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Jasmine Jasudavicius joins Sidey Boys! | SideyBoysUp | EP.10

SideyBoysUp is a podcast with UFC fighter Serhiy Sidey, Techniques Founder & President Lars Mueller and MMA fighter Bobby Poulter.

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Lars Mueller:

Bobby Poulter:


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We’re good okay welcome to city boys up episode 10 today we have uh Jasmine Jaz deisius with us um to start it off I wanted to read you a quote from your last post fight so he said she’s known as a dirty fighter but I wanted to show that I can get dirty

With that dirty girl so we wanted to know what you meant by what you meant by that yeah so that didn’t come so way then obviously I intended so funny cuz DC’s like all right thanks back to you guys um but no I so she’s like obviously a dirty

Fighter and everything like that she’s like poking on like all Camp I’m thinking like okay if I’m on this girl’s back like I got to be like this like and so all Camp I was drilling like finishing submissions with my eyes like cut like closed shot like this cuz I was

Imagining like fingers coming back I literally remember being at the like over top of her and her trying to like grab my head grab my head at at one point and I could feel her like trying to go like this and I was like thinking in my head no way she’s actually trying

To do this right now like this is actually an intentional thing she it was cuz I always kept on thinking like it’s a mistake like you know [ __ ] happens in a fight no one’s like actually trying to be like dirty dirty dirty like that and that but she was she was like actually

Trying to gouge that eyes and [ __ ] like that and I and I remember being like this like this [ __ ] like just piss you off it pissed me off I was like with everything and you’re like you know this is the last straw you know in the

In the back you were like a little like more like you were pretty like on like like on one like kind of like Angry like pissed off are you always like that or is it just for this opponent it was It was kind of just for like this and it

Was like unintentional I mean obviously it worked out right because I normally try to like not get emotional I guess and I feel like and during the fight camp and during fight week and all that I didn’t really think that I was getting emotional but obviously I guess like

Underlyingly I was or you’re holding it in and then it came out yeah like because I remember everything with the weight cut thing was a nightmare and it and it really did like piss me off cuz like you gota you got to remember this is the day before we’re weighing in this

Is like noon so like we’re weighing in at 9:00 a.m. and at noon I’m sitting there in the hotel room and I see the call and it’s a MC Maynard and right away I’m like [ __ ] like my heart sank because going into this fight I kind of had an idea she

Might pull out she’s missed weight she’s done that like it there was a lot of like up in the air I I expected adversity to come with fighting this broad but it was just like [ __ ] okay what is this and then so I pick up the

Phone and I was like hello and he’s like uh hey it’s Mick and uh yeah I can hear in your voice you’re obviously like concerned I’m just like yeah what uh what’s going on and he’s like so obviously Priscilla is making or has an issue with making weight and and then he

Just kind of started talking and and I kind of like was L I just put it on speaker cuz my coaches were in the room so they could just like listen and I was like kind of listening and like jell like there’s one tear that kind of like

Came down like this and then he was started talking about like weight and everything like that and then it started clicking like oh okay the fight’s not off it’s just a weight thing oh okay and then I started listening and everything so I’m just like um okay I’m just gonna

Get my coaches to call you and um yeah let you know what’s up and then like so I just hung up the phone and they were already about to go to lunch anyways so I’m like you guys go to lunch talk to Mick find out what weight it is I’m just

Going to like pretend this stuff isn’t going on right now cuz I’m like what do I do do I start drinking do I eat do I like I have already not been drinking and not ate for quite a while so I’m you know I’m ready to figure out what’s up

Um so then I’m it was like all afternoon back and forth back and forth first first it was supposed to be 1:30 catch away and then it’s like okay awesome 1:30 no problem I’m pretty much there like or I think I was 1:30 at the time like no problem and

Then then it was like an hour so everything was good then it’s like an hour later they call okay one 130 is not going to happen let’s do 132 okay whatever like that’s fine no problem then it was like uh the nutritionist called me and then he was

Just like hey um yeah Priscilla might have trouble with 13 I’m just like okay get the [ __ ] I don’t give a [ __ ] guys like do whatever you have to do stop calling me figure it out I don’t know whatever figured out and then it was like not until 8:00 at night that Chris

Comes up to the room and he was just like okay um so we’re just going to do a catch weight at 135 and uh or we’re just going to go up away class till 1:35 they’re going to send you a new contract and um everything will will be fine we’re just

Worried if we say 132 then the commission and then she misses then the commission will say oh no this fight’s off regardless cuz you don’t want to mess around with the Ontario commission they won’t be lenient for anything so like we’ll go up away class whatever

And so I like it was like at 8:00 at night I’m freaking sitting with the nutritionist and he’s giving me these meals to try to put some weight on you know what I mean cuz I had just been trying to get to 125 lbs you know 20 minutes ago before I received this

Freaking phone call had you started your water cut at that point yeah it was it was 8 like the next day at 9:00 a.m. I got the the first call at noon we didn’t decide on the way until 8:00 p.m. of the night before the night before weigh so I

At that point I had already cut out like I had been cutting weight I had already cut out the water I had obviously not no food and all that kind of stuff like just like I was going to 125 and then now I’m just trying to put

In carbs like I’m like hardly even drinking too much because I got to put in the carbs to try to get the size to to get some W you know what I mean like try to start the recovery process quicker and then I’ll put the water in

You know what I mean like how I’ll kind of manipulate was that confusing like that like like trying to figure out like how could I have to be like 10 pounds heavier now or like was that confusing well it was like I just trusted n the nutritionist like Charles he’s the man

Right I he knows all the signs he’s like the smartest guy I know with that kind of [ __ ] so I trusted him to tell me what to eat eat and drink and what to do in regards to that I knew I was fighting I didn’t give a [ __ ] Fu at we CH which

Could be 170 lb like okay whatever I’ve trade with you know what I mean I I can hold my own with whatever size the broad is you know I trade with the dudes usually so I didn’t it wasn’t like a weight thing and at home too you know if

If it was another country or another place and then the coach is like okay she we’re already going up a weight class blah blah blah like I could see the coaches saying we’re not taking this fight and then I’ll respect what they say because they obviously know more

Than I do so whatever they say is always you know goes um but you know it was Toronto I had already put in the camp I had waited like I was ready to go so I there was no way I wasn’t fighting did they give you a reason why she cuz she

Took it on what like six weeks seven weeks like she had the time like 10 weeks so then what what what was her reason that was given no reason I even saw her in the hotel room and I’m just like I saw her I’m like what’s going on

Go come on like I’ll what weight do you want to do I’ll pray for your health let’s just [ __ ] get on the scale I told her I would pray for her health like and I actually did that’s the worst part about it like I’m just she speak

English no a guy was like kind of translate cuz I just happened to see her when I was like walking around the hotel in a fury like just trying to get like my like emotions kind of like out of me in a physical way you just happened to

Run into the girl and I just happened to see I went I saw her and as I was going down the escalator and I was like you know what no we [ __ ] talk to her I go I go on the escalator I’m like [ __ ] walking up I see her like hey and she

Didn’t speak any English so it’s like hard but luckily there was a guy there but the conversation wasn’t great I’m like 1225 130 what which one what are you sick what she’s like oh my and I’m just like I don’t know I’ll pray for your health what number what what like

What are we doing it yeah God damn but like honestly like with all that [ __ ] that happened like going out there then having a performance like that must have felt pretty crazy what was strike differential it was like 128 to 23 or something like that 3 326 to

26 we were watching on the back we were watching on the back and lynon’s like don’t even finish her just keep keep beating her up drag it to the third round like yeah like legit that was in the in the first I like had her and

They’re like the coach like go for the Finish go for the finish and I thought about it and then I like n [ __ ] this girl man she’s taking a couple more she’s coming into the second with me I’m like I’m drowned in this [ __ ] and she

Pissed me off but in the second when I tried to finish her I really did actually try and like then after I was just like okay I guess I’m I guess she has to get softened up more what the [ __ ] you had a nice D attempt that I

Thought like when we saw it like I’m like it’s over it’s over she I thought she was ready to give up too but you know it took a couple more but then you eventually Got Away Chris said that I was doing something wrong with it he

He’s worked on me now with it so you know in the future down but now I got it but yeah literally there was a point in the fight that I was like hitting her and I was thinking like just turn your back give me your neck like get you know

Get just do something to to end this like this is enough for both of us you know but she was doing just enough even when she came out in the third she came out hot came she I I thought she was going to be done cuz the way she got up at the

End of the second after taking that beating and then yeah getting up she looked like she was ready to scrap still they’re literally was no quitting her like they call her the zombie girl for a reason I didn’t know a nickname godamn that a nickname yeah the zombie girl

Yeah what did you do after did you party or what like how’s how’s the rest of your night I was so exhaust I was I couldn’t believe how lit okay so it was so weird as soon as I walked out of the Octagon I think I got sick like I think

My body was like holding it off and then cuz as soon as I walked out I started coughing it was the weirdest thing ever and I was just like what the [ __ ] like as I was literally walking out I was like hand shaking and I started

Coughing oh spread it was so and I actually could like feel myself getting sick as I was walking in the in the one interview my voice is all like raspy and stuff and I was exhausted for the week after I was exhausted and I was sick wow

I think it was like my my body was like waiting to be sick almost and then finally once I it was like then my body’s like oh okay crazy it was wild so I did did nothing chill this one I just chilled like Chris and I are going on

Vacation on Tuesday so I feel like now I’m chilling a little bit yeah yeah where you going but Mexico oh I just came back from Mexico so that’s crazy yeah that was awesome yeah we’re uh there’s like a a gym there cuz I go crazy I can’t just sit still so there’s

