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2024 Invitational | FPO R1F9 | Scoggins, Gannon, Huynh, Pierce | Jomez Disc Golf

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Thank you for watching JomezPro Disc Golf tournament coverage of the FPO feature cards first round at the 2024 Invitational!

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Card: Ohn Scoggins, Missy Gannon, Hannah Huynh, Paige Pierce
Course: Olympus DGC | Brooksville, FL
2HotGeese: Madison Walker, Erika Stinchcomb

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Front 9 Chapters
00:00 Start
05:34 HOLE 1
14:22 HOLE 2
19:34 HOLE 3
24:26 HOLE 4
28:44 HOLE 5
31:40 HOLE 6
36:40 HOLE 7
40:08 HOLE 8
44:18 HOLE 9

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Last season on JZ house gentlemen welcome to JZ house the weight of being professional starts set in yeah you lost to me by five strokes but I lost five discs in one hole I haven’t shot a thousand rated round in three freaking months it’s not even fair to the other competitors honestly like

Circle one and circle 2 100% I was unbelievable just a machine out there Uninvited house guest joins the fry bring you the 2024 he see sorry I’m late sorry you’re late what do you who are you J it’s it’s me it’s it’s the Canon lose Canon dude AJ rizzly yeah yeah I

Kind of you look different you’re like 5 years late bro where do you where did you come from I don’t I don’t think I know you as the drama ramps up so do the challenges start a video without saying hello and welcome commentate an entire video completely submerged in

Water an electric fence how many watts of it can you handle commit tax fraud just for fun successfully steal a cow befriend it and teach it a language rob a bank with your best friends and spend the rest of your life running drink an entire gallon of spoiled rotten

Milk and then start running around see how your tummy feels now our competitors will have to learn to not only work together but live together you want to get some food Mexican again love mexan all that’s fine speaking of food has anyone fed Kenny and Paul yet nope I’m on

It and Haley King makes another Circle to put that it’s okay just reset Haley King with her good after you approaching the final green this putt means everything a tough start for him we’ll see if he can bring it back after these messages BR what are we looking at here what do

You got back nine left we got about 45 seconds to get a snack in all right we got all kind of snacks we got Trail Mi I know you love mac and cheese peanut butter little nanner got a kind bar if you need it and I’ve got an onion good

For the heart each guest finds their own way to deal with the trauma my agent promised me there’d be no surprises this season with JZ but what happens right before we start the first episode surprise surprise loose Canan Grizzly shows up tries to steal the scene once

Again Kenny what do you do as an older guy trying to keep up with the Young Guns out there they’re just so dang good how do you do it friendships start to unravel I mean when was the last time Erica was on coverage even is she even

Relevant anymore and honestly this is a camera job I mean has she ever heard of shampoo she’s got just more of an audio only face if you know what I mean that gray hair GH anyway um that looks to be like the shot of the Year from Missy Ganon incredible

Another Thrasher no one saw that coming no one day one Paul didn’t start the recording on either the front nine or back nine we’ve got two hours wasted and I’ve got a tea off in two hours I miss you I miss big sexy days and I don’t

Know what to do dud I don’t know that I can make it I mean on short this short notice I’ll get you a flight I don’t care I’ll pay for it out of my pocket please bring big sexy back Daddy can’t go cor no oh somebody’s

At the door man I’m in there no no no no hear me out Nate please I’m sorry man got to go bye bye bye bye no one no tune in to see what lies ahead this season on JZ house Hello and welcome we are finally back it’s 2024 we’re at the Invitational presented by disc crap we are starting our for our first time ever in Florida I’m Madison Walker I’m Erica sting and we’re the two hot Keys H I’m really happy to interact with other

People I’ve been trapped in this Jo box all winter with only Madison to talk to it’s been horrible honestly jeez so hey um brand new track redesign rather of the Grand Canyon Throw Down the Mountain layout uh we have own Scoggin on the card um off an amazing putter she just I

Can’t say enough good things about her to be honest so many podiums last year we saw her at Allstars just shred on the putting green as well and out here that’s really important because the driving’s pretty straight forward Missy Ganon will probably throw a lot of Thrashers um and hopefully can some

