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Escaping Reality with Outdoor Podcasting #outdoor

Escaping Reality with Outdoor Podcasting #outdoor


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Goody good good goody two shoes more dare oh let me grab my other one we need one more oh man it’s getting Jammy up in here I got stuff everywhere in the studio tonight yes sir we’re just getting rolling you know I this is there a reach uh I don’t was

USBC no this lightning old school what’s up Outdoors are great how you doing brother hey hey yeah sorry didn’t see you jump on there welcome this is a outdoor podcast live version tonight so that’s what we’re up to me and Tim are gonna chat with you guys

It’s a little different than our normal just we don’t we just talk and bull crap but now it’s good because you guys can we can ask you just give you question interaction action and I give us something to do you know my eyes are kind of

Bad all right let me just send this real quick we’re just getting loaded up here on the system so what do you guys want to talk about tonight yes this freaking phone’s dead too this isn’t going how I planned oh boy oh this thing doesn’t even go in

There doesn’t want to charge weird that’s fine we can start with what juice we do have we end it when it ends put this over here uh oh what’s your unfortunate news ow son of a what’s up box how you doing brother slim let me guess you can’t turkey hunt

You didn’t tag oh man what what state are you in you’ve been talking about that for like months what state are you where you trying to get it in oh my God that’s that is unfortunate news that is unfortunate Oklahoma yeah that kind of sucks man we

We we don’t really have that issue in Michigan luckily there there’s some places if you want to hunt a specific place that it’s all draw and you got to get a tag but a lot of places you could have a tag issue though sometimes yeah

But a lot of times you can get them over the counter but darn it man turkey is one of my favorites turkey is definitely one of my favorite hunts I had to bring this out here so I could do both at once but having my cook peas and relaxing we

Just got done doing a podcast it was fun we had a conference call today with um ax a so farad about doing some videos for their crossbow which was exciting um and interesting at the same time I think it’ll be an interesting video if we end

Up doing it yeah you guys will like it I think it’s uh gonna be a true test video which which is good something we don’t uh we haven’t done in a little while I’m actually really excited to do that so box that is true it’s going to change

Slightly yes it’s about a half inch from or quarter inch or half inch maybe I think it’s a quarter inch from what someone said in the chat the other day so what we got going over here what’s up Chef Ken how you doing triggered welcome to the outdoor podcast live that’s what

We’re doing tonight me and Tim are just filming uh some episodes hanging out in the studio you guys want to talk any sort of hunting stories or anything go ahead and send them we talk hunt fish and Camp over here so it’s kind of fun over there oh you got the bearb today

Awesome man [Applause] congrats some cookies B Mafia chilling like a villain yeah we were talking about bear just a little bit ago on the last podcast about how how much of a great hunting company they are how much they really actually care about the hunting community and Anthony

Won the bow from us the other ah is that right very be species EV nice bow John got his bow too that Hoy vtn 31 can’t beat that thoughts on Alexander Buck I don’t know what that is I don’t know what that is either we don’t pay attention to everything

But I actually don’t know I can’t look it up either because my phone’s right there but I’m gonna look it up here are you gonna get out for turkey this year yeah absolutely scrudder I’ll be turkey hunting coming up so Tim and I usually go together so hopefully we get it

Done oh turkey is one of my favorite hunts we were talking about that earlier it’s uh sick logo which one do you like better do you like the bear or do you like the Moose we get two different we have two logos on purpose because it’s stupid no one has two logos but

Us but it’s funny um oh is there other bows smooth as well yes absolutely it’s a hard one I would shoot an elite next to the be the bch and I’d also shoot the hoit too if you get a chance to try it out Alexander Buck here’s the here here’s the headline

That I’m getting is it that giant one yeah the the the big uh Ohio giant the hunter who killed potential record-breaking buck in Ohio is now under investigation is it what does that mean like it’s you guys think it’s a fake Buck or are we saying that it’s uh

Was taken illegally it looks like poaching from like a ranch though or or just poaching I can’t read that fast DNR confiscated confirmed that They confiscated the deer from Alex and’s possession they’ve want an in investigation thanks raag I get you all your stuff linked up at the end but

Appreciate that fa to obtain lawfully required written permission prior to hunting on private property that means trespassing people yep that’s what that is that me if you guys haven’t joined subcription or the membership on any of these program the platforms consider doing so we have the mx32 giveaway at

The uh beginning of the month coming up here so so that would be a that that would be part for the course though man could you think about it that if trespassing yeah but if that the Ohio record buck was shot on your property by somebody that was trespassing I’d be

Pissed yeah it’s not cool pissed that’s not cool though I I just I would never do that number one and I just think it’s weird that right and I don’t know the details right could he have been on that dude’s Land by a foot did he well did he

Shoot into the land that was not his did he shoot it not on the land and he recovered it doesn’t fix it either I’m just suggesting there might be a little more to the story we don’t know gotta know your rules and Rags people gotta know your rules and Rags that’s the

Point nice to see everybody joining tonight though the private property owner was the district attorney oh oh that’s not gonna go over so well yeah thanks for lightting you bolts appreciate that Northstar um have you had any problems with the Barnett hyper Raptor no no problems

Yet really wish the truth on the mitcha Rapala Buck came to light I don’t know about that one that add this way a little bit because you keep going off camera too I’m trying I you know I just can’t get you and me that’s problem I

Think we’re good let’s go like that okay you know that it’s a we got a good question on here which is heavier heav arrow for white tail or lighter Arrow because of speed I know we’ve talked on podcasts about that it’s funny how this question always comes up but um so I