A there’s a gym there and so I’m going to go like train in the morning Chris and Kier they always sleep in so then I’ll I’ll meet them in the you know 10:30 11: whatever and then go and do snorkeling and all that kind of stuff so

What gym are you going to out there it’s just like the small gym I’m not I was thinking about like actually going to to uh like you know checking out the whole Mexican UFC side of everything there but I’m like I’m trying to chill and so I

Just was going to a spot that I know has like a solid trainer there like jelly knows the guy it’s not a big gy it’s like on the beach it’s literally on the beach so it’s it’s kind of like a it’s really is a vacation I’m just a an

Idiot so I just train on vacations getting you out of your routine it’s yeah exactly I been on a routine and that’s the vacation of it well honestly even like taking seven days off and like going going and doing a different routine like you like miss this [ __ ]

When you come back like I actually was like oh [ __ ] I’m actually rechar but same thing I was like for the first 5 days I was like running lifting doing [ __ ] every morning yeah it’s like you have to almost transition out of routine you have to routine your way

Out [ __ ] I love those routines I was I did that too it was like I was still going to training and stuff and then I’m like I I know I have to rest and I I was tired kind of but I kind of wasn’t either I was still kind of like wired a

Little bit so it was weird weird but now I feel like I’m finally resting yeah [ __ ] it actually might take a few weeks like that like speaking of routines though do you have like something you do fight fight morning like like specifically or maybe like the night before the fight that you always

Do I I mean I I like kind of have things but nothing’s like like if say if I like missed it it’s not like it’s like it’s not yeah it’s not like I have to do it like things I like to do is like get a meal with the

Coaches on after weigh-in and you know we would normally do dinner but powpow was fighting um on the Friday night they unified beforehand so it’s like we did lunch so and it was like just as if not nicer you know what I mean and so I like

Doing like things like that I like on fight week I like cooking my own food yeah I saw that coming in your kitchen that was crazy would you have that one day it was like lamb chops I had lamb chops yeah it was sick because I uh I

Could bring all my own food it was being in Toronto normally you fly you can’t bring all this stuff but all the the food that I’m eating in in Camp and what I’m nourishing my body with what my body is used to is exactly what I’m eating

After I weigh in it I mean I didn’t have to really cut we but it was like I it’s like the same the same thing and and so I think that that you know you’re not I’m not stressing my body so much and so

If I’m able to do that which I was this time around so so you’re making your own and you have a nutritionist like he’s not making the food for you well I the nutrition is like with the UFC so they just give you like it’s like preep

Portion things and so it’s like they’re they’re feeding a whole bunch of Fighters so it’s generic and it’s good like it’s and it’s I you I normally will eat it yeah but I do get it I always just get a air fryer if I this time I

Brought one she she taught me this trick this is this is the the fight like if you fight in Vegas you buy one there and you just leave it there and then I yeah I just leave it I just leave it in the hotel or one time it was like they had

No cheap ones like so I’m like I’m not freaking leaving a $100 air fryer in the room so I just got I got one and then returned it after goodidea this actually doesn’t work yeah another no I’ll take my refund yeah it’s like I’m not dropping a hundred bucks us

You know what I’m saying so I uh I I I feel like that’s the way to go because the then the meals taste and I’ll bring a little like spice kit thing so then you th so you can’t use salt and pepper so you enhance the flavor with

Other [ __ ] is and um I love I love cooking so it gives me a chance to like you know prepare a little a little bit probably takes your mind off things too right exactly like other than fighting I I cook those are my the only really two

Things I do in my life and so it gives on fight week it’s nice to have that that peace I guess yeah what’s your favorite dish to cook I don’t that’s the thing I don’t I don’t have a favorite limited thing to I just like cooking like give me you

Have a fridge and I open it up and I just see like what you have in your fridge and in your cupboards and like you know that show Chopped remember that show oh yeah like I I just like imagine it’s like that and I enjoy like doing

[ __ ] like that she’s a real arst that’s real that’s real cooking though well you got to have spices like I feel like I would have a little briefcase I would have like spices and like a good knife and like what I what I normally bring when I like travel is like spices I

Usually I’ll buy a knife and then I’ll just leave it there or this time you you got to have a good knife man it sucks to chop of vegetables and stuff like that without a good knife but you know I got all the I got all the hacks for eating

Healthy on the road now yeah you even eat like Quality Meat right like you got that Spa you go to like where’s that Spa yeah so I have it’s like kind of a spa monor he gives me me at cost so pretty like I it’s so sick because it’s like

Grass-fed no no hormones all that and it’s called Nini and it’s in niagar Falls it’s like he’ll get the animal brought in and then they process it there and they do everything so in in like my off time when I’m not when I’m not in training camp then I’ll go there

Sometimes when they’re like processing the the meat or they they’re doing all their butcher things and I like learn to be a butcher for the day and it’s like it’s so much fun because you get to you know learn a different skill and it’s

Not like I have to be in the job forever I just ask questions and they’re they’re super like you know it’s two two dudes that are just butchered so they just shoot the [ __ ] and uh and then I just go in there and help out learn some stuff

And and then I’ll go to practice cuz I start like super early in the morning so I’ll do it from like 600 a.m. till 10: and then I’ll go to practice and then you know usually I’ll be tired that day but I only do it you know maybe once

Every couple months or I’ll go to like I know a guy who’s um of he has like bakeries and he does like pastries and all these fancy cheesecakes and stuff so I’ll go and I’ll work with him in the morning and I’ll learn how to do that

And [ __ ] like that so you think that’s like something you would do after fighting and stuff like I don’t know I just like look like like how this thing here they have the the whole like processing system downstairs and all that I asked him like when do you guys

Doing this I want to come watch like you know I want to come try out all this thing and then we’ll see what comes out for sure after fighting you know I got into fighting cuz I jumped on an opportunity of a door opening up and you

Know well that’s what I imagine I’ll continue doing when I’m done fighting R the wave yeah something will come you know yeah so do you usually go in the like to see the fans after you fight I don’t know if you remember actually in Vancouver did you see me and Siri up

Yeah and then we were right by where when Mikey walked out when the the thing fell on we were right like hanging off the on other side side like it could have been us who fell on and then you were like at the bottom like like smoking weed with pants or some

[ __ ] it was hilarious yeah no we it was uh I always like to go see the fans it’s fun after the fight it’s so like everyone’s just jacked up to see you like no way and uh and it’s it’s like hype as hell so and my my family was all

There but they were like all up in the Raptors you know cuz the tickets were so expensive is this Vancouver or Toronto this was Toronto okay um yeah yeah so in Toronto the everyone’s up at the very top so then we we all go up and then it

Was nice we I feel like all the true fans that at the top anyways so as soon as I get up there I’m like talking I was trying to go to see my family but then people saw me like oh hey oh my God we saw your fight and then like all these

People come they want to take pictures I felt like the biggest superstar you know I just get the ego fill it’s like exactly that’s all it was for like every was probably handing you beers handing new joints like take it take it yeah yeah like this is the best party ever yeah for

Real and then Chris was telling me that you had a funny moment with uh Dana after yeah so after the fight um I was like going to do the media and stuff and some guy comes up he’s got like a big hoodie on this little guy little Jack guy

Like like exactly how you imagine it like Dana wants to see you and I’m just really what Okay and like I like kind of didn’t every I feel like after the fight it’s like a whirlwind like you know I feel like you’re clinically insane at that moment I I don’t IM like there’s

Almost I don’t know what’s coming out of my mouth I don’t know what’s going you’re just kind of like you know what I mean it’s like after fight everything all the hard work all the everything you went through it’s like it’s all for that moment then it’s over and then you’re

Just kind of like riding it you’re just just you’ve accepted that we’re going down this River you’re like all right let’s go you know I feel like that’s fight week you get to a point you’re just like all right let’s go you’re just like Let Yourself going well there’s probably so

Many different emotions like the roller coaster of emotions leading up fight fight week’s crazy you get all the attention and then all of a sudden like [ __ ] I used to get depressed after amateur Muay Thai fights I couldn’t imagine fighting Pro in the UFC cuz then like you’re fighting for everything for

This moment then it happens and then all of a sudden there’s like no stimulus anymore right yeah after a few days high high high I guess now they’re social media so like you still get stimulus like through that after just a little longer cuz you you still see post for

Days and then you slowly see less and less and then you’re like you know you’re back to training you’re back to your routines and all of a sudden it’s like you just it’s like nothing happened exactly it’s so weird my favorite thing is like the morning after a fight when

You just like wake up and you you can always feel that you were in a fight you know even if you don’t get hit but yeah but it it’s just like that like you know like that first breath it’s like pure Euphoria I you’re just not thinking about the fight now right it’s

Like holy [ __ ] thought about that fight all the time and I can wake up and I don’t have to think about it yeah I got to think about where I’m going to get my coffee and my food literally it’s like what yeah nothing can bother you it’s like unbelievable the the morning after

The fight it’s like after the fight it’s sick but I feel like you’re you’re almost not even in your body yet and then it’s like not until the next morning you’re just like oh oh that happened you know what I mean like then you you almost get back

Into it so I listened to your post fight yesterday and then you were talking about how like almost changing and like uh so you’re going to cause violence to someone else right like how quickly do you think you you shift back to like the everyday personality I think it I think it shifts

Back right away I don’t I I think that it’s like an unnatural state to be in and it’s like as soon as you can shift back then you will and it’s like as soon as I know that I’ve I get I I think it’s probably that that morning after where it’s like

You get that final like kind of thing and then it’s like oh okay I’m back but I don’t know there’s still the residual like you know you still have to do interviews and you still have to do that but like the next day after I woke

Up after that fight I felt guilty for that girl like I’ve been on the other end of not obviously to that extent but I’ve I’ve had a loss and I’ve had my face [ __ ] up and [ __ ] like that and so I you know I I’m empathetic what she went through and

