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The Rod Pedersen Show LIVE! | Feb 22, 2024

Thursday is here, let’s pop off in the comments! NHL, CFL, NFL and more as we dive into a big weekend ahead! Blue Jays Reporter Mike Wilner and Telemiracle 48 Chairman Tyler Hall joins us!

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00:00:00 Intro
00:03:00 HOUR ONE
01:03:30 HOUR TWO

[Applause] This is it it all comes down to this rock the hours in the gym the weeks away from my family this is what I’ve been training for and all those voices trying to tear me down I’m here to silence them we’ve given everything we have for a chance to get everything we Want previe L on the r Peterson show the uh free agency’s over what are your thoughts right now as we sit here mid-February you know I I I was surprised a little bit that Winnipeg was able to get shown and Olivera back both at 230 I mean those are I think it was

Really important for them because so much of the conversation around the bombers is they’re getting older they’re getting older same guys so if you’re having the conversation around the bombers of you know they’re getting too old they’re getting older how do you let two guys 26 and 27 go out the door guys

That weren’t even part of this dynasty when it began if you call it that certainly getting into great cups it’s a Dynasty uh I thought Ottawa did well you know adding sort of they had four things on their list you know quarterback big play receiver offensive line coverage

Linebacker boom boom boom boom they got four of those um you know there was there was nothing there was no sort of eyebrow raising I would think most of the contracts as year this year in free agency came in under what we expect them right right we’ve had the last few years

Where there was the Gino Lewis contract or uh the Kenny Lawler contract or you know a few others that have kind of like raised our eyebrows this I would say for the most part most of the deals came in under what we would have expected you know including you know Tim White deel

That was uh you know kind of the last one to fall and he comes in you know kind of in the two to 250 range uh you know with some some incentives played in there so I mean look Toronto you know lost a ton of players we knew they were

Going to do that I think they’re one of the most intriguing teams just because of how dominant they were last year and how much now they’re uh their their roster has been raped over and they made some choices to keep guys they made some choices to let guys walk uh that’s an

Intriguing for me one for me as well get ready for the rod Peterson Show it’s like Ravine the FED Illusionist he would hypnotize the whole crowd my dad always told this joke he goes oh yeah Ravine was uh performing at the center of the Arts he had the whole room hypnotized and he said the next thing I say you will all do and he got tripped

Up tangled in his mic cord and tripped and went Crap took him two weeks to get the smell up this is the rod Peterson show H you like that one did you Jordan ah coming in hot coming in hot on a Thursday I think it’s been a good day uh

Episode number 1186 of your favorite daytime Sports Talk Show is at hand I’m here in the beautiful South Florida Studio where there isn’t a breath of wind Darren moose Dupont is in the Toronto Studio where there isn’t a breath of wind uh hey they’re not blowing the leaves around Mose you got

The leaves gear out today they must have won last night did they yeah it was a good one a late one last night um I’ll be honest I’ll be honest I fell asleep with about four and a half minutes left in the third period that’s the last thing I remember seeing

Before the eyelid shut but uh hey you say no wind it looks hot down there looks hot right now I don’t know why but it just it looks like you got a hot one coming this afternoon uh it’s definitely warming up and we’re very happy it’s a

Lovely day to be alive and as a matter of fact uh I will tell that coming up on the program today we’re going to talk a little Blue Jays baseball with Mike Wilner the longtime host of Jay’s talk and now from the deep left field podcast

In Tyler Hall will join us from our friends at T Miracle 48 coming your way this weekend but I’ve had an awesome day I told you it’s a long day to get to wait till noon to get on the air but Serene and I had a session with our

Coach this morning and she put us into this meditation and we did it different and reminded that was why I was late getting into my chair I’m sure Clark and Jordan were a little Panic where’s Rod where’s Rod and I was like doing this and it reminded me of and I was

Talking to a CFL coach this morning who said hey Super Bowl looked amazing and we talked about that and I thought about the sober bowl and with the meditation I was uh you know at that sober party the watch party that we threw I don’t know if you’re a fan of

The voice does the singer Huntley does that mean anything to you when if I say Huntley do you know who that guy is yeah yeah yeah okay so he won The Voice I’m not a music guy so he’s beside me getting ready to go perform at silver bowl and

I’m like and by the way he’s a big Su SOB with long braided hair which I never thought about at the time until today I’m like that’s you don’t see a lot of men with long braided hair especially in muscle shirts and big muscles and I’m

Like hey what’s your set like how many songs you doing and he completely ignored me so then I’m like hey how many songs you doing in your set and and he’s like um what it was that was me today he was in the middle of a meditation before he

Went out on stage to perform at sober bowl at Super Bowl and that’s a little like me today I came out of what oh we got a show to do okay let’s do it can you hit the quick show horn please director Jordan and no way we go well moose has the

Shirt on the big story in my world and I think a lot of you people’s too is Toronto center Austin Matthews scored his 50th goal and 51st of the Season as the maple leafes down the hometown Arizona coyote 63 at mullet Arena last night Matthews has cracked the 50 goal

Mark in the regular season once before as a leaf as we all know two seasons ago when he had 60 goals to go along with 46 assists it was the Coyote’s 11th straight loss and who cares what I have to say even though I’m the host Darren

Sitting there in Toronto how many wins in this is six in a row for the Leafs right have they found their groove is it is it hammered down now till the playoffs for them or what well you hope so um the one thing is you know they’ve won every game with Morgan Riley

Suspended and that’s a positive that they rallied around Morgan Riley being out but that’s kind of always been what the Leafs have done you know when they get a little bit you know adverse they lose some stars out of the lineup everybody picks up their game and they

Play well and then when the stars are all in the lineup everybody thinks it’s going to be easy and they can take their foot off the gap and they lose right so I hope that doesn’t happen when Morgan riy comes back but it was cool it was in Arizona Austin Matthew’s parents were

There he scored 50 and 51 so that’s neat and they’re talking about now that he’s on Pace all of a sudden for 76 goals um when we said 70 and 71 we were like hey he hasn’t even hit 50 yet let’s not get ahead of ourselves and now he’s

Increased his scoring Pace by being on a roll it’s kind of a fun story to watch I feel like it would be nice if you went in and spoke to the Maple Leafs about this cuz I wonder if Sheldon Keith has had that conversation hey guys you

Suck it up when we don’t have a full deck but you crap yourselves when we do so can we uh can we like it’s like John Lynch John frenzy the Hall of Fame Ruff Riders broadcaster wanted to go in and address the Riders before big games and for whatever reason the coaching staff

Of the Rough Riders wouldn’t allow him to do that but it’s do you think they see this Darren because the way you point that out to me makes a lot of sense I feel like you should address the team what do you think uh you know of course I’m sure

They see this I’m sure they have the conversation but it’s just natural human behavior that when the reinforcement comes it’s going to make my job easier it’s going to make my life easier when in reality it shouldn’t make your life any easier you should still have to work

Just as hard but it should make the whole team better that’s what good teams do you get more you get better it’s not that it’s going to get easier for you and uh that’s a mental thing the players have to turn on or off

Well I want to make this very clear uh I hope the Leafs are learning their lessons and if they win the Stanley Cup this year I’ll be as happy as any non-leaf fan I won’t be as happy as you or Clark or any of the people that have

Been waiting their whole lives for this but I’ll be happy for them but you’ve made a good point the good teams don’t worry about who’s in or who’s out Florida Panthers top team in the East um so I I I hope the Leafs are learning and

By the way mullet Arena was the place last night I saw the highlights I saw all the leafes fans there so I want to point something out to you I today later today it’ll be dropping on YouTube our cats and bolts podcast Jeff Chan was our

Guest okay the pride of NEP in Ontario his son Jacob plays for the Senators and spent Seven Seasons with the coyotes so I’m just going to paraphrase and tell you Darren we got to the bottom of this mullet Arena situation in the coyotes because chick they love Phoenix anybody

Who’s been there loves Phoenix so just so you know read my lips don’t expect anything to change I think the owner of that team’s name is Alex Murillo he’s got more money than God and something dawned on me just over since we’ve been talking yesterday on this show he’s the exact

Owner that every League wants he’s got more money than brains he’ll never go broke and they don’t even care about winning who wouldn’t want that so if you sit here and wonder why things aren’t changing in Arizona here’s why the owner will never run out of money and he

Doesn’t care if they win and doesn’t care if they have a new rank if you were Gary bman why would you fiddle with that why would you change I know you don’t have to worry about check bouncing you don’t have to worry about you know anything or them

You know worse you know coming and saying hey we need money give me some money right um obviously you want to play in a nicer rink you want it to be more of a destination you’d like that market to be booming but um yeah if they haven’t left the desert by now there’s

No threat of them leaving anytime soon yeah well Pro probably not and I that’s the thing one thing chick everybody you got to go watch the cats and bolts podcast we’ll post it from our links where Jeff and I get into it these are more my words than his but as he was

Explaining all of this I’m like it’s all lining up makes perfect sense they don’t need to win they’ve lost 11 in a row and he’s outweighted everybody right and and the thing was you know Jeff said you know at some point the players are going to have to maybe file a grievance or

Something because they don’t it’s not right that they’re playing in a junior rank well again if I was Alex Millo the owner of the coyotes I would say well we tried we tried really hard to Ram this through city council we even had a pleite with the citizens and they voted