Putts because these putting greens are treacherous um a lot of ups and downs a lot of rollway potential we get to watch Hannah win as well with her Discraft debut she just changed sponsors so it should be an interesting watch there and Paige Pierce returns after her

Injury at Sula last year first time back after recovering um can’t wait to see what Paige can do out here yeah not quite at 100% but she’s still able to plant we’re going to watch her attack this very difficult track um in Brooksville Florida ho one it’s 278 ft

Uphill plays longer than that recorded distance you have a low ceiling that you have to contend with immediately off the teapad and it drops off right behind the basket only I would say 15 or 20 ft behind the actual pin um this is one that everyone’s attacking for birdie

Yeah it’s definitely a bit tough to get there with the kind of low ceiling branch and it’s uphill um in the allstar event we saw a few people reach it Katrina leaving it just a little bit short and that’s where a lot of people are going to land is right at that short

Edge of circle one um yeah so we are showing some highlights from other cards this season so we’re just showing Katrina Allen get um I would say it’s a hard to get birdie I mean it’s a short distance but it’s uphill what a way to start out the season she’s one of only

Three birdies on the day wow and we get to watch it here we will see more highlights like that as the round uh goes on right after whole previews we’ll get to check them out all right next on the te PA Pierce right away me too not on whole one

Hello was that fine good to see you guys it’s check in with hugs yeah we’re we’re starting off Florida under the Spanish moss so beautiful Circle Edge I knew it was broken on the spot oh excruciating and the sound of it popping and in the X-ray room was the first time I really

Realized the severity of it cuz like the X-ray tech she said the word major operation I mean I wasn’t walking again for 8 weeks wasn’t allowed to put any pressure on it for eight weeks and then it’s kind of like learning how to walk again basically and then learning how to golf Again for me it showed me a lot about who and what my support system is it’s one thing when you’re winning to have people say a good job and stuff but it’s different when you’re like at at a low ooh Nice I think the biggest difference for me right now is like my disc sele ction like that was 247 and I’m throwing a driver you know teaching me a lot of different ways to throw I’m trusting it more and more every day but yeah I’m just not

Committing as much as I was before shots like this are hard for me still though Zachary look you what’s up girl how you doing oh my God good to see you good to see you this event I told myself no goals kind of like an experiment to see

Where I am and what I need to work on and ideally I would like to win a major this year all right Holland’s watching what are you doing don’t watch me it’s always easier when no one’s watching that’s better hi her up her up I feel like there’s a lot of low ceiling

Shots you can’t really use Glide to your advantage out here with all the low hanging branches so it’s going to be really fast low shots yeah I haven’t faced too much adversity like physically in my career so I think it’ll Define my career a little bit in that

Aspect just like a different type of test one of the biggest things for me is like realizing this is what I’m choosing to do still too I never even really taken time to to consider if this is still what I want to be doing to kind of

Be forced to at least think about that I was this little kid running around skipping through Woods throwing and somewhere along the way I kind of like lost that because you know you’re trying to fill up your gas tank you’re trying to buy a house you’re trying to do all

This and am I just doing it because it’s all I know am I just doing it because it’s the Easy Choice being deprived of it for so long and it was the only thing I could think about and like as soon as I could walk that’s what I wanted to do

To come out on the other side like more in love with this golf than I’ve ever been was like just such a big like turning point for me I guess and welcome back it’s nice to have that fire especially here at the first event of a very long season they keep getting

Longer don’t they I bet you guys at home love that I bet they do I bet they do more events it’s cool to hear that she loves it even more after a break so that low ceiling we can see Paige trying to work her way underneath

It and get that power but there is also that High Ground so it’s just like a perfect funnel into the green and very touchy shot look at Hannah really pushing that ceiling getting herself a putt definitely definitely a lot of C2 looks on this ho and bailing out to that left

Side is a great idea because it leaves you with less of a death putt than if you accidentally turn something over but here we see own doing the opposite in classic own fashion yeah I think uh Ella Hansen got the only birdie at the All Star event with a forehand off the te

Really I I believe so and they didn’t play the exact same layout but they played some of the same holes that we’re going to see I never played throw down the mountain either so you have to tell me what’s familiar what’s totally new I think a lot of it’s totally new right um