What she feels like and she can’t breathe and she can’t enjoy food because she can’t breathe out of her no like I’m I’m I feel bad for for her and I but I understand that’s like the nature of the sport but um but yeah I forgot where I

Was going on that’s what fickle fans like don’t understand about the sport like you talk [ __ ] about these [ __ ] Fighters it’s like this is the worst like the the pain after is insane dud you’re lit putting your health on the line right and then you have some idiot

On the keyboard being like on your job more I know work on your cardio the [ __ ] out of here yeah I know man it’s funny but you know once you fail martial arts everything in life gets turned down so you’re stuck you’re stuck once you found it yeah for real

Giting a curse in a way yeah hly I can’t keep my attention span on like anything else man it’s so hard at this point my life I’m like [ __ ] fighting like yeah it you all live for that it’s like for that one moment yeah it’s like you’ll train 8

10 12 weeks and even when you’re not training after Camp you’re thinking about it you’re thinking about training you’re thinking about your fight you know it’s not wild just for 15 minutes you know yeah sometimes or less yeah hopefully yeah hopefully less yeah unless you want to beat your ass like

Yeah exactly like no let’s not finish it yet let’s let’s keep riding this wave so what do you think’s next you’re in the top 15 again now I’m assuming now I think yeah I think I’m 14 now um I’m not sure I messaged Mick uh couple two weeks

Ago or three weeks ago and told him that I want to fight May or June or if he’s booking later than that then when he wants to fight so it’ be cool if you guys got on the same one yeah but I going me I’m going to message Mi again

Tomorrow today or tomorrow and give them like some names and just say hey please like you know I know that’s not really you can’t generally you can’t really do that but I feel like with the m if I if I mix enough social media I got like goisman helping me like doing

Call outs and everything if I build enough traction there and I’m on the MCH match maker you know what I mean two two sides I think I’ll be able to get you know a good match and a good you know on a hype a hype card and I don’t want to

Fight at the Apex you know what I’m saying I want to I want to fight on those big cards yeah for sure got shoot your shot right anyway exactly I’m I’m old like I’m not young like you you can [ __ ] stretch out this career I’m

[ __ ] old I only want to be here for a bit and uh I’m trying to get to the top as quick as possible and uh get get my money and get the [ __ ] out of here you know what I mean I’m a I’m 35 next week

So so dude yeah you started in the sport super late I started when I was 26 like I literally I was like oh this is cool I’m going to do this now [ __ ] I still remember you like Parabellum days and like you like you were wrestling and

Stuff I think but like you just starting yeah that was crazy if progressed so fast yeah what were you doing before um so I was kind of all over the place like I I I worked at a youth homeless shelter for a while I was doing uh I

Lived out in BC at at right before fighting I was living out in BC well funny sory I I was working at BMW in St Catherine’s and I hated that job so much oh my God it was like the worst I had to like dress nice hair done makeup nail

Like dude the whole the whole kitten kab heel it wasn’t like the the boss didn’t have like a memo saying you have to wear heels but it was one of those like your hair he nails and heels are pretty much mandatory for women like in BM like you

Know they set a standard and it makes sense because that’s their product and everything I get it [ __ ] I would be doing the same thing but I uh I hated that job it wasn’t it wasn’t for me and I went and visited some friends out in

BC and then I I was on the bus to go back for the flight and I was sitting there and I was like what the [ __ ] like I was like thinking about oh I got to work tomorrow and I was thinking about this job and I got to the airport and

Then I just walked right across to like the bus stop to go back and I just like got on the bus and I just like called my friend like hey I don’t know man I’m coming back I’m just going to like figure something out I I don’t know well

I’m going to like live here for a little bit or something I’m but I’m I’m coming back tonight off and then I just like went back and then I ended up staying there for like another month just like out of the the stuff in my suitcase and

Then I went home and I got my car and I got all my [ __ ] and I drove out there and I applied for school and I got a place and I got I got I got everything and um I was like getting ready for school

And then I went home for uh for the last bit of summer because I’m like oh I’m going to be starting school in September so I’ll go and go home for a little bit CU I won’t I won’t go home again until Christmas time probably and then that’s when I met Chris and

Then I uh he like kind of like showed me what martial arts was and then I started like so I I was at home for like a month and so I started training a little bit or like just seeing what martial arts was and then I went out to Pei with him

Cuz he was cornering Sago and I was like oh martial arts is cool and then I ended up staying staying here longer and like kind of like putting off school for like six months and then stay here longer and then I was like oh no this is martial

Arts is Si and then so I went back got all my stuff got did decided not to go to school all that and then came back here and then but I didn’t I didn’t think oh I’m going to be in the UFC I just knew that like what I was doing out there

Wasn’t really anything either and I was like what like I was kind of like this martial arts is cool I’m going to just try this cuz what I was doing out there was just like oh like Nature’s cool and social service or like I was like into

Into that I was working at Youth homea Shelter there so I’m like I’ll be able to transition there’s a lot of help needed in v you know what I mean in that type of work so I was like just kind of there kind of feeling it out figuring it

Out anyways and then so I’m like oh okay like I’m just going to try this for a bit see how I like it and then seven years later we’re here such crazy story you like you didn’t even watch MMA before that I was so in high school like

Back when it first started we would have like UFC and ice and go to my my buddy’s basement and like watch it cuz his parents would like let us order the pay-per-view and we’d be able to watch like freaking Tito Ortiz and Chuck liell you know what I mean so I watch I

Watched it back in that day I and it’s funny because I remember sitting there watching this one time and like there was like one guy in the arm bar and I said to my friend I’m like I think I let my own break man [ __ ] it for the glory

And then for the GL and like one of the guys is like you don’t understand like these guys have like a whole career and blah blah blah everything like that I’m like yeah but if you’re actually in it and like still to this day I don’t know

What I’m going to do if I’m ever in an arm bar I probably will let it break realistically do you talk to any of those people like they’re like what the [ __ ] like you actually got in the UFC I I haven’t I’ve like SE I haven’t seen

I’ve seen one of them since I’ve been in the UFC and he’s just like this is CRA like that’s crazy like remember watching it in Brandon’s basement I’m like yeah it’s actually crazy but but even at that time when I when I watched it I never thought oh I

Could do this like I was just like watching it as entertainment but but it kind of works out like when I was a little kid I remember thinking oh like what do you want to be when you grow up I’m like I want to be a professional athlete and

Then but like I don’t even care about what sport it is I just want to be a professional athlete like I just love playing sports and then I was watching like the NBA draft at like 21 and I was like 21 at the time and I’m and I I

Didn’t like play basketball but I’d say that was my between like basketball and soccer volleyball were my most like Active Sports but nothing real like it was like in school I played them but I liked them the best and then so when the basketball draft went I’m like oh well I

Guess there’s my dreams about being a basketball player God and I kind of just like oh but then now look at that like six years later like Oh I’m a professional athlete now look at that that’s crazy fighting is crazy cuz you really can start it so much later in

Life like you would never hear that about a football player a hockey player basketball player I think it’s like CU obviously skill matters in fighting but like heart and like your mind matters so much more whereas like in those other sports like skill plays a big role right

Yeah I think that is exactly what’s interesting about fighting it’s like that somebody that takes picks up the sport at 26 can compete with girls that are the best in the world done it since they were three years old right literally just on having a big set of

Balls you know what I mean like it’s crazy just from getting dirty with with that dirty grow ex exactly that was so funny DC just all right after I like [ __ ] man Remember Have You Ever Seen Mitch’s uh thing like it was like one of those I was like [ __ ]

What was his again it was so bad [ __ ] kill me was it was like I didn’t want to blow my load who is thisch Mitch I do remember that L never let that go no and the best part about it is like he was kind of

Just like saying it and then the guy went to talk and then the guy was just like oh no so so you were going to say and M like no no talking about blowing my love he was like oh we got to pull that up after man that’s so good yeah that’s

Sh [ __ ] hilarious but yeah right they always the guys like pull up my post fight things and like just Cher me up [ __ ] I don’t know oh man that’s I’m saying you’re clly insane after a fight I don’t you don’t know what you’re saying yeah for real it’s weird getting used to like

Even this like on camera like it’s super weird to get used to my first one they asked me to spel techniques at the end and I was like than you like you just don’t know what’s going on yeah I hate when there’s like a script like when they like a sponsor

Thing and it’s like oh remind them that it’s promo code blah blah blah everything it’s like I’m just hi I love this product and the prom code like you can’t do it natural they going to lose buyers you you did that like you havec Contender series like like

Documentary thing right yeah right like cuz I’m going through that right now I’m flying to Vegas on Tuesday to finish it and like but like one thing they do there is like that like third person like you got to like say in this day like I felt like and then try to answer

The question that way holy [ __ ] is that ever hard it’s so hard and it’s like it’s been so long it’s been so long it’s like I don’t even remember how I felt that yeah that’s what they kept saying like like you’re in the back room right

Now like act like you’re in the back room like about to walk out I was like making [ __ ] up I was like all right this is probably how I felt yeah yeah that’s what I that’s what I’m like there and they ask you questions like specifically

About the fight [ __ ] I don’t Rec call I don’t know did you you like you watched yours and stuff like when it when it like played and stuff back or do you yeah yeah I watched it’s going be cool yeah did they start like before like at the contender series and then like

Followed you for a bit or how was that um like do they follow you through any fights do you remember like Contender series plus fights or just Contender series no they just did like the the first one that that was it and then it was just like it showed it showed up

Leading up to the first fight and then it was like kind of like that’s what they played as your your highlight stuff oh interesting for for the for the fight and then they’ll use the clips like I’ll I’ll see stuff that I’ve done before with like that and then they’ll use