It down so we tried that’s probably good enough I would think for the National Hockey League and Gary bman now now uh some other things Charlie makoy scored on a power play at 310 of overtime to live Boston past Edmonton 65 after the Bruins blew a three-goal lead on Wednesday

Night Morgan geeky Brad Marshon Trent Frederick Jake debrusk and David pastorik also scored for Boston Warren Fogle scored twice and Matias yanm Mark Cory Perry and Zack Heyman added goals for the Oilers Edmonton had won eight in a row at home prior to that game I had

Friends last night at the game Bruins fans actually that wrote on social media no La Bomba tonight I’m like you better be careful talking like that you’re going to get your ass kicked but Scott in Calgary wrote in and said that was a preview of the Stanley Cup Final Bruins

At Oilers and this is from a Flames fan um well I appreciate him chiming in on that but who really knows we don’t know but that’s his take Oilers Bruins and it happened in 88 and 90 as well uh if that’s the case oer fans wouldn’t like

It they lost it overtime at home to Boston last night meanwhile the Montreal Canadians top line did not have a good night against the Sabres Nick Suzuki’s 10-game point streak came to an end your race slovsky’s run of eight games point streak came to an end Habs fell 3-2 to

The Buffalo Sabers you’re welcome Jenna in Southern California who every time the Sabers win writes us and that’s good I’m glad that she’s thinking about us in Southern California that’s a good thing moving on to point two it’s our poll question today Austin Matthews became the fastest US born player to reach 50

Goals and help the Toronto Maple Leafs beat the crumbling Arizona Coyotes last night so with him Catching Fire Austin Matthews our poll question today for K AO group and by the way at the Koto group you can buy with confidence knowing that they provide reports on all vehicles they sell get fully informed

About your next vehicle by going to K AOG group.cs who is the MVP of the NHL this season is it Austin Matthews is it Conor McDavid of the orders is it Nathan McKinnon of the the Colorado Avalanche or is it new kucherov the leading scorer of the National Hockey League from the

Tampa Bay Lightning last I looked on Twitter Austin Matthews was leading I’d like to say that’s a bit of a recency bias but I don’t know for sure just because of what he’s been doing of late on YouTube uh Conor mcdavid’s leading and I voted for Conor McDavid on both

Darren will probably vote for Austin Matthews because he’s a Leafs fan but I’ll say this the Leafs were in plus I missed something largely winning even when Austin Matthews wasn’t scoring earlier on in the year whereas the orders were not winning and do not win unless Conor McDavid is getting six

Assists tonight so to me who’s most valuable to his team it’s Conor McDavid for me have I convinced you yeah you make a great point and you got me kind of maybe I’m off the edge a little bit you know my my first thought wanted to say Nathan McKinnon because you know

What he’s doing in Colorado just continuing and and you know hard to say this is a I I can’t believe I’m going to say this largely it feels like under the radar for Nathan McKinnon I haven’t heard a lot of Nathan McKinnon talk throughout the year even though he’s

Having a great season but I’ll stay with Matthews because if I’m gonna pay for something if I’m gonna find Value I’m gonna pay for gold I want to pay for goals goals are what go up on the scoreboard I think they’re so much more important you don’t have goals without

Assists I get that but uh I think what he’s doing is so special and the fact that if he gets to 70 um because it hasn’t happen in so long I think that’s so impressive that uh the heart will be right there for him I don’t know if

It’ll be a slam dunk but if he doesn’t get to 70 I think it’s more wide open well they do have a goal a trophy for that the mace Rashard trophy right for the uh for the uh leading goal score I’m just going through here somebody had

A write in ballot and said Connor heluk as MVP not any one of the four and I’m I’m I’m racking my mind I thought this I had it right I’m not going to put you on the spot who’s the last goalie to win MVP of the NHL forget about the

VZ for the for the top goalie who was named MVP of the league as goenda you right now it was Jose in that long ago uh no sorry it was Kerry Price in 2015 my bad 2015 Kerry Price before that Jose terrior and then Dominick hasri did it twice at 97 to 98

So it’s not unheard of but is Connor Helu like singlehandedly getting the Jets into the playoffs maybe he is I don’t know um I’m still on the McDavid train I just feel like if he’s not going they’re not winning whereas even the Jets have with

Stood or won with lauron bris and go and not Conor hu so it’s a fun debate it’s a fun debate and we’ll see who uh wins this vote in 24 hours time moving on I want your take on this point three streaming service Netflix announced Wednesday that a new documentary about

Major League Baseball’s Montreal Expos and their departure from their Canadian home will be coming to the platform the currently Untitled documentary is set to explore the setbacks that led to the departure of Canada’s first MLB team and how it continues to spark debate 20 years later according to Netflix the

Expos arrived in Montreal for the 1969 season and played in the city until 2004 before moving to Washington and became the Nationals the setback okay number one going back to 2004 20 years ago do you recall what those setbacks were that forced the Expos out of Montreal do you

How much were you we’ve had this chat before you were like 16 or whatever and what do you remember like I remember the Olympic Stadium being empty they largely weren’t very good that’s enough criteria to move right I would think sell the team and move that’s about all I remember what do

You remember about yeah okay well it says in the story here the setbacks include conflicts between the city of Montreal and owner Jeffrey laua over the construction of a new stadium the firing of Skipper felipo and dwindling fan support So F fill in team name and City and you have the

Story of every team that moves most recently the Oakland a right going to Las Vegas but I want to ask our viewers this this just popped into my mind the name of the documentary does didn’t have a name yet or at the very least they

Haven’t unveiled it I got one in my mind but what would be yours the story of the Expos leaving Montreal what would it be for you going going gone how’s that not bad that’s not bad there’s no wrong answers to this mine would be orava over ah you know what

That’s French for goodbye you got it yeah that’s good orir no I don’t mind going going gone either and then maybe that maybe going going gone in French on France oh do our France viewers want to uh chime in for anybody who has a thought on what they should call this

Expos documentary on Netflix I’m sticking with oir and Musa sang going going gone but we’re open to suggestions we’re only three points into the quick six show topics on the way today Mike Wilner of the deep left field podcast he covers the Blue Jays and titer Hall of

Tel Miracle 48 we’ll be right back on Game Plus television WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube live this is it it all comes down to this rock the hours in the gym the weeks away from my family this is what I’ve been training for and all those voices trying to tear me

Down I’m here to silence them we’ve given everything we have for a chance to get everything we want The sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product look no further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all Platforms we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s LIF we’re

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Canada on Game Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the rod Peterson show today hey honey can you get one of the

Kids to show me how this Twitter thing works honey I need to get on Instagram time for more of the rod Peterson show it is and we’re getting down to the nitty grit now tele Miracle 48 is this weekend Tyler Hall will join us next hour from Saskatchewan’s charity but

There’s still time for you to get involved if you haven’t yet the tel Miracle 5050 is live tele Miracle is the way to get your tickets another way to support Tel Miracle 48 and also have the chance to win half the jackpot winwin for saskat and residents

Get your tickets now at Tel Miracle let’s bring the moth in and we have some very wise and funny viewers moose we’re asking them what what name would you choose for this exposeed documentary they say it doesn’t have a name yet I feel like that’s a lie they

Just don’t want to divulge it yet you know a lot of times they’ll film movies and um will not Ann will not tell anybody what the name of the movie is even though they have it you know until it’s about to be released um reg in Winnipeg says the Big O

Revoir as an Olympic Stadium the Big O rivoir that’s not bad Ryan and Saratoga New York says oh the long orir the decline of the Montreal Expos John M and he’s got a few comments here om he says exposed exposed I’m not sure that comes through

In print but I like I like the way that he thinks Uh uh from dvo dvo writes in and says I’d call it who cares Habs need to win another cup that’s H I don’t think Netflix is gonna go with that but it’s pretty good yes true that and so John oh who is like Google’s what should I say he uses

Google more than anybody else he says following a failed attempt to disband the expose major League Baseball purchased the team prior to the 2002 season after the club failed to secure funding for a new ballp part so I mean as time goes on and that’s one thing

I’ve realized is uh people don’t care they don’t care about your problems you it’s 20 years ago for God’s sakes we don’t really remember and I do recall when the Nationals won the World Series we were doing this show I remember saying to you I felt I got a

Little choked up watching the Nationals celebrate on the field in their park cuz I was was like that’s that’s the expose that was the first team that I ever loved but you were like I didn’t care and most people didn’t care I thought there would be exposes across TSN and

Sportset at the time nope nope what you done for me lately so I think we’ll all be watching it and I now eagerly anticipating Darren the name of the show now moving on to point four the quick six show topics here’s one for you David Schneider is getting a first

Taste of Big League training camp even though he’s no longer a rookie the Jay’s infielder had a memorable debut with Toronto last year remember that hitting a homer in his first at bat after being called up from Triple A Buffalo now the 25-year-old is fighting for a job at

Second base at the team’s Player Development complex shortstop Bo bashet and first base when vlat Guerrero Jr anchor an infield with some moving Parts Kevin viio Santiago espanol and Schneider could be considered for the second Pace job with Isaiah ker FFA likely to see most of the action at

Third after Matt Chapman’s departure as a free agent Justin Turner could see some action at either corner is this getting your juices flowing a little bit Moose for the Toronto Blue Jays I I should tell you that the poll ended this way yesterday the majority voted for

Fourth or fifth Jays will finish fourth or fifth that’s what our audience thinks not very optimistic about the Blue Jays in 2024 you and I I think both voted for second place right so maybe we’re completely out to lunch we might be but I think that talks