No it’s a lot it’s actually a pretty similar layout there’s some new holes here and there um they actually somehow added more walking up up hills but that means more big downhill shots so it’s super cool yeah but you are wiped after playing this yeah you really are great shot from

Missy just like Paige said just a lot of kind of low linear power required out here you know who has won for fo throw down the mountain the most the most uh yeah mhm um I’m just going to tell you it’s you and Elaine King you both won twice

So shout out wow trick question that I should know the answer to oh thanks stat Mando a long Florida Career Missy in for birdie wow low left side ringer another little tester to start out we saw Katrina Allen getting that highlight birdie as well you have a new stats platform can

We tell how many birdies there were today you oh you said there there’s three birdies on the day um the third was on my card today cat merch and she was absolutely parked it was an unbelievable Drive man only 8% of the field or three people got to Circle one yeah that’s

What I mean it’s the 278 is definitely deceiving remember how we’re we’re back we no this is weird it’s like no time has gone by I know yeah did you guys miss that please tell us in the comments oh my gosh how good hey everyone I want to let you know

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Jomezpro and use code Jes Pro for a 15% off thanks again to vessie for sponsoring this video whole two you are throwing along an OB fence line on the right I believe it’s barbed wire rough on the left you’re just trying to throw nice and straight I would say straight or bailing

Out to the right is more important um than being far if as long as you’re in a good Landing Zone and then you have much more room to work your second shot uh a full drive for most of us it’s 625 definitely reachable by everyone in the

Field if you get a good t- shot it’s hard to be really aggressive on the tea though so it makes this hole really stretch out and seem a lot longer than it is looks like we’re going to get to watch paig shoe play this hole we had a

Head head wind off the tea today yeah it’s scary to try to get to that right side once that fence starts to go just cuz you don’t want to flip it too early over that fence line yeah so good that is absolutely smashed a very aggressive shot she looks super confident here she

Has all the room in the world to work that right side and Heiser into the green yeah she landed in the perfect spot oh gets the friendly little roll perfect we’re also watching Stacy hos from another card fellow Team MVP member great get that birdie so much spin on that thing

That feels good to start the season out with big putts and birdies I bet this one played quite a bit easier than one but that you’re right that drives no joke Paige was one of only two people to park this hole for birdie cool yeah it’s interesting you

Saw all that saw grass around the hole that is going to be a really common theme throughout today um can make for some very difficult putting Missy with a pretty common result kind of just ending up on that left side edge makes it really difficult to attack but she can

Definitely save a par from over there yeah you’re going to see a lot of competitors kind of crashing into that left side Paige pushes far enough to get past the rough that we found Missy in yeah she can probably get to the pin with just a simple Hiser hopefully that was a

Uh H what was that test flight Drive Z Test Flight Drive I don’t know I I don’t I it was it was something we’re Ry we’re both Rusty I know what this is though this is own’s yellow flippy Destroyer what a destroyer from own I feel like that’s her iconic one

Though that yellow one Hannah probably has about 375 to the pin from there maybe a little more than that solid shot she’ll have a long look at it maybe 60 feet or so own just picks up the same disc she just threw and you can see that headwind

Definitely came into play there that does not usually flip that much um it was definitely you can’t really tell right now but it was windier today than it was in practice and it picks up as we go along yeah a nice indicator is you can always check out the Spanish moss on

This course and it’ll show you it working you can see it blowing a little bit right there in front of page but yeah we started out with a nice calm little dewy morning but as this uh rainf front pushed through it got so unbelievably windy do a get out from Paige her Z

Passion Miss’s third to the green here’s one where you don’t want to air short you can kind of crash in there’s a nice little backboard of that Saw Grass yeah but you don’t want to get too far in there I don’t know about you but

I am scraped up a little bit yeah you don’t want to take an Epsom salt bath after playing this course own with a forehand upshot out from the rough leaves herself a little bit of work left for her par Paige for birdie so we got to watch Paige Shu and

Stacy kefir um sorry I said the wrong name earlier congrats on them getting married um we got to watch both of them get birdies the only other two birdies on the field were from Haley King and hna bloomrose I definitely thought we’ll see more we’re going to see more for

Sure oh definitely great putt from own little bit of a scramble to save her par there this course is hard folks like this is the opposite of Vegas this is a really technical challenging course um and and it and it’s very punishing yeah it is so Even’s going to be a great

