Ridiculously Simple NEW DRILL Gets You Great Ball Striking in Seconds – It’s Unreal!

He played his best golf ever after doing this simple drill for 30 seconds. This brand new drill has got to be of the fastest ways to improve your golf ball striking without much practice.

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I am Tom Saguto, PGA Member and founder of SagutoGolf. Thank you for visiting my channel where you can learn how to play the best golf of your life. Whether you are an expert golfer looking for a quick swing tune-up or a beginner looking to play better. I am here to help you achieve your golfing goals.

My mission as your swing coach is simple, to help you maximize your enjoyment in game of golf. Because, let’s face it, golf is a hard game.

My goal for you is to have the most fun of your life playing golf. You’ll be hitting farther, straighter, and playing better golf by watching these videos. What are you waiting for, let’s get started!

So do this shaft down boom there’s the ground and you will not find a more compressed strike and when I say that I mean that’s as compressed as it’s going to get my friend was struggling with his ball striking for a long time then I

Gave him this drill he came back to me and said he just played the best round of his life he didn’t score well because he was air mailing greens and he was striking his iron so pure today we’re looking at a really simple drill that you can take to do anywhere indoor

Outdoor hit balls with it whatever you want to automatically improve your ball striking so what do we do we worked on controlling contact First we’re not going to do anything until we work on creating ball strike and then div it after and so the first thing I had him

Do was set up with his elbows together so I got those elbows close together like he’s squeezing a softball and it feels really tense really tight what you do when you get these elbows together is you automatically create a machine to move the club around the body so now

Instead of what happens when when you let your hands and arms control the swing like oh if I have my arms breaking down well the club can go anywhere my hands can go anywhere instead of having those kind of breakdowns happening that cause every sort of bad contact

Imaginable just getting the elbows close together allows you to swing the club back and through on the same path so you immediately increase the effectiveness of your swing you’re going to hit that ball first and you’re going to take a it after just by taking out tons of

Variables so get your elbows close together it’s so important probably one of the best tips you’ll ever get right out the gate now we’re doing this at home let’s say you’re at home look at that got my elbow together boom feel the shoulders now you feel the shoulders

Control the swing and that is the glue it’s the glue that makes the golf swing work really powerfully and consistent we don’t need a PhD and Golf to figure this one out just do it right now experience the feeling of your shoulders finally in control of the Swing that’s a body

Swing instead of trying to do a lot of micro moves that was the first thing he did the second part of the drill was keep your weight forward just set the weight here keep the elbows together and I told him swing through and he swung through and this is

What he did for half an hour I wasn’t at his range session all I did was send him this drill and he told me that he striped it he striped it so well for half an hour he actually hadn’t played golf in so long

He likes to do a lot of fishing so he hadn’t hit balls all winter came right out and he just played lights out and didn’t score well cuz he air mailed greens he said he was okay with that part and the last part was working on getting through impact getting a good

Impact position and then pounding that ball through impact and he only focused on one thing and that is shaft down so Club shaft pointed down is going to create a divot and if I do this every time I will create a divot after the ball so I’m not going to go shaft up

Which is what you see with a lot of flippers we’re going to go shaft down there’s the ground it’s a great poem so do this shaft down boom there’s the ground and you will not find a more compressed strike when I say that I mean that’s as compressed as it’s going to

Get so that takes me to the next concept how do you build this in your swing without thinking well if you want to do this the easy way then I’ve got something awesome for you I have in my hands one of the most powerful training AIDS known to man that’s the Precision

Impact trainer it literally holds your hand arm and Body in the correct position you to be at impact now I do a little tweak to it I modify it to make it even more crispy see look at this thing it locks my arm in the correct

Hand position for impact boom and if I just keep my back in my hand against this paddle I will finish in the correct position all day long boom impact and then through I want you actually holding that hand against the back of that paddle right there the

Reason I love this so much is it forces you and something there where you try and flip this thing oh I can’t I can’t I can’t it won’t let me actually holds this position this is the key position that the drill gets you into is wrist

Back and shaft down and if you can hold this through impact you’re going to play Great Golf I got you a nice discount on this use code crispy KFC click on the discount Link in the description and comments below you will never miss with this training aid you can only do it the

Right way check out what this is going to do I’m going to I’m going to try and flip one I’m going to try and do one the way my student was hitting it before I gave him this drill watch this when I try and flip I’m going to still create good impact it’s

Funny I I I I I feel it holding me back now I chunked it because I was trying to flip but what you’re going to see is even though I was chunking it I had great impact position and what it starts training you to do is focus on getting

Into the correct impact position because it won’t let you fail the only thing missing from this device is a shock treatment where it shocks you whenever you flip at it but I’m going to do a couple clicks first set my get set up and I’m just going to do shaft down so I

Keep my arm in this position and swing and you can see through impact look at that that wedge is beautifully maintained that’s really what the golf swing is that will get you playing better golf no matter what your swing looks like you get here you were going to strike it well right

