Golf Players

2024 Capital One’s The Match Show – BEST Moments & Highlights

Presented by @ATT


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And we welcome you to Capital 1’s the match on a beautiful Monday evening in West Palm Beach Florida temperature in the high 60s and for the first time in the history of the match we have players from the LPGA and PGA Tours ready to play 12 holes of skins and this is going

To be some Champion number two in the world Rory mroy so again playing 12 holes and four of those are par threes players will play the same te’s there and we have forward and back for the other holes might be a little right that makes me I freed up so

Fre reluctant to admit that he and Charles Barkley belong to the same Club in Arizona Max h oh I your photo oh I don’t know where that is thanks see you later might be right behind Lexi Thompson a long dve long drive oh nice somebody likes their t-ball here at the

First 21st birthday Rose Zang nice oh anybody all right advantage to the two ladies oh no it’s on The Fairway hi ladies tree trouble he don’t have no tree trouble decent M decent go yeah that did not go Max dang come on give me good news what’s the good news

You’re in the Fairway it’s in the Fairway that’s great news sand did you say empirical I did man keep it to a couple oh my gosh so that the ladies can play Hey I’m used to working with Kenny and Shaq I’m not used to the big words

Chill nice there so mroy there in o look good that looks pretty good oh my goodness yeah I don’t know where it is just a touch long touch long oh no too long you can’t chip in from off the green if you’re if you’re short our top Tracer brought to you by

Capital One taking a look at this shot by Lexi Thompson good shot Lexi who has a look at Eagle here at the first Define firm yeah yeah bad question one one bounce stuff do you want to know a number in terms of gravities uh I would have appreciated it I would say

Probably uh 91 wow oh did you did you I think you’ve got all the information you need manx I love that these are some tight lies here at the park get come on come on go a go man like me now Rory maroy with his fourth shot on this very reachable par

Five so sh turn turn make it it’s turning but not dropping good for five thank you Lexi do you want to in or out that’s good that’s good out in yeah a little faster oh Lexi you’re so strong nice made a pot the young one putting some pressure on them yeah

Youngest of the forsome gets out of the gate with a birdie and see okay Max is feeling confident no okay sorry about that Max ma about her going to Stanford she was lying to me about how bad she’s been playing anybody can go to Stanford getting is much harder okay never

Mind let’s carry that over okay well done Max okay don’t go all bear talk on me got what 11 holes left yeah yeah I’m just going to take a watch so that skin carries over to number two and we have a drivable PA four here got to make sure

You get over that slice of sand right there and everything feeds down to a extremely skinny green here whole location 17 on five from the left birdies are going to continue D deep into the West Palm night oh almost cans it almost can cans it just

D you got the keys yes I do you got the keys got to be careful man all right I got a question for Trevor that’s almost that’s almost about give it a kick somebody so strong Rose nice wow gains gains no cap No Cap no not with

Lexi that was a worm Runner that might be really good I think that was one of the terms I talked about there’s a lot of win into that was that’s a pretty good miss right there I love the strategy Lexi it’s closest to the hole W there a lot of subtle oh

Boy you know Trevor I heard you talking about the tight lies you to CK fact oh no go over corrected go it’s trying yeah how’s going greens are quick H how about Max okay hey thank you thank you thank you I wouldn’t have given it to in the rider cup neither would that

We’ll see if I learned off the first hole this would be good for $200,000 he did it I had to make up for my Pur no first player on the board it was all te up from the dude did you see that 145 for all four players

On good shot okay that should a back just a little here it comes oh boy oh right at it easy simple gentle B good shot Rose still trying to figure out why she’s going to class top Tracer brought to you by Capital One tracking this one from

Rory oh will that sneak back here we go yes no did good shot pretty good shot oh don’t hate it I don’t hate it come on state come on come on come on we go oh this is going to be interesting wait I needed to knock it out the way I

Needed to knock it out so wait who’s you got unlucky Max oh okay all right that’s fine it’s okay then Max you got unlucky dude didn’t matter we had to make it yeah we had to make it it was like do you want me to oh such an an move already here at