Score u under parter is going to be top 10 for sure I believe I think a lot of the par 3s out here are definitely they cater to the distance players um they are very tough birdies to get I think a lot of the middle of the road distance

Players are going to be trying to work at getting those par fours and Par fives um and just playing for par on the par 3 so it’s kind of a it’s it’s a little bit different in the way it rewards players out here yeah that’s true strategy is so

Important I think even par to a one under or two under is going to be a great score out here AB I’d be stoked um hole three a very challenging placement hole at 507 ft there’s out of bounds on the right hand side early you’re you have to carry Straight for a little

While and then you want to land somewhere in this area right here it’s very steep uphill on the second shot and depending on where you land you do have a pretty straightforward shot to this basket that’s tucked around to the left there is out of bounds on that fence on

The right hand side so don’t flip anything over and forehand is not really the way to go up this hill it is super buriable by everyone in the field regardless of your distance it’s all about just proper placement and footing on that second shot this is a nice looking pull from

Paige goes a little deep onto that Hillside uh The Landing zone is what maybe the size of the circle yep maybe less it’s very small Paige missed it just by a couple of feet this could be a bit too far left oh my gosh that’s huge what an aggressive shot yeah playing

That higher is aggressive because it can put you in a bad position if you’re early at all but that worked out great for Hannah that was a vulture from Hannah own late releases this one most of that is out of bounds so hopefully hopefully she just swung in and it’s

Down there on the right which actually lines up the shot okay it’s just longer so to get to that back wall where Paige landed it’s about 300 30 ft so you want to throw something right around the 300t range but if you’re like Erica said a

Circle uh short of that you are in the worst place ever get really tough even just to save your par mhm yeah own not trying to mess around and actually does gets punished turns out she does and that’s a nice placement shot not quite to the top of the hill but

She’ll be able to see the basket from there and she’s got another maybe 100 ft mhm yeah it’s farther past the hill than you kind of initially think and a little further left Missy just looks like she’s jump putting or bump step putting maybe out of here and doesn’t quite get

Through cleanly and Hannah with one of the best drives I’ve seen yes with the weirdest footing ever too not quite rewarded but you don’t need a lot to make it work here Great Park job Hannah’s going to be sitting there for an easy birdie own from a really weird spot getting

Aggressive there’s actually barbed wire OB right there she is right next to it Hannah the only person in the field to park this hole for birdie I’m glad we got to see it that was sweet and uh yeah that Hillside is so much steeper than it

Looks as is true with all Hills and all cameras but this one but this one specifically this one’s specifically this is a hard shot people o oh no bad break for Missy kicks out of bounds I heard so many people today saying that they were feeling nerves

More than ever oh really yeah everyone coming into the season probably cuz like Vegas is wide open and here is like all right give us everything you have what have you been doing this off season yeah bring your polished game quote unquote that you got while sitting on the couch oh

Yeah I with a long bid to save par bogey Paige just inside the circle for her par cans it clean looking putt and Par solid out here y just over half the field managing to get a par here nice birdie Hannah moving to one under she’s one of only four birdies on the

Day on whole three we’re going to see people consecutively getting better at this course because this is the first time on this track everyone’s still kind of learning plus it’s the windiest day I I think it’s supposed to calm down hna Bloomer’s two down so far through three

Wow what is the simplest way to improve your disc golf game the answer learn from from the very best Paul ulber Simon lazat Ezra aderhold and Holland Hanley they’re not just players they are your Elite coaches guiding you every step of the way the power dis Golf Academy is

The Premier online Disc Golf Academy with over50 on demand lessons that are specifically designed to improve your skills right now so what are you waiting for join today at Power whole four another par for at 646 ft extremely difficult t-shot you’re shooting through a really tiny Gap and

Need to curve to the left but not too far left into that Saw Grass left side’s definitely better than right if you do manage to land in the middle um you have a I don’t want to say wide open t-shot there’s some Guardian trees on the left

It’s uphill you do want to take the Gap that the Drone just flew there is OB on the right but I think you have to push through a lot of rough to find it it’s not really in play yeah thankfully you don’t have to worry about the rollways