Here that’s why if you were to drop almost every swing thought right now in your mind that you’ve thought over the past Century if you just kept your arm and hand in this position back and through you would discover that the entire golf swing happens correctly I know I’m getting off topic

From this drill but this stuff gets me really excited this is when I start sharing stuff I probably shouldn’t like the secrets from Area 51 which I think that’s where siguto golf was founded but anyway going to the I’m keeping this watch oh this is dangerous I shouldn’t tell

You correct top of back swing position what’s incorrect well let’s get rid of this let’s keep it let’s don’t allow this to get in that position my wrist doesn’t work correctly just go straight up straight over oh boy this is dangerously good in keep it watch great top of back swing

Any of you Hogan fans out there look at that then want I start down watch this that’s oh this is dangerous this is the sorcerer this is the sorcery and you get that club on the shallow path and the ball boom boom the club goes on a path right

To impact wow problems happen when you when you just let this arm go wherever that’s why I love this drill this guy that I gave the drill to he’s now the happiest camper on the planet cuz he’s going to go do his fishing still and he’s got the drill oh

That’s that all Rhymes preset the clicks and then just keep it do not change it if I change it I swear come if you change it oh it’s so mashed oh my goodness that feels great it feels so great with these irons that is devastating this puts the hert on the

Golf ball down goes FR I’ve used this in four or five episodes I don’t do this whole thing where I like to say oh my gosh check out my new product that I never use no I actually use my products I test my products for a long time you can check

With Mike from Precision impact by the way he’s a CEO he was trying for a year to get this on YouTube I kept saying n Mike I need to test it some more I spent a whole year testing this thing out because I wanted it to be good for

You I give you the only stuff that works all right here we go again it’s great impact every time that impact position is Flawless right into here right into there keeping the wedge that’s straight up money and if you can get there you’re going to play the best golf of your life

So thanks for watching today and I’ll see you in a future [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Episode


  1. How do people not follow all this…its simple and works…my ball striking has changed completely over 3 months ..tx tom

  2. There is one other person I go to for tips on here, try the get low and compress the ball for "more" power. Went to the range today, after a jumbo bucket, then with 20 balls left in my large bucket I got after the jumbo I thought to myself. Let's go back to Tom's advice on the golf swing and keep it simple. 7iron was carrying 20 yards further with a lot less effort. Thanks for all the great information you provide.

  3. I just want to say thanks, first time implementing this swing style. No pain in back and so many crispy shots all day. Shot 1 over par, cause I flew a couple greens. Gotta get used to these new yardages

  4. Hi Tom,
    I’m one of your older viewers (72) and I gave the game up about 30 years ago (I used to get terrible back ache and could only play 9 holes) but I’ve decided to give another try and see how it goes. I’ve been going to the driving range and experimenting with this single plane golf swing but wasn’t convinced that I could change it and wasn’t having very good results but having watched your videos I’m super excited to go to the range again and try your methods. Thanks for your great tips on this swing, I’m convinced it will work. By the way my back has held up well so far.

  5. Seeing your right hand is in the neutral position at address, then hearing the clicks as you swing the club back, I'm assuming the trainer has some kind of ratchet mechanism that, as you dorsiflex your hand (bend it backwards), the internal ratchet is one way, so once pulled backwards, the hand cannot return to neutral, during the downward strike. Then I suppose some kind of button or latch must be pressed, to release the ratchet, in order for the hand to return to neutral, before you can setup for another ball. -Am I right? Is that how it works?

  6. Tom!! Love your enthusiasm brother! Sharing secrets you probably shouldn’t! Area 51! 😂 Great advice as always! 😊

  7. Another great video Tom even though ball compression is not my main issue. I would love to see a video about the lead hand as I have club face control issues. Snap hooks and straight pushes are my problem. 🙄

  8. This drill, along with your advice on "weakening" my grip, is paying massive dividends right now. I'm a decent golfer, but have always struggled with inconsistent ball striking. Now, I am making flush contact almost every swing, and my ball flight, instead of a hard draw or flare right, is straight as a freakin' arrow! Thanks, Tom, golf is really fun for me right now…especially when I see the guys I play with jaws drop.

  9. How's that for paradox: Strike the ball better than you ever have before, but because of this, you miss greens and end up scoring poorly. Man I love golf!

  10. Just looked up the golf club you are at and realized that is 14 minutes from my moms house in Murrells Inlet. Crazy!

  11. The Frazier-Ali video was awesome. I still use that saying today!😂😂I may struggle some days but "Down goes Frazier" makes me feel better😂😂

  12. When keeping the arms together, make sure to keep the inside of the right arm (for right handed golfers) facing forward, not inwards, else you won’t be able to fold the right arm and end up with a chicken wing/bad strikes.

  13. I posted this on a previous video but I did this drill before my round yesterday and had the same result as your friend. Excellent thank you so much

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