About our excitement level at least or where we think you know the Jays are going into the season um it is fun to think about and what’s great about a new season I think why we get so excited for opening day is that everybody’s got a chance and everybody’s got hope and

Optimism and all those fun things until you throw the first pitch and then you realize Who’s got what but uh you know I’m excited I think it’s going to be fun um well just hearing these names and you know maybe this will be the year

That we head over to den Eden to watch some Blue Jays grapefruit baseball there’s no plans to do that we just headed over to the West Coast the Golf Coast last weekend to watch the Tampa Bay Lightning in Florida Panthers who can’t go there all the time but yeah

That’s what the off season is for optimism like you say so let’s not get down on the Jays you and I won’t Jen at the Four Seasons writes then she says it’s like 35 days till opening day I think something like that that’s a direct quote of what she

Said so she’s at least somewhat following the calendar and blue jay’s baseball but the main thing is we’re uh we’re into hockey and that ain’t going to change but we’re also in the football preseason and and I number one I told you that I talked to a CFL coach it was

A rider coach this morning and they’re very optimistic right the fans are optimistic everybody’s optimistic everybody’s tied for first even in the Canadian football league right now and the NFL too and while I don’t think much is going to change in Saskatchewan it’s very hard not to talk

To this guy he’s very excited very fired up right he should be I just I don’t have very high expectations and I don’t want to be the guy peeing on the parade I just again not that optimistic but I on the football vein point five is this

I want you Darren and the audience’s opinion on the Kelsey are we ready to have them go away for a while or do we need them up in our face every day which incidentally it’s not their fault headline at this morning Travis Kelce arrives at Australia ahead of Taylor

Swift whatever the name of her tour is I’m like I cool so he’s gonna follow her around that’s that’s good I saw a video of Jason Kelce participating in a 5k run did you see that the headline Jason Kelce runs 5K for charity and he he

Retweeted it and said uh run might be a stretch but he’s a he’s a funny guy so I I I have no problem with where the keles are and you know it just I guess they don’t take an offseason either I have no problem with it um I

Don’t need to follow you know Travis’s following of Taylor Swift around because you know what that’s what I expect him to do I expect him to be wherever she is going to all the shows now it’s his off seon um but I’m here for all the content especially you know their podcast is

Growing like crazy and I’m here for that they’re funny they’re entertaining um I’m here for that for sure so give me more of the Kelsey I’m not I’m not run out of We’re Not Gonna Be haters on that you know I told you the night before the

Super Bowl I watched the Saturday Night Live whatever you want to call it marathon of Travis Kelce skits from his time on SNL of which I don’t watch SNL and I never have so I’m watching this going damn why is he playing football he’s funny as hell he’s really good

Actor Travis Kelce right so much that I don’t like SNL that I used to get mad in the 80s when I was a kid if it preempted Saturday Night Raw or whatever pro wrestling I was watching or The Golden Girls on NBC you know what I mean SNL

Not a fan never was so it was all new to me the night before Super Bowl watching the Travis Kelce Marathon um so now back hey by the way we do have a lot of fun here we try to cover every topic that’s why we call it

The golden carral Sports a lot of hockey fans have written in and I’m going to get to your questions now but I’m going to tell you again and I don’t mind cross promoting it the cats and bolts podcast that Serena and I host will drop this afternoon it features Jeff Chan today

And we get into all the um wants and desires around the na Hockey League you can find it on YouTube and I’ll post it to my links as well Jason in Winnipeg writes in on the sober Carpenter text line he was watching on the replay I feel terrible people watch the replay

Which airs at 5:00 pm. Eastern and think we’re live Darren and they write in and then they I don’t write them back and I’m afraid that they’re mad at me Jason from Winnipeg says what do you think the Jets do at the trade deadline add

Another forward or a big D Man or St pad what a I think Jason I hope you’re watching live right now I’d like to know what you think the Winnipeg Jets would do because I’m listen I’m not just the voice in the chair I’m not just a pretty

Face I know a thing or two I’m an advocate for Dancing with the one that brought you I don’t like making all these trades I don’t man um there will be teams that don’t and there will be teams that do hanan’s going to end up somewhere tav’s going to end up

Somewhere Jacob markstrom might end up somewhere shoot Jacob well that’s another one Jacob Cham is like 12th Jacob CH of the SS is 12th on tsn’s trade bait and I was with his dad yesterday he’s like I don’t understand why Jacob’s on the list he’s still got

Another year left in his contract after this he’s not leaving looking to leave Ottawa that’s their second Hometown not saying tsn’s wrong but it’s a lot of gobble deg so do the Jets they don’t need anything they clearly don’t what what what they go 32 games allowing three

Goals or less a franchise record I’d like to see the Jets not do anything they already got sha man Monahan who filled the net Monday and Kary scored three what more do they need Darren Rod what’s been the biggest issue that plagued the Jets over the last year

Couple years that’s been their downfall it’s been the locker room that’s been their downfall right bad bad culture I was going to say that yes bad culture bad locker room so you finally got it right don’t tweak it don’t touch it right just leave it you finally got it

Right sometimes you just got to take your hands off the wheels and let a good thing continue to be a good thing I’ll never forget I’ve told it before I’ll tell it again Larry horning Larry horning former St Louis blues player Brad Horning’s dad Brad had his

Number eight retired by the Regina Pats Gods team and Larry went on a scale for the blues and one time he came up to me in the bowels of the agronome and he pulled me aside Larry did it he goes I like what you guys are doing I said what are we

Doing and he goes you didn’t make any trades at the deadline you’re sticking with what you got I like that and I think that year we went to game seven of the East final you know what I mean so it doesn’t matter if it’s junior or NHL

Kelly McMan said it it’s just to scale I don’t think the Jets need to do anything and Darren said it far better than I could Buffalo Bill writes in from nor Dakota he says greetings and no hallucinations from Sunny North Dakota can Austin Matthews carry the leaves

Through the spring for a color Stanley Cup photo I mean that’s not an answer that you and I can get I’m just reading as or an answer that we can give Darren I I’m sitting here looking at uh dubis and we’ve often said what’s his legacy with the Leafs and even to this

Day I’m not sure there’s an answer to that yet maybe 10 15 20 years down the line we can look back at KY dubis and say this was his legacy what getting out of round one for the first time since Christ was a cowboy um but he didn’t screw it up the

Leaes are in contention every year end of story I don’t think there’s much more you can ask really no there’s not much more you can ask it’s just a matter of will they dig deep enough and find whatever they need in the playoffs to go on a run you

Know the talent’s there it’s all there but can you find a little extra gear and find that heart to get to the next level that’s all it is uh I’m just looking at our some notes well okay fake Gainer writes in on the sober Carpenter text line he

Says hey I’ve been getting sick of Tay Tay in Kelsey coverage but this is much better than the OJ stuff 30 years ago I’ll take Tay Tay nonstop over the juice sign vintage sasco in Greenwood Saskatchewan that’s what I say it’s all positive so if you don’t like this love story of

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift you’re a hater I don’t care for her music because I think her voice sounds like everybody else but that’s about the music as far as her being a Chiefs fan and all the rest H doesn’t hurt anybody there are a lot

Of uh messages from our viewers to get to when we come back it’s just me me and the moose in hour one Tyler Hall not Taylor Hall Tyler Hall in hour two and Mike Wilner we’ll be right back on Game Plus television WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube

Live everything I’ve worked for everything I’ve sacrificed has led to this it’s out of your hands now all the gold medals in the world can’t help you now you could throw the perfect Rock and still miss but it just takes one you leave it all out there on the

Ice to leave behind a Legacy [Applause] ik game day wishes to congratulate the city of estan and Affinity place on their brand new center ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting system if it’s time for an upgrade let us show

You how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ikam the sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product look no further than ik live we provide

Service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all Platforms Does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility bdg always delivering the best Fan

Experience we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of that rely on Canada’s life we’re asking

You to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB at the key Auto Group pre-owned division we’re bringing back that new car feeling no matter what it’s new to you and pric just right no hidden fees

Prices you can trust and upfront buying experience and it’s all at Key AOG group.cs can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360°

Multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across Canada on Game Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the RO Peterson show today

Send us your opinions now we won’t victimize you unless you really deserve it now back to your host Rod Peterson hey as you can see it’s a great day to have a great day hope you’re having a great one yourself we’re going to get to a Scotty update in a second

They got four playoff spots locked down but uh not all of them you can be there at windsport in Calgary ticks is the place to go for your tickets and you can be at the Brier the mon Montana’s Brier in the Queen City join the RP show live there tickets are on

Sale now single draw tickets again SL tickets all youth tickets are just $9.99 before we bring the Moose back in Rachel hullman locked into playoff birth early at the Scotties with a commanding 10-3 win over BC’s clanc Grandy Wednesday to secure a booking in the round of six in Calgary Alberta

Selena ster and defending Champion krie Anderson as well as Manitoba Jennifer Jones all locked up playoff spots the race though for the third and final birth at each pool has extended into today meanwhile in the dub Tristan Doyle and Leo brard scored twice each as the Lethbridge hurricanes top the mo ja Warriors

63 and in Edmonton Gavin hodnet knocked in the gamewinner at 1950 the third period is the Edmonton Oil Kings Edge The Hitman 54 sports update brought to you by common crown Brewing Company turning your everyday comment beer into a unique and exceptional experience you got a choice out there make it common