The Third no I I gotta go for it going to make these you know Christin I got a question oh yeah look at that nothing for a four-time major Champion right there let’s go how boring matching birdies at the third for Rory and Max that’ll be carried

Overos to the hole there on number three than’s looking up dude yeah good you guys about that H there’s one how I managed to almost miss the Fairway with the four that’s easy to do Lexi just for the record you can do it with any CL truck that’s exactly right

215 that’s two going to car not sneakes through there the candle oh no I I’m just out I’m immediately out of the hole oh how bad is it just tell me now well I mean the Fairway is like 60 yards wide yeah play should be good we’re not in a

Bunker we’re ahead of the is in a bunker no no no we’re not in a bunker oh oh the one Club thing ever happened to me and all of us thank you KCK and now you’re stealing money at TNT meantime back to the action a good strike there four four I have no

Idea no don’t worry Max you didn’t quite get to anyone up there okay thank goodness that was not in the center Ernie yes just for the record I played to nine nine hold lit many of times not exactly the same thing I’m referring to good looking swing There

Rose sit sit look at that that’s that Stanford education right there took the hole divided it by two but you’re on the green maybe she should have stick the C terrific number Rory are you regretting your Club Choice well I’m regretting not doing better in the first three Halles

There I could have chosen first this is uh this is going to be interesting I would have maybe gone with a six iron for you instead of a fivewood that was sick oh this is this is really good really I don’t care where it is that was pretty cool thank

You right side of the green there that was pretty tight Rory oh God big see you later I feel like we might good call oh subtle somehow slow down subtle stop it Max it’s good you’re good okay you’re totally fine help a girl out you go this is better than a chunk

Chip anything’s better than a chunk chip hey oh this is tidy dang wow now do they make him put that with the fivewood of got to make him put that with a firewood and you are putting that’s mean that’s just mean oh Chris Chris that just really hilarious and so

Inappropriate keep it civil chuckster as you always do I promise you listen stist wherever you from guy regular jerk Benny all right keep it civil truckster here’s Rose oh did I just leave it short oh Rory’s in a really good spot bro that’s tough thank you never thought I’d leave a hybrid

Short I don’t even know why I’m reading mine and Max hom so bad runs that by so bad get out of my head Max a it’s D around the not on the greens they did a bad job of both and Lexi Thompson putting with the four iron on the one Club

Challenge I mean we might be we might be here a minute need to give did I just leave a oh bro yes you did can I just finish it so now boy sliding by so you should gone first Rory’s in Rory’s in good position right now okay I’m pretty sure he’s aware

That for the fans watching at home and and wondering what the heck are we watching on this hole that’s what we’re watching watching this one Club Challenge and now with that four iron again here’s Lexi thank you Lexi we tied got why there’s 14 of these things so this

For a par for Rory mroy with a five that one actually came off pretty good just way left or he can miss it in tie Rose and $200,000 yeah wow there you go there you go on ah stay oh play 175 and another great shot Max already has a closest to the

PIN to his credit tonight but could not get inside a Rory’s there oh that is way short I thought I hit it good apparently the wrong club like it does anything where’s the right there H you got to lean it might help Rose you never said this word before but for for

So bad you’re right there with me that’s right Rose you’re about pin High just off the I kick somebody out the neighborhood to have you open hey man I’m going to take you over that real quick that’s a pretty Dar good roll now Lexi Thompson who shares the

Lead with Rory mroy $200,000 there’s a piece for charity nice I got it nice friends are tweeting again you left out the part where it says walks gingerly a he’s good we good it’s about the same way that was good thank you one at 611 for Rory should be

Perfect I don’t know how I can follow that but iol so cool great job by our uh photographers our camera operators distance off the tea see if Max chases it here well Max has that 477 Y in uh M yeah Capal right the longest in shot link

History 477 yeah all right here is the par five don’t want to miss oh that’s going to hurt somebody out fine different point good hopefully room over there no you’re chilling like butter Capital One does on this shot by rosang are you trying to say mine’s not butter tror it wasn’t

Today it was like that I can’t believe it’s Marg you that country Croc that’s right that fake stuff that fake r five six Lexi Thompson first up must have got a nice kick out from underneath the trees there I guess so I know it’s boring Rory Bea Roy tied for the lead

