Golf Players

JACK SOCK IS THE NEW BEN JOHNS – Mixed R16 – Sock/Parenteau vs Devilliers/Smith | Arizona Cup 2024

Highlights from the Mixed Doubles Round 16 match – Jack Sock/Catherine Parenteau vs Jay Devilliers/Callie Smith. Mesa Arizona Cup 2024 – Pro Pickleball Mixed Doubles Round of 16 match.

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There’s the athleticism on display from Jack sock jumped in the kitchen line1 sees the down the line sock was against James Ignat and Anna brigh in the quarterfinals in Palm [Applause] Springs a that back can finish on the LLY for Pento crowd like that one just an outstretched back hand Cali Joe

Smith Right Down the Line body bags Jack sock saying where you going Mister crash in the middle on me wasting on that one with the forehand was going to the Middle look out J deil cleaning [Applause] up now what defense from Smith position they haven’t been in yet throughout this match good

From from hard to take a full swing from 29 ft Point 1042 cther Pento goes right down hitting more back hands which is so difficult just like that too good from Jack sock he spots the opening crosscourt beats J deil to the back door yeah gets some there but then isue there

But the first ball was great my goodness all right a chance to course correct put away is in front of your face ooh inside out no look on Jay deiler what a shot from Jack suck It’s Tricky and most players take this ball to the middle he goes inside out catches

Diler leaning middle gets the winner wow Jack sock flies across the Court takes it Michelle in football you know they have the 40 yard dash they don’t they don’t calculate that here but this is our and if you do you’re hitting a cut with Back Spin on it in pickle ball

You’re hitting Top Spin drops all the time it’s a completely different swing Air Force by the force Point 72 out cleaned [Applause] up that’s a freight train coming your way down the line matches together counting this one [Applause] oh from defense to offense Catherine Pento and Jack sock take gain two by a

Dominant score of 112


  1. Sock has to the be most athletic, exciting guy to watch right now. In the past month, he's expanded on his rocket forehand to also include a good backhand. Paired up with CP, its great!

  2. Jack has really improved at the net. I already knew he was going to be a singles monster based on his tennis background but at this rate I wouldn't be surprised if he gets a gold or two in doubles

  3. No, Jack Sock is the actual Jack Sock. Which, as a former top-10 tennis player, makes him a better athlete with greater handskills, movement, and power than 99.99 of the competition he's going to find here.

  4. It’s cool to watch him improve. I think that if he loses some weight and gets back in shape, he will probably be unstoppable for a couple of years.

  5. Jack Sock is a beast – he's really adapted to the pro level by anticipating rather than reacting. Few can do it well. His level of coverage also seems way higher than what I'm used to seeing.

  6. What’s the etiquette in PB? No apologies with a body shot? Think the female player signed her teams death warrant with her unapologetic body shot to Sock. Was great to see.

  7. Jack Sock is definitely Left-eye dominant but his explosiveness is much more extreme and lamentably for Ben Mr. Sock is fun to watch!! 😇

  8. It was only a matter of time til jack got acclimated to pickleball. He was an elite tennis pro, he’s gonna dominate pickleball

  9. It's only a matter of time before tennis players dominate the pickleball game. Once tennis players figure out how increase power on the serve the dink will probably be rare and overheads. Players better start wearing eye protection

  10. Players better start wearing eye protection, the games going to get much faster and harder, and being so close to your opponent , more injuries and more temper flares ânf more drama.

  11. I miss Jack on the ATP tour, but his later years in singles weren't working out. In doubles he was a beast. Glad to see him having success in PB. His anticipation skills are off the charts when he moves across the court.

  12. Jack has found a sport where he can dominate while still maintaining a fairly decent beer belly.

  13. This is such a stupid title. Their play styles are completely different. Jack is a solid player but he doesn't just purely dominate anyone like Ben has the last few years.

    No one has quite had a forehand like Jack. Curious to see if people will eventually learn to play against it but right now it's a huge weapon.

  14. I think PB is trying to bring in names to get more people into PB- the McEnroe, Agassi etc move was for that reason. Sock is well known, whereas Jones is known only for the aficionados of PB…

  15. He's the new Ben Johns because he's an actual athlete playing pickleball now… The time when amateurs dominated pickleball is over now that real athletes are starting to move over to pickleball. Sock has played pickleball for what, a few months? a year? and he is already beating guys who have been playing and "training" for years.

  16. Why demean someone with a description like that. Jack Sock is Jack Sock and not a new someone else.

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