Crown check him out at common.css and Landmark Cinemas now Argy here’s the story an introverted spy novelist has drawn into the activities of a Sinister underground Syndicate starring Samuel L Jackson Brian Cranston and John Cena ARG in Landmark Cinemas now if we can bring the Moose back in I

Love how went out on a limb with your thoughts on the Winnipeg Jets and you’re saying you finally got the culture fixed why fiddle with it now yeah it’s a fan thing we could maybe say it’s a Winnipeg thing David number one of Winnipeg writes in and he says on

The sober Carpenter text line the Jets are like a good recipe they need a little more spice maybe someone like tereno hold that thought Darren and regarding the exposed documentary The soon to be released on Netflix documentary on the departure of the Expos from Montreal Jim in Bon Sask

Writes in and he says Expo story southbound or Northern exit translate into French if you wish I’m gonna stick with oir um would you add Vladimir tereno if you were the Jets he did win a Stanley Cup with St Louis so he’s been through the wars but he didn’t do anything for

The Rangers last year I would think about it I mean I’m definitely not shutting the doors on on on anything you got to have an open mind but you got to be really careful he talks about a good recipe it’s a good recipe for a reason I

Cooked a meal last week it was fantastic so good that I cooked it again a few nights later and I thought you know what I could add a little cayenne pepper a little more spice to it I ruined it I ruined it by just adding a little more

Spice so you got to be really careful if you’re shoveled day off in the jet uh by the way just checking in checking in from the comments my guy Jeff Pearson writing in on the 902 sober Carpenter text line and he says hey Rod enjoying your show from beautiful wymer Lake

Minnesota let me say this and I want your take Jeff he’s as good a hockey man as there is Jeff Pearson hotelier to the Stars if I’m at the top unless you want to burn yourself out to win the pedit in your division or put a a banner up as a

Conference Champion which the Boston Bruins did last year then yeah but I would say the middling teams the Washingtons the Pittsburgh even the Islanders Flames are going to be sellers it looks like so we won’t put them in but anybody that’s flirting around that cut line those are

The teams that should be active but if you’re up at the top and you’re battling for first I wouldn’t be adding anything because there’s a reason that you’re at first or around first do you know what I’m saying it’s the six seventh 8th nth 10th teams that should be making moves

Here not the one two three teams is what I’m trying to say deal or no deal yeah deal 100% um unless you are so sure of your locker room and there’s something undeniable out there you know places you could go that don’t really again I don’t think affect the culture too much

Improving your backup goal tender situation as a you know insurance policy that’s something that’s okay um you know maybe it’s a piece that doesn’t touch your locker room that can be you know sitting up in the in the stands or in your farm team as you know an emergency

But no I wouldn’t be touching anything you’re you’re right you’re in first place for a reason everybody’s chasing you by the way next segment we’re going to play our Breakaway bets so don’t go anywhere after this uh we got a few minutes left in this segment but I here

In Florida here’s an interesting inside tidbit I was sitting with one of the guys from the Panthers alumni the other night at the game and in I won’t say where and we’re talking about the cats and bolts podcast and I’m like who should we get because we’ve got like

Everybody in the Florida hockey community on the show already Dale Talon Jeff Chan Bill Lindsay Ed javoski Peter Rell Randy mhler and we’re done it’s like five guys maybe we should be sponsored by a burger joint there’s a couple other guys around Ray Shepard Thomas vun who don’t

Actually work for the team but other than that there aren’t many maybe step Weiss but I’ll say this bill Zito the general manager here is really lucky because it’s not a hockey Market people aren’t aren aren’t on his ass for receive mistakes like here’s a really good example would you do this trade

Again two years ago they got CL jaru remember from Philadelphia at the deadline and they gave up Owen tippet and I remember at the time going this Owen tippit’s a stud man he’s a stud they’re very few players have I seen go from zero to 60 as fast as Owen tippet

He could have been a great Florida panther but they traded for clo jeru and a rental geru didn’t do anything here in the playoffs I think he was pointless and then signed Ottawa a free right after and nobody brings that up is my point nobody I had dreams of watching Owen

Tippet for years here in Sunrise and he’s gone and doing great things on Philadelphia by the way you every time you see Philly play it’s always going and tippet scored the winner or set up the winner or whatever so you better be real careful is my point on that when you’re making

Deals yeah you got to be careful and you are the guy that uh whatever he didn’t do anything they lost continue well I was there I watch you’re I like you know the way you look at things you have more of a long-term look at things too you know not just

Always looking for the instant gratification and so you know keeping Owen tippet is better for the long-term success of the franchise which is you know kind of what you’re ultimately looking for but at the time I remember not hating it because Claude jaru is you

Know was one of the elite players of the National Hockey League done so much for Philadelphia over the years um you know he represented the country he’ done all these different things and you know I would say he’s an elite player and so you think you’re bringing him in I

Probably go back and you know if you have if you think you have a chance to contend for a cup or win I probably do that again because he that’s the kind of guy you’re bringing in you can’t predict that you’re going to bring in the guy

And he’s going to completely do nothing you know that’s a hard thing to predict it it ended up failing but just because a deal fails doesn’t necessarily mean it was a bad one at the time if that make sense it did not put him over the top no

It didn’t uh Jay and Winnipeg says no love for Hela in the heart voting no and Darren went and looked up the Vegas odds on the heart the top four are the ones that are in this poll give Huck the VZ and don’t worry about it

It’s very rare that a goalie wins the heart we talked about this earlier in the show we’ll be back with bet Regal Breakaway bets right after this and by the way Darren we tied last night just so you know we both went three and two I

Don’t know if you looked it up we’re live on Game Plus TV WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube live everything I’ve worked for everything I’ve sacrificed has led to this it’s out of your hands now all the gold medals in the world can help you now you can throw the perfect

Rock and still miss but it just takes one you leave it all out there on the ice to leave behind a Legacy This is it it all comes down to this rock the hours in the gym the weeks away from my family this is what I’ve been training for in all those voices trying to tear me down I’m here to sign them we’ve given everything we have for a chance to get everything we

Want I’m Bridget lequette I’m a First Nation Olympic silver medalist and I’m proud to represent indigenous hockey players across Canada each year hundreds of Canadians need a stem cell transplant from an unrelated donor to save their life anyone can have a hard time finding a stem cell match but for indigenous

Peoples it can be even more difficult because just over 1% of prospective donors on Canada’s stem cell registry are of indigenous backgrounds be a hero join me in hockey gives blood and helping to make a life-saving difference to those in need register today at hero does this look

Familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning graphic F Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan Experience 92833 92 51833 pick up your phone and text RP that’s Peterson 692 51833 we’re all capable of doing more more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s lifel

We’re asking you to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app or book online at HGB business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod

Peterson show and Market your business every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many costeffective commercial and promotional opportunities tell the world about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out

How you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show did you know you can catch all the best moments from the show on all our social media platforms now back to the studio with Rob daily reminder we are on National Television game plus TV all across

Canada and 31 US states and on the radio in Atlanta where we are Atlanta’s NHL show # NHL to Atlanta get it going and on the streams just before we bring the moose in uh I was saying that we put it out to our audience here in South Florida who

Do you want on the cats and bolts podcast Brent from Wellington Florida writes in he’s the guy in this photo with me holding that 40 foot sailfish that he caught and let me hold and let everybody think that I caught it Bren says I vote for Katie for a cats and

Bolts Gast Rod she is the very blonde very popular host of Florida Panthers hockey on Valley Sports Florida we’ll put in the request print we aim to please no promises okay moose we’ve really started something here today which is what we like to do uh Jeff and

Yorkton home of ke AO group writes in he says does Hell steal games for the Jets if so then I could see him as MVP but he looks more like a cog in a machine with that team regarding trades which incidentally was not a trade deadline deal here John om oh

Says the most controver controversial trade in the history of the NHL order sending Wayne gresky to the LA Kings and what turned out to be an eight player deal it changed hockey forever for sure the most controversial and if you say now’s not the time to go into that

Argument whoever got the best player won the trade you know what because in that trade if that’s the if that adage is true then the Kings won the trade and I’m sure they did although the ERS went on to win the Stanley Cup just two years later how do we feel about

That yeah I like the best player that wins uh that you get wins the trade typically typically not in all cases got that from my guy odogg and I’m not totally sure I agree on it but I’m not disagreeing with it either okay quickly Breakaway bets for bet Regal we

Tied last night three of five correct picks by Moose and I Rangers at Devils tonight Subway series who you like Rangers or Devils Rangers me too uh Dallas at Ottawa we got to hurry Dallas at Ottawa Dallas me too Montreal to Pittsburgh Pittsburgh me too Florida at Carolina Carolina Florida here Colorado at

Detroit Detroit Colorado for me Washington at Tampa Bay Tampa same Islanders at Blues I’ll take Islanders uh I’ll take the blues uh Boston and Calgary Boston I’ll take the Flames Vancouver at Seattle Vancouver quick Toronto at Vegas Toronto Vegas here Nashville at La La’s we did it see you next hour Woo At the key Auto Group pre-owned division we’re bringing back that new car feeling no matter what it’s new to you and price just right no hidden fees prices you can trust and upfront buying experience and it’s all at Key more speed more reps more commitment to getting every detail