Let all with two is that in the street or the bunker that’s the bunker yeah you hit your seven in the bunker again just so you know I did yeah thank you good notic go maybe good looking line there oh that is going to be bunker short yep

He got some room to work with he’s far enough up there gets on the up slope that’ll be okay oh Zang here youngest player in the group last one to hit her approach head up came back into the Fairway there everybody okay down there Rose you may

Want to grab a glove and a Sharpie just just giving you a quick heads up 9 months and uh and already you know here we are yeah here we are indeed and we’re watching Lexi Thompson now with her third shot coming in here on the sixth screen and

Um here and Rose is playing in here for the very first time we’re seeing females competing in the match what does that mean for women’s golf that means everything I mean this is such an opportunity for us to shine on the you know in prime time with a lot of new

Fans if you come come here on a Friday night it’s it’s kids running in the sand traps and boys and girls and brings a tear to your eye to see you know what this game is and how different it looks from when you and I started not so long

Ago you the game is just growing in extraordinary ways well you’ve done a great job I thank you both for joining us and enjoy the rest of the competition tonight all right yeah Ernie kids and I’ll get into that a little more after we watch Max with his

Third and that’s taken off on it wow oh Max you’re so strong God the wind died like immediately oh that’s I got to use that excuse you you got the kids excited down there though man they’re going to get I’m a man of the people man they going

Get an up close look at you here’s Rory now out of the bunker Rory must be licking his chops right now see watch Charles how easy this is okay wow nothing to it filthy beautiful to be fair it was only on gentle up slope there it wasn’t full on where where you

Know it’s a severe up director of the path here at the park just one of the programs that make this place so special and now here’s Max with his fourth I tried so hard I think that’s a great all right birdie putt fa at the six the par five for

Rose aimed wrong that’s good great bar at least we got some pressure on r go go oh you got to hit it jeez up the mountain oh with a carry over for five right there for Rory for the taking unmissable good for you man thank you proud of you

Nice one par in the bunch at the par 5 six about 350 to carry the bunkers got that done that’s rather large I mean wow that is so so left 165 Max you’re all right you’re in the fa way hey what are you talking about hey so good hey Max I got a

Question nice the easygo folks for providing us with the accustom player cards for tonight’s match Char’s tried his best to ruin r one of those earlier hit it straight right that’s right would that have about a foot and a half of C righty wel those C parts flat out

Awesome not going to not going to lie they’re awesome who was the first to win a skin won the second hole with a carryover good for $200,000 it’s been all Rory maoy six that is nowhere near oh love when that happens ax is staring this one down use that back stop come on

Trickle here it comes don’t stop rolling ever girl that’s going to be so fast exactly well let’s see oh you got inside of Maxis woo nicely played rose little tweener doesn’t hurt the full send shot run the ridge here we go ride it back ride it back wow well

Done that was pretty tidy there that wasy sounded nice didn’t it Saucy cha what is you set your weight on your left hand side to preset that angle of attack and then you can really go ahead be nice and aggressive open up the club phase you’re using something

With a lot of LOF already go ahead and be aggressive with it okay first and foremost just get it out I should have told you that before you play DJ khed well I appreciate y’all giving me this advice after the match in the heart out of way pressure on the kids nice thanks

Nice great birdie got to do a little pressure very nice so we will carry over all sorts of swes and ridges to deal with how cool is this place and especially at night what a great look oh my God another sit just a little bit deep there good Line

Club for me it depends on the distance depends on club that I’m hitting um I’ll get up a little bit on the higher side with a seven iron and longer and then te it te it closer down to the ground maybe sometimes not use a tea uh with a shter

Club I was going to ask you that because I that’s what I do I I I don’t use a tea on a p three am I am I making a mistake oh it can’t be any a stay left easying yeah bro I’m hitting it five miles easy now there you go

So at the eth oh yes come on good shot there you go nicely done ni it go go I don’t need any uh don’t need any uh measuring system for that that’s going to be closest to the hole here on the eighth four his second Max yeah and uh thanks to

AT&T hey Trevor we always tell Ernie he’d be great on Jeopardy he’d know all that useless stuff that can win Jeopardy he’d be great on there H you want it in no you can take it out oh Hit It Go Go St that’s good so how much I do the looks this is