Talked to two Pros about this when I say two Pros I mean industry people Dudley and buar and both of them don’t agree with the sounded like they don’t really agree with the ranch fairies concepts of these heavy ARS yeah so I’m just telling you guys what I heard from those people I

Have no idea what the answer is but I’ll stick to my 450 to 550 now well I’m I’m going to tell you I think that what I what I’ve heard that I buy and I don’t you know it’s always hard to tell in real life when you’re when you’re a real

Life hunting situation it’s about the kinetic energy right so you get more kinetic energy on a lighter Arrow I think is the theory than you do on a heavier Arrow because it has to move the arrow faster or it’s a heavier arrow that you’re moving but at the same time

There’s distance factors in there there’s all there’s a whole bunch of different factors to be honest with you I don’t think that you know if you’re shooting one of and you correct me if I’m wrong Dave but if you’re shooting one of these higher end you know high

High Fe Per Second bows I don’t think you can go wrong either way so but I think there might be a difference between Western and and you know shorter distance shots so I would say um that’d be a good test yeah let’s let’s uh let’s do that test this summer heavy Arrow

Heavy Arrow versus light arrow and how far they go I’m gonna let Ragan do it for me and then I’ll post it so Ragan go ahead and do the video and then I’ll just post it easier um Charles I didn’t hear about the Raptor strings breaking but um if they

Are you would really have to look into why they’re breaking like are they rubbing on something that’s maybe got a bur right I mean there could be a little bit more to it it doesn’t mean a string break isn’t necessarily the worst thing in the world it could be just a string

Suck so I don’t know what am I filming you got to film you got to do the ranch Fairy stuff Ryan you got to do the heavier the lighter Arrow test tell what works the best you got to do all the testing 100 yards dist 100 yards into

Ballistic impact yeah we want to see it all all right where were we get a got a white tail lately no season’s been over for a while yeah nothing over here not since last year the only way till I’ve gotten is out of my freezer um so yeah the the podcast we’re

Going to post the full podcast of the buar interview and The Dudley interview are be on carbon TV right in beginning of March and they both talk about the weighted Arrow stuff so I would definitely listen to that if I was you guys it’s really good and they explain

It a little better than I would even understand but they do talk about it and I think it actually answers a lot of questions that you guys are bringing up what’s up Chris how you doing up my poundage nice how much what poundage you at now Outdoors are

Great is Saddle hunting uncomfortable as it looks actually trophy run uh trophy line uh had me Saddle Up me and actually my son at the total Archer challenge yep last year and it was very comfortable I think personally the worst part about it would be is just getting up the tree and

Setting up the sticks every time because again that’s the same thing as doing a tree stand you’re setting up those sticks you know what I mean so I think um but once you’re in it you’re in it to win it because it’s that nice

It actually is kind of comfy I sat in it I was like I can sit in this all day yeah we talked to uh what’s his face the MMA fighter um and he used the saddle and he’s he’s a big guy 300 300 yeah pound plus Andy right yeah Anderson is

That Anderson umy I’m Gonna Knock You Out Anderson he he what was his nickname Corey uh I don’t know I gotta look it up man I’m not good at that he was just on uh he was just on uh um what’s the other podcast the hot one

The good one Joe working class he just don’t work in class but he he he ran a saddle and he loved it and he would he would do all day sits and he’s a big guy so I’m gonna give uh Jr thanks the info two thumbs up comfortable for

Sure all right alen don’t lose your subscription my friend uh the thing’s coming up soon here so don’t lose it uh no discount code yet on CB but thank you for asking I can get you Trophy Ridge though 20% off Trophy Ridge if you want that BHP 2024 take advantage of it

100% oh repelling down B Mafia says but B Mafia if you Propel down that’s fine but can you I guess what how do you get your sticks back do you leave the sticks and come back to the same set or if you want to do the sticks you have to then

Go backwards and just remove them every time oh 65 that’s a great weight I pull 60 I don’t know that’s a great weight uh no discount on Barnett yet um but I did have this conversation today with TenPoint and uh with uh Killer Instinct I have the same

Conversation and rack broadheads so you guys might be seeing some discount codes come flying in from those brands soon I’m working on it uh temp points got this interesting thing that they they said that they might be able to do a discount on their crossbows that were came back that

They refurbished oh yeah okay and I was thinking about and the way it sounded to me is like sometimes the referbished ones weren’t even shot they’re just returned because big box stores automatically are allowed to return crossbows if you sell them like basically it’s like an Overstock so

Really it’s actually a great deal because you’re getting so we’ll see hopefully I get you guys something on that if you’re interested in that type of thing no 10 Point’s quality too man I everything that they put out their their whole reputation is crossbows and how quality they are I’ve never heard of

Them really having any issues Anthony said for skinny guy it sucks sadle honey love my Lone Wolf Stam you just got to put both legs through one hole Yeah just sit sideways just it it sideways woohoo I I heard I did hear the most comfortable way to sit is when you

When you’re sitting on one side of the tree like you w you you basically like hug the tree almost and let your let your legs rest on the tree but I’ve never tried it man looks fun I can’t read those comments over there yeah I’m looking I’m looking for

Things that we would both know four flushed arrows I think um I don’t know I’ve seen a lot of people talk about four fleshed arrows uh it seems like people have no issue with them I don’t think you have to have it by any means

But I think some people like it I would do either one I think they look cooler I like having the extra flet I think it look kind of neat but as far as performance I don’t know if it’s better or worse I guess you we’ have to ask the

Group here and see if anybody has any experience would you be would you be worried about the site that you’re shooting it out of though if you’re shooting four versus three think the four sites or not not sites rests yes some rest set up for three a rest that’s