Necessarily getting all the way to OB you have to get really unlucky that’s true look at this so you’re throwing like down barely over the hill and then just trying to fade just a little bit that was well done Hannah with some really impressive t- shots so far in the

Round that is such a touchy shot she made it look very effortless another vulture and I mean she just switched bags too she hasn’t been playing with these discs for that long theoretically Paige um grip blocking just a little bit finding that right side not a terrible

Kick we had a little bit of a headwind SL right to left crosswind here so it was tough to get your disc to do the flight that you wanted without pushing too far to the left which is where it gets really difficult to uh access the green for birdie own with a destroyer

Just on the edge of that sass she’ll be able to attack from there no one quite finding well I guess Hannah’s in the prime Landing Zone Missy also a little too far right gets kicked down not sure where that one went oh Paige kicked a lot further than I

Thought she’s going to have to just pitch back out to the Fairway she doesn’t even quite get it there that side in that area is no good I know from experience it’s kind yeah you got to throw like a turnover sidearm from there mhm Missy second a little saw off but

It’s not bad over there she’ll be able to pitch up kicked really far forward from where her disc hit early mhm oh taking a lower line into the green trying to skip her way up the hill okay approach Destroyer activate scares that basket whoa God it’s our only the first round

We already get own reaction cam what a treat oh here we go believe that’s a passion again little low it was good turn little more height and that would have been perfect p is going be in circle to that shot is so tough oh yeah to get it to

Turn as much as you need without cut rolling or hitting one of those eight Guardian trees yeah you you just don’t have the time to let your disc pan out with this hill Hanna throwing a little touch sidearm third shot goes a little bit deep there that’s cute that was a cade

Disc page Landing nice and flat on this sloped green that is so important on almost every hole in this course Missy with a very long uphill look for three should be an easy par and I misses just right on that one only five competitors were able to get

Inside the circle for Birdie on this hole own is one of them she also makes the putt Destroyer Destroyer classic own I missed her she makes commentary easy yeah that’s very true no notes Missy taking a par page bogey there Hanna also going to be a bogey Everyone hovering right around even par or just over our leaders one and two under it looks like through Four moving on to Hole five this is a new hole from the old Grand Canyon course at 290 ft you have to carry over this Gully there’s some Orange Lines you’ll see and that’s just mainly for player safety landing on that Hill is really tough to recover from so there’s

Some optional casual relief areas this is one that everyone is trying to get to the green we all know we can birdy this one this is one of those par 3s that is absolutely reachable and even getable with a mid-range let’s watch holl and Hanley attack definitely a

Mid-range I love beautiful I love watching that disc fly too yeah the Dy on it it looks so sick wow this is like the most friend little green to land on too like it’s just peaceful up there and I was like hey you did it you you enjoy

This great birdie there from Holland and a big smile oh going flippy Destroyer so yeah you can see the orange that Madison was talking about if you land there you can take it from there but there’s an optional Drop Zone just for safety oh makes it to the top she’ll

Be maybe slightly obstructed it’s harder than it looks to get it up top like the disc wants to sink and go into the hill got to give it a good amount of height yeah it plays slightly longer than the 290 ft I don’t know if it’s

Just a little bit uphill or if it’s just the you know huge gap that you’re sending that makes it look scary but there’s something about it that I feel like I have to put a little extra up onto it definitely wow Hannah Parks it Missy also gonna be putting

Um that was a Hades from Hannah Thrasher from Missy H says can’t remember looks like a slower speed mhm maybe oh I think it’s that same passion actually okay that she was throwing great shots from everybody to be all up on the hill yeah only two people parked

This hole do we see them both on this card I mean I think just Hannah right I thought PES was close nice oh you know what it’s looking like wish we had a drum roll paig just outside the bullseye own said it our first starf frame of the year that’s a good one

Too love to see it and we have two of our uh feature card competitors moving under par Stacy kefir still holding on to the lead two down through five that feels like a good way to start out the season oh six another big downhill shot 671 you want to throw something stable

Kind of straight out of this Gap and then hook up fast you want it to fade um as far into this Gap as you can and then it’s a pretty big second shot still to get all the way there uh for a look at it I think this is a really fun t-shot