Those of clips and videos and stuff like that when you like talk about stuff now so it’s like they they’ve got a whole system like they probably have a file on you it’s like everything you’ve ever said it’s like here and then anytime they need to grab something you know the

Mastermind like this guy that knows how to oh I got this they know how to [ __ ] splash an episode like for you specifically yeah they do it on on YouTube it’s like they put it on YouTube I was going to ask where they put it yeah okay yeah it’s like um behind the

Contender or something like that or yeah honestly they haven’t even given me any information about it it’s cool though cuz they know it would leak so that have they released any ones of Fighters that have done it previously yet or is it kind of like a whole series where

They’re going to come is on no mine’s on there the whole thing on there now it’s like I think it’s Road road to contenders or something like that and then they’ll get you to like talk about everything that went on on before Contender series and then um you’ll

Pretend that it’s there and then they’ll have a whole bunch of video and content of you leading up to this last fight like the Toronto fight and then so they’ll make a whole like Vlog of that so it’ll be like the first is leading up

And then the second is like to the fight that’s cool yeah no it’s really cool and it’s cool cuz you will have forgot about a ton of things things that you said or did or something it it it’s like it’s one of those things that you’ll you’ll

Watch it be like oh it’ll be very meaningful yeah that’s been cool there like they follow like they came down to like Burlington and stuff follow us around a bunch of spots so that’ll be cool to see all that stuff yeah yeah all like the old times and then it makes you

Reminisce too and then you’re like oh [ __ ] like remember that like you can look back at that in like 20 years like it’ll be super cool to watch yeah that’s what I always think about like you know when when you got some little kids and then they’re act say hey look look at

Look what your old P do [ __ ] you can lie to them just oh I had like 15 title defenses yeah you just use some AI True by then yeah yours will be wild because it’s like the rematch and everything like it’s a lot different than well like I just like cuz like I’m

Going to go there on Tuesday right and then like they’re going to be like so what you think about the fight and I’m just going to be like well you going put that [ __ ] thing yeah I will yeah it’ll be cool I think I guess they’ll

Like really keep making it go longer and stuff right so if we fight for the third time they have all that from behind you yeah exactly be sick yeah be CRA if you guys fight like when you’re both like ranked or that’s what I was think wait until cuz [ __ ] that look at

Me and Natalia Silva It’s like her debut through that she came in and I fought her and then it was like now you know we both are on our own roads but I know that our paths are going to cross again it’s like same with you and this guy he

[ __ ] meant to be man you know the story has to be written in a certain way and like this is what makes it exciting like the story of him getting in the youth that’s insane like who else gets another shot five weeks later then he

Actually wins like f good on the guy for winning that but yeah yeah it’s Sick Story it is man it’s not even done yet either just getting started saying it’s like it’s so sweet like seeing the the evolution of the story like you know like we’re just in the middle of the

Book yeah for real yeah you speaking of books like you’re a reader know cuz I saw you and Chris had like books right by your like like Hotel like beds there you reading anything like good right now or like any like any of your favorite like books maybe for like sports

Performance or [ __ ] like that or you just kind of read whatever so so I uh I’m an idiot I I I I do picture books just just end it so actually that’s not that com book no I uh I have like a a bunch of I

Have a bunch of books but I’ll I’ll only read I’ll read like a couple Pages a couple pages that I put a bookmark in and then I’ll leave it for like a week and then I’ll read a couple pages so I’m like currently reading about five or six books right

Yeah thought you going to go more than that yeah 70 you just pick it up like when you’re feeling it like you know what I mean cuz like that’s like I hear a lot of people saying that’s how you should be reading like if something’s boring just don’t read it like there’s

No point of finishing it if like you’re not attaining anything right literally that’s and I have like a bunch of different books on a bunch of different things and whatever I feel like reading is what I what I read so it’s like so right now I’m actually reading about

Like um Native spirituality and all that kind of stuff cuz the whole thing with like as had funeral and it was on the reserve and like just seeing how they do it and how they look at death life and death and all that kind of stuff makes way

More sense wow really like I’m like this is the I would way rather have this mindset it’s like you know your your your time on Earth is just a small amount of time and you’re just here to learn some lessons and to to receive knowledge and to give knowledge and you

Know she was here and she served her purpose and and now she becomes an elder and now she’s able to to serve that the purpose the lessons that she taught everyone here is now how she is able to like serve her purpose you know now now

And it and it you know made the the grieving process so much easier and and we actually physically buried her ourself which was challenging at the time but afterwards like the the relief that I felt in comparison to some of the people that didn’t go to the funeral

Were like night and day difference so um so yeah you know I I I went to the we there was like the visitation the day before and then the funeral the day after and so I had a whole bunch of her her things and her belts and her Mone

And everything so I was bringing them up to her family and um and so the first the first one was like a lot more intimate and was like mainly mainly her family there was obviously she had a huge support system like the community is wild there like on the on the reserve

There they’re very close nit obviously so a ton of a ton of there was a ton of people there but it was still an intimate setting in comparison to the funeral the next day you know what I mean um but like her uncle spoke and he

And he you know I feel like he really like almost talked the fan family through the tragedy and what almost like he almost felt like a um like a MC of a funeral or like a MC of a funeral like he he kind of like guided the whole thing along and

Then he would call up the sister to come speak and then it was like he would kind of like add on to what she said because sometimes she wasn’t able to like speak what she meant but he understood the gist and so he was able to kind of like

Explain to anyone who did it you know and and it I feel like it really um it like helped the whole family get through the whole process you know she was young it was a know crazy situation all that kind of [ __ ] so I felt going into the

Second day I felt way way less heavy than the like Chris was coming in the second day I stay I stayed at Clayton’s parents and he came in the second day and it was like I could almost see it on him how draining it was and how

Everything I’m like guys trust me tet was I’m like guys trust me after this you guys will feel better like after yesterday I felt better like just listen to what they’re saying and you know trust the process you know how we have to do in martial arts and um and so

Because of that you know I learned a little bit more about the the spiritual side of things so then I’m like oh if if they have that type of outlook on death like the most tragic thing then [ __ ] they probably have some pretty cool outlooks on everything else right and um

And you know actually gave me a book before and it was like kind of about Native Spirit spirituality and uh so I’ve been kind of like glancing I read reading a bit reading a couple Pages put it down for a little bit reading a couple of pages but yeah that’s that’s

I’d say the one I’m on most right now cool that’s really cool yeah yeah super tragic what happened honestly it’s just I remember watching her fighting Glory like and like she was in the Muay Thai Community quite a bit back in the day I think she started with mass

Tie boxing back in the day yeah yeah crew Jeff and all those guys yeah no she and watching her fight was like mesmerizing like you were glued in it’s you know beautifuler yeah very clean her flow I remember even after some wrestling practices on Mondays like

She’ll just go and flow in the bag and I’m like damn like the range the elbows everything she throws is so clean yeah it was very cool to watch yeah no so it was crazy but um but you know it is what it is we learn and grow yeah

Unfortunately things things happen right but yeah yeah so yeah UFC 299 in two weeks too he who do you got for the main event 299 figh vers Cheeto that’s the Miami card that’s yeah that’s two weeks from now yeah that’ll be the next big one they got some crazy fights on that

Om Ali versus Cheeto e did you watch the first fight ever yeah yeah I um I think I’m I I feel like it’s going to be an entertaining fight regardless you know what I mean but I feel like it I think Ali’s body is just fragile like

His b like not in a bad way yeah you know what I mean like I think some people’s bones just break easier and I I worry that he has that thing it almost sometimes could be like cuz he’s so fast twitch honestly I honestly think it’s cuz he’s so skinny

Like he’s [ __ ] 51 he goes to 135 like it might be the way like cutting weight not he was vegan for a while now I find now could build muscle for sure now now he’s better than he doesn’t get injured as much yeah if he if is not a vegan

Anymore I actually think that that you know maybe you can do the vegan diet but I but I think structurally your body is not as like strong like it’s like doesn’t have that hardness to it I was just about to say Ian Gary when he was walking in all of us texted each

Other at like the same time being like he looks soft cuz he’s a vegan right now yeah it’s like I don’t and I I think it’s just having that animal protein or fat or what I don’t know what what it is but it gives you a bit more like density

To you eh well it gives you more testosterone doesn’t it does it is that it I don’t know who knows bro signs don’t look at trust me dude if broides if you believe it it’s true yo Placebo enough confidence in it that’s how Bobby lives his whole life I’ve gone

This far from knowing nothing but believing I I 100% I agree I agreee 100% cuz there are some things that people have told me are factually wrong but I choose not to believe them because I would rather believe it my way because it’s it’s it

Works for me why why do I have to believe your way if it work if it if I believe it works then it does worse Tony Ferguson mindset that’s what I you cannot lose if you don’t accept the L he just cuts to 0 and seven in last he’s like

The way I see it seven and0 I read backwards yeah you got to look at it from the other way around whatever you believe is your truth man what does Ali say with the loss he’s like the sugar athletic actually wi well that probably helps with his [ __ ] mental game too

At least or like maybe like that like you know he’s like I didn’t lose that like if you truly believe that just like to be honest I don’t feel like I lost my last fight you know what I mean but it’s still like a loss right I know that’s

Like the the Cortez fight I don’t act I know I lost it on the [ __ ] score cards but like being in there like you feel you you feel the energy here you know right yeah it’s it’s it’s a feeling for sure that’s almost more important than the actual you know going forward

Yeah yeah even if you like you win a decision and you’re like [ __ ] I like like that that one like you like you know right like you know exactly there was a card there was a fight on the card last night for the Mexicans where the guy obviously thought he lost

And like they they declared him the winner and he was like he was like shocked you know you think he’d be happy but he knew that he had lost and it was like wow like doesn’t matter if you get the win you know if you don’t feel like