Set up like the one we do in the kit right would not be good for a four flet and also a dropway would be okay the four flet you’d have to also watch out for the cable guard right you don’t hit or make contact because you have an

Extra Fletch now that’s sticking out over there so right you have to make sure that’s right you could go through a whisker a straight whisker Y and you could go through a dropway probably but that’s yeah I would worry about your rest on that it sounds like too much

Going on to me all right um I missed a comment here what was this one yep only issue of 10 points use the operator I agree with that 100% yes Nimrod we are getting the obsession bows they are on order uh that’s what I was told so that’s from

Dennis so hopefully we’re good to go and have those soon and be able to provide some content on Obsession coming up box that’s what I’ve heard you keep the tree between you and the an animal kind of like a squirrel right when a squirrel runs away always runs away to the

Opposite side of the tree to stay hidden so you’re kind of just like a big squirrel in a tree sounds like Jamie well I don’t know about squirrel although the the Hawks do attack the him too they every time three or four times now it’s kind of

Crazy yep so if you’re just joining guys we are just chilling uh was the outdoor podcast is what Tim and I do for carbon TV so we do this episodes on carbon and on audio and sometimes we’ll cut the pieces of it on YouTube so you’ll see

Some of that here and there or special editions like when we do Bow companies specific um so yeah if you guys want to talk camping hunting fking fishing this is a great time to do it because this is what we do here we have a lot of variety

On this this show and other you know you guys have your normal questions fine too Cody thanks yeah definitely let you know Cody are is the obsession Factory also making Martins in the same Factory or no I think they’re different but I I could be wrong because I know Kevin’s gonna

Design for both it sounded like wasn’t there some big industry news this week uh well yeah well struther was hired Kevin struther H got hired back in that’s what it was yeah and um so he designed a few bows after the bat so I’ll talk to Dennis even gets Kevin onto

The show to grill him on it yeah yeah why’d you go back what makes you so much better he’s who do you think you are but he’s always had great designs how dare you it he has people probably got bats from him from all over the place you know what I mean

Like an elite a botch like everything he’s worked at struther archery I wish I still had some of those Struthers I keep talking to Cory like tell your dad to send me a struther original got have some he’s like he’ll sell them I go no I

Want it for free you’ll sell them or you’re fired he totally knows you though no just tell it’s for the classic I told him I to borrow it they’re now they’re in teques now we need it for our classic lineup I don’t know where the ma oh same building are they building it

In Georgia then is Martin moved to Georgia is that what’s happened and Cody you could be honest with us here okay do you really like the Martin line or what’s your thoughts on it to this point I’m just wondering which do you like better out of those two do you like

The obsession or the Martin Obsession guy an obsession guy obsessed like it oh you read that from Anthony can you read that from there or no yeah Anthony talks about the for Fletch here for Fletch does a better job in win that makes sense does Anthony does the for Fletch

Though have the issues we talked about with it could contact cable and not go through certain R would that be accurate I guess it’s worthwhile upgrade to go drop I mean Vox I think it is for your hunting purposes you know but I I mean it depends how much you shoot uh whisker

Biscuit to me is a dominant Factor it just depends on how much you’re going to use it if you’re a weekend warrior you’re good you know I mean but if you’re someone who’s out there a week at a time you might want a better little more performance out of a dropway you

Got remember dropway doesn’t touch your your veins right so there’s no you’re getting more performance out of the bow so get better consistency out of that too yeah and the speed you’re getting a little more speed they say up to around three to five feet per second difference

Between pulling it back on that whisker a little bit but I love the whisker I’m not gonna act like I don’t gotta be set up the the dropway has got to be set up right though too I’ve had there’s plenty of times that uncamp where the the tie

Comes off or it’s not tied right and then you start to have issues so uh Phillips we run the gas bow strings as our off the custom Brands we use lot of great options too color wise uh yep dropway so I have a honest question if I was a law

Three I don’t know I don’t understand the question if it was yeah can you I don’t get it either yeah you have to rewrite that one outdoors I don’t know what you mean you said something about log three if I was ached arrows three vein

Or no Fletch maybe I don’t know qad HDX is a great one J&R yeah agree with you there uh bch guardian and Commander are pretty much the same just different cam right The Botch guardian and the commander uh going back in your knowledge well I

Haven’t done bch in a while um I know the justice is different that’s why I thought when you first said that was confusing the Justice in there I’ll let someone else answer the question I think you’re right in that sense but I’m not positive I know the new Commander has

The deadlock so I don’t know what that Guardian has if you’re talking about the Justice maybe you’re talking about the justice that would make more sense because they’re the same price and the Justice in yes the Justice in the guardian are similar but they’re actually different the justice has a

Different Riser has a different uh cam has actually not as good as the it doesn’t have the deadlock stuff so I guess this depends what you want AR you know I’m sick get my BHP fixed what do you guys think of the wck broadheads what are your thoughts on the super Drive

27s how could Tak about OG Guardian Commander yeah I don’t know those if he’s talking about OG that’s uh um W broads is great man Rec came in here the other day and we dominated the metal uh we had a good time man Matt came here in

Person and wrecked it we wrecked it we wrecked it it was fun it was a good time it was a good time all right here’s that question you’ll see that podcast soon if it was a law to shoot three veins or no veins oh three veins three veins all day

You gotta have veins no no veins would do nothing for distance thanks Ragan I’ll get you all your credits for your uh extra entries to your bow giveaway coming up with all those anybody if you’re a member and you send a Galaxy tonight I will log that as an extra

Entry into the giveaway just keep that in mind so what’s going on dude I haven’t seen you in a while what’s up Todd how you doing that’s a great Point Jr on the weight for the Arrows with the four veins thanks Ragan oh I like the confetti that’s nice that’s a nice