Perfect and that’s why it’s important we never miss a donation appointment blood and plasma donors are needed every day in Canada to support thousands of patients that rely on Canada’s lifel we’re asking you to join the hockey gives blood Partners For Life team join today by downloading the give blood app

Or book online at HGB the sports landscape continues to to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product look no further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce

The best Fan Experience across all Platforms does this look fam am your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan

Experience ik game day wishes to congrat congratulate the city of estan and Affinity place on their brand new center ice display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting System if it’s time for an upgrade let us show you how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ikam 92 51833 92183 P213 business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod Peterson show and Market your business every every weekday to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many costeffective commercial and

Promotional opportunities tell the world about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out how you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show it’s like Ravine the famed

Illusionist he would H hypnotize the whole crowd my dad always told this joke he go oh yeah Ravine was uh performing at the center of the Arts he had the whole room hypnotized and he said the next thing I say you will all do and he

Got tripped up tangled in his mic cord and tripped and went Crap took him two weeks to get the smell up this is the rod Peterson show hey everybody thank you producer Clark that was one of my dad’s favorite jokes no that was one of my dad’s few

Funny jokes he had a lot of jokes that was a good one the man they call Ravine welcome to hour two of your favorite daytime Sports Talk Show where we cover all sports with the Golden Corral of Sports Talk episode number 1186 and Clark you give me the go ahead

When you’re ready with Mike Wilner from the deep left field podcast Mike Wilner covers Blue Jay’s baseball better than anybody else again it’s one of those days where you never know what’s going to happen on the RP show that’s what makes it so much fun um trade deadline

Talk we’ve covered a lot of it and what we kind of got to the bottom of here is what I think not saying I’m right but what I think is if you’re a team in the six seven eth nine or 10th hold in the NHL depending on the conference that’s

Who should be looking at making the moves I think the ones at the top of their divisions should not I.E Jets they’ve already made their thing with Shawn Monahan they made a lot of their moves in the off season still a bun in the oven let it

Cook man don’t be adding any ingredients now that’s what I think and we’ll be talking a lot more of that this hour the topics come up of the best and worst trades of all time in NHL history and of course the 99 trade thank you to

John om in Winnipeg om who says for sure it’s the most controversial trade in NHL history not necessarily who won or lost August 9th 1988 uh Hey thank you Janet the for season she WR s say the Jays play on Saturday against the Phillies spring trading actually begins today Cactus

League games the first one Dodgers padr they get going this afternoon 3:10 Eastern in Peoria so thank you for chiming in on the baseball and that’s why we have Mike Winer with us today when he is able to join us but one thing I also want us

Take on this before we talk about the mighty Blue Jays which you people voted are going to be fourth or fifth this year in the American League East but there is another very interesting story coming out with regards to MLB and Canada where we are on National Television on Game Plus TV

Netflix announced Wednesday that a new documentary about Major League Baseball’s Montreal Expos and their departure from their Canadian home will be coming to their platform the currently Untitled documentary set to explore the setbacks that led to the departure of Canada’s first MLB team and how it continues to spark debate 20

Years later according to Netflix the EXP arrived in Montreal for the 1969 season and played in the city until 2004 before moving to Washington and becoming the Nationals so Darren being born in 88 he wasn’t the biggest expose fan like a lot of us were child Children of the

70s and 80s it was the first team that I ever loved in baseball the Expos for sure and I was asking Darren in our audience a year ago or sorry an hour ago what do you remember 20 years ago about the Expo is leaving town we just knew that it wasn’t good they

Couldn’t get a TV deal I remember watching the games on the score because nobody else wanted expose broadcast and Sammy centino was in a closet in Toronto calling expose games from the bigo wasn’t even there they’re ahead of their time as it turns out but the ne the setbacks

Included conflicts between the city of Montreal and owner Jeffrey Lauria over the construction of a new stadium the firing of manager Philipe Aloo and dwindling fan support well the team I as I recall near the end wasn’t that good and we all remember the fame 94 season

And the strike when the Expos were on their way to it looked like winning the World Series and then lock out and uh that was the end of that we’re asking the audience today what do you re what a recall of that time and what would you name the do

Documentary my title was oir French for goodbye but let’s start there with Mike Wilner we got him now from the deep left field podcast as you probably saw Mike before we get to the Jays Netflix announcing yesterday this documentary is coming out on the Expos leaving in 2004

What do you remember about that time and the expo’s entire tenure in Montreal well about that time specifically I remember going to a couple of games in montre all I can’t remember if it was a J series I know earlier I covered it for 680 but I left there in

2001 um so it must have been for the radio I remember eston loisa pitching and throwing his teammates under the bus after the game which was horrible but most of all I remember that there were about 3,000 people in the stadium and they sounded like 30 like they were loud

They everyone would grab the chair beside inside them and start pounding it uh because it was empty um they made noise they got excited and and uh I remember thinking wow there are 3,000 people here in this stadium and they are louder than 15 18,000 people at the dome

Which is what the crowds that we used to get at home were like so um that’s that’s the biggest impact that Montreal made on me in it in its late stages for sure the biggest memory I have though obviously would be uh in 201 19 2018 uh in spring training When Vladimir

Guerrero Jr hit that walk-off home run with two out in the ninth to break up the nothing nothing game and and it was just so magical and such an incredible moment and I did that game with Elliot price on the radio who had called so many expose games over the years and he

Was in tears when it was done um it was it was just that was that’s my most incredible memory of of the the Big O and the Expos weren’t even there I’m eager to watch this documentary are you yeah it absolutely I’m all for any any exposed stuff I you know I love

Those teams in the 70s um I told the story I can’t remember to who a couple of days ago or I think it was on uh on my podcast on deep left field uh last week when we had a mailbag and somebody asked about my favorite Expo memory and

And I I remember that the day I was in grade five the day I got my braces off I was 11 years old was Black Monday and I remember uh leaving the orthodontist and not wanting to to leave because the game was on but I got on a bus to go home and

The driver of a TTC bus had the expose game on uh on the bus so I sat up there and listened with him and I heard that Rick Monday home run and it was it was just heartbreaking and you know 1994 was just heartbreaking there was so much heartbreaking about the Montreal Expos

But that you can only have your heart broken if you’re in love right so um they were a really lovable and exciting team let me see those things give me a smile Mike what do you want to see money well spent those teeth are straight they did

A great job yeah we got to break off yeah they look good okay hey my money well spent you didn’t come on here expecting probably to talk about all this but I’ll I’ll just ask you this lastly before we turn the page to the Blue Jays do you

See Major League Baseball returning to Montreal in a permanent full-time capacity I’d love to I really would love for that to happen I don’t know I hope so I’ll say that I hope so uh I believe that you know once the Oakland situation gets sorted out uh and who knows what

The hell is going to happen there yet I’m not buying for a second still that they’re moving permanently to Las Vegas Vegas doesn’t want them um they don’t even know where they’re going to play next year um so I don’t know what’s going to happen there I think ultimately

A deal winds up being made and the team is sold and they they stay in Oakland um but once they settle that situation once they settle Tampa Bay then they will look to expand will they expand to Montreal I mean I I hope so I I really

Do I think that they’re might be they might be a little more interested in going west maybe to Vegas if Oakland falls through or to Portland and maybe to going um you know somewhere in either Tennessee or or North Carolina but I I really really do hope that Montreal’s in

There to uh to the Blue Jays our audience is not that optimistic we had a poll yesterday where do you expect them to finish and the majority voted fourth or fifth in the American League East is that is that apathy reach the people you’re talking to or is that just our

Viewers I don’t know if it’s apathy I think you know fan graph says the Blue Jays are going to finish fourth in the AL East um it’s it’s difficult to look at this off season and say that they’ve uh done what they wanted to do that

They’ve improved in in uh any sort of significant way but um very very rarely does a team with excellent pitching and defense missed the playoffs one and not make a decent run two the Blue Jays were an anomaly last year when they won 89 games made the playoffs in the last spot

And went out so quickly in the first round despite leading the league in pitching a defense um and I don’t think that’s going to happen again the question for me is can they keep the pitching healthy uh if they can they’re going to be very very good they really

Are they they’re um as frustrating and as disappointing and as awful as last year was we forget that they won 89 games that’s one fewer game than the team that won the World Series Texas won 90 the Blue Jays didn’t win a game of the playoffs but neither to Baltimore

And neither to Tampa Bay um I really believe in the the internal impr improvements I mean I saw Vladimir Guerrero JR this week he looks incredible Alec monoa looks like he’s dropped 50 pounds and he’s in incredible shape and he looks like himself uh and he’s got his old demeanor about him

Which is wonderful I’m expecting a better season from Dalton varo I think that Justin Turner really really really does help this team I think they were intentional in bringing a guy like Turner over to sort of teach these guys um how to meet the moment you know what

Stands out incredibly for me about Justin Turner is that he’s got a career Ops of eight I might get this backwards but I think it’s a career regular season Ops of 829 and in the playoffs it’s 8:30 he is exactly the same guy in the playoffs as

He is in the regular season which speaks volumes the approach doesn’t change the moment does not ever get too big for him and that’s something that a lot of these Blue Jays uh could stand to learn not just in the playoffs but you know how many times last year did we see

Everybody coming up to the plate in all these 2-1 32 one nothing games thinking they’ve got to be the one to be the hero um Turner’s approach if he can teach them that would uh would help uh tons I think I think this is going to be a really good team this year