You won what do you really CU you know in this sport you train so hard you you care more about performance than you do about anything but yeah that Cheeto Mal fight is going to be interesting though because Cheeto is like what never been dropped right never been dropped super

Durable cheo’s never been dropped might have never been dropped he’s never been dropped man yeah no who know even like s dominated him but it wasn’t like but it never dropped never heard him really some people they can’t they they don’t I don’t think some there’s some

People that don’t have an off switch I think they don’t until they’re like 30 like older and then it gets hit and then and then you can hit it like yeah honestly yeah once it get touched once it was like uh I wonder what that is e

We’re only going to know you think it’s an endurance thing like some guys like like the Diaz’s and stuff they’re just Kido is the same man he runs like crazy m man so so I think that that there are people that say because it that’s what

It seems like everyone who has a gas tank has a chin too yeah Hall you look at hallay too right yeah but I don’t but I don’t know like there’s I’ve never heard of any science behind it or anything like that subconsciously your brain knows like oh this pain will end

If I just shut off for a second but I don’t know that’s what I’m BR science again actually I heard Joe Rogan say it I’m about that yeah hey I that makes the most sense you’re going to end up like the guy in the UFC The Ultimate Fighter

Where he like I can’t get knocked out hit me hit me that’s the funniest I didn’t go out I didn’t go out at all just cutes to the video he’s literally snoring yeah he was like 15 seconds but if you don’t believe it it did not exactly foolproof plan all right so we

Got get some predictions on that card then so so you who you watch walking with you’re walking with Cheeto no no I don’t know um the thing is I like both of them I generally just pick who I like better who who who I think I would like to be a

Friend like be my friend smoke weed with ENT so so which one of those that’s why I have a really hard time shooing with too yeah you know what I’m saying they both seem really cool yeah I feel like they’d even be buddies if they didn’t have to fight each other you know

Honestly yeah they probably would um but okay I got to go with om Ali just cuz we’re here and then next week when someone asked me I’m going to change it but okay here’s another question who do you think has better style cuz they both claim they have good style but they’re

Like so different fashion or fashion like fashion yeah oh I’d have to look at their Instagram or whatever I don’t know dude I can’t keep up with that I got man I never go on I never look at my social media I think for like something I would wear it’s probably Cheeto like

You never I would never wear that I would assume the same too yeah so like it’s definitely Al I thinkir I I think Cheo too no but Al just like always talks about like he’s like his style sucks and I’m like no it doesn’t just interesting people’s perspectives on that [ __ ] he’s just

Talking [ __ ] who me I was talking to like Jacob Paro who’s like the aridium uh guy and he’s like Cheeto could run like uh the art side of like Balenciaga or something crazy yeah I’m like okay sure it’s very well spoken too he’s like very intelligent when he talks yeah yeah very

Cool even porier and uh Dennis what’s his name saint St Den Ben I keep I keep calling him uh the other black guy that fought at 205’s name who cares the one that F John Jones oh I know you’re talking about per call I know the names are similar the guys look

Similar that like some special obst dude right the French guy yeah he was yeah that’s pretty badass that’s a sick fight that’s some Crow cop [ __ ] that is looks into your eyes he’s like this is like I’ve killed like seven people this is just everyday [ __ ] for me he doesn’t

Turn it off he just he goes in there a killer he leaves I still feel is just set in that you know like Mike Tyson how like cuss would like uh almost like hypnotize him and then he becomes a killer kind of thing and then I got I was so interested

At that one point I read like his autobiography and and I was like yo what the [ __ ] is this and how do I like do this yeah that’s what I always say it’s like on fight week I feel like I go through a transition and it’s like that

Transition becoming that that person and that you know and with that person comes all these other things but that’s why you can only do it f week you know what I mean that’s why I try to stay away from people on fek cuz I feel like they

Have to go through that that transition and it’s like that that person isn’t a nice person that is you know coming into the cage that has to be that person that goes into the cage so it’s like days leading up where you kind of like slowly

Transition or is it like okay you know I’m fighting tomorrow wa or I’m waiting in tomorrow like I’m just going to wake up tomorrow and be be this is it no I I W I wish I could do it like that I wish I had the ability to turn it off turn it

On turn it off turn it off but I think cuz I like structure and and scheduling too much but I feel like I kind of like go through a transitional period of it where it’s stuff yeah uh well it yeah in Camp it will be like a lot of time I’ll

Do like okay say I’ll have a trend for my Camp so it’s like one one one Camp I did like all these like lomman chenko like eye eye drills and like hand footwork drill like this kind of [ __ ] so it’s like one time it was like one Camp

I was obsessed with that there was like another camp that I uh I had a like a messed up hand so I could only throw one like one hand or something like that so it was like I only worked on my cross that camp or something like it was like

Each each camp like a trend to it almost like a skill to work on a skill to work on so this this Camp leading into this obviously it was ground and pound because I felt like in my last fight I kind of held on too much and I didn’t

Let go to to find my strikes so I’m like okay that’s what I want to work on moving forward is finding my strikes under on the bottom or you know from them on the bottom um so that was the trend going in and a lot of time it doesn’t really show

In the fight this particular time it did what I worked on in Camp did show in the fight normally I’ll work on other things and then whatever shows in the fight this one happened to work um but yeah each each time I’ll have something that I’m working like I think what one Camp

There was like footwork I did and I’ll make myself do I I’ll make a decision what it was and it was like one hour of footwork three times a week so then whether I do one hour well I make all these rules in

My head if it has to be 1 hour if I have to work on endurance or if I want to work on quick quick stuff then I’ll be like okay I have to do like 100 you know footwork drill things a day like right so right now I’m on a kicking phase so

I’m like okay I want to understand kicks better so I do 100 kick kicks each leg a day and then so like swing kicks or like are you you mixing through I just want to I just want to develop like the understanding of of kicks so I’m kind of

I’m throwing mostly like head and straight straights and heads and then calf mostly just because I think those are the most effective kicks so if I’m going to invest my time I’m going to I think that’s the way to do it I don’t there’s a million kicks to work and I

I’ll spread myself too thin so I um I’m going like kind of like head on both sides and then stuff up the up the middle so then I can develop like the outside game and the straight game CU it’s different hip Mo movements right so

I’m uh I’m trying to work on that and it’s like I’ll I’ll keep doing this 200 100 each kicks a day well I’m training I don’t do them on Sundays um a day until I’m like okay I’ve developed this I I understand this skill this is this was

The point of this exercise and I understand it and then I’ll usually like buy myself something after like you know it’s a sick way of like like little Rewards well but that’s the thing is like I’ll I’ll be at the mall and I’ll see if there’s this lamp that I wanted

And I’m just like oh this is a cute lamp look at to my zen room so I’m like okay what is my how how do I want to earn this lamp so then I decide I want to work on my kicks anyways I know I’m going to buy myself a lamp anyways like

It’s a [ __ ] lamp you know what I mean it’s not like it’s a a crazy thing but it’s a way to make a reward system it’s like you’re going to build a good habit out of that too Atomic habits that’s like something so it’s like that that’s what

I’ll that’s what I do so I’ll uh make a little stupid game of it what’s uh what’s in your Zen room I just heard you say Zen room you actually like is it like your chill room like yeah yeah I have a like a room up upstairs and I

Call it my zen room but it’s it’s like I don’t know I get people would probably just call it an office but I don’t I’m not a businessman that but I’m reading a spiritual Business book so it’s actually my my so I got a nice carpet that is in

There and I’ll do like stret night there was one camp that I would stretch for an hour every night because I wanted to work on my Mo my hip mobility and my shoulder Mobility was really shitty so I stretched for an hour every night there was like you know did you find that

Helped by the way like that like that much stretching so when I was consistent I felt great I slept so well I slept great but also it I’m too much of a like I’m too stringent on on the schedule so it’s like if I’m like oh but I have to

Go to bed oh I have to stretch I’ll stretch and then I’ll go to bed it’s like no I should have went to bed for that hour instead of stretch for that hour like I and now that I’m older I’ve realized like okay let’s weigh out like

Risk versus reward kind of ideas but you know when I was [ __ ] TW I guess I would have been like 27 probably at the time 28 at the time I didn’t know that how important sleeping was and I uh knew I needed to stretch so can you walk us

Through some of like the habits that you have like on a day-to-day like in Camp like that that you find like because you say that you you’re like a very routine based person especially as being an athlete right it’s like you only got so much time yeah yeah you’re fighting MMA

Right there’s so many facets to train like what’s a what’s a day where you like train your habits your your nighttime routine like what a day in my a look look into a day yeah look into a day um okay so usually I wake up and

Right away I’m all anxious no I feel like you know how dogs okay [ __ ] so yeah I wake up and um you know there there was a time that I would go for a walk in the way I find if I go for a walk right away in the anytime I get

Super anxious then I’ll I’ll make sure to wake up earlier and go for a walk before I start anything but when on days that I’m not anxious then I just stay in bed um so right now obviously without a fight I’m not anxious and so I’ll like

Pick up my phone and then I there’s this um like Bible app that I read and so it’s like the daily verse and know say what it is and then it will like kind of like explain almost like a life lesson like a p a passage and what it’s meant

By it and like give you a little like prayer for the day and like you know something something to think about um so I’ll like read that in the morning and then usually I’ll go on Instagram because it’s like I don’t like social media I don’t like going on

Instagram I don’t it’s like a business thing for me and so it’s like I go on and then I’ll go through my messages like okay what are the tasks that are have to be usually I’ll write down the task the day before I’ll already kind of

Know what my day is entailing cuz I’ll have written down I have like a little notebook and it’ll do um like Mind Body Spirit future grateful so I do M BS like that and then I’ll go okay so mind so something for my mind how am I going to