A 300,000 too hey Max what’s the percentage you feeling there in your feet you just under a half overall okay come on Max even less or’s going to make me putt it I am going to make you putt that a minute ago they had that feeling pressure’s on you guys now yeah

That kind of backf yeah hey good luck Rose please don’t let him win with a three I need to sleep tonight looks like Rory is just riddled with guilt at this point making Max roll that one but it’s not over yet really rude honestly what you’re doing to her what you’ve done to

Me oh my I’m not going to be able to sleep that’s on me everybody that’s my bad up too makes it makes it feel any better I don’t feel very good about that I just that’s a tough look think it’s okay over there you’re inside the Rope line there Rory you’re

Good oh thank you wow I drew it that’s four left four don’t worry about it Max ain’t no people over there far enough ni oh my word I don’t know if I can reach the bunker got away with it oh it’s perfect brose of the match Roy ma straight right

Go go and go left ah here it comes that’s amazing see he he asks his b gently what to do and it listens it just no when I say it doesn’t scream at it does it no but it just amazes oh my goodness speaking of amazing CH this ain’t

Good it’s pretty impressive you made contact with that that was pretty darn impressive sick I don’t know what any but you guys are talking trash probably but no that was amazing back I got you back has two skins to her credit winning the second hole with a carryover from the

First should kick back right from that side of the queen slowly trickling oh using that back stop I can’t see anything I love it all right well I’d hope not but I don’t know you so B it I’m going to make a 12 oh man hey Max normally when I play

With the guys we always take a crossw word puzzle out there so when you out of the hole you can just play a crossw word puzzle for the rest of the r with my friends we have I was have a crossberry puzle it’s a good looking shot here oh go

In I do something not done yet not done yet oh that was tidy There Rose tournament play against better players and always know what you have to improve on um and like I said golf is a learning process you know there’s more you lose more than

You win so it’s a matter of giving them the opportunity and everybody the opportunity to just come out here and enjoy every aspect of golf good put dude thanks good good that’s good thank you to do it so close sneak you oh yeah oh tough all right this is your

Break that was big for me for well played Max thank you this is hanging around you held that flag stick with perfection I felt really good about it I watch I watch a lot of guys do it all the time and I just kind of tried to tried to perfect the

Image now a sneak peek from Warner Brothers Pictures here’s Kevin Cosner’s American Saga get much narrower up there if you go with dve but he has lached this nice camber from left to right here in this Fairway fourth Sixth and eighth so you’re predicting someone wins

This home I would say uh the way it’s played out would not be surprised and uh good Ball by Max pure you know that’s like the the number one new showe on CNN right Ernie what is uh King Charles I mean we just can’t beat him off the rating just through the

Roof good to know uh how do you expect me to respond to that I don’t know just say keep up the great work how do you how’ you come up with the name uh they came up with it come on Trevor stop it proud of you thank you Christina Gail

Is so awesome and Nick and everybody on our team and Ryan Titus Shelby I don’t know if it’s too right but no no rose it’s perfect oh cool I mean but I I enjoy the show I got so much stuff to talk about too there’s so much stuff going on in the world

Anything right could catch that false sge just like that so bad very very nice there what that good thank you a little go stay up and get will got it surrounded here at number 10 is um let’s check in with you I mean I’m going to and and TNT can air it who

Want to air it yo Parker you you got a you do a lot of shows what show you wanted on listen listen both of you guys are being PA very handsomely think Charles bar I know you did it today you do it again but but can I talk

No no can I talk the segment is just end got a lot of Barkley’s got a lot of do oh hit it Trevor you’re being so rude you’re buying drinks tonight why is it always birie try now for Lexi turn good try good just do one cool

Thing one cool thing come on you’ve hit two closest to the pin already yeah I I guess that’s right I wish they would put that on the board so it didn’t just have a fat zero we know we’ll put an asterisk next to it people everybody out here is like

Man this Max guy hates charity zero back listen your advice listen Safety First what is that that’s so bad are you serious right now hey see that’s what happened to me today that’s not fair oh I don’t like the groaning you’re you’re on grass Max yeah and let’s

