Aussie for travel Ben and Bell I am exhausted I I feel like a zombie um I’m at my my wits end I barely had a wink asleep from looking after Julius okay um he is my simulated godson aborting for Ben he’s

Expecting his real son in a couple of months um and unfortunately Ben’s decided not to look after his simulated son you won’t get the choice when it’s a real son because because Liam it’s not a real baby it’s literally a baby born doll like it’s like it’s like a $40 doll from

Target he cries he blinks he we just like a real boy now um I I just wanted you to to know what it’s like you know fatherhood just so you can get a bit of a simulation of the real thing so you’re ready and prepared like all good

Godfathers want for their fathers I don’t think that that dog is going to teach me about being a father well it’s taught me a lot it’s taught me a hell of a lot iing it you I’m treating it like a real godson Bill God I’ve been working so hard and you

Guys don’t even know like we we had a busy day at work yesterday but I I did my best to look after Julius and we we faced our challenges after after work I I took him out to the park catch the Frisbee Julius oh boy your motor skills need a lot of

Work then do him later on later on he absolutely hated my movie Choice sh to my little friend stop winging Julius Scarface is a classic we can watch Bluey next time kid can be such a baby sounds like you’re the one that needs to learn how

To be a better parent yeah we had an absolute mare at dinner time chew the steak Julius chew the steak like This and and Ben you don’t know this yet obviously you’re expecting your real son um sort of in in a couple of months but changing nappies dude it sucks Julius been really really hard and it’s I’m telling you it’s honestly it’s just like the real thing uh it’s

Been really nice to me I’m hormonal I’ve actually started lactating a little bit um and I’m just I’m begging you can you take Julius for a couple of hours today because I thank you cuz I just need a wink of sleep I just I’ll thank you just

Look after AIC I swear to God if you freaking dropped my God stop throwing him around it’s 161 hallelujah it’s 161 Haley what’s up what’s up how you doing hi how are you oh so good welcome to the show uh you’re really setting the president the tone for our hump day uh

Five questions let’s kick into the 1610 quiz Shane War’s porty house is for sale is porty on the morning to Peninsula of The Great Ocean Road uh morning to Peninsula yeah yes don’t take Belle’s word for it though because she also believes Sanders is in the peninsula um she tried to claim that

She lives there but we did have said it that way you said the words I live on the Mornington Peninsula the distance uh but that’s okay uh anyway Haley um Apple have revealed they’ll stop autocorrecting the FW on our phones what word does it auto correct 2

Currently dark yes it’s good to see you’ve been letting a few expletives out on your text just like the rest of us um Prince Harry has taken a stand in court after missing the first day yesterday can you spell magistrate sorry can you say the word again magistrate um m a d i

S t r a t did you say D or G I heard C oh g g g say yeah I thought you said Mac but that wouldn’t make sense I heard a d murky water none of it would have held up in court but that’s okay we’ll turn a blind

Eye a uh 50 c has left a $1,000 tip at a restaurant how many 50 pieces would you need to have $1,000 um 2,000 yeah I love the idea of him leaving that $1,000 tip in 50 cent pieces like he just has a big just so

They know who it came from exactly uh Happy Birthday to Liam n otherwise known as Quon Jin 71 today can you finish this movie quote what I do have are a very particular set of skills skills that make me a nightmare for people like you I will look for you I will find You and I will kill you there go have you seen taken two as well you seen that one yeah I feel like I have oh what about taken three yeah okay the albanians are really angry in that one he’s he’s wronged us again yeah hey Haley you get to choose

The next song we play this morning it’s a big responsibility so don’t take it lightly do you want to hear a bit of Stacy’s mom Stacy’s mom got it going on she’s all I want wait or do you want to hear Whitney yeah Dan what are you vibing Haley no definitely Whitney it’s a huge w for the tech Heads This Week Apple have revealed well they revealed yesterday their huge release of the Vision Pro we spoke about that yesterday the big kind of um looks like the VR headset yeah if you didn’t catch that that is absolutely crazy quickly if

I may bill um this headset is going to 100% be the future it’s like you remember the first time they brought out the iPhone and everyone was freaking out it’s kind of like that so it’s AR like augmented reality cross VR so what it is at the moment’s pretty bulky and you