To execute correctly correctly but it almost feels like you’re sawing it off just a little bit um it’s easy to throw two straight and find an OB line deep looks like Valerie manuo is in this Saw Grass looking for a bogey Sav here look at this

Wind what wow what a putt what Saw Grass off the grass with the crosswind she is happy to save that one great butt this t- shot’s so strange in practice um I pulled out a driver immediately it’s deceivingly shorter than you think it is and I know downhill everyone’s like duh

But we throw off a lot of cliffs on uh on this course I think there’s six or eight of them so you get pretty good at it and it still just looks like you need to throw something fast but uh I think a fairway is great here even an overstable

Mid and just um kind of put the nose down and let the hill do most of the work you don’t have to put anything too far yeah or if you go um full speed just start it out on a higher angle yep um but this is a really common result Missy

Going a little deep getting a fortunate little roll out of there though what’ she throw there um um probably a Zeus let me see yep ESP Zeus Hannah so well on those S off shots oh another vulture and she’s killing it with that disc she gets past own who had a lovely

Drive zraptor here from paig it was lovely it was lovely we’re GNA we’re classing up the joint out here this year whoa that is okay it is OB yeah I saw the line on the right and I thought maybe it’s yeah you can see the staked line just short it’s once it crosses

Over that that other white line is maybe a casual relief line for a different hole confusing looking is what it is Missy having to go stand still here doesn’t quite get enough on it she’s going to saw off early into the Saw Grass Pig’s third I kind of think she

Was in bounds I think she was too okay cool just a weirdo line yeah so Paige throwing three it’s weird that I had the stakes and the painted that is weird yeah yeah yeah it’s a new course at this level anyway new layout we lot of rain damage so we’re

Working through some Kings and we still have to find all the places that people can end up oh man I found some today that would surprise you oh looks like she turned that one over too much I’m not exactly sure how far she is from the pin Hannah wants it

But she puts it a little too low and it’s going to grab early yep Miss’s third going up and over the Saw Grass and parking it nice only one person parking this hole for birdie only four getting to Circle one in regulation this one played tough Paige trying to get that birdie

Without getting to Circle one we love to see it own for a really long look up and over the grass pretty good effort Hannah about 15 ft for the birdie look nice M too under so solid she doesn’t look nervous at all it’s a big debut

There were only three birdies on the day today h blo Rus Holland Hanley and Stacy ronley finding those threes really excited to see how the scores change tomorrow once we can get out of this wind storm want to play chess but don’t know how to get started try play

For free against someone at your level or challenge one of our friendly computer Bots sign up and play for free at today hole s 329 ft another hole that is veriable but it is not easy by any means is that it do you remember this one no I’m so

Sorry I don’t know where I am oh it’s um okay it’s a 329 ft shot um you’re just you climb up a hill up here and then it’s kind of a gap it’s not that hard to hit there is one kind of pine tree you need to avoid um you need to push

Straight for a while there’s a little bit of a hillside on the right and then you just want to kind of Fade To the Left get a little skip up the hill and uh birdy it it’s reachable but deceptively difficult um Holland making quick work of it

There looking like she is coming off a turkey going for four in a row here wow easy and that’s just incredible on how much win we’re having today to have four birdies in a row that’s really managing the course so well now that I know where I am this is

A really fun shot there’s some room out to the right side that you get to work with uh it’s really fun to throw a flex line you almost have to kind of aim at the trees on that left side and let it turn right around them or just a very tight Flex

Mhm um I think this is the most common mistake we see from both on and Missy is just working in a little bit right um as Madison said way more room over there than the left side making everyone dance on the right side Hannah also pulling it right more of a Hiser

Line it’ll be all right this one’s a very easy par but probably less birdies than you’d expect takes a really well executed shot to get all the way to the circle yeah uh 33% of the field getting to Circle one in regulation 14 out of our 43 competitors but even Paige gets

There and there’s that little bit of obstruction on the left side yeah it there’s a lot of stuff going on in circle one here actually and it’s a much more sloped green than you expect uh or than what it looks like on the camera yeah like all Hills yeah it’s a tough

Little putting green here and there is plenty of room for rollways as well so now I feel like we’re really seeing the wind pick up here too let’s go on she sends it yeah it’s h it works out Missy for a birdie just outside the circle right off the top but it sits