See I stayed out of the bunker that’s all you were right there side by side with the with Rory ah actually maybe maybe oh that’s going to be real close out the measuring tape huh did you just say BR Trio of Birdie P were just off the green it’ll be Max to play

First oh oh it final par three on this 12 hole layout tonight bro pushy no way that up there yeah that that’s good thank you here makes this we got ourselves a tie this is for 600,000 just going to put it f and it’s going to go dead

No it’s going to make the one exting all to play for at the last there you go yeah they will will head to the 12th the par five bring a wedge which is the super skin a 500,000 and a carryover crazy what a short thank you nice

Shot I would just why don’t you guys walk with them I’ll bring your CS up we’re walking nice tattooed solid nobody was talking I didn’t know if I was supposed to be we were just letting the moment breathe I appreciate it certainly just admiring your swing we put you we put

You through a lot tonight with the endless Q&A I’ve been loving it yeah perfect 12 sit sit it’s all right you got hang in there stay first bounce was kind this is nice see again he was nice to his golf ball I never understand why people talk to

Their golf ball I never understand that oh boy four God tough that would make for an epic chip in though where that’s got to go come on bounce up yeah that wasn’t a good yardage for me it was either be uh 10 yard short or way

Over it in from the sand if you’re on the the wow awesome there a the that was epic worked on it I’m not going to lie Rose I didn’t know you would know how to hit that shot all you ever do is hit in the middle of the Fairway and just on

The pting surface I mean oh go in it might Lexi nice close the door here at number 12 no sit sit Max will probably give you that yeah that’s good Rory why you scoop that one out big guy a oh my God in the bottom look at that you just did something

Cool yeah woohoo thank you I hit that I know I already missed one of those I didn’t want you have to go through what I went through how’s that up and down right that’s impressive oh my gosh how good guys nice yeah what do we do now so now we

Are not done we are not done it’s uh it’s back into the Fairway from about 100 yard out and this will determin it this will be uh closest to the hole from or so I can’t see the grain but I know so here we go I know it’s I know it’s

Bad first max hom ped it in and then rose with the answer so that 1.1 again on the line from about 100 yds out to determine the winner of the match oh oh man that’s that’s pretty fanty we’ll get you spit that’s not bad but it’s not 42 and a half

Know so Trevor R say some interesting like normally when you’re trying to you just try to swing easier with the same Club he said I took more club and I guess how do you explain that yeah less Club head speed less spin but he took more Club he said more club and

H it softer okay that’s a great tip set that’s about where I thought it would go I don’t have that wedge I took out the one wedge I need it all righty all right youngest competitor in this match 20-year-old Roose Zang has class tomorrow at Stanford and trying to go in with a

Bracelet from the match wa hold on this is not a good sign I just lost okay we’re oh do it oh do it oh Do It Good there is your match winner thank you very much thank you Rory M last hole good for 1.1 million


  1. Happy Tuesday y’all, just want to remind you to turn to Jesus Christ before it’s too late, the time to live life nonchalantly has run out 🙏🏾🖤 I wanna see y’all up in heaven with me ✝️

  2. What a joke! Didn’t even know it was happening due to horrible marketing. Would not have watched it anyway as the level of golf in these events has been downright terrible the last few years.

  3. You can say what you want about PGAT, LIV, various players, majors….Rory has been a top 10 player for years for good reason. He really is that good. Majors aren't easy so stop with the "when was the last…" As for the The Match, if they could get celeb golfers like Kevin James and Ray Romano to caddy for the players and add their own smack talk, it could easily elevate these events to another level of viewership. The players are too humble and polite. Comedians or even other athletes outside of golf as caddies could add another level of fun for the viewer.

  4. Lexi's swing is awful compared to the rest of the ladies on the LPGA. I know her coach doesn't want to mess with it, but she hasn't won anything in a long while. So maybe it's time for a change.

  5. Liv already trying to sign up Charles as a golf commentator Charles is a national treasure…. Max a man of the ppl, sexi Lexi still killin it….crazy how much older Rory is then rose so each generations talking … dam it’s beautiful watching Rory swing a golf club …

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