Touch what’s the new uh the new giveaway the the new giveaway is the uh Expedition mx32 brand new uh never even shot once it’s just sitting there it looks beautiful so that’ll be the giveaway uh bow this month coming up I’m going to do it Anthony yep that’s my my

My goal is to sit down and do it um I think I I think um I think I did figure out the multiply I don’t remember in my head but I did figure it out and I’m going to start applying that on the next one here coming up what’s up Van team

Haven’t seen you in a while you that’s what I just said already starting on the farm wow we’re behind then we need to get to work how you starting the farm is it like too cold what well what kind of equipment do you got let’s start there you just

Walking around drinking a beer and having a cigar hey we’ll put it over there we need a we need a plow we need a plow this year yeah you gotta give me a list of what we’re buying because I want to get this done right we got to get a

Plow in there thanks Jameson look at that Galaxy I don’t know what that is that sweet media shower nice how many blinds are you putting in Van team I got I’m I’m gonna guess with two I don’t know I don’t know will I don’t know how you can make that bow

Lighter talk to Ryan he might be able to help you I don’t know I don’t have that bow I’ve never touched it so I don’t where the weight is on it the Trix 38 or whatever the one you or TRX 38 new Vox that’s a pretty that’s a

Pretty impressive shot though man dang look at these watermelons ah thanks to that love watermelon Ryan that was nice that was awesome pretty impressive shot over here from Vox shooting a jack rabbit with a bow really yeah I don’t think I’ve ever seen a jack rabbit not

Around is like a snowshoe rabbit size I mean are they big they’re bigger yeah from from what I understand but even I mean those things move it must have held steady for a second you missed it was you and me dancing two fat squirrels I love it opinion on the nap

Spitfire triple thanks Chris thanks Ryan appreciate it what’s your opinion on the nap Spitfire oh sorry uh is that the crossbow one or something triple XX let me take a look snap Spitfire triple X have really follow an nap in a while to be honest with you guys ever since

They got acquired it kind of changed the changed a little bit for me it’s not a bad price we’ll start it’s a good price it’s over the top right um I don’t know nothing wrong with it nothing wrong with it I’m not going to ACC something wrong with it but I don’t

Know just looks like a typical over the top to me I don’t see anything different I mean honestly looks like a normal Spitfire I don’t even is a Spitfire TW blade maybe normally I’m assuming because I I thought they were three blade I don’t really know what’s

Different about it than a normal oh that’s the triple X is there an X oh no that is the Triple X yeah that was the triple that spit that Spitfire 3 TI looks awesome I like that one vertic verdict 100 looks like a rage that’s interesting so is the single Blade 4 TI

Now we’re getting that’s cool that’s kind of cool I don’t know if that’ll work good it might not fly good but that looks kind of cool oh those are hybrids that’s why ah you know they look okay I mean I can tell this they’re so cheap though I

Don’t know why they’re so cheap compared to other brands right now I just wonder if they’re importing them now or something I don’t know I don’t know not I’m not gonna touch that it’s GSM now right I don’t know what they’re doing we’ve shot a lot of blades though yeah I

I’ve shot I never had any issues or anything but evolution outdoor Jackal what the heck is that evolution what what was it called outdoor Jackal outdoor Jackal what what do we got here what are we doing what do we got here who’s this Evolution brand what is

This do they have oh here we go wait a minute uh is this the same I don’t see any broadheads I see rifle cases shotgun cases pistol cases what am I missing here yeah it looks like outdoor brand though it does we see if I can find something

Different here maybe it’s a maybe we’re talking about different webs I don’t know all right uh W don’t lose your subscription my friend uh giveaways come up the end of the month so make sure you hurry up and hit that renew put on auto renew so you

Can get a darker color and get extra entries from that as well so oh here it is a Broadhead I like the way that looks well that’s Evolution this is evolution outdoor is that an S Outdoors Outdoors oh my god really they’re gonna have one little

Yeah it is too oh my God they better check their their PS and stuff or their trademarks wow they got releases and everything who is who are these guys wer white W FY that prod it looks lit it’s a cool design it is I do like

At first glance it reminds me what was that uh what were those ones that they had the circle where they all curved and it like punched out like uh you know what I’m talking about yeah can’t remember the name of them but that it look it looks like kind of a Next Level

Design from that standpoint looks dirty though I mean send a message see if we can get some samples I’d like to play with those that looks pretty cool man I like to see how that you know anybody over there Anthony or no if you do give

Us a plug for them for us so we can try to get some here to play with how do you find them too that’s crazy yeah I never even heard of that I want to try this one here they have a turkey specific yeah I like to try turkey wrecker right

There oh yeah I want to try that oh my God 60 bucks for three oh light is it sixpack oh dang wow oh no no no no no no you got to choose six pack okay how much is that well 120 okay I was like whoa the toxics he’s talking about the

Toxics toxic the toxics that’s what it was y it you got it what’s everybody using for turkey season for broadheads that’s what I’m curious on what is everybody going to use I’m debating what to use re was here I was think about using a w to do it but

I’m I got you know I’m very interested to hear everybody’s opinion on this I think in uh you can do a crossbow I think I think what did you do on the CR oh you did a gun last year I think I’m gonna use a two and a half

Inch uh 12 GA no no no actually I got one right here for you to [Applause] use oh oh we using the axe we’re going to use the axe that’s a good ide you know I would even uh that’s another video I haven’t even shot my Killer

Instinct well maybe use an axxe this year to try your first for turkey I mean yeah just for turkey I’m talking be a longdistance shot for sure it always depends you know if if if we’re shot de on right there if we’re stationary bow all day long but if we’re doing a spot