Can’t really see it taking off but you just know they’re going to refine this technology and it’s going to be like a chip inside your head and it’s like imagine having a computer in your brain that’s what this headset is it’s augmented reality so all of your apps

You can be sitting in your Lounge room and you just open up your apps with your hand like you swipe up and then bang the computer screen in front of you it’s very Black Mirror Vibes if people do you if you get a virus do you die well not

Yet you know what I mean do you have to get Norton’s Internet Security for your brain well Apple don’t get viruses as much because it’s more like a Sandbox it’s more like uh like Windows that gets that could you imagine like if you were

A human and you got a virus and you just get kept getting pop up so you’d be in the middle of a work meeting and you like Hy bab you and you’re like like jeez Greg that’s that wasab near me already does that every day Liam hey

Simon you want to grow your hey okay that’s where did that come from I’m so sorry guys I got a virus I got that computer chip brain thing well for us peasants that are still on our iPhones though uh I feel like The Vision Pro overshadowed the iOS updates that were

Announced yesterday well for our so it’s ios7 which I can’t believe up to that but uh the biggest one to come out was that autoc correct is being basically uh replaced with the fword so we can now write F duck me that is great news no more ducking hell it will just go

Straight to it so that’s really good uh the other one was if you meet someone and you want to get their phone number and um you know swap contacts we’re up to the point where you put your phone near them and it will just kind of download all their contacts onto your

Seems like a scam waiting to happen like how did I get Gavin’s details on my phone when you walked past him on the street but the coolest thing that has gone back let’s say 20 years is there’s now a thing which they’re calling live voicemail so if I call you Ben for

Example and you don’t pick up as I would exactly uh then I will then leave a voicemail which will be playing at the like out loud on your phone at the time that I’m recording like beep hey Ben it’s me you can pick up in the moment and go

Yeah hey what’s up we’ve literally we’ve just gone back the 90s that’s kind of strange but that’s you know what I mean like I don’t I don’t think that’s a nice feature though I like that because if I get a call from somebody I never answer

It and then if they leave me a voicemail I listen to the voicemail and then I decide I like to decide in my own time you know what I mean like it’s sort of like you can still it will still log the voicemail you can still elizab and do it

Later it’s just giving you the option like we used to where you pick up and go oh yes sorry hey I’m here okay imagine if the doctor called you and was like Hey Liam I got your results mate yeah once again you’re in the middle of that meeting Belle you do something strange

With your phone I don’t even know if you know it’s strange is it that I still use Snapchat that’s strange well that’s yeah that’s that’s I love Snapchat flag I don’t I’m I’m not on like and this makes me sound old but I’m not on Tik Tok but

Still on Snapchat we had we had a show Snapchat back in 2014 yeah that’s how old Snapchat I sometimes I I’m like what the heck why have I got a notification on Snapchat and I like look at it and it’s like ooh Happy New Year or something you know like Snapchat sends

You some dumb thing and I’m like I’m like skipping through it I don’t want to watch this it’s like some crappy cartoon not Snapchat you should delete that um what it is though is you have got six digits to unlock your phone do I I’m pretty sure you have six

Digits let’s have a look yeah I do what do you hien I was a betting man I’d say it’s got something to do with those Snapchats you got four four Bill like a normal four is normal no it made me do six like two years ago I think it it

Everyone’s changed to six at some point when you were talking about that iOS 17 update but I think everyone was like six and then normal people went well I don’t have enough time in my day SP oh yeah you’re going to you’re going to get arthritis in your thumb you know

You’re going to have all these issues down the line you’re putting in six I was thinking about it cuz Ben pointed out that you had six digits and I’ve been looking over your shoulder I know your code now but um I uh I uh I saw you

Doing six and I was like what the heck and I was thinking about it I’m like why do I even need four like I don’t care like why like you know the face thing’s good but I’m I really could go without a code like why why do I need one for yeah

True um I think it’s more weird than what my code is honestly what’s your code um it’s been the same for what would it be now six years and it’s my exx ex-boyfriend’s name okay it’s really easy I’m I’m so in the flow of I can do it not looking

Anymore and I just haven’t changed it um and I like Luke my partner knows it and he he goes into my phone and unlocks it and stuff and yeah I love Steve forever the number baby I got nothing to hide in my phone you can go