Like grow my mind today so it will be like whatever I’ll I’ll read or I’ll go to the Butcher and learn how to be a butcher or I’ll I’ll like learn something I’ll I’ll watch tape if it if I’m in Camp then it a lot of time it

Will be like watch my watch my rounds take notes from my rounds or you know depending on that but out a camp then I’m trying to like learn other skills so you know a lot of time it will it’ll be things like that or you know whatever

Whatever things I want to grow my mind with body will be whatever I have for practice as well as it will be like with the kicks so it’ll say uh whatever wrestling will be the morning practice and then um you know private demarks evening practice and then I’ll do 200 and then I

Have like a little symbol cuz it’s only a line so I got to just keep it on the one line and then uh so then I’ll know that’s my kicks and so body and then spirit will be like something that’s like for me like something that Zend me

Out a little bit you know you got so much push in your life you need a little bit of pull so you know whether that’s in in Camp a lot of time I’ll do like 10 minute shutdown so it’s like I’ll do 10 minutes that I just [ __ ] shut off

Everything and I just lay in bed and try to collect my thoughts or like if I really want to challenge myself I do 100 breaths I’ve probably only actually done it like been able to successfully do it I think twice in my life you always feel fulfilled after but it takes like over

An hour to do it because I’ll go I’ll just breathe one 100 times without letting myself my thoughts leave and when I realize my thoughts go somewhere else I got to start again then I’m at one that’s crazy fact you ever even did that twice in mind I was okay so one the

First time I’m like squ the first time I ever did it was when I was like in Camp in Florida there was one time I was like trying to do it and I got to like 60 and I just started crying like I was like

What the [ __ ] they can’t do it like and so sometimes I just want to like challenge myself I’ll do like that or I’ll make a number 50 breaths like whatever it’ll be I I make all these stupid [ __ ] games in my head you know so then um future will be something

That’s going to better my future so a lot of time I have a bad habit with like neglecting life things and I’ll just be like Oh I’m going to go get better at MMA instead and I’ll just go to the gym and that’s my excuse for instead of

Doing my taxes or something like real life things that you can’t leave um so that will be like I what am I going to do to to actually better my future and um and then my body Spirit future gee gratitude and then so it’s serious whatever I’m

Thankful for you know it could be like what the one day when I was cutting weight and I didn’t drink all day it was like I’m thankful for water like you know when I’m able to have it I’m [ __ ] thankful for it so one of the days I thankful for water then there’s

Other days where you you know you’re actual thankful for like other things but it could be something so small it could be something like L I’m thankful that my parents have good health like I’m whatever it whatever it may be and um and so I’ll do that in the in the do

The little Journal get that done usually I kind of do it the night before everything like the plan other than like the Gratitude I wait until the day of to to write that in and um cuz some days I miss days in my journal you’re busy or

You’re whatever and I don’t I’ll I don’t do that at all but then I’ll try to do just like a gratitude thing even if I just write it on the page before the Gratitude one that I would have missed cuz they say gratitude’s the the thing

So I’m trying I don’t know it’s like seems to be working yeah my life going pretty good did you make that like set system like set up yourself or did you get it from a book or like I just made it up I just like I just like I’ve heard

You know the I’ve learned so many things in so many different ways and so I just like think about oh this makes sense for me bro science that’s my whole life if I believe it it works like you know what sometimes you get like the smartest

Thing out of like everyone makes fun of like the gym guys they’re like Meatheads but sometimes they’re like the smartest people on like the little the because they don’t overthink it yeah yeah yeah good at that that’s good though gratitude is like the number one thing I found

I I I don’t like necessarily write it down but I lately I found like the things that I focus on in my life that are like positive like those will expand what you put your energy into is going to grow right you have the days where you think about like the shitty things

Going on it’s like yeah if you focus on it it’s going to your mind doesn’t know the difference it’s just like oh you’re focusing on that let’s make more of it right yeah that that the dog you feed right yeah yeah for real I remember when

I was like a kid like dude I like I had like the complete OPP opposite mindset where I was always like looking at things and like oh I don’t have this or I don’t have that and like I remember once I started practicing that gratitude thing like it looks like a transition

Period but now I’m like oh my God I can’t believe I live that that way your mindset on point that’s exactly it it’s like once you realize it’s like it’s just a choice it’s like I it’s more enjoyable like selfishly it’s more enjoyable to live a life of

Gratitude than it is to always be angry and sour with people and like you know know it’s just it’s more it’s easier yeah for real I think it’s easier when Like Your Life Starts going in the direction you want it to be in right it’s tough when everything in your life

Is [ __ ] you hate and and then to be like oh but I’m happy for X CU things are smallies right you think like that’s exactly learn that skill and you know you’re going to have a moment where like that [ __ ] hits you and like it’s going

To be like a phase of maybe like some hard times but man like it it makes going through that way easier too that’s what I’m say no okay this will pass it’s like this will pass just please let it pass come on one more day oh okay I even

Find that in Camp like sometimes like yo like I’m like in Camp like two weeks I’m just like I feel like [ __ ] like training wise I’m like dude I’m getting worse like and like I’m at that point now I’m like okay like this like a there like a

Little like you know like like flat flat base but always after like a few weeks like I’ll shoot back up I was just about to say sometimes the biggest leaps come when you feel like you’re like I haven’t gotten better in like 5 months yeah and

I literally got got to the point where the last time it happened I was like all right like this is good this is good cuz I know like I’m going to hit this like this is like a road block right now but I’m going to hit like this like new

Phase yeah in a few weeks but before that she used to kill me dude I’d come home I’d be so pissed off I’m like yeah like ruin your whole day whole day yeah yeah and now you’re able to like let say you have a bad practice you can let it

Go it chalk it up to okay that was one bad one whatever I’ll have a good one another day yeah 100% yeah that’s it yeah [ __ ] when we were talking earlier about like getting Moody during fight week or something like I find for guys sometimes it’s tough to like have your

Significant other around like how is it having Chris as like a coach then like you have a relationship like there’s so many different like roles you guys play in each other’s lives you know what I mean uh it’s it definitely there was a time of of Challenge and there there are you know

Obviously challenging times to to figure out how it was working and you know where all these pieces go into the right places um so there was a bit of turbulence but you know it’s always like I know that he has my best interest in mind so I’m able to kind of like sit

Back on that a little bit which which is very comforting to me because I know that like you know I’m too close to the fire I’m I don’t I’m I shouldn’t be making my own decisions like he needs to be making these decisions for me quote me on

That and um and so I I feel very fortunate that I have somebody that I trust wholeheartedly to kind of like guide my career be how many fighters do you see they’re their own head coach they’re their own their own you know person guiding their career and and that’s when

Things kind of don’t go well like potentially yeah 100% you yeah you got to be so like reliable to yourself and like you got to be so honest with yourself and sometimes that may be hard exactly and you’re getting in there alone but like if you don’t have the

Team behind you and the trust sometimes like you’re not going to perform at the level you could I guess if you had that yeah yeah so I’m I’m fortunate I mean Chris probably hates it he says he hates watching me fight he he’s like I don’t want here it to compete I’ve already

Done it once with you I my heart can’t handle it everything is that that’s this kid I’m his daughter yeah is she in the sport she she’s into uh like jiujitsu and wrestling and stuff but she wants to do martial arts and um he’s like I can’t

Jazz I can’t do just like we see we’ll see it is tough we were [ __ ] losing our mind when Siri was fighting yeah I couldn’t imagine that being like your daughter or your your girlfriend like when I watch my brother fight man and I’m yelling at him and he’s doing

Everything the opposite one I’m telling him he gets dropped I’m like oh God oh God this is so tough come on bro you don’t you’re not listening to anything in your first amwi I understand the amount of confidence dude this guy had I still remember bro like y breath

Like he’s in the cage waiting for the opponent to walk out I’m like breathe bro breathe breathe just like he’s like he looks at me I got this man like like turns away from me and me and Paul like oh God this is going to go badly yeah

I’m like he’s like stop I’m like move to your right steps left boom walks in her right hand I’m like oh God my mom’s going to call me any second now I have to explain this oh F you you’re B you’re the big brother too you you have to take

Care of him as soon as he said he wanted to fight I got in all the [ __ ] dude I got in so much trouble like Mom was like this is your fault like he wants to fight cuz he’s following you and I’m like oh God and I’m like the only person

Telling him not to fight and like yeah fight dude do it do it and I’m like yeah you be just like serious I’m like no no no man please don’t please don’t cuz it’s stressful it’s very very it’s not the life like I don’t you know like now

That I’m in it it’s the best life in the world but I don’t want it for others either like you know like I I do and I don’t like it’s I guess if the person commits like if you know they commit as much as you right like yeah like if I’m

Like yo I know you’re putting like you’re actually doing everything I’m doing then okay I trust you but if if it’s not all there you’re like [ __ ] dude yeah or if you’re in it for the money if you’re in it for the money get the there’s way easier ways if you fall if

You happen to fall in love with it like we all did and we’re stuck I get it welcome to the web you know what I mean we’ll help you through we’ll all get through this together you know but man if you if you’re in for the money get

The heck out what are the odds of making it and then even exactly how many I genuinely wonder what the average amount of fights for like a UFC fighter is in in the UFC right I bet you it’s like four three or four maybe more Pro yeah probably how many

Guys get get in have a couple fights and then get cut yeah they’re gone even like a guy like TJ like he’s super skilled and unfortunately like he got into too early right like I think he was 22 Yeah super yeah he just had tough Lu but like

That’s a guy that’s literally like so high level that could easily be in the show 100 and that that’s the thing too it’s like not only is it hard to get in the show but it’s there there’s a lot of luck too yeah there’s a ton of luck