But at the same time I don’t think there’s any way for them to generate any Buzz until they start going out of winning by the way back way back at the start of this the term apathy was the wrong term for me um pessimism maybe but

They do care they just don’t expect them to do too well so just to clarify on that you’re right it was not the is yeah yeah yeah exactly uh hin Jin Ru what’s his legacy in Toronto in your mind I mean he’s the guy who who flipped

The switch on the on the team right they lost 19 game 95 games in 2019 um and we weren’t sure what sort of level of rebuild the Blue Jays were looking at um you know we we were confident because Bo bashet and Vladimir Guerrero Jr and C viio all made their

Major League debuts in 2019 that this wasn’t going to be an Astros or Cubs type rebuild where they were going to be awful for a decade but um but Ryu Advanced things forward he signed he was he was the most coveted left-handed starter on the free agent Market the

Blue Jays got him they got him because they were willing to add a fourth year uh and they got him by giving him the largest free agent contract they had ever given to any player in the history of the franchise and that showed that they were willing to play with the big

Boys and they had not showed that before really really ever they had not showed that they were willing to play with the big boys um you know in 2015 and 16 most of the Acquisitions were by trades they did give Russ Martin the big contract but they traded for Josh Donaldson they

Traded traded for David Price they traded for Marco Estrada um so and they developed a lot of their own guys Bautista and koson they developed even though they didn’t draft them or signed them originally so this was the first time they showed that they were willing to really spend like they

Mean it and I think that opened the door for George Springer the most coveted free agent on the market to sign here the next year it opened the door for them to get Kevin Co Gosman and give him $110 million it opened the door for them

To lock up Jose BOS to that seven-year deal after they traded for him um and it really did show teams that they meant business and kin Jin Ru was here for four years and they made the playoffs three times in those four years the last time that Jays made the playoffs three

Times in four years was 91 92 and 93 um so I really do think he had a very very significant in don’t forget he was a side young finalist his first year I think he finished second in 2020 um so I I think his impact was was

Huge Mike lastly can you please tell our audience where they can find deep left field and what you got going on here as we open spring training yeah absolutely uh you can find deep left field wherever you get podcasts whether you listen on uh uh Apple podcast or Spotify or you can go

To the and and find it there um it’s it’s everywhere podcasts are are wonderfully um distributed so just search deep left field in in your podcast uh platform podcatcher and I just spent six days uh in dun Eden uh six six days grinding it out at Camp I

Came out with 16 interviews that will be played at various points on the podcast over the course of spring training but today’s episode that comes out in an hour or two is is pretty significant uh bo bashet and John Schneider are on the show and Bo speaks really powerfully

About the things that went wrong last year about his expectations for this year about what he needs to do and how he’s going to um take a step forward as a leader the changes you know we we talk about Vlad needing to get into shape and monoa needing to get into shape and

Alejandro Kirk needing to get into shape nobody talked about Bo bashet needing to get into shape and Bo transformed his body as well over the off season because he wasn’t thrilled about the way his season went getting hurt in August and September uh you’ll hear a lot of really

Really good deep powerful stuff from Bo and then a 36 minute conversation with the manager John Schneider a great one-on-one about last year about the year before about this year about him his ties to the organization that I think a lot of people aren’t aware of there’s nobody uh with the Blue Jays

Nobody who’s been in that organization as long as he has John Schneider was drafted by the Jays in in 2022 Pete Walker beat him by like six weeks when the Jays picked him up in May of that year but Walker has left and gone back uh and come back but Schneider has

Incredible ties to this team he bleeds blue and um and really all all he’s been I think all the fans see him as a sort of a target for their frustration so uh you’ll hear two amazing conversations on deep left field this week and you’ll hear plenty more over the course of the

Spring sounds great Mike I always always enjoy our chats thanks for this brother and uh have a a great time following the Blue Jays I can’t wait till we chat again thanks Rod if I could just one for one second give a little plug to this

Little Studio I’m in here uh yesterday I was talking to Jordan romano and Eric Swanson about their spring training uh obsession with baseball cards and they told me about this store in in north of Toronto called mint Inc and uh I popped in here to sort of follow up on the

Story and talk to the owners and then it got to this time and he said hey come back in our studio and do it so uh this is a really cool place and you can see all the the the studio and the cards and uh the amazing things here um so this is

What we got here at at mint ink in Toronto and thank them for letting me use this studio looks Grand good stuff thank you Mike thanks Rod Jay’s analyst broadcaster podcaster Mike Wilner we’ll be right back in a moment we’re live on Game Plus TV WQ radio Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube

Live this is it it all comes down to this rock the hours in the gym the weeks away from my family this is what I’ve been training for and all those voices trying to tear me down I’m here to silence them we’ve given everything we have for a chance to get everything we

Want The sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue ENT mment they need the right team to deliver their product look no further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all Platforms 9218 33 92518 303 up your phone and text RP that’s Peterson 92183 everything I’ve worked for everything I’ve sacrificed has led to this it’s out of your hands now all the gold medals in the world can help you now you can throw the perfect Rock and still miss but it just takes one you leave it all out there on the

Ice to leave behind a legacy does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility

Bdg always delivering the best Fan Experience nestled in the scenic quel Valley just 20 minutes Northwest of Reina is one of the finest golf courses in all of Saskatchewan the Deer Valley Golf Club the clubhouse has a full service restaurant and customers can enjoy a casual dining experience with

Spectacular views of the golf course and Valley a fully stocked Golf Shop staffed by PGA of Canada professionals is equipped to meet all of your golf apparel and equipment needs book your tea time family event or corporate tournament today at the Deer Valley Golf Club call 306 73114 45 here’s how your

Business can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multiplatform imagine your business seen and heard across Canada on Game Plus TV

And around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the Roy Peterson show today send us your opinions now we won’t victimize you unless you really deserve

It now back to your host Rod Peterson hey everybody day seven underway at the Scotties you can be there ticks down to standing room only there but there are tickets available for single draws at the Montana’s Brier and the rod Peterson show will be there in the Queen City

March 1st to the 10th broadcasting live for the brand center with love for you to join us ticks to watch the best men’s curlers in the world go after the Canadian men’s curling Championship let’s bring the moose in and I got to be honest uh moose thank you for uh hanging

In I wonderful chat with Mike Wilner there about Jay’s talk about the Jays like I remember Jo Wilson coming on our show the Peerless stamp Peters and Flames broadcaster in cagri when we were at Century downs and he he sat there like he’s like ah it’s nice to talk

About something different you know than flames and stamps and it’s same here nice to talk we’re not going to sit and talk about the Jay’s at nauseum for two hours but to bring in a guy like Mike that kind of knows where it’s at it’s just it’s refreshing you know it is and

Even for you know to bring him on and then talk and reflect about the Expos and you know what it would be like if they came back and it would be really great that’s fun too you know and what a cool setup you know him being in the

Card shop and all the rest that’s kind of cool uh for them to welcome him in there and uh lot of fun for him yeah well we’re all trying to carve out our space and a living in this media world for those of us that do what we do

And a couple things come to mind on that number one his Studio there where looks like he’s going to be doing deep left field um it reminds me of what we do here with our Panthers and lightning podcast cats and bolts and I just noticed people do like the specific

Specialized podcast there’s room for that and if you looked at the views of our cats and bolts podcast it’s like people like what we’re doing that’s number one but number two I think deep down we’re all Baseball fans aren’t we and when he brought up the 70s Expos and

Even the 80s I’ll be honest this is what people probably might be surprised to know I had as many baseball cards as I had hockey cards and I used to line them up in the living room on the carpet at The Farmhouse and I would have first second third fourth pitcher catch

Outfield and I would play with marbles a baseball you know have my own little games with my baseball cards and it was the Blue Jays against the Expos because back then they didn’t have inter league they never played um I loved it loved it loved it and it wasn’t until I got into

Pro football that you just I you don’t have time for anything else so it’s nice to a talk a bit about it with a guy like Mike Winer and number two do what we do here today which is just daytime Sports Talk The View for sports fans Ally

Writes in I noticed what she was saying uh she’s in Texas she was afflicted by the same thing I was today a lot of us Wireless carriers I don’t want to say the name of them but you got your Verizon your AT&T your T-Mobil there was no data no cell

Service for a lot of us I didn’t have it and it sounds like Ally didn’t this morning either she says thanks it was like taking a step back in time with no cell service how did we ever do it LOL well it was 98% peaceful that there was

No getting a hold of each other but 2% chaotic and a bit of a p panic because as you know and not as many people do I’ve got my recovery clients and part of the contract with me mental health and addiction recovery is I’m available 247 so there was guys and I

Only deal with guys male clients only they couldn’t get a hold of me panic it’s like maybe it’s a good thing though you will be okay you’ll be okay yeah just got to wait until the cell service gets turned back on you know so that was

Part of our some of our business does rely on that but I said to Serena there’s a lot of people going through a lot worse than we are today that sell Services down Ally I’m glad to hear you made it okay you survived I heard about

A kid one time Darren that survived five hours without Wi-Fi driving to the lake from their home L I heard about that five hours he went yeah true story true to yeah what is this a book how about that I know I know uh hang on

Bear with me oh here I need to call up just some information about our sponsor at k a group they H sponsor our poll every day at the K AO group they’re driven by safety experience peace of mind with our comprehensive multi-point inspections visit K motive excellence and uh the poll