Down and that is what you want here this hill I’ve seen rollways go really far on this with a good effort catches some left side chains but do stick there were six birdies on the day yeah that sounds about right mhm like you’d think more just looking at

The t- sign but some tricky ground play you need to get a little bit of luck on the Green Hannah and own one under holding strong Holland Hanley taking the lead at three under through seven you’re going to see a lot of scores bouncing around here double Bogies are everywhere lurking lurking whole eight another downhill Par 3 465 this is a really fun shot um

There’s an OB line on the left a lot of women going to throw at that with something flippy so it turns around that tree that we saw and comes into this hill side um you can throw to the right side around the tree I haven’t really

Seen anyone done that but I it’s a viable option um it’s not though it like you’d have to get a little lucky I think through the late trees this is the common line and I would say also the common mistake is just pulling it a little bit too much that was so good

Yeah yeah honestly um I think just a tiny tiny bit lucky to get through those branches but what a great line it’s really Erica called this shot uh fun I call it just pure chaos with the win we had today to execute correctly um to

Specify yeah we had a right to left win and it made every the turnover feel risky because if you don’t turn it over enough you’re finding OB left the heer on the right side feels crazy because you could get a huge Gus and blow or not

Let it heer enough there’s just a lot of areas to error here that can turn it into a double really really fast thisen like the forehand play yeah me too I like that a lot uh this Green’s also pretty treacherous you can find rollways super easily we I watched five on my

Card wow yeah and two on the card in front of me wow Missy definitely overturning it immediately um it’s going to be a forehand or a pretty um I don’t know difficult turnover shot from there Hannah going to be in a similar spot really common Landing Zone yeah and and

That’s a smart play keeping it low um I kind of considered on this hole to just take some off and be safe and not try to do anything crazy and say you know what I’ll just play this part for a three you know look at this straight shot

Wow pretty Paige not messing around with any kind of angle just going right at it oh here we go Missy going for the backhand here has to throw it up and over the difficulty is landing this flat that’s a good effort it was panning she just catches some branches and it’s

Going to be very up rued yeah you can see how bogey happen fast here own running it from about what 90 ft or something like that Hannah trying to get up and down to save her par oh man yeah so difficult from right there I think the forehand Works slightly better but it’s

Just so hard with the angle almost such a good save three competitors parked it we got to watch Paige shoot earlier and only six getting to Circle one in regulation paig shu’s shot really was uh it would have been perfect if it was like two feet to the left and then she

Would have missed the branches completely um she’s such a master of that Flex Shot game dang what a brutal roll roll away roll Paige now in a terrible spot in my head during practice I called this as one of the highest scoring holes over par I don’t know why I thought that I

Was like this hole is going to wreck people and it played a half stroke over par yeah it’s definitely one of the it’s got to be the hardest part uh part three to birdie right that’s what you would think there but there were five birdies today so no but maybe the easiest part

Three to Bogey there’s something there I think no actually I think that’s true it is true it is the easiest par three to Bogey bad break for Paige there with that roll away such a good drive we have a tie at the top for three down leading right now through eight Natalie Ryan Holland Hanley and Ella Hansen hole 9 387 ft another new hole this is a really sweet

It’s very difficult very hard to get to the green the downhill makes it play a little shorter than that 387 but there’s just so many places to error uh left side you’re going to find Saw Grass on the top of a hill that is no fun turning

It over right I think is the best way to uh Miss if you’re going to there’s some trees in the middle that are perfect Guardians that force you to pick right side or left side we saw Hall and Hanley Ace run this during the All Star Event

Let’s watch her do something cool again she goes right side wow so she’s got it dialed I guess she has it dialed she got some good practice last week I think she said if you don’t throw a vulture you’re dumb that might have been a direct quote actually okay

All right we’re GNA watch Stacy kefir as well float something really pretty down the length of this Fairway great shot and a nice little reaction at the end wow Holland putting together an amazing front nine four down wow that really is incredible with the wind today

Mhm and Stacy two down no slouch herself there back to our feature card here own going forehand what this is this is her move man you know you just never know what that lady’s going to do it’s the best o and she is going to find herself