There’s got to be opportunities and like you know in Canada it’s really hard in the states there’s more if you’re living in Vegas like you know the the fights are right there somebody pulls out you’re right there the Medicals are easy like the opportunities in Canada it’s challenging yeah [ __ ] such hopefully it

Keep getting better but it is it’s definitely it’s definitely getting better like it’s growing there’s no no s no no uh no no way that it’s not growing like we see it but sure it look at when you when you go to other countries like what it’s like they’re they’re they’ve got

Kids doing full martial arts like these Russian like it’s like two eight-year-olds and they’re like head kicking each other like no gear on it’s like this is [ __ ] insane give those kids 15 years but I think those kids like what you see in in martial arts I

Find the kids that are so intense and they’re like 11 12 1 they burn out so early I was like literally one like I remember this guy I used to train with that was so good when he was like 15 yeah I remember Jackson yeah so good did

You remember did you he was at Perell back in the day oh man I wonder I bet you if I saw his face unbelievable like like sparring Like Jesse Ron when he’s like 16 years old spin back doing like doing like crazy things like but then

Just just burnt down then like I but he never wanted to fight you don’t think soent be CU I remember talking to him after and like he just like like like years later and he’s like man like I just didn’t want to do it I was like Fair imagine being that naturally

Talented we demo each other I couldn’t imagine that I know I got no talent I just want to play you know but that’s a huge part of it for sure that that that burnout like and but again everybody’s so different with that man yeah yeah I hope like but that’s

About those Russian kids man like they’re like their habits and stuff are probably like like so dialed in compared to like man like I have like I don’t know about you guys but like I have like like a lot of kids come up to me and

Like some of them are like super dialed in but some of them just like want the clout so I think nowadays that’s a huge thing like yo how do I get in the UFC bro like like give me like how I get there in like one year and I like well

They all want the blueprint you give me how to get there in one year oh man I had a conversation with kid about that yesterday and I was like holy man that’s all he asked I’m like bro you don’t even come to the CL classes like you do your

Own thing you know I mean like you come at the bag and stuff like you got to jump to class you got to do this and like I think the clo of being a fighter is like M like even Me and Bobby met at like a cardio kickboxing place the

Amount of people there that are like they’re not Fighters but they like teach boxing to cardio kick but then they have the clout of like I’m going to fight soon like and never actually fight but all the people that go to the classes are like oh wow you’re a fighter right

Like they like teach taibo right but like they’re teaching fighting some people might get the that they are the people who know nothing about the sport actually think that they’re like Fighters and then they enjoy the the feeling of it I think yeah it’s it’s a weird thing

Man so another weird like the one of the weirdest thing is like the fighting is like the one thing like the one sport where like if you’ve never fought before like you naturally think you might be good at fights but then like you remember thinking you were a good fight

I remember Shadow Boxing in the mirror being like I could do this bro I had a bag downstairs when I I I watched that movie Never back down I I had this bag I would elbow it forwards and then elbow it backwards and I was like this is my

Move I do that now still though but I I remember doing it no no but like I just like like I would hit it like this and then back I thought you like an up elbow like and I was just like dude if I ever get in a fight like obviously this this

Is the move like but I I can actually go back in time and like just like remember that playing like [ __ ] like Rise Against on the [ __ ] [ __ ] iPod and just thinking like I’m GNA [ __ ] I’m win the UFC Championship with you’re going to hit that in a fight one day going to

Feel D just do it just Chan j y Rodriguez yeah I think every guy thinks they can fight though that’s why like you’ll get guys coming up to you at the bar and they’re just saying I’m sure I love that like when they hear you’re a fighter and then they’ll tell you their

Story on how they’re a fighter I’ve been in 20 street fights whatever undefeated I just see red I don’t need train I don’t need yeah [ __ ] I think people don’t realize the the difference my legs are real strong I had a guy literally came up to me yesterday he’s like he’s

Like I kind of build like Francis I looked at him I’m like okay like Francis G yeah dude get the hell out of here dude I like looked at him and I was like he’s like he’s like yeah I kind of like Francis and I was like is this guy

Trolling me right now like I can’t tell but what you say to that bro I was just like I would just laugh he like yeah I got real leg Power Man and I’m like cool bro God and I’m just like this is this is this is who I think no human

Being on Earth built like Fran I know bro that sh was actually hilarious did you guys see the guy who knocked out Ryan Bader yesterday massive man he’s 68 massive what does he weigh he has does he have to be 265 yeah so cuz they they

Had a 30 lb difference between them the picture looks like they’re not like Ryan Vader looks like a [ __ ] and he’s 6’2 is that the biggest weight what’s the biggest weight glass it’s super heavy but technically a guy could come in at 206 and meet the heavy weight limit and

Then France and G could cut weight to 265 and they can fight right but I think if you’re a heavyweight like you got to be at least 230 or else you’re cutting to 205 but Bader was a 205 who’s went up to so it’s like you know it’s the level

Of competition like even Fedor would have been like a 205 now for sure yeah if he cut wait yeah if he cut wait I watched his fights recently [ __ ] love him he’s he was the first uh MMA fighter I ever watched really yeah that was your first like yeah my first everything I

Ever watched bro was youri fav versus Jose Aldo no way that’s a good fight to that’s a good you be like his leg is done that was the first fight I ever watched dude I was like what is this what’s your guys what’s the first MMA

Thing you ever watched I think mine was uh it was it was Forest Griffin and Anderson Silva watching that all the team I was like watch I see oh my and then we immediately it was me and my buddy Ryan we went out and we we play we

Played tap out like I got you got him like a kamur and I’m like I don’t know what this is called but I’m going to win every fight like this in the future mine was um Chuck Liddell and who is he fighting I forget who he was fighting

But my favorite at the time was Tito Ortiz but he wasn’t fighting at the time or he he wasn’t fighting on that card okay but at that at that time that was a a lot of [ __ ] you know watch any of those a fights I don’t remember Tito

Ever being articulate is he like a back then he wasn’t very he was just you know he needed someone to to root for him and I was there for him yeah one person was me I was there for him him and chel in they just they go at it that was the

Best to watch honestly ch’s got the most Savage line of all time on on T is that about his wife the only one making money off their mouth was your ex-wife dud he didn’t say anything either he looked into the camera he’s like how do you respond that what do you say dude

Somebody said that it was like and your wife ex-wife is a porn star literally but I mean you got to prepare yourself if you’re going to if you’re going to date yeah yeah like like yeah you’re right man she probably made more money than me you got to have self-deprecating

Humor at that point you have to he did not look like he did yeah just sheds of Tears what’s the best line in MMA ever a d i dude you know it was crazy Conor when he’s when he’s freaking sitting there on the cam he like your

Wife’s how the [ __ ] do he think of that you know what I mean in that moment with all that care on so good with that why did Joe Rogan give him the mic did you see Ronda Rosie after though she’s like that he could stay in character like

Unbelievable it’s like I don’t think he’s in character I think that is just him yeah yeah oh know one of my favorite probably things was like when he one of the two belts bro and he’s like I want to apologize to absolutely dude I was

Like cuz that was such a d I was like oh my God he’s going to like be like genuine right now and apologize a bunch of people and then he rips that I was like how man how did you kill it like that I know he had everyone like Hook Line and

S yeah that [ __ ] was crazy do what the [ __ ] he want that’s hype yeah like Tory Lanes literally made a song yeah yeah was stupid again I think yeah that’s lit the beginning of the song I’m like that’s iconic yeah now he’s in jail for 10 years sh

Mean CRA man wild McGregor had like the most magical run like that was soane like how iconic was that just watching that Brad to see where he’s at now to be honest but is it he’s so rich man doing moov is I don’t feel bad he’s [ __ ]

It’s just sad cuz it’s like okay now you’re a cut like no it’s sad for us cuz we don’t get to watch him do crazy ass [ __ ] that’s why we’re sad cuz we don’t get to see the the show anymore he’s he’s enjoying life there is a big what

If of like like you know how he like he [ __ ] starched Eddie and then he went and fought Mayweather and then like whatever happened like if he just stayed in MMA at that point there’s that was the be arguably the best MMA performance of all time him versus Eddie Alvarez but

He chose the bag well that’s the thing he clearly has like a brilliant mind and if he puts his mind to something he’s he’ll be successful and he put it towards MMA and then once the money was there he’s [ __ ] MMA yeah fact he still wants to fight anymore it’s crazy like

That’s how you know he’s truly got some screws loose cuz he got everything in the world you could imagine and he still wants to fight the best in the world what do you think’s really going on like Dana says one thing McGregor says he wants to fight like I don’t know it’s

Probably money it’s probably money cuz he’s probably making so much money and he knows he’s going to have to take six or eight weeks out like I Oh you mean outside the cage yeah yeah and he’s like it doesn’t like he’s got a bunch of business he’s a businessman and that

Takes energy to run those businesses you know what I mean and I know he’s probably got a bunch of help but he still is the one like overseeing it and say that takes three hours in a day you know consistently that [ __ ] with your camp that’s what he even said in the one

The one Camp it’s like he wasn’t in the gym as much as he was before yeah us talk about with like I don’t know if it was Jose where he’s like you have kids like I have nothing I’m married to the game and then now he’s

Like Not Married to the Game he’s kind of half he’s like the boat has gym yeah he boat has a gym boat has a gym but if he comes back and wants to fight a motivated Conor [ __ ] that would be crazy 36 now I think yo he’s like you see his

Sparking stuff he’s looking great dude he’s probably on the best [ __ ] he’s probably not like like he’s probably got everything’s healed he’s probably feeling good like yeah you know eating the best food oh [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] hopefully hopefully hopefully he comes back I don’t know hopefully man I hope