And stuff no no no no no stationary I’m talking about going the the sh Hunter shun coming out dude we could have shot two shot we could have shot two right then that moment oh for sure with two Bros I mean all on great video I didn’t

Want to shoot a second baby who cares it’s all legal if it wasn’t legal I would say don’t do it but it is totally legal you talking about Jake here I don’t care I just want turkey I’m chaseing size the turkey like wild turkey taste to me is amazing I made I

Made two different kinds of turkey for Thanksgiving this year um turkey breast only made store bought turkey breast and then my wild turkey breast and I put it out in front of everybody and they were like wow there is such a better flavor three in mag Toby says three inch mag

300 Mag 300 Mag for turkey 3 in five shot uh dear said I was trying to remember it yes I think it is three inch trigger say he’s using Ford Ranger Ford Ranger using a field Point uh Dustin says the Demon Hunter Dustin how’d you even get the Demon

Hunter Wang is that already is that already out Demon Hunter Wayne I thought I didn’t know the had those Demon Hunter wang let’s take a look this is the Pigman stuff right be careful when you type in Wang yeah well it does not shown on the screen anyway but I don’t

See it is there a website on that specifically or did he just sell them online at first I thought I thought when you said the Demon Hunter for certain the first thing I thought was the Beast broadheads but those I heard are so hard to get right now I think Anthony you

Were talking about that right you had the Beast broadheads oh Hellraiser that’s a good one They I would recommend a mechanical for turkey I think you want the biggest hit can get Demon Hunter is an arrow I know it’s an arrow I know it was a Broadhead oh so Dustin Dustin’s got them ahead of time they’re not they’re not public that’s what he’s saying dang it

Dustin how dare you you and bow talker bow daddy man you and bow Daddy all right what are he oh mechanical versus fix there it is that’s the combo so honestly it’s personal preference I’ve shot and fixed for many different reasons but I switched over to

Mechanical and I love it um you talking to you or you’re reading here I’m reading here oh wasn’t sure if you’re reading or you’re the outdoor the outdoor I don’t know what you’re saying right now just curious mechanical versus fix so I think it’s an debate for turkey the bigger the better

I mean they’re so weak their bodies are so weak you hit it you’re going through it so I’d recommend that’s just my recommendation but I think I think everybody would agree with that but maybe I’m wrong if you guys don’t chime in grin Reaper I think Gren Reaper is a

Little too much for turkey isn’t it Chris I feel like that’s even more than enough oh a ramcat hard to beat I like that one the ramcat the big ramcat we’ve done ramcats before with turkey that’s for sure Anthony what are you gonna how much um so good good point in the Beast

Broadheads we’re talking about right now um so I had asked them about those broadheads and they said that they they put them on sale I don’t know how many he said it was a thousand or 10,000 but he sold instantly like literally within 10 minutes they’re gone so did you did

You do a pre-order or something to get your hands on them apparently they’re one of the sharpest blades in the industry hands down I don’t know the way it’s done I guess like it’s like cold treated like frozen to 100 negative 150 or some crazy stuff and the metal and it does

Something to the metal I don’t know o i I like the Slick Trick too actually there’s a lot of slick tricks I like actually I do like them oh the glues got the Beast too nice glue you must have got lucky and got them when they when they were available

I thought for a second it was like a Mr Beast oh good Eric says I have a crossbow crossover The Blood Sport gravedigger okay extreme broadheads in my crossbow oh in a crossbow so I got confused I thought the first were was crossbow but it was cross over then

Crossbow came in later so it kind of flip-flopped and threw me off for a t twister but that’s cool Eric all right so Doug I used the triple uh triple point turkey foot last year so I had um the guys on from triple point archery last year he talked me and I

Said listen in the interview I said sell me out I should use your your head and he sold me on and I was actually impressed so I used it and what happened dude the thing went three feet maybe it was amazing it went right through the

Turkey and you can see this video on YouTube went through the turkey and the arrow just stopped yeah it laid there this big white East Arrow just laying there I was like dude this is lit and so it did a really good job unbelievable I probably won’t use it this year even

Though they’re actually going to be on the podcast in a week or two but the thing is is I tested it it works the turkey foot’s lit so it’s it’s I I would I just now I have to test something else so I just always feel like I should try

Something new but so to me that’s gonna go on my wall of you know winner winner chicken dinner for anybody turkey dinner thank you turkey leg we should get turkey leg rooster here so we can take one while we’re talking now we’re talking you know I me just put it right

Here while it’s roasted and we grab one we give one to you guys like the Renaissance Festival turkey legs I think we should um I think we should uh do some sort of like giveaway for a turkey hunt we should you guys should come hunt with us that would be awesome

That would be sick you guys would hate it so bad like these dudes eat nasty St let let me just tell you that the two years ago when we went there were so many freaking mosquitoes we bar even hunt no joke like you walk out of the truck and there’s

Literally 100 mosquitoes on you and I think we called the hunt short a couple times because it was just so Dreadful it was horrible so van team I have not shot the dart yeah the glue we’ll talk about it yeah for sure so they do they do look

Pretty impressive there’s a lot you know there’s there’s a lot of good crosswells out there nowadays too uh Larry uh so Larry asked the best long range budget arrow for TAC um I I uh I mean we use Easton for everything so I don’t know which arrow specifically

To tell you but I use a 6.5 for hunting but this year I’ll probably use a 6.5 well I’m gonna use a match grade I’m not sure which one spe actually I have some here let’s see what we got I don’t know what to tell you the price one that

Would be a good one but I can tell you what I can tell you he’s going to go see it yeah I get you box it’s kind of the kind of the similar thing some years man you see deer during turkey and turkey Dearing Dearing deer so good thing is sometimes