In a rough position there she can still recover with her the tricks she has in her bag she’s got a little forehand turnover she can use but it’s tough over there does she have one of those cans of like snakes that pop out in there anything think

Yeah Miss see a little low in the Saw Grass should be an easy par though O Okay Hannah loves that Hiser angle and it’s working for her she does catch one of those trees in the middle but it was looking really nice oh yeah gorgeous shot from Paige that was her ESP passion own in a really difficult spot here o yeah kind of has to throw through

Some branches over this Hillside full of Saw Grass and solid shot a little too angled and gets the roll but she’ll have a chance to save I wouldn’t bet against her from there nope Miss see a little bit clearer of an approach shot here and she now forehand

Touch game yeah that looks awesome a tap in let’s see how Hannah’s forehand approach game looks smooth nice 10 competitors just about a quarter of the field getting to Circle one in regulation own doesn’t need to though she’s just a machine I haven’t talked to her yet I

Haven’t seen her out I assume her arm is doing much better than the end of last season um she had that forearm injury but she’s looking strong yep she’s throwing a lot of sidearms today what a great recovery and our first lowz gosh never a doubt I’m so glad our first slz is

Own a I hate that little pocket right there yeah not a friendly pocket great birdie from Paige and a nice little forehand recovery shot from Missy everyone on our feature card hanging out pretty close to par here the back nine kind of stretches out a little bit a few longer shots lots

More down Hill shots oh yeah I think the back n’s more fun personally it’s more scorable for us normies so yeah lots a lot more par fors and par5s a lot more attackable holes um let’s check out the top right now looks like three down is

Enough to keep you in the top five we have a couple two downs Aina Solomon Stacy kef are still hanging on own gogin Emily Beach Cynthia a lot of people at negative one so we’re we’re seeing a lot of the field doing keeping it under par that’s better than I was expecting yeah

In this wind and it but it only gets windier as we get to the back um and a lot more trouble to deal with as well come hang out with us on the back nine as we shake off the rust yeah this course is so cool um looking forward to

Hanging out again Back N Olympus I’m Madison Walker I’m Erica stinch we’re the two Hotkeys


  1. Of course, you gotta show highlights from other cards, between DGN, PDGA, DGPT, and Jomez, you managed to cut out other production companies, i.e. Gatekeeper, Ace Run, GK Pro, from filming other disc golf cards.

  2. Yeaaaa so glad you guys are back. I was so anxious for disc golf to start. Started to watch this live on another channel and was not particularly happy with the coverage. I would much rather watch JomezPro. Woohoo.

  3. This course has special memories for me. I was lucky enough to spend a weekend following Miss Walker around for her rounds during TDTM 7. There was a lot of changes for this tournament.
    It is WONDERFUL to see Paige Pierce back! She has always been there as long as I have been into disc golf and it just was wrong with her not there last season. I wish her the best of luck.

  4. So glad Jomez coverage is back, not sure I’m a huge fan of the new music though. Giving weird vibes lol. Excited for more coverage this season though, the only coverage that I watch

  5. Madison would make a good reality show contestant.

    I assume. I despise reality TV, but Madison hit all the tropes as far as I understand them.

  6. Here is the obligatory weekly note to Madison that "error" is a noun, not a verb. The verb form is "err". You can make an error or you can err but you can't error any more than you can make an err.

  7. HONK! I definitely missed you two. Welcome BACK!
    And great to see Paige back and healthy again. Woo!

  8. This course reminds me of a lot of the Euro Tour courses. Paige's circumstance provided time to really reflect and assess the situation. Put in the effort to get back to her game or to pursue other options? With Kristin playing a solid game and new faces with even more distance and accuracy coming into their own, it would have made for many soul-searching sessions. I personally am a HUGE PP fan and am glad to see her back. I've re-watched al of her wins the last three seasons and can't wait for her 6th championship. 2 Hot Geese rock the world.

  9. Very happy to have the Geese and Jomez back! However: That transition music/fx you have between holes is SO BAD. Please change it up after this tournament. It makes the video really hard to watch. It sounds like a bad 1990's "breaking news" jingle.

  10. Love the "Jomez House" intro! 😃😁

    Last year's theme music variation was fire! This year's is OK.

    Looking forward to another great season of FPO with the 2 hot geese. 👍🎉

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