So too for us feel bad for Chandler a bit is he just going to keep wait like you know what I mean he’s in WWE he’s making his bag too he’s he’s he’ll fight but you know I feel like they’re both the point of their career where they’re

Not just fighting for the title they’re fighting for money you know they’re fighting for their their Legend status ex every fight is their legacy at this point it means more yeah yeah so it’s like all it has to be the perfect storm of everything hitting for them to fight

100% yeah it’s like doesn’t make sense for them to fight any other way their life’s too good yeah well McGregor’s more than chanders for sure but dude Chandler did a little house house to his house is [ __ ] sick yeah like I bet you he’s he’s one of those guys will like would

Enjoy a life like that having a nice house he probably has a nice property good backyard with yeah like yeah and you just and he just like likes the lifestyle of training stuff so he doesn’t that’s what I’m looking forward to I I don’t give a [ __ ] about having

Fur Koda cheetah on a chain that was once a dream but know what I’m saying but now I just want a big enough property to have a nice ass house that I have a room that my friends can stay stay in and a big huge kitchen so I can cook a whole bunch

Of food and nice Pantry that I can do canning and [ __ ] like that and then have some chickens but that’s it you know I don’t need chi I don’t need a whole bunch of [ __ ] just nice like a little piece of farm almost just train and just train just

Make make enough money that I can live that life I don’t have to work and I can can train like you know I bet you that’s what Channeler is doing very happy yeah in the states too like Howes are so much cheaper yeah Canada we’re we’re [ __ ] yeah

We’re [ __ ] and it’s cold here all the time like in Florida I was there it’s nice to to have the sun all the time in palm trees and stuff like you know that’s what makes us train harder cuz we hate everything that’s OD I actually think that’s yeah I feel like I remember

I don’t know who I said to but I’m like when we go to BC and we fight those BC guys and they can chill by the beach and stuff and do all this stuff and we don’t get it in Ontario here like that already like you know they’re out like I

Remember like we got we got there in June and like like damn these guys can just go to the beach every single day and just have drinks and like you know chill smoke and we’re out here and we got like Lake Ontario like well going to the gym

Instead you want to go to the beach not really you guys had a little rivalry like [ __ ] east west you know what was it like the one time both of you went and then one more and you guys all like stopped your guys I think right oh yeah

I think that was when you fought for the belt and I fought killer and we both won in like a minute no way one more yeah dude fight trips are the best the best yeah that was that was a good that was a good weekend God damn yeah where was it

It was in it was for bfl in it was in Vancouver but that was during yeah those are so sick oh does a good job and I think I came to that one and everyone was at the one um powp Pal’s guy powpow fought on that same card and popa’s Guy

Miss weight by like nine pounds was that that card no that was the one before we fought there because my got canel you were supposed to fight that’s right yeah yeah yeah we were both supposed to be on that card originally oh yeah your fight

Fell out early mine F fell out early but I still came down yeah we ended up both fighting the same guys we were supposed to the next time yeah yeah that’s we got that Cottage that one time and I just ate my depression away yeah that was the most sad I’ve ever

Seen you in your entire life and I didn’t even realiz genuinely worried I didn’t realize I didn’t even realize till like like two weeks later I was like oh my God that was [ __ ] bro like yeah that was so sad dude the emotions of like going through fight week and

Then having all that you know you transition into whatever you have to be to to fight and then not fight not fight whether it’s your opponent pulls out anything you know show gets canel whatever like that’s that’s like the most disheartening feeling a fighter can feel losing but that is 10 times worse

In my cuz you don’t get it out you don’t get it out like what I do with this energy like honestly that I you know thankfully that’s not knock on wood that never happened to me but man well you would have [ __ ] up on this time like

Yeah but I got to fight yeah that’s like theate blue balls he had he had the worst he was what was he wrapped up Indiana the the kid had a heart attack and they canceled the whole show I remember that and you and your opponent were were still to fight like three of

The 10 guys and they’re like hey we’re going to run with three fights and then 5 minutes later we’re wrapped up we’re like hey first fight’s about to walk I’m like ready to go and they’re like the commission just pulled the card and I was like I thought I was going to throw

Up I was like oh this is the worst yeah is the worst I started like taking [ __ ] I’m like these are my gloves [ __ ] I’m taking this this is mine you guys cancel the show is losing his [ __ ] mind at the commission cuz the way they handle was just I couldn’t see Lyndon

Doing that yeah me neither I’m not sure what you’re talking about you got mad what what I thought he was going to fist fight the commissioner I was like okay we’s take this outside that’s crazy man so ly Lyndon once said to me like off off the cuff I

Think like oh cuz I said oh I want to knock someone out one day man that’s my dream to knock to get like a real knockout he said at your weight class you guys won’t you you’re not going to get a knockout or something like that

Just like crushed my dream and I’m like this [ __ ] and I I don’t know still to this day and I choose not to ever ask him about it because I would I want to hold it that he actually said cuz maybe I assume that it was just like

Oh no like scientifically speaking for your weight class blah blah blah it doesn’t make sense like to whatever yeah do you mean like a one punch like cold yeah no that’s CU you’re getting like tko’s and stuff I’m sure yeah yeah no I want like a knockout where it’s like you

One time I I hit a girl and then she dropped but she popped back up and just like I got a little taste of that feeling and I can only imagine what it feels like so it’s been a dream since since then and I and I said that one

Time and it I and literally we’re all like drinking everything so I know that it actually was or I I’m assuming it wasn’t actually like oh you wouldn’t be able to I think it was more like scientifically blah blah blah oh yeah but I’m deciding another Bro Science I’m

Deciding to believe that he said that I can’t knock someone out so that when I do I can say Len you [ __ ] that girls can’t knock someone out you know what I mean so I’m deciding to like believe that even though it’s probably not true is actually supported and you know what I

Mean but I’m deciding to choose that he said that I wouldn’t be able to knock someone sometimes you like poke you’ll do that on purpose he does that [ __ ] to me all the time in training that’s what I I actually think now knowing him I I

Always think did he tell me on purpose did and that’s why I’ve never had the conversation with him because I don’t want I I want to still believe it I don’t want him to tell me like no Jaz you’re an idiot well you know what I

Mean like so I choose to believe it that’s what I saying it’s Bro Science man that’s hilarious yeah he’ll be like [ __ ] you’re punching so slow like this guy’s punching fast you I’m like [ __ ] faster I don’t know if this guy just trying to push me this way yeah that’s

Exactly yeah it’s like I don’t know if this is some whole like custom AO thing he’s got going on but he’s watched a lot of Jordan Peterson yeah he’s definitely got something going on there though cuss probably had right the mind games and stuff that’s what I’m saying and so I uh

I like it yeah yeah send it to him every single morning every day you wake up send him a video you knocking a girl out once you do it every single day just in case missed it gift him a TV be like I want you to view it on a bigger uh picture

Actually yeah seriously but I think that’s what’ll give every time I like chop wood I always think okay I think it translates the same whatever I’m doing how to figure out how to chop wood that’s how I figure out how to knock someone out I think the skills translate why I don’t

Know bro signs I love it you know it makes sense it does how I don’t know don’t think too much into it just you’ve really found out what weiling yeah but I think every like Elite level athlete has a little bit of like delusion that like drives them

Right like even watching the Michael Jordan documentary where he made up that someone else said to him like uh like nice game Mike or something when he had a bad game and next time just torches him for 60 like it’s like like it never even happened he just told himself it

Did you know exactly like it’s a whatever you believe is the truth yeah I love like if someone tells me I can’t do so you know that if someone tells me I can’t do something I love it like it drives me so much I instantly just want to do it right away

Yeah that and that’s how I am too so that’s uh and I and I know that that’s kind of like a uh a trigger for me and so I’m like I’ll use it use it against myself yeah I remember playing basketball it’s like I’m having a bad

Game when I just say something slick to somebody so they’ll say it back to me and then I’m like okay now I can get myself going you know what I mean it’s a good trick yeah use it one day I’m gonna I yeah just bring lynon around and he’ll

Naturally question everything you do it makes you think about it I’d never seen him like like you guys told me but I’ve never seen him like really go off on somebody and yesterday I saw him for the first time and it was impressive I I don’t know if it’s

Because I see him less now but I feel like he’s softened a little bit no maybe it’s just I see it’s got to be I just see him less than at good times I see him you also see him at like other people’s gyms when he’s at his own it’s very different yeah

I oh yeah oh yeah but we need it we need it I love it man I like I I I need the tough love to be honest it’s got to the point where like if somebody’s coaching me and they’re not giving me criticism I’m like yo this guy doesn’t care care

About me at all like he’s not paying attention you know I mean yeah this helping me yeah yeah [ __ ] man or I’m just that [ __ ] up for years of Ling coaching he just loves the abuse we got that like stockh I know I think of that sometimes

Too like why it’s like even when I go to other gyms I’m like okay I know how to like get the coaches like attention so that he’ll tell me like oh ask hey you see anything which I worked on you know what I mean cu you’ll always get that

Knowledge and everyone everyone can help you in some way sure for sure there’s so much stuff all right one of our cameras just went out so yeah I think we did like an hour and a half I feel like we’ve been talking I could just talk all

Day nobody else picked but her for what for what Al or Cheeto she did she picked uh didn’t I’m going with Mali just cuz just want to see that I think with as well you know what just cuz you guys picked Al I’m going to be on the Tito

Train next week my heart says Ali my I want slck but I think I think Cheo that’s what I think I think it’s bro but if you watch that first fight like the ccak oh but the cap I guess this durability we landing were like first uh

Guest Jazz thank you so much for coming we appreciate it it was awesome talk thanks for this up this place is awesome yeah would’ love to have you back at some point as well so we’ll chat okay episode thank you yeah oh yeah thank you I thought I Was

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