Question today is who is the MVP this NHL season and I’m not sure if we’re teaching anybody anything here on this show Daily or if we’re you know spawning jiad in Holy Wars with these arguments because your options are Conor McDavid Austin Matthews Nathan McKinnon or Nikita

Kucherov and it’s like people are at each other’s throats over who should win this thing and Clark what are they saying on YouTube on Twitter last I saw was Matthews okay Matthews is leading okay Matthews is is leading by a long shot and I’m not sure if that’s the Toronto influence of our

Audience or if there are people that don’t cheer for the Leafs that still think Austin Matthews should be the MVP for me the orders are doing nothing without Conor McDavid nothing zero probably not even in a playoff spot whereas the Leafs can still win without Austin Matthews that’s my criteria and

Jay from Winnipeg writes that he says why aren’t goalies considered for MVP it makes zero sense guy from your lips to my ears and God’s ears I agree but it is the way to why can’t Goldies be captains although I think now they can but just it just it’s

Just the way that it is it’s just the way that it is it is it’s the way it is um but they also they can be MVP it’s happened before and just to calm the Winnipeg people down well not to calm them down but not to to get them off our

Back and put them onto the sports books back here’s the odds okay and Connor heluk is ninth on the list it’s McKinnon then COV Matthews McDavid Pastor Knack artmi panan Quinn Hughes Alias Pon and then Connor heluk and rounding out the top 10 your boy Sam rard from the

Panthers isn’t that interesting well we’ll see uh lady the way right now Austin Matthews um regarding Sports topics uh Jeff the stamps fan writes in and he says I could talk stamps all day I’m sure you could but this is what I say about that who wants to talk about their job

All day like it’s one thing when you’re a fan it’s another when it’s your job you know it’s just yeah maybe some people do how many people go home from work at the end of the day and talk all night about their job you should have seen these teeth

That I fixed today for hours the dentist is telling his wife she’s like shut up I don’t to me I get tired of it any topic yeah you yeah you need a little break once in a while and sometimes it’s nice to leave work at work sometimes it’s nice to

Bring it home and have a conversation with the people you spend your life with but there is a balance man because yeah you get you get a lot you need a break well I just there are certain teams and franchises where people don’t ever give get enough

I it’s kind of like what’s the number one team in your town like here it’s dolphins dolphins dolphins I had to stop listening to the radio the local radio because it’s just too much dolphins in Calgary the Flames talk drove me around the bend and I’m sure in Toronto that’s

What it is with Leaf’s talk on not sure but I get the sense that it is I know in Dallas it is with the Cowboys it’s it’s it’s insane I just feel like would you not get tired of talking about the same thing all day every day

Like and and the main thing is if you were getting somewhere with it I got time for that but I would be sitting and you were with me at times at at the Sports Lounge at Great Eagle Casino and staff would come up and go where do you

Think G’s Get aside what do you think’s going to happen with they’re all picking the wrong whoever who picked Columbus nobody you know what I mean it’s just a waste of time I’d sit and talk about things that actually matter you know anyways regarding the cell service being

Down here in the states for certain carriers Ally says I just pulled out the radio LOL it actually worked when I turned it on oh I could see that you know who has a transition radio anymore I went to buy one one time at Walmart and it was the ones you you had

To crank it up they’re in the case of Armageddon we have radios that don’t even need any power you crank it up and the radio will work I didn’t think there were any anymore I didn’t either I did see one meme though the other day and and it

Said Netflix and Hulu have one more price increase before I start dusting off my DVD player again so that was pretty funny uh Randy from winipeg writes and he says I just watched the show if all the computers in the world shut down for good at the same time the world would be

In chaos guy our cell phones didn’t work this morning and there was almost a riot if the computer shut down we would it would be over wouldn’t be able to spend any money wouldn’t be able to buy any gas it’ be insane hey moose I think

You’re done we got Tyler Hall coming in next great show man appreciate you you bet great show have a great day we’ll be right back we’re live on Game Plus television all across Canada and in 70,000 homes in Saskatchewan also on the radio in Atlanta WQ Apple podcast Spotify and YouTube

Live everything I’ve worked for everything I’ve sacrificed has led to this it’s out of your hands now all the gold medals in the world can help you now you could throw the perfect Rock and still miss but it just takes one you leave it all out there on the

Ice to leave behind a legacy 92 51833 92518 303 upt R that’s P218 did you know that you can help save life and you can start right now stem cells from male donors increase chances of positive outcomes for patients yet they only make up 40% of our registry today there are hundreds of people in Canada searching for their life-saving

Match you can be a patient’s best hope be a hero by registering with Canadian Blood Services stem cell registry now does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and

Scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan Experience I’m Bridget lequette I’m a First Nation Olympic silver medalist and I’m proud to represent indigenous hockey players across Canada each year hundreds of Canadians need a stem cell transplant from an unrelated

Donor to save their life anyone can have a hard time finding a stem cell match but for indigenous peoples it can be even more difficult because just over 1% of prospective donors on Canada’s stem cell registry are of indigenous backgrounds be a hero join me in hockey

Gives blood and helping to make a life-saving difference to those in need register today at bahero this is it it all comes down to this rock the hours in the gym the weeks away from my family this is what I’ve been training for and all those voices trying to tear me

Down I’m here to silence them we’ve given everything we have for a chance to get everything we want hi my name is Logan Stan and I’m Conor B we’re both hockey gives blood player ambassadors and proud to be blood donors there are thousands of patients each

Year in Canada that rely on a generous stranger to save their life please book an appointment today to donate blood at HGB business owners and marketers okay we know you think we’re pretty cool that’s why we want you to share in the coolness Factor partner with the rod Peterson show and Market your business every week day to sports lovers just like yourself take advantage of our many costeffective commercial and promotional opportunities

Tell the world about your business yes the world thanks to game plus TV and the rod Peterson digital Network contact us today and find out how you can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show the rod Peterson show oh yeah he’s back time for more of the rod Peterson

Show hey everybody as we sit here right now at this very moment we’re just over 24 hours away from your deadline to buy Tel Miracle 5050 tickets and by the way the raffle proceeds will stay in Saskatchewan and will be part of T Miracle 48 supporting the great work of

The Kinsman foundation so if you haven’t got yours yet you can get yours now with Tel Miracle you only got to be 18 or over and in the province of SAS to buy yours you know Tyler Hall has Taylor joins Tyler joins us from T Miracle 48

Tyler welcome to the RP show I know that we’re getting down to the nitty grit but as Brad joner told us when he was on months ago it’s a very busy week all week for tele miracle and the Kinsman people tell us about that yeah it is we’re ramping up I’m

Actually doing tours right now with Brad and Lisa Franks and we’re in MOA right now doing some PR and corporate tours and seeing where the money that we raise goes to and thanking the people that rais the money for corporate donations and the show starts in a couple days so getting pretty

Excited yeah well by the way well thanks for fitting Us in Tyler cuz that sounds like a busy day and the people you’re with are good friends of mine so please say hey for me what have you what have you seen this week is this a tour that

You’ve done before like I think people kind of need to know or would like to know where the money goes when they support T Miracle yeah we’ve been doing these PR tours for a couple days now and yeah all the money raised from Tel miracle that ton stays right here in Saskatchewan so

The money we raise goes to People in Need for medical travel to go cancer treatment or surgery that’s out of Province or we also do funding for wheelchairs scooters van conversions lifts for your house so everything people in need and right it’s help yeah it’s all people Saskatchewan helping Saskatchewan

Residents with their quality of life how long have you been involved and why did you get involved Tyler yes I’ve been involved for 15 years and uh my parents were heavily involved in Kinsman tele miracle and my dad was actually chair of tele Miracle 32 so I’m

Just taking on following his legacy and of being a tele mirical supporter and being a chair so we’ve had uh people actually that were benefactors or beneficiaries of T Miracle watching this show right in and actually say thank you for supporting the charity and they said they’d like to

Be in a position one day to give back uh can you talk about that what what what’s the reaction been from the folks that you’ve met that have been on the receiving end of these funds yeah I sat on the board before this role on the foundation committee

That gives out the money to all the people in need and it’s so rewarding to talk to them and hear their life story and and Grant them that wish that’ll change their life like whether it’s a wheelchair or a lift or something just give them their independence back and and give them life

Again so and then like even if it’s like a child like need that needs to go to the hospital like yeah if there’s a child that needs to go to the hospital and sometimes it’s emergency like you have to go right now and we do a emergency

Funding to help out with that too like you just put in your application we fund it right away if you need that money as the chair I think you can answer this question how much has the addition of the 5050 helped the bottom line of T

Miracle yeah it sure helped La of R now I just checked like an hour ago and it’s $140,000 the pot right now so you get half of that and yeah every dollar helps that’ll bu the whole van conversion kind of thing for somebody in needs so hopefully that pot keeps on growing for

The next uh yeah we draw in about over just over 24 hours so I can’t get a ticket since I’m the chair but everybody else can so yeah if if anybody hasn’t T Miracle is your chance to get yours again the rules you got to be 18 or over

And in the province of saskin to do it and lastly since you’ve been involved with Tel miracle for so long Tyler what is your secret to staying up for the entire ton a lot of people try it not everybody can do it what’s your secret sometime sometimes it’s a lot of coffee

And just the high of being there with everybody and just the atmosphere is just overwhelming so just keeps you going all right well enjoy your time and moose say hi to my friends please Tyler and uh thanks for being part of this with us we really appreciate it have a