Depending on where we’re hunting at in Michigan is that our T they have a fall turkey season in certain areas of Michigan so if I’m hunting white tail during uh and and in in one of the areas where they have a turkey season I’ll buy both tags

And I’ll lay a turkey out first and then grab the deer second so oh man Dave’s knocking stuff over we just almost had a disaster guys we just we just almost lost $10,000 worth of bows right there it was crazy it was like it was gonna be

A domino effect in this whole office just coming down dang how many bows do we even have hanging in here 40 50 who wants a b I’m going to count want a bow all right anyway I’m not sure which one’s the right price point to be honest with you

Guys but the 6.5 this is the one I hunted with last year this is the 6.5 this one’s messed up don’t mind this one but I like the white out and I did this so I could see the arrow at all times and I wanted to be able to find it but

Obviously you can get this is the match grade one that’s not the white out then they have the full metal jackets of course you know these aren’t going to be cheap but they’re bad bones this is the match grade as well so these two are these three are match grades you can see

They have this gold emblem that kind of tells you that they’re match grade point Z1 uh so I don’t know I mean I here’s the point check out Easton yeah check out e there you go let’s just keep it simple keep it simple go to Eastern check their prices out go that’s what

It’s going to come down to and maybe eventually hopefully maybe we’ll get a we’ll get a coupon code maybe’s been good you guys man they did all those giveaways they’re starting to ship those now guys if you w stuff just heads up I know Anthony was on there they just sent

Me an email so they’re allowing us to give arrows away at a good good rate so that’s pretty cool that’s really nice of them uh Dustin still wants to no cam Tim will sell it you but I won’t see the [Laughter] outdoors the no cam yeah you know only

Because I know how much you paid for that thing to get it back when we already had it like five years ago I know we did yeah that’s funny we did get it when they first came out with it but you know at one point we got rid of all

Those bows then now I’m like oh like I want to Rey everything that we’ve done years stupid but I discounted we have 34 bows hanging in this hanging in the studio right now they just in this room alone uh Russell you have to look online I don’t know

They you know the prices are different at different places so definitely check them out 6.5 6.5 and white out I don’t know if there’s any dealers out here but there’s usually people could sell sell them to you right on what’s 311 $311 no for a dozen no

Way what’s 311 Dustin we talking about you talking about the ban 311 oh dang forgot about that b that’s been a long time 11 Green 3 11 Green that’s what it is Techo should needs to be four to millimeter there you go oh techro wait really you got 311’s a teeker A8

Huh I thought the arome is sick in bed how did you get on your archome are you feeling all right over there what’s up hardare X do you guys see the bow we’re giving away on Tik Tok dang we’re giving a bow away try to get

To 200,000 Subs so if you’re not on Tik Tok go over there and follow us cuz when we get there we’re going to pick some people on that and if you’re not part of the membership do so because you’ll be in that as well look at that comment

From Vox was watching a review and the Sanita arrows came out aead of the victory oh oh D oh that’s all the way I can’t imagine that though to be honest because I did actually play with those arrows and I thought they weren’t very good but that

Was my personal opinion I don’t know what kind of test it was but I would never I would never shoot those arrows if I’m being honest and not just the top point the other two point whatever they’re called yeah I wouldn’t even let my kids use them to be honest so I would

I don’t know you know maybe they have one that are compete you know what I mean and it’s possible but I don’t know that’s crazy though right on uh there’s probably over there you need to see the cord you can unplug that one to the white one right on there’s a thing by

That table out there you can plug into on the bottom yeah go ahead yeah yeah sure go ahead Vox name drop that channel man oh here we go we’re all about Community around here oh Arch glue glue sick okay got it thanks glue for resubscribing appreciate that

Uh sled like just send us a message offline usually on Instagram is the best way to get a hold of us that it is Sean’s Outdoor Adventures all right we’re gonna We we’ll check it out how dare you name drop someone on here Fox I can’t believe it who approved that that’s

Ridiculous I was waiting for that so bad the new G5 Prime arrows no we don’t we we you know to be honest guys to be fair we’re sponsored by East this year we have shot a lot of products over the years we were sponsored by Victory before Black Eagle

Before so yes the arrows work they all do a great job was it Prime you visited this year I did go to Prime but I I w’t I don’t touch the arrows or the Alta arrows or any arrows anymore because East sponsored us and to be honest with

You I could use any arrow and get the job done to be fair and so like I’m just going to promote and sponsor the the company who’s G to help us out the most in this case I won’t do it with bows we won’t do it with certain things but

Arrows no problem why because don’t really care if I’m going be honest I think they’re all pretty good you know and a lot of those Arrow we’re talking about like g5s the Ulta I think they’re all pretty much made in the same place I’m might not I might not be positive

But they’re all made in the same area uh and there’s only a couple that are Americade and Easton’s one of them so I’m just like you know what I’m Gooding plus the classic part of the East well like I I like the most you know what I

Mean like that was one of the reasons history for sure and they approached us I’m going be clear on this they actually came out to us at the ATA show and said we need to work with you guys and when they said that I was like finally we’re

Getting moving on where we need to be in this industry especially with the brands that are Legacy Brands like e that was a big deal so that’s that’s where we ended up so it means something when you’re made in the US and you’re the long and you’re the oldest archery company in the

World the thing about it us is I love G5 I think they’re great and I think they’re a great company I just don’t see the point in the arrow I don’t like they they’re they’re making all that stuff right then and there but they’re not making the arrow there you know what I