Through it anytime you want you just got to type all my ex-boyfriend’s name in in in order and 13 2410 give us a buzz let us know is their phone ruining your relationship is your partner addicted to their phone tell you what this relationship hadn’t even started and

It’s been ruined by a phone there’s a couple who got married and they posted a beautiful wedding video up on Tik Tok they’ve now deleted it because as soon as it went up people started ripping what the groom was doing as he was walking down the

He as he was walking down holding her hand having just said their vows was on his phone the whole time now like who are you punching off text to because if you’ve just got married you would assume all your friends and family are in the church know what I mean maybe he’s

Checking socials to see like who took photos and tagged him I don’t know or is it is it you know is he is he on the punt is he saying What’s happen happening to dapto dogs you know what I mean like is he getting up yeah well

That so he’s not he’s not walking with his phone in front of him yeah like filming or being like yeah like that’s bad enough that’s bad if you’re walking down the aisle taking a video like a selfie that’s bad enough he’s got his head down phone in hand and just

Completely out of it just yeah looks like he’s scrolling or he’s reading a message it’s really bad and then this is how you know it’s real as well because the uh the bride was one that originally posted the video but since then and since everyone in the comments has been

Blown up at him she’s removed the video CU that’s thing I look at these videos and I look at them and I go in this day and age everyone’s doing something for views and likes and follows so I bet they set it up but no no it’s real 13

2410 did their phone ruin or is their phone sorry ruining your relationship I’m getting married at the end of the year Ben and bell and I um I’m going to have a GoPro stra to my head so I so I don’t miss any mo for hot content I’m obviously joking but yeah it’s

Definitely like I feel like the phone I mean there’s been a lot of phone chat this morning but it’s like this is a bit of a standard thing but I’m I swear to God I get home Sarah is on her phone so much she’s always like she’s just like

Me looking at Tik toks and stuff and like as soon as I pick up my phone she’s like get off your phone and I’m like are you for real I’m like hang on you and she’s like yeah but I’m on my phone when I’m we’re like watching movies and stuff

And I’m like yeah and that annoys me cuz then you’re like who’s that and I’m like we’re watching it together but you’re on your phone or or I’ll be like this is a classic I’ll be in another room and she’ll be like is that loud enough I’m

I’m sure I’d love to watch your Tik toks with you but that’s too L and I’m like I’m like literally it’s on half volume and she’s like oh neighborhood doesn’t have to hear it is their phone ruining your relationship are you at your Wit’s End our favorite caller is walking away

With a double pass to go see lizo give us a buzz if you’ve got a story to share is their phone ruining your relationship H Isabelle joins us now tell us what’s going on hi so my partner whenever we’re out on the weekend together you’ll constantly check his phone to look at

His super coach fantasy I do that all the time that’s the that’s the fake footy team AFL fantasy yeah yeah right well it’s not fake it’s like real to you you know like I always say I I yeah I I used to be pretty bad for the FIFA Ultimate Team

And like sometimes you just need a you need to do an icon pack I’m sorry Isabelle I literally had that on the weekend um my wife Sam was like what are you doing and I was like oh it’s a fantasy she’s like what why is it so

Important I was like well because it’s a bi week so because it’s a by week I’ve got to do more moves and more trades and it’s it’s really important you just don’t get it don’t get it what sorry what I would say is have you sat down

And talked about fantasy with him before you know like you might actually find oh this is really cool Lauren in baric uh 13 2410 is their phone ruining your relationship so it’s definitely not my current relationship but our first date that I went on um the guy like asked me

Out we met up and then the whole time he was actually texting me rather than talking what no he wasn’t he was so socially awkward that he was texting rather than talking well yeah I don’t think he was awkward like he asked me out into into the City and then um

Yeah he was texting me the whole time and then I said do you want to talk or and he’s like oh no I just prefer to text oh n that’s Sur that’s like a dare from his matate it’s like blame there but sure that’s not that’s that is strange

Like it’ be it’ be even weird if he doing little voice messages like would you like the steak send that off uh Kylie joins us now and winds uh uh your relationship is it being ruined by a bloody phone my relationship was ruined by a phone yeah what happened um the

Last t for me was we were at the comics Lounge in North Melbourne waiting for the comedy act to start he was sitting there constantly texting looking at things and I said to him well you know what about me I’m here too and I ended up standing