Great weekend and good luck yeah thank you very much Tyler Hall of telemiracle 48 and I’ll say it one more time all proceeds are going to Tel Miracle 48 supporting Saskatchewan’s charity visit Tel to learn how the Kinsman Foundation is helping people every day in Saskatchewan to improve their

Independence and quality of life you’re down to about 24 hours left to be able to buy your tickets and then the big ton goes this weekend we’ll be right back with overtime after this we are live on Game Plus television key radio all the streams Apple podcast Spotify YouTube

Lock everything I’ve worked for everything I’ve sacrificed has led to this it’s out of your hands now all the gold medals in the world can help you now you can throw the perfect Rock and still miss but it just takes one you leave it all out there on the

Ice to leave behind a legacy The sports landscape continues to change and teams and facilities are under more pressure to provide online and in venue entertainment they need the right team to deliver their product no further than ik live we provide service across North America and produce the best Fan Experience across all Platforms [Applause] does this look familiar your fans deserve an incredible Arena experience it’s time for an upgrade stunning Graphics Revenue opportunities are just the beginning with our inv venue display systems and scoring technology let us help you find the best solution for your facility ddg always delivering the best Fan Experience

Hi my name is Logan Stan and I’m Conor Bard we’re both hockey gives blood player ambassadors and proud to be blood donors there are thousands of patients each year in Canada that rely on a generous stranger to save their life please book an appointment today to donate blood at

HGB IKS game day wishes to congratulate the city of estan and Affinity place on their brand new Cent display this state-of-the-art score clock features five LED faces with full Motion Graphics scoring integration and our new Halo mounting System if it’s time for an upgrade let us show you how to deliver the best Fan Experience you can find us at ikam at the key Auto Group pre-owned division we’re bringing back that new car feeling no matter what it’s new to you and price just right no hidden fees

Prices you can trust and upfront buying experience and it’s all at Key AOG Group.cs can be a part of Canada’s fastest growing Sports Talk Show all you have to do is contact us and we will tell you all about the dynamic and exciting marketing opportunities we have utilizing a fully integrated 360° multipl platform imagine your business seen and heard across Canada on Game

Plus TV and around the world on the rod Peterson digital Network you will use one of the most overused expressions in sports you got to be kidding me get your business involved contact the rod Peterson show today you got something to say you want to add to the show what are you waiting

For don’t just sit there say something now back to the studio with Rod hey yes we’re back and we are live on Game Plus TV we got a lot of messages to get to here and they pretty much all have to do with the wonderful sport of

Hockey and overtime is brought to you by our friends at overtime hockey Lanes in Calgary I’m ringing the bell because our coo Joe gunis told me today we’ve renewed our deal guys with overtime hockey Lanes they love what we’re doing and we love what they’re doing we skill

And fun Collide in Calgary I would suggest that it is uh it is the hockey capital of Canada for sure western Canada torontonians will take issue and say Toronto is but for sure Calgary is the hockey capital of western Canada and overtime hockey Lanes is right there 28th Street

Northeast where skill and fun Collide head on down there and tell them Rod Cent you so from my Twitter Jeff writes in Jeff hus and he says good day there will be 200 Farmers from Saskatchewan in Tampa Bay for the game tonight any chance you are

Attending and I had to say no I’m three and a half hours away near Sunrise Florida specifically in boka Ron Florida if I’d known I still probably wouldn’t have gone but this is the first invite that I’ve had for it my guess is it’s because that’s the Mosaic pot as

Headquarters I don’t know their headquarters are there is that why you’re there the farmers come on down to Sunrise and I’ll see you here uh and then there’s this well and hey I could tell you a story about having 60 farmers in a strip club in Tampa

Bay oh no story for another time Troy writes in Troy writes in hang on you remember my good friend Derek Myers the MLA Fame sports caster model his lovely gal Lori was with us that night in the strip club it it’s called The Dollhouse if you must

Know and she said how come all these Farmers look the same all these guys from Saskatchewan look the same I said what’s that supposed to mean she goes they all got ball caps and sunglasses on top plaid shirts and board shorts I’m like well dag na but they

Do Troy and Swift Current writes in on the silver Carpenter text line 92518 333 and he says hey Rod just wondering if you had mentioned the Swift K Broncos cracking the CHL top 10 geeky has been on a heater signed forever banging your booth in the Civic Center

Troy well that’s another story so no we didn’t mention the Broncos being in the top 10 but consider the fact that you did US mentioning it and that was a in Swift Current for years and years and years they used to beat like this on my broadcast booth and finally one night I

Had enough and the police ended up being involved over a string of consecutive nights actually and I’m not giving I’m not going to get into that story Mitchell Blair Mitchell scruffy Blair says when I write a book it’ll be the size of the New York City foone book as my mom

Said you cut quite a swath Rodney John in Rosetown writes in and says the Saskatoon blades are red hot top team in the CHL gold blades maybe they should be sponsored by Frank’s Redot Bob writes in from Saskatoon he says Bob from Saskatoon he goes a question for Darren how can a member of Canada Scotty’s Championship be deemed ineligible and now Toronto PE papers are asking the question Darren would not have the I don’t think Darren would have the answer

For why a member of Jennifer Jones team would be deemed ineligible I don’t think he would have that curling Canada who sponsors this show by the way doesn’t want you to know or at least not yet I don’t feel like it’s anything really nefarious but it’s not something I feel

Like getting into right now Kirk is in Saskatoon holy smokes what happened in Saskatoon today I feel like we’re the number one daytime Sports Talk Show on the air on television and Saskatoon today Kirk says a couple of things he says the Oilers need a top six Winger to

Play on the second line with dry cdle not saying you’re wrong remember what they did with Evander Kane couple years ago and they got him as a freebie that seemed to work out okay but I don’t hear a lot of complaining about Ken Holland lately the job that he’s done fair

Fair and Kirk goes on to say the Eric lindross trade to Philadelphia set up Quebec Colorado for their Stanley Cup runs it sure did and maybe next week as we get closer to the NHL trade deadline we can examine some of the best trades let’s remember but these are all summer trades there’s

A very big difference between summer trades and trade deadline trades or trades leading up to the deadline Gretzky was not a trade deadline trade the lindross trade was not a trade deadline trade there is a difference it’s almost like these trades that are being made right now are

Being made in the GMS have a gun to their head that’s the sense that I get it’s different than in the 80s or 90s in the case or the summer the offseason trades two different types 92518 3033 sports update Austin Matthews and the Toronto May believes carry a

Five-game win streak into tonight’s Road match with the Vegas Golden kns Leaves coming off a 63 win in Arizona last night golden knights have lost three straight at home meanwhile the suddenly struggling Vancouver Canucks look to snap a three-game losing streak as they visit the Seattle Kraken despite the

Recent losses Vancouver still leads the NHL with 80 points also tonight Ottawa is home to Dallas Montreal’s in Pittsburgh and Calgary host Boston and as we heard 200 farmers will be in Tampa bay where the Washington Capitals come to town Saskatchewan Farmers no less the Toronto Raptors host a Brookland Nets in

Their first game back from the NBA All-Star break the Raptors who have lost three in a row sit 12th in the East they received a pep talk from UFC Legend George St Pierre yesterday how about that how about that sports update brought to you let’s see if it

Works sports update brought to you by Landmark Cinemas in theaters now anyone but you the Valentine Encore starring Alexandra ship and Glenn Powell don’t miss the all new bonus content as well anyone but you in Landmark cinem is now and brought to you by common crown Brewing when we talk hockey it’s brought

To you by common crown Brewing Company turning your everyday common beer into a unique and exceptional experience visit common line that the guy would ask if I was going to be in Tampa tonight because I was there on the weekend I was chatting with a longtime member of the

Dallas Stars staff and interestingly enough I told him that on TSN they said the best trade ever was Ain for new andik the Stars got the immediate help of Joe new andik in that deal which they went on to win a Stanley Cup in 99 and the Flames got a franchise grade in

Jerome MCA trade works out for both and as what that guy told me and Craig Button could probably corroborate is they almost got shipped Todd Harvey instead because the Flames almost went for Todd Harvey but in the end it was Jerome ainla that went to the flames and

He goes can you imagine if we kept ainla and got new and but everything happens for a reason uh Gary in Penticton BC writes then he says thank you for spelling my name on air Gary with two RS the proper way Gary with one R is not pointing

Question have you ever seen Barry or Larry spilled with one r i arrest my case PS great show uh well one thing that I’ve learned Gary and you might want to think about it and this is you know countless money spent on advisers and coaches here in South

Florida there’s more than one way to do things hot damn hot I know I know right I’m what I just learned this spicy there’s more than one way to do things my dad might have benefited from uh this coaching that I’m getting down here so how about you spell it however

The hell you want how about that I hope that’s not keeping you up at night at Gary with two RS uh what else do we have here oh hey what’s up on football Friday are you able to talk to me Clark what’s up on football Friday tomorrow

Barker jock Wilson how about that have you been reading my diary Clark I was wanting to get jock Wilson on here he’s a good guy used to hate me now he likes me I’d like to know what changed Ryan and Saratoga New York says have a great Thursday Rod Squad enjoy whichever

Sports you watch tonight Nets at Raptors as we said spring training baseball opens with the Dodgers playing the pod squad in porori Arizona 11 in the NHL enjoy it be safe we’ll see you back here tomorrow noon Eastern on Game Plus and key radio who has more fun than us He

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