Mean like they’re making those broadheads I just don’t see the point in dabbing dabbling in that area yeah same with e Elite I don’t see the point in dabbling with the Ulta whatever it’s called because you’re going up against Titans here this isn’t like a joke Easton’s like the the company right

Victory’s done a great job of C trying to catch up and get in there black eagles’s done a pretty good job but now you’re if you delute it more I don’t I don’t know the point I guess I’m not seeing it I don’t see how there’s it

Shouldn’t be a race to the bottom with arrows race to the bottom for pricing you know yeah it’s a critical part I agree with that see you Jr thanks man yeah see you man thanks for chatting appreciate it yeah I I I just don’t recommend buying the cheapest thing with arrows

Especially because an arrow is one of those things where when it comes off that shaft when it comes off that string and if it breaks in mid-flight and goes to your hand you’re going to regret going Jeep on it I just recommend getting quality durable stuff you know

Is good stuff and when I say that I say the same things every time to people I’ll say the same thing now Easton victory Black Eagle gold tip Carbon Express I’d be okay with any of those Brands everything else I have no idea no idea where they’re made how they’re made or

You know don’t really care to be honest not that we couldn’t find out but yeah we it’s EAS yeah there’s always going to be those off brands in other countries and stuff but all right where we at here sled life’s got arrows I mean there’s like I said there’s a lot of

Arrow brand out there but going against Titans in this industry so it’s not going to be easy task I you’re talking East man they made baseball bats for years they made tennis rackets they made golf I think they made everything hockey they got bought out by Bower at one

Point that the the hockey portion Y and then Nike somehow was involved in that I don’t know it’s crazy stuff man big money thanks to glue appreciate that make sure you get you linked for the for your extra entry yes Ryan do not buy those I don’t know if I honestly I’ll be

Honest with you nowadays when I’ve seen I don’t know if I buy dead ring or anything if I’m being honest right now you got it box G5 Quivers uh not in a long time not in a long time Dave doesn’t want any quiver that’s not lighted anymore I it’s hard to get

Away from Trophy Ridge for Quivers guys I’m not going to lie I know people talk a lot about tight spot and all this but I’m telling you what’s up Jack I’m telling you right now that lighted portion of that the business of the lighted areas the LEDs inside outside is

Unbelievable and I know Elite tried to copy that idea with putting the light in the uh Beacon or whatever inside the um the suppression in between the limbs but it does it still doesn’t compare uh oh Jack Scott’s close to buying the lift what’s what’s your other options Jack what’s your thoughts like

What are you what are you contemplating how much you going to spend you know what I mean like are you going to spend two grand here are we talking you’re buying accessories too you’re just buying the bow if you’re just buying the bow what are the other option

Bows you’re considering before this buy those are important questions and we’re all going to help you with this so go ahead and let us know we’re all here to help yes extra Subs do count the glue if you want to sub people uh you’ll get extra spots for that as well and they

Also get spots so it’s a win-win so yes go ahead and do that when you’re ready and just let me know how many okay Tic Tac love gonna buy the accessories does that have the does that does that have the new system on there yeah I mean if he’s buying the the uh

Bridge lock systems you know bridg lock site Bridge lock itself stabilizer very expensive it adds up quick you for the accessories yeah yeah dang Ryan’s looking at the commander I kind of like the Justice look better Ryan to be honest I know it doesn’t have the same Tech but I love

The way that Justice looks I don’t know why uh Dylan for me it’s the alpha for me everybody’s different here so I want to be clear on that but for me personally I would shoot the alpha a over the lift but that’s me I don’t want to take anything away from anybody gonna

Buy the lift it’s a great bow just it doesn’t fit me that that perfect what do you think about the lift awesome Hunter paired with the dial site dang this is what I’m talking about Jack’s the man Jack said I’ve been saving up and cutting grass for about a

Year now to do this buy that’s amazing man so so Jack before you put all that hard-earned money into that bow I would ask you which bows have you shot and what’s your interests in other brands like have you tried the prime have you tried the the Hoy have you

Tried an elite I’m not trying to talk you out to Matthews I’m just asking because it’s very important that you at this at this point you put a lot into this right a lot of work and energy and hard work and you know so the the bow

Has to fit you perfectly especially when you’re going to drop this kind of cheddar so really just make sure you got what you want out of it it’s all I’m suggesting just make sure it fits you perfectly go to that Pro Shop shoot everything you can in that price point

And under the price point to be fair I mean you might find something like the Ronin which I love saves you a ton of money and you’re still getting Noam we’ll sell you a no cam Dustin’s gonna freak out over here all right yeah good brands Jack for sure oh

It’s got some good stuff out there as well you obtain one limited emote from a Subway what’s that that’s cool is that the uh subscription thing we talked about Dustin that not cam is mine I don’t know what you’re talking about we’re gonna start a bidding war

Between YouTube and Tik Tok in a minute just wait till Dave leaves the room Ragan says if I was writing I still wouldn’t sell you mine oh six the glue you sent six all right let me take snapshot on my phone just so I don’t mess that up later all

Right cool six thank you appreciate that I’ll give you six extra spots and those people you hooked up will get automatically added as well so if you got hooked up you guys better be thinking is Big better be thaning the glue for getting hooked up now you’re now automatically entered shot it too

That’s good all right what did you say oh God you went from a diamond Sho a ho now but new Hoy but he went in and shot the shot the Matthews thanks Fox 300 like it 75 pounds Jack that’s amazing it is that’s not me you just

Seen me on the speed test I’m barely getting the 70 back Jamie can’t even do it I’m like get out of the way gez man talk about sugar Panic I’m like just get out of the way I got this God I think he does on purpose he