Starting to walk out and I said either you’re coming with me or you know I’m I’m going by myself so anyway we’ve now divorced oh jeez Kylie said that was like the the straw that broke the camel’s back as it was exactly that was my God how long were you married for 25

Years oh Kylie I’m sorry wow yeah well that’s technology for you isn’t it Kylie after you split up do you have kids together we do yeah so have you spoken to him as he do you know he’s changed his ways at all or has he just lent into

It more um he’s got another girlfriend now and um I did explain to him why did you think that we broke up and he said yeah communication yeah right one the big ones girlfriend yeah yeah have to bloody text him the divorce papers sign this oh I got that thing

Where I can sign on my phone thank you very much for sharing your story appreciate it Sarah and Edith F good morning is that Bloody phone ruining the relationship oh good morning it is it definitely is uh look it’s been a recurrent bit of a theme in our relationship there’s been a

Lot of phone usage in um like during intimacy or post Intimacy in the bedroom who hang on getting jiggy and then getting some scrolling on Instagram when things hadn’t even completed that really sets the uh the life out of the the whole deed doesn’t when you say things when you say things

Haven’t completed uh for you or him um look I think I think it’s more for me but yeah he’s he’s halfway through just laughing did you see the inspired unemployed new one those guys they are hilarious are you right there do whoa hey Sarah that is such a crazy story do

You want to go see lizo oh my God I Love yeah the one and only lizo live in coner at Melbourne’s Rod La for arena Monday 17th Tuesday 18th of July tickets are on sale now go to congrats Sarah they’re all yours thanks so much no worry Sarah we pay your bills noas pay your bills they’re having a lovely time over

At The Reserve Bank of Australia just laughing kicking their feet up just jacking the rates up the you know the cost of living’s going up and up they’re doing it to stop inflation but nah they I Reon they just have a dart board and they just throw you know they throw ha

How much should we make them pay this month that’s what it feels like at the moment uh but that’s okay we we understand that at Nova and that’s why we’re here to pay your bills you can register via the Nova player uh just like uh Meg has done in to Meg uh what

Bill would you like us to pay for you um my fox tail bill please fox tail and how much is that $95 is that for the month it is okay that’s steep ass do you have like like Stan and Netflix and stuff as well yeah

We’ve got all of that too I think it comes with it though now I think so I was going to say I was like 95 Buck for what you get Great Value yeah excellent um are you saying that because Fox own this company as well yeah all

Lam’s all Lam saying that he what are you watching what are you watching at the moment on Fox what’s like your go-to show uh I really only watch the football but my family love the other stuff excellent well Meg uh don’t worry about it that bill will be paid for and look

We normally pay like one bill a day on our show so we’re thinking because of the rate rise yesterday we’re feeling extra generous why don’t we pay a few more bills wa okay Kiana good morning what bill have you got um I’ve got my uni bill to pay for nice what are you

Studying um occupational therapy right is this your entire hex dead or is it just uh like what what are we talking here just my placement so things like my blood test and placement uniform and things like that can you reach into your wallet there have you got some money that we

Can cover a uni Bill I’ve got uh $258 specifically in my account how much do you need yeah 258 thank you so much no worries half your luck eh uh okay Sean tail joins us in craigy Burn uh we’re paying everyone’s bills this morning what would

You like us to pay for you um m gym membership weary curling iron well good life good life good life you make good life and so are we paying for like a week a month or like a year it’s just a overdue bill for me um

166 166 can be done yeah we can definitely do that be done no worries that shall be paid Shantel appreciate you for joining us this morning you can register Anytime by the Nova player we could be calling you tomorrow ratings came out yesterday in the radio world

They come out like eight times a year and um yeah everyone everyone said yeah good good on you guys like bit of a pat on the back not a bad one wasn’t a great one not we’re not first not second um but we are somewhere between bronze and

Behind that so no we didn’t finish the race we’re somewhere between 3D and sixth but we’re not last so there you go you know so for the New clar Kids on the Block not bad but you know what know who are we counting here you know what I’m saying are we counting

Like Joy FM because then yeah we’re not last no we’re not counting Joy F okay um but I think we should so then we feel higher up in the pecking order you know what I mean yeah yeah but uh look what what I will say is Ben and Bell I think

We’ve been play been playing too nice you know what I mean like you know when you see like a good footy team there there’s that desperation and it’s also that disregard for the opponents sometimes you know Collingwood you wouldn’t want to pick on one of them because they will be fists thrown you

Know they will throw you into the dirt are you saying Liam you want to turn this into a war I want to start ripping a few shirts and you know getting a few blood noses and and stirring things up a little bit and that’s why I think we

Need to launch a smear campaign you you know when like you know it’s like election time and there’s a bit of a shmear campaign like it’s you know what I mean yeah like uh like these ones going to Hawaii when half of Australia was burning was a mistake I don’t hold H

Made yeah not making sure we had enough vaccines and Rapid tests was a mistake it’s not a race it’s not a competition yeah like those that he was prime minister when those ads were on not anymore it’s albo because albo started you know what I mean started thr punch

Started dirty yeah so that’s why we have created a smear campaign on the other breakfast shows in Melbourne and we’re here this morning to launch it Melbourne do you really know who you’re listening to in the morning Fifi box has been on air since 2014 since that time over

68,800 that’s a red flag for me Jace from Jason Lauren was born in Australia then moved to New Zealand and then came back to Australia he flip-flops so much he doesn’t know his flip-flops from his jandal put him in the chili bun Christian oconnell from gold missed

A show in 2021 after he ran into a glass door he can’t see through a glass door but we can see through him and the Christian oconnell show is an anagram of when non-alcoholic really yes it took us a very long time to work that out our

Friends over at Triple M are always Whispering the name of their station P what else are they keeping hushed about oh and by the way Mighty she Gold’s first job in radio was in Adelaide do you really want to listen to someone from Adeline wait AR you guys from hey

Shut the up man Melbourne think before you flick authorized by B Harvey El Stapleton and B Jackson 257 claron Street South Melbourne Ben Liam and bells thanks to what is it’s aie for travel Shantel I don’t know you’ve heard Eminem is Coming to Town your knees are

Weak your arms are heavy is there vomit on your sweater already uh no there’s not okay well look on the on the surface it looks like you’re calm and ready um we got uh 30 seconds here five questions past any you don’t know if you get them all right 800

Bucks beautiful that would be awesome let’s do it 3 2 1 in which Athletics event competitors throw a type of spear H is Oakland on New Zealand’s North or South Ireland North a Backstreet Boy song is show me the meaning of being what huh Aaron Burr and Alexander

Hamilton are main characters in which musical pass which tech company launched their Vision Pro product this week oh God pass okay that’s you can’t pass four yeah just but you know mathematically four passes makes it hard to get back around to them I just I want to give you a

Crack again at number one there’s nothing nothing on the line but in which athletic event do competitors throw a spear oh my God my brain is just not this javelin javelin Chantel Javin lonely was what we were looking for in the back street boys one I I said

Alexander Hamilton because the answer we were looking for is I’ve not seen it but yeah you know there you go and apple brought out the Vision Pro this week so Shantel unfortunately no money we’re sorry about that but the Fast Five is back tomorrow and it’s back to 900 bucks

Yeah I I just if you can uh maybe just sit down uh because this is one of those sort of news moments where it’s sort of breaking and we you know we don’t want to um rattle you and and affect your day too much but you need to know and I

Think it’s better coming from us than you finding out yourself later on we just found out and it’s it’s shaking us the Instagram stories are a little bit bigger now I don’t know I didn’t I didn’t do an update on it uh we all just

Sort of picked up our phones oh yeah so they’ve obviously just changed that overnight so if you look at your phone right you know how normally you can see like four or five little circles up the top of all your friends and what they’ve put on their Instagram story now you’re

Only seeing three I guess the thought process is their Instagram’s trying to make people watch stories more it’s just not a change that is welcome it’s not a change there was no pre-warning and it’s just you know but I just like at least we can look at everyone Rand chicken

Literally everyone’s looking at their phones Ash gard’s got a phone up this might be in the news B next I better better check that they haven’t changed anything else in the app it’s just that so someone’s just G leash hell Ash you’ve just seen it for the first time

What are your initial what are your initial thoughts it’s so weird like why is that necessary to change that you know how sometimes things change your phone like oh it’s that iOS up whatever no one updated they just it it unnerves me that they can change our life like

That at the click of a finger I feel like my mom now you know how their their text is always like super big and really for more great comedy shows like this head to novap Au

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