Doesn’t want to do it he’s so scared 300 wow that’s impressive that’s cool man that’s cool what color you getting in the lift you getting any sort of uh fade or any uh what color you thinking what’s your color scheme you’re going with uh Blake I would say yes for turkey

35 lbs but probably not for deer probably about 48 I I think you one one thing check rules and rs I know some states some states have limits and I know some states limits are 40 awesome W so te check your rules and Rags with your state because you might be limited

To what you can hunt with based on poundage you can pull why what uh what color you getting your lift in why it’s also picking up a lift here on Tik Tock talking about it real tree Edge nice that’s exciting I got it in uh we got in that uh tan color

The brown looks pretty good yeah 35 I think 35 is fine for a turkey I I don’t I mean I’m sure it might kill a deer but it would still be not just get ready to run after it that’s all yeah I don’t know I’m not

Really the pro at that but because I’ve always used 50 pounds or up so I would suggest my opinion is 45 to 48 pounds be the minimum I would go for a deer with a fixed blade Broadhead with a two cut two blade cut um but turkey I think you’d be

Fine but yeah dark green that’s gonna be cool here’s here here’s my here’s my rule Blake if it’s legal yeah if it’s legal you do what you want you know sometimes sometimes you don’t know until you try it so my kids couldn’t pull any weight back so they ended up

Using crossbows is what happened for my kids um they probably still couldn’t pull enough weight yet either at 14 so they would still have to use crossbows at this point but oh my God Joe that’s a sick bow oh so Chris says in Massachusetts

The the 40 is the men so for any hunting so yeah good point so for turkey or dear we should look at Michigan I wonder what ours is I think it’s 40 that’s why I was saying that um Joe what do you think of that Ronin though did you what color did you

Get for your Ronin and what what accessories did you put on there Jeremy you can it’s called the Ronin that’s the one that’s the flagship everybody can afford this year it’s a freaking steel 850 and it’s a it’s an awesome bow dark green Nebraska’s 45 dang Iowa it’s got lower lower than

Normal Deer uh population that’s scary that’s cuz everybody comes to Iowa to hunt Wyatt it’s it kills your deer they pay a lot of money and take your deer it’s crazy morale and black limbs nice actually I think that’s the one I’m getting coming up I just asked them I do

Have a cam on I asked them if they’d swap it for me they said they would that’s exciting all right we’ll see you Jack have a good one man man thanks for joining you might hey Jack’s a member you might win that X32 as well so you

Could sell that and recoup some of your money we’ll see what happens good luck we’ll see guys I’ll just sell jack the no Cam and then he can sell it the dust hi mullet man how you doing nice that’s cool Joe yeah 40 good good form yeah I hear you rk8 or the

Lift oh what what’s the question what I miss sh the RX8 or the lift uh for me I would do the RX8 personally it’s just what I like but um oh blue tongue what is that what is it blue tongue is whipping them farmers are found them dead in the

Fields oh God that’s not good for Iowa blue tongue and deer I never heard of that yeah I would think so Blake because I mean if you hit the vitals broadside should be fine I wouldn’t take anything exotic of a shot but I would do a fix blade you know with

Two blade I cut on contact Waters contaminated or they don’t have enough Wow that’s scary huh what do you do for that they put in like they could put in Retention Ponds with filters system or something drink BL tongue is is also known as EHD which I’ve heard of weird that’s

Crazy didn’t know it’s called BL awesome user five user five now is a good time to consider your first bow uh through be Archer’s website because you use our discount code it’s 20% off it’s called BP 2024 two24 yeah it’s a great deal 20% off any of their bows they have one

Right now called the the dynamic which is it’s a lowc cost bow but it’s $199 minus that discount so it’s like 160 if you’re just getting into it it might be something to consider just to start to see if you like it and all that and if

You do you can move up later or start off with something a little bit better like a species EV on there with that discount code as well which is a really good idea because again it’s a good price for starting I highly recommend starting with the bow like that before

You jump into the Matthews the hoists the bear high level stuff just because make sure you like what you like you know what I mean make sure you get into it good and you you want to do it you might never upgrade it might be fine

Because those bows are fine so just a heads up you know it just depends what you plan on doing what’s up Sean nice W that’s cool still got a deer though that’s good oh study going around uh yes uh the code is B BHP 2024 20

24 this guy this guy H it’s funny ah I do like the legend XR Levi but at this point I probably wouldn’t get it because with that code you’re getting like a brand new bow at a good deal so I have the legend xar actually I outfitted

It last year it looks sick but it’s a great bow but at this point when since you guys are on here and you know about the code it makes more sense for you just to pick up one of the newer ones like the paradigm that’s the one I would

Choose the paradigm’s the money shot I’m not gonna lie what is it the money in the pocket the paradigm’s the one oh man I gotta get running here soon yeah yeah yeah all right guys we’re gonna get out of here but uh thanks for joining everybody who sent galaxies uh I will

Get you your extra spots if you didn’t join membership consider doing so we give away bow each month generally so we have the mx32 from Expedition coming up March 1st so that goes for YouTube and for Tik Tok so um join the membership consider doing so helps the channel and

Goes a long way in in keeping us doing what we do so um that’s it guys we’ll play the numbers game soon coming up for members uh probably this week or weekend I I’ll do the numbers game again for you guys to grab extra spots so Steve thanks

For joining so late but we’re out of here my friend right thanks for the Tic Tac and YouTube love all right we’ll see you goodbye by to our friends over Seance steo all right those guys are gone all right YouTube thanks guys all right we’ll see you jack we’re just

Getting out of here so have a great night okay byebye


  1. How am I supposed to afford subscriptions and such when I always have someone lik you in my pocket,? I don't even know where my